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Agilent 1260 Infinity Variable Wavelength Detector: User Manual

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Agilent 1260 Infinity

Variable Wavelength

User Manual

Agilent Technologies
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Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

In This Guide

In This Guide

This manual covers the Agilent 1260 Infinity Variable Wavelength Detectors
• G1314B Agilent 1260 Infinity Variable Wavelength Detector VL
• G1314C Agilent 1260 Infinity Variable Wavelength Detector VL+

1 Introduction to the Variable Wavelength Detector

This chapter gives an introduction to the detector, instrument overview
and internal connectors.

2 Site Requirements and Specifications

This chapter gives information on environmental requirements, physical
and performance specifications.

3 Installing the Detector

This chapter provides information on unpacking, checking on
completeness, stack considerations and installation of the module.

4 Using the Detector

This chapter provides information on how to set up the detector for an
analysis and explains the basic settings.

5 How to optimize the detector

This chapter gives hints on how to select the detector parameters and the
flow cell.

6 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics

Overview about the troubleshooting and diagnostic features.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 3

In This Guide

7 Error Information
This chapter describes the meaning of detector error messages, and
provides information on probable causes and suggested actions how to
recover from error conditions.

8 Test Functions
This chapter describes the detector’s built in test functions.

9 Maintenance
This chapter provides general information on maintenance and repair of
the detector.

10 Parts and Materials for Maintenance

This chapter provides information on parts for maintenance.

11 Identifying Cables
This chapter provides information on cables used with the Agilent 1200
Infinity Series modules.

12 Hardware Information
This chapter describes the detector in more detail on hardware and

13 Appendix
This chapter provides addition information on safety, legal and web.

4 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual



1 Introduction to the Variable Wavelength Detector 9

Introduction to the Detector 10
Optical System Overview 11
System Overview 16

2 Site Requirements and Specifications 19

Site Requirements 20
Physical Specifications 24
Performance Specifications 25

3 Installing the Detector 31

Unpacking the Detector 32
Optimizing the Stack Configuration 34
Installation Information on Leak and Waste Handling 39
Installing the Detector 43
Flow Connections to the Detector 46

4 Using the Detector 49

Leak and Waste Handling 50
Setting up an Analysis 51
Special Settings of the Detector 66

5 How to optimize the detector 73

Optimizing the Detector Performance 74
Match the Flow Cell to the Column 75
Set the Detector Parameters 78

6 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 79

Overview of the Detector’s Indicators and Test Functions 80
Status Indicators 81
Available Tests versus Interfaces 83
Agilent Lab Advisor Software 84

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 5


7 Error Information 85
What Are Error Messages 86
General Error Messages 87
Detector Error Messages 94

8 Test Functions 103

Intensity Test 104
Cell Test 106
Wavelength Verification-Calibration 108
ASTM Drift and Noise Test 110
Quick Noise Test 111
Dark Current Test 112
Holmium Oxide Test 114

9 Maintenance 117
Introduction to Maintenance 118
Warnings and Cautions 119
Overview of Maintenance 121
Cleaning the Module 122
Exchanging a Lamp 123
Exchanging a Flow Cell 126
Repairing the Flow Cells 128
Using the Cuvette Holder 130
Correcting Leaks 132
Replacing Leak Handling System Parts 133
Replacing the Interface Board 134
Replacing the Module’s Firmware 135

6 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual


10 Parts and Materials for Maintenance 137

Overview of Maintenance Parts 138
Standard Flow Cell 10 mm / 14 µL 139
Micro Flow Cell, 5 mm / 1 µL (only for support) 140
Micro Flow Cell 3 mm / 2 µL 142
Semi-micro Flow Cell 6 mm / 5 µL 144
High Pressure Flow Cell 10 mm / 14 µL 146
Cuvette Holder 148
Leak Parts 149
Kits 150

11 Identifying Cables 151

Cable Overview 152
Analog Cables 154
Remote Cables 156
BCD Cables 159
CAN/LAN Cables 161
RS-232 Cable Kit 162
External Contact Cable 163

12 Hardware Information 165

Firmware Description 166
Optional Interface Boards 169
Electrical Connections 172
Interfaces 175
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch (without On-board) LAN 182
Instrument Layout 187
Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) 188

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 7


13 Appendix 191
General Safety Information 192
Batteries Information 195
Radio Interference 196
Sound Emission 197
UV Radiation 198
Solvent Information 199
Declaration of Conformity for HOX2 Filter 201
Agilent Technologies on Internet 202

8 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Introduction to the Variable Wavelength
Introduction to the Detector 10
Optical System Overview 11
Flow Cell 12
G1314B/C Lamp 13
Source Lens Assembly 13
Entrance Slit Assembly 13
Filter Assembly 13
Mirror Assemblies M1 and M2 14
Grating Assembly 14
Beam Splitter Assembly 14
Photo Diodes Assemblies 15
Photo Diode ADC (analog-to-digital converter) 15
System Overview 16
Leak and Waste Handling 16

This chapter gives an introduction to the detector, instrument overview and

internal connectors.

Agilent Technologies 9
1 Introduction to the Variable Wavelength Detector
Introduction to the Detector

Introduction to the Detector

The Agilent 1260 Infinity variable wavelength detector is designed for

highest optical performance, GLP compliance and easy maintenance with:
• data rate up to , see “Peakwidth Settings” on page 71,
• 13 Hz for standard HPLC with G1314B VWD VL,
• 55 Hz for fast- HPLC G1314C VWD VL+,
• deuterium lamp for highest intensity and lowest detection limit over a
wavelength range of 190 to 600 nm,
• optional flow- cell cartridges (standard (10 mm, 14 µL), high pressure
(10 mm, 14 µL), micro (5 mm, 1 µL), semi- micro (6 mm, 5 µL)) are
available and can be used depending on the application needs,
• easy front access to lamp and flow cell for fast replacement, and
• built- in holmium oxide filter for fast wavelength accuracy verification.
For specifications refer to Table 4 on page 27.
Two version of the Agilent 1260 Infinity variable wavelength detector are

G1314B Agilent 1260 Infinity Variable Wavelength Detector VL

G1314C Agilent 1260 Infinity Variable Wavelength Detector VL+ high data rates for
fast HPLC

10 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Introduction to the Variable Wavelength Detector 1
Optical System Overview

Optical System Overview

The optical system of the detector is shown in the figure below. Its
radiation source is a deuterium- arc discharge lamp for the ultraviolet (UV)
wavelength range from 190 to 600 nm. The light beam from the deuterium
lamp passes through a lens, a filter assembly, an entrance slit, a spherical
mirror (M1), a grating, a second spherical mirror (M2), a beam splitter,
and finally through a flow cell to the sample diode. The beam through the
flow cell is absorbed depending on the solutions in the cell, in which UV
absorption takes place, and the intensity is converted to an electrical
signal by means of the sample photodiode. Part of the light is directed to
the reference photodiode by the beam splitter to obtain a reference signal
for compensation of intensity fluctuation of the light source. A slit in front
of the reference photodiode cuts out light of the sample bandwidth.
Wavelength selection is made by rotating the grating, which is driven
directly by a stepper motor. This configuration allows fast change of the
wavelength. The cutoff filter is moved into the lightpath above 370 nm to
reduce higher order light.




AZch B^ggdgB&


;adlXZaa <gVi^c\

7ZVbhea^iiZg B^ggdgB'


Figure 1 Optical Path of the Variable Wavelength Detector

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 11

1 Introduction to the Variable Wavelength Detector
Optical System Overview

Flow Cell
A variety of flow- cell cartridges can be inserted using the same quick and
simple mounting system.

Figure 2 Cartridge Type Flow Cell

Table 1 Flow Cell Data

STD Semi-micro Micro High Pressure

Maximum pressure 40 (4) 40 (4) 120 (12) 400 (40) bar

Path length 10 (conical) 6 (conical) 3 (conical) 10 (conical) mm

Volume 14 5 2 14 µL

Inlet i.d. 0.25 0.17 0.12 0.25 mm

Inlet length 750 250 310 750 mm

Outlet i.d. 0.30 0.17 0.17 0.17 mm

Outlet length 120 120 120 120 mm

Total volume 60.77 14.49 14.00 60.77 µL

Materials in contact SST, quartz, PTFE, SST, quartz, PTFE SST, quartz, PTFE SST, quartz, Kapton
with solvent PEEK

12 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Introduction to the Variable Wavelength Detector 1
Optical System Overview

G1314B/C Lamp
The light source for the UV wavelength range is a deuterium lamp. As a
result of plasma discharge in a low pressure deuterium gas, the lamp
emits light over the 190 to 600 nm wavelength range.

Source Lens Assembly

The source lens receives the light from the deuterium lamp and focuses it
onto the entrance slit.

Entrance Slit Assembly

The entrance slit assembly has an exchangeable slit. The standard one has
a 1- mm slit. For replacement and calibration purposes to optimize the
alignment, a slit with a hole is needed.

Filter Assembly
The filter assembly is electromechanically actuated. During wavelength
calibrations it moves into the light path.
The filter assembly has two filters installed and is processor- controlled.

OPEN nothing in light path

CUTOFF cut off filter in light path at λ > 370 nm

HOLMIUM holmium oxide filter for wavelength check

A photo sensor determines the correct position.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 13

1 Introduction to the Variable Wavelength Detector
Optical System Overview



Figure 3 Filter Assembly

Mirror Assemblies M1 and M2

The instrument contains two spherical mirrors (M1 and M2). The beam
adjustable is vertically and horizontally. Both mirrors are identical.

Grating Assembly
The grating separates the light beam into all its component wavelengths
and reflects the light onto mirror #2.

Beam Splitter Assembly

The beam splitter splits the light beam. One part goes directly to the
sample diode. The other part of the light beam goes to the reference

14 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Introduction to the Variable Wavelength Detector 1
Optical System Overview

Photo Diodes Assemblies

Two photo diode assemblies are installed in the optical unit. The sample
diode assembly is located on the left side of the optical unit. The
reference diode assembly is located in the front of the optical unit.

Photo Diode ADC (analog-to-digital converter)

The photo diode current is directly converted to digital data direct photo
current digitalization. The data is transferred to the detector main board .
The photo diode ADC boards are located close to the photo diodes.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 15

1 Introduction to the Variable Wavelength Detector
System Overview

System Overview

Leak and Waste Handling

The 1200 Infinity Series has been designed for safe leak and waste
handling. It is important that all security concepts are understood and
instructions are carefully followed.

16 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Introduction to the Variable Wavelength Detector 1
System Overview


' 6





Figure 4 Leak and waste handling concept (overview - typical stack configuration as an

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 17

1 Introduction to the Variable Wavelength Detector
System Overview

The solvent cabinet (1) is designed to store a maximum volume of 6 L

solvent. The maximum volume for an individual bottle stored in the
solvent cabinet should not exceed 2.5 L. For details, see the usage
guideline for the Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Solvent Cabinets (a printed
copy of the guideline has been shipped with the solvent cabinet, electronic
copies are available on the Internet).
The leak pan (2) (individually designed in each module) guides solvents to
the front of the module. The concept covers also leakages on internal
parts (e.g. the detector’s flow cell). The leak sensor in the leak pan stops
the running system as soon as the leak detection level is reached.
The leak pan's outlet port (3, A) guides excessive overfill from one module
to the next, as the solvent flows into the next module’s leak funnel (3, B)
and the connected corrugated waste tube (3, C). The corrugated waste
tube guides the solvent to the next lower positioned module’s leak tray
and sensor.
The waste tube of the sampler’s needle wash port (4) guides solvents to
The condense drain outlet of the autosampler cooler (5) guides condensate
to waste.
The waste tube of the purge valve (6) guides solvents to waste.
The waste tube connected to the leak pan outlet on each of the bottom
instruments (7) guides the solvent to a suitable waste container.

18 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements 20
Physical Specifications 24
Performance Specifications 25
Specification Conditions 29

This chapter gives information on environmental requirements, physical and

performance specifications.

Agilent Technologies 19
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements

Site Requirements

Site Requirements
A suitable environment is important to ensure optimal performance of the

Power Consideration
The detector power supply has wide ranging capabilities, see “Physical
Specifications” on page 24. It accepts any line voltage in the above
mentioned range. Consequently, there is no voltage selector in the rear of
the detector. There are also no externally accessible fuses, because
automatic electronic fuses are implemented in the power supply.

Instrument is partially energized when switched off

The power supply still uses some power, even when the power switch on the front
panel is turned OFF. Repair work at the detector can lead to personal injuries, e. g.
shock hazard, when the detector cover is opened and the instrument is connected to
➔ To disconnect the detector from the power line, unplug the power cord.

Hazard of electrical shock or damage of your instrumentation

can result, if the devices are connected to a line voltage higher than specified.
➔ Connect your instrument to the specified line voltage only.

20 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Site Requirements and Specifications 2
Site Requirements

Inaccessible power plug.

In case of emergency it must be possible to disconnect the instrument from the power
line at any time.
➔ Make sure the power connector of the instrument can be easily reached and
➔ Provide sufficient space behind the power socket of the instrument to unplug the

Power Cords
Different power cords are offered as options with the module. The female
end of all power cords is identical. It plugs into the power- input socket at
the rear. The male end of each power cord is different and designed to
match the wall socket of a particular country or region.

Absence of ground connection or use of unspecified power cord

The absence of ground connection or the use of unspecified power cord can lead to
electric shock or short circuit.
➔ Never operate your instrumentation from a power outlet that has no ground
➔ Never use a power cord other than the Agilent Technologies power cord designed
for your region.

Use of unsupplied cables

Using cables not supplied by Agilent Technologies can lead to damage of the
electronic components or personal injury.
➔ Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure
proper functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 21

2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Site Requirements

Unintended use of supplied power cords

Using power cords for unintended purposes can lead to personal injury or damage of
electronic equipment.
➔ Never use the power cords that Agilent Technologies supplies with this instrument
for any other equipment.

Bench Space
The detector dimensions and weight (see “Physical Specifications” on
page 24) allows you to place the detector on almost any desk or
laboratory bench. It needs an additional 2.5 cm (1.0 inch) of space on
either side and approximately 8 cm (3.1 inch) in the rear for air
circulation and electric connections.
If the bench should carry an Agilent 1200 Infinity Series system, make
sure that the bench is designed to bear the weight of all modules.
The detector should be operated in a horizontal position.

22 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Site Requirements and Specifications 2
Site Requirements

Your detector will work within the specifications at ambient temperatures
and relative humidity described in “Physical Specifications” on page 24.
ASTM drift tests require a temperature change below 2 °C/h (3.6 °F/h)
over one hour period. Our published drift specification (refer also to
“Performance Specifications G1314B” on page 25 or “Performance
Specifications G1314C” on page 27) is based on these conditions. Larger
ambient temperature changes will result in larger drift.
Better drift performance depends on better control of the temperature
fluctuations. To realize the highest performance, minimize the frequency
and the amplitude of the temperature changes to below 1 °C/h (1.8 °F/h).
Turbulences around one minute or less can be ignored.

Condensation within the module

Condensation will damage the system electronics.
➔ Do not store, ship or use your module under conditions where temperature
fluctuations could cause condensation within the module.
➔ If your module was shipped in cold weather, leave it in its box and allow it to warm
slowly to room temperature to avoid condensation.

This module is designed to operate in a typical electromagnetic environment, i.e. where RF

NOTE transmitters such as mobile telephones may not be used in close proximity.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 23

2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Physical Specifications

Physical Specifications

Table 2 Physical Specifications

Type Specification Comments

Weight 11 kg (25 lbs)

Dimensions 140 x 345 x 435 mm

(height × width × depth) (5.5 x 13.5 x 17 inches)

Line voltage 100 – 240 VAC, ± 10 % Wide-ranging


Line frequency 50 or 60 Hz, ± 5 %

Power consumption 220 VA, 85 W / 290 BTU Maximum

Ambient operating 0–55 °C (32–131 °F)


Ambient non-operating -40 – 70 °C (-40 – 158 °F)


Humidity < 95 % r.h. at 40 °C (104 °F) Non-condensing

Operating altitude Up to 2000 m (6562 ft)

Non-operating altitude Up to 4600 m (15091 ft) For storing the module

Safety standards: IEC, CSA, Installation category II, Pollution degree 2 For indoor use only.

24 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Site Requirements and Specifications 2
Performance Specifications

Performance Specifications

Performance Specifications G1314B

Table 3 Performance Specifications G1314B

Type Specification Comments

Detection type Double-beam photometer

Light source Deuterium lamp

Wavelength range 190 – 600 nm

Short term noise (ASTM) <± 0.5·10-5 AU at 254 nm See “Specification

Conditions” on page 29

Drift 3·10-4 AU/h at 254 nm See “Specification

Conditions” on page 29.

Linearity > 2 AU (5 %) upper limit See “Specification

Conditions” on page 29.

Wavelength accuracy ± 1 nm Self-calibration with

deuterium lines, verification
with holmium oxide filter

Maximum data rate 13 Hz

Band width 6.5 nm typical

Flow cells Standard: 14 µL volume, Can be repaired on component

10 mm cell path length and level
40 bar (580 psi) pressure
High pressure: 14 µL volume,
10 mm cell path length and
400 bar (5800 psi) pressure
Micro: 1 µL volume, 5 mm cell
path length and 40 bar
(580 psi) pressure maximum
Semi-micro: 5 µL volume,
6 mm cell path length and
40 bar (580 psi) pressure

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 25

2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Table 3 Performance Specifications G1314B

Type Specification Comments

Control and data evaluation Agilent ChemStation for LC

Analog outputs Recorder/integrator: 100 mV

or 1 V, output range 0.001 to
2 AU, one output

Communications Controller-area network

(CAN), RS-232C, APG Remote:
ready, start, stop and
shut-down signals, LAN
Safety and maintenance Extensive diagnostics, error
detection and display (through
Agilent ChemStation), leak
detection, safe leak handling,
leak output signal for
shutdown of pumping system.
Low voltages in major
maintenance areas.

GLP features Early maintenance feedback

(EMF) for continuous tracking
of instrument usage in terms
of lamp burn time with
user-settable limits and
feedback messages.
Electronic records of
maintenance and errors.
Verification of wavelength
accuracy with built-in holmium
oxide filter.

Housing All materials recyclable.

26 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Site Requirements and Specifications 2
Performance Specifications

Performance Specifications G1314C

Table 4 Performance Specifications G1314C

Type Specification Comments

Detection type Double-beam photometer

Light source Deuterium lamp

Wavelength range 190 – 600 nm

Short term noise (ASTM) <± 0.5·10-5 AU at 254 nm See “Specification

Conditions” on page 29

Drift 3·10-4 AU/h at 254 nm See “Specification

Conditions” on page 29.

Linearity > 2 AU (5 %) upper limit See “Specification

Conditions” on page 29.

Wavelength accuracy ± 1 nm Self-calibration with

deuterium lines, verification
with holmium oxide filter

Maximum data rate 55 Hz

Band width 6.5 nm typical

Flow cells Standard: 14 µL volume, Can be repaired on component

10 mm cell path length and level
40 bar (580 psi) pressure
High pressure: 14 µL volume,
10 mm cell path length and
400 bar (5800 psi) pressure
Micro: 1 µL volume, 5 mm cell
path length and 40 bar
(580 psi) pressure maximum
Semi-micro: 5 µL volume,
6 mm cell path length and
40 bar (580 psi) pressure

Control and data evaluation Agilent ChemStation for LC

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 27

2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

Table 4 Performance Specifications G1314C

Type Specification Comments

Analog outputs Recorder/integrator: 100 mV

or 1 V, output range 0.001 to
2 AU, one output

Communications Controller-area network

(CAN), RS-232C, APG Remote:
ready, start, stop and
shut-down signals, LAN

Safety and maintenance Extensive diagnostics, error

detection and display (through
Agilent ChemStation), leak
detection, safe leak handling,
leak output signal for
shutdown of pumping system.
Low voltages in major
maintenance areas.

GLP features Early maintenance feedback

(EMF) for continuous tracking
of instrument usage in terms
of lamp burn time with
user-settable limits and
feedback messages.
Electronic records of
maintenance and errors.
Verification of wavelength
accuracy with built-in holmium
oxide filter.

Housing All materials recyclable.

28 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Site Requirements and Specifications 2
Performance Specifications

Specification Conditions
ASTM: “Standard Practice for Variable Wavelength Photometric Detectors
Used in Liquid Chromatography”.
Reference conditions: Standard flow cell, path length 10 nm, flow
1 mL/min LC- grade methanol.
<± 0.5·10- 5 AU at 254 nm, TC 2 s, ASTM
RT = 2.2 * TC
Linearity is measured with caffeine at 265 nm.

The specifications are based on the standard lamp (G1314-60100) and may be not achieved
NOTE when other lamp types or aged lamps are used.

ASTM drift tests require a temperature change below 2 °C/hour

(3.6 F/hour) over one hour period. Our published drift specification is
based on these conditions. Larger ambient temperature changes will result
in larger drift.
Better drift performance depends on better control of the temperature
fluctuations. To realize the highest performance, minimize the frequency
and the amplitude of the temperature changes to below 1 °C/hour
(1.8 F/hour). Turbulences around one minute or less can be ignored.
Performance tests should be done with a completely warmed up optical
unit (> two hours). ASTM measurements require that the detector should
be turned on at least 24 hours before start of testing.

Time Constant versus Response Time

According to ASTM E1657- 98 „Standard Practice of Testing
Variable- Wavelength Photometric Detectors Used in Liquid
Chromatography” the time constant is converted to response time by
multiplying by the factor 2.2.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 29

2 Site Requirements and Specifications
Performance Specifications

30 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Installing the Detector
Unpacking the Detector 32
Unpacking the Detector 32
Delivery Checklist 33
Detector Accessory Kit Contents 33
Optimizing the Stack Configuration 34
One Stack Configuration 34
Two Stack Configuration 37
Installation Information on Leak and Waste Handling 39
Installing the Detector 43
Flow Connections to the Detector 46

This chapter provides information on unpacking, checking on completeness,

stack considerations and installation of the module.

Agilent Technologies 31
3 Installing the Detector
Unpacking the Detector

Unpacking the Detector

Damaged Packaging
If the delivery packaging shows signs of external damage, please call your
Agilent Technologies sales and service office immediately. Inform your
service representative that the instrument may have been damaged during

"Defective on arrival" problems

If there are signs of damage, please do not attempt to install the module. Inspection by
Agilent is required to evaluate if the instrument is in good condition or damaged.
➔ Notify your Agilent sales and service office about the damage.
➔ An Agilent service representative will inspect the instrument at your site and
initiate appropriate actions.

Condensation within the detector
Condensation will damage the system electronics.
➔ Do not store, ship or use your detector under conditions where temperature
fluctuations could cause condensation within the detector.
➔ If your detector was shipped in cold weather, leave it in its box and allow it to warm
up slowly to room temperature to avoid condensation.

32 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Installing the Detector 3
Unpacking the Detector

Delivery Checklist
Ensure all parts and materials have been delivered with the detector. The
delivery checklist is shown below. Please report missing or damaged parts
to your local Agilent Technologies sales and service office.

Table 5 Variable Wavelength Detector Checklist

Description Quantity

Variable wavelength detector 1

Power cable 1

Flow cell As ordered

User Manual on Documentation CD (part of the 1 per order

shipment - not module specific)

Accessory kit (see “Accessory Kit” on page 150) 1

Detector Accessory Kit Contents

The G1314B/C VWD is shipped with Accessory kit (G1314- 68755) (see
“Accessory Kit” on page 150).

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 33

3 Installing the Detector
Optimizing the Stack Configuration

Optimizing the Stack Configuration

If your module is part of a complete Agilent Liquid Chromatograph, you

can ensure optimum performance by installing the following
configurations. These configurations optimize the system flow path,
ensuring minimum delay volume.

One Stack Configuration

Ensure optimum performance by installing the modules of the Agilent
1260 Infinity LC System in the following configuration (See Figure 5 on
page 35 and Figure 6 on page 36). This configuration optimizes the flow
path for minimum delay volume and minimizes the bench space required.

34 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Installing the Detector 3
Optimizing the Stack Configuration








Figure 5 Recommended Stack Configuration for 1260 Infinity (Front View)

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 35

3 Installing the Detector
Optimizing the Stack Configuration






Figure 6 Recommended Stack Configuration for 1260 Infinity (Rear View)

36 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Installing the Detector 3
Optimizing the Stack Configuration

Two Stack Configuration

To avoid excessive height of the stack when the autosampler thermostat is
added to the system it is recommended to form two stacks. Some users
prefer the lower height of this arrangement even without the autosampler
thermostat. A slightly longer capillary is required between the pump and
autosampler. (See Figure 7 on page 37 and Figure 8 on page 38).








Figure 7 Recommended Two Stack Configuration for 1260 Infinity (Front View)

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 37

3 Installing the Detector
Optimizing the Stack Configuration







Figure 8 Recommended Two Stack Configuration for 1260 Infinity (Rear View)

38 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Installing the Detector 3
Installation Information on Leak and Waste Handling

Installation Information on Leak and Waste Handling

The Agilent 1200 Infinity Series has been designed for safe leak and waste
handling. It is important that all security concepts are understood and
instructions are carefully followed.

Toxic, flammable and hazardous solvents, samples and reagents

The handling of solvents, samples and reagents can hold health and safety risks.
➔ When working with these substances observe appropriate safety procedures (for
example by wearing goggles, safety gloves and protective clothing) as described in
the material handling and safety data sheet supplied by the vendor, and follow good
laboratory practice.
➔ The volume of substances should be reduced to the minimum required for the
➔ Never exceed the maximal permissible volume of solvents (6 L) in the solvent
➔ Do not use bottles that exceed the maximum permissible volume as specified in the
usage guideline for the Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Solvent Cabinets.
➔ Arrange the bottles as specified in the usage guideline for the solvent cabinet.
➔ A printed copy of the guideline has been shipped with the solvent cabinet,
electronic copies are available on the Internet.

Recommendations for Solvent Cabinet

For details, see the usage guideline for the Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Solvent Cabinets.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 39

3 Installing the Detector
Installation Information on Leak and Waste Handling


' 6





Figure 9 Leak and waste handling (overview - typical stack configuration as an

40 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Installing the Detector 3
Installation Information on Leak and Waste Handling

1 Solvent cabinet

2 Leak pan

3 Leak pan's outlet port (A), leak funnel (B) and corrugated waste tube (C)

4 Waste tube of the sampler’s needle wash

5 Condense drain outlet of the autosampler cooler

6 Waste tube of the purge valve

7 Waste tube

1 Stack the modules according to the adequate stack configuration.

The leak pan outlet of the upper module must be vertically positioned
above the leak tray of the lower module, see Figure 9 on page 40.
2 Connect data and power cables to the modules, see section Installing
the Module below.
3 Connect capillaries and tubes to the modules, see section Flow
Connections to the module below or the relevant system manual.

Toxic, flammable and hazardous solvents, samples and reagents

➔ Keep solvent path free from blockages.
➔ Keep the flow path closed (in case the pump in the system is equipped with a
passive inlet valve, solvent may leak out due to hydrostatic pressure, even if your
instrument is off).
➔ Avoid loops.
➔ Tubes must not sag.
➔ Do not bend tubes.
➔ Do not immerse tube end in waste liquid.
➔ Do not intubate tubes in other tubes.
➔ For correct tubing follow instructions on label attached to the module.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 41

3 Installing the Detector
Installation Information on Leak and Waste Handling

Figure 10 Warning label (illustration for correct waste tubing)

42 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Installing the Detector 3
Installing the Detector

Installing the Detector

Parts required # p/n Description

1 Detector
1 Power cord
1 LAN cable (cross-over or twisted pair network cable)
1 Agilent ChemStation or other control software
1 G4208A Instant Pilot

For other cables see below and section “Cable Overview” on page 152.
Instant Pilot (G4208A) is optional.

Preparations Other LC modules must have appropriate firmware installed to work with the detector.
• Locate bench space.
• Provide power connections.
• Unpack the detector.

Before adding the detector into an existing system assure that the existing modules have
NOTE been updated to firmware revision that is supported by the control software.

1 Install the LAN interface board in the detector (if required), see
“Replacing the Interface Board” on page 134
2 Place the detector in the stack or on the bench in a horizontal position.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 43

3 Installing the Detector
Installing the Detector

3 Ensure the line power switch at the front of the detector is OFF.



Figure 11 Front View of Detector

The figure above shows the flow cell already installed. The flow cell area is closed with a
NOTE cover. The flow cell has to be installed as described in “Flow Connections to the
Detector” on page 46.

4 Connect the power cable to the power connector at the rear of the
5 Connect the CAN cable to other Agilent 1260 Infinity modules.
6 If a Agilent ChemStation is the controller, connect the LAN connection
to the LAN interface board in the detector.

If an Agilent 1200 Infinity Series DAD/MWD/FLD is in the system, the LAN should be
NOTE connected to the DAD/MWD/FLD (due to higher data load).

7 Connect the analog cable (optional).

8 Connect the APG remote cable (optional) for non- Agilent 1260 Infinity

44 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Installing the Detector 3
Installing the Detector

9 Turn ON power by pushing the button at the lower left- hand side of the
detector. The status LED should be green.








Figure 12 Rear View of Detector

The detector is turned ON when the line power switch is pressed and the green indicator
NOTE lamp is illuminated. The detector is turned OFF when the line power switch is protruding
and the green light is OFF.

To disconnect the detector from line, unplug the power cord. The power supply still uses
NOTE some power, even if the power switch at the front panel is turned OFF.

The detector was shipped with default configuration settings. To change these settings,
NOTE see “Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch (without On-board) LAN” on page 182.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 45

3 Installing the Detector
Flow Connections to the Detector

Flow Connections to the Detector

Tools required Description

Wrench, 1/4 – 5/16 inch
(for capillary connections)

Parts required # p/n Description

1 G1314-68755 Accessory kit

Hardware required Other modules depend on system setup

Preparations Detector is installed in the LC system.

Toxic, flammable and hazardous solvents, samples and reagents

The handling of solvents, samples and reagents can hold health and safety risks.
➔ When working with these substances observe appropriate safety procedures (for
example by wearing goggles, safety gloves and protective clothing) as described in
the material handling and safety data sheet supplied by the vendor, and follow good
laboratory practice.
➔ The volume of substances should be reduced to the minimum required for the
➔ Do not operate the instrument in an explosive atmosphere.

The flow cell is shipped with a filling of isopropanol (also recommended when the
NOTE instrument and/or flow cell is shipped to another location). This is to avoid breakage due to
subambient conditions.

46 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Installing the Detector 3
Flow Connections to the Detector

1 Press the release buttons and remove the front cover to 2 Remove the plastic dummy cover.
have access to the lamp area. OR
If the detector uses a metal plate, loose the screws of the
flow cell dummy plate by turning each screw one turn.
Then unscrew the screws completely. This is required to
avoid any problem with helicoil insert in the casting.

3 Press the flow cell completely into the slot and tighten 4 Assemble the column-detector capillary. Depending on
the cell screws (both parallel) until the mechanical stop. the flow cell type it may be a PEEK or SST capillary.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 47

3 Installing the Detector
Flow Connections to the Detector

5 Connect the newly assembled fitting of the capillary to 6 Connect the PEEK waste capillary to the outlet
the inlet connector and connect the other end of the connector.
capillary to the column.

7 Establish a flow and observe for leakage. 8 Replace the front cover.

The installation of the detector is now complete.

The detector should be operated with the front cover in place to protect the flow cell area
NOTE against strong drafts from the outside.

48 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Using the Detector
Leak and Waste Handling 50
Setting up an Analysis 51
Before Using the System 51
Requirements and Conditions 53
Optimization of the System 55
Preparing the HPLC System 56
Running the Sample and Verifying the Results 65
Special Settings of the Detector 66
Control Settings 66
Online Spectra 67
Scanning with the VWD 68
Analog Output Settings 69
Special Setpoints 70

This chapter provides information on how to set up the detector for an analysis
and explains the basic settings.

Agilent Technologies 49
4 Using the Detector
Leak and Waste Handling

Leak and Waste Handling

Toxic, flammable and hazardous solvents, samples and reagents

The handling of solvents, samples and reagents can hold health and safety risks.
➔ When working with these substances observe appropriate safety procedures (for
example by wearing goggles, safety gloves and protective clothing) as described in
the material handling and safety data sheet supplied by the vendor, and follow good
laboratory practice.
➔ The volume of substances should be reduced to the minimum required for the
➔ Do not operate the instrument in an explosive atmosphere.
➔ Never exceed the maximal permissible volume of solvents (6 L) in the solvent
➔ Do not use bottles that exceed the maximum permissible volume as specified in the
usage guideline for the Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Solvent Cabinets.
➔ Arrange the bottles as specified in the usage guideline for the solvent cabinet.
➔ A printed copy of the guideline has been shipped with the solvent cabinet,
electronic copies are available on the Internet.
➔ The residual free volume in the appropriate waste container must be large enough
to collect the waste liquid.
➔ Check the filling level of the waste container regularly.
➔ To achieve maximal safety, check the correct installation regularly.

Recommendations for Solvent Cabinet

For details, see the usage guideline for the Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Solvent Cabinets.

For details on correct installation, see “Installation Information on Leak

and Waste Handling” on page 39.

50 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Using the Detector 4
Setting up an Analysis

Setting up an Analysis

This chapter can be used for

• preparing the system,
• to learn the set up of an HPLC analysis and
• to use it as an instrument check to demonstrate that all modules of the
system are correctly installed and connected. It is not a test of the
instrument performance.
• Learn about special settings

All descriptions are based on the Agilent ChemStation B.02.01. Newer versions may look
NOTE different.

Before Using the System

Solvent Information
Observe recommendations on the use of solvents in chapter “Solvents” in
the pump’s reference manual.

Priming and Purging the System

When the solvents have been exchanged or the pumping system has been
turned off for a certain time (for example, overnight) oxygen will
re- diffuse into the solvent channel between the solvent reservoir, vacuum
degasser (when available in the system) and the pump. Solvents containing
volatile ingredients will slightly lose these. Therefore priming of the
pumping system is required before starting an application.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 51

4 Using the Detector
Setting up an Analysis

Table 6 Choice of Priming Solvents for Different Purposes

Activity Solvent Comments

After an installation Isopropanol Best solvent to flush air out of the


When switching between reverse Isopropanol Best solvent to flush air out of the
phase and normal phase (both times) system

After an installation Ethanol or Methanol Alternative to Isopropanol (second

choice) if no Isopropanol is available

To clean the system when using Bidistilled water Best solvent to re-dissolve buffer
buffers crystals

After a solvent change Bidistilled water Best solvent to re-dissolve buffer


After the installation of normal phase Hexane + 5% Isopropanol Good wetting properties
seals (P/N 0905-1420)

The pump should never be used for priming empty tubings (never let the pump run dry). Use
NOTE a syringe to draw enough solvent for completely filling the tubings to the pump inlet before
continuing to prime with the pump.

1 Open the purge valve of your pump (by turning it counterclockwise)

and set flow rate to 3 – 5 mL/min.
2 Flush all tubes with at least 30 mL of solvent.
3 Set flow to required value of your application and close the purge

Pump for approximately 10 minutes before starting your application.


52 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Using the Detector 4
Setting up an Analysis

Requirements and Conditions

What You Will Need
The table below lists the items you need to have for the set up of the
analysis. Some of these are optional (not required for the basic system).

Table 7 What you will need

Agilent 1200 Pump (plus degassing)

Infinity Series


Detector, standard flow cell installed

Degasser (optional)

Column Compartment (optional)

Agilent ChemStation or
Instant Pilot G4208, optional for basic operation.

System should be correctly set up for LAN communication with the Agilent

Column: Zorbax Eclipse XDB-C18, 4.6 x 150 mm, 5 µm (993967-902) or an equivalent


Standard: Agilent isocratic checkout sample (01080-68704)

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 53

4 Using the Detector
Setting up an Analysis

A single injection of the isocratic test standard is made under the
conditions given in Table 8 on page 54:

Table 8 Conditions

Flow 1.5 mL/min

Stoptime 8 min

Solvent 100% (30% water/70% Acetonitrile)

Temperature Ambient

Wavelength sample 254 nm

Injection Volume 1 µL

Column Temperature (optional): 25 °C or ambient

54 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Using the Detector 4
Setting up an Analysis

Typical Chromatogram
A typical chromatogram for this analysis is shown in Figure 13 on
page 55. The exact profile of the chromatogram will depend on the
chromatographic conditions. Variations in solvent quality, column packing,
standard concentration and column temperature will all have a potential
effect on peak retention and response.

Figure 13 Typical Chromatogram with UV-detector

Optimization of the System

The settings used for this analysis are specific for this purpose. For other
applications the system can be optimized in various ways. Please refer to
the section “Optimizing the Detector Performance” on page 74.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 55

4 Using the Detector
Setting up an Analysis

Preparing the HPLC System

1 Turn on the Agilent ChemStation PC and the monitor.
2 Turn on the modules.
3 Start the Agilent ChemStation software. If the pump, autosampler,
thermostatted column compartment and detector are found, the Agilent
ChemStation screen should look like shown in Figure 14 on page 56.
The System status is red (Not Ready).

Dca^cZeadil^cYdl YZiV^ahl^cYdl

Figure 14 Initial Agilent ChemStation screen (Method and Run Control)

56 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Using the Detector 4
Setting up an Analysis

4 Turn on the detector lamp, pump and autosampler by clicking the

System On button or the buttons below the module icons on the
graphical user interface (GUI).
After some time, the pump, thermostatted column compartment and
detector module will turn to green.

Figure 15 Turning on the HPLC Module

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 57

4 Using the Detector
Setting up an Analysis

5 Purge the pump. For more information “Priming and Purging the
System” on page 51.
6 Allow the detector to warm up of at least 60 minutes to provide a
stable baseline (see example in Figure 16 on page 58).

Figure 16 Stabilization of Baseline

For reproducible chromatography, the detector and lamp should be on for at least one hour.
NOTE Otherwise the detector baseline may still drift (depending on the environment).

7 For the isocratic pump, fill the solvent bottle with the mixture of
HPLC- grade bi- distilled water (30 %) and acetonitrile (70 %). For
binary- and quaternary pumps you can use separate bottles.

58 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Using the Detector 4
Setting up an Analysis

8 Click on the Load Method button, select DEF_LC.M and press OK.
Alternatively, double- click on the method in the method window. The
default LC method parameters are transferred into the modules.

Figure 17 Loading Default LC Method

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 59

4 Using the Detector
Setting up an Analysis

9 Click on the module icons (Figure 18 on page 60) and open the Setup of
these modules. Figure 19 on page 61 shows the detector settings (do
not change the detector parameters at this time).

Figure 18 Open the module menu

10 Enter the pump parameters mentioned under Table 8 on page 54

60 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Using the Detector 4
Setting up an Analysis

• 1 signal with individual wavelength setting

• stop and post time can be set (if required)
• peakwidth depends on the peaks in the
chromatogram, see “Peakwidth Settings” on
page 71.

• time table for programmable actions during the run

• Zero Offset Limits: 1 – 99 % in steps of 1 %

• Attenuation Limits: 0.98 – 4000 mAU at discrete

values for either 100 mV or 1 V full scale

• additional signals can be stored with the normal

signal (for diagnostics)

• autobalance to zero absorbance (on the analog

output plus offset) at begin and/or end of run

• see “Special Setpoints” on page 70.

Figure 19 Detector Settings (default)

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 61

4 Using the Detector
Setting up an Analysis

11 Pump the water/acetonitrile (30/70 %) mobile phase through the column

for 10 minutes for equilibration.
12 Click the button and select Change... to open the Signal Plot
information. Select the Pump: Pressure and the VWD A: Signal 254 as
signals. Change the Y- range for the VWD to 1 mAU and the offset to 20
% and the pressure offset to 50 %. The X- axis range should be 15
minutes. Press OK to exit this screen.

Figure 20 Edit Signal Plot Window

62 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Using the Detector 4
Setting up an Analysis

The Online Plot (Figure 21 on page 63) shows both, the pump pressure
and the detector absorbance signals. Pressing Adjust the signals can be
reset to the offset value and Balance would do a balance on the



Figure 21 Online Plot Window

13 If both baselines are stable, set the Y- range for the detector signal to
100 mAU.

If you start with a new UV-lamp for the first time, the lamp may show initial drift for some
NOTE time (burn-in effect).

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 63

4 Using the Detector
Setting up an Analysis

14 Select the menu item RunControl > Sample Info and enter information
about this application (Figure 22 on page 64). Press OK to leave this

Figure 22 Sample Information

15 Fill the content of an isocratic standard sample ampoule into a vial and
seal the vial with a cap and place the vial into autosampler tray
(position #1).

64 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Using the Detector 4
Setting up an Analysis

Running the Sample and Verifying the Results

1 To start a run select the menu item RunControl > Run Method.
2 This will start the modules and the online plot on the Agilent
ChemStation will show the resulting chromatogram.

Figure 23 Chromatogram with Isocratic Test Sample

Information about using the Data Analysis functions can be obtained from the Using your
NOTE ChemStation manual supplied with your system.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 65

4 Using the Detector
Special Settings of the Detector

Special Settings of the Detector

In this chapter special settings of the detector are described.

Control Settings

• Lamp: turn on and off of UV-lamp.

• At Power On: automatic lamp-on at
power on.
• Error Method: take error method or
current method (in case of an error).
• Analog Output Range: can be set to
either 100 mV or 1 V full scale, see
“Analog Output Settings” on page 69.
• Lamp Type: can be set to either
G1314-60100 (standard VWD lamp) or
2140-0590 (DAD lamps), see also
“Exchanging a Lamp” on page 123.
• Automatic Turn On: lamps can be
programmed (detector must be on for
• Help: online help.

Figure 24 Detector control settings

66 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Using the Detector 4
Special Settings of the Detector

Online Spectra
1 To view the online spectra select Online Spectra.

This online spectrum is taken during a stop-flow condition only while the peak is kept in the
NOTE flow cell, see “Scanning with the VWD” on page 68.

Figure 25 Online Spectra Window

2 Change the absorbance and wavelength range according your needs.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 67

4 Using the Detector
Special Settings of the Detector

Scanning with the VWD

1 Set up a run.
2 Start a run.
3 While running on the baseline, select from the menu Instrument >
More VWD > Blank Scan.
A background scan is stored in the memory.

• Step 1: Blank Scan: scan of the background (solvent)

is stored in the memory.
• Step 2: Sample Scan: scan of the peak of interest is
taken while the peak stays in the flow cell (stop-flow
• Online Spectrum: Sample Scan minus Blank Scan.

4 When the peak of interest enters the flow cell, stop the flow (set flow
rate to zero or open the purge valve) and wait a few moments to
stabilize the concentration.

Turning off the pump would stop the run and no access to the sample scan is possible.

5 Select from the menu Instrument > More VWD > Sample Scan.
A sample scan is taken in the range defined under “Special
Setpoints” on page 70 and the Online Spectra window (see “Online
Spectra” on page 67) displays the result (Sample Scan minus Blank

68 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Using the Detector 4
Special Settings of the Detector

Analog Output Settings

1 To change the Output Range of the analog outputs select VWD Control.
2 To change the offset and the attenuation select VWD Signal > More.

• Analog Output Range: can be set to either 100 mV

or 1 V full scale.
• Zero Offset:can be set to either 100 mV or 1 V full
• Attenuation Limits: 0.98 to 4000 mAU at discrete
values for either 100 mV or 1 V full scale.

Figure 26 Analog Output Settings

Figure 27 Analog Output Settings

3 Change the values if required.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 69

4 Using the Detector
Special Settings of the Detector

Special Setpoints
1 To change the offset and the attenuation select VWD Signal > More >
Special Setpoints.

• Margin for negative Absorbance:

Use this field to modify the detector’s
signal handling to increase the margin
for negative absorbance. Use this
option if, for example, your solvent
gradient produces a decreasing
baseline absorbance, and for GPC
Limits: 100 – 4000 mAU.
• Signal Polarity: can be switched to
negative (if required).
• Enable analysis when lamp is off: if
the VWD is not used in a dual detector
setup (lamp off), the not-ready
condition is not stopping the analysis.
• Scan Range / Step: Used for
Figure 28 Spectra Window stop-flow scanning, see “Scanning
with the VWD” on page 68.

Margin for negative Absorbance: The higher the value the greater the baseline noise. Set
NOTE this value only if you expect negative absorbance greater than -100 mAU.

70 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Using the Detector 4
Special Settings of the Detector

Peakwidth Settings

Do not use peak width shorter than necessary, see also “Set the Detector Parameters” on
NOTE page 78.

1 To change the Peakwidth settings select Setup Detector Signals.

2 In the section Peakwidth (Responsetime) click on the drop- down list.
3 Change the Peakwidth according to your needs.

Peakwidth enables you to select the peak width (response time) for your
analysis. The peak width is defined as the width of a peak, in minutes, at half
the peak height. Set the peak width to the narrowest expected peak in your
chromatogram. The peak width sets the optimum response time for your
detector. The peak detector ignores any peaks that are considerably narrower,
or wider, than the peak width setting. The response time is the time between
10 % and 90 % of the output signal in response to an input step function. When
the All spectrum storage option is selected, then spectra are acquired
continuously depending on the setting of the peak width. The time specified by
the peak width is used as a factor in the acquisition of spectra. The acquisition
time for one spectrum is slightly less than the peak width divided by 8, see
Table 9 on page 72 and Table 10 on page 72.
Limits: When you set the peak width (in minutes), the corresponding response
time is set automatically and the appropriate data rate for signal acquisition is
selected as shown in Table 9 on page 72 and Table 10 on page 72.

Figure 29 Peakwidth Setting

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 71

4 Using the Detector
Special Settings of the Detector

Table 9 Peak Width — Response Time — Data Rate (G1314B VWD)

Peak Width (min)1 Response Time (s) Data Rate (Hz)

<0.005 0.12 13.74

>0.005 0.12 13.74

>0.01 0.25 13.74

>0.025 0.5 13.74

>0.05 1.0 6.87

>0.10 2.0 3.43

>0.20 4.0 1.72

>0.40 8.0 0.86

Values in the User Interface may be rounded.

Table 10 Peak Width — Response Time — Data Rate (G1314C VWD SL)

Peak Width (min)1 Response Time (s) Data Rate (Hz)

<0.00125 <0.031 55

>0.00125 0.031 27.5

>0.0025 0.062 13.74

>0.005 0.12 13.74

>0.01 0.25 13.74

>0.025 0.5 13.74

>0.05 1.0 6.87

>0.10 2.0 3.43

>0.20 4.0 1.72

>0.40 8.0 0.86

1 Values in the User Interface may be rounded.

72 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

How to optimize the detector
Optimizing the Detector Performance 74
Match the Flow Cell to the Column 75
Set the Detector Parameters 78

This chapter gives hints on how to select the detector parameters and the flow

Agilent Technologies 73
5 How to optimize the detector
Optimizing the Detector Performance

Optimizing the Detector Performance

The detector has a variety of parameters that can be used to optimize

The information below will guide you on how to get the best detector
performance. Follow these rules as a start for new applications. It gives a
rule- of- thumb for optimizing the detector parameters.

74 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

How to optimize the detector 5
Match the Flow Cell to the Column

Match the Flow Cell to the Column

Figure 30 on page 75 recommends the flow cell that matches the column
used. If more than one selection is appropriate, use the larger flow cell to
get the best detection limit. Use the smaller flow cell for best peak

Standard HPLC Applications

Figure 30 Choosing a Flow Cell (Standard HPLC Applications)

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 75

5 How to optimize the detector
Match the Flow Cell to the Column

Flow Cell Path Length

Lambert- Beer’s law shows a linear relationship between the flow cell path
length and absorbance.


T is the transmission, defined as the quotient of the intensity of the transmitted light I
divided by the intensity of the incident light, I0,

e is the extinction coefficient, which is a characteristic of a given substance under a

precisely-defined set of conditions of wavelength, solvent, temperature and other

C is the concentration of the absorbing species,


d [m] is the path length of the cell used for the measurement.

Therefore, flow cells with longer path lengths yield higher signals.
Although noise usually increases little with increasing path length, there is
a gain in signal- to- noise ratio. For example, in Figure 31 on page 77 the
noise increased by less than 10 % but a 70 % increase in signal intensity
was achieved by increasing the path length from 6 mm to 10 mm.
When increasing the path length, the cell volume usually increases — in
the example from 5 – 14 µL. Typically, this causes more peak dispersion.
As demonstrated, this did not affect the resolution in the gradient
separation in the example shown below.
As a rule- of- thumb the flow cell volume should be about 1/3 of the peak
volume at half height. To determine the volume of your peaks, take the
peak width as reported in the integration results multiply it by the flow
rate and divide it by 3).

76 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

How to optimize the detector 5
Match the Flow Cell to the Column


6WhdgWVcXZ &%"bbdei^XVaeVi]aZc\i]


Figure 31 Influence of Cell Path Length on Signal Height

Traditionally LC analysis with UV detectors is based on comparing
measurements with internal or external standards. To check photometric
accuracy of the Agilent 1200 Series Infinity Variable Wavelength Detector
it is necessary to have more precise information on path lengths of the
VWD flow cells.
The correct response is:
expected response * correction factor
Please find below the details of the Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Variable
Wavelength Detector flow cells:

Table 11 Correction factors for Agilent VWD flow cells

Part number Path length (actual) Correction factor

Standard flow cell 10 mm, 14 µL, 40 bar (G1314-60186) 10.15 ± 0.19 mm 10/10.15

Semi-micro flow cell 6 mm, 5 µL (G1314-60183) 6.10 ± 0.19 mm 6/6.10

Micro flow cell 3 mm, 2 µL, 120 bar (G1314-60187) 2.80 ± 0.19 mm 3/2.8

High pressure flow cell 10 mm, 14 µL, 400 bar (G1314-60182) 10.00 ± 0.19 mm 10/10

However you have to be aware that there are additional tolerance of gasket thickness and
NOTE its compression ratio which is supposed to be very small in comparison with the machining

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 77

5 How to optimize the detector
Set the Detector Parameters

Set the Detector Parameters

1 Set peakwidth as close as possible to the width (at half height) of a

narrow peak of interest. Refer to “Peakwidth Settings” on page 71.
2 Choose the sample wavelength
• at a longer wavelength than the cut- off wavelength of the mobile
• at a wavelength where the analytes have strong absorptivity if you
want to get the lowest possible detection limit,
• at a wavelength with moderate absorptivity if you work with high
concentrations, and
• preferably where the spectrum is flat for better linearity.
3 Consider to use time- programming to further optimization.

78 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Overview of the Detector’s Indicators and Test Functions 80
Status Indicators 81
Power Supply Indicator 81
Module Status Indicator 82
Available Tests versus Interfaces 83
Agilent Lab Advisor Software 84

Overview about the troubleshooting and diagnostic features.

Agilent Technologies 79
6 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Overview of the Detector’s Indicators and Test Functions

Overview of the Detector’s Indicators and Test Functions

Status Indicators
The detector is provided with two status indicators which indicate the
operational state (prerun, run, and error states) of the detector. The
status indicators provide a quick visual check of the operation of the

Error Messages
In the event of an electronic, mechanical or hydraulic failure, the detector
generates an error message in the user interface. For each message, a
short description of the failure, a list of probable causes of the problem,
and a list of suggested actions to fix the problem are provided.

Test Functions
A series of test functions are available for troubleshooting and operational
verification after exchanging internal components.

Wavelength Verification / Recalibration

Wavelength recalibration is recommended after repair of internal
components, and on a regular basis to ensure correct operation of the
detector. The detector uses the deuterium alpha and beta emission lines
for wavelength calibration.

Diagnostic Signals
The detector has several signals (internal temperatures, voltages and
currents of lamps) that can be used for diagnosing baseline problems.

80 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 6
Status Indicators

Status Indicators

Two status indicators are located on the front of the detector. The lower
left indicates the power supply status, the upper right indicates the
detector status.


Figure 32 Location of Status Indicators

Power Supply Indicator

The power supply indicator is integrated into the main power switch.
When the indicator is illuminated (green) the power is ON.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 81

6 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Status Indicators

Module Status Indicator

The module status indicator indicates one of six possible module
• When the status indicator is OFF (and power switch light is on), the
module is in a prerun condition, and is ready to begin an analysis.
• A green status indicator, indicates the module is performing an analysis
(run mode).
• A yellow indicator indicates a not- ready condition. The module is in a
not- ready state when it is waiting for a specific condition to be reached
or completed (for example, immediately after changing a set point), or
while a self- test procedure is running.
• An error condition is indicated when the status indicator is red. An
error condition indicates the module has detected an internal problem
which affects correct operation of the module. Usually, an error
condition requires attention (e.g. leak, defective internal components).
An error condition always interrupts the analysis.
If the error occurs during analysis, it is propagated within the LC
system, i.e. a red LED may indicate a problem of a different module.
Use the status display of your user interface for finding the root
cause/module of the error.
• A blinking indicator indicates that the module is in resident mode (e.g.
during update of main firmware).
• A fast blinking indicator indicates that the module is in a low- level
error mode. In such a case try to re- boot the module or try a cold- start
(see “Special Settings” on page 185. Then try a firmware update (see
“Replacing the Module’s Firmware” on page 135). If this does not help,
a main board replacement is required.

82 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 6
Available Tests versus Interfaces

Available Tests versus Interfaces

Depending on the used interface, the available tests and the screens/reports may vary.
Preferred tool should be the Agilent Diagnostic Software, see “Agilent Lab Advisor
Software” on page 84.
In future, a user interface may not show the Diagnostics/Tests anymore. Then the Agilent
Diagnostic Software must be used instead.
The Agilent ChemStation may not include any maintenance/test functions.

Table 12 Available Tests versus Interface

Interface Test Lab Advisor ChemStation Instant Pilot


Wavelength Verification/Re-calibration Calibration 1 Tests 1 Maintenance 1

Lamp Intensity Test Tests 1 Tests 1 Diagnosis 1

ASTM Drift and Noise Test Tests 1 n/a n/a

Quick Noise Test Tests 1 n/a n/a

Holmium Test Tests 1 Tests 1 Diagnosis 1

Cell Test Tests 1 Tests 1 n/a

D/A Converter Test Tests 1 Tests 1 n/a

Dark Current Test Tests 1 Tests 1 n/a

Filter / Grating Motor Test Tests 1 Tests 1 n/a

Test Chromatogram Tools from command n/a


Spectrum (Blank, Sample, Holmium) Tools n/a n/a

interface provides passed/fail information or a plot

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 83

6 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Agilent Lab Advisor Software

Agilent Lab Advisor Software

The Agilent Lab Advisor software is a standalone product that can be

used with or without data system. Agilent Lab Advisor software helps to
manage the lab for high quality chromatographic results and can monitor
in real time a single Agilent LC or all the Agilent GCs and LCs configured
on the lab intranet.
Agilent Lab Advisor software provides diagnostic capabilities for all
Agilent 1200 Infinity Series modules. This includes diagnostic capabilities,
calibration procedures and maintenance routines for all the maintenance
The Agilent Lab Advisor software also allows users to monitor the status
of their LC instruments. The Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) feature
helps to carry out preventive maintenance. In addition, users can generate
a status report for each individual LC instrument. The tests and diagnostic
features as provided by the Agilent Lab Advisor software may differ from
the descriptions in this manual. For details refer to the Agilent Lab
Advisor software help files.
The Instrument Utilities is a basic version of the Lab Advisor with limited
functionality required for installation, use and maintenance. No advanced
repair, troubleshooting and monitoring functionality is included.

84 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Error Information
What Are Error Messages 86
General Error Messages 87
Timeout 87
Shutdown 88
Remote Timeout 88
Lost CAN Partner 89
Leak 90
Leak Sensor Open 90
Leak Sensor Short 91
Compensation Sensor Open 91
Compensation Sensor Short 92
Fan Failed 92
Open Cover 93
Detector Error Messages 94
UV lamp: no current 94
UV lamp: no voltage 94
Ignition Failed 95
No heater current 96
Wavelength calibration setting failed 97
Wavelength holmium check failed 98
Grating or Filter Motor Errors 98
Wavelength test failed 99
Cutoff filter doesn't decrease the light intensity at 250 nm 100
ADC Hardware Error 100
Cover Violation 101

This chapter describes the meaning of detector error messages, and provides
information on probable causes and suggested actions how to recover from
error conditions.

Agilent Technologies 85
7 Error Information
What Are Error Messages

What Are Error Messages

Error messages are displayed in the user interface when an electronic,

mechanical, or hydraulic (flow path) failure occurs which requires
attention before the analysis can be continued (for example, repair, or
exchange of consumables is necessary). In the event of such a failure, the
red status indicator at the front of the module is switched on, and an
entry is written into the module logbook.
If an error occurs outside a method run, other modules will not be
informed about this error. If it occurs within a method run, all connected
modules will get a notification, all LEDs get red and the run will be
stopped. Depending on the module type, this stop is implemented
differently. For example, for a pump the flow will be stopped for safety
reasons. For a detector, the lamp will stay on in order to avoid
equilibration time. Depending on the error type, the next run can only be
started, if the error has been resolved, for example liquid from a leak has
been dried. Errors for presumably single time events can be recovered by
switching on the system in the user interface.
Special handling is done in case of a leak. As a leak is a potential safety
issue and may have occurred at a different module from where it has been
observed, a leak always causes a shutdown of all modules, even outside a
method run.
In all cases, error propagation is done via the CAN bus or via an APG
remote cable (see documentation for the APG interface).

86 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Error Information 7
General Error Messages

General Error Messages

General error messages are generic to all Agilent 1200 Infinity Series

Error ID: 0062
The timeout threshold was exceeded.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 The analysis was completed successfully, Check the logbook for the occurrence and
and the timeout function switched off the source of a not-ready condition. Restart the
module as requested. analysis where required.

2 A not-ready condition was present during a Check the logbook for the occurrence and
sequence or multiple-injection run for a source of a not-ready condition. Restart the
period longer than the timeout threshold. analysis where required.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 87

7 Error Information
General Error Messages

Error ID: 0063
An external instrument has generated a shutdown signal on the remote
The module continually monitors the remote input connectors for status
signals. A LOW signal input on pin 4 of the remote connector generates
the error message.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Leak detected in another module with a Fix the leak in the external instrument before
CAN connection to the system. restarting the module.

2 Leak detected in an external instrument Fix the leak in the external instrument before
with a remote connection to the system. restarting the module.

3 Shut-down in an external instrument with a Check external instruments for a shut-down

remote connection to the system. condition.

4 The degasser failed to generate sufficient Check the vacuum degasser for an error
vacuum for solvent degassing. condition. Refer to the Service Manual for the
degasser or the 1260 pump that has the
degasser built-in.

Remote Timeout
Error ID: 0070
A not- ready condition is still present on the remote input. When an
analysis is started, the system expects all not- ready conditions (for
example, a not- ready condition during detector balance) to switch to run
conditions within one minute of starting the analysis. If a not- ready
condition is still present on the remote line after one minute the error
message is generated.

88 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Error Information 7
General Error Messages

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Not-ready condition in one of the Ensure the instrument showing the not-ready
instruments connected to the remote line. condition is installed correctly, and is set up
correctly for analysis.

2 Defective remote cable. Exchange the remote cable.

3 Defective components in the instrument Check the instrument for defects (refer to the
showing the not-ready condition. instrument’s documentation).

Lost CAN Partner

Error ID: 0071
During an analysis, the internal synchronization or communication
between one or more of the modules in the system has failed.
The system processors continually monitor the system configuration. If one
or more of the modules is no longer recognized as being connected to the
system, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 CAN cable disconnected. • Ensure all the CAN cables are connected
• Ensure all CAN cables are installed

2 Defective CAN cable. Exchange the CAN cable.

3 Defective main board in another module. Switch off the system. Restart the system, and
determine which module or modules are not
recognized by the system.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 89

7 Error Information
General Error Messages

Error ID: 0064
A leak was detected in the module.
The signals from the two temperature sensors (leak sensor and
board- mounted temperature- compensation sensor) are used by the leak
algorithm to determine whether a leak is present. When a leak occurs, the
leak sensor is cooled by the solvent. This changes the resistance of the
leak sensor which is sensed by the leak- sensor circuit on the main board.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Loose fittings. Ensure all fittings are tight.

2 Broken capillary. Exchange defective capillaries.

3 Leaking flow cell. Exchange flow cell components.

Leak Sensor Open

Error ID: 0083
The leak sensor in the module has failed (open circuit).
The current through the leak sensor is dependent on temperature. A leak
is detected when solvent cools the leak sensor, causing the leak- sensor
current to change within defined limits. If the current falls outside the
lower limit, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Leak sensor not connected to the main Please contact your Agilent service
board. representative.

2 Defective leak sensor. Please contact your Agilent service


3 Leak sensor incorrectly routed, being Please contact your Agilent service
pinched by a metal component. representative.

90 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Error Information 7
General Error Messages

Leak Sensor Short

Error ID: 0082
The leak sensor in the module has failed (short circuit).
The current through the leak sensor is dependent on temperature. A leak
is detected when solvent cools the leak sensor, causing the leak sensor
current to change within defined limits. If the current increases above the
upper limit, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Defective leak sensor. Please contact your Agilent service


2 Leak sensor incorrectly routed, being Please contact your Agilent service
pinched by a metal component. representative.

Compensation Sensor Open

Error ID: 0081
The ambient- compensation sensor (NTC) on the main board in the module
has failed (open circuit).
The resistance across the temperature compensation sensor (NTC) on the
main board is dependent on ambient temperature. The change in
resistance is used by the leak circuit to compensate for ambient
temperature changes. If the resistance across the sensor increases above
the upper limit, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Defective main board. Please contact your Agilent service


Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 91

7 Error Information
General Error Messages

Compensation Sensor Short

Error ID: 0080
The ambient- compensation sensor (NTC) on the main board in the module
has failed (open circuit).
The resistance across the temperature compensation sensor (NTC) on the
main board is dependent on ambient temperature. The change in
resistance is used by the leak circuit to compensate for ambient
temperature changes. If the resistance across the sensor falls below the
lower limit, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Defective main board. Please contact your Agilent service


Fan Failed
Error ID: 0068
The cooling fan in the module has failed.
The hall sensor on the fan shaft is used by the main board to monitor the
fan speed. If the fan speed falls below a certain limit for a certain length
of time, the error message is generated.
This limit is given by 2 revolutions/second for longer than 5 seconds.
Depending on the module, assemblies (e.g. the lamp in the detector) are
turned off to assure that the module does not overheat inside.

92 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Error Information 7
General Error Messages

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Fan cable disconnected. Please contact your Agilent service


2 Defective fan. Please contact your Agilent service


3 Defective main board. Please contact your Agilent service


Open Cover
Error ID: 0205
The top foam has been removed.
The sensor on the main board detects when the top foam is in place. If
the foam is removed during operation, the lamp and grating drive power is
switched off, and the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 The top foam was removed during Please contact your Agilent service
operation. representative.

2 Foam not activating the sensor. Please contact your Agilent service

3 Defective sensor or main board. Please contact your Agilent service


Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 93

7 Error Information
Detector Error Messages

Detector Error Messages

These errors are detector specific.

UV lamp: no current
Error ID: 7450
The lamp anode current is missing. The processor continually monitors the
anode current drawn by the lamp during operation. If the anode current
falls below the lower current limit, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Lamp disconnected. Ensure the lamp connector is seated firmly.

2 Top foam removed while lamp is on. Please contact your Agilent service

3 Defective or non-Agilent lamp. Exchange the lamp.

4 Defective main board. Please contact your Agilent service


5 Defective power supply. Please contact your Agilent service


UV lamp: no voltage
Error ID: 7451
The lamp anode voltage is missing. The processor continually monitors the
anode voltage across the lamp during operation. If the anode voltage falls
below the lower limit, the error message is generated.

94 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Error Information 7
Detector Error Messages

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Defective or non-Agilent lamp. Exchange the lamp.

2 Defective power supply. Please contact your Agilent service


3 Defective main board. Please contact your Agilent service


Ignition Failed
Error ID: 7452
The lamp failed to ignite. The processor monitors the lamp current during
the ignition cycle. If the lamp current does not rise above the lower limit
within 2 – 5 s, the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Lamp disconnected. Ensure the lamp is connected.

2 Defective or non-Agilent lamp. Exchange the lamp.

3 Defective power supply. Please contact your Agilent service


4 Defective main board. Please contact your Agilent service


Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 95

7 Error Information
Detector Error Messages

No heater current
Error ID: 7453
The lamp heater current in the detector is missing. During lamp ignition,
the processor monitors the heater current. If the current does not rise
above the lower limit within 1 , the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Lamp disconnected. Ensure the lamp is connected.

2 Ignition started without the top foam in Please contact your Agilent service
place. representative.

3 Fan not running (permitting lamp on). Please contact your Agilent service

4 Defective main board. Please contact your Agilent service


5 Defective or non-Agilent lamp. Exchange the lamp.

6 Defective power supply. Please contact your Agilent service


96 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Error Information 7
Detector Error Messages

Wavelength calibration setting failed

Error ID: 7310
The intensity maximum was not found during wavelength calibration.

Calibration 0 Failed: Zero-order calibration failed.

Calibration 1 Failed: 656 nm calibration failed.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Lamp is OFF. Switch on the lamp.

2 Incorrect flow cell installation. Ensure the flow cell is installed correctly.

3 Flow cell contamination or air bubbles. Clean/replace flow cell windows or remove air

4 Intensity too low. Replace lamp.

5 Current step value too far from maximum. • Repeat the calibration.
• Please contact your Agilent service

6 Misaligned/defective grating assembly. Please contact your Agilent service


7 Defective main board. Please contact your Agilent service


Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 97

7 Error Information
Detector Error Messages

Wavelength holmium check failed

Error ID: 7318
The holmium oxide test in the detector has failed. During the holmium
test, the detector moves the holmium filter into the light path, and
compares the measured absorbance maxima of the holmium oxide filter
with expected maxima. If the measured maxima are outside the limits, the
error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Misaligned/defective grating assembly. • Ensure the flow cell is inserted correctly,

and is free from contamination (cell
windows, buffers, and so on).
• Run the filter-motor test to determine if the
filter motor assembly is defective. If
defective, please contact your Agilent
service representative.
• Run the grating-motor test to determine if
the grating assembly is defective. If
defective, please contact your Agilent
service representative.

Grating or Filter Motor Errors

Error ID: Grating: 7800, 7801, 7802, 7803, 7804, 7805, 7806, 7808, 7809;
Filter: 7810, 7811, 7812, 7813, 7814, 7815, 7816
The motor test has failed.

Test 0 Failed: Filter motor.

Test 1 Failed: Grating motor.

During the motor tests, the detector moves the motor to the end position
while monitoring the end- position sensor. If the end position is not found,
the error message is generated.

98 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Error Information 7
Detector Error Messages

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Motor is not connected. Please contact your Agilent service


2 Defective motor. Please contact your Agilent service


3 Defective/missing grating or filter. Please contact your Agilent service


4 Cable/connector defective. Please contact your Agilent service


Wavelength test failed

Error ID: 7890
The automatic wavelength check after lamp ignition has failed. When the
lamp is switched on, the detector waits 1 min to warm- up the lamp. Then
a check of the deuterium emission line (656 nm) via the reference diode is
performed. If the emission line is more than 3 nm away from 656 nm, the
error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Calibration incorrect. Recalibrate the detector.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 99

7 Error Information
Detector Error Messages

Cutoff filter doesn't decrease the light intensity at 250 nm

Error ID: 7813
The automatic filter check after lamp ignition has failed. When the lamp is
switched on, the detector moves the cutoff filter into the light path. If the
filter is functioning correctly, a decrease in lamp intensity is seen. If the
expected intensity decrease is not detected, the error message is

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Motor is not connected. Please contact your Agilent service


2 Defective motor. Please contact your Agilent service


3 Defective/missing grating or filter. Please contact your Agilent service


4 Cable/connector defective. Please contact your Agilent service


ADC Hardware Error

Error ID: 7830, 7831
A/D- Converter hardware is defective.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 A/D-Converter hardware is defective. Please contact your Agilent service


100 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Error Information 7
Detector Error Messages

Cover Violation
Error ID: 7461
The top foam has been removed.
The sensor on the main board detects when the top foam is in place. If
the foam is removed while the lamps are on (or if an attempt is made to
switch on for example the lamps with the foam removed), the lamps are
switched off, and the error message is generated.

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 The top foam was removed during Please contact your Agilent service
operation. representative.

2 Foam not activating the sensor. Please contact your Agilent service

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 101

7 Error Information
Detector Error Messages

102 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Test Functions
Intensity Test 104
Intensity Test Failed 105
Cell Test 106
Wavelength Verification-Calibration 108
ASTM Drift and Noise Test 110
Quick Noise Test 111
Dark Current Test 112
Dark Current Test Failed 113
Holmium Oxide Test 114
Holmium Oxide Test Failed 116

This chapter describes the detector’s built in test functions.

Agilent Technologies 103

8 Test Functions
Intensity Test

Intensity Test

The intensity test measures the intensity of the deuterium lamp over the
full VWD wavelength range (190 – 600 nm). The test can be used to
determine the performance of the lamp, and to check for dirty or
contaminated flow cell windows. When the test is started, the gain is set
to zero. To eliminate effects due to absorbing solvents, the test should be
done with water in the flow cell. The shape of the intensity spectrum is
primarily dependent on the lamp, grating, and diode characteristics.
Therefore, intensity spectra will differ slightly between instruments.
Figure 33 on page 105 shows a typical intensity test spectrum.
The Intensity Test is available in
• Agilent Lab Advisor (preferred)
• Agilent ChemStation
• Agilent Instant Pilot G4208A, via More-Diagnosis-VWD-Lamp Intensity Test

Intensity Test Evaluation

The Agilent Lab Advisor and the Instant Pilot evaluate three values
automatically and display the limits for each value, the average, the
minimum and the maximum of all data points and passed or failed for each

104 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Test Functions 8
Intensity Test

Instensity Test with Agilent Lab Advisor

Figure 33 Intensity Test with Agilent Lab Advisor

Intensity Test Failed

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Empty flow cell Ensure the flow cell is filled with water.

2 Flow cell windows dirty Repeat the test with the flow cell removed. If
the test passes, exchange the flow cell

3 Optics defect Please contact your Agilent service


4 Defective lamp or optics. Exchange the lamp.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 105

8 Test Functions
Cell Test

Cell Test

The cell test compares the intensity of the deuterium lamp measured by
the sample and reference diodes (unfiltered and not logarithmized) when
the grating is in the zero- order position. The resulting intensity ratio
(sample:reference) is a measure of the amount of light absorbed by the
flow cell.
The test can be used to check for dirty or contaminated flow cell
windows. When the test is started, the gain is set to - 1. To eliminate
effects due to absorbing solvents, the test should be done with water in
the flow cell.
Limits: No real limit. The reason is that it depends on the
position/alignment of the reference side (beam splitter – reference slit –
reference diode). Therefore the reference side value can be higher/smaller
than the sample side value.
With a clean cell the counts for sample and reference (photocurrent) are
in the same range. If the sample side shows much lower values than the
reference side the flow cell might have a problem.
Pre- requisite:
Flush the flow cell with a flow of 1 mL/min for at least 10 minutes.

Probable Cause Suggested Action

Cell contaminated Flush flow cell

Cell windows are contaminated Clean/replace cell windows

Mechanical problem Check cell position

In the Agilent Instant Pilot G4208A, the photocurrent readings are

available via More > Diagnosis > VWD > LampIntensity Test, see Figure 35 on
page 107.

106 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Test Functions 8
Cell Test

Figure 34 Cell Test with Lab Advisor

Checking the Photocurrent with the Instant Pilot

Figure 35 Checking the Photocurrent with the Instant Pilot

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 107

8 Test Functions
Wavelength Verification-Calibration

Wavelength Verification-Calibration

Wavelength calibration of the detector is done using the zero- order

position and 656 nm emission line position of the deuterium lamp. The
calibration procedure involves two steps. First the grating is calibrated on
the zero- order position. The stepper- motor step position where the
zero- order maximum is detected is stored in the detector. Next, the
grating is calibrated against the deuterium emission- line at 656 nm, and
the motor position at which the maximum occurs is stored in the detector.
In addition to the zero- order and 656 nm (alpha- emission line)
calibration, the beta- emission line at 486 nm and the three holmium lines
are used for the complete wavelength calibration process. These holmium
lines are at 360.8 nm, 418.5 nm and 536.4 nm.

The wavelength verification/calibration takes about 2.5 min and is disabled within the first
NOTE 10 min after ignition of the lamp because initial drift may distort the measurement.

When the lamp is turned ON, the 656 nm emission line position of the
deuterium lamp is checked automatically.
The Wavelength Verification/Calibration is available in
• Agilent Lab Advisor (preferred tool).
• Agilent Instant Pilot G4208A, via More-Diagnosis-VWD-Calibration.

When to Calibrate the Detector

The detector is calibrated at the factory, and under normal operating
conditions should not require recalibration. However, it is advisable to
• after maintenance (flow cell or lamp),
• after repair of components in the optical unit,
• after exchange of the optical unit or VWM board,
• at a regular interval, at least once per year (for example, prior to an
Operational Qualification/Performance Verification procedure), and
• when chromatographic results indicate the detector may require

108 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Test Functions 8
Wavelength Verification-Calibration

Wavelength Verification/Calibration with Agilent Lab Advisor

Figure 36 Wavelength Verification and Calibration (Agilent Lab Advisor)

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 109

8 Test Functions
ASTM Drift and Noise Test

ASTM Drift and Noise Test

The ASTM Drift and Noise test determines the detector noise over a
period of 20 min. The test is done with HPLC- grade water flowing
through the flow cell at 1 mL/min. On completion of the test, the noise
result is displayed automatically.

Figure 37 ASTM Drift and Noise Test (Agilent Lab Advisor)

110 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Test Functions 8
Quick Noise Test

Quick Noise Test

The noise test measures the noise of the detector, with HPLC- grade water
flowing through the flow cell at 1 mL/min, in one minute intervals over a
total of 5 min.
The noise of the detector is calculated by using the maximum amplitude
for all random variations of the detector signal of frequencies greater than
one cycle per hour. The noise is determined for 5 one minute intervals
and is based on the accumulated peak- to- peak noise for the intervals. At
least seven data points per cycles are used in the calculation.
The cycles in the noise determination are not overlapping.
In order to obtain reliable results, the lamp should be turned on for at
least 10 min prior to measurement.

Figure 38 Quick Noise Test (Agilent Lab Advisor)

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 111

8 Test Functions
Dark Current Test

Dark Current Test

The dark- current test measures the leakage current from the sample and
reference circuits. The test is used to check for defective sample or
reference diodes or ADC circuits which may cause non- linearity or
excessive baseline noise. During the test, the lamp is switched off. Next,
the leakage current from both diodes is measured.

Figure 39 Dark Current Test (Agilent Lab Advisor)

112 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Test Functions 8
Dark Current Test

Dark Current Test Failed

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Defective sample or reference diode. Please contact your Agilent service


2 Defective sample or reference ADC board. Please contact your Agilent service

3 Defective main board. Please contact your Agilent service


Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 113

8 Test Functions
Holmium Oxide Test

Holmium Oxide Test

This test verifies the calibration of the detector against the three
wavelength maxima of the built- in holmium oxide filter. The test displays
the difference between the expected and measured maxima. The figure
below shows a holmium test spectrum.
The Holmium Oxide Test is available in
• Agilent Lab Advisor (preferred tool).
• Agilent Instant Pilot G4208A, via More-Diagnosis-VWD-Holmium Spectrum
The test uses the following holmium maxima:
• 360.8 nm
• 418.5 nm
• 536.4 nm

See also “Declaration of Conformity for HOX2 Filter” on page 201.


When to do the Test

• after recalibration,
• as part of the Operational Qualification/Performance Verification
procedure, or
• after flow cell maintenance or repair.

Interpreting the Results

The test is passed successfully when all three wavelengths are within
± 1 nm of the expected value. This indicates the detector is calibrated

ChemStation revisions below B.01.xx show a limit of ± 2 nm. It should read ± 1 nm. If the
NOTE test shows a value greater than ± 1 nm, perform a recalibration.

114 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Test Functions 8
Holmium Oxide Test

Running the test with Agilent Lab Advisor

Figure 40 Holmium Test with Agilent Lab Advisor

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 115

8 Test Functions
Holmium Oxide Test

Holmium Oxide Test Failed

Probable cause Suggested actions

1 Detector not calibrated. Recalibrate the detector.

2 Dirty or defective flow cell. Repeat the test with the flow cell removed. If
the test is OK, exchange the flow cell

3 Dirty or defective holmium oxide filter. Run the holmium oxide filter test. If the test
fails, contact your Agilent service

4 Optical misalignment. Please contact your Agilent service


116 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Introduction to Maintenance 118
Warnings and Cautions 119
Overview of Maintenance 121
Cleaning the Module 122
Exchanging a Lamp 123
Exchanging a Flow Cell 126
Repairing the Flow Cells 128
Using the Cuvette Holder 130
Correcting Leaks 132
Replacing Leak Handling System Parts 133
Replacing the Interface Board 134
Replacing the Module’s Firmware 135

This chapter provides general information on maintenance and repair of the


Agilent Technologies 117

9 Maintenance
Introduction to Maintenance

Introduction to Maintenance

The module is designed for easy maintenance. Maintenance can be done

from the front with module in place in the system stack.

There are no serviceable parts inside.

Do not open the module.

118 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Maintenance 9
Warnings and Cautions

Warnings and Cautions

Toxic, flammable and hazardous solvents, samples and reagents

The handling of solvents, samples and reagents can hold health and safety risks.
➔ When working with these substances observe appropriate safety procedures (for
example by wearing goggles, safety gloves and protective clothing) as described in
the material handling and safety data sheet supplied by the vendor, and follow good
laboratory practice.
➔ The volume of substances should be reduced to the minimum required for the
➔ Do not operate the instrument in an explosive atmosphere.

Eye damage by detector light


Eye damage may result from directly viewing the UV-light produced by the lamp of
the optical system used in this product.
➔ Always turn the lamp of the optical system off before removing it.

Electrical shock
Repair work at the module can lead to personal injuries, e.g. shock hazard, when the
cover is opened.
➔ Do not remove the cover of the module.
➔ Only certified persons are authorized to carry out repairs inside the module.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 119

9 Maintenance
Warnings and Cautions

Personal injury or damage to the product

Agilent is not responsible for any damages caused, in whole or in part, by improper
use of the products, unauthorized alterations, adjustments or modifications to the
products, failure to comply with procedures in Agilent product user guides, or use of
the products in violation of applicable laws, rules or regulations.
➔ Use your Agilent products only in the manner described in the Agilent product user

Safety standards for external equipment

➔ If you connect external equipment to the instrument, make sure that you only use
accessory units tested and approved according to the safety standards appropriate
for the type of external equipment.

120 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Maintenance 9
Overview of Maintenance

Overview of Maintenance

The following pages describe maintenance (simple repairs) of the detector

that can be carried out without opening the main cover.

Table 13 Simple Repairs

Procedures Typical Frequency Notes

Deuterium lamp If noise and/or drift exceeds your application limits or A VWD test should be performed after
exchange lamp does not ignite. replacement.

Flow cell exchange If application requires a different flow cell type. A VWD test should be performed after

Cleaning flow cell If leaking or if intensity drops due to contaminated flow A pressure tightness test should be
parts cleaning or cell windows. done after repair.

Leak sensor drying If leak has occurred. Check for leaks.

Leak handling system If broken or corroded. Check for leaks.


Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 121

9 Maintenance
Cleaning the Module

Cleaning the Module

To keep the module case clean, use a soft cloth slightly dampened with
water, or a solution of water and mild detergent.

Liquid dripping into the electronic compartment of your module can cause shock
hazard and damage the module
➔ Do not use an excessively damp cloth during cleaning.
➔ Drain all solvent lines before opening any connections in the flow path.

122 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Maintenance 9
Exchanging a Lamp

Exchanging a Lamp

When If noise or drift exceeds application limits or lamp does not ignite

Tools required Description

Screwdriver, Pozidriv #1 PT3

Parts required p/n Description

G1314-60100 Deuterium lamp

Preparations Turn the lamp OFF.

Injury by touching hot lamp

If the detector has been in use, the lamp may be hot.
➔ If so, wait for lamp to cool down.

If you want to use the Agilent DAD lamp instead of the VWD lamp, you have to change the
NOTE lamp settings in the VWD Configuration to lamp type 2140-0590. This ensures that the DAD
lamp’s filament heating is operated like in the DAD.

The specification are based on Deuterium lamp (G1314-60100) and may be not achieved
NOTE when other lamp types or aged lamps are used.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 123

9 Maintenance
Exchanging a Lamp

1 Press the release buttons and remove the front cover to 2 Unscrew the lamp cover and remove it.
have access to the lamp area.

3 Unscrew, disconnect and replace the lamp. Insert, fix and 4 Replace the lamp cover.
reconnect the lamp.

124 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Maintenance 9
Exchanging a Lamp

5 Replace the front cover. Next Steps:

6 Reset the lamp counter as described in the User Interface
7 Turn the lamp ON.
8 Give the lamp more than 10 min to warm-up.
9 Perform “Wavelength Verification-Calibration” on
page 108 to check the correct positioning of the lamp.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 125

9 Maintenance
Exchanging a Flow Cell

Exchanging a Flow Cell

When If an application needs a different type of flow cell or the flow cell needs repair.

Tools required Description

Wrench, 1/4 inch
for capillary connections

Parts required # p/n Description

1 G1314-60186 Standard flow cell 10 mm, 14 µL, 40 bar
(with RFID tag)
OR 1 G1314-60187 Micro flow cell 3 mm, 2 µL, 120 bar
(with RFID tag)
OR 1 G1314-60183 Semi-micro flow cell 6 mm, 5 µL
(with RFID tag)
OR 1 G1314-60182 High pressure flow cell 10 mm, 14 µL, 400 bar
(with RFID tag)

Preparations Turn the lamp OFF.

1 Press the release buttons and remove the front cover to 2 Disconnect the inlet and outlet capillaries.
have access to the lamp area.

126 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Maintenance 9
Exchanging a Flow Cell

3 Unscrew the thumb screws parallel and remove the flow 4 Press the flow cell completely into the slot and tighten
cell. the cell screws (both parallel) until the mechanical stop.
Reconnect the inlet and outlet capillaries to the flow cell.

If you want to maintain flow cell parts, see “Repairing
the Flow Cells” on page 128or the information
provided with your flow cell.
5 Replace the front cover. Next Steps:
6 To check for leaks, establish a flow and observe the flow
cell (outside of the cell compartment) and all capillary
7 Insert the flow cell.
8 Perform “Wavelength Verification-Calibration” on
page 108 to check the correct positioning of the flow cell.
9 Replace the front cover.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 127

9 Maintenance
Repairing the Flow Cells

Repairing the Flow Cells

When If the flow cell needs repair due to leaks or contaminations.

Tools required Description

Wrench, 1/4 inch
for capillary connections
Wrench, 4 mm hexagonal

Parts required Description

See “Standard Flow Cell 10 mm / 14 µL” on page 139
See “Micro Flow Cell 3 mm / 2 µL” on page 142
See “Micro Flow Cell, 5 mm / 1 µL (only for support)” on page 140
See “Semi-micro Flow Cell 6 mm / 5 µL” on page 144
See “High Pressure Flow Cell 10 mm / 14 µL” on page 146

Preparations • Turn off the flow.

• Remove the front cover.
• Remove the flow cell, see “Exchanging a Flow Cell” on page 126.

The shown cell parts will differ depending upon the flow cell type. For detailed parts
NOTE schematics, refer to above mentioned pages.

Disassembling the Flow Cell

1 Unscrew the cell screw using a 4- mm hexagonal wrench.
2 Remove the SST rings using a pair of tweezers.
Scratched window surfaces by tweezers
Window surfaces can easily be scratched by using tweezers for removing the
➔ Do not use tweezers to remove windows

3 Use adhesive tape to remove the peek ring, the window and the gasket.
4 Repeat step a through step c for the other window (keep the parts
separate - otherwise they could be mixed!).

128 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Maintenance 9
Repairing the Flow Cells

Cleaning the Flow Cell Parts

1 Pour isopropanol into the cell hole and wipe clean with a piece of
lint- free cloth.
2 Clean the windows with ethanol or methanol. Dry it with a piece of
lint- free cloth.

Always use new gaskets.


Reassembling the Flow Cell

1 Hold the flow cell cassette horizontally and place gasket in position.
Ensure both cell holes can be seen through the holes of gasket.

The semi-micro #1 and #2 gaskets (items 6 and 7, “Semi-micro Flow Cell 6 mm / 5 µL” on
NOTE page 144) look very similar. Do not mix them up.

2 Place the window on gasket.

3 Place the peek ring on the window.
4 Insert the conical springs. Make sure the conical springs point towards
the window. Otherwise tightening the cell screw might break the

Figure 41 Orientation of conical springs

5 Screw the cell screw into the flow cell and tighten the screw.
6 Repeat the procedure for the other cell side.
Next steps
1 Reconnect the capillaries.
2 Perform a leak test. If OK, insert the flow cell.
3 Perform “Wavelength Verification- Calibration” on page 108 to check the
correct positioning of the flow cell.
4 Replace the front cover.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 129

9 Maintenance
Using the Cuvette Holder

Using the Cuvette Holder

This cuvette holder can be placed instead of a flow cell in the variable
wavelength detector. Standard cuvettes with standards in it, for example,
National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) holmium oxide
solution standard, can be fixed in it.
This can be used for wavelength verifications.

When If your own standard should be used to checkout the instrument.

Parts required # p/n Description

1 G1314-60200 Cuvette Holder
1 Cuvette with the “standard”, e.g. NIST certified holmium oxide sample

Preparations • Remove the normal flow cell.

• Have cuvette with standard available.

130 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Maintenance 9
Using the Cuvette Holder

1 Locate the cuvette holder on the desk. 2 Unscrew the bracket.

3 Insert the cuvette with the sample into the holder. The 4 Replace the bracket and fix the cuvette.
clear side of the cuvette must be visible.

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Next Steps:

5 Install the cuvette holder in the instrument.

6 Perform your Wavelength Verification/Calibration (see “Wavelength Verification-Calibration” on page 108) to check the
correct position of the cuvette holder.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 131

9 Maintenance
Correcting Leaks

Correcting Leaks

When If a leakage has occurred in the flow cell area or at the capillary connections.

Tools required Description

Wrench, 1/4 inch
for capillary connections

1 Remove the front cover.

2 Use tissue to dry the leak sensor area.
3 Observe the capillary connections and the flow cell area for leaks and
correct, if required.
4 Replace the front cover.




Figure 42 Drying the Leak Sensor

132 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Maintenance 9
Replacing Leak Handling System Parts

Replacing Leak Handling System Parts

When If the parts are corroded or broken.

Tools required None

Parts required # p/n Description

1 5041-8389 Leak funnel holder
1 5041-8388 Leak funnel
1 5062-2463 Corrugated tubing, PP, 6.5 mm id, 5 m

1 Remove the front cover to have access to the leak handling system.
2 Pull the leak funnel out of the leak funnel holder.
3 Pull the leak funnel with the tubing out of its location.
4 Replace the leak funnel and/or the tubing.
5 Insert the leak funnel with the tubing in its position.
6 Insert the leak funnel into the leak funnel holder.
7 Replace the front cover.





Figure 43 Replacing Waste Handling System Parts

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 133

9 Maintenance
Replacing the Interface Board

Replacing the Interface Board

When When defective or for installation of the board or for all repairs inside the detector.

Parts required # p/n Description

1 G1351-68701 Interface board (BCD) with external contacts and BCD outputs
OR 1 G1369B or Interface board (LAN)
OR 1 G1369C or Interface board (LAN)

1 Install the ESD strap. Move the power lock across the 2 If required, unscrew and remove the interface board.
power inlet. Place the board on the ESD kit.



Next Steps:

3 If required, insert the interface board and fix the screws.

4 Remove the ESD strap.
5 Reinstall the module into the stack.

134 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Maintenance 9
Replacing the Module’s Firmware

Replacing the Module’s Firmware

When The installation of newer firmware might be necessary

• if a newer version solves problems of older versions or
• to keep all systems on the same (validated) revision.
The installation of older firmware might be necessary
• to keep all systems on the same (validated) revision or
• if a new module with newer firmware is added to a system or
• if third party control software requires a special version.

Tools required Description

LAN/RS-232 Firmware Update Tool
OR Agilent Lab Advisor software
OR Instant Pilot G4208A
(only if supported by module)

Parts required # Description

1 Firmware, tools and documentation from Agilent web site

Preparations Read update documentation provided with the Firmware Update Tool.

To upgrade/downgrade the module’s firmware carry out the following

1 Download the required module firmware, the latest LAN/RS- 232 FW
Update Tool and the documentation from the Agilent web.
• http://www.chem.agilent.com/_layouts/agilent/downloadFirmware.aspx?whid=69761
2 For loading the firmware into the module follow the instructions in the

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 135

9 Maintenance
Replacing the Module’s Firmware

Module Specific Information

Table 14 Module Specific Information (G1314B/C)

G1314B VWD G1314C VWD SL

Initial firmware A.06.02 A.06.02

Compatibility with 1100 / 1200 yes, all modules should have the firmware from the same set.
series modules

Conversion to / emulation of possible, if required

G1314A or G1314B

136 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Parts and Materials for Maintenance
Overview of Maintenance Parts 138
Standard Flow Cell 10 mm / 14 µL 139
Micro Flow Cell, 5 mm / 1 µL (only for support) 140
Micro Flow Cell 3 mm / 2 µL 142
Semi-micro Flow Cell 6 mm / 5 µL 144
High Pressure Flow Cell 10 mm / 14 µL 146
Cuvette Holder 148
Leak Parts 149
Kits 150

This chapter provides information on parts for maintenance.

Agilent Technologies 137

10 Parts and Materials for Maintenance
Overview of Maintenance Parts

Overview of Maintenance Parts

p/n Description

5181-1516 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 0.5 m

5181-1519 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 1 m

G1351-68701 Interface board (BCD) with external contacts and BCD outputs

G1369C or Interface board (LAN)


G4208-67001 Instant Pilot G4208A (requires firmware B.02.08 or above)

G1314-60100 Deuterium lamp

G1314-60186 Standard flow cell 10 mm, 14 µL, 40 bar

(with RFID tag)

G1314-60081 Micro flow cell, 5 mm, 1 µL, 40 bar

G1314-60182 High pressure flow cell 10 mm, 14 µL, 400 bar

(with RFID tag)

G1314-60183 Semi-micro flow cell 6 mm, 5 µL

(with RFID tag)

G1314-60187 Micro flow cell 3 mm, 2 µL, 120 bar

(with RFID tag)

G1314-60200 Cuvette Holder

5067-4691 Front Panel DAD/VWD/FLD (1260/1290)

Leak handling parts

For leak handling parts, see “Leak Parts” on page 149.

138 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Parts and Materials for Maintenance 10
Standard Flow Cell 10 mm / 14 µL

Standard Flow Cell 10 mm / 14 µL

Item p/n Description
G1314-60186 Standard flow cell 10 mm, 14 µL, 40 bar
(with RFID tag)
5062-8522 Capillary column - detector PEEK 600 mm lg, 0.17 mm i.d., 1/16 inch o.d.
G1314-65061 Cell Repair Kit, includes 2x Gasket #1, 2x Gasket #2, 2x Window Quartz
1 G1314-65062 Cell screw kit
2 79853-29100 Conical spring kit, 10/pk
3 G1314-65066 Ring #2 kit (IN small hole, i.d. 1 mm) PEEK, 2/pk
4 G1314-65064 Gaskets #2 IN (small hole i.d. 1 mm), KAPTON 10/pk
5 79853-68742 Window quartz kit, 2/pk
6 G1314-65063 Gasket #1 kit (OUT large hole, i.d. 2.4 mm) KAPTON, 2/pk
7 G1314-65065 Ring #1 kit (OUT large hole, i.d. 2.4 mm) PEEK, 2/pk
8 G1314-44010 Clip for RFI ID tag
9 0515-4780 Screw for Clip, M2.2, 4.5 mm long

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Figure 44 Standard Flow Cell

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 139

10 Parts and Materials for Maintenance
Micro Flow Cell, 5 mm / 1 µL (only for support)

Micro Flow Cell, 5 mm / 1 µL (only for support)

Item p/n Description

G1314-60081 Micro flow cell, 5 mm, 1 µL, 40 bar

5021-1823 Capillary column – detector SST 400 mm lg, 0.12 mm i.d.

1 G1314-20047 Cell screw

G1314-65052 Cell kit micro, comprises: two windows, two gaskets #1 and two
gaskets #2

2 79853-29100 Conical spring kit, 10/pk

3 79853-22500 Ring SST, 2/pk

5 79853-68742 Window quartz kit, 2/pk

4 79853-68743 PTFE gasket (round hole i.d. 2.5 mm, o.d. 8 mm), (10/pk)

6 G1314-65053 Gasket #2, PTFE, quantity=10

140 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Parts and Materials for Maintenance 10
Micro Flow Cell, 5 mm / 1 µL (only for support)

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Figure 45 Micro Flow Cell (5 mm, 1 µL, 40 bar)

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 141

10 Parts and Materials for Maintenance
Micro Flow Cell 3 mm / 2 µL

Micro Flow Cell 3 mm / 2 µL

Item p/n Description

G1314-60187 Micro flow cell 3 mm, 2 µL, 120 bar

(with RFID tag)

5021-1823 Capillary column – detector SST 400 mm lg, 0.12 mm i.d.

1 79883-22402 Window screw

2 5062-8553 Washer kit (10/pk)

3 79883-28801 Compression washer

4 79883-22301 Window holder

5 1000-0488 Quartz window

6 G1315-68710 Gasket FRONT (PTFE), 1.3 mm hole, inlet side (12/pk)

7 79883-68702 Gasket BACK (PTFE), 1.8 mm hole, outlet side (12/pk)

8 G1314-44010 Clip for RFI ID tag

9 0515-4780 Screw for Clip, M2.2, 4.5 mm long

G1314-87301 Capillary IN (0.12 mm, 310 mm lg)

G1314-87302 Capillary OUT (0.17 mm, 120 mm lg)

G1315-68713 Cell repair kit semi-micro, includes window screw kit, Gasket Kit
BACK, Gasket Kit FRONT and 4 mm hexagonal wrench

79883-68703 Window screw kit, includes 2 quartz windows, 2 compression

washers, 2 window holders, 2 window screws and 10 washers

142 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Parts and Materials for Maintenance 10
Micro Flow Cell 3 mm / 2 µL

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Figure 46 Micro Flow Cell

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 143

10 Parts and Materials for Maintenance
Semi-micro Flow Cell 6 mm / 5 µL

Semi-micro Flow Cell 6 mm / 5 µL

The semi-micro #1 and #2 gaskets (items 6 and 7) look very similar. Do not mix them up.

Item p/n Description

G1314-60183 Semi-micro flow cell 6 mm, 5 µL

(with RFID tag)

5021-1823 Capillary column – detector SST 400 mm lg, 0.12 mm i.d.

1 G1314-20047 Cell screw

G1314-65056 Semi-micro cell kit, includes two quartz windows, one gasket #1, one #2
and two PTFE gaskets.

2 79853-29100 Conical spring kit, 10/pk

3 79853-22500 Ring SST, 2/pk

4 79853-68743 PTFE gasket (round hole i.d. 2.5 mm, o.d. 8 mm), (10/pk)

5 79853-68742 Window quartz kit, 2/pk

6 Semi-micro #1 gasket (long hole 1.5 x 3.5 mm), PTFE

7 Semi-micro #2 gasket (long hole 2 x 4 mm), PTFE

8 G1314-44010 Clip for RFI ID tag

9 0515-4780 Screw for Clip, M2.2, 4.5 mm long

144 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Parts and Materials for Maintenance 10
Semi-micro Flow Cell 6 mm / 5 µL

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Figure 47 Semi-micro Flow Cell

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 145

10 Parts and Materials for Maintenance
High Pressure Flow Cell 10 mm / 14 µL

High Pressure Flow Cell 10 mm / 14 µL

Item p/n Description

G1314-60182 High pressure flow cell 10 mm, 14 µL, 400 bar

(with RFID tag)

G1315-87311 Capillary ST 0.17 mm x 380 mm S/S

1 G1314-20047 Cell screw

G1314-65054 Cell kit Agilent, comprises: two windows, two KAPTON gaskets and
two PEEK rings

2 Ring PEEK kit

3 Window quartz kit

4 Gasket kit, KAPTON

5 G1314-44010 Clip for RFI ID tag

6 0515-4780 Screw for Clip, M2.2, 4.5 mm long

146 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Parts and Materials for Maintenance 10
High Pressure Flow Cell 10 mm / 14 µL

& *



*"G;>98a^e )
+"HXgZl '

Figure 48 High Pressure Flow Cell

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 147

10 Parts and Materials for Maintenance
Cuvette Holder

Cuvette Holder

For information the use of the cuvette holder, refer to “Using the Cuvette
Holder” on page 130.

p/n Description

G1314-60200 Cuvette Holder

Figure 49 Cuvette Holder

148 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Parts and Materials for Maintenance 10
Leak Parts

Leak Parts

Item p/n Description

3 5041-8388 Leak funnel

4 5041-8389 Leak funnel holder

5 5041-8387 Tube clip

6 5062-2463 Corrugated tubing, PP, 6.5 mm id, 5 m

7 5062-2463 Corrugated tubing, PP, 6.5 mm id, 5 m


Figure 50 Leak Parts

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 149

10 Parts and Materials for Maintenance


HPLC System Tool Kit

HPLC System Tool Kit (G4203- 68708) contains some accessories and tools
needed for installation and maintenance of the module.

Accessory Kit
Accessory kit (G1314- 68755) contains some accessories and tools needed
for installation and repair of the module.

p/n Description

0100-1516 Fitting male PEEK, 2/pk

5062-8535 Waste accessory kit, PEEK capillary 0.25 mm i.d., 1/16 o.d., 500 mm long plus
2 MT PTFE tubing i.d. 0.8 m, 1/16 o.d.

5063-6527 Tubing assembly, i.d. 6 mm, o.d. 9 mm, 1.2 m (to waste)

5181-1516 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 0.5 m

150 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Identifying Cables
Cable Overview 152
Analog Cables 154
Remote Cables 156
BCD Cables 159
CAN/LAN Cables 161
RS-232 Cable Kit 162
External Contact Cable 163

This chapter provides information on cables used with the Agilent 1200 Infinity
Series modules.

Agilent Technologies 151

11 Identifying Cables
Cable Overview

Cable Overview

Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure proper
NOTE functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.

Analog cables

p/n Description

35900-60750 Agilent module to 3394/6 integrators

35900-60750 Agilent 35900A A/D converter

01046-60105 Analog cable (BNC to general purpose, spade lugs)

Remote cables

p/n Description

03394-60600 Agilent module to 3396A Series I integrators

3396 Series II / 3395A integrator, see details in section “Remote Cables” on

page 156

03396-61010 Agilent module to 3396 Series III / 3395B integrators

5061-3378 Remote Cable

01046-60201 Agilent module to general purpose

BCD cables

p/n Description

03396-60560 Agilent module to 3396 integrators

G1351-81600 Agilent module to general purpose

152 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Identifying Cables 11
Cable Overview

CAN cables

p/n Description

5181-1516 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 0.5 m

5181-1519 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 1 m

LAN cables

p/n Description

5023-0203 Cross-over network cable, shielded, 3 m (for point to point connection)

5023-0202 Twisted pair network cable, shielded, 7 m (for point to point connection)

External Contact Cable

p/n Description

G1103-61611 External contact cable - Agilent module interface board to general purposes

RS-232 cables

p/n Description

G1530-60600 RS-232 cable, 2 m

RS232-61601 RS-232 cable, 2.5 m
Instrument to PC, 9-to-9 pin (female). This cable has special pin-out, and is
not compatible with connecting printers and plotters. It's also called "Null
Modem Cable" with full handshaking where the wiring is made between pins
1-1, 2-3, 3-2, 4-6, 5-5, 6-4, 7-8, 8-7, 9-9.

5181-1561 RS-232 cable, 8 m

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 153

11 Identifying Cables
Analog Cables

Analog Cables

One end of these cables provides a BNC connector to be connected to

Agilent modules. The other end depends on the instrument to which
connection is being made.

Agilent Module to 3394/6 Integrators

p/n 35900-60750 Pin 3394/6 Pin Agilent Signal Name


1 Not connected

2 Shield Analog -

3 Center Analog +

Agilent Module to BNC Connector

p/n 8120-1840 Pin BNC Pin Agilent Signal Name


Shield Shield Analog -

Center Center Analog +

154 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Identifying Cables 11
Analog Cables

Agilent Module to General Purpose

p/n 01046-60105 Pin Pin Agilent Signal Name


1 Not connected

2 Black Analog -

3 Red Analog +

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 155

11 Identifying Cables
Remote Cables

Remote Cables

One end of these cables provides a Agilent Technologies APG (Analytical

Products Group) remote connector to be connected to Agilent modules.
The other end depends on the instrument to be connected to.

Agilent Module to 3396A Integrators

p/n 03394-60600 Pin 3396A Pin Agilent Signal Name Active

module (TTL)

9 1 - White Digital ground

NC 2 - Brown Prepare run Low

3 3 - Gray Start Low

NC 4 - Blue Shut down Low

NC 5 - Pink Not

NC 6 - Yellow Power on High

5,14 7 - Red Ready High

1 8 - Green Stop Low

NC 9 - Black Start request Low

13, 15 Not

Agilent Module to 3396 Series II / 3395A Integrators

Use the cable Agilent module to 3396A Series I integrators (03394- 60600)
and cut pin #5 on the integrator side. Otherwise the integrator prints
START; not ready.

156 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Identifying Cables 11
Remote Cables

Agilent Module to 3396 Series III / 3395B Integrators

p/n 03396-61010 Pin 33XX Pin Agilent Signal Name Active

module (TTL)

9 1 - White Digital ground

NC 2 - Brown Prepare run Low

3 3 - Gray Start Low

NC 4 - Blue Shut down Low

NC 5 - Pink Not connected

NC 6 - Yellow Power on High

14 7 - Red Ready High

4 8 - Green Stop Low

NC 9 - Black Start request Low

13, 15 Not connected

Agilent Module to Agilent 35900 A/D Converters

p/n 5061-3378 Pin 35900 A/D Pin Agilent Signal Name Active
module (TTL)

1 - White 1 - White Digital ground

2 - Brown 2 - Brown Prepare run Low

3 - Gray 3 - Gray Start Low

4 - Blue 4 - Blue Shut down Low

5 - Pink 5 - Pink Not connected

6 - Yellow 6 - Yellow Power on High

7 - Red 7 - Red Ready High

8 - Green 8 - Green Stop Low

9 - Black 9 - Black Start request Low

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 157

11 Identifying Cables
Remote Cables

Agilent Module to General Purpose

p/n 01046-60201 Wire Color Pin Agilent Signal Name Active

module (TTL)

White 1 Digital ground

Brown 2 Prepare run Low

Gray 3 Start Low

Blue 4 Shut down Low

Pink 5 Not connected

Yellow 6 Power on High

Red 7 Ready High

Green 8 Stop Low

Black 9 Start request Low

158 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Identifying Cables 11
BCD Cables

BCD Cables

One end of these cables provides a 15- pin BCD connector to be connected
to the Agilent modules. The other end depends on the instrument to be
connected to

Agilent Module to General Purpose

p/n G1351-81600 Wire Color Pin Agilent Signal Name BCD Digit

Green 1 BCD 5 20

Violet 2 BCD 7 80

Blue 3 BCD 6 40

Yellow 4 BCD 4 10

Black 5 BCD 0 1

Orange 6 BCD 3 8

Red 7 BCD 2 4
Brown 8 BCD 1 2

Gray 9 Digital ground Gray

Gray/pink 10 BCD 11 800

Red/blue 11 BCD 10 400

White/green 12 BCD 9 200

Brown/green 13 BCD 8 100

not connected 14

not connected 15 +5V Low

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 159

11 Identifying Cables
BCD Cables

Agilent Module to 3396 Integrators

p/n 03396-60560 Pin 3396 Pin Agilent Signal Name BCD Digit

1 1 BCD 5 20

2 2 BCD 7 80

3 3 BCD 6 40

4 4 BCD 4 10

5 5 BCD0 1

6 6 BCD 3 8

7 7 BCD 2 4

8 8 BCD 1 2

9 9 Digital ground

NC 15 +5V Low

160 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Identifying Cables 11
CAN/LAN Cables

CAN/LAN Cables

Both ends of this cable provide a modular plug to be connected to

Agilent modules CAN or LAN connectors.
CAN Cables

p/n Description

5181-1516 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 0.5 m

5181-1519 CAN cable, Agilent module to module, 1 m

LAN Cables

p/n Description

5023-0203 Cross-over network cable, shielded, 3 m (for point to point connection)

5023-0202 Twisted pair network cable, shielded, 7 m (for point to point connection)

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 161

11 Identifying Cables
RS-232 Cable Kit

RS-232 Cable Kit

p/n Description

G1530-60600 RS-232 cable, 2 m

RS232-61601 RS-232 cable, 2.5 m

Instrument to PC, 9-to-9 pin (female). This cable has special pin-out, and is
not compatible with connecting printers and plotters. It's also called "Null
Modem Cable" with full handshaking where the wiring is made between pins
1-1, 2-3, 3-2, 4-6, 5-5, 6-4, 7-8, 8-7, 9-9.

5181-1561 RS-232 cable, 8 m

162 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Identifying Cables 11
External Contact Cable

External Contact Cable

5 1
10 6
15 11

One end of this cable provides a 15- pin plug to be connected to

Agilent modules interface board. The other end is for general purpose.

Agilent Module Interface Board to general purposes

p/n G1103-61611 Color Pin Agilent Signal Name


White 1 EXT 1

Brown 2 EXT 1

Green 3 EXT 2

Yellow 4 EXT 2

Grey 5 EXT 3

Pink 6 EXT 3

Blue 7 EXT 4
Red 8 EXT 4

Black 9 Not connected

Violet 10 Not connected

Grey/pink 11 Not connected

Red/blue 12 Not connected

White/green 13 Not connected

Brown/green 14 Not connected

White/yellow 15 Not connected

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 163

11 Identifying Cables
External Contact Cable

164 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information
Firmware Description 166
Optional Interface Boards 169
Electrical Connections 172
Serial Number Information (ALL) 173
Rear view of the module 174
Interfaces 175
Interfaces Overview 178
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch (without On-board) LAN 182
Communication Settings for RS-232C 183
Special Settings 185
Instrument Layout 187
Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) 188
EMF Counter 188
Using the EMF Counters 188

This chapter describes the detector in more detail on hardware and electronics.

Agilent Technologies 165

12 Hardware Information
Firmware Description

Firmware Description

The firmware of the instrument consists of two independent sections:

• a non- instrument specific section, called resident system
• an instrument specific section, called main system

Resident System
This resident section of the firmware is identical for all Agilent
1100/1200/1220/1260/1290 series modules. Its properties are:
• the complete communication capabilities (CAN, LAN and RS- 232C)
• memory management
• ability to update the firmware of the 'main system'

Main System
Its properties are:
• the complete communication capabilities (CAN, LAN and RS- 232C)
• memory management
• ability to update the firmware of the 'resident system'
In addition the main system comprises the instrument functions that are
divided into common functions like
• run synchronization through APG remote,
• error handling,
• diagnostic functions,
• or module specific functions like
• internal events such as lamp control, filter movements,
• raw data collection and conversion to absorbance.

Firmware Updates
Firmware updates can be done using your user interface:
• PC and Firmware Update Tool with local files on the hard disk

166 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information 12
Firmware Description

• Instant Pilot (G4208A) with files from a USB Flash Disk

• Agilent Lab Advisor software B.01.03 and above
The file naming conventions are:
PPPP_RVVV_XXX.dlb, where
PPPP is the product number, for example, 1315AB for the G1315A/B DAD,
R the firmware revision, for example, A for G1315B or B for the G1315C
VVV is the revision number, for example 102 is revision 1.02,
XXX is the build number of the firmware.
For instructions on firmware updates refer to section Replacing Firmware
in chapter "Maintenance" or use the documentation provided with the
Firmware Update Tools.

Update of main system can be done in the resident system only. Update of the resident
NOTE system can be done in the main system only.
Main and resident firmware must be from the same set.

GZh^YZciHnhiZb BV^cHnhiZb


Figure 51 Firmware Update Mechanism

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 167

12 Hardware Information
Firmware Description

Some modules are limited in downgrading due to their main board version or their initial
NOTE firmware revision. For example, a G1315C DAD SL cannot be downgraded below firmware
revision B.01.02 or to a A.xx.xx.
Some modules can be re-branded (e.g. G1314C to G1314B) to allow operation in specific
control software environments. In this case the feature set of the target type are use and
the feature set of the original are lost. After re-branding (e.g. from G1314B to G1314C), the
original feature set is available again.
All these specific informations are described in the documentation provided with the
firmware update tools.

The firmware update tools, firmware and documentation are available

from the Agilent web.
• http://www.chem.agilent.com/_layouts/agilent/downloadFirmware.aspx?whid=69761

168 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information 12
Optional Interface Boards

Optional Interface Boards

BCD / External Contact Board

The Agilent 1200 Infinity Series modules have one optional board slot that
allows to add an interface board to the modules. Some modules do not
have this interface slot. Refer to “Interfaces” on page 175 for details.
Optional Interface Boards

p/n Description

G1351-68701 Interface board (BCD) with external contacts and BCD outputs

2110-0004 Fuse for BCD board, 250 mA

The BCD board provides a BCD output for the bottle number of the
Agilent 1200 Series autosampler and four external contacts. The external
contact closure contacts are relay contacts. The maximum settings are:
30 V (AC/DC); 250 mA (fused).


EgdXZhhdg 789 789
^ciZg[VXZ gZ\^hiZg XdccZXidg

:miZgcVa )m :miZgcVa
XdciVXih XdciVXi

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 169

12 Hardware Information
Optional Interface Boards

There are general purpose cables available to connect the BCD output, see
“BCD Cables” on page 159 and the external outputs, see “External Contact
Cable” on page 163 to external devices.

Table 15 Detailed connector layout (1200)

Pin Signal name BCD digit

1 BCD 5 20

2 BCD 7 80

3 BCD 6 40

4 BCD 4 10

5 BCD 0 1

6 BCD 3 8

7 BCD 2 4

8 BCD 1 2

9 Digital ground

10 BCD 11 800

11 BCD 10 400

12 BCD 9 200

13 BCD 8 100

15 +5V Low

LAN Communication Interface Board

The Agilent modules have one optional board slot that allows to add an
interface board to the modules. Some modules do not have this interface
slot. Refer to “Interfaces” on page 175 for details.

p/n Description

G1369B or G1369-60002 Interface board (LAN)

OR G1369C or G1369-60012 Interface board (LAN)

170 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information 12
Optional Interface Boards

One board is required per Agilent 1260 Infinity instrument. It is recommended to add the
NOTE LAN board to the detector with highest data rate.

For the configuration of the G1369 LAN Communication Interface card refer to its
NOTE documentation.

The following cards can be used with the Agilent 1260 Infinity modules.

Table 16 LAN Boards

Type Vendor Supported networks

Interface board (LAN) (G1369B Agilent Technologies Fast Ethernet, Ethernet/802.3,

or G1369-60002) or RJ-45 (10/100Base-TX)
Interface board (LAN) (G1369C recommended for re-ordering
or G1369-60012)

LAN Communication Interface Agilent Technologies Fast Ethernet, Ethernet/802.3,

board (G1369A or RJ-45 (10/100Base-TX)
G1369-60001) (obsolete)

J4106A1 Hewlett Packard Ethernet/802.3, RJ-45


J4105A1 Hewlett Packard Token Ring/802.5, DB9, RJ-45


J4100A1 Hewlett Packard Fast Ethernet, Ethernet/802.3,

RJ-45 (10/100Base-TX) + BNC

1 These cards may be no longer orderable. Minimum firmware of these Hewlett Packard JetDirect
cards is A.05.05.

Recommended LAN Cables

p/n Description

5023-0203 Cross-over network cable, shielded, 3 m (for point to point connection)

5023-0202 Twisted pair network cable, shielded, 7 m (for point to point connection)

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 171

12 Hardware Information
Electrical Connections

Electrical Connections

• The CAN bus is a serial bus with high speed data transfer. The two
connectors for the CAN bus are used for internal module data transfer
and synchronization.
• One analog output provides signals for integrators or data handling
• The interface board slot is used for external contacts and BCD bottle
number output or LAN connections.
• The REMOTE connector may be used in combination with other
analytical instruments from Agilent Technologies if you want to use
features such as start, stop, common shut down, prepare, and so on.
• With the appropriate software, the RS- 232C connector may be used to
control the module from a computer through a RS- 232C connection.
This connector is activated and can be configured with the
configuration switch.
• The power input socket accepts a line voltage of 100 – 240 VAC ± 10 %
with a line frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Maximum power consumption
varies by module. There is no voltage selector on your module because
the power supply has wide- ranging capability. There are no externally
accessible fuses, because automatic electronic fuses are implemented in
the power supply.

Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure proper
NOTE functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.

172 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information 12
Electrical Connections

Serial Number Information (ALL)

Serial Number Information 1260 Infinity
The serial number information on the instrument labels provide the
following information:

CCXZZ00000 Format

CC Country of manufacturing
• DE = Germany
• JP = Japan
• CN = China

X Alphabetic character A-Z (used by manufacturing)

ZZ Alpha-numeric code 0-9, A-Z, where each combination

unambiguously denotes a module (there can be more than one
code for the same module)

00000 Serial number

Serial Number Information 1200 Series and 1290 Infinity

The serial number information on the instrument labels provide the
following information:


CC country of manufacturing
• DE = Germany
• JP = Japan
• CN = China

YWW year and week of last major manufacturing change, e.g. 820
could be week 20 of 1998 or 2008

SSSSS real serial number

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 173

12 Hardware Information
Electrical Connections

Rear view of the module







Figure 52 Rear view of detector

The GPIB interface has been removed with the introduction of the 1260 Infinity modules.

174 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information 12


The Agilent 1200 Infinity Series modules provide the following interfaces:

Table 17 Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Interfaces

Module CAN LAN/BCD LAN RS-232 Analog APG Special

(optional) (on-board) Remote


G1310B Iso Pump 2 Yes No Yes 1 Yes

G1311B Quat Pump
G1311C Quat Pump VL
G1312B Bin Pump
K1312B Bin Pump Clinical Ed.
G1312C Bin Pump VL
1376A Cap Pump
G2226A Nano Pump
G5611A Bio-inert Quat Pump

G4220A/B Bin Pump 2 No Yes Yes No Yes CAN-DC- OUT for CAN
G4204A Quat Pump slaves

G1361A Prep Pump 2 Yes No Yes No Yes CAN-DC- OUT for CAN


G1329B ALS 2 Yes No Yes No Yes THERMOSTAT for

G2260A Prep ALS G1330B/K1330B

G1364B FC-PS 2 Yes No Yes No Yes THERMOSTAT for

G1364C FC-AS G1330B/K1330B
G1364D FC-μS CAN-DC- OUT for CAN
G1367E HiP ALS slaves
K1367E HiP ALS Clinical Ed.
G1377A HiP micro ALS
G5664A Bio-inert FC-AS
G5667A Bio-inert

G4226A ALS 2 Yes No Yes No Yes

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 175

12 Hardware Information

Table 17 Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Interfaces

Module CAN LAN/BCD LAN RS-232 Analog APG Special

(optional) (on-board) Remote

G1314B VWD VL 2 Yes No Yes 1 Yes

G1314C VWD VL+

G1314E/F VWD 2 No Yes Yes 1 Yes

K1314F Clinical Ed.

G4212A/B DAD 2 No Yes Yes 1 Yes

K4212B DAD Clinical Ed.

G1315C DAD VL+ 2 No Yes Yes 2 Yes

G1365C MWD
G1321B FLD 2 Yes No Yes 2 Yes
K1321B FLD Clinical Ed.
G1321C FLD

G1362A RID 2 Yes No Yes 1 Yes

G4280A ELSD No No No Yes Yes Yes EXT Contact



G1170A Valve Drive 2 No No No No No 1

G1316A/C TCC 2 No No Yes No Yes

K1316C TCC Clinical Ed.

G1322A DEG No No No No No Yes AUX

K1322A DEG Clinical Ed.

G1379B DEG No No No Yes No Yes

G4225A DEG No No No Yes No Yes

K4225A DEG Clinical Ed.

176 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information 12

Table 17 Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Interfaces

Module CAN LAN/BCD LAN RS-232 Analog APG Special

(optional) (on-board) Remote
G4227A Flex Cube 2 No No No No No CAN-DC- OUT for CAN

G4240A CHIP CUBE 2 Yes No Yes No Yes CAN-DC- OUT for CAN
G1330A/B (NOT
USED), K1330B
Requires a HOST module with on-board LAN (e.g. G4212A or G4220A with minimum firmware B.06.40 or C.06.40) or with ad-
ditional G1369C LAN Card

The detector (DAD/MWD/FLD/VWD/RID) is the preferred access point for control via
NOTE LAN. The inter-module communication is done via CAN.

• CAN connectors as interface to other modules

• LAN connector as interface to the control software
• RS- 232C as interface to a computer
• REMOTE connector as interface to other Agilent products
• Analog output connector(s) for signal output

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 177

12 Hardware Information

Interfaces Overview
The CAN is inter- module communication interface. It is a 2- wire serial
bus system supporting high speed data communication and real- time

The modules have either an interface slot for an LAN card (e.g. Agilent
G1369B/C LAN Interface) or they have an on- board LAN interface (e.g.
detectors G1315C/D DAD and G1365C/D MWD). This interface allows the
control of the module/system via a PC with the appropriate control
software. Some modules have neither on- board LAN nor an interface slot
for a LAN card (e.g. G1170A Valve Drive or G4227A Flex Cube). These are
hosted modules and require a Host module with firmware B.06.40 or later
or with additional G1369C LAN Card.

If an Agilent detector (DAD/MWD/FLD/VWD/RID) is in the system, the LAN should be

NOTE connected to the DAD/MWD/FLD/VWD/RID (due to higher data load). If no Agilent
detector is part of the system, the LAN interface should be installed in the pump or

RS-232C (Serial)
The RS- 232C connector is used to control the module from a computer
through RS- 232C connection, using the appropriate software. This
connector can be configured with the configuration switch module at the
rear of the module. Refer to Communication Settings for RS- 232C.

There is no configuration possible on main boards with on-board LAN. These are
NOTE pre-configured for
• 19200 baud,
• 8 data bit with no parity and
• one start bit and one stop bit are always used (not selectable).

The RS- 232C is designed as DCE (data communication equipment) with a

9- pin male SUB- D type connector. The pins are defined as:

178 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information 12

Table 18 RS-232C Connection Table

Pin Direction Function

1 In DCD

2 In RxD

3 Out TxD

4 Out DTR

5 Ground

6 In DSR

7 Out RTS

8 In CTS

9 In RI

>chigjbZci E8


Figure 53 RS-232 Cable

Analog Signal Output

The analog signal output can be distributed to a recording device. For
details refer to the description of the module’s main board.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 179

12 Hardware Information

APG Remote
The APG Remote connector may be used in combination with other
analytical instruments from Agilent Technologies if you want to use
features as common shut down, prepare, and so on.
Remote control allows easy connection between single instruments or
systems to ensure coordinated analysis with simple coupling requirements.
The subminiature D connector is used. The module provides one remote
connector which is inputs/outputs (wired- or technique).
To provide maximum safety within a distributed analysis system, one line
is dedicated to SHUT DOWN the system’s critical parts in case any module
detects a serious problem. To detect whether all participating modules are
switched on or properly powered, one line is defined to summarize the
POWER ON state of all connected modules. Control of analysis is
maintained by signal readiness READY for next analysis, followed by START
of run and optional STOP of run triggered on the respective lines. In
addition PREPARE and START REQUEST may be issued. The signal levels are
defined as:
• standard TTL levels (0 V is logic true, + 5.0 V is false),
• fan- out is 10 ,
• input load is 2.2 kOhm against + 5.0 V, and
• output are open collector type, inputs/outputs (wired- or technique).

All common TTL circuits operate with a 5 V power supply. A TTL signal is defined as "low"
NOTE or L when between 0 V and 0.8 V and "high" or H when between 2.0 V and 5.0 V (with
respect to the ground terminal).

180 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information 12

Table 19 Remote Signal Distribution

Pin Signal Description

1 DGND Digital ground

2 PREPARE (L) Request to prepare for analysis (for example, calibration, detector
lamp on). Receiver is any module performing pre-analysis activities.

3 START (L) Request to start run / timetable. Receiver is any module

performing run-time controlled activities.

4 SHUT DOWN (L) System has serious problem (for example, leak: stops pump).
Receiver is any module capable to reduce safety risk.

5 Not used

6 POWER ON (H) All modules connected to system are switched on. Receiver is
any module relying on operation of others.

7 READY (H) System is ready for next analysis. Receiver is any sequence

8 STOP (L) Request to reach system ready state as soon as possible (for
example, stop run, abort or finish and stop injection). Receiver is any
module performing run-time controlled activities.

9 START REQUEST (L) Request to start injection cycle (for example, by start key on any
module). Receiver is the autosampler.

Special Interfaces
There is no special interface for this module.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 181

12 Hardware Information
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch (without On-board) LAN

Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch (without On-board) LAN

The 8- bit configuration switch is located at the rear of the module.

This module does not have its own on- board LAN interface. It can be
controlled through the LAN interface of another module, and a CAN
connection to that module.

Figure 54 Configuration switch (settings depend on configured mode)

All modules without on- board LAN:

• default should be ALL DIPS DOWN (= best settings)
• Bootp mode for LAN and
• 19200 baud, 8 data bit / 1 stop bit with no parity for RS- 232
• DIP 1 DOWN and DIP 2 UP allows special RS- 232 settings
• for boot/test modes DIPS 1+2 must be UP plus required mode

For normal operation use the default (best) settings.


Switch settings provide configuration parameters for serial communication

protocol and instrument specific initialization procedures.

With the introduction of the Agilent 1260 Infinity, all GPIB interfaces have been removed.
NOTE The preferred communication is LAN.

182 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information 12
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch (without On-board) LAN

The following tables represent the configuration switch settings for the modules without
NOTE on-board LAN only.

Table 20 8-bit Configuration Switch (without on-board LAN)

Mode Select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

RS-232C 0 1 Baudrate Data Parity


Reserved 1 0 Reserved


The LAN settings are done on the LAN Interface Card G1369B/C. Refer to the
NOTE documentation provided with the card.

Communication Settings for RS-232C

The communication protocol used in the column compartment supports
only hardware handshake (CTS/RTR).
Switches 1 in down and 2 in up position define that the RS- 232C
parameters will be changed. Once the change has been completed, the
column instrument must be powered up again in order to store the values
in the non- volatile memory.

Table 21 Communication Settings for RS-232C Communication (without on-board LAN)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

RS-232C 0 1 Baudrate Data Bits Parity

Use the following tables for selecting the setting which you want to use for
RS- 232C communication. The number 0 means that the switch is down
and 1 means that the switch is up.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 183

12 Hardware Information
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch (without On-board) LAN

Table 22 Baudrate Settings (without on-board LAN)

Switches Baud Rate Switches Baud Rate

3 4 5 3 4 5

0 0 0 9600 1 0 0 9600

0 0 1 1200 1 0 1 14400

0 1 0 2400 1 1 0 19200

0 1 1 4800 1 1 1 38400

Table 23 Data Bit Settings (without on-board LAN)

Switch 6 Data Word Size

0 7 Bit Communication

1 8 Bit Communication

Table 24 Parity Settings (without on-board LAN)

Switches Parity

7 8

0 0 No Parity

0 1 Odd Parity

1 1 Even Parity

One start bit and one stop bit are always used (not selectable).
Per default, the module will turn into 19200 baud, 8 data bit with no

184 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information 12
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch (without On-board) LAN

Special Settings
The special settings are required for specific actions (normally in a service

Firmware update procedures may require this mode in case of firmware
loading errors (main firmware part).
If you use the following switch settings and power the instrument up
again, the instrument firmware stays in the resident mode. It is not
operable as a module. It only uses basic functions of the operating system
for example, for communication. In this mode the main firmware can be
loaded (using update utilities).

Table 25 Boot Resident Settings (without on-board LAN)

Mode Select SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8

TEST/BOOT 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 185

12 Hardware Information
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch (without On-board) LAN

Forced Cold Start

A forced cold start can be used to bring the module into a defined mode
with default parameter settings.

Loss of data
Forced cold start erases all methods and data stored in the non-volatile memory.
Exceptions are calibration settings, diagnosis and repair log books which will not be
➔ Save your methods and data before executing a forced cold start.

If you use the following switch settings and power the instrument up
again, a forced cold start has been completed.

Table 26 Forced Cold Start Settings (without on-board LAN)

Mode Select SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8

TEST/BOOT 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

186 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information 12
Instrument Layout

Instrument Layout

The industrial design of the module incorporates several innovative

features. It uses Agilent’s E- PAC concept for the packaging of electronics
and mechanical assemblies. This concept is based upon the use of
expanded polypropylene (EPP) layers of foam plastic spacers in which the
mechanical and electronic boards components of the module are placed.
This pack is then housed in a metal inner cabinet which is enclosed by a
plastic external cabinet. The advantages of this packaging technology are:
• virtual elimination of fixing screws, bolts or ties, reducing the number
of components and increasing the speed of assembly/disassembly,
• the plastic layers have air channels molded into them so that cooling
air can be guided exactly to the required locations,
• the plastic layers help cushion the electronic and mechanical parts from
physical shock, and
• the metal inner cabinet shields the internal electronics from
electromagnetic interference and also helps to reduce or eliminate radio
frequency emissions from the instrument itself.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 187

12 Hardware Information
Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF)

Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF)

Maintenance requires the exchange of components which are subject to

wear or stress. Ideally, the frequency at which components are exchanged
should be based on the intensity of usage of the instrument and the
analytical conditions, and not on a predefined time interval. The early
maintenance feedback (EMF) feature monitors the usage of specific
components in the instrument, and provides feedback when the
user- selectable limits have been exceeded. The visual feedback in the user
interface provides an indication that maintenance procedures should be

EMF Counter
The detector module provides a EMF counter for the lamp. The counter
increments with lamp use, and can be assigned a maximum limit which
provides visual feedback in the user interface when the limit is exceeded.
The counter can be reset to zero after the lamp is exchanged.
The detector provides the following EMF counters:
• Deuterium Lamp On- Time

Using the EMF Counters

The user- settable EMF limits for the EMF counters enable the early
maintenance feedback to be adapted to specific user requirements. The
useful lamp burn time is dependent on the requirements for the analysis
(high or low sensitivity analysis, wavelength etc.), therefore, the definition
of the maximum limits need to be determined based on the specific
operating conditions of the instrument.

188 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Hardware Information 12
Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF)

Setting the EMF Limits

The setting of the EMF limits must be optimized over one or two
maintenance cycles. Initially, no EMF limit should be set. When instrument
performance indicates maintenance is necessary, take note of the values
displayed by lamp counters. Enter these values (or values slightly less
than the displayed values) as EMF limits, and then reset the EMF counters
to zero. The next time the EMF counters exceed the new EMF limits, the
EMF flag will be displayed, providing a reminder that maintenance needs
to be scheduled.

This function is only available via Agilent Lab Advisor or Instant Pilot.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 189

12 Hardware Information
Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF)

190 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

General Safety Information 192
Batteries Information 195
Radio Interference 196
Sound Emission 197
UV Radiation 198
Solvent Information 199
Declaration of Conformity for HOX2 Filter 201
Agilent Technologies on Internet 202

This chapter provides addition information on safety, legal and web.

Agilent Technologies 191

13 Appendix
General Safety Information

General Safety Information

General Safety Information

The following general safety precautions must be observed during all
phases of operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to
comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this
manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use
of the instrument. Agilent Technologies assumes no liability for the
customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.

Ensure the proper usage of the equipment.

The protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
➔ The operator of this instrument is advised to use the equipment in a manner as
specified in this manual.

Safety Standards
This is a Safety Class I instrument (provided with terminal for protective
earthing) and has been manufactured and tested according to
international safety standards.

Before applying power, comply with the installation section. Additionally
the following must be observed.
Do not remove instrument covers when operating. Before the instrument is
switched on, all protective earth terminals, extension cords,
auto- transformers, and devices connected to it must be connected to a
protective earth via a ground socket. Any interruption of the protective
earth grounding will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in
serious personal injury. Whenever it is likely that the protection has been

192 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Appendix 13
General Safety Information

impaired, the instrument must be made inoperative and be secured against

any intended operation.
Make sure that only fuses with the required rated current and of the
specified type (normal blow, time delay, and so on) are used for
replacement. The use of repaired fuses and the short- circuiting of fuse
holders must be avoided.
Some adjustments described in the manual, are made with power supplied
to the instrument, and protective covers removed. Energy available at
many points may, if contacted, result in personal injury.
Any adjustment, maintenance, and repair of the opened instrument under
voltage should be avoided whenever possible. When inevitable, this has to
be carried out by a skilled person who is aware of the hazard involved. Do
not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable
of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present. Do not replace
components with power cable connected.
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or
fumes. Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment
constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Do not install substitute parts or make any unauthorized modification to
the instrument.
Capacitors inside the instrument may still be charged, even though the
instrument has been disconnected from its source of supply. Dangerous
voltages, capable of causing serious personal injury, are present in this
instrument. Use extreme caution when handling, testing and adjusting.
When working with solvents, observe appropriate safety procedures (for
example, goggles, safety gloves and protective clothing) as described in the
material handling and safety data sheet by the solvent vendor, especially
when toxic or hazardous solvents are used.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 193

13 Appendix
General Safety Information

Safety Symbols
Table 27 Safety Symbols

Symbol Description

The apparatus is marked with this symbol when the user should refer to
the instruction manual in order to protect risk of harm to the operator and
to protect the apparatus against damage.

Indicates dangerous voltages.

Indicates a protected ground terminal.

Indicates eye damage may result from directly viewing the light produced
by the deuterium lamp used in this product.

The apparatus is marked with this symbol when hot surfaces are available
and the user should not touch it when heated up.

alerts you to situations that could cause physical injury or death.
➔ Do not proceed beyond a warning until you have fully understood and met the
indicated conditions.

alerts you to situations that could cause loss of data, or damage of equipment.
➔ Do not proceed beyond a caution until you have fully understood and met the
indicated conditions.

194 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Appendix 13
Batteries Information

Batteries Information

Lithium batteries may not be disposed-off into the domestic waste. Transportation of
discharged Lithium batteries through carriers regulated by IATA/ICAO, ADR, RID,
IMDG is not allowed.
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
➔ Discharged Lithium batteries shall be disposed off locally according to national
waste disposal regulations for batteries.
➔ Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the equipment

Lithiumbatteri - Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig håndtering.

Udskiftning må kun ske med batteri af samme fabrikat og type.
➔ Lever det brugte batteri tilbage til leverandøren.

Lithiumbatteri - Eksplosionsfare.
Ved udskiftning benyttes kun batteri som anbefalt av apparatfabrikanten.
➔ Brukt batteri returneres appararleverandoren.

Bij dit apparaat zijn batterijen geleverd. Wanneer deze leeg zijn, moet u ze niet weggooien
NOTE maar inleveren als KCA.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 195

13 Appendix
Radio Interference

Radio Interference

Cables supplied by Agilent Technologies are screened to provide optimized

protection against radio interference. All cables are in compliance with
safety or EMC regulations.

Test and Measurement

If test and measurement equipment is operated with unscreened cables, or
used for measurements on open set- ups, the user has to assure that under
operating conditions the radio interference limits are still met within the

196 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Appendix 13
Sound Emission

Sound Emission

Manufacturer’s Declaration
This statement is provided to comply with the requirements of the
German Sound Emission Directive of 18 January 1991.
This product has a sound pressure emission (at the operator position)
< 70 dB.
• Sound Pressure Lp < 70 dB (A)
• At Operator Position
• Normal Operation
• According to ISO 7779:1988/EN 27779/1991 (Type Test)

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 197

13 Appendix
UV Radiation

UV Radiation

Emissions of ultraviolet radiation (200 – 315 nm) from this product is

limited such that radiant exposure incident upon the unprotected skin or
eye of operator or service personnel is limited to the following TLVs
(Threshold Limit Values) according to the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists:

Table 28 UV radiation limits

Exposure/day Effective irradiance

8h 0.1 µW/cm2
10 min 5.0 µW/cm2

Typically the radiation values are much smaller than these limits:

Table 29 UV radiation typical values

Position Effective irradiance

Lamp installed, 50 cm distance average 0.016 µW/cm2

Lamp installed, 50 cm distance maximum 0.14 µW/cm2

198 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Appendix 13
Solvent Information

Solvent Information

Observe the following recommendations on the use of solvents.

Flow Cell
Avoid the use of alkaline solutions (pH > 9.5 ) which can attack quartz
and thus impair the optical properties of the flow cell.
Prevent any crystallization of buffer solutions. This will lead into a
blockage/damage of the flow cell.
If the flow cell is transported while temperatures are below 5 °C, it must
be assured that the cell is filled with alcohol.
Aqueous solvents in the flow cell can built up algae. Therefore do not
leave aqueous solvents sitting in the flow cell. Add small % of organic
solvents (for example, acetonitrile or methanol ~5 %).

Brown glass ware can avoid growth of algae.
Always filter solvents, small particles can permanently block the
capillaries. Avoid the use of the following steel- corrosive solvents:
• Solutions of alkali halides and their respective acids (for example,
lithium iodide, potassium chloride, and so on).
• High concentrations of inorganic acids like nitric acid, sulfuric acid
especially at higher temperatures (replace, if your chromatography
method allows, by phosphoric acid or phosphate buffer which are less
corrosive against stainless steel).
• Halogenated solvents or mixtures which form radicals and/or acids, for
2CHCl3 + O2 → 2COCl2 + 2HCl
This reaction, in which stainless steel probably acts as a catalyst,
occurs quickly with dried chloroform if the drying process removes the
stabilizing alcohol.

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 199

13 Appendix
Solvent Information

• Chromatographic grade ethers, which can contain peroxides (for

example, THF, dioxane, di- isopropylether) such ethers should be filtered
through dry aluminium oxide which adsorbs the peroxides.
• Solutions of organic acids (acetic acid, formic acid, and so on) in
organic solvents. For example, a 1 % solution of acetic acid in methanol
will attack steel.
• Solutions containing strong complexing agents (for example, EDTA,
ethylene diamine tetra- acetic acid).
• Mixtures of carbon tetrachloride with 2- propanol or THF.

200 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual

Appendix 13
Declaration of Conformity for HOX2 Filter

Declaration of Conformity for HOX2 Filter

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 201

13 Appendix
Agilent Technologies on Internet

Agilent Technologies on Internet

For the latest information on products and services visit our worldwide
web site on the Internet at:

202 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual



8 beam splitter 14 cautions and warnings 119

Beer-Lambert cell test 106
8-bit configuration switch
absorbance 76 chromatogram 55
without On-Board LAN 182
bench space 22 cleaning 122
A board Communication settings
HP JetDirect card 170 RS-232C 183
boards compensation sensor open 91
Beer-Lambert 76
LAN card 170 compensation sensor short 92
accessory kit photodiode boards (ADC) 15 condensation 23
content 33
Agilent Lab Advisor software 84 C one stack 34, 34
Agilent Lab Advisor 84
cable two stack 37
analog 154 correction factors for flow cells 77
on internet 202
BCD 159 cutoff filter 13
algea information 199
CAN 161 cuvette holder 130
ambient non-operating temperature 24 connecting APG remote 38 parts 148
ambient operating temperature 24 connecting CAN 38
analog signal 179 connecting LAN 38 D
analog connecting the ChemStation 38
cable 154 dark current test 112
connecting the power 38
output range 69 external contact 163 declaration of conformity 201
output settings 69 LAN 161 defect on arrival 32
apg remote 180 remote 156 delivery checklist 33
ASTM RS-232 162 detection type 25, 27
Drift and Noise Test 110 cables detector error messages 94
reference and conditions 29 analog 152 diagnostic
BCD 152 signals 80
B CAN 153 test functions 103
external contact 153 dimensions 24
band width 6.5 nm 25, 27
LAN 153 drift 25, 27
overview 152 initial 63
safety information 195
remote 152
BCD board
RS-232 153 E
external contacts 169
BCD electrical connections
cable 161
cable 159 descriptions of 172

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 203


EMF safety and maintenace 26, 28 bench space 22

early maintenance feedback 188 firmware environment 23
setting limits 189 description 166 of flow connections 46
using counters 188 main system 166 site requirements 20
entrance slit assembly 13 resident system 166 instrument layout 187
environment 23 update tool 167 interface board
error message updates 166, 135, 135 replacing 134
ADC hardware error 100 upgade/downgrade 135 interfaces 175
error messages upgrade/downgrade 135 internet 202
calibration failed 97 flow cell introduction 10
compensation sensor open 91 correction factors 77 to optical system 11
compensation sensor short 92 exchange 126
detector 94 high pressure (parts) 146 L
fan failed 92 micro (parts) 142
repairing 128 lamp
filter check failed 100
semimicro (parts) 144 exchange 123
general 87
standard (parts) 139 initial drift 63
grating/filter motor defective 98
types and data 25, 27 intensity test 104
heater current missing 96
type 25, 27
holmium oxide test failed 98 frequency range 24
ignition without cover 93, 93
cable 161
lamp current missing 94 G
communication interface board 170
lamp ignition failed 95 general error messages 87
lamp voltage missing 94 leak handling system parts
grating assembly 14 replacing 133
leak sensor open 90
leak sensor short 91 leak sensor open 90
leak 90
H leak sensor short 91
lost CAN partner 89 holmium oxide leak
remote timeout 88 declaration of conformity 201 correcting 132
shutdown 88 filter 13 parts 149
timeout 87 test 114 line frequency 24
wavelength check failed 99 HP JetDirect card 170 line voltage 24
external contact humidity 24 linearity 25, 27, 29
cable 163 lithium batteries 195
external contacts I lost CAN partner 89
BCD board 169 information
on cuvette holder 130 M
F on solvents 199 maintenance
fan failed 92 on sound emission 197 definition of 118
features on UV radiation 198 for parts see ’parts for
GLP 26, 28 installation maintenance’ 137

204 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual


introduction 117 grating assembly 14 physical specifications 24

overview 121 lamp 13 physical
replacing firmware 135, 135 mirrors 14 specifications 24
using the cuvette holder 130 photodiode assemblies 15 power consumption 24
message photodiode boards 15 power cords 21
ADC hardware error 100 source lens assembly 13 power
calibration failed 97 optimization considerations 20
calibration lost 99 detector performance 74 preparing the HPLC system 56
filter check failed 100 of the system 55
grating/filter motor defective 98 stack configuration 34
heater current missing 96 overview
holmium oxide test failed 98 optical path 11 radio interference 196
ignition without cover 93, 93 optical system 11 recalibration of wavelength 80
lamp current missing 94 system overview 11 reference conditions 29
lamp ignition failed 95 remote
lamp voltage missing 94 P cable 156
remote timeout 88 repairs
wavelength check failed 99 cautions and warnings 119
damaged 32
method overview of simple repairs 121
load 59 replacing firmware 135, 135
setting 78
mirror RS-232C
assemblies 14 cable 162
detector 60
communication settings 183
parts for maintenance
N cuvette holder 148
running the sample 65
noise, short term 25, 27 high pressure flow cell 146
non-operating altitude 24 leak parts 149
non-operating temperature 24 micro flow cell 142 safety class I 192
overview of maintenance parts 138 safety information
O semimicro flow cell 144 lithium batteries 195
standard flow cell 139 safety
plot 63 parts general information 192
spectra 67 and materials for maintenance 137 standards 24
peakwidth symbols 194
operating Altitude 24
settings 71 sample info 64
operating temperature 24
performance scanning 68
optical unit
optimization 74 serial number
beam splitter assembly 14
entrance slit assembly 13 photodiode information 173, 173
filter assembly 13 assemblies 15 setting up an analysis 51
filter 13 boards 15 settings
flow cell 12 photometric accuracy 77 analog output settings 69

Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual 205


peakwidth 71 intensity of deuterium lamp 104 UV radiation 198

setup of detector 60 wavelength calibration 108
shutdown 88 test V
signal Quick Noise 111 voltage range 24
diagnostic 80 timeout 87
plot 62 tool kit W
site requirements 20 hplc system 150
warnings and cautions 119
power considerations 20 troubleshooting
power cords 21 available tests vs interface 83
accuracy 25, 27
solvent information 199 diagnostic signals 80
calibration 108
sound emission 197 error messages 86, 80
range 190-600 nm 25, 27
source lens assembly 13 overview 80
recalibration 80
special interfaces 181 status indicators 80, 81
test functions 103, 80 weight 24
special setpoints 70
special settings
boot-resident 185
forced cold start 186 unpacking 32
specification using
physical 24 analog output settings 69
specifications detector parameters 60
physical 24 EMF 188
spectra load method 59
online 67 online plot 63
stack configuration online spectra 67
front view 37 peakwidth settings 71
rear view 38 preparing the HPLC system 56
priming and purging the system 51
status indicators 80
requirements and conditions 53
status indicator 82
running the sample 65
stop-flow condition 67
sample info 64
system setup and installation setting up an analysis 51
optimizing stack configuration 34 setup of detector 60
signal plot 62
T special setpoints 70
temperature sensor 90 special settings 66
test functions 80, 103 stop-flow condition 67
tests the cuvette holder 130
available tests vs interface 83 the detector 49
dark current 112 turn on 57
holmium oxide 114 typical chromatogram 55

206 Agilent 1260 Infinity VWD User Manual


In This Book

This manual covers the Agilent 1260 Infinity

Variable Wavelength Detector (G1314B/C)
The manual describes the following:
• introcduction and specifications,
• installation,
• using and optimizing,
• troubleshooting and diagnose,
• maintenance,
• parts identification,
• hardware information,
• safety and related information.

© Agilent Technologies 2011-2012, 2013

Printed in Germany

G1314- 90013
Rev. C

Agilent Technologies

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