Barite MSDS
Barite MSDS
Barite MSDS
Version number: 1.0 Date of compilation: 2020-11-24
Version number: 1.0 Date of compilation: 2020-11-24
Following inhalation
If breathing is irregular or stopped, immediately seek medical assistance and start first aid actions. Provide fresh air.
Following ingestion
Rinse mouth with water (only if the person is conscious). Let water be drunken in little sips (dilution effect). In all cases of doubt,
or when symptoms persist, seek medical advice.
4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
Acute symptoms can be: pain in the eyes because of dust. No delayed effects are anticipated if first aid treatment is applied ef-
4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Version number: 1.0 Date of compilation: 2020-11-24
• Warning
Dust deposits may accumulate on all deposition surfaces in a technical room.
Version number: 1.0 Date of compilation: 2020-11-24
• Control of effects
• Protect against external exposure, such as
UV-radiation/sunlight, moisture
Coun Name of agent CAS No Iden- TWA TWA STEL STEL Ceil- Ceil- Nota Sourc
try tifier [ppm] [mg/ [ppm] [mg/ ing-C ing-C tion e
m³] m³] [ppm] [mg/
Ceiling-C ceiling value is a limit value above which exposure should not occur
i inhalable fraction
r respirable fraction
STEL short-term exposure limit: a limit value above which exposure should not occur and which is related to a 15-minute period (unless
otherwise specified)
TWA time-weighted average (long-term exposure limit): measured or calculated in relation to a reference period of 8 hours time-weighted
average (unless otherwise specified)
Version number: 1.0 Date of compilation: 2020-11-24
Skin protection
• hand protection
Wear protective gloves.
Respiratory protection
In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. P1 (filters at least 80 % of airborne particles, colour code:
Version number: 1.0 Date of compilation: 2020-11-24
Skin corrosion/irritation
Shall not be classified as corrosive/irritant to skin.
Version number: 1.0 Date of compilation: 2020-11-24
Aspiration hazard
Shall not be classified as presenting an aspiration hazard.
Please consider the relevant national or regional provisions. Waste shall be separated into the categories that can be handled
separately by the local or national waste management facilities.
Version number: 1.0 Date of compilation: 2020-11-24
14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL and the IBC Code
There is no additional information.
• List of substances subject to authorisation (REACH, Annex XIV) / SVHC - candidate list
Not listed.
• Directive 2011/65/EU on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
equipment (RoHS) - Annex II
Not listed.
• Regulation 166/2006/EC concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer
Register (PRTR)
Not listed.
Version number: 1.0 Date of compilation: 2020-11-24
2017/2398/EU Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2004/37/EC on the protection of work-
ers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work
ADN Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par voies de navigation
intérieures (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways)
ADR Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par route (European Agreement
concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road)
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service (service that maintains the most comprehensive list of chemical substances)
CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures
EC No The EC Inventory (EINECS, ELINCS and the NLP-list) is the source for the seven-digit EC number, an identifier of
substances commercially available within the EU (European Union)
GHS "Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals" developed by the United Nations
IATA/DGR Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for the air transport (IATA)
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (abbr. of "Marine Pollutant")
RID Règlement concernant le transport International ferroviaire des marchandises Dangereuses (Regulations concern-
ing the International carriage of Dangerous goods by Rail)
Version number: 1.0 Date of compilation: 2020-11-24
List of relevant phrases (code and full text as stated in chapter 2 and 3)
Code Text
Training advice
A multi-sectoral social dialogue agreement on Workers Health Protection through the Good Handling and Use of Crystalline
Silica and Products Containing it was signed on 25 April 2006. This autonomous agreement, which receives the European Com-
mission’s financial support, is based on a Good Practices Guide. The requirements of the Agreement came into force on 25 Oc-
tober 2006. The Agreement was published in the Official Journal of the European Union (2006/C 279/02). The text of the Agree-
ment and its annexes, including the Good Practices Guide, are available from and provide useful informa-
tion and guidance for the handling of products containing respirable crystalline silica. Literature references are available on re-
quest from EUROSIL, the European Association of Industrial Silica Producers.
This SDS has been compiled and is solely intended for this product. This information is based on our present knowledge.
However, this shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual