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ANNUAL PLAN 2020-2021
Road to Excellence
Area: Foreign Language Subject: English
Teachers: Ing. Germania García Calle

Grade / Course: 8th EGB A,B,C,D & E Education Level: Superior

2. TIME:
Weekly course load Total class weeks Learning evaluation and unexpected issues No. of working Total periods
10 40 (-4 wks) 36 360

Objectives of the Area Objectives of the level
OG.EFL 1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and O.EFL 4.1 Identify the main ideas, some details and inferences of written texts, in
inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the
order to produce level-appropriate critical analysis of familiar subjects and contexts.
secure standpoint of their own national and cultural identity.
OG.EFL 2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different O.EFL.4.2 Appreciate and value English as an international language and a medium to
cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society. interact globally.
OG.EFL 3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical O.EFL 4.6 Write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal
thinking skills through an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of
their own L1 and of language use for communication and learning. information or familiar topics and use them as a means of communication and
OG.EFL 4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to written expression of thought.
independently access further learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others
within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible
academic behavior.
OG. EFL 5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English language
texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the
efficient use of ICT and reference tools where required.
OG.EFL 6 Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or written dialogue
with peers from different L1 backgrounds on work, study, or general topics of common interest,
expressing ideas and opinions effectively and appropriately.
OG.EFL 7 Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and informal
social situations with a limited but effective command of the spoken language.

4. TRANSVERSAL AXES: Solidarity, justice, innovation


N.º Name of the Specific objectives Skills and performance criteria Methodological orientation Evaluation Criteria and Time in weeks
Unit of the planning Contents Indicators
the main ideas, CULTURAL AWARENESS: simple diagram about two stories CULTURAL AWARENESS:
some details and EFL. 4.1.1 Compare and contrast affirmative from different countries. CE.EFL 4.1 Compare and
inferences of oral traditions, myths, folktales and negative Hearing a story from contrast oral traditions
written texts, in and literature from Ecuador and Questions another country and and literature from
order to produce international regions and Likes and finding similarities with a Ecuador and beyond in
1. FREE TIME level-appropriate cultures and identify similarities dislikes story from Ecuador. order to manifest an
critical analysis of and differences and universal Free time Reading two stories from understanding of the
familiar subjects cultural themes. activities different regions in relationship between
and contexts. ORAL COMMUNICATION: Ecuador and completing a cultural perspectives
EFL.4.2.11 Give short, basic chart to show the and practices and by
descriptions of everyday differences. sharing cross cultural
activities and events within Asking learners simple experiences.
familiar contexts and use simple questions about I.ELF. 4.1.1 Learners can
descriptive language to compare themselves, their family or compare and contrast
and make brief statements about their possessions and oral traditions, myths,
objects and possessions. noting that their response folktales and literature
READING: time is relatively quick. from Ecuador and other
EFL. 4.3.1 Understand main Conducting a class survey cultures in order to
points in short simple texts on where learners ask each demonstrate an
familiar subjects. other about a familiar topic understanding of the
and record each other’s relationship between
WRITING: answers. cultural practices and
EFL. 4.4.4 Write to describe in Playing a conversation perspectives. Learners
order to effectively influence an game, where learners can share cross-cultural
audience. move their tokens around experiences while
the board after choosing a naming universal
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: card and answering a cultural themes.
EFL. 4.5.1 Make use of main question. ORAL
points in literary texts (authentic Responding to interactions COMMUNICATION:
and semi-authentic, oral and in class spontaneously and CE.EFL.4.9 Use simple
written) to understand short in a way that encourages language to describe,
simple everyday stories, others to interact. compare and make
especially if there is visual Reading a text and statements about
support. answering information familiar everyday topics
questions. such as objects,
Choosing from a list of possessions and
words to complete gaps routines in structured
from a reading. situations and short
Predicting main ideas by conversations.
reading the title and using Interaction is with
other contextual clues. reasonable ease,
Putting paragraphs in a text provided speech is given
in the correct order. clearly, slowly and
Watching a video about a directly.
controversial topic and I.EFL.4.9.1 Learners can
writing a short response use simple language to
giving your own opinion. describe, compare and
Writing your answers to state facts about
interview questions. familiar everyday topics
Looking at a picture and such as possessions,
write a description. classroom objects and
Identifying the text type routines in short,
according to writing structured situations,
features and vocabulary. interacting with relative
Looking at the title of a text ease.
and accompanying READING:
illustrations and writing CE.EFL. 4.11
three questions about the Demonstrate
topic. comprehension of main
Underlining main ideas in a ideas and some details
text. in short simple texts on
Producing a video response familiar subjects,
in groups to a story read in making use of
class. contextual clues to
Sending an email or audio identify relevant
message to the author of a information in a text.
story in order to ask the I.EFL. 4.11.1 Learners
author a question or clarify can understand main
a doubt. ideas and some details
in short simple online or
print texts on familiar
subjects, using
contextual clues to help
identify the most
relevant information.
CE.EFL.4.15 Express
information and ideas
and describe feelings
and opinions in simple
transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in
order to influence an
audience, while
recognizing that
different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to
use these features and
showing the ability to
use these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.
I.EFL.4.15.1 Learners
can convey information
and ideas and describe
feelings and opinions in
simple transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in
order to influence an
audience, while
recognizing that
different features and
showing the ability to
use these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.

CE. EFL. 4.18 Use main
ideas in order to
understand, predict,
infer and deduce literal
and implied meanings in
short, simple, everyday
literary texts.
I.EFL.4.18.1 Learners
can understand, predict,
infer and deduce literal
and implied meanings in
short, simple, everyday
literary texts (online,
oral or in print),
especially when visual
support is provided.
2. SCHOOL IS O.EFL.4.2 COMMUNICATION AND Can/can´t Completing statements COMMUNICATION AND 4
COOL Appreciate and CULTURAL AWARENESS: Adverbs of about socially responsible CULTURAL AWARENESS:
value English as an EFL.4.1.9 Recognize the frequency behaviors. CE.EFL.4.2 Recognize
international consequences of one’s action by School Making a useful object out and demonstrate an
language and a demonstrating responsible activities of recycled materials. appreciation of
medium to interact decision-making at school, School Reading a list of actions commonalities between
globally. online, at home and in the subjects people take and evaluating cultures as well as the
community, while considering and discussing the consequences of one’s
ethical standards, safety consequences on others. actions while exhibiting
concerns, social norms and Simulating desirable social socially responsible
mutual respect. behaviors through role play behaviors.
ORAL COMMUNICATION: activities. I.EFL.4.2.1 Learners can
EFL.4.2.16 Initiate, maintain and Conducting a role play name similarities and
end a conversation to satisfy between two students on a differences between
basic needs and or handle a given topic. different aspects of
simple transaction. Working in pairs to different groups.
READING: complete an information Learners can
EFL. 4.3.6 Apply learning gap activity. demonstrate socially
strategies to examine and Doing a mingle activity responsible behaviors at
interpret a variety of written where learners meet and school, online, at home
materials using prior knowledge, greet each other and ask or in the community
graphic organizers, context clues, and answer questions. and evaluate their
note taking and finding words in Asking classmates to actions by ethical,
a dictionary. repeat an answer or safety and social
WRITING: statement if needed to standards.
clarify something. ORAL
EFL.4.4.2 Make and use a simple Establishing a clear COMMUNICATION:
print or digital learning resource expectation of English use CE.EFL.4.10 Participate
to compare and contrast for classroom functions. effectively in familiar
information in order to Highlighting relevant key and predictable
demonstrate understanding and information. conversational
command of a topic. Completing an outline for a exchanges by asking
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: cross-curricular text. and answering follow-
ELF.4.5.5 Gain an understanding Skimming a text and up questions, provided
of literary concepts such as accompanying pictures and there are opportunities
genre, plot, setting, character, then predicting the to use repair strategies
point of view, theme and other answers to questions found and sustain
literary elements in order to within the text. conversational
apply them to one’s own creative Taking notes of the most exchanges in pairs to
texts. important ideas in a short complete a task, satisfy
text on a familiar content a need or handle a
subject area. simple transaction.
Reading a text and I.EFL. 4.10.1 Learners
matching content-based can effectively
words to their definition or participate in familiar
picture. and predictable
Making a video blog to everyday conversational
record comparisons and exchanges in order to
ideas from class lessons. complete a task, satisfy
Using a glossary from a text a need or handle a
to understand new words simple transaction,
and recording the using a range of repair
definitions and example strategies.
sentences. READING:
Making posters in small CE.EFL. 4.13 Apply
groups of new phrases and learning strategies such
expressions in order to as using prior
display in the classroom. knowledge and graphic
Looking at a map or GPS organizers to interpret
and writing the directions new information in a
to get from one place to text, and assess this
another. information according
Converting a corner of the to the organization,
room into a writer’s subject area and
workshop, where learners purpose of the text,
can access writing prompts using different criteria
and authentic texts which including ICT tools.
may help inspire their own I.EFL.4.13.1 Learners
creative writing. can apply learning
Using ICT to research about strategies such as using
a topic of learner’s choice. prior knowledge and
graphic organizers to
interpret new
information in a text.
Learners can assess this
information according
to the organization,
subject area and
purpose of the text,
through the use of
different criteria,
including ICT tools.
CE.EFL.4.16 Make use of
simple learning
resources, including
those created by one’s
self, in order to
compare and contrast
information, and choose
appropriate resources
according to the value,
purpose and audience
of each.
I.EFL.4.16.1 Learners
can use and make
simple learning
resources, both online
and in print in order to
compare and contrast
Learners can choose
appropriate resources
and critically evaluate
the information in these

CE.EFL.4.20 Create a
short and original
literary text in different
genres, including those
that reflect Ecuadorian
cultures, using a range
of digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other
literary concepts.
I.EFL.4.20.1 Learners
can create short,
original literary texts in
different genres,
including those that
reflect Ecuadorian
cultures, using a range
of digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other
literary concepts.
short descriptive CULTURAL AWARENESS: continuous diagram about two stories CULTURAL AWARENESS:
and informative EFL. 4.1.1 Compare and contrast Present from different countries. CE.EFL 4.1 Compare and
3. PARTY TIME texts related to oral traditions, myths, folktales simple Hearing a story from contrast oral traditions
personal and literature from Ecuador and Telling the another country and and literature from
information or international regions and time finding similarities with a Ecuador and beyond in
familiar topics and cultures and identify similarities Months and story from Ecuador. order to manifest an
use them as a and differences and universal dates Reading two stories from understanding of the
means of cultural themes. different regions in relationship between
communication ORAL COMMUNICATION: Ecuador and completing a cultural perspectives
and written EFL.4.2.16 Initiate, maintain and chart to show the and practices and by
expression of end a conversation to satisfy differences. sharing cross cultural
thought. basic needs and or handle a Conducting a role play experiences.
simple transaction. between two students on a I.ELF. 4.1.1 Learners can
READING: given topic. compare and contrast
EFL. 4.3.6 Apply learning Working in pairs to oral traditions, myths,
strategies to examine and complete an information folktales and literature
interpret a variety of written gap activity. from Ecuador and other
materials using prior knowledge, Doing a mingle activity cultures in order to
graphic organizers, context clues, where learners meet and demonstrate an
note taking and finding words in greet each other and ask understanding of the
a dictionary. and answer questions. relationship between
WRITING: Asking classmates to cultural practices and
EFL. 4.4.4 Write to describe in repeat an answer or perspectives. Learners
order to effectively influence an statement if needed to can share cross-cultural
audience. clarify something. experiences while
Establishing a clear naming universal
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: expectation of English use cultural themes.
EFL. 4.5.1 Make use of main for classroom functions. ORAL
points in literary texts (authentic Highlighting relevant key COMMUNICATION:
and semi-authentic, oral and information. CE.EFL.4.10 Participate
written) to understand short Completing an outline for a effectively in familiar
simple everyday stories, cross-curricular text. and predictable
especially if there is visual Skimming a text and conversational
support. accompanying pictures and exchanges by asking
then predicting the and answering follow-
answers to questions found up questions, provided
within the text. there are opportunities
Taking notes of the most to use repair strategies
important ideas in a short and sustain
text on a familiar content conversational
subject area. exchanges in pairs to
Reading a text and complete a task, satisfy
matching content-based a need or handle a
words to their definition or simple transaction.
picture. I.EFL. 4.10.1 Learners
Watching a video about a can effectively
controversial topic and participate in familiar
writing a short response and predictable
giving your own opinion. everyday conversational
Writing your answers to exchanges in order to
interview questions. complete a task, satisfy
Looking at a picture and a need or handle a
write a description. simple transaction,
Identifying the text type using a range of repair
according to writing strategies.
features and vocabulary. READING:
Looking at the title of a text CE.EFL. 4.13 Apply
and accompanying learning strategies such
illustrations and writing as using prior
three questions about the knowledge and graphic
topic. organizers to interpret
Underlining main ideas in a new information in a
text. text, and assess this
Producing a video response information according
in groups to a story read in to the organization,
class. subject area and
Sending an email or audio purpose of the text,
message to the author of a using different criteria
story in order to ask the including ICT tools.
author a question or clarify I.EFL.4.13.1 Learners
a doubt. can apply learning
Looking at the title of a text strategies such as using
and accompanying prior knowledge and
illustrations and writing graphic organizers to
three questions about the interpret new
topic. information in a text.
Underlining main ideas in a Learners can assess this
text. information according
Producing a video response to the organization,
in groups to a story read in subject area and
class. purpose of the text,
Sending an email or audio through the use of
message to the author of a different criteria,
story in order to ask the including ICT tools.
author a question or clarify WRITING:
a doubt.
CE.EFL.4.15 Express
information and ideas
and describe feelings
and opinions in simple
transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in
order to influence an
audience, while
recognizing that
different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to
use these features and
showing the ability to
use these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.
I.EFL.4.15.1 Learners
can convey information
and ideas and describe
feelings and opinions in
simple transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in
order to influence an
audience, while
recognizing that
different features and
showing the ability to
use these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.
CE. EFL. 4.18 Use main
ideas in order to
understand, predict,
infer and deduce literal
and implied meanings in
short, simple, everyday
literary texts.
I.EFL.4.18.1 Learners
can understand, predict,
infer and deduce literal
and implied meanings in
short, simple, everyday
literary texts (online,
oral or in print),
especially when visual
support is provided.
4. WONDERFUL O.EFL.4.2 COMMUNICATION AND Comparative Completing statements COMMUNICATION AND 4
WORLD Appreciate and CULTURAL AWARENESS: Superlatives about socially responsible CULTURAL AWARENESS:
value English as an EFL.4.1.9 Recognize the Countries behaviors. CE.EFL.4.2 Recognize
international consequences of one’s action by Nationalities Making a useful object out and demonstrate an
language and a demonstrating responsible adjectives of recycled materials. appreciation of
medium to interact decision-making at school, Reading a list of actions commonalities between
globally. online, at home and in the people take and evaluating cultures as well as the
community, while considering and discussing the consequences of one’s
ethical standards, safety consequences on others. actions while exhibiting
concerns, social norms and Simulating desirable social socially responsible
mutual respect. behaviors through role play behaviors.
ORAL COMMUNICATION: activities. I.EFL.4.2.1 Learners can
EFL.4.2.5 Understand most Listening to and follow name similarities and
changes in the topic of discussion class commands. differences between
if people speak slowly. Listening to a short different aspects of
READING: conversation and try to different groups.
EFL. 4.3.1 Understand main guess the meaning from Learners can
points in short simple texts on the context. demonstrate socially
familiar subjects. Listening to a conversation responsible behaviors at
and deciding school, online, at home
WRITING: Reading a text and or in the community
EFL.4.4.2 Make and use a simple answering information and evaluate their
print or digital learning resource questions. actions by ethical,
to compare and contrast Choosing from a list of safety and social
information in order to words to complete gaps standards.
demonstrate understanding and from a reading. ORAL
command of a topic. Predicting main ideas by COMMUNICATION:
reading the title and using CE.EFL.4.6 Listening for
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: other contextual clues. meaning. Understand
EFL. 4.5.1 Make use of main Putting paragraphs in a text and follow the main
points in literary texts (authentic in the correct order idea in spoken texts set
and semi-authentic, oral and Making a video blog to in familiar everyday
written) to understand short record comparisons and contexts, provided
simple everyday stories, ideas from class lessons. speech is clear and
especially if there is visual Using a glossary from a text articulate, and deduce
support. to understand new words the meanings of
and recording the unfamiliar words and
definitions and example phrases using context
sentences. clues and or prior
Making posters in small knowledge.
groups of new phrases and I.EFL.4.6.1 Learners can
expressions in order to grasp the general
display in the classroom. meaning of spoken texts
Looking at a map or GPS set in familiar everyday
and writing the directions contexts and infer
to get from one place to changes in the topic of
another. discussion, as well as
Looking at the title of a text deduce the meanings of
and accompanying unfamiliar words and
illustrations and writing exchanges through the
three questions about the use of context clues,
topic. provided speech is given
Underlining main ideas in a slowly and clearly and
text. there is sufficient visual
Producing a video response support
in groups to a story read in READING:
class. CE.EFL. 4.11
Sending an email or audio Demonstrate
message to the author of a comprehension of main
story in order to ask the ideas and some details
author a question or clarify in short simple texts on
a doubt. familiar subjects,
making use of
contextual clues to
identify relevant
information in a text.
I.EFL. 4.11.1 Learners
can understand main
ideas and some details
in short simple online or
print texts on familiar
subjects, using
contextual clues to help
identify the most
relevant information.
CE.EFL.4.16 Make use of
simple learning
resources, including
those created by one’s
self, in order to
compare and contrast
information, and choose
appropriate resources
according to the value,
purpose and audience
of each.
I.EFL.4.16.1 Learners
can use and make
simple learning
resources, both online
and in print in order to
compare and contrast
Learners can choose
appropriate resources
and critically evaluate
the information in these

CE. EFL. 4.18 Use main
ideas in order to
understand, predict,
infer and deduce literal
and implied meanings in
short, simple, everyday
literary texts.
I.EFL.4.18.1 Learners
can understand, predict,
infer and deduce literal
and implied meanings in
short, simple, everyday
literary texts (online,
oral or in print),
especially when visual
support is provided.

O.EFL 4.1 Identify COMMUNICATION AND Past simple Completing statements COMMUNICATION AND 4
the main ideas, CULTURAL AWARENESS: of be about socially responsible CULTURAL AWARENESS:
5. LET’S GO OUT some details and EFL.4.1.9 Recognize the Past simple behaviors. CE.EFL.4.2 Recognize
inferences of consequences of one’s action by affirmative Making a useful object out and demonstrate an
written texts, in demonstrating responsible Places in a of recycled materials. appreciation of
order to produce decision-making at school, town Reading a list of actions commonalities between
level-appropriate online, at home and in the Irregular past people take and evaluating cultures as well as the
critical analysis of community, while considering tenses and discussing the consequences of one’s
familiar subjects ethical standards, safety consequences on others. actions while exhibiting
and contexts. concerns, social norms and Simulating desirable social socially responsible
mutual respect. behaviors through role play behaviors.
ORAL COMMUNICATION: activities. I.EFL.4.2.1 Learners can
EFL.4.2.16 Initiate, maintain and Conducting a role play name similarities and
end a conversation to satisfy between two students on a differences between
basic needs and or handle a given topic. different aspects of
simple transaction. Working in pairs to different groups.
READING: complete an information Learners can
EFL. 4.3.6 Apply learning gap activity. demonstrate socially
strategies to examine and Doing a mingle activity responsible behaviors at
interpret a variety of written where learners meet and school, online, at home
materials using prior knowledge, greet each other and ask or in the community
graphic organizers, context clues, and answer questions. and evaluate their
note taking and finding words in Asking classmates to actions by ethical,
a dictionary. repeat an answer or safety and social
WRITING: statement if needed to standards.
EFL. 4.4.4 Write to describe in clarify something. ORAL
order to effectively influence an Establishing a clear COMMUNICATION:
audience. expectation of English use CE.EFL.4.10 Participate
for classroom functions. effectively in familiar
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: Highlighting relevant key and predictable
EFL. 4.5.1 Make use of main information. conversational
points in literary texts (authentic Completing an outline for a exchanges by asking
and semi-authentic, oral and cross-curricular text. and answering follow-
written) to understand short Skimming a text and up questions, provided
simple everyday stories, accompanying pictures and there are opportunities
especially if there is visual then predicting the to use repair strategies
support. answers to questions found and sustain
within the text. conversational
Taking notes of the most exchanges in pairs to
important ideas in a short complete a task, satisfy
text on a familiar content a need or handle a
subject area. simple transaction.
Reading a text and I.EFL. 4.10.1 Learners
matching content-based can effectively
words to their definition or participate in familiar
picture. and predictable
Watching a video about a everyday conversational
controversial topic and exchanges in order to
writing a short response complete a task, satisfy
giving your own opinion. a need or handle a
Writing your answers to simple transaction,
interview questions. using a range of repair
Looking at a picture and strategies.
write a description. READING:
Identifying the text type CE.EFL. 4.13 Apply
according to writing learning strategies such
features and vocabulary. as using prior
Looking at the title of a text knowledge and graphic
and accompanying organizers to interpret
illustrations and writing new information in a
three questions about the text, and assess this
topic. information according
Underlining main ideas in a to the organization,
text. subject area and
Producing a video response purpose of the text,
in groups to a story read in using different criteria
class. including ICT tools.
Sending an email or audio I.EFL.4.13.1 Learners
message to the author of a can apply learning
story in order to ask the strategies such as using
author a question or clarify prior knowledge and
a doubt. graphic organizers to
interpret new
information in a text.
Learners can assess this
information according
to the organization,
subject area and
purpose of the text,
through the use of
different criteria,
including ICT tools.
CE.EFL.4.15 Express
information and ideas
and describe feelings
and opinions in simple
transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in
order to influence an
audience, while
recognizing that
different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to
use these features and
showing the ability to
use these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.
I.EFL.4.15.1 Learners
can convey information
and ideas and describe
feelings and opinions in
simple transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in
order to influence an
audience, while
recognizing that
different features and
showing the ability to
use these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.

CE. EFL. 4.18 Use main
ideas in order to
understand, predict,
infer and deduce literal
and implied meanings in
short, simple, everyday
literary texts.
I.EFL.4.18.1 Learners
can understand, predict,
infer and deduce literal
and implied meanings in
short, simple, everyday
literary texts (online,
oral or in print),
especially when visual
support is provided.
Appreciate and CULTURAL AWARENESS: negative and diagram about two stories CULTURAL AWARENESS:
value English as an EFL. 4.1.1 Compare and contrast questions from different countries. CE.EFL 4.1 Compare and
international oral traditions, myths, folktales Clothes and Hearing a story from contrast oral traditions
language and a and literature from Ecuador and accessories another country and and literature from
medium to interact international regions and Everyday finding similarities with a Ecuador and beyond in
globally. cultures and identify similarities objects story from Ecuador. order to manifest an
and differences and universal Reading two stories from understanding of the
cultural themes. different regions in relationship between
Ecuador and completing a cultural perspectives
ORAL COMMUNICATION: chart to show the and practices and by
EFL. 4.2.2 Use a series of phrases differences. sharing cross cultural
and sentences to describe Recording in-class experiences.
aspects of personal background, conversations and I.ELF. 4.1.1 Learners can
immediate environment and dialogues in order to make compare and contrast
matters of immediate need in note of correct and oral traditions, myths,
simple terms using grammatical appropriate language folktales and literature
structures learnt in class. usage and intelligibility. from Ecuador and other
READING: Showing the student a cultures in order to
EFL. 4.3.6 Apply learning video clip of a simple demonstrate an
strategies to examine and situation and asking them understanding of the
interpret a variety of written to describe what is relationship between
materials using prior knowledge, happening. cultural practices and
graphic organizers, context clues, Asking the learners to read perspectives. Learners
note taking and finding words in a dialogue in pairs. can share cross-cultural
a dictionary. Doing a mingle activity experiences while
WRITING: where learners ask and naming universal
answer survey questions cultural themes.
EFL. 4.4.4 Write to describe in about after school ORAL
order to effectively influence an activities. COMMUNICATION:
audience. Highlighting relevant key CE.EFL4.8 Communicate
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: information. needs and information
ELF.4.5.5 Gain an understanding Completing an outline for a clearly and in simple
of literary concepts such as cross-curricular text. terms, using
genre, plot, setting, character, Skimming a text and grammatical structures
point of view, theme and other accompanying pictures and learned in class.
literary elements in order to then predicting the Demonstrate an ability
apply them to one’s own creative answers to questions found to make appropriate
texts. within the text. use of new words and
Taking notes of the most expressions in social
important ideas in a short interactions.
text on a familiar content I.EFL.4.8.1 Learners can
subject area. communicate personal
Reading a text and information and basic
matching content-based immediate needs and
words to their definition or deal with other practical
picture. everyday demands in
Watching a video about a familiar contexts,
controversial topic and effectively and without
writing a short response undue effort and using
giving your own opinion. grammatical structures
Writing your answers to and vocabulary seen in
interview questions. class.
Looking at a picture and READING:
write a description. CE.EFL. 4.13 Apply
Identifying the text type learning strategies such
according to writing as using prior
features and vocabulary. knowledge and graphic
Converting a corner of the organizers to interpret
room into a writer’s new information in a
workshop, where learners text, and assess this
can access writing prompts information according
and authentic texts which to the organization,
may help inspire their own subject area and
creative writing. purpose of the text,
Using ICT to research about using different criteria
a topic of learner’s choice. including ICT tools.
I.EFL.4.13.1 Learners
can apply learning
strategies such as using
prior knowledge and
graphic organizers to
interpret new
information in a text.
Learners can assess this
information according
to the organization,
subject area and
purpose of the text,
through the use of
different criteria,
including ICT tools.
CE.EFL.4.15 Express
information and ideas
and describe feelings
and opinions in simple
transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in
order to influence an
audience, while
recognizing that
different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to
use these features and
showing the ability to
use these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.
I.EFL.4.15.1 Learners
can convey information
and ideas and describe
feelings and opinions in
simple transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in
order to influence an
audience, while
recognizing that
different features and
showing the ability to
use these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.

CE.EFL.4.20 Create a
short and original
literary text in different
genres, including those
that reflect Ecuadorian
cultures, using a range
of digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other
literary concepts.
I.EFL.4.20.1 Learners
can create short,
original literary texts in
different genres,
including those that
reflect Ecuadorian
cultures, using a range
of digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other
literary concepts.
PARTIAL II O.EFL 4.1 Identify COMMUNICATION AND Countable Completing statements COMMUNICATION AND 4
the main ideas, CULTURAL AWARENESS: and about socially responsible CULTURAL AWARENESS:
7. WILD WORLD some details and EFL.4.1.9 Recognize the uncountable behaviors. CE.EFL.4.2 Recognize
inferences of consequences of one’s action by nouns Making a useful object out and demonstrate an
written texts, in demonstrating responsible Some/any of recycled materials. appreciation of
order to produce decision-making at school, Quantifiers Reading a list of actions commonalities between
level-appropriate online, at home and in the Animals people take and evaluating cultures as well as the
critical analysis of community, while considering Parts of the and discussing the consequences of one’s
familiar subjects ethical standards, safety body consequences on others. actions while exhibiting
and contexts. concerns, social norms and Simulating desirable social socially responsible
mutual respect. behaviors through role play behaviors.
ORAL COMMUNICATION: activities. I.EFL.4.2.1 Learners can
EFL.4.2.5 Understand most Listening to and follow name similarities and
changes in the topic of discussion class commands. differences between
if people speak slowly. Listening to a short different aspects of
READING: conversation and try to different groups.
EFL. 4.3.1 Understand main guess the meaning from Learners can
points in short simple texts on the context. demonstrate socially
familiar subjects. Listening to a conversation responsible behaviors at
and deciding school, online, at home
WRITING: Reading a text and or in the community
EFL.4.4.2 Make and use a simple answering information and evaluate their
print or digital learning resource questions. actions by ethical,
to compare and contrast Choosing from a list of safety and social
information in order to words to complete gaps standards.
demonstrate understanding and from a reading. ORAL
command of a topic. Predicting main ideas by COMMUNICATION:
reading the title and using CE.EFL.4.6 Listening for
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: other contextual clues. meaning. Understand
ELF.4.5.5 Gain an understanding Putting paragraphs in a text and follow the main
of literary concepts such as in the correct order idea in spoken texts set
genre, plot, setting, character, Making a video blog to in familiar everyday
point of view, theme and other record comparisons and contexts, provided
literary elements in order to ideas from class lessons. speech is clear and
apply them to one’s own creative Using a glossary from a text articulate, and deduce
texts. to understand new words the meanings of
and recording the unfamiliar words and
definitions and example phrases using context
sentences. clues and or prior
Making posters in small knowledge.
groups of new phrases and I.EFL.4.6.1 Learners can
expressions in order to grasp the general
display in the classroom. meaning of spoken texts
Looking at a map or GPS set in familiar everyday
and writing the directions contexts and infer
to get from one place to changes in the topic of
another. discussion, as well as
Converting a corner of the deduce the meanings of
room into a writer’s unfamiliar words and
workshop, where learners exchanges through the
can access writing prompts use of context clues,
and authentic texts which provided speech is given
may help inspire their own slowly and clearly and
creative writing. there is sufficient visual
Using ICT to research about support
a topic of learner’s choice. READING:
CE.EFL. 4.11
comprehension of main
ideas and some details
in short simple texts on
familiar subjects,
making use of
contextual clues to
identify relevant
information in a text.
I.EFL. 4.11.1 Learners
can understand main
ideas and some details
in short simple online or
print texts on familiar
subjects, using
contextual clues to help
identify the most
relevant information.

CE.EFL.4.16 Make use of

simple learning
resources, including
those created by one’s
self, in order to
compare and contrast
information, and choose
appropriate resources
according to the value,
purpose and audience
of each.
I.EFL.4.16.1 Learners
can use and make
simple learning
resources, both online
and in print in order to
compare and contrast
Learners can choose
appropriate resources
and critically evaluate
the information in these
CE.EFL.4.20 Create a
short and original
literary text in different
genres, including those
that reflect Ecuadorian
cultures, using a range
of digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other
literary concepts.
I.EFL.4.20.1 Learners
can create short,
original literary texts in
different genres,
including those that
reflect Ecuadorian
cultures, using a range
of digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other
literary concepts.
AWAY short descriptive CULTURAL AWARENESS: continuous diagram about two stories CULTURAL AWARENESS:
and informative EFL. 4.1.1 Compare and contrast for future from different countries. CE.EFL 4.1 Compare and
texts related to oral traditions, myths, folktales Be going to Hearing a story from contrast oral traditions
personal and literature from Ecuador and Will/won´t another country and and literature from
information or international regions and Holidays finding similarities with a Ecuador and beyond in
familiar topics and cultures and identify similarities The weather story from Ecuador. order to manifest an
use them as a and differences and universal Reading two stories from understanding of the
means of cultural themes. different regions in relationship between
communication Ecuador and completing a cultural perspectives
and written ORAL COMMUNICATION: chart to show the and practices and by
expression of EFL. 4.2.2 Use a series of phrases differences. sharing cross cultural
thought. and sentences to describe Recording in-class experiences.
aspects of personal background, conversations and I.ELF. 4.1.1 Learners can
immediate environment and dialogues in order to make compare and contrast
matters of immediate need in note of correct and oral traditions, myths,
simple terms using grammatical appropriate language folktales and literature
structures learnt in class. usage and intelligibility. from Ecuador and other
READING: Showing the student a cultures in order to
EFL. 4.3.6 Apply learning video clip of a simple demonstrate an
strategies to examine and situation and asking them understanding of the
interpret a variety of written to describe what is relationship between
materials using prior knowledge, happening. cultural practices and
graphic organizers, context clues, Asking the learners to read perspectives. Learners
note taking and finding words in a dialogue in pairs. can share cross-cultural
a dictionary. Doing a mingle activity experiences while
WRITING: where learners ask and naming universal
EFL. 4.4.4 Write to describe in answer survey questions cultural themes.
order to effectively influence an about after school ORAL
audience. activities. COMMUNICATION:
Watching a video about a CE.EFL4.8 Communicate
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: controversial topic and needs and information
ELF.4.5.5 Gain an understanding writing a short response clearly and in simple
of literary concepts such as giving your own opinion. terms, using
genre, plot, setting, character, Writing your answers to grammatical structures
point of view, theme and other interview questions. learned in class.
literary elements in order to Looking at a picture and Demonstrate an ability
apply them to one’s own creative write a description. to make appropriate
texts. Identifying the text type use of new words and
according to writing expressions in social
features and vocabulary. interactions.
Highlighting relevant key I.EFL.4.8.1 Learners can
information. communicate personal
Completing an outline for a information and basic
cross-curricular text. immediate needs and
Skimming a text and deal with other practical
accompanying pictures and everyday demands in
then predicting the familiar contexts,
answers to questions found effectively and without
within the text. undue effort and using
Taking notes of the most grammatical structures
important ideas in a short and vocabulary seen in
text on a familiar content class.
subject area. READING:
Reading a text and CE.EFL. 4.13 Apply
matching content-based learning strategies such
words to their definition or as using prior
picture. knowledge and graphic
Converting a corner of the organizers to interpret
room into a writer’s new information in a
workshop, where learners text, and assess this
can access writing prompts information according
and authentic texts which to the organization,
may help inspire their own subject area and
creative writing. purpose of the text,
Using ICT to research about using different criteria
a topic of learner’s choice. including ICT tools.
I.EFL.4.13.1 Learners
can apply learning
strategies such as using
prior knowledge and
graphic organizers to
interpret new
information in a text.
Learners can assess this
information according
to the organization,
subject area and
purpose of the text,
through the use of
different criteria,
including ICT tools.
CE.EFL.4.15 Express
information and ideas
and describe feelings
and opinions in simple
transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in
order to influence an
audience, while
recognizing that
different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to
use these features and
showing the ability to
use these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.
I.EFL.4.15.1 Learners
can convey information
and ideas and describe
feelings and opinions in
simple transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in
order to influence an
audience, while
recognizing that
different features and
showing the ability to
use these features
appropriately in one’s
own writing.

CE.EFL.4.20 Create a
short and original
literary text in different
genres, including those
that reflect Ecuadorian
cultures, using a range
of digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other
literary concepts.
I.EFL.4.20.1 Learners
can create short,
original literary texts in
different genres,
including those that
reflect Ecuadorian
cultures, using a range
of digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other
literary concepts.
9. DIGITAL O.EFL 4.6 Write COMMUNICATION AND Modals Completing statements COMMUNICATION AND 4
WORLD short descriptive CULTURAL AWARENESS: Auxiliary about socially responsible CULTURAL AWARENESS:
and informative EFL.4.1.9 Recognize the verbs behaviors. CE.EFL.4.2 Recognize
texts related to consequences of one’s action by Digital Making a useful object out and demonstrate an
personal demonstrating responsible technology of recycled materials. appreciation of
information or decision-making at school, Everyday Reading a list of actions commonalities between
familiar topics and online, at home and in the gadgets people take and evaluating cultures as well as the
use them as a community, while considering and discussing the consequences of one’s
means of ethical standards, safety consequences on others. actions while exhibiting
communication concerns, social norms and Simulating desirable social socially responsible
and written mutual respect. behaviors through role play behaviors.
expression of ORAL COMMUNICATION: activities. I.EFL.4.2.1 Learners can
thought. EFL.4.2.11 Give short, basic Asking learners simple name similarities and
descriptions of everyday questions about differences between
activities and events within themselves, their family or different aspects of
familiar contexts and use simple their possessions and different groups.
descriptive language to compare noting that their response Learners can
and make brief statements about time is relatively quick. demonstrate socially
objects and possessions. Conducting a class survey responsible behaviors at
READING: where learners ask each school, online, at home
EFL. 4.3.1 Understand main other about a familiar topic or in the community
points in short simple texts on and record each other’s and evaluate their
familiar subjects. answers. actions by ethical,
WRITING: Playing a conversation safety and social
EFL.4.4.2 Make and use a simple game, where learners standards.
print or digital learning resource move their tokens around ORAL
to compare and contrast the board after choosing a COMMUNICATION:
information in order to card and answering a CE.EFL.4.9 Use simple
demonstrate understanding and question. language to describe,
command of a topic. Responding to interactions compare and make
in class spontaneously and statements about
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: in a way that encourages familiar everyday topics
EFL. 4.5.1 Make use of main others to interact. such as objects,
points in literary texts (authentic Reading a text and possessions and
and semi-authentic, oral and answering information routines in structured
written) to understand short questions. situations and short
simple everyday stories, Choosing from a list of conversations.
especially if there is visual words to complete gaps Interaction is with
support. from a reading. reasonable ease,
Predicting main ideas by provided speech is given
reading the title and using clearly, slowly and
other contextual clues. directly.
Putting paragraphs in a text I.EFL.4.9.1 Learners can
in the correct order use simple language to
Making a video blog to describe, compare and
record comparisons and state facts about
ideas from class lessons. familiar everyday topics
Using a glossary from a text such as possessions,
to understand new words classroom objects and
and recording the routines in short,
definitions and example structured situations,
sentences. interacting with relative
Making posters in small ease.
groups of new phrases and READING:
expressions in order to CE.EFL. 4.11
display in the classroom. Demonstrate
Looking at a map or GPS comprehension of main
and writing the directions ideas and some details
to get from one place to in short simple texts on
another. familiar subjects,
Looking at the title of a text making use of
and accompanying contextual clues to
illustrations and writing identify relevant
three questions about the information in a text.
topic. I.EFL. 4.11.1 Learners
Underlining main ideas in a can understand main
text. ideas and some details
Producing a video response in short simple online or
in groups to a story read in print texts on familiar
class. subjects, using
Sending an email or audio contextual clues to help
message to the author of a identify the most
story in order to ask the relevant information.
author a question or clarify
a doubt. WRITING:
CE.EFL.4.16 Make use of
simple learning
resources, including
those created by one’s
self, in order to
compare and contrast
information, and choose
appropriate resources
according to the value,
purpose and audience
of each.
I.EFL.4.16.1 Learners
can use and make
simple learning
resources, both online
and in print in order to
compare and contrast
Learners can choose
appropriate resources
and critically evaluate
the information in these

CE. EFL. 4.18 Use main
ideas in order to
understand, predict,
infer and deduce literal
and implied meanings in
short, simple, everyday
literary texts.
I.EFL.4.18.1 Learners
can understand, predict,
infer and deduce literal
and implied meanings in
short, simple, everyday
literary texts (online,
oral or in print),
especially when visual
support is provided.

Barraclough, C., Hobbs, M. & Starr, J. (2015). Achievers A1+ Teacher’s Guide. Mexico DF, Mexico: Richmond
TEACHER (S): Ing. Germania García NAME: Mgtr. Janela Romero NAME: Dr. María Angelina Orellana Aguilar

DATE: 09 - 09 - 2020 DATE: 09 - 09 - 2020 DATE: 09 - 09 - 2020

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