Annual Plan 8vo
Annual Plan 8vo
Annual Plan 8vo
Weekly hours Number of weeks of Learning Assessment Weeks Total Weeks of class Total of periods
2 Hours work
36 weeks 4 weeks 40 weeks 200 Hours
Objectives of the Area Objectives of the Grade/Course
OG.EFL 1 O.EFL 4.1
Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other Identify the main ideas, some details and inferences of written
countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, texts, in order to produce level-appropriate critical analysis of
and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from familiar subjects and contexts.
the secure standpoint of their own national and cultural
identity. O.EFL 4.2
Appreciate and value English as an international language and a
OG.EFL 2 medium to interact globally.
Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and
tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role O.EFL 4.3
of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational Independently read A2.1 level text in English as a source of enter-
society. tainment and interpersonal and intrapersonal interaction.
Intercultural awareness, tolerance, respect, multiculturalism,
responsibility, solidarity, responsibility, honesty, respect, love,
peace, justice, innovation, etc.
Nº Title of Unit Specific Contents/skills ** Methodological Evaluation*** Weeks
the unit Objectives Orientations duration
(Skills and strategies)
1 People You will learn how to EFL 4.1.9 Communication and CE.EFL.4.2. 6
Around Us Recognize the Cultural Awareness Recognize and demonstrate an
• greet formally and consequences of one’s appreciation of
informally. actions by Creating a poster of commonalities between
• ask and answer demonstrating class rules. cultures as well as the
personal responsible decision- consequences of one’s
information questions. making at school, Collaborating on a actions while exhibiting
• introduce someone. online, at home and in group project. socially responsible
the community, while behaviors.
considering ethical Completing group work
standards, safety con- in a fair and honest I.EFL.4.2.1.
cerns, social norms and manner and accepting Learners can name similar-
mutual respect. the group’s decisions. ities and differences
between different aspects of
EFL 4.1.10 Helping learners in the cultural groups. Learners
Recognize and class who have a can demonstrate socially
appreciate individual different skill set. responsible behaviors at
and group similarities school, online, at home and
and differences by Sharing ideas freely in the community, and
establishing and and without jealousy. evaluate their actions by
maintaining healthy and ethical, safety and social
rewarding online and Making positive remarks standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
face-to-face to other learners in
relationships based on class. CE.EFL.4.5.
communication and Display an appreciation of
cooperation. Encouraging classmates and demonstrate respect for
to stay motivated when individual and group
EFL 4.2.1 needed. differences by establishing
Understand phrases and and maintaining healthy and
expressions related to Giving assistance to rewarding relationships
areas of most immediate those who are based on communication and
struggling, even when
Demonstrate comprehension of
main ideas and some details
in short simple texts on
familiar subjects, making
use of contextual clues to
identify relevant
information in a text.
Learners can understand main
ideas and some details in
short simple online or print
texts on familiar subjects,
using contextual clues to
help identify the most
relevant information.
(Example: title,
illustrations, organization,
etc.) (I.2, I.4)
Express information and
ideas and describe feelings
and opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
Learners can convey infor-
mation and ideas and
describe feelings and
opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing. (I.3,
I.4, S.3, J.2)
Use main ideas in order to
understand, predict, infer
and deduce literal and
implied meanings in short,
simple, everyday literary
texts (online, oral or in
Learners can understand,
predict, infer and deduce
literal and implied meanings
in short, simple, everyday
literary texts (online, oral
or in print), especially
when visual support is
provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving.
Learners can collaborate and
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving. (S.2, S.4,
J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)
2 People I You will learn how to EFL 4.1.9 Communication and CE.EFL.4.2. 6
love Recognize the Cultural Awareness Recognize and demonstrate an
• describe people’s consequences of one’s appreciation of
physical actions by Creating a poster of commonalities between
appearance. demonstrating rules cultures as well as the
• ask and answer responsible decision- consequences of one’s
questions making at school, Collaborating on a actions while exhibiting
about physical online, at home and in group project. socially responsible
description. the community, while behaviors.
considering ethical Completing group work
standards, safety con- in a fair and honest I.EFL.4.2.1.
cerns, social norms and
Express information and
ideas and describe feelings
and opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing.
Learners can convey infor-
mation and ideas and
describe feelings and
opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing. (I.3,
I.4, S.3, J.2)
Use main ideas in order to
understand, predict, infer
and deduce literal and
implied meanings in short,
simple, everyday literary
texts (online, oral or in
Learners can understand,
predict, infer and deduce
literal and implied meanings
in short, simple, everyday
literary texts (online, oral
or in print), especially
when visual support is
provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
Learners can collaborate and
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving. (S.2, S.4,
J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)
3 Leisure You will learn how to EFL 4.1.6 Communication and CE.EFL.4.2. 6
Activitie Seek and provide Cultural Awareness Recognize and demonstrate an
s • ask and answer information and appreciation of
questions assistance, orally or Comparing answers in commonalities between
about schedules. in writing and in pairs or small groups. cultures as well as the
• ask for and give online or face-to-face consequences of one’s
dates. interactions, for Working in small groups actions while exhibiting
• ask for and give the personal, social and to complete a cultural socially responsible
time. academic purposes. project. (Example: behaviors.
different musical
EFL 4.1.9 genres in Ecuador, I.EFL.4.2.1.
Recognize the traditional food in Learners can name similar-
consequences of one’s Latin America, etc.) ities and differences
actions by between different aspects of
demonstrating Researching through the cultural groups. Learners
responsible decision- Internet about other can demonstrate socially
making at school, cultures and ways of responsible behaviors at
online, at home and in life and presenting school, online, at home and
them to the class using in the community, and
Express information and
ideas and describe feelings
and opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
Learners can convey infor-
mation and ideas and
describe feelings and
opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing. (I.3,
I.4, S.3, J.2)
Use main ideas in order to
understand, predict, infer
and deduce literal and
implied meanings in short,
simple, everyday literary
texts (online, oral or in
Learners can understand,
predict, infer and deduce
literal and implied meanings
in short, simple, everyday
literary texts (online, oral
or in print), especially
when visual support is
provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving.
Learners can collaborate and
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving. (S.2, S.4,
J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)
4 Street You will learn how to EFL 4.1.9 Communication and CE.EFL.4.2. 6
Life Recognize the Cultural Awareness Recognize and demonstrate an
• express what people consequences of one’s appreciation of
are doing actions by Making a useful object commonalities between
at the moment of demonstrating out of recycled cultures as well as the
speaking. responsible decision- materials. consequences of one’s
• describe what people making at school, actions while exhibiting
are online, at home and in Collaborating on a socially responsible
wearing. the community, while group project. behaviors.
considering ethical
standards, safety con- Completing group work I.EFL.4.2.1.
cerns, social norms and in a fair and honest Learners can name similar-
mutual respect. manner and accepting ities and differences
Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving.
Learners can collaborate and
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
5 Amazing You will learn how to EFL 4.1.6 Communication and CE.EFL.4.2. 6
Places Seek and provide Cultural Awareness Recognize and demonstrate an
• identify places in information and appreciation of
the city. assistance, orally or Playing games that commonalities between
• ask for and give in writing and in practice classroom cultures as well as the
information online or face-to-face language, turn-taking, consequences of one’s
about location. interactions, for being polite, etc. actions while exhibiting
• give and follow personal, social and socially responsible
instructions to academic purposes. Participating in short behaviors.
get to a place. dialogues and role
EFL 4.1.9 plays to practice I.EFL.4.2.1.
Recognize the target language. (Exam- Learners can name similar-
consequences of one’s ple: thanking others, ities and differences
actions by apologizing, asking for between different aspects of
demonstrating help, greeting cultural groups. Learners
responsible decision- authorities, etc.) can demonstrate socially
making at school, responsible behaviors at
online, at home and in Choosing pictures that school, online, at home and
the community, while demonstrate in the community, and
considering ethical responsibility (helping evaluate their actions by
standards, safety con- an elder cross the ethical, safety and social
cerns, social norms and sidewalk, stopping two standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
mutual respect. children from throwing
rocks at a dog, being CE.EFL.4.4.
EFL 4.1.10 respectful of people Demonstrate the ability to
Recognize and who dress differently, ask for and give information
appreciate individual being open to accepting and assistance using
and group similarities new ideas/foods, etc.) appropriate language and
Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving.
Learners can collaborate and
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
Communication and
6 Daily You will learn how to EFL 4.1.6 Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.4.2. 6
Routines Seek and provide Recognize and demonstrate an
• talk about routines information and Singing songs that appreciation of
and lifestyles. assistance, orally or practice helpful commonalities between
in writing and in language. cultures as well as the
online or face-to-face consequences of one’s
interactions, for Reading a list of actions while exhibiting
personal, social and actions people take and socially responsible
academic purposes. evaluating and behaviors.
discussing the
EFL 4.1.9 consequences on others. I.EFL.4.2.1.
Recognize the Learners can name similar-
consequences of one’s Collaborating on a ities and differences
actions by group project. between different aspects of
demonstrating cultural groups. Learners
responsible decision- Completing group work can demonstrate socially
making at school, in a fair and honest responsible behaviors at
online, at home and in manner and accepting school, online, at home and
the community, while the group’s decisions. in the community, and
considering ethical evaluate their actions by
standards, safety con- Helping learners in the ethical, safety and social
cerns, social norms and class who have a standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
mutual respect. different skill set.
EFL 4.1.10 Sharing ideas freely Demonstrate the ability to
Recognize and and without jealousy. ask for and give information
appreciate individual and assistance using
and group similarities Making positive remarks appropriate language and
and differences by to other learners in interaction styles in a
establishing and class. variety of social
maintaining healthy and interactions.
rewarding online and Encouraging classmates
face-to-face to stay motivated when I.EFL.4.4.1.
Learners can convey infor-
mation and ideas and
describe feelings and
opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing. (I.3,
I.4, S.3, J.2)
Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving.
Learners can collaborate and
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving. (S.2, S.4,
J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)
Herrera, S. (2011). Crossing the Vocabulary Bridge. New York, United States:
Teachers College Press.
Herrera, S. (2011). Mastering ESL/EFL Methods. Kansas, United States: Pearson
MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION DEL ECUADOR. (2016). English as a Foreign Language
Curriculum for Educación General Básica Elemental. Quito, Ecuador: MinEdu.
Munoz, J. (2016). English A1.1. Quito, Ecuador: Grupo Editorial Norma SA