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Agilent UltrAA

Boosted Lamp Supply

User’s Guide
Notices Warranty contract clause. Use, duplication or
disclosure of Software is subject to
The material contained in this Agilent Technologies’ standard
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 1994, document is provided “as is,” and is commercial license terms, and non-
1996, 2003–2004, 2010 subject to being changed, without DOD Departments and Agencies of the
No part of this manual may be notice, in future editions. Further, to U.S. Government will receive no
reproduced in any form or by any the maximum extent permitted by greater than Restricted Rights as
means (including electronic storage applicable law, Agilent disclaims all defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2) (June
and retrieval or translation into a warranties, either express or implied, 1987). U.S. Government users will
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agreement and written consent from information contained herein, as defined in FAR 52.227-14 (June
Agilent Technologies, Inc. as governed including but not limited to the 1987) or DFAR 252.227-7015 (b)(2)
by United States and international implied warranties of merchantability (November 1995), as applicable in any
copyright laws. and fitness for a particular purpose. technical data.
Agilent shall not be liable for errors
Manual Part Number or for incidental or consequential Safety Notices
damages in connection with the
furnishing, use, or performance of
this document or of any information CAUTION
Edition contained herein. Should Agilent and
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard.
Fifth edition, September 2010 the user have a separate written
It calls attention to an operating
agreement with warranty terms
Printed in Australia procedure, practice, or the like that, if
covering the material in this
Agilent Technologies, Inc. not correctly performed or adhered to,
document that conflict with these
could result in damage to the product
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or loss of important data. Do not
Errata Statement separate agreement shall control.
proceed beyond a CAUTION notice
NOTICE: This document contains until the indicated conditions are fully
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Varian, Inc. is now part of Agilent The hardware and/or software
Technologies. For more information, described in this document are
go to www.agilent.com/chem. furnished under a license and may be WARNING
used or copied only in accordance
with the terms of such license.
A WARNING notice denotes a
Restricted Rights Legend hazard. It calls attention to an
If software is for use in the operating procedure, practice, or the
performance of a U.S. Government like that, if not correctly performed or
prime contract or subcontract, adhered to, could result in personal
Software is delivered and licensed as injury or death. Do not proceed
“Commercial computer software” as beyond a WARNING notice until the
defined in DFAR 252.227-7014 (June indicated conditions are fully
1995), or as a “commercial item” as understood and met.
defined in FAR 2.101(a) or as
“Restricted computer software” as
defined in FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987)
or any equivalent agency regulation or

2 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide


1. Safety Practices and Hazards 5
General 5
Hazard Warnings 6
Electrical Hazards 6
Notes and Tips 7
Warning and Caution Messages 7
Warning Symbols 8
Information Symbols 9
Color Coding 9
CE Compliance 10

2. Introduction 11

3. Specifications 13
Environmental 13
Power 14
Electrical Supply 14
Fuses 14
External Connections 15
Weights and Dimensions 16
Weight 16
Dimensions (W × D × H) 16
Performance 16

Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide 3


Drift 16
Lamp Lifetime 16

4. Getting Started 17
Inspection and Unpacking 17
External Damage Check 17
Unpacking 18
Installation 18
Selecting the Voltage 18
Connecting the UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply 19

5. Operation 21
Turning on UltrAA Lamps 21
External UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply 21
Internal UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply 22
Turning off UltrAA Lamps 22
External UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply 22
Internal UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply 23
Troubleshooting 23
Boost Does Not Strike 23
“Lamp Not Recognized” Message Appears 23

6. Maintenance and Spare Parts 25

Cleaning 25
Replacing Fuses 25
Spare Parts 26

4 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide

Safety Practices and Hazards

1. Safety Practices and Hazards

General 5
Hazard Warnings 6
Electrical Hazards 6
Notes and Tips 7
Warning and Caution Messages 7
Warning Symbols 8
Information Symbols 9
Color Coding 9
CE Compliance 10

This section should be read in conjunction with the Safety Practices
and Hazards section in your spectrometer manual.
To maintain safety protection, only connect this accessory to an
Agilent AA Series spectrometer with the UltrAA lamp connector
provided for this purpose, refer to the ‘Introduction’ section.
Appropriate safety practices have been included in this operation
manual and your spectrometer operation manual, to help you
operate the equipment safely. Read all safety practices thoroughly
before attempting to operate your system.
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the
manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be

Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide 5

Safety Practices and Hazards

Hazard Warnings
In addition to the hazard warnings specified in your spectrometer
operation manual, specific hazard warnings have been included in
this operation manual. These warnings state the hazard, describe
how to avoid it and specify the possible consequences of not
following the instructions. Read all warnings carefully and observe
them at all times.

Electrical Hazards
The UltrAA boosted lamp supply contains electrical circuits, devices
and components operating at dangerous voltages. Contact with these
circuits, devices and components can cause death, serious injury or
painful electric shock. Covers which are retained by screws on the
lamp supply may be opened only by an Agilent field service engineer.
The lamp supply MUST be switched off at the power switch, and the
mains cable disconnected from the mains supply BEFORE any
attempt is made to remove or replace a lamp, or the cables
connecting the supply to the spectrometer.
Use of the wrong supply voltage, connection of the accessory to an
incorrectly wired supply outlet, or lack of proper electrical grounding
can create a fire hazard or a shock hazard which can cause death,
serious injury, or serious damage to equipment.
Always use a three-wire outlet with ground connection which is
adequately rated for the load.
The installation must comply with local, state, and national safety
A blown fuse should be replaced with one of the size and rating
stipulated in the text adjacent to the fuse holder. Always ensure the
accessory is turned off and disconnected from the mains supply
before attempting any replacement.

6 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide

Safety Practices and Hazards

Notes and Tips

A Note or Tip message is used to give advice or additional

NOTE This is a note.

Warning and Caution Messages

A Warning message is used in the text when failure to observe
instructions or precautions could result in death or injury.

WARNING Name of Warning

Detail of hazard. Information on how to avoid the hazard.

A Caution message is used when failure to observe instructions could

result in damage to equipment (Agilent supplied and/or other
associated equipment).

CAUTION This is a caution statement.

Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide 7

Safety Practices and Hazards

Warning Symbols
The following is a list of symbols that appear in conjunction with
warnings in this manual and on the ETC. The hazard they describe is
also shown.
A triangular symbol indicates a warning. The meanings of the
symbols that may appear alongside warnings in the documentation
or on the instrument itself are as follows:

Electrical shock Fire hazard Hot surface

Heavy weight Heavy weight

(danger to feet) (danger to hands)

The following symbol may be used on warning labels attached to the

instrument. When you see this symbol, refer to the relevant operation
or service manual for the correct procedure referred to by that
warning label.

8 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide

Safety Practices and Hazards

Information Symbols
The following symbols appear on the instrument for your

I Mains power on

0 Mains power off


Single phase alternating current

Direct current

When attached to the rear of the instrument, indicates that

the product complies with the requirements of one or more
EU directives.

“On” for part of equipment.

“Off” for part of equipment.

Color Coding
The various indicator lights appearing on the instrument and any
associated accessories have been color coded to represent the status
of the instrument or accessory:
 A green light indicates the instrument is in normal standby
 A blue light indicates that operator intervention is required.
 An orange light indicates a potential hazard.
 A red light indicates danger or an emergency.

Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide 9

Safety Practices and Hazards

CAUTION An orange light indicates that the boost is active.

CE Compliance
Your UltrAA boosted lamp supply has been designed to comply with
the requirements of the Electro-magnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Directive and the Low Voltage (electrical safety) Directive (commonly
referred to as the LVD) of the European Union. Agilent has
confirmed that each product complies with the relevant Directives by
testing a prototype against the prescribed EN (European Norm)
Proof that a product complies with the Directives is indicated by:
 The CE Marking appearing on the rear of the product.
 The documentation package that accompanies the product,
containing a copy of the Declaration of Conformity. This
Declaration is the legal declaration by Agilent that the product
complies with the Directives, and also shows the EN standards to
which the product was tested, to demonstrate compliance.

10 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide


2. Introduction

The UltrAA boosted lamp supply powers UltrAA hollow cathode

lamps placed in suitably wired lamp positions of compatible Agilent
AA Series spectrometers.
Agilent 280Z AA spectrometers have an internal UltrAA boosted
lamp supply, such that, lamp positions 1 and 3 wired to use this
built-in supply.

NOTE If you need to use more than two UltrAA lamps within a 280Z AA spectrometer,
an external UltrAA boosted lamp supply can also be used to power lamp
positions 5 and 7, which are wired for the use of an external supply.

Agilent 240Z AA spectrometers can be fitted with an internal UltrAA

lamp power supply as an option, such that, lamp positions 1 and 2
are wired to use the built-in supply.
All other Agilent AA Series spectrometers require an external UltrAA
boosted lamp supply to be connected to the instrument. This manual
describes how to connect the external supply to the instrument and
operation of UltrAA lamps.

Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide 11


NOTE All Agilent AA Series spectrometers, and Varian labeled AA instruments with
serial numbers EL96123XXX or later, will automatically operate UltrAA lamps if
the required wiring is installed.

Depending on the model and options ordered, your spectrometer may

be fitted with one or two connectors in the back panel of the
instrument to facilitate the connection of an external UltrAA boosted
lamp supply. Such spectrometers will already have the necessary
looms installed inside the instrument to support UltrAA lamp
If an UltrAA lamp option was not specified at the time of ordering
the instrument, the required components are available in an upgrade
kit. An Agilent field service engineer can install the kit on site within
the lamp turret of your spectrometer.

NOTE Operation of the UltrAA lamp as a normal hollow cathode lamp (i.e., without the
boost active) is NOT recommended. This has been shown to reduce the lamp
life. For maximum lamp life and the best performance from the lamp, always
operate an UltrAA lamp with the boost applied.

12 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide


3. Specifications
Environmental 13
Power 14
Weights and Dimensions 16
Performance 16

Your accessory is designed for indoor use only. In addition, this
accessory is suitable for the following categories:
 Installation category II
 Pollution degree 2
 Safety class 1 (EN 61010-1)

Condition Altitude Temp t (°C) Humidity (%RH)


Non-operating (transport) 0–2133 m (0-7000 ft) 5–45 20–80

Non-operating & meeting sea level 5–40 90–95

dielectric strength tests

Operating but not 0–2000 m (0–6562 ft) 5–31 ≤ 80

necessarily meeting 31–40 ≤ {80−3.33(t−31)}
performance specifications

Operating within 0–853 m (0–2800 ft) 10–35 8–80

performance specifications 853–2133 m (2800–7000 ft) 10–25

Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide 13


Power for an internal UltrAA boosted lamp supply is provided by the
240Z/280Z AA spectrometer.

Electrical Supply
The power requirements associated with an external UltrAA boosted
lamp supply are:

Voltage, AC
100 V 100 V ±10%
120 V 120 V ±10%
220 V 230 V +14%/−6%
240 V 230 V +14%/−14%

Frequency 50–60 Hz ± 1 Hz

Power Rating 150 VA maximum

Electrical Output Typical

Boost Run Current 150 mA +10%/−5%
Boost Run Voltage 40 VDC ±10 VDC
Boost Strike Voltage 400 VDC ±60 VDC
Filament Voltage 1.2 VDC ±10% (lamp off)
12 VDC ±10% (prior lamp strike)
5 VDC ±10% (lamp run)


220–240 V FS1/FS2 T3.15A H250V, IEC 127 sheet 5, 5 ×
100–120 V 20 mm
Anodes FS1/FS2 T4A H250V, IEC 127 sheet 5, 5 × 20 mm
Strike Voltage FS10 F1A L250V, IEC 127 sheet 2, 5 × 20 mm
Filament 1 FS9 F0.315A L250V, IEC 127 sheet 2, 5 x 20 mm
Filament 2 FS4 F8A L250V, IEC 127 sheet 2, 5 × 20 mm
FS6 F8A L250V, IEC 127 sheet 2, 5 × 20 mm

14 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide


Internal (240Z/280Z AA only)

All mains voltages FS1/FS2 T3.15A H250V
Control FS3/FS4 F0.8A L250V
Anodes FS5 F1A L250V
Strike Voltage FS6 F0.315A L250V
Filament 1 FS7 F8A L250V
Filament 2 FS8 F8A L250V

NOTE Fuse information on the rear of the equipment is the most up to date.

CAUTION Any other internal fuse or circuit breaker is not operator-accessible and should
be replaced only by an Agilent field service engineer.

External Connections
The external UltrAA boosted lamp supply also requires external

AC Power IEC type, panel-mounted 6A 250VAC

Mains Power Cord

Australia 7.5 A 250 VAC CMA E711
USA 10 A 125 VAC Electricord
Europe Europe 6 A 250 VAC Schuko CEE 10/16A

Lamp Supply Circular type on flying lead (approximately 1.3 m)

WARNING Electrical Shock

To maintain safety, the external UltrAA boosted lamp supply is to be
connected only to instruments installed with the UltrAA lamp option.

Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide 15


Weights and Dimensions

NOTE These weights and dimensions are for the external UltrAA boosted lamp supply.


Packed 12 kg (26 lb)

Unpacked 7.5 kg (16.5 lb)

Dimensions (W × D × H)

Packed 420 × 510 × 310 mm

(17 × 20 × 12 in.)

Unpacked 240 × 355 × 150 mm

(10 × 14 × 6 in)


Less than eight percent change in intensity per hour, after a 25-min

Lamp Lifetime
Not less than 5000 mAh at recommended operating lamp current.

NOTE The typical lifetime of an UltrAA lamp exceeds 8000 mAh.

16 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide

Getting Started

4. Getting Started
Inspection and Unpacking 17
External Damage Check 17
Unpacking 18
Installation 18
Selecting the Voltage 18
Connecting the UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply 19

NOTE If you are using an internal UltrAA boosted lamp supply1, the supply is built into
the instrument and you will not need to refer to this section.

Inspection and Unpacking

WARNING Heavy Weight

The external UltrAA boosted lamp supply weighs 7.5 kg (16.5 lb) and may
cause injury or damage if dropped. Always use care when installing or
lifting the external UltrAA boosted lamp supply.

External Damage Check

Before accepting delivery, check the shipping carton for any external
signs of damage. If the carton shows any sign of damage, contact the
carrier immediately. Any damage should be noted on the carrier’s

1Agilent 280Z AA or 240Z AA with the internal UltrAA boosted lamp supply option

Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide 17

Getting Started

Store the spare fuses and select the appropriate power cord from
those supplied.
Remove the control module from the packaging. The UltrAA boosted
lamp supply should be placed near the instrument, for example, on
top of the power supply for the graphite tube atomizer (GTA).

NOTE Please keep the packaging, as it may be necessary to repack and return the
equipment in its original shipping carton during the warranty period.

Before proceeding with the installation, you must be familiar with
the ‘Safety Practices and Hazards’ section and the correct power
requirements must be available (refer to the ‘Power’ section,
Page 14).

WARNING Fire Hazard — Electrical Shock

Application of the wrong supply voltage, connection of the accessory to
an incorrectly wired supply outlet, or lack of proper electrical
grounding can create a fire or shock hazard that can cause death,
serious injury, or serious damage to equipment.

Selecting the Voltage

Consult the table immediately above the selector switches or refer to
and set the switches as required. For example, if the accessory is
connected to 240 volts, the table tells you that the switch setting
should be ‘AD’. This means the left switch should be up (i.e., position
‘A’) and the right switch should be down (i.e., position ‘D’).

18 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide

Getting Started

Table 1 Positions of selector switches for different mains power supplies

Switch Positions

Mains Power Supply Switch Setting Left Right

240 V ±10% AD Up Down
230 V +14%/−6% AD Up Down
230 V +6%/−14% BD Down Down
220 V ±10% BD Down Down
120 ±10% AC Up Up
100 ±10% BC Down Up

Connecting the UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply

WARNING Electrical Shock

The lamps operate at dangerous voltages. To avoid death or electric shock,
never touch the pins in the seven-pin connectors. Always check that the
mains power is switched off before connecting or disconnecting the seven-
pin plug.

CAUTION To avoid damaging the module, always switch off the lamps before connecting or
disconnecting the seven-pin plug.

To install the UltrAA boosted lamp supply, plug the seven-pin plug
from the supply into the seven-pin socket at the rear of the
spectrometer. It is necessary to lift the cover on the socket at the rear
of the spectrometer while pushing the connector into place.
The seven-pin plugs are keyed, and will only connect when the
keyways align. Hold the plugs so the keys align, push the plugs
together and then rotate the metal collar clockwise until it locks into

Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide 19

Getting Started

When the supply is connected to the instrument, connect the UltrAA

boosted lamp supply to the mains power supply and turn on the
mains power.
Refer to your instrument operation manual for details on how to
install hollow cathode lamps.

20 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide


5. Operation
Turning On UltrAA Lamps 21
Turning Off UltrAA Lamps 22
Troubleshooting 23

WARNING Hot Surface

An UltrAA lamp becomes hot in use, and contact with it could cause
severe burns. To avoid burns from an UltrAA lamp, turn it off and allow
it to cool for a few minutes before touching it.

Turning On UltrAA Lamps

External UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply

To use an UltrAA lamp in boosted mode, switch the external UltrAA
boosted lamp supply on, then ‘strike’ the UltrAA lamp by pushing the
lever of the appropriate switch to its ‘on’ position (i.e., ). Wait three
seconds; in some cases this alone will start the boost discharge. If
necessary, push the lever to `Strike' and then release it; the lever will
return to the ‘on’ position.
Instrument parameters are set in the normal way.

NOTE To use an UltrAA lamp in boosted mode, you must strike the lamp manually
before it is used (for example, before an unattended autorun) otherwise it will
act as a normal hollow cathode lamp.

Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide 21


Internal UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply

If you are using an Agilent 280Z AA or 240Z AA with the internal
UltrAA boosted lamp supply option, the software will automatically
strike the lamp for you when you have enabled the UltrAA lamp
option on the Options page of the Methods dialog.

Figure 1 Diagram of an UltrAA lamp showing the boost discharge

Turning Off UltrAA Lamps

External UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply

To turn off the boost discharge, push the lever of the appropriate
switch to its ‘off’ position (i.e., ).

NOTE You must turn the boost discharge off manually. The software turns off the
normal lamp discharge automatically.

22 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide


Internal UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply

If you are using an Agilent 280Z AA or 240Z AA with the internal
UltrAA boosted lamp supply option, the software will turn off all of
the lamps at the end of an automated run.


Boost Does Not Strike

If the boost discharge does not start, check that the UltrAA lamp is
fitted in the correct position. For four-lamp instruments, the UltrAA
lamps may use positions 1, 2, 3, and 4. For eight-lamp instruments,
only positions 1, 3, 5 and 7 may be used. Check the labels on the rear
panel for external UltrAA lamp control module connection. If
necessary, refit the lamp into the correct position.
If the lamp is in an appropriate position, try another UltrAA lamp in
the same position. If the second UltrAA lamp works, you may need to
replace the first lamp. If the second lamp does not work, you should
check the fuses. If the fuses are intact, then you should contact your
local Agilent field service engineer for further assistance.

“Lamp Not Recognized” Message Appears

Some older Varian labeled AA instruments do not recognize coded
UltrAA lamps. You should check that the lamp position and lamp
current specified in the message are correct and ignore the error

Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide 23


This page is intentionally left blank.

24 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide

Maintenance and Spare Parts

6. Maintenance and Spare Parts

Cleaning 25
Replacing Fuses 25
Spare Parts 26

Always clean up any liquid spills immediately. The UltrAA boosted
lamp supply should be cleaned daily with a soft cloth. If necessary,
use a cloth dampened with water.

Replacing Fuses
Fuses have a code marked on the cap (e.g., T2AH250V). This refers to
the fuse characteristic (T - time lag, F - fast acting), the current rating
(x amperes), the breaking capacity (H - heavy, L - low), and the
voltage rating (y volts).

WARNING Electrical Shock – Fire Hazard

To prevent reduced safety protection or unwanted fusing, always
ensure that the marking on the fuse matches the value screen-printed
next to the fuseholder.

Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide 25

Maintenance and Spare Parts

To check a fuse:
1 Disconnect the accessory from the mains power supply.
2 Undo the fuse cap by pressing the cap and turning it
3 Pull the cap out carefully; the fuse should be held in the
fuseholder in the fuse cap.
4 Check that the fuse is the correct type and is not damaged. If
necessary, replace the fuse in the holder.
5 Place the fuse into the cap, push the cap in, then turn the cap
6 Reconnect the accessory to the mains power supply.
Always ensure both fuses are of the same type and rating before

Spare Parts

Table 2 Part numbers for spare fuses

Description Part Number
T4A H250V, IEC 127 sheet 5, 5 × 20 mm 1910008900
T3.15A H250V, IEC 127 sheet 5, 5 × 20 mm 1910010700
F1A L250V, IEC 127 sheet 2, 5 × 20 mm 1910006400
F0.315A L250V, IEC 127 sheet 2, 5 x 20 mm 1910011100
F8A L250V, IEC 127 sheet 2, 5 × 20 mm 1910011200

26 Agilent UltrAA Boosted Lamp Supply User’s Guide

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