LEED Section-12-Green-Buildings-And-Sustainability
LEED Section-12-Green-Buildings-And-Sustainability
LEED Section-12-Green-Buildings-And-Sustainability
ISBN: 9780071826945
Authors: Sidney M. Levy, Andrew M. Civitello Jr.
Green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and
resource efficient throughout the building's life-cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance,
renovation and deconstruction. This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of
economy, utility, durability and comfort. Green building is also known as a sustainable high performance building.
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12.1.2. The Eight Components of Green Building
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the eight components of green building are:
1. Energy efficiency, which includes the EPA's Energy Star program; renewable power sources (solar, wind, wave); heat island
reduction (reducing the heat island effect created by asphalt and other hard-surfaced paving); and energy-efficient roofs,
both cool roofs and green roofs.
2. Water efficiency, which includes promotion of water-efficient appliances and reuse of waste water (both storm water runoff
and treated, recycled water).
3. Environmentally preferable building materials, which includes recycling of demolition and other contraction debris/waste
4. Waste reduction, which encourages projects that reduce, reuse, or recycle waste materials, as well as the development of
environmentally friendly solutions such as large-scale landscaping designed to preserve natural resources.
5. Development of a Lifecycle Building Challenge program that will facilitate disassembly of material for reuse to minimize
6. Toxics reduction by substituting safer chemicals and educating users on the health and safety values of certain materials,
such as spray polyurethane foam.
7. Indoor air quality, also referred to as "Indoor Environmental Quality," that offers equipment, tools, and programs to protect
occupant health, promote comfort and productivity, and enhance the durability of structures.
8. Smart growth and sustainable development that promote greenscapes to preserve natural resources, reduce runoff of
pollutants from urban environments into streams and rivers, and encourage new approaches to storm water management
and environmentally responsible development and reuse of contaminated sites.
1. Sustainable sites
2. Water efficiency
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LEED certification is available for multiple building types, including:
Existing construction
Commercial interiors
Retail establishments
Neighborhood development
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12.4. Costs and Financial Aspects of Green Buildings
Various studies have been conducted around the country to discern the cost of going green. In 2003, a California study,The
Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings, led by Greg Kats of Capital E, a Washington, D.C. consulting firm, concluded
that the average premium cost for the 33 buildings studied was slightly less than 2%, equating to about an additional $3.00 to
$5.00 per square foot.
A report by Turner Construction Company in 2005, issued after a study of 30 green-built schools, revealed that green schools
cost less than 2% more than conventional school construction. However, this extra cost is potentially offset by other
considerable financial benefits of green building, such as reducing occupant health problems, delivering lower operational
costs, and resulting in enhanced student learning.
Davis Langdon, a global construction consultancy firm, conducted several green building cost studies over the years. In a July
2007 study the firm conducted, it investigated 221 academic, laboratory, library, and community buildings and health care
facilities, and "suggested that the cost per square floor for buildings seeking LEED certification falls into the existing range of
costs for buildings of a similar program type." Thus, it appears that prudent and careful "green" planning and design do not
necessarily increase per-square-foot costs.
Another study by the City of Seattle in 2000 reported that the incremental cost to achieve LEED Silver standards across all
projects was 1.7%. The premium cost equated to between $3.00 and $5.00 per square foot, similar to the premium found in the
California study.
A Davis Langdon "Cost of Green in NYC" study from the fall of 2009, which analyzed high-rise residential buildings and
compared LEED and non-LEED construction costs (see the following tables), added that soft cost increases were not
substantial. The median cost of LEED design fees was $0.56/sf, the median cost of LEED documentation was $0.30/sf, and the
median cost of commissioning was $1.55/sf.
Construction Costs per SF for High-Rise Residential Buildings in New York City
All Non-LEED LEED Certified LEED Silver LEED Gold LEED Platinum
Construction Costs per SF for Commercial Interior Projects in New York City
All Non-LEED LEED Certified LEED Silver LEED Gold LEED Platinum
Note: No explanation was given for the disparity between LEED Platinum costs for interiors other than commercial interior projects,
nor was a reason given for why LEED Certified costs for high-rise residential buildings were less than "All."
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12.5. The Learning Curve for Project Managers and
Construction Managers
Project Managers and Construction Managers desirous of learning more about green construction might tap into GREENBUILD,
an annual international conference and exposition started in 2002. GREENBUILD is now held in various locations throughout the
United States, offering seminars, industry exhibits, and renowned speakers.
For Project Managers or Construction Managers planning work on LEED projects, here are some tips to follow that are unique
to these types of projects:
Establish a LEED documentation center where all of the latest applicable LEED resources are stored. This center should
2. Areas set aside for recycling and a concise list of the materials that are and are not to be recycled
3. The indoor air quality management plan that will be referred to during commissioning
4. The Green Interior Design and Construction Reference Guide (obtainable from the design consultants)
The construction schedule should include sufficient float or contingencies if the completion date (and final payment) has
any tie-ins to federal, state, or local subsidies or tax credits.
Fully understand what you are building. If certain products are unfamiliar, contact the manufacturer or a manufacturer's
representative and request a meeting with its technical people to learn as much as you can about installation and function.
Review environmental standards with vendors and subcontractors to ensure that they fully understand the parameters with
respect to product installation and service performance.
Take photographs or videos during construction to document achieved sustainability goals; also use photos or videos to
document compliance with a manufacturer's product installation procedures.
Periodic and final cleanup must meet green standards for cleaning practices and waste disposal procedures.
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12.6. Sustainable Construction
Sustainability is the movement to sustain economic growth while maintaining the long-term health of the environment. When
this term is applied to the design and construction industry, it means creating designs that balance the short-term goals of a
construction project with the long-term goals of efficient operating systems that protect the environment and nature's
For example, recyclable steel used to manufacture metal studs for framing has the potential to reduce our dependence on
wood for that purpose. Manufactured or engineered wood products such as oriented strand board (OSB) make use of wood
chips and scraps; medium-density fiberboard (MDF) uses wood fibers to create a whole host of products for cabinetry, doors,
and furniture.
Sustainable buildings represent a holistic approach to construction, combining the latest technology with nature to enhance the
building's efficiency rather than detract from it; using natural light where possible to reduce dependence on artificial light;
orienting the building to reduce both heating and cooling loads; and using storm water to water landscaped areas, thereby
reducing overall water consumption.
Use a multidisciplinary, integrated approach to design that invites each discipline to participate in the design process.
The overarching framework for this type of project should reflect a respect for nature, neither harming it nor depleting it.
Life-cycle costs must be an integral part of the design concept. Although initial costs may be high, long-term costs may
overbalance those high first costs, particularly when it comes to operating cost efficiency.
When selecting building materials and mechanical systems and appliances, choose those that require minimal energy to
create or operate.
Maintenance of the structure ought to be considered when both design and construction are being considered.
Attempt to build with local materials whenever possible to reduce transportation costs.
Design with an eye to passive strategies such as building orientation, overhangs and sun shades, thermal mass, and natural
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12.7. Basic Sustainable Construction Goalsfor Site and
Some of these procedures can be employed on construction sites that are not necessarily designated "sustainable," as they
actually represent a "best practices" approach for any contractor.
Site work goal. Meet or exceed standards for erosion control and sedimentation control by:
Preventing loss of soil during construction due to storm water runoff and wind erosion
Protecting the topsoil stockpiles for reuse, or modifying existing soils to meet topsoil standards
Site utilities goal. Reduce storm water runoff and reuse by accomplishing the following:
Minimize or strive for total elimination of storm water runoff by instituting infiltration swales and basins to reduce
impermeable surfaces instead of installing detention ponds.
Retain and recharge existing water tables by minimizing disturbances, saving trees and natural vegetation, and
supporting and enhancing natural landforms and drainages.
Store roof runoff for future use as gray water or reclaimed water.
Install a small-footprint state-of-the-art treatment plant on-site to recycle water for irrigation use.
Open space and landscaping goal. Protect and restore existing vegetation by:
Protecting trees. This not only enhances the site's value, but provides some cooling benefits.
Using indigenous landscaping that supports wildlife and biodiversity and does not require the level of irrigation that
some new ground cover requires. It also eliminates the need for chemical treatment of these areas.
Minimize pesticide use by installing weed cloth, mulches, and dense plantings.
Circulation and transportation goal. Improve circulation, and decrease the need for private transportation by:
Tying the development or building to transit modes and emphasizing alternatives such as organized car pooling, water
taxis (if applicable), buses, and car sharing.
Diverting at least 75% of construction waste, demolition debris, and land clearing from disposal as landfill.
Deconstructing all existing structures with substantial recoverable materials and disposing of them to recyclers.
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12.8. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL):
Lessons Learned
NREL conducted a study of a 13,600 square foot (1260 square meter) model building constructed at Oberlin College in Oberlin,
Ohio, in 2000 to better understand the impact of an environmentally designed building that would be not only energy efficient
but also able to export energy to the local utility company. The building used passive solar devices, geothermal heat pumps for
heating and cooling, and roof-mounted photovoltaic (PV) cells to generate electricity. The NREL study monitored the completed
structure from 2000 to 2003 and came up with the following findings that are more generic in nature than site specific.
During summer months, large PV systems in commercial buildings, on average, can export electricity from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00
Control design must be completely integrated using the full capabilities of the equipment in the building, such as CO2
sensors, motion sensors, and thermostats. A balance must be achieved between human operations and automation.
Dark-colored ceilings must be avoided to take full advantage of daylighting and uplighting.
Daylighting sensors are needed in all daylit areas; it is not sufficient to rely on manual controls.
Daylighting must be designed into all occupied areas with consideration of any additional heating and cooling loads
imposed upon the building.
Overglazed areas such as an atrium can provide abundant daylighting but can also impose additional heating and cooling
Specification for heat pumps must work with appropriate groundwater temperature.
Electric boilers can be employed as backup sources if used sparingly. Controls and staging are essential for the integration
of limited-use systems such as these.
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