Jyotsna CV Updated For Website
Jyotsna CV Updated For Website
Jyotsna CV Updated For Website
Jyotsna Agarwal
Email: [email protected]
Educational Qualifications:
Other Achievements
Incharge Covid-19, molecular diagnostic laboratory at RMLIMS Lucknow
Faculty In charge, Resident development program at RMLIMS, Lucknow
Member of Scientifc Expert Committee for technical evaluation of ASEAN-India
R&D projects, Department of Science & Technology (DST), Delhi.
Member SERB Programme Advisory Committee on Biomedical and Health
Co-ordinator, Medical Education Unit at Dr. RMLIMS, Lucknow
Member Secretary of Hospital Infection Control Committee at RMLIMS, Lucknow
Convenor Clinical Grand Rounds at RMLIMS, Lucknow
Editor for Annual Microbiology News Letter, published by the Dept. of Microbiology
Research Projects:
2. Project title: Relation between Viral RNA in load in blood and clinical presentation
and outcome in Covid-19 patients: a time course analysis
Funded by: Dr. RMLIMS for 2 years from June 2020
Role: Principal Investigator
Research Supervision:
Scientific Publications:
1. Section Editor and Author. In: Jain A, Venkatesh V & Agarwal J (Eds) Microbiology
Practical Manual. Elsevier India, 2019.
Book Chapter:
1. Prasad KN, Agarwal J. Laboratory diagnosis and Microbiology: Bacteria. In
Dionisio D (Ed.) Textbook and Atlas of Intestinal Infections in AIDS. Springer
Verlag Italia, 2002, Milano.
2. Agarwal J, Radera S. Biofilm-Mediated Urinary Tract Infections in Kumar S. et al
(Eds) Biofilms in Human Diseases: Treatment and Control Springer Nature
Switzerland, 2019, page 177-213
Original Papers:
3. Prasad KN, Agarwal J, Dixit AK, Tiwari DP, Dhole TN, Ayyagari A. Role of
yeasts as nosocomial pathogens and their susceptibility to fluconazole and
amphotericin B. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 1999; 110: 11-17; Impact
Factor: 1.396, citations:26.
4. Dhole TN, Kapoor A, Agarwal J, Isomura S, Kew OM. Intratyping and partial
nucleotide sequencing of poliovirus isolates of Northern India. Indian Journal of
Medical Research.2000; 111: 151-156; Impact Factor: 1.396.
5. Agarwal J, Anupurba S. Isolation rates of mycobacterial species from Varanasi
(north India). Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology.2000; 18(4): 178-179;
Impact Factor:0.882.
6. Choudhury A, Govil J, Nath G. Characterization and antimicrobial susceptibility of
clinical isolates of non-fermentative bacteria. Indian Journal of Medical
Microbiology.2001; 19(1): 48-9; Impact Factor:0.882.
7. Prasad KN, Agarwal J, Nag VL, Verma AK, Dixit AK, Ayyagari A. Cryptococcal
infection in patients with clinically diagnosed meningitis in a tertiary care centre.
Neurology India. 2003; 51(3): 364-366; Impact Factor: 1.232, citations: 33.
8. Kishore J, Agarwal J, Agarwal S, Ayyagari A. Seroanalysis for Chlamydia
trachomatis and S-TORCH agents in women with recurrent spontaneous abortions.
Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology.2004; 46(4): 684-687; Impact
Factor: 0.466, citations:16.
9. Agarwal J, Bansal S, Jain A. Trends in neonatal septicemia: emergence of non
albicans Candida. Indian Journal of Paediatrics.2004; 41(7): 712-715; Impact
Factor: 0.867,citations: 26.
10. Jain A, Agarwal J, Bansal S. Prevalence of methicillin resistant coagulase negative
staphylococci in neonatal ICU- findings from a tertiary care hospital in India.
Journal of Medical Microbiology.2004; 53: 941-944; Impact Factor: 2.248,
11. Bansal S, Jain A, Agarwal J, Malik GK. Significance of coagulase negative
staphylococci isolated from neonates with late onset septicemia.Indian Journal of
Pathology and Microbiology.2004; 47(4): 586-588;Impact Factor: 0.466,
12. Das V, Agarwal M, Agarwal J, Jain A, Agarwal A and Pandey A. Prevalence of
genital Chlamydia trachomatis by first void urine polymerase chain reaction test in
women attending out patient clinic. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of
India.2006; 56 (6): 511-513.
13. Jain R, Jain A, Agarwal J and Awasthi S. Role of Chlamydia sp. in children with
community acquired pneumonia, Indian Pediatrics.2007; 44(3):216-218; Impact
Factor: 1.04,citations:5.
14. Chandrakanta, Kumar R, Agarwal J, Kapoor G, Jain A, Changing clinical
manifectations of Dengue infection in North India. Dengue Bulletin of WHO.
2008; 32:118-125.
15. Agarwal J, Kalyan R and Singh M. High level Resistance to aminoglycosides and
- lactamase production in enterococci at a tertiary care hospital. Japanese Journal
of Infectious Diseases.2009; 62: 158-159;Impact Factor:1.161, citations:13.
16. Agarwal J, Awasthi S, Rajput A, Tiwari M, A Jain. Atypical bacterial pathogens in
community-acquired pneumonia in children: a hospital based study. Tropical
Doctor.2009; 39:109-111; Impact Factor:0.481,citations:11.
17. Agarwal J, Kapoor G, Srivastava S, Singh KP, Kumar R, Jain A. Unusual clinical
profile of Dengue Infection in patients attending a tertiary care teaching hospital in
north India. Abstract published in International Journal of Infectious
Diseases.2010; 14(1): e174-e175; Impact Factor: 1.859.
18. Mittal V, Agarwal J, Jain A, Verma AK. Prevalence of genital Chlamydia
trachomatisin women using PCR on urine specimen. Biomedical Research. 2010;
21: 21-24.Impact factor: 0.24.
19. Jindal G, Pandey RK, Agarwal J, Singh M. A comparative evaluation of probiotics
on salivary mutans streptococci counts in Indian children. European Archives of
Paediatric Dentistry.2011; 12(4): 211-215; Impact Factor: 0.48, citations:14.
20. Malik S, Gupta A, Singh KP, Agarwal J, Singh M. Antibiogram of Aerobic
Bacterial Isolates from Post-operative Wound Infections at a Tertiary Care Hospital
in India. Journal of Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Agents. 2011; 28(1):
21. Mishra B, Srivastava S, Singh K, Pandey A, Agarwal J. Symptom based diagnosis
of urinary tract infections in women: are we over prescribing antibiotics? The
International Journal of Clinical Practice.2012; 66(5): 493–498;Impact
22. Awasthi S, Yadav KK, Agarwal J. Chlamydia Pneumoniae infection associated
with uncontrolled asthma: A hospital based cross sectional study. Indian Journal
of Pediatrics.2012;79(10):1318-22; Impact Factor:0.867.
23. Mohd S, Vaish AK, Mohd ZI, Sonkar AA, Agarwal J, Singh M, Ahmad I, Gupta
M. Prevalence of nosocomial infections in surgical wards of tertiary care hospital
at Lucknow. Indian Journal of Scientific Research 2012; 3(2):79-84.
24. Mohd S, Vaish AK, Mohd ZI, Sonkar AA, Agarwal J, Singh M, Singh SK,
Srivastava VK. Pattern of antibiotic usage among patients admitted in medical and
surgical wards of a secondary care hospital in north India- an epidemiological
evaluation. Indian Journal of Community Health. 2012; 24: 285-290.
25. Saleem M, Vaish AK, Idris MZ, Sonkar AA, Agarwal J, Singh M, Ahmad I.
Prevalence of Nosocomial infection among patients admitted in medical and
surgical wards of a secondary care hospital in north India-an epidemiological
evaluation. Journal of Recent Advances in Applied Sciences, 2013: 28, 12-18.
26. Agarwal J, Mishra B, Srivastava S, Srivastava R, Genotypic characteristics and
biofilm formation among Escherichia coli isolatesfrom Indian women with acute
cystitis. Transactions of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.2013;
107(3): 183-187; Impact Factor:1.839.
27. Sinha N, Agarwal J, Srivastava S, Singh M. Phenotypic and genotypic analysis of
carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter from a tertiary care setting in north India.