Plan Anual de Tercero Inglés
Plan Anual de Tercero Inglés
Plan Anual de Tercero Inglés
written expression of thought creative writing as an outlet to personal expression and intercultural competence.
O.EFL 3.9 Be able to interact in English using basic, frequently used expressions and short phrases in
O.EFL 4.8 Integrate written and spoken text in order to identify cultural
familiar and personalized contexts, demonstrating a limited but effective command of the spoken
differences and similarities within a range of local, national and global contexts language in simple and routine tasks which require a direct exchange of information.
familiar to the learner
O.EFL 3.10 Demonstrate an ability to use English as a means to interact socially and work
O.EFL 5.1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in cooperatively in pairs and groups.
a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other
cultures and languages from the secure standpoint of their own national and
cultural identity.
O.EFL 5.2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance
towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an
intercultural and multinational society
O.EFL 5.5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-todate
English language texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or
general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where
4. TRANSVERSAL AXES: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing to build up learners’ communicative language
competence in its linguistic, sociolinguistic, and pragmatic components.
1. What role do Students will understand Movie genres • Reading short simple cross-curricular CE.EFL.4.6. Listening
that we need to use for Meaning:
movies play texts and using them to support
different strategies to solve Identify the main Understand and follow
in culture? different social, economic, points in simple arguments or hypotheses. the main idea in spoken
environmental, and straightforward texts set in familiar
• Completing the gaps in a sentence.
cultural problems. We texts everyday contexts,
need to communicate well • Repeating in chorus pronunciation of provided speech is clear
and act independently Writing Process and articulate, and 13 weeks
verbs in past and past participle
for Paragraphs deduce the meanings of
Students will understand • Writing sentences in present perfect unfamiliar words and
the most important aspects Present perfect phrases using context
of life and its diversity, clues and/or prior
from the study of its Time sequencers Discussion of questions in small knowledge.
origin, challenges and
commitment to maintain Simple past / past CE.EFL.4.3. Interact
sustainable environments continuous Organize your notes in the Venn Dia- with others using self-
that ensure comprehensive gram about similarities and differences monitoring and self-
health and the continuity Biographies and correcting strategies as
of life in its different forms movies review of actors/actress well as appropriate
Grammar Notes. nonverbal and oral
Students will understand Idioms communication
that certain actions of Practical exercises in groups and indi- features.
human beings have a vidual activities in class.
negative and direct impact CE.EFL.4.15. Express
on the phenomena that Read the text as a class and discuss the information and ideas
happens in nature and that possible meaning of the phrases. and describe feelings
worsen environmental and opinions in simple
problems such as global Write a mini-dialogue transactional or
warming, for raising expository texts on
awareness and making familiar subjects in
assertive and responsible order to influence an
CE.EFL.4.20. Create
short, original literary
texts in different genres,
including those that
reflect Ecuadorian
cultures, using a range
of digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other
literary concepts.
2. What role do Students will understand Past and present • Reading short simple cross-curricular CE.EFL.4.6. Listening
that history, technology, perfect for Meaning:
movies play texts and using them to support
science and art are expressions Understand and follow
in culture? interrelate and evolve arguments or hypotheses. the main idea in spoken 19 weeks
together, encouraging Simple past, texts set in familiar
• Completing the gaps in a sentence.
human curiosity to know present perfect everyday contexts,
and build a better world and past perfect • Repeating in chorus pronunciation of provided speech is clear
and articulate, and
verbs in past and past participle
Students will understand Reading: deduce the meanings of
that health, culture and Skimming and • Writing sentences in present perfect unfamiliar words and
entertainment are Scanning phrases using context
fundamental axes in the clues and/or prior
development of the life Writing an e-mail, Discussion of questions in small knowledge.
project and their blogs or posts
dissemination is important CE.EFL.4.3. Interact
through artistic and Informal writing Organize your notes in the Venn Dia- with others using self-
cultural manifestations gram about similarities and differences monitoring and self-
Connectors of correcting strategies as
Students will understand contrast of actors/actress well as appropriate
that Ecuador is part of a nonverbal and oral
CE.EFL.4.20. Create
short, original literary
texts in different genres,
including those that
reflect Ecuadorian
cultures, using a range
of digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate
vocabulary and other
literary concepts.