CV Dosen Win Asiin Mei 2017
CV Dosen Win Asiin Mei 2017
CV Dosen Win Asiin Mei 2017
Personal Information
Full name : Win Darmanto (Prof., M.Si. , Med Sci. Ph.D. )
NIP (ID) : 196106161987011001
Current Position : Professor / Dean / Lecturer
Telephone/Fax : (031) 5936501 / (031)5936502
E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected]
2016 - 2017 Head of Collegium of Medical Laboratory Technology
2013-2016 Reviewer of LPDP (National Scholarship)
National Ministry of Finance, Indonesia
2013 Reviewer of Innovative Research Proposal (RISPRO)
National Ministry of Finance, Indonesia
2013 Reviewer of Annual Meeting on Testing and Quality Seminar (AMTeQ)
Research Center for Quality and Technology System, LIPI
2011-2016 Head Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology
Airlangga University
2009-2016 Reviewer of RISBIN – IPTEKDOK
Department of Health, Indonesia
2009-2011 Reviewer of Research and Public Service in Veterinary and Dentistry Faculty
Airlangga University
2008-2009 Reviewer PHB Proposal for Math and Science
Department of Higher Education, Indonesia
2009 Reviewer of National Research Proposal of Math and Science
Department of Higher Education, Indonesia
2006 Reviewer Research Proposal for Math and Science
Department of Research and Public Service (LPPM), Airlangga University
2006 Professor
MENDIKNAS (National Ministry of Education)
Win Darmanto – CV
1982 - 1986 Bachelor of Science (S.Si)
Universitas Airlangga - Surabaya
Major in Reproduction Biology
1990 - 1993 Master of Science (M.Si)
Institut Tehnologi Bandung - Bandung
Major in Developmental Biology
1995 - 2000 Doctorate of Science (Dr.)
Nagoya University – Japan
Major in Molecular Biology
2001 Post- Doctorate of Science (Dr.)
Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University - Japan.
Major in Molecular Biology
Jan – Mar 2005 International Course (teleconference)
Tohoku University, Sendai - Japan.
Major in Biotechnology
2012 Topic : Soft skill excellence in campus, in order to produce a good quality graduates
Institute Agama Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel, (IAIN Surabaya), Faculty of Tarbiyah
2013 Topic : Workshop and clinic about research proposal
Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
2016 Topic : Strengthening Of Basic Molecular Biology Techniques Towards Autonomy Of University,
Presenting in The 40th Annual Conference of AMTT in conjunction with 16th ACCLS, Pattaya,
Cholburi, Thailand.
2016 Topic : Requirement For Quality And Competence Of Medical Laboratories
2016 Topic : Best Practices of Bio-ethic Learning and Application in Faculty of Science and
Technology Guest speaker in World Bioethics Day by UNESCO Chair in Bioethics.
2016 Topic : Role of student in supporting National Autonomy.
Guest Lecturer in Mataram University, Lombok.
2016 Topic : Herbal medicine
Guest Lecturer in STIKES Maharani Graduation, Malang
2016 Topic : The Development of Medical Laboratory Experts towards International Level
Guest speaker in RAKERNAS XII dan Temu Ilmiah (12th National Report and Scientific Meeting)
of Laboratory Technology Expert, in Medik Grand Royal Panghegar, Bandung.
2017 Topic : The Challenges and The Future of Medical Laboratory Experts in Indonesia
Guest Speaker in Konggres Luar Biasa (National Meeting I) of Indonesia Medical Analyst
Association in University Level. Amroossa Royal Hotel, Bogor.
2017 Topic : Bioethic Application in Science and Healthcare
Guest Lecturer in STIKES Anwar Medika.
2017 Topic : The role of Collegium in developing Education and Specialist Standard towards National
Guest speaker in National Meeting of Medical Laboratory Technology Expert Association
(PATELKI), Surabaya
1991 – Present Indonesian Biology Association (PBI),
1995 – Present Japanese Teratology Society (member)
1995 – Present Japanese Radiation Research Society (member)
1982 – 1984 President of Senate of Faculty of Science and Technology
Win Darmanto – CV
Research Interest
• Reproductive Biology
• Molecular Biology
• Teratology
Research Experience
1 2016-2017 Polysaccharides krestine potential for diabetes treatment caused by the induction
of 2- Methoxyethanol in mice. (Research Leader)
3 2014- 2015 Polysaccharide krestin immunomodulator from Corolus versicolor extract on the
infection of intracellular and extracellular bacteria. (1st member)
4 2013-2014 Cell death pattern characteristic and expression of neuroglobin gene, HIF1α, in the
cerebral cortex of Swiss Webster mice (Mus musculus) caused by2-
Methoxyethanol. Medical Science. Universitas Airlangga (1st member)
5 2013-2014 The expression of mRNA Vimetin gene level and GFAP in cerebral cortex of mice
caused by 2-Metoxyethanol. Medical Science. Universitas Airlangga (2nd member)
6 2011-2012 Hematological Effect, cell Death Characteristic and Regulation of Protein Ngb,
HIF1α During Cortex Cerebral Development After Treated with 2-Methoxyethanol.
7 2012 Toksisitas Subkronis, Kronis dan Acut khusus Polysakarida dari Ekstrak Jamur
Coriolus versicolor: Upaya Menggali Potensi Bahan Hayati Sebagai
Immunomodulator Respone Immune Terhadap Mycobacterium tubercolosie.
8 2011 Ekpresi Protein Vimentin, dan GFAP terhadap penipisan Jaringan Cerebral korteks
dan Dampaknya Terhadap Penurunan Kecerdasan Otak Akibat Induksi 2-
9 2009-2010 Ekpresi Protein Vimentin, Neurofilamen dan GFAP terhadap penipisan Jaringan
Cerebral korteks dan Dampaknya Terhadap Penurunan Kecerdasan Otak Akibat
Induksi 2-Methoxyethanol,.
10 2009 Bioaktivitas Polisakarida Krestin dari Ekstrak jamur cariolus versicolor Sebagai
Imunomodulator Respon Imun Akibat Infeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Win Darmanto – CV
15 2007 Khitosan sebagai penghabat apoptosis dan abnormalitas anggota depan fetus
mencit akibat induksi asam retinoat
16 2006 Ekstrak Jamur (Krestine) Sebagai Penghambat Apoptosis dan Gangguan Otak Akibat
Radiasi Sinar Gamma: Suatu Model Pencegahan Penyakit Degeneratif
17 2005 Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Jamur (Polysaccharide Krestine) Sebagai Penghambat
Apoptosis dan mencegah Munculnya Kelainan Janin akibat Induksi 2-
18 2003-2005 Anti oksidan Polysaccharide Krestine (PSK) sebagai penghambat apoptosis dan
mencegah munculnya kelainan janin akibat induksi 2-methoxyethanol
19 2001-2004 Gangguan Migrasi dan Perkembangan Sel Saraf Pada Cerebrum dan Cerebellum
Mencit Akibat Induksi 2-Methoxyethanol; Sebagai Model Mekanisme Kelainan
20 2000 Ekspresi protein penghambat calcineurin, ZAKI-4 mRNA pada otak akibat radiasi
sinar X.
• Quantitative Structure-Cytotoxic Activity Relationship 1-(Benzoyloxy)urea and Its Derivative, Current Drug
Discovery Technologies. Vol. 13, 2016. Suko Hardjono*, Siswandono, Purwanto and Win Darmanto.
• Production of Polyclonal Antibodies against Sucrose Transporter (SUT1) Protein Expressed in Escherichia coli
BL21 and Application for Immunodiagnosis. Popy Hartatie Hardjo, Win Darmanto, Bambang Sugiharto. Journal
of Basic and Applied Scientific Research., 5(2)24-30, 2015 ISSN 2090-4304
• Stress Reducing Substance of Ageratum conyzoides and Its Application to Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Transportation. Journal of Natural Sciences Research. Laksmi Sulmartiwi, Win Darmanto, Mochammad Amin
Alamsjah. ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper). ISSN 2225-0921 (Online) Vol.4, No.19, 2014.
• Expression of Vimentin and GFAP Protein of Cerebral Cortex and Its Impact on Corticogenesis
Disorder as a Result of 2-Methoxyethanol,. (Yulia Irnidayanti, Win Darmanto. Int. J. Morphol., 31(3):802-808,
• The Effects of Curcuma Heyneana Ethanolic Extract on the Superoxide Dismutase Activity and Histological
Pancreas of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Rats, (Co-Author : Betty Lukiati, Aulanni’am, Win Darmanto); International
Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol: 12 No: 02; p. 22-30. (April, 2012).
Win Darmanto – CV
• Expression of Gen Extracellular Matrix and Cell Adhesion Molecule of Brain Embrio Mice at GD-10 By real time
RT-PCR. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 58; 2011 (Co-Author); (Yulia Irnidayanti, Win
Darmanto, Agus Abadi).
• Pengaruh Asam Ascorbat terhadap Kadar Timbal Fetus dan Aktivitas Enzym Sitokrom P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) pada
Induk Mencit Terintoksikasi Timbal. Berkala Penelitian Hayati (Journal of Biological Reseach). Vol. 16, No.1. P:
27-31; Desember 2010. (Co-Author) (Juliana Christyaningsih, Harianto Notopuro, Win Darmanto, Diah Titik
• Investigation of Artificial tooth Morphology Using a Holographic Interferometry Technique (Co-Author). Journal
of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 13 (4) 2011. (CO-autor) (Retno Apsari, Win Darmanto)
• Comparison of The Expression of cDNA Extra Cellular Matrix Protein Between Brain E-10 Black-6 Mice, hLN-405,
rF-98, and Cell Line mHT-22. Submitted. (CO-autor)
• Pattern of histological damaged of testis and spermatogenic cell death in mice induced by gamma cobalt 60
irradiation, Enviro, 2005; 5(2)
• The expression of calcineurin inhibitory protein, ZAKI-4 mRNA in the brain after X-irradiation to neonatal rats.
Journal of Mathematics and Science. 2002; 7(1): 25- 29
• Evaluation of optimal solution to retrieve antigenicity using microwave treatment. Environmental Medicine
Japan, 2000: 44; 104-106
• Hydrocephalus in mice following X-irradiation at early gestational stage: Possibly due to persistent deceleration
of cell proliferation. Journal of Radiation Research, Japan . 2000: 41; 213-226
• Derangement of Purkinje cells in the rat cerebellum following prenatal exposure to X-irradiation: Decreased
Reelin level is possible cause. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, Amerika, 2000; 59: 245-
• Dose response relationship of disturbed migration of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum due to X-irradiation.
Environmental Medicine, Japan 1998; 42: 46-50
• Sensitivity difference between anterior and posterior lobes of rat cerebellum to prenatal exposure to 2.5 Gy X-
irradiation: A histological study. Environmental Medicine, Japan 1997; 41: 93-96
• Disturbed Purkinje cells migration due to reduced expression of Reelin by X-irradiation in developing rat
cerebellum. Biological Science in Space, Japan 1998: 12; 254-5.
• Abnormal foliation of the rat cerebellum following prenatal exposure to X-radiation. Teratology, USA 1998; 57:
• Strain difference in the folia pattern of the cerebellum of house musk shrew, Suncus murinus. Environmental
Medicine, Japan, 1997; 41: 97-100
• Three-dimensional study of the cerebral vascular system in mice using corrosive resin casts. Environmental
Medicine, Japan, 1996; 40: 137-141
• The lack of radio-adaptive response during induction of the neural tube to developmental defects in mice.
Congenital Anomalies. Japan, 1996; 36: 199
• Cortical fiber distribution in the somatosensory cortex of rats following prenatal exposure to X-irradiation.
Environmental Medicine, Japan, 1997; 41: 37-39
• Fractionated-dose effects of X-irradiation on the induction of neural tube defects in mice. Environmental
Medicine, Japan, 1997; 41: 43-45
• High incidence of hydrocephalus following prenatal exposure to X-irradiation on early gestational stage in mice.
Environmental Medicine, Japan, 1998; 42: 60-63.
Win Darmanto – CV
irradiation and 2-methoxyethanol induces congenial malformation. 2006. Proceeding ASEAN Biochemistry
• Immunohistokimia terhadap IP3 receptor untuk observasi perkembangan normal dan abnormal sel Purkinje
pada cerebellum tikus. 2005. Proceeding in National Seminar of Biology and Learning Process. Faculty of Science
and Mathematics, UMN Malang
• Whole mount immunohistokimia terhadap neurofilament dan NCAM untuk mendeteksi kelainan perkembangan
pada embrio mencit akibat 2-methoxyethanol dan polysccacaride Krestine (PSK). 2005. Proceeding in National
Seminar of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Airlangga University, Surabaya.
• Insiden kelainan eksternal pada fetus mencit akibat senyawa 2-methoxyethanol dan polysaccharide krestine
(PSK). 2005. Proceeding in National Seminar of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Airlangga
University, Surabaya.
• Pemanfaatan Polysaccharide Krestin (PSK) dalam mencegah efek toksik 2-methoxyethanol pada perkembangan
embrio mencit. 2005. Proceeding in National Seminar of “BIOMASSA LIGNO-SELULOSA”, Faculty of Science and
Mathematics, Airlangga University, Surabaya.
• Polysaccharide Krestin (PSK) dalam menghambat kematian sel /apoptosis dan menetralkan free radical pada
mencit akibat 2-ME. 2005. Proceeding in National Seminar of “BIOMASSA LIGNO-SELULOSA”. Faculty of Science
and Mathematics, Airlangga University, Surabaya.
• Is the neural stem cells have a play the role of the changes expression of calcineurin inhibitory protein, ZAKI-4 in
the brain after X-irradiation to adult mice. 2002. Proceedings Congress I of Reproduction Biotechnology,
Brawijaya University, Malang.
• Abnormal foliation of cerebellum and disturb migration of Purkinje cells of rats following prenatal exposure to X-
irradiation. 1997. Proceedings of the 6th Scientific meeting (TI-VI) Indonesian Students Association in Japan,
Gifu, Nagoya, p. 72-76
• Developmental defects of cerebellar cortex rats following prenatal exposure to X-irradiation. 1998. Proceedings
of the 7th Scientific meeting (TI-VI) Indonesian Students Association in Japan, Hiroshima, p. 6-9
• Effects of 2-methoxyethanol on the somite formation and skeletal malformation of mice. 1998. Proceedings of
the 7th Scientific meeting (TI-VI) Indonesian Students Association in Japan, Hiroshima, p. 19-22
• Effects of X-radiation on Reelin levels and migration of Purkinje and Bergmann cells of cerebellum of rats. 1999.
Proceedings of the 8th Scientific meeting (TI-VI) Indonesian Students Association in Japan, Osaka, p. 169-172
• Embryo developmental disturbs caused by methoxyacetic acid (MAA). 1999. Proceedings of the 8th Scientific
meeting (TI-VI) Indonesian Students Association in Japan, Osaka, p. 173-176
• Decreased Reelin expression causes deranged patterning of Purkinje cells in rat cerebellum following prenatal
exposure to X-radiation. 1999. Proceeding of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Japanese teratology Society
Program; 119
• Disturbed Purkinje cell migration and abnormal foliation of the rat cerebellum caused by prenatal exposure to X-
radiation. 1998. Proceeding of the 41th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society ;149
• Disturbed Purkinje cells migration due to reduced expression of Reelin by X-irradiation in developing rat
cerebellum. 1998. Symposium Space Medicine; Nagoya, Japan
• Effects of X-radiation on the development of cerebellar cortex on rat. 1998. International Symposium on
Environmental Medicine : Current Activities in Space Biomedical Research, Nagoya, Japan
Win Darmanto – CV
• Basic Biology 1. 2015. 140 pages. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga
• Basic Biology 2. 2015. 160 pages. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga
• Practical Guide of Animal Physiology. 2015. 55 pages. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Airlangga University.
• Practical Guide of Molecular Genetics. 2015. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Airlangga University.