G1312-90130 - Binary Pump
G1312-90130 - Binary Pump
G1312-90130 - Binary Pump
Binary Pump
Service Manual
1200 Series Binary Pump A Service Manual
Agilent Technologies
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1 Introduction 7
Introduction to the Binary Pump 8
Overview of the Binary Pump 9
Instrument Layout 15
The Electronics 16
Electrical Connections 17
Agilent 1200 Series Interfaces 19
5 Optimizing Performance 61
When to Use a Vacuum Degasser 62
When to use the Seal Wash Option 63
When to Use Alternative Seals 64
7 Maintenance 107
Introduction to Maintenance and Repair 108
Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) 111
Overview of Maintenance and Repair 113
Simple Repairs 115
8 Repairs 145
Exchanging Internal Parts 146
13 Appendix 259
General Safety Information 260
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
(2002/96/EC) 264
Lithium Batteries Information 265
Radio Interference 266
Sound Emission 267
Agilent Technologies on Internet 268
Introduction to the Binary Pump 8
Overview of the Binary Pump 9
How Does the Binary Pump Work? 11
How Does Compressibility Compensation Work? 13
How Does Variable Stroke Volume Work? 14
Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) 14
Instrument Layout 15
The Electronics 16
Electrical Connections 17
Agilent 1200 Series Interfaces 19
Agilent Technologies 7
1 Introduction
Introduction to the Binary Pump
The binary pump comprises two identical pumps integrated into one housing.
It provides gradient generation byhigh-pressure mixing. Degassing is not
included but a vacuum degasser is available as a separate product for
applications that require best flow stability especially at low flow rates or
maximum detector sensitivity. This is most likely required to run small
internal diameter columns (2 mm and 1 mm i.d.) which require low flow rates.
A solvent selection valve (optional) will allow to select a binary mixture
(isocratic and gradient) from four independent solvent bottles. An active seal
wash (optional) is available when the pump is used with concentrated buffer
9VbeZg ;Vc
Ejbe]ZVY6 B^m^c\X]VbWZg
EjbedjiaZi B^mZg
DjiaZikVakZ DjiaZikVakZ
>caZiKVakZ >caZikVakZ
Ejbe]ZVY6 Ejbe]ZVY7
Figure 2 The Hydraulic Path
A seal wash (optional) is available when the pump is used with buffer
>caZi DjiaZi
kVakZ kVakZ
Delay volume From mixing point to pump outlet, dependent on back pressure (180–480
µl without mixer 600–900 µl with mixer)
Instrument Layout
The Electronics
Main Board
The board controls all information and activities of all assemblies within the
module. The operator enters parameters, changes modes and controls the
module through interfaces (CAN, GPIB or RS-232C), connected to the
Electrical Connections
• The GPIB connector is used to connect the module with a computer. The
address and control switch module next to the GPIB connector determines
the GPIB address of your module. The switches are preset to a default
address and is recognized once after power is switched ON.
• The CAN bus is a serial bus with high speed data transfer. The two
connectors for the CAN bus are used for internal Agilent 1200 Series
module data transfer and synchronization.
• One analog output provides signals for integrators or data handling
• The interface board slot is used for external contacts and BCD bottle
number output or LAN connections.
• The REMOTE connector may be used in combination with other analytical
instruments from Agilent Technologies if you want to use features such as
start, stop, common shut down, prepare, and so on.
• With the appropriate software, the RS-232C connector may be used to
control the module from a computer through a RS-232C connection. This
connector is activated and can be configured with the configuration switch.
See your software documentation for further information.
• The power input socket accepts a line voltage of 100 – 240 volts AC ± 10%
with a line frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Maximum power consumption is
220 VA. There is no voltage selector on your module because the power
supply has wide-ranging capability. There are no externally accessible
fuses, because automatic electronic fuses are implemented in the power
supply. The security lever at the power input socket prevents the module
cover from being taken off when line power is still connected.
Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure proper
NOTE functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.
For details on the available interfaces, see “Agilent 1200 Series Interfaces” on
page 246.
Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements 22
Power Consideration 22
Power Cords 23
Bench Space 24
Environment 25
Physical Specifications 26
Performance Specifications 27
Agilent Technologies 21
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements
Site Requirements
Power Consideration
The module power supply has wideranging capability (see Table 3 on page 26).
It accepts any line voltage in the range described in the above mentioned table.
Consequently there is no voltage selector in the rear of the module. There are
also no externally accessible fuses, because automatic electronic fuses are
implemented in the power supply.
Module is partially energized when switched off, as long as the power cord is
plugged in.
Repair work at the module can lead to personal injuries, e.g. shock hazard, when the
cover is opened and the module is connected to power.
➔ Remove the power cable from the instrument before opening the cover.
➔ Do not connect the power cable to the Instrument while the covers are removed.
Power Cords
Different power cords are offered as options with the module. The female end
of each of the power cords is identical. It plugs into the power-input socket at
the rear of the module. The male end of each of the power cords is different
and designed to match the wall socket of a particular country or region.
Electric Shock
The absence of ground connection and the use of an unspecified power cord can
lead to electric shock or short circuit.
➔ Never operate your instrumentation from a power outlet that has no ground
➔ Never use a power cord other than the Agilent Technologies power cord designed
for your region.
Bench Space
The module dimensions and weight (see Table 3 on page 26) allow to place the
module on almost any laboratory bench. It needs an additional 2.5 cm
(1.0 inches) of space on either side and approximately 8 cm (3.1 inches) in the
rear for the circulation of air and electric connections.
If the bench should carry a complete Agilent 1200 Series system, make sure
that the bench is designed to carry the weight of all the modules.
Your pump will work within the specifications at ambient temperature and
relative humidity described in Table 3 on page 26.
Physical Specifications
Safety standards: IEC, CSA, Installation Category II, Pollution For indoor use only. Research
UL Degree 2 Use Only. Not for use in
Diagnostic Procedures.
Performance Specifications
Type Specification
Hydraulic system Two dual piston in series pumps with proprietary servo-controlled
variable stroke drive, floating piston design and active inlet valve
Pressure pulsation < 2 % amplitude (typically < 1 %), at 1 ml/min isopropanol, at all
pressures > 1 MPa
Recommended pH 1.0 – 12.5, solvents with pH < 2.3 should not contain acids which attack
range stainless steel
Gradient formation High-pressure binary mixing, delay volume 180 – 480 µl without mixer,
600 – 900 µl with mixer, dependent on back pressure
Safety and maintenance Extensive diagnostics, error detection and display (through handheld
controllers G4208A, G1323B and Agilent ChemStation), leak detection,
safe leak handling, leak output signal for shutdown of pumping system.
Low voltages in major maintenance areas.
For use with flow rates below 500 µl/min a vacuum degasser is required.
Installing the Pump
Unpacking the Binary Pump 30
Damaged Packaging 30
Delivery Checklist 31
Optimizing the Stack Configuration 33
Installing the Binary Pump 36
Connecting Modules and Control Software 40
Connecting Agilent 1200 Series modules 40
Connecting an Agilent 1200 Series Vacuum Degasser 41
Connecting control software and/or control modules 42
Flow Connections of the Binary Pump with Solvent Selection Valve 43
Flow Connections of the Binary Pump without Solvent Selection
Valve 46
Priming and Purging the System 49
Priming with a Syringe 49
Priming with the Pump 51
Agilent Technologies 29
3 Installing the Pump
Unpacking the Binary Pump
Damaged Packaging
Upon receipt of your module, inspect the shipping containers for any signs of
damage. If the containers or cushioning material are damaged, save them until
the contents have been checked for completeness and the instrument has been
mechanically and electrically checked. If the shipping container or cushioning
material is damaged, notify the carrier and save the shipping material for the
carrier’s inspection.
Delivery Checklist
Ensure all parts and materials have been delivered with the binary pump. The
delivery checklist is shown in Table 5 on page 31. In order to identify parts,
you may refer to “Parts and Materials” on page 190. Please report missing or
damaged parts to your local Agilent Technologies sales and service office.
Description Quantity
Binary pump 1
CAN cable, 1 m 1
Service Manual 1
If your binary pump is part of a complete Agilent 1200 Series system, you can
ensure optimum performance by using the configuration of the system stack
in the following configuration. This configuration optimizes the system flow
path, ensuring minimum delay volume.
HdakZciXVW^cZi <&(&'"+,(%*HHI!\gZZc
9Z\VhhZg *%+'"')+&EI;:ijW^c\l^YZWdgZ!
6jidhVbeaZg 6jidhVbeaZg"XdajbcXdbeVgibZci/
8dajbcXdbeVgibZci 969<&(&*"-,(&&HHI!XdViZY
9ZiZXidg KL9*%+'"-*(*E::@!*%+'"')+(
For a detailed view of the flow connections refer to the section “Flow connections” in the
NOTE product information of the individual modules.
EgZhhjgZdjieji 68edlZg
6cVad\h^\cVaidgZXdgYZg id8]ZbHiVi^dc
If a single stack configuration becomes too high, e.g. if an additional module like a G1327A
NOTE ALS Thermostat is added or if your LC system is too high, a two stack configuration may be
a better setup. Separate the stack between pump and autosampler and place the stack
containing the pump on the right side of the stack containing the autosampler.
Module is partially energized when switched off, as long as the power cord is
plugged in.
Repair work at the module can lead to personal injuries, e.g. shock hazard, when the
cover is opened and the module is connected to power.
➔ Make sure that it is always possible to access the power plug.
➔ Remove the power cable from the instrument before opening the cover.
➔ Do not connect the power cable to the Instrument while the covers are removed.
3 At the rear of the binary pump move the security lever to its maximum right
4 Connect the power cable to the power connector at the rear of the module.
The security lever will prevent that the cover is opened while the power
cord is connected to the module.
5 Connect the required interface cables to the rear of the binary pump, see
“Connecting Modules and Control Software” on page 40.
Figure 8 Rear of Binary Pump
6 Connect the capillary, solvent tubes and waste tubings (see “Flow
Connections of the Binary Pump with Solvent Selection Valve” on page 43
or “Flow Connections of the Binary Pump without Solvent Selection
Valve” on page 46).
7 Press power switch to turn on the module.
The power switch stays pressed in and a green indicator lamp in the power switch is on
NOTE when the module is turned on. When the line power switch stands out and the green light
is off, the module is turned off.
8 Purge the binary pump (see “Priming and Purging the System” on page 49).
The pump was shipped with default configuration settings. To change these settings, see
NOTE “Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch” on page 252.
The AUX output allows the user to monitor the vacuum level in the degasser chamber.
Do not connect the Agilent control software or the control module with the vacuum
NOTE degasser.
5 Connect the CAN cable to the CAN connector of one of the modules.
6 Press in the power switches to turn on the modules.
The Agilent control software (e.g. ChemStation, EZChrom, OL, etc.) can be also be
NOTE connected to the system through a LAN cable, which requires the installation of a
LAN-board. For more information about connecting the control module or Agilent control
software refer to the respective user manual. For connecting the Agilent 1200 Series
equipment to non-Agilent 1200 Series equipment, see “Introduction to the Binary
Pump” on page 8.
1 Remove the front cover by pressing the snap fasteners on both sides.
3 Place the bottles into the solvent cabinet and place a bottle head assembly
into each bottle.
4 Connect the solvent tubes from the bottle head assemblies to the inlet
connectors A1, A2, B1 and B2 of the solvent selection valve and label the
tubes accordingly. Fix the tubes in the clips of solvent cabinet and binary
5 Using a piece of sanding paper, connect the waste tubing to the purge valve
and place it into your waste system.
6 If the binary pump is not part of a Agilent 1200 Series System stack or
placed on the bottom of a stack, connect the corrugated waste tube to the
waste outlet of the pump leak handling system.
7 Connect the outlet capillary (binary pump to injection device) to the outlet
of the purge valve.
8 Purge your system before first use (see “Priming and Purging the
System” on page 49).
8]VccZa6& 8]VccZa7&
Ejbe]ZVYX]VccZa6 Ejbe]ZVY
6Xi^kZ^caZikVakZ6 6Xi^kZ^caZi
8]VccZa6' 8]VccZa7'
Figure 10 Binary Pump with Solvent Selection Valve
1 Remove the front cover by pressing the snap fasteners on both sides.
3 Place the bottles into the solvent cabinet and place a bottle head assembly
into each bottle.
4 Connect the solvent tubes from the bottle head assemblies to the inlet
adapters of the active inlet valves. Fix the tubes in the clips of solvent
cabinet and binary pump.
5 Using a piece of sanding paper, connect the waste tubing to the purge valve
and place it into your waste system.
6 If the binary pump is not part of a Agilent 1200 Series System stack or
placed on the bottom of a stack, connect the corrugated waste tube to the
waste outlet of the pump leak handling system.
7 Connect the outlet capillary (binary pump to injection device) to the outlet
of the purge valve.
8 Purge your system before first use (see “Priming and Purging the
System” on page 49).
Ejbe]ZVYX]VccZa6 Ejbe]ZVY
6Xi^kZ^caZikVakZ6 6Xi^kZ^caZi
DjiaZiXVe^aaVgnidVjidhVbeaZg LVhiZdjiaZi
Before using a new degasser or new tubings for the first time:
1 Prime all tubings with at least 30 ml of iso-propanol no matter whether the
channels will be used with organic mobile phase or with water.
If you are changing to a solvent that is immiscible with the solvent currently in the tubing
NOTE continue as follows:
2 Replace the current solvent with adequate organic solvent (see Table 7 on
page 51), if current solvent is organic or with water, if current solvent is an
inorganic buffer or contains salt.
3 Disconnect solvent tube from your pump.
4 Connect syringe adapter to solvent tube.
5 Push syringe adapter onto syringe.
6 Slowly pull the syringe plunger to draw at least 30 ml of solvent through
degasser and tubing.
7 Replace the priming solvent with the new solvent of your choice.
8 Pull syringe plunger to draw at least 30 ml of solvent through degasser and
9 Disconnect syringe adapter from solvent tube.
10 Connect solvent tube to your pump.
11 Repeat step 3 on page 50 through step 10 on page 50 for the other
channel(s) of the binary pump.
When priming the vacuum degasser with a syringe the solvent is drawn through the
NOTE degasser tubes very quickly. The solvent at the degasser outlet will therefore not be fully
degassed. Pump for approximately 10 minutes with your selected flow rate before starting
any application. This will allow the vacuum degasser to properly degas the solvent in the
degasser tubes.
The pump should never be used for priming empty tubings (never let the pump run dry). Use
NOTE the syringe to draw enough solvent for completely filling the tubings to the pump inlet
before continueing to prime with the pump.
Using the Binary Pump
Hints for Successful Use of the Binary Pump 54
Solvent Information 56
Prevent Blocking of Solvent Filters 57
Algae Growth in HPLC Systems 58
How to Prevent and/or Reduce the Algae Problem 59
Agilent Technologies 53
4 Using the Binary Pump
Hints for Successful Use of the Binary Pump
• Place solvent cabinet with the solvent bottles always on top (or at a higher
level) of the binary pump.
• When using the binary pump without vacuum degasser, shortly degass your
solvents (for example, apply vacuum for 15 – 30 s in an appropriate vessel)
before using them in the binary pump. If possible apply solvent conditions
that will decrease the gas solubility over time (for example, warming up the
• For highest precision and reproducibility use a vacuum degasser.
• When using the binary pump with vacuum degasser — before operating the
binary pump flush the degasser with at least two degasser tubing volumes
(30 ml), especially when the pumping system was turned off for a certain
length of time (for example, overnight) and volatile solvent mixtures are
used in the channels (see “Priming and Purging the System” on page 49).
• Prevent blocking of solvent inlet filters (never use the pump without solvent
inlet filter). Growth of algae should be avoided (see “Prevent Blocking of
Solvent Filters” on page 57).
• Check purge valve frit and column frit in regular time intervals. A blocked
purge valve frit can be identified by black or yellow layers on its surface or
by a pressure greater than 10 bar, when pumping distilled water at a rate of
5 ml/min with an open purge valve.
• When using the binary pump at low flow rates (below 0.2 ml/min) check all
1/16-inch fittings for any signs of leaks.
• Whenever possible use a minimum flow rate of 5 µl/min per solvent channel
to avoid crossflow of solvent into the unused pump channel.
• Whenever exchanging the pump seals the purge valve frit and the outlet ball
valve sieve should be exchanged, too.
• When using buffer solutions, flush the system with water before switching
it off. The seal wash option should be used when buffer solutions of
0.1 molar or higher will be used for long time periods.
• Check the pump plungers for scratches when changing the piston seals.
Scratched plungers will lead to micro leaks and will decrease the lifetime of
the seal.
• After changing the plunger seals apply the seal wear-in procedure (see
“Exchanging the Pump Seals” on page 130).
• Place the aqueous solvent on channel A and the organic solvent on
channel B. The default compressibility settings are set accordingly.
Solvent Information
Always filter solvents through 0.4 µm filters, small particles can permanently
block the capillaries and valves. Avoid the use of the following steel-corrosive
• Solutions of alkali halides and their respective acids (for example, lithium
iodide, potassium chloride, and so on).
• High concentrations of inorganic acids like sulfuric and nitric acid,
especially at higher temperatures (replace, if your chromatography method
allows, by phosphoric acid or phosphate buffer which are less corrosive
against stainless steel).
• Halogenated solvents or mixtures which form radicals and/or acids, for
2CHCl3 + O2 → 2COCl2 + 2HCl
This reaction, in which stainless steel probably acts as a catalyst, occurs
quickly with dried chloroform if the drying process removes the stabilizing
• Chromatographic grade ethers, which can contain peroxides (for example,
THF, dioxane, di-isopropylether). Such ethers should be filtered through
dry aluminium oxide which adsorbs the peroxides.
• Mixtures of carbon tetrachloride with 2-propanol or THF dissolve stainless
Contaminated solvents or algae growth in the solvent bottle will reduce the
lifetime of the solvent filter and will influence the performance of the module.
This is especially true for aqueous solvents or phosphate buffers (pH 4 to 7).
The following suggestions will prolong lifetime of the solvent filter and will
maintain the performance of the module.
• Use a sterile, if possible amber, solvent bottle to slow down algae growth.
• Filter solvents through filters or membranes that remove algae.
• Exchange solvents every two days or refilter.
• If the application permits add 0.0001-0.001M sodium azide to the solvent.
• Place a layer of argon on top of your solvent.
• Avoid exposure of the solvent bottle to direct sunlight.
The presence of algae in HPLC systems can cause a variety of problems that
may be incorrectly diagnosed as instrument or application problems. Algae
grow in aqueous media, preferably in a pH range of 4-8. Their growth is
accelerated by buffers, for example phosphate or acetate. Since algae grow
through photosynthesis, light will also stimulate their growth. Even in distilled
water small-sized algae grow after some time.
normal wear of the piston seals do not cause the PTFE frits to block over
short-term usage. Please refer to the section “Exchanging the Purge Valve
Frit or the Purge Valve” on page 124 in this manual.
• Short lifetime of solvent filters (bottle head assembly). A blocked solvent
filter in the bottle, especially when only partly blocked, is more difficult to
identify and may show up as gradient performance problems, intermittent
pressure fluctuations etc.
• Algae growth may also be the possible source for failures of the ball valves
and other components in the flow path.
Optimizing Performance
When to Use a Vacuum Degasser 62
When to use the Seal Wash Option 63
When to Use Alternative Seals 64
When to Remove the Static Mixer 65
How to Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting 66
Agilent Technologies 61
5 Optimizing Performance
When to Use a Vacuum Degasser
The pump does not necessarily require degassing. But for the following
conditions the vacuum degasser is recommended:
• if your detector is used with maximum sensitivity in the low UV wavelength
• if your application requires highest injection precision, or
• if your application requires highest retention-time reproducibility
(mandatory at flow rates below 0.5 ml/min).
Highly-concentrated buffer solutions will reduce the lifetime of the seals and
plungers in your pump. The seal wash option allows to maintain the seal
lifetime by flushing the back side of the seal with a wash solvent.
The seal wash option is strongly recommended when buffer concentrations of
0.1 Molar or higher will be used for long time periods in the pump.
The seal wash option can be ordered by quoting part number 01018-68722 (kit
contains all parts needed for one pump head). The active seal wash option kit
can be ordered by quoting part number G1311-68711.
The seal wash option comprises a support ring, secondary seal, gasket and
seal keeper for both plunger sides. A wash bottle filled with water
/isopropanol (90/10) should be placed above the pump in the solvent cabinet
and gravity will maintain a flow through the pump head removing all possible
buffer crystals from the back of the pump seal. For the active seal wash a
peristaltic pump is pumping the solvent through the pump head.
Running dry is the worst case for a seal and drastically reduces its lifetime. The seal will
NOTE build up sticky layers on the surface of the plunger. These sticky layers will also reduce the
lifetime of the primary seal. Therefore the tubes of the wash option should always be filled
with solvent to prolong the lifetime of the wash seal. Always use a mixture of bidistilled
water (90 %) and isopropanol (10 %) as wash solvent. This mixture prevents bacteria
growth in the wash bottle and reduces the surface tension of the water.
For information on the installation of the active seal wash option refer to
“Installing the Active Seal Wash Option” on page 134
The standard seal for the pump can be used for most applications. However
applications that use normal phase solvents (for example, hexane) are not
suited for the standard seal and require a different seal when used for a longer
time in the pump.
For applications that use normal phase solvents (for example, hexane) we
recommend the use of the polyethylene seals, part number 0905-1420 (pack of
2). These seals have less abrasion compared to the standard seals.
Polyethylene seals have a limited pressure range 0–200 bar. When used above 200 bar their
NOTE lifetime will be significantly reduced. DO NOT apply the seal wear-in procedure performed
with new standard seals at 400 bar.
The binary pump is equipped with a static mixer. The total delay volume of the
pump is 600 – 900 µl. The mixer has a volume of 420 µl.
The static mixer and both connecting capillaries can be replaced by a small
capillary (G1312-67301) under the following conditions:
• the delay volume of the pump should be reduced to a minimum for fastest
gradient response, and
• the detector is used at medium or low sensitivity.
Removing the mixer will result in an increase of the composition ripple and higher detector
NOTE noise.
The compressibility compensation default settings are 50 × 10-6 /bar (best for
most aqueous solutions) for pump head A and 115 × 10-6 /bar (to suit organic
solvents) for pump head B. The settings represent average values for aqueous
solvents (A side) and organic solvents (B side). Therefore it is always
recommended to use the aqueous solvent on the A side of the pump and the
organic solvent on the B side. Under normal conditions the default settings
reduce the pressure pulsation to values (below 1 % of system pressure) that
will be sufficient for most applications. If the compressibility values for the
solvents used differ from the default settings, it is recommended to change the
compressibility values accordingly. Compressibility settings can be optimized
by using the values for various solvents described in Table 8 on page 67. If the
solvent in use is not listed in the compressibility table, when using premixed
solvents and if the default settings are not sufficient for your application the
following procedure can be used to optimize the compressibility settings:
1 Start channel A of the binary pump with the required flow rate.
2 Before starting the optimization procedure, the flow must be stable. Use
degassed solvent only. Check the tightness of the system with the pressure
test (see “Description” on page 94).
3 Your pump must be connected to a control software (e.g. ChemStation,
EZChrom, OL, etc.) or handheld controller with which the pressure and
%-ripple can be monitored, otherwhise connect a signal cable between the
pressure output of the isocratic pump and a recording device (for example,
339X integrator) and set parameters, e.g.
Zero 50 %
Att 2^3
Chart Speed 10 cm/min
4 Start the recording device with the plot mode.
5 Starting with a compressibility setting of 10 × 10-6 /bar increase the value
in steps of 10. Re-zero the integrator as required. The compressibility
compensation setting that generates the smallest pressure ripple is the
optimum value for your solvent composition.
Acetone 126
Acetonitrile 115
Benzene 95
Chloroform 100
Cyclohexane 118
Ethanol 114
Heptane 120
Hexane 150
Isobutanol 100
Isopropanol 100
Methanol 120
1-Propanol 100
Toluene 87
Water 46
Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Agilent Lab Advisor Software 70
Overview of the Pump’s Indicators and Test Functions 71
Status Indicators 72
Power Supply Indicator 72
Instrument Status Indicator 73
User Interfaces 74
Error Messages 75
Pressure Test 94
Description 94
Positioning the Blank Nut 95
Running the Pressure Test 96
Evaluating the Results 97
Pressure Test 94
Leak Test 99
Description 99
Running the Leak Test 101
Evaluating the Results 102
Agilent Technologies 69
6 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Agilent Lab Advisor Software
The Agilent Lab Advisor Software is a standalone product that can be used
with or without data system. Agilent Lab Advisor helps to manage the lab for
high quality chromatographic results and can monitor in real time a single
Agilent LC or all the Agilent GCs and LCs configured on the lab intranet.
Agilent Lab Advisor provides diagnostic capabilities for all Agilent 1200 Series
HPLC modules. This includes tests and calibrations procedures as well as the
different injector steps to perform all the maintenance routines.
Agilent Lab Advisor also allows users to monitor the status of their LC
instruments. The Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) feature helps to carry
out preventive maintenance. In addition, users can generate a status report for
each individual LC instrument. The tests and diagnostic features as provided
by the Agilent Lab Advisor Software may differ from the descriptions in this
manual. For details refer to the Agilent Lab Advisor help files.
This manual provides lists with the names of Error Messages, Not Ready
messages, and other common issues.
Status Indicators
The pump is provided with two status indicators which indicate the
operational state (prerun, run, and error states) of the pump. The status
indicators provide a quick visual check of the operation of the pump (see
“Status Indicators” on page 72).
Error Messages
In the event of an electronic, mechanical or hydraulic failure, the instrument
generates an error message in the user interface. For details on error
messages and error handling, please refer to the Agilent Lab Monitor &
Diagnostic Software.
Pressure Test
The pressure test is a quick test designed to determine the pressure tightness
of the system. After exchanging flow path components (e.g. pump seals or
injection seal), use this test to verify the system is pressure tight up to 400 bar
(see “Description” on page 94).
Leak Test
The leak test is a diagnostic test designed to determine the pressure tightness
of the pump. When a problem with the pump is suspected, use this test to help
troubleshoot the pump and its pumping performance. The following sections
describe these functions in detail (see “Description” on page 99).
Status Indicators
Two status indicators are located on the front of the binary pump. The lower
left one indicates the power supply status, the upper right one indicates the
instrument status.
Figure 13 Location of Status Indicators
User Interfaces
Depending on the User Interface, the available test vary. Some descriptions
are only available in the Service Manual.
Error Messages
The timeout threshold was exceeded.
1 The analysis was completed successfully, Check the logbook for the occurrence and
and the timeout function switched off the source of a not-ready condition. Restart the
module as requested. analysis where required.
2 A not-ready condition was present during a Check the logbook for the occurrence and
sequence or multiple-injection run for a source of a not-ready condition. Restart the
period longer than the timeout threshold. analysis where required.
An external instrument has generated a shut-down signal on the remote line.
The module continually monitors the remote input connectors for status
signals. A LOW signal input on pin 4 of the remote connector generates the
error message.
1 Leak detected in another module with a CAN Fix the leak in the external instrument before
connection to the system. restarting the module.
2 Leak detected in an external instrument with Fix the leak in the external instrument before
a remote connection to the system. restarting the module.
4 The degasser failed to generate sufficient Check the vacuum degasser for an error
vacuum for solvent degassing. condition. Refer to the Service Manual for the
Agilent 1200 Series vacuum degasser.
Remote Timeout
A not-ready condition is still present on the remote input.
When an analysis is started, the system expects all not-ready conditions (e.g. a
not-ready condition during detector balance) to switch to run conditions
within one minute of starting the analysis. If a not-ready condition is still
present on the remote line after one minute the error message is generated.
1 Not-ready condition in one of the Ensure the instrument showing the not-ready
instruments connected to the remote line. condition is installed correctly, and is set up
correctly for analysis.
3 Defective components in the instrument Check the instrument for defects (refer to the
showing the not-ready condition. instrument’s reference documentation).
Synchronization Lost
During an analysis, the internal synchronization or communication between
one or more of the modules in the system has failed.
The system processors continually monitor the system configuration. If one or
more of the modules is no longer recognized as being connected to the system,
the error message is generated.
1 CAN cable disconnected. • Ensure all the CAN cables are connected
• Ensure all CAN cables are installed correctly.
3 Defective main board in a different module. Switch off the system. Restart the system, and
determine which module or modules are not
recognized by the system.
A leak was detected in the module.
The signals from the two temperature sensors (leak sensor and
board-mounted temperature-compensation sensor) are used by the leak
algorithm to determine whether a leak is present. When a leak occurs, the leak
sensor is cooled by the solvent. This changes the resistance of the leak sensor
which is sensed by the leak-sensor circuit on the main board.
3 Loose or leaking purge valve, active inlet Ensure pump components are seated correctly.
valve, or outlet ball valve. If there are still signs of a leak, exchange the
appropriate seal (purge valve, active inlet valve,
outlet ball valve).
1 Leak sensor not connected to the main Ensure the leak sensor is connected correctly.
2 Leak sensor incorrectly routed, being Make sure the leak sensor is installed correctly
pinched by a metal component. (see “Exchanging the Leak Sensor” on
page 182).
Fan Failed
The cooling fan in the module has failed.
The hall sensor on the fan shaft is used by the main board to monitor the fan
speed. If the fan speed falls below 2 revolutions/second for longer than
5 seconds, the error message is generated.
4 Improperly positioned cables or wires Ensure the fan is not mechanically blocked.
obstructing fan blades.
Open Cover
The top foam has been removed.
The sensor on the main board detects when the top foam is in place. If the
foam is removed, the fan is switched off, and the error message is generated.
1 The top foam was removed during operation. Reinstall the top foam.
4 Rear of the module is exposed to strong Ensure that the rear of module is not directly
direct sunlight. exposed to strong sunlight.
1 The module started with the top cover and Reinstall the top cover and foam.
foam removed.
2 Rear of the module is exposed to strong Ensure that the rear of module is not directly
direct sunlight. exposed to strong sunlight.
1 Volume in bottle below specified volume. Refill bottles and reset solvent counters.
2 Incorrect setting of limit. Make sure the limits are set correctly.
1 Upper pressure limit set too low. Ensure the upper pressure limit is set to a value
suitable for the analysis.
2 Blockage in the flowpath (after the damper). Check for blockage in the flowpath. The
following components are particularly subject to
blockage: purge-valve frit, needle (autosampler),
seat capillary (autosampler), sample loop
(autosampler), column frits and capillaries with
low internal diameters (e.g. 0.12 mm id).
1 Lower pressure limit set too high. Ensure the lower pressure limit is set to a value
suitable for the analysis.
2 Air bubbles in the mobile phase. • Ensure solvents are degassed. Purge the
• Ensure solvent inlet filters are not blocked.
Valve Failed
Following errors can only occur, if a solvent selection valve is used. The
internal number in the error message is linked to one of the valves as shown in
the following table:
Valve 0 Failed: valve A1
Valve 1 Failed: valve A2
Valve 2 Failed: valve B2
Valve 3 Failed: valve B1
One of the solvent selection valves in the binary pump failed to switch
The processor monitors the valve voltage before and after each switching
cycle. If the voltages are outside expected limits, the error message is
1 Solvent selection valve disconnected. Ensure the solvent selection valve is connected
2 Connection cable (inside instrument) not Ensure the connection cable is connected
connected. correctly.
Pump Configuration
At switch-on, the pump has recognized a new pump configuration.
The pump is assigned its configuration at the factory. If the active-inlet valve
and pump encoder of channel B are disconnected, and the pump is rebooted,
the error message is generated. However, the pump will function as an
isocratic pump in this configuration. The error message reappears after each
1 Active-inlet valve and pump encoder of Reconnect the active-inlet valve and pump
channel B disconnected. encoder of channel B.
Valve Fuse
Following errors can only occur, if a solvent selection valve is used. The
internal number in the error message is linked either to channels A or B as
shown in the following table:
Valve Fuse 0: Channels A1 and A2
Valve Fuse 1: Channels B1 and B2
One of the solvent-selection valves in the pump has drawn excessive current
causing the selection-valve electronic fuse to open.
1 Defective solvent selection valve. Restart the capillary pump. If the error message
appears again, exchange the solvent selection
Inlet-Valve Fuse
Inlet-Valve Fuse 0: Pump channel A
Inlet-Valve Fuse 1: Pump channel B
One of the active-inlet valves in the module has drawn excessive current
causing the inlet-valve electronic fuse to open.
1 Defective active inlet valve. Restart the module. If the error message
appears again, exchange the active inlet valve.
1 High friction (partial mechanical blockage) in Ensure the capillaries and frits between the
the pump drive assembly. pump head and damper inlet are free from
2 Partial blockage of the flowpath in front of Ensure the outlet valve is not blocked.
the damper.
3 Defective pump drive assembly. • Remove the pump head assembly. Ensure
there is no mechanical blockage of the pump
head assembly or pump drive assembly.
• Exchange the pump drive assembly.
Motor-Drive Power
Motor-Drive Power: Pump channel A
B: Motor-Drive Power: Pump channel B
The current drawn by the pump motor exceeded the maximum limit.
Blockages in the flow path are usually detected by the pressure sensor in the
damper, which result in the pump switching off when the upper pressure limit
is exceeded. If a blockage occurs before the damper, the pressure increase
cannot be detected by the pressure sensor and the module will continue to
pump. As pressure increases, the pump drive draws more current. When the
current reaches the maximum limit, the module is switched off, and the error
message is generated.
1 Flow path blockage in front of the damper. Ensure the capillaries and frits between the
pump head and damper inlet are free from
3 High friction (partial mechanical blockage) in Remove the pump-head assembly. Ensure there
the pump drive assembly. is no mechanical blockage of the pump-head
assembly or pump drive assembly.
Encoder Missing
Encoder Missing: Pump channel A
B: Encoder Missing: Pump channel B
The optical encoder on the pump motor in the module is missing or defective.
The processor checks the presence of the pump encoder connector every
2 seconds. If the connector is not detected by the processor, the error message
is generated.
1 Defective or disconnected pump encoder Ensure the connector is clean, and seated
connector. correctly.
Inlet-Valve Missing
Inlet-Valve Missing: Pump channel A
B: Inlet-Valve Missing: Pump channel B
The active-inlet valve in the module is missing or defective.
The processor checks the presence of the active-inlet valve connector every
2 seconds. If the connector is not detected by the processor, the error message
is generated.
1 Disconnected or defective cable. Ensure the pins of the active inlet valve
connector are not damaged. Ensure the
connector is seated securely.
2 Disconnected or defective connection cable Ensure the connection cable is seated correctly.
(front panel to main board). Exchange the cable if defective.
2 Mechanical blockage of the module. Remove the pump-head assembly. Ensure there
is no mechanical blockage of the pump-head
assembly or pump drive assembly.
1 Pump head not installed correctly (screws Install the pump head correctly. Ensure nothing
not secured, or pump head not seated (e.g. capillary) is trapped between the pump
correctly). head and body.
Index Limit
Index Limit: Pump channel A
B: Index Limit: Pump channel B
The time required by the plunger to reach the encoder index position was too
short (pump).
During initialization, the first plunger is moved to the mechanical stop. After
reaching the mechanical stop, the plunger reverses direction until the encoder
index position is reached. If the index position is reached too fast, the error
message is generated.
1 Irregular or sticking drive movement. Remove the pump head, and examine the seals,
plungers, and internal components for signs of
wear, contamination or damage. Exchange
components as required.
Index Adjustment
Index Adjustment: Pump channel A
B: Index Adjustment: Pump channel B
The encoder index position in the module is out of adjustment.
During initialization, the first plunger is moved to the mechanical stop. After
reaching the mechanical stop, the plunger reverses direction until the encoder
index position is reached. If the time to reach the index position is too long,
the error message is generated.
1 Irregular or sticking drive movement. Remove the pump head, and examine the seals,
plungers, and internal components for signs of
wear, contamination or damage. Exchange
components as required.
Index Missing
Index Missing: Pump channel A
B: Index Missing: Pump channel B
The encoder index position in the module was not found during initialization.
During initialization, the first plunger is moved to the mechanical stop. After
reaching the mechanical stop, the plunger reverses direction until the encoder
index position is reached. If the index position is not recognized within a
defined time, the error message is generated.
1 Disconnected or defective encoder cable. Ensure the encoder cable are not damaged or
dirty. Make sure the cables are connected
securely to the main board.
Stroke Length
Stroke Length: Pump channel A
B: Stroke Length: Pump channel B
The distance between the lower plunger position and the upper mechanical
stop is out of limits (pump).
During initialization, the module monitors the drive current. If the plunger
reaches the upper mechanical stop position before expected, the motor
current increases as the module attempts to drive the plunger beyond the
mechanical stop. This current increase causes the error message to be
Initialization Failed
Initialization Failed: Pump channel A
B: Initialization Failed: Pump channel B
The module failed to initialize successfully within the maximum time window.
A maximum time is assigned for the complete pump-initialization cycle. If the
time is exceeded before initialization is complete, the error message is
Wait Timeout
When running certain tests in the diagnostics mode or other special
applications, the pump must wait for the plungers to reach a specific position,
or must wait for a certain pressure or flow to be reached. Each action or state
must be completed within the timeout period, otherwise the error message is
Possible Reasons for a Wait Timeout:
· Pressure not reached.
· Pump channel A did not reach the delivery phase.
· Pump channel B did not reach the delivery phase.
· Pump channel A did not reach the take-in phase.
· Pump channel B did not reach the take-in phase.
· Solvent volume not delivered within the specified time.
2 Leak at fittings, purge valve, active inlet • Ensure pump components are seated
valve, outlet ball valve or plunger seals. correctly. If there are still signs of a leak,
exchange the appropriate seal (purge valve,
active inlet valve, outlet ball valve, plunger
• Exchange defective capillaries.
3 Flow changed after starting test. Ensure correct operating condition for the
special application in use.
4 Defective pump drive assembly. Exchange the defective pump drive assembly.
Pressure Test
The pressure test is a quick, built-in test designed to demonstrate the
pressure-tightness of the system. The test involves monitoring the pressure
profile while the binary pump runs through a predefined pumping sequence.
The resulting pressure profile provides information about the pressure
tightness of the system.
Step 1
The test begins with the initialization of both pumpheads. After initialization,
plungers A1 and B1 are both at the top of their stroke. Next, pump A begins
pumping solvent with a flow rate of 510 µl/min and stroke of 100 µl. The
binary pump continues to pump until a system pressure of 390 bar is reached.
For this test channel A is active, which is directly connected to chamber 2 in channel B, see
NOTE Figure 2 on page 10. To test the pressure tightness of the pump use the leak test, see
“Description” on page 99.
Step 2
When the system pressure reaches 390 bar, the binary pump switches off. The
pressure drop from this point onwards should be no more than 2 bar/minute.
Preparations Place a bottle of LC-grade isopropanol in the solvent cabinet and connect it to channel A (or channel
A2 if solvent selection valve is installed).
Make absolutely sure that all parts of the flow path that are part of the test are flushed very
NOTE thoroughly with isopropanol before starting to pressurize the system! Any trace of other
solvents or the smallest air bubble inside the flow path definitely will cause the test to fail!
Running the test from the Agilent Lab Monitor & Diagnostic Software
1 Select the pressure test from the test selection menu.
2 Start the test and follow the instructions.
Make sure to release the pressure by slowly opening the purge valve when the test has
NOTE finished.
Please notice the difference between an error in the test and a failure of the test! An error
NOTE means that during the operation of the test there was an abnormal termination. If a test
failed, this means that the results of the test were not within the specified limits.
Often, it is only a damaged blank nut itself (poorly shaped from overtightening) that causes
NOTE a failure of the test. Before investigating any other possible sources of failure make sure
that the blank nut you are using is in good condition and properly tightened!
• If the test fails again, insert the blank nut at the outlet of the previous
module in the stack (eg. autosampler, port 6 of the injection valve), and
repeat the pressure test. Exclude each module one by one to determine
which module is leaking.
• If the pump is determined to be the source of the leak, run the leak test.
2 Pump: Loose or leaky fitting. Tighten the fitting or exchange the capillary.
3 Pump: Damaged pump seals or plungers. Run the leak test to confirm the leak.
4 Pump: Loose purge valve. Tighten the purge valve nut (14 mm wrench).
7 Autosampler: Damaged metering seal or Exchange the metering seal. Check the plunger
plunger. for scratches. Exchange the plunger if required.
9 Column compartment: Loose or leaky fitting. Tighten or exchange the fitting or capillary.
Leak Test
The leak test is a built-in troubleshooting test designed to demonstrate the
leak-tightness of the binary pump. The test involves monitoring the pressure
profile as the binary pump runs through a predefined pumping sequence. The
resulting pressure profile provides information about the pressure tightness
and operation of the binary pump components (see Figure 2 on page 10).
Ramp 1
The test begins with the initialization of both pumps. After initialization,
plungers A1 and B1 are both at the top of their stroke. Next, the binary pump
begins pumping solvent with a flow rate of 150 µl/min, stroke of 100 µl, and a
composition of 51 %A, 49 %B. Both pumps deliver for one complete pump
cycle. At the end of this step, plungers A1 and B1 are at the top of their stroke.
Ramp 2
The binary pump continues pumping solvent with a flow rate of 150 µl/min.
Channel A delivers for one pump cycle (first, plunger A2 delivers, then plunger
A1), followed by channel B (plunger B2, then plunger B1), both channels with
a stroke of 20 µl.
Ramp 3
Just before the start of the first plateau, plunger A2 delivers with a flow rate
of 50 µl/min for approximately 8 seconds.
Plateau 1
At plateau 1 plunger A2 delivers with a flow rate of 3 µl/min for 30 seconds.
Ramp 4
Plunger B2 delivers 50 µl/min for approximately 8 seconds.
Plateau 2
Plunger B2 delivers with a flow rate of 3 µl/min for 30 seconds.
Ramp 5
Plunger A1 delivers 50 µl/min for approximately 8 seconds.
Plateau 3
Plunger A1 delivers with a flow rate of 3 µl/min for 30 seconds.
Ramp 6
Plunger B1 delivers 50 µl/min for approximately 7 seconds.
Plateau 4
Plunger B1 delivers with a flow rate of 3 µl/min for approximately 30 seconds.
At the end of the fourth plateau, the test is finished and the binary pump
switches off.
Preparations Place two bottles of LC-grade isopropyl alcohol in channels A and B. If a solvent selection valve is
installed, place the LC grade isopropanol in channels A2 and B2.
Make absolutely sure that all parts of the flow path that are part of the test are very
NOTE thoroughly flushed with isopropanol before starting to pressurize the system! Any trace of
other solvents or the smallest air bubble inside the flow path definitely will cause the test
to fail!
Make sure to release the pressure by slowly opening the purge valve when the test has
NOTE finished.
Please notice the difference between an error in the test and a failure of the test! An error
NOTE means that during the operation of the test there was an abnormal termination. If a test
failed, this means that the results of the test were not within the specified limits.
Often it is only the damaged blank nut itself (poorly shaped from overtightening) that
NOTE causes a failure of the test. Before investigating on any other possible sources of failure
make sure that the blank nut you are using is in good condition and properly tightened!
2 Purge valve open. Close the purge valve, and restart the test.
3 Wrong solvent-line connections to solvent Ensure the solvent lines from the degasser to
selection valve. the solvent selection valve are connected
5 Large leaks (visible) at the pump seals. Exchange the pump seals.
6 Large leaks (visible) at active inlet valve, Ensure the leaky components are installed
outlet valve, or purge valve. tightly. Exchange the component if required.
1 Degasser and pump channels A and/or B Purge the degasser and pump channels
not flushed sufficiently (air in the channels). thoroughly with isopropanol under pressure
(use the restriction capillary).
3 Leaky mixer (if installed). Tighten the mixer fittings and nuts.
4 Contaminated purge valve. Open and close purge valve to flush out
contamination. Exchange the valve if still leaky.
5 Loose pump head screws in channel A or B. Ensure the pump head screws in channels A
and B are tight.
6 Leaking seal or scratched plunger in channel Exchange the pump seals in both channels.
A2 or B2. Check the plungers for scratches. Exchange if
1 Leaking outlet valve in channel A. Clean the outlet valve in channel A. Ensure the
sieve in the outlet valves are installed correctly.
Tighten the outlet valve.
2 Loose pump head screws in channel A. Ensure the pump head screws in channel A are
3 Leaking seal or scratched plunger in channel Exchange the pump seals in channel A. Check
A2. the plunger for scratches. Exchange if
1 Leaking outlet valve in channel B. Clean the outlet valve in channel B. Ensure the
sieve in the outlet valves are installed correctly.
Tighten the outlet valve.
2 Loose pump head screws in channel B. Ensure the pump head screws in channel B are
3 Leaking seal or scratched plunger in channel Exchange the pump seals in channel B. Check
B2. the plunger for scratches. Exchange if
1 Air in channel A or new seals not yet seated. Flush channel A thoroughly with isopropanol
under pressure (use restriction capillary).
2 Loose active inlet valve in channel A. Tighten the active inlet valve in channel A
(14mm wrench). Do not overtighten!
3 Loose pump head screws in channel A. Ensure the pump head screws in channel A are
4 Loose outlet valve in channel A. Ensure the sieve in the outlet valve is installed
correctly. Tighten the outlet valve.
5 Leaking seal or scratched plunger in channel Exchange the pump seals in channel A. Check
A1. the plungers for scratches. Exchange if
6 Defective active inlet valve in channel A. Exchange the active inlet valve in channel A.
1 Air in pump chamber of channel B or seals Flush channel B thoroughly with isopropanol
not yet seated. under pressure (restriction capillary).
2 Loose active inlet valve in channel B. Tighten the active inlet valve in channel B
(14mm wrench). Do not overtighten!
3 Loose pump head screws in channel B. Ensure the pump head screws in channel B are
4 Loose outlet valve in channel B. Ensure the sieve in the outlet valve is installed
correctly. Tighten the outlet valve.
5 Leaking seal or scratched plunger in channel Exchange the pump seals in channel B. Check
B1. the plungers for scratches. Exchange if
6 Defective active inlet valve in channel B. Exchange the active inlet valve in channel B.
Introduction to Maintenance and Repair 108
Simple Repairs 108
Exchanging Internal Parts 108
Warnings and Cautions 109
Using the ESD Strap 110
Cleaning the module 110
Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) 111
EMF Counters 111
Using the EMF Counters 112
Overview of Maintenance and Repair 113
Simple Repairs 115
Checking and Cleaning the Solvent Filter 116
Exchanging the Active Inlet Valve 117
Exchanging the Active Inlet Valve Cartridge 119
Exchanging the Outlet Ball Valve Sieve or the Complete Valve 121
Exchanging the Purge Valve Frit or the Purge Valve 124
Exchanging the Solvent Selection Valve 126
Removing the Pump Head Assembly 128
Exchanging the Pump Seals 130
Exchanging the Plungers 133
Installing the Active Seal Wash Option 134
Exchanging the Wash Seals 138
Reinstalling the Pump Head Assembly 140
Exchanging the Optional Interface Board 142
Replacing the Module’s Firmware 143
Simple Repairs
The module is designed for easy repair. The most frequent repairs such as
plunger seal change and purge valve frit change can be done from the front of
the module with the module in place in the system stack.
These repairs are described in “Simple Repairs” on page 115
Electronic boards are static sensitive and should be handled with care so as not to
damage them. Touching electronic boards and components can cause electrostatic
discharge (ESD).
ESD can damage electronic boards and components.
➔ Be sure to hold the board by the edges and do not touch the electrical components.
Always use an ESD protection (for example, an ESD wrist strap) when handling
electronic boards and components.
Maintenance requires the exchange of components in the flow path which are
subject to mechanical wear or stress. Ideally, the frequency at which
components are exchanged should be based on the intensity of usage of the
instrument and the analytical conditions, and not on a predefined time
interval. The early maintenance feedback (EMF) feature monitors the usage of
specific components in the instrument, and provides feedback when the
user-settable limits have been exceeded. The visual feedback in the user
interface provides an indication that maintenance procedures should be
EMF Counters
The pump provides a series of EMF counters for the pump head. Each counter
increments with pump use, and can be assigned a maximum limit which
provides visual feedback in the user interface when the limit is exceeded. Each
counter can be reset to zero after maintenance has been done. The pump
provides the following EMF counters:
• liquimeter pump A,
• seal wear pump A,
• liquimeter pump B,
• seal wear pump B.
The liquimeters display the total volume of solvent pumped by the left and
right pump heads since the last reset of the counters. Both liquimeters can be
assigned an EMF (maximum) limit. When the limit is exceeded, the EMF flag in
the user interface is displayed.
Figure 15 on page 113 shows the main assemblies of the binary pump. The
pump heads and its parts do require normal maintenance (for example, seal
exchange) and can be accessed from the front (simple repairs). Replacing
internal parts will require to remove the module from its stack and to open the
top cover.
& &%
2 Active inlet valve, see “Exchanging the Active Inlet Valve” on page 117
3 Purge valve, see “Exchanging the Purge Valve Frit or the Purge Valve” on page 124
4 Outlet ball valve, see “Exchanging the Outlet Ball Valve Sieve or the Complete Valve” on
page 121
7 HPM board, see “Exchanging the High Pressure Pump Main Board (HPM Board)” on
page 152
10 Solvent selection valve, see “Exchanging the Solvent Selection Valve” on page 126
Simple Repairs
The procedures described in this section can be done with the binary pump in
place in the system stack.
“Checking and Cleaning the Solvent If solvent filter is blocked Gradient performance problems, intermittent
Filter” on page 116 pressure fluctuations
“Exchanging the Active Inlet Valve” on If internally leaking Pressure ripple unstable, run leak test for
page 117 verification
“Exchanging the Outlet Ball Valve Sieve or If internally leaking Pressure ripple unstable, run leak test for
the Complete Valve” on page 121 verification
“Exchanging the Purge Valve Frit or the If internally leaking Solvent dripping out of waste outlet when valve
Purge Valve” on page 124 closed
“Exchanging the Purge Valve Frit or the If the frit shows A pressure drop of > 10 bar across the frit
Purge Valve” on page 124 indication of (5 ml/min H2O with purge valve open) indicates
contamination or blockage
“Exchanging the Solvent Selection Valve” on If internally leaking Error messages “Valve failed” or “Valve Fuse”
page 126 are generated
“Exchanging the Pump Seals” on page 130 If pump performance Leaks at lower pump head side, unstable
indicates seal wear retention times, pressure ripple unstable — run
leak test for verification
“Exchanging the Plungers” on page 133 If scratched Seal life time shorter than normally
expected — check plungers while changing the
“Exchanging the Wash Seals” on page 138 When seals show Leaks at lower pump head side, loss of wash
indication of leaks solvent
“Exchanging the Optional Interface If defective Error condition, indicated by red status indicator
Board” on page 142
Preparations Remove solvent inlet tube from the adapter at the AIV
Small particles can permanently block the capillaries and valves of the module.
Damage of the module.
➔ Always filter solvents.
➔ Never use the module without solvent inlet filter.
If the filter is in good condition the solvent will freely drip out of the solvent tube
NOTE (hydrostatic pressure). If the solvent filter is partly blocked only very little solvent will drip
out of the solvent tube.
BPs without the solvent selection valve (SSV) have an adapter installed between the
NOTE solvent line and the active inlet valve (AIV). Disconnect the solvent tubes at the adapter
and remove the adapter from the AIV.
4 Using a 14 mm wrench loosen the active inlet valve and remove the valve
from pump head.
5 Insert the valve into the pump head. Using the 14 mm wrench turn the nut
until it is hand tight.
6 Position the valve so that the solvent inlet tube connection points towards
the front.
7 Using the 14 mm wrench tighten the nut by turning the valve in its final
position (not more than a quarter turn). Do not overtighten the valve.
8 Reconnect the Active Inlet Valve cable to the connector at the Z-panel and
the inlet tube to the valve.
9 Reinstall the front cover.
After an exchange of the valve it may take several ml of pumping with the solvent used in
NOTE the current application, before the flow stabilizes at a %-ripple as low as it used to be when
the system was still working properly.
Preparations Switch off pump at the main power switch and unplug the power cable
BPs without the solvent selection valve (SSV) have an adapter installed between the
NOTE solvent line and the active inlet valve (AIV). Disconnect the solvent tubes at the adapter
and remove the adapter from the AIV.
4 Using a 14 mm wrench loosen the active inlet valve and remove the valve
from pump head.
5 Using a pair of tweezers remove the valve cartridge from the actuator
6 Clean the area in the actuator assembly. Flush the cartridge area
7 Insert a new valve cartridge into the actuator assembly (make sure the
valve cartridge is fully inserted into the actuator assembly).
8 Insert the valve into the pump head. Using the 14 mm wrench turn the nut
until it is hand tight.
9 Position the valve so that the solvent inlet tube connection points towards
the front.
10 Using the 14 mm wrench tighten the nut by turning the valve in its final
position (do not overtighten the valve).
11 Reconnect the Active Inlet Valve cable to the connector at the Z-panel and
the inlet tube to the valve.
12 Reinstall the front cover.
After an exchange of the valve cartridge it may take several ml of pumping with the solvent
NOTE used in the current application, before the flow stabilizes at a %-ripple as low as it used to
be, when the system was still working properly.
Preparations Switch off pump at the main power switch and unplug the power cable
Before exchanging the outlet ball valve you can try to clean it in a sonic bath. Remove the
NOTE gold seal and the sieve. Place the valve in upright position (onto the plastic cap) in a small
beaker with alcohol. Place in a sonic bath for 5 to 10 minutes. Insert a new sieve and
replace the gold seal.
1 Using a 1/4 inch wrench disconnect the valve capillary from the outlet ball
2 Using the 14 mm wrench loosen the valve and remove it from the pump
3 Remove the plastic cap with the gold seal.
4 Using a pair of tweezers remove the sieve.
Check the gold seal. It should be exchanged when strongly deformed. Place the valve in an
NOTE upright position, insert the sieve into the recess and replace the gold seal with the cap.
Make sure that the sieve cannot move and is away from the seal area of the gold seal.
5 Place a new sieve into the recess of the outlet ball valve and replace the cap
with the gold seal.
1 Using a 1/4 inch wrench disconnect the pump outlet capillary at the purge
2 Disconnect the waste tube. Beware of leaking solvents due to hydrostatic
3 Using the 14 mm wrench unscrew the purge valve and remove it from the
purge valve holder.
4 Remove the plastic cap with the gold seal from the purge valve.
5 Using a pair of tweezers or a toothpick remove the frit.
Figure 20 Purge Valve Parts
6 Place a new frit into the purge valve with the orientation of the frit as
shown above.
7 Replace the cap with the gold seal.
Before reinstallation always check the gold seal. A deformed seal should be exchanged.
8 Insert the purge valve into the purge valve holder and locate the pump
outlet and the waste outlet as shown below.
9 Tighten the purge valve and reconnect outlet capillary and waste tubing.
1 Disconnect the solvent tubes. Place solvent tubes into the solvent cabinet to
prevent leaks due to hydrostatic flow. Disconnect the active inlet valve
connection tubes from the solvent selection valves.
2 Using a Pozidriv screwdriver #1 loosen the holding screws of the valves.
3 Pull the valve module out of its connector.
4 Hold the two plastic bodies of the valves and pull the two solvent selection
valves apart.
5 Exchange the defective solvent selection valve. Press the exchanged valve
(new half) together with the properly working old half.
6 Connect the valve module to its electrical connectors and fix the assembly
with the two holding screws.
7 Reinstall solvent tubes and the active inlet valve connection tubes
Figure 22 Exchanging the solvent selection valve
Preparations Switch off pump at the main power switch and unplug the power cable
Both pump head assemblies use the same internal components. In addition, pump head A
NOTE is fitted with the purge valve and mixing junction. The following procedure describes the
removal and disassembly of pump head A (left one). For pump head B (right one) proceed in
the same way and skip steps that deal with the purge valve
2 Disconnect the capillary at the pumphead adapter and the tube at the active
inlet valve. Beware of leaking solvents
3 Using a 3-mm hexagonal key loosen the purge valve holder and lift it up.
4 Disconnect the Active Inlet Valve cable.
5 Using a 4-mm hexagonal key stepwise loosen and remove the two pump
head screws.
6 Remove the pump head from the pump drive.
3 Insert seals into the pump head and press firmly in position.
4 Reassemble the pump head assembly (see “Reinstalling the Pump Head
Assembly” on page 140).
Reset the seal wear counter and liquimeter as described in the User Interface
NOTE documentation.
This procedure is required for standard seals only (5063-6589), but it will definitely damage
NOTE the normal phase application seals (0905-1420).
1 Place a bottle with 100 ml of isopropanol in the solvent cabinet and place
the tubing (including bottle head assembly) of the pump head that is
supposed to be worn-in into the bottle.
2 Screw the adapter (0100-1847) to the AIV and connect the inlet tube from
the bottle head directly to it.
3 Connect the restriction capillary (5022-2159) to the purge valve. Insert its
other end into a waste container.
4 Open the purge valve and purge the system for 5 minutes with isopropanol
at a flow rate of 2 mL/min.
5 Close the purge valve, set the flow to a rate adequate to achieve a pressure
of 350 bar. Pump 15 minutes at this pressure to wear in the seals. The
pressure can be monitored at your analog output signal, with the handheld
controller, Chemstation or any other controlling device connected to your
6 Turn OFF the pump, slowly open the purge valve to release the pressure
from the system, disconnect the restriction capillary and reconnect the
outlet capillary at the purge valve and the connecting tube from solvent
selection valve (if installed) to the AIV.
7 Rinse your system with the solvent used for your next application.
1 Check the plunger surface and remove any deposits or 2 Reassemble the pump head assembly (see “Reinstalling
layers. Cleaning can be done with alcohol or tooth paste. the Pump Head Assembly” on page 140).
Replace plunger if scratched.
2 Insert the socket, delivered with the Seal Wash pump assembly, into the
hole on the z-panel.
3 Guide the wire of the active seal wash assembly through the hole and screw
it onto the z-panel.
4 Guide the wire over the fan and plug the connector onto the mainboard
connector P7.
11 Place the support rings on the plunger housing (plungers not installed) and
snap the pump head and plunger housing together.
12 Insert the plungers and carefully press them into the seal.
13 Tighten the lock screw.
14 Slide the pump head assembly onto the metering drive. Apply a small
amount of pump head grease (part number 79846-65501) to the pumphead
screws and the balls of the spindle drive. Tighten the pumphead screws
stepwise with increasing torque
15 Reconnect all capillaries, tubes and the active inlet valve cable to its
16 Route the wash inlet tube into a bottle filled with a mixture of distilled
water and isopropanol (90/10) and place the bottle above the pump in the
solvent cabinet.
17 Route the outlet of the wash tube into a waste container.
1 Remove the seal keeper and the seal wash support rings 2 Using the blade of a flat head screwdriver remove seal
from the plunger housing. Remove the seal keeper from wash gasket and the secondary seal from the support
the support ring assembly. ring.
3 Using the insert tool press the seal (spring pointing 4 Reassemble the pump head assembly (see “Reinstalling
upwards) into the recess of the support ring. Place a seal the Pump Head Assembly” on page 140).
wash gasket in the recess of the support ring and replace
the seal keeper.
4 Reconnect the capillaries, tubing and the active inlet valve cable to the
Electronic boards are static sensitive and should be handled with care so as not to
damage them. Touching electronic boards and components can cause electrostatic
discharge (ESD).
ESD can damage electronic boards and components.
➔ Be sure to hold the board by the edges and do not touch the electrical components.
Always use an ESD protection (for example, an ESD wrist strap) when handling
electronic boards and components.
1 Switch OFF the module at the main power switch. Unplug the module from
main power.
2 Disconnect cables from the interface board connectors.
3 Loosen the screws. Slide out the interface board from the module.
4 Install the new interface board. Secure screws.
5 Reconnect the cables to the board connector.
Preparations Read update documentation provided with the Firmware Update Tool.
The G1312B Binary-SL requires firmware revision A.06.02 or above (main and resident).
Due to a different hardware platform, there is no way to convert a G1314D VWD and the
NOTE G1314E VWD SL Plus to a G1314A/B VWD or G1314C VWD SL.
Exchanging Internal Parts 146
Warnings and Cautions 147
Removing the Top Cover and Foam 149
Exchanging the High Pressure Pump Main Board (HPM Board) 152
Changing Type and Serial Number 156
Exchanging the Damper 168
Exchanging the Fan 170
Exchanging a Pump Drive 173
Exchanging the Power Supply 177
Exchanging the Leak Sensor 182
Exchanging Status Light Pipe 184
Assembling the Main Cover 185
Replacing the Top Cover and Foam 186
The procedures in this section describe how to exchange internal parts. You
must remove the binary pump from the stack in order to open the main cover.
“Exchanging the High Pressure Pump Main If defective Error messages are generated
Board (HPM Board)” on page 152
“Exchanging the Fan” on page 170 If defective Fan not running; error message “Fan Failed” is
“Exchanging a Pump Drive” on page 173 If mechanically blocked Error messages are generated
or defective
“Exchanging the Leak Sensor” on page 182 If defective Leak messages without leak in the funnel
“Exchanging Status Light Pipe” on page 184 If broken
Module is partially energized when switched off, as long as the power cord is
plugged in.
Risk of stroke and other personal injury. Repair work at the module can lead to
personal injuries, e. g. shock hazard, when the module cover is opened and the
instrument is connected to power.
➔ Never perform any adjustment, maintenance or repair of the module with the top
cover removed and with the power cord plugged in.
➔ The security lever at the power input socket prevents that the module cover is taken
off when line power is still connected. Never plug the power line back in when cover
is removed.
The electronics of the pump will not allow operation when the top cover and the top foam
NOTE are removed. A safety light switch on the main board will inhibit the operation of the pump.
Always operate the pump with the top foam and top covers in place.
1 Remove the front cover by pressing the clip fastener on 2 Unplug the power cord and move the lever towards the
both sides of the cover. power socket.
3 Lift the clips on both sides of the top cover (1). Remove 4 Unscrew the screws on the top plate and remove the
the top cover (2). plate by lifting its back first and then sliding to the front.
' HXgZlh
' &
5 If an optional interface board is installed, remove it from 6 Remove the top foam.
the binary pump.
Do not connect a power plug to the binary pump module after A safety light switch on the main board will prevent operation
removing the top covers. when the covers are removed.
The RFI spring plate sitting on the board connectors is very sharp
If touched, you risk to cut hands or fingers.
➔ Be careful especially when removing it from the old board and sliding it onto the
new board.
1 Turn OFF the pump, disconnect all cables and remove the pump from the
2 Remove the top covers and foam, see “Removing the Top Cover and
Foam” on page 149.
J27 Encoder B
?', ?(%
Figure 28 Board Layout of the HPM Board
4 Remove the connector screws from the GPIB, Remote and the analog
pressure output connector.
5 Remove the board. Place the board on the ESD kit.
6 In most cases the RFI spring plate (Radio Frequency Interference spring
plate, prevents radio emissions from the instrument to ambient) remains on
the interface connectors of the board. Carefully remove the spring plate
from the old board and slide it onto the new board before installing the
board in the pump (the RFI spring plate is NOT part of an exchange board).
If you have to exchange other parts also, continue with that work, first.
7 On the new board check the switch setting of address switch S1, see
“Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch” on page 252.
An incorrect switch setting (e.g., TEST/BOOT) may cause the pump to turn into a basic
NOTE mode (yellow or red flashing status light). In such a case turn off the pump, re-set the
address switches, and turn on the pump again.
8 Install the new board and reconnect the connectors. Make sure that the
board is fitted correctly in the board recess holes at the rear panel.
Please make sure that J27 is not accidentally connected into the position of J24/J25
NOTE (possible on revision A and B boards). This will damage the encoder of pump drive B when
turned on.
10 Replace foam and top covers, see “Replacing the Top Cover and Foam” on
page 186.
11 Reinstall the pump in the stack. Reconnect all cables. Turn on the binary
pump. If the status indicator turns red, continue with the section “Changing
Type and Serial Number” on page 156, otherwhise continue with the
section “Using the Control Module G1323B” on page 161.
If the type (product number) was entered incorrectly, the module may become unusable.
NOTE Proceed to “Overview” on page 163.
With firmware A.06.02/B.01.02 and above a wrong type cannot be entered. The entry is
NOTE checked against the board revision.
Some Agilent 1100/1200 series modules require the correct main board version to match
NOTE the type, for example the SL modules.
1 To enter a module serial number, type the following command into the
command line:
print sendmodule$(Lxxx, "ser ‘YYNNNNNNNN’")
print sendmodule$(Nxxx, "ser ‘YYNNNNNNNN’")
where: xxx is the module type, YY is country code (in capital letters) and
NNNNNNNN the 8-character serial number of the module in question.
Table 13 ChemStation Command Format - Serial Number Change
Modules with or without optional interface board Modules with LAN on-board
The reply line will respond with RA 0000 SER followed by the module serial
number you just entered.
2 To change the type of the module use the following command:
print sendmodule$(Lxxx, "TYPE 'XXXXX'")
print sendmodule$(Nxxx, "TYPE 'XXXXX'")
where: xxx is the module type and XXXXX is the 5-character product
number of the module (e.g. G1314B).
Modules with or without optional interface board Modules with LAN on-board
Some Agilent 1100/1200 series modules require the correct main board version to match
NOTE the type, for example the SL modules.
3 Power cycle the module. Then, restart the Agilent ChemStation. If the serial
number you have just entered is different than the original module serial
number, you will be given the opportunity to edit the configure 1200 access
screen during the restart of the Agilent ChemStation.
4 After restart, the serial number/type you have just entered can be seen
under the Instrument menu of the main user interface screen.
Some Agilent 1100/1200 series modules require the correct main board version to match
NOTE the type, for example the SL modules.
8 Press Tests (F3) and select the module and press Enter.
9 While in the Tests screen, press m.m (m dot m).
10 From the box now displayed, select the Command, and press Enter.
11 Into the box labeled Nester (instruction), enter the command TYPE 'XXXXXX'
where XXXXXX is embedded in single-quotes.
Letters and numbers are created using the up and down arrows. XXXXX is
the 5-character product number of the module being changed. There must
be a space between the word TYPE and the product number.
Some Agilent 1100/1200 series modules require the correct main board version to match
NOTE the type, for example the SL modules.
12 Now, press the Execute key. Below the box, a reply line should then say:
Reply RA 0000 TYPE "XXXXX" (XXXXX is what you just entered)
13 Power cycle the module. Turn on should be normal. In the Records screen,
the product# column should indicate the module you just entered. If an
other User Interface is also connected, start it now.
The following situations may come up where the instrument is no longer
usable due to
• an incorrect type (product number) entry after the replacement of a main
board of the module.
• load of wrong firmware based on the wrong type.
With firmware A.06.02/B.01.02 and above a wrong type cannot be entered. The entry is
NOTE checked against the board revision.
User Interface incorrect but valid type incorrect but valid type incorrect and invalid type
Example Conditions correct type = G1315B correct type = G1315B correct type = G1315B
entered type = G1314B entered type = G1314B entered type = G1319B
plus wrong firmware from
ChemStation shows the incorrect product does not show the module does not show the incorrect
number NO access to the module is product number
Interface shows the settings of possible NO access at all to the module
the G1314B Use “Recover with LMD (Type is possible
Type can be changed via & Firmware)” on page 165 Use “Recover with LMD (Type
command line as described Only)” on page 165
under “Recover with Agilent
ChemStation” on page 166
User Interface incorrect but valid type incorrect but valid type incorrect and invalid type
Instant Pilot G4208A comes up with an error shows resident module comes up with an error
access to the module is G1314B-R unsupported module G1319B
possible via Service Mode as NO type change possible access to the module is
described under “Recover with Use “Recover with LMD (Type possible via Service Mode as
Instant Pilot” on page 166 & Firmware)” on page 165 described in “Recover with
Instant Pilot” on page 166
Control Module comes up with an error shows resident or unsupported shows resident or unsupported
G1323 NO access to the module is module module
possible NO type change possible access to the module is
Use “Recover with LMD (Type Use “Recover with LMD (Type possible via Tests as described
Only)” on page 165 & Firmware)” on page 165 in “Recover with Control
Module” on page 167
LMD Software shows the incorrect product shows the incorrect product shows the incorrect product
(preferred tool) number number number
access to the module is access to the module is access to the module is
possible as described in possible as described in possible as described in
“Recover with LMD (Type “Recover with LMD (Type “Recover with LMD (Type
Only)” on page 165 Only)” on page 165 Only)” on page 165
If wrong firmware has been
loaded in addition, only the
LMD Software can revert to
correct product number as
described in “Recover with
LMD (Type & Firmware)” on
page 165
7 After a power cycle the module should show up with the correct product
number (type) in the user interface.
5 After a power cycle the module should show up with the correct product
number (type) in the user interface.
Do not totally remove the Z-panel when the damper is in its place. The heavy damper may
NOTE fall down.
1 Remove the front cover, top cover and top foam section 2 Disconnect both active inlet valve cables and disconnect
(see “Removing the Top Cover and Foam” on page 149). the two damper capillaries. Disconnect the damper
connector (J24) at the main board. Unclip the mixing
chamber from its holder.
3 Loosen the screws of the Z-panel, fold it forward and 4 Replace the Z-panel and the new damper and fix it with
remove the damper. the two screws. Reconnect the damper connector (J24) at
the main board.
9VbeZg 9VbeZg
O"eVcZa O"eVcZa
5 Reconnect the damper capillaries. Plug the mixing 6 Replace the top foam section, optional interface board,
chamber back into its holder. Reconnect the two AIV front cover, and top cover (see “Replacing the Top Cover
cables to the Z-panel. and Foam” on page 186).
1 Remove the front cover, top cover and top foam section 2 Disconnect the capillaries from pump head B. Disconnect
(see “Removing the Top Cover and Foam” on page 149). both active inlet valve cables and disconnect the two
damper capillaries. Disconnect the damper connector
(J24) at the main board. Unclip the mixing chamber from
its holder.
3 Loosen the screws of the Z-panel, tilt it forward and 4 Disconnect the cables of pump B (J12, J27) from the main
remove the damper. Disconnect the two flat cables of the board and lift out the complete assembly.
active inlet valve connector at the main board (J19, J28)
and remove the Z-panel.
5 Disconnect the fan cable (J25) at the main board and slide 6 Place the new fan into the recess and connect to the main
the fan towards the front and move it out of the unit. board (J25). Make sure that the air flow is directed as
indicated (arrow on the fan points in the same direction
as on the foam).
7 Place pump B back into its recess and connect to the 8 Replace the Z-panel and the damper and fix it with the
main board. two screws. Reconnect the damper connector (J24) and
the AIV cables at the main board (J19, J28).
9 Reconnect all capillaries at pump head B and the two 10 Replace the top foam section, optional interface board,
connectors for the active inlet valves. Fix the mixing front cover, and top cover (see “Replacing the Top Cover
chamber in the clip at the Z-panel. and Foam” on page 186).
1 Switch off the pump at the main power switch, remove all 2 Disconnect all capillaries and the waste tubing from the
cables and tubings, remove the pump from the stack. pump head and damper and disconnect the active inlet
Remove the front cover, top cover and top foam section valve connectors of both pumps. Unclip the mixing
(see “Removing the Top Cover and Foam” on page 149). chamber from its holder.
3 Using a 4-mm hexagonal key, stepwise loosen and 4 Loosen the two screws from the Z-panel, tilt it forward,
remove the two pump head screws and remove the pump disconnect the damper at the main board (J24) and
head from the pump drive. remove it. Disconnect the two active inlet valve connector
cables from the main board(J19, J28)and put the Z-panel
5 Disconnect the pump drive cables (J16, J17 or J12, J27) 6 Place the new pump drive into the recess in the foam part
from the main board and lift the pump drive out of the and connect the cables to the connectors on the main
foam. board (J16, J17 or J12, J28).
7 Replace the damper and the Z-panel and secure it with 8 Reinstall the pump heads and secure with the two
the two screws. Reconnect the cables to the main board screws.
(J19, J28).
9 Reconnect all capillaries and cables. Secure the mixing chamber in its holder.
1 Disconnect all cables and capillaries, remove the pump 2 Disconnect all capillaries, tubes and connectors from the
from stack, remove the front cover, top cover and top two pump heads and the damper. Remove the mixing
foam section (see “Removing the Top Cover and chamber from its holder.
Foam” on page 149).
3 Disconnect the connectors of the active inlet valve and 4 Disconnect both pumps from the main board (J16, J17,
the damper from the main board (J19, J24, J28), loosen J12, J28) and lift them out of the foam.
the Z-panel screws and take out the damper. Remove the
5 Remove the solvent selection valve assembly and its 6 Remove the HPM board after having disconnected the
connectors, see “Exchanging the Solvent Selection remaining connectors, see “Exchanging the High
Valve” on page 126, if installed). Pressure Pump Main Board (HPM Board)” on page 152.
7 Push the leak sensor cable through the recess of the 8 Loosen and remove the power-supply screws at the rear
solvent selection valve and lift out the bottom foam. panel.
9 Unclip the power supply light pipe from the power supply 10 Lift the power supply out of the unit.
and pull out the coupler.
' &
11 Place the new power supply into the instrument and fix it 12 Place the coupler onto the switch in the power supply and
with the two screws at the rear panel. clip the light pipe back onto the coupler.
13 Slide the leak sensor cable through the bottom foam. 14 Reinstall the main board and reconnect all cables, see
Replace the bottom foam and fix the leak sensor cable in “Exchanging the High Pressure Pump Main Board (HPM
the foam. Make sure the leak sensor cable is not Board)” on page 152.
damaged by the sheet metal.
15 Re-install solvent selection valve, if present (see 16 Replace the two pump units and connect to the main
“Exchanging the Solvent Selection Valve” on page 126). board (J16, J17, J12, J27).
17 Place Z-panel into its position and replace the damper. Fix 18 Reconnect all capillaries, tubes and cables to the pump
the Z-panel and reconnect the cables at the main board heads and the damper. Fix the mixing chamber in its
(J19, J28, J24). holder.
9VbeZg 9VbeZg
1 Remove the top covers and foam, see “Removing the Top Cover and
Foam” on page 149.
2 Remove the main board, see “Exchanging the High Pressure Pump Main
Board (HPM Board)” on page 152.
3 Remove pump units, damper and bottom foam, see “Exchanging the Power
Supply” on page 177 (step 1 through step 7).
4 Unclip the leak pan and place it in front of the instrument.
5 Pull the leak sensor out of the leak pan and lift the cable out of the metal
6 Place the new leak sensor into the leak pan, see Figure 30 on page 183 and
replace the pan. Make sure that the cable is located in the recess of the
bottom metal plate.
7 Reinstall the bottom foam. Make sure that the leak senor cable is guided
through the foam to the top side.
8 Replace the main board, see “Exchanging the High Pressure Pump Main
Board (HPM Board)” on page 152.
9 Replace the two pump assemblies, the damper and the Z-panel.
10 Replace top foam and top cover, “Replacing the Top Cover and Foam” on
page 186.
Preparations Remove the front cover and top cover, see “Removing the Top Cover and Foam” on page 149
1 The status light pipe is clipped into the top cover. Next Steps:
2 Replace the top cover, see “Replacing the Top Cover and
Foam” on page 186.
3 Replace the binary pump into the stack and reconnect the
cables and capillaries.
4 Turn ON the binary pump.
Wrong assembled
In case you insert the left or right side in the opposite position, you may not be able to
remove the side from the top part.
➔ Take care not to mix up left and right side.
1 Place the top part on the bench and insert the left and 2 Replace the cover.
right side into the top part.
Next Steps:
3 Replace the binary pump into the stack and reconnect the cables and capillaries.
4 Turn ON the binary pump.
Preparations Make sure that after your repair all assemblies, cables, capillaries and connectors are located in its
correct place.
1 Place the damper cable in a curve to the right side 2 Make sure that the foam is installed correctly and is
towards the active inlet valve cable of pump B. Replace located in the safety light switch.
the top foam section.
3 Location of foam in the light switch. 4 Replace the optional interface board or the board cover
5 Replace the metal cover (slide the metal tabs into place 6 Replace the top cover.
(1) underneath the Z-Panel in the front, then lower the
back of the metal plate (2)) and fix the two holding
7 Ensure clips are seated correctly, move lever back. 8 Replace the leak funnel with the waste tube. Locate the
lower end of the waste tube in the holder of the leak pan.
9 Place the binary pump back to its position in the stack, 10 Replace the front covers and reconnect the power cable
replace solvent cabinet and reconnect all tubes and to the binary pump. Switch on the binary pump .
capillaries (figure shows configuration with solvent
selection valve).
Parts and Materials for Maintenance
Parts and Materials 190
Pump-Head Assembly 194
Pump-Head Assembly with Seal Wash 196
Outlet Ball Valve Assembly 198
Purge Valve Assembly 199
Active Inlet Valve Assembly 200
Accessory Kit G1311-68705 201
Seal Wash Option G1312-68711 202
& ,
Table 16 Repair Parts — Pump Housing and Main Assemblies (Front View)
& ( )
* +!,
Pump-Head Assembly
12 Apdater G1312-23201
* &%
16 Apdater G1312-23201
18 Screw M5 60 mm lg 0515-2118
&' &,
. &+
* -
Wrench 14 mm 8710-1924
Seal wash pump assembly (includes pump casette and pump motor) 5065-9953
Gasket, wash seal (4 EA for binary pump) (for re-order pack of 6) 5062-2484
Parts for Repair
Solvent Cabinet 204
Bottle-Head Assembly 205
Hydraulic Path with Solvent Selection Valve 206
Hydraulic Path without Solvent Selection Valve 208
Cover Parts 210
Sheet Metal Kit 211
Foam Parts 212
Power and Status Light Pipes 213
Leak Parts 214
Solvent Cabinet
( )
Figure 38 Solvent Cabinet Parts
Bottle-Head Assembly
3 Mixer G1312-87330
& ' ( ) * + ,
&% . -
Figure 40 Hydraulic Path with Solvent Selection Valve
3 Mixer G1312-87330
& ' ( ) * + ,
&% . -
Cover Parts
1 Plastic cover kit (includes top, base and both sides) G1312-68713
&WVhZ &h^YZ
Figure 43 Sheet Metal Kit
Foam Parts
Leak Parts
) *
Identifying Cables
Cable Overview 216
Analog Cables 218
Remote Cables 221
BCD Cables 226
External Contact Cable 228
CAN/LAN Cables 229
Auxiliary Cable 230
RS-232 Cables 231
This chapter provides information on cables.
Cable Overview
Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure proper
NOTE functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.
LAN cable Twisted pair cross over LAN cable, (shielded 3m long) (for 5023-0203
point to point connection)
Twisted pair cross over LAN cable, (shielded 7m long) (for 5023-0202
point to point connection)
Analog Cables
1 Shield Ground
2 Not connected
3 Center Signal +
4 Connected to pin 6
5 Shield Analog -
6 Connected to pin 4
7 Key
8 Not connected
1 Not connected
2 Shield Analog -
3 Center Analog +
1 Not connected
2 Black Analog -
3 Red Analog +
Remote Cables
START and STOP are connected via diodes to pin 3 of the 3394 connector.
BCD Cables
Connector G1351-81600 Wire Color Pin Agilent Signal Name BCD Digit
Green 1 BCD 5 20
Violet 2 BCD 7 80
Blue 3 BCD 6 40
Yellow 4 BCD 4 10
Black 5 BCD 0 1
Orange 6 BCD 3 8
Red 7 BCD 2 4
Brown 8 BCD 1 2
not connected 14
1 1 BCD 5 20
2 2 BCD 7 80
3 3 BCD 6 40
4 4 BCD 4 10
5 5 BCD0 1
6 6 BCD 3 8
7 7 BCD 2 4
8 8 BCD 1 2
9 9 Digital ground
NC 15 +5V Low
5 1
10 6
15 11
One end of this cable provides a 15-pin plug to be connected to Agilent 1200
Series module’s interface board. The other end is for general purpose.
White 1 EXT 1
Brown 2 EXT 1
Green 3 EXT 2
Yellow 4 EXT 2
Grey 5 EXT 3
Pink 6 EXT 3
Blue 7 EXT 4
Red 8 EXT 4
CAN/LAN Cables
Both ends of this cable provide a modular plug to be connected to Agilent 1200
Series module’s CAN or LAN connectors.
CAN Cables
LAN Cables
Auxiliary Cable
White 1 Ground
Green 3
Yellow 4
Grey 5 DC + 5 V IN
Pink 6 Vent
RS-232 Cables
RS-232 cable, instrument to PC, 9-to-9 pin (female) This cable 24542U
has special pin-out, and is not compatible with connecting G1530-60600
printers and plotters.
RS-232 cable kit, 9-to-9 pin (female) and one adapter 9-pin 34398A
(male) 25-pin female. Suited for instrument to PC.
Cable Printer Serial & Parallel, is a SUB-D 9 pin female vs. 5181-1529
Centronics connector on the other end (NOT FOR FW
This kit contains a 9-pin female to 9-pin female Null Modem 34398A
(printer) cable and one adapter. Use the cable and adapter to
connect Agilent Technologies instruments with 9-pin male
RS-232 connectors to most PCs or printers.
Configuring the Binary Pump
High-Pressure Pump Main Board (HPM) 234
Block Diagrams 236
Firmware Description 239
Optional Interface Boards 242
Agilent 1200 Series Interfaces 246
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch 252
Main Power Supply Assembly (Standard) 257
The board controls all information and activities of all assemblies within the
binary pump. The operator enters parameters, changes modes and controls
the binary pump through interfaces (CAN, GPIB or RS-232C), connected to the
user-interfaces. Figure 48 on page 237 and Figure 47 on page 236 show block
diagrams of this board.
Motor Drive
There are two identical motor drives for the drive assemblies. Each drive
comprises motor control, motor amplifier (drive) and current control.
Pressure Converter
This block comprises a filter and amplifier for the pressure-sensor-signal, a
multiplexer, an A/D converter and an offset correction for the analog pressure
output signal. The output voltage is 2 mV/bar.
Leak Converter
This block comprises a PTC for the leak identification and a NTC for the
ambient temperature measurement. This assures that temperature changes
are not identified as leak. A leak would cool down the PTC and its change in
resistance results in a leak signal.
Fan Drive
The revolution of the fan is controlled by the main processor depending on the
internal heat distribution in the binary pump. The fan provides a PWM signal
which is proportional to the revolution. This fan status signal is used for
Electronic Fuses
The valve circuits are electronically fused on the board. Any error on the
board or shortages of the valves will activate the electronic fuses that will
switch off the supply voltage. This prevents the damage of components.
Onboard Battery
An onboard lithium battery buffers the electronic memories when the binary
pump is turned off. For safety information on lithium batteries, see “Lithium
Batteries Information” on page 265.
Block Diagrams
Ejbe 9g^kZ7
Bdidg7 ?
Xdcigda7 8dcigda
6Xi^kZ^caZi KVakZYg^kZ7
HHK6$HHK7 6H>8
6Xi^kZ^caZi KVakZYg^kZ6
Bdidg 9ViV$
8jggZci VYYgZhh
Xdcigda6 Xdcigda6
Ejbe 9g^kZ6
]ZVY6 Bdidg6
& '
;^aiZg EgZhhjgZ
6$9XdckZgiZg Vbea^[^Zg hZchdg 9VbeZg
VbW^Zci AZV`hZchdg
9g^kZ ;Vc
HHKkVakZ :aZXigdc^X
Yg^kZ6 ')K [jhZ
')K edlZg ?. EdlZg
hjeean hjeean
Firmware Description
Resident System
This resident section of the firmware is identical for all Agilent 1200 series
modules. Its properties are:
• the complete communication capabilities (CAN, LAN and RS-232C),
• memory management,
• ability to update the firmware of the 'main system'.
Main System
Its properties are:
• the complete communication capabilities (CAN, LAN and RS-232C),
• memory management,
• ability to update the firmware of the 'resident system'.
In addition the main system comprises the instrument functions that are
divided into common functions like
• run synchronization through APG remote
• error handling,
• diagnostic functions,
• or module specific functions like
• internal events such as lamp control, filter movements,
• raw data collection and conversion to absorbance.
Firmware Updates
Firmware updates can be done using your user interface:
• PC and Firmware Update Tool with local files on the hard disk or.
• Instant Pilot (G4208A) with files from a USB Flash Disk or
• handheld control module (G1323A/B) with files from a PC-card.
The file naming conventions are:
PPPP_RVVV_XX.dlb, where
PPPP is the product number, for example, 1315AB for the G1315A/B DAD,
R the firmware revision, for example, A for G1315B or B for the G1315C DAD,
VVV is the revision number, for example 102 is revision 1.02
XX is the build number of the firmware
For instructions on firmware updates refer to sectionReplacing Firmware in
chapterMaintenance or use the documentation provided with theFirmware
Update Tools.
Update of main system can be done in the resident system only. Update of the resident
NOTE system can be done in the main system only.
GZh^YZciHnhiZb BV^cHnhiZb
Some 1200 series modules are limited in downgrading due to their main board version or
NOTE their initial firmware revision. For example, a G1315C DAD SL cannot be downgraded below
firmware revision B.01.02 or to a A.xx.xx.
Some 1200 series SL-modules like the G1312B, G1314C, G1316B can be downgraded to
lower versions by converting the module into a lower version, for example a G1312B SL
pump is converted to a G1312A and looses the features of the G1312B.
All these specific informations are described in the documentation provided with the
firmware update tools.
The firmware update tools, firmware and documentation are available from
the Agilent web.
• http://www.chem.agilent.com/scripts/cag_firmware.asp.
The BCD board provides a BCD output for the bottle number of the
Agilent 1200 Series autosampler and four external contacts. The external
contact closure contacts are relay contacts. The maximum settings are: 30 V
(AC/DC); 250 mA (fused).
^YZci^[^XVi^dc G;>[^aiZg
EgdXZhhdg 789 789
^ciZg[VXZ gZ\^hiZg XdccZXidg
:miZgcVa )m :miZgcVa
XdciVXih XdciVXi
There are general purpose cables available to connect the BCD output, see
“BCD Cables” on page 226 and the external outputs, see “External Contact
Cable” on page 228 to external devices.
1 BCD 5 20
2 BCD 7 80
3 BCD 6 40
4 BCD 4 10
5 BCD 0 1
6 BCD 3 8
7 BCD 2 4
8 BCD 1 2
9 Digital ground
10 BCD 11 800
11 BCD 10 400
12 BCD 9 200
13 BCD 8 100
15 +5V Low
One board is required per Agilent 1200 stack. It is recommended to add the LAN board to
NOTE the detector with highest data rate.
For the configuration of the G1369A Lan Communication Interface card refer to its
NOTE documenation.
The following cards can be used with the Agilent 1200 Series modules.
G1369A Agilent Technologies Fast Ethernet, Ethernet/802.3, RJ-45 (10/100Base-TX) recommended for
G1369-60001 re-ordering
J4100A (*) Hewlett Packard Fast Ethernet, Ethernet/802.3, RJ-45 (10/100Base-TX) + BNC (10Base2)
These cards (*) may be no longer orderable. Minimum firmware of these Hewlett Packard
NOTE JetDirect cards is A.05.05.
Cross-over network cable (shielded, 3 m long), (for point to point connection) 5023-0203
Twisted pair network cable (shielded, 7 m long) (for hub connections) 5023-0202
Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure proper
NOTE functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.
The CAN is inter-module communication interface. It is a 2-wire serial bus
system supporting high speed data communication and real-time requirement.
The 1100/1200 modules have either an interface slot for an LAN card (e.g.
Agilent G1369A LAN Interface) or they have an on-board LAN interface (e.g.
detectors G1315C/D DAD and G1365C/D MWD). This interface allows the
control of the module/system via a connected PC with the appropriate control
software (e.g. Agilent ChemStation).
This interface is not available in all modules and may be removed from the
modules in future.
The GPIB connector is used to connect the module with a computer. The
address and control switches next to the GPIB connector determine the GPIB
address of your module. The switches are preset to a default address and
recognized by the operating software from Agilent Technologies.
RS-232C (Serial)
The RS-232C connector is used to control the module from a computer
through RS-232C connection, using the appropriate software. This connector
can be configured with the configuration switch module next to the GPIB
The RS-232C is designed as DCE (data communication equipment) with a
9-pin male SUB-D type connector. The pins are defined as:
>chigjbZci E8
APG Remote
The APG Remote connector may be used in combination with other analytical
instruments from Agilent Technologies if you want to use features as common
shut down, prepare, and so on.
Remote control allows easy connection between single instruments or systems
to ensure coordinated analysis with simple coupling requirements.
The subminiature D connector is used. The module provides one remote
connector which is inputs/outputs (wired-or technique).
To provide maximum safety within a distributed analysis system, one line is
dedicated to SHUT DOWN the system’s critical parts in case any module
detects a serious problem. To detect whether all participating modules are
switched on or properly powered, one line is defined to summarize the
POWER ON state of all connected modules. Control of analysis is maintained
by signal readiness READY for next analysis, followed by START of run and
optional STOP of run triggered on the respective lines. In addition PREPARE
and START REQUEST may be issued. The signal level are defined as:
• standard TTL levels (0 V is logic true, + 5 V is false)
• fan-out is 10,
• input load is 2.2 kOhm against + 5 V, and
• output are open collector type, inputs/outputs (wired-or technique).
All common TTL circuits operate with a 5 volt power supply. A TTL signal is defined as
NOTE "low" or L when between 0 V and 0.8 V and "high" or H when between 2.0 V and 5 V (with
respect to the ground terminal).
2 PREPARE (L) Request to prepare for analysis (for example, calibration, detector
lamp on). Receiver is any module performing pre-analysis activities.
4 SHUT DOWN (L) System has serious problem (for example, leak: stops pump).
Receiver is any module capable to reduce safety risk.
5 Not used
6 POWER ON (H) All modules connected to system are switched on. Receiver is any
module relying on operation of others.
7 READY (H) System is ready for next analysis. Receiver is any sequence
8 STOP (L) Request to reach system ready state as soon as possible (for
example, stop run, abort or finish and stop injection). Receiver is any
module performing run-time controlled activities.
9 START REQUEST (L) Request to start injection cycle (for example, by start key on any
module). Receiver is the autosampler.
Special Interfaces
Some 1100/1200 modules have module specific interfaces/connectors. They
are described in the module documentation.
The 8-bit configuration switch is located next to the GPIB connector. Switch
settings provide configuration parameters for GPIB address, serial
communication protocol and instrument specific initialization procedures.
ejbe &
Mode Select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Reserved 1 0 Reserv
Switches 1 and 2 define which set of parameters (for example, for GPIB,
RS-232C, and so on) will be changed. Once the change has been completed, the
instrument must be powered up again in order to store the values in the
non-volatile memory.
Mode Select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Use the following tables for selecting the setting which you want to use for
RS-232C communication. The number 0 means that the switch is down and 1
means that the switch is up.
3 4 5 3 4 5
0 0 1 1200 1 0 1 14400
0 1 0 2400 1 1 0 19200
0 1 1 4800 1 1 1 38400
0 7 Bit Communication
1 8 Bit Communication
One start bit and one stop bit are always used (not selectable).
Per default, the module will turn into 19200 baud, 8 data bit with no parity.
Switches Parity
7 8
0 0 No Parity
0 1 Odd Parity
1 0 Even Parity
Forced cold start erases all methods and data stored in the non-volatile memory. Exceptions
NOTE are diagnose and repair log books which will not be erased.
If you use the following switch settings and power the instrument up again, a
forced cold start has been completed.
Mode Select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
TEST/BOOT 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Stay-Resident Settings
Firmware update procedures may require this mode in case of firmware
loading errors.
Switches 1 and 2 do not force storage of this set of parameters in non-volatile
memory. Returning switches 1 and 2 to other positions (other than being both
up) will allow for normal operation.
If you use the following switch settings and power the instrument up again,
the instrument firmware stays in the resident part, that is, it is not operable as
a specific module. It only uses basic functions of the operating system for
example, for communication.
Mode Select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
TEST/BOOT 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
The main power supply comprises a closed assembly and must not be
disassembled further for safety reasons. In case of a defect, the entire power
supply needs to be replaced.
The power supply provides all DC voltages used in the module. The line voltage
can vary in a range from 100 – 240 volts AC ± 10 % and needs no manual
hl^iX]^c\ *K$(6
a^cZVg &*K$#(6
gZ\jaVidgh "&*K$#(6
To disconnect the instrument from line, unplug the power cord. The power supply still uses
NOTE some power, even if the power switch on the front panel is turned off.
No accessible hardware fuse is needed because the main power supply is safe
against any short circuits or overload conditions on the output lines. When
overload conditions occur, the power supply turns off all output voltages.
Turning the line power off and on again resets the power supply to normal
operation if the cause of the overload condition has been removed.
Pin 2 AGND
Pin 5 PGND
Pin 6 PGND
Pin 11 DGND
Pin 12 + 5 VDC
General Safety Information 260
General 260
Operation 261
Safety Symbols 263
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
(2002/96/EC) 264
Lithium Batteries Information 265
Radio Interference 266
Radio interference at unscreened cables 266
Sound Emission 267
Sound Emission 267
Agilent Technologies on Internet 268
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of
operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with these
precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety
standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Agilent
Technologies assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with
these requirements.
This is a Safety Class I instrument (provided with terminal for protective
earthing) and has been manufactured and tested according to international
safety standards.
Before applying power, comply with the installation section. Additionally the
following must be observed.
Do not remove instrument covers when operating. Before the instrument is
switched on, all protective earth terminals, extension cords,
auto-transformers, and devices connected to it must be connected to a
protective earth via a ground socket. Any interruption of the protective earth
grounding will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in serious
personal injury. Whenever it is likely that the protection has been impaired,
the instrument must be made inoperative and be secured against any intended
Make sure that only fuses with the required rated current and of the specified
type (normal blow, time delay, and so on) are used for replacement. The use of
repaired fuses and the short-circuiting of fuse holders must be avoided.
Some adjustments described in the manual, are made with power supplied to
the instrument, and protective covers removed. Energy available at many
points may, if contacted, result in personal injury.
Any adjustment, maintenance, and repair of the opened instrument under
voltage should be avoided whenever possible. When inevitable, this has to be
carried out by a skilled person who is aware of the hazard involved. Do not
attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of
rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present. Do not replace components
with power cable connected.
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.
Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a
definite safety hazard.
Do not install substitute parts or make any unauthorized modification to the
Capacitors inside the instrument may still be charged, even though the
instrument has been disconnected from its source of supply. Dangerous
voltages, capable of causing serious personal injury, are present in this
instrument. Use extreme caution when handling, testing and adjusting.
Safety Symbols
Table 48 Safety Symbols
Symbol Description
The apparatus is marked with this symbol when the user should refer to the instruction manual
in order to protect risk of harm to the operator and to protect the apparatus against damage.
Indicates eye damage may result from directly viewing the light produced by the deuterium lamp
used in this product.
The apparatus is marked with this symbol when hot surfaces are available and the user should
not touch it when heated up.
alerts you to situations that could cause physical injury or death.
➔ Do not proceed beyond a warning until you have fully understood and met the
indicated conditions.
alerts you to situations that could cause loss of data, or damage of equipment.
➔ Do not proceed beyond a caution until you have fully understood and met the
indicated conditions.
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
(2002/96/EC), adopted by EU Commission on 13 February 2003, is
introducing producer responsibility on all electric and electronic appliances
starting with 13 August 2005.
This product complies with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) marking requirements. The
NOTE affixed label indicates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic product in
domestic household waste.
Product Category:
With reference to the equipment types in the WEEE Directive Annex I, this product is
classed as a “Monitoring and Control Instrumentation” product.
Lithium batteries may not be disposed-off into the domestic waste. Transportation of
discharged Lithium batteries through carriers regulated by IATA/ICAO, ADR, RID,
IMDG is not allowed.
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
➔ Discharged Lithium batteries shall be disposed off locally according to national
waste disposal regulations for batteries.
➔ Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the equipment
Lithiumbatteri - Eksplosionsfare.
Ved udskiftning benyttes kun batteri som anbefalt av apparatfabrikanten.
➔ Brukt batteri returneres appararleverandoren.
Bij dit apparaat zijn batterijen geleverd. Wanneer deze leeg zijn, moet u ze niet weggooien
NOTE maar inleveren als KCA.
Radio Interference
Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Aligent Technologies to
ensure proper functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.
Sound Emission
Sound Emission
Manufacturer’s Declaration
This statement is provided to comply with the requirements of the German
Sound Emission Directive of 18 January 1991.
This product has a sound pressure emission (at the operator position) < 70 dB.
• Sound Pressure Lp < 70 dB (A)
• At Operator Position
• Normal Operation
• According to ISO 7779:1988/EN 27779/1991 (Type Test)
For the latest information on products and services visit our worldwide web
site on the Internet at:
Select “Products & Services” - “Life Sciences & Chemical Analysis Solutions”
It will provide also the latest firmware of the Agilent 1200 Series modules for
safety and maintenace 28 high pressure pump main board GPIB 248
firmware (HPM) 234 remote 250
description 239 highest injection precision 62 RS-232 249
download 268 high-pressure mixing 8 special 251
main system 239 hints for successful use 54 internet 268
resident system 239 HP JetDirect card 244 introduction to the pump 8
update tool 240 HPM board 152
updates 143, 240 humidity 26 L
upgade/downgrade 143
hydraulic path with solvent selection Lab Advisor
flow precision 27, 27 valve 206 software 70
flow range 27 hydraulic path without solvent selection laboratory bench 24
flow connections 43, 46 valve 208 lamp, power supply 72
foam parts 212 hydraulic system 27 lamp, status 72
foam 149, 186
Forced Cold Start I instrument status 73
settings 255 index limit 90 LAN
frequency range 26 index adjustment 91 cable 217, 229
frit 124 index missing 91 communication interface board 244
fuse 235 indicator, status 72 leak parts 214
fuses initialization failed 92 leak sensor short 78
none in the instrument 257 leak sensor open 78
initialization 12, 12
on BCD board 242
inlet-valve fuse 85 leak sensor 182
inlet-valve missing 88 leak test, evaluation 102
insert tool 138 leak test 71, 99
gas solubility 54 installation, pump module 36 leak converter 235
GPIB installation leak 77
cable 217 environment 25 light pipes 213
default addresses 253
Instant Pilot line frequency 26
interface 248
changing serial number and line voltage 26
gradient formation 27 type 160 liquimeter 131
recover type 166 lithium batteries 265
H instrument status LMD
hex key set 32 indicator 73 changing serial number and
hexagonal key, 3 mm 130, 133, 140 lamp 73 type 157
hexagonal key, 3 mm 128, 138 interface board 142 recover type and firmware 165
hexagonal key, 4 mm 130, 133, 140, interface cable 38 recovery type only 165
173 interface logbook 75
hexagonal key, 4 mm 128, 138, 177 analog signal output 249
CAN 248
unknown error 2055 81
unpacking the pump 30
vacuum degasser, operational hints 62
vacuum degasser, when to use 62
vacuum degasser 8, 28, 54
variable reluctance motor 11
variable stroke volume 14
velocity regulator 32
voltage range 26
wait timeout 93
wall socket 23
wash seals 115
wash seals 138
waste tube 32
weight 26
wrench 1/4 inch 96, 101, 121, 130
wrench 1/4 inch 124, 168, 170, 177,
wrench 14 mm 117, 119, 121, 152
wrench 14 mm 124, 182
wrench 5 mm 152
wrench 5 mm 182
wrench 7 mm 152
wrench 7 mm 182
wrench 1/4 inch 128
wrench, 1/4 - 5/16 inch 32
wrench, 14 mm 32
In This Book
Agilent Technologies