PLK - A0804f Instruction Manual
PLK - A0804f Instruction Manual
PLK - A0804f Instruction Manual
lndustrial Sewing Machine
Thank you for your purchase of Mitsubishi lndustrial Electronic Sewing Machine.
BeÍore aüempting to operate the unit, please read through these instructions since
they will help you to keep the unit in the best possible working order.
Thesê instructions describe the operations of the mechanical parts, inclusive of the
machine head, of this industrial electronic sewing machine. For details on how to
operate the control unit and how to prepare the sewing pattems, reÍe:rence should
be made to the lnstruction Manual below.
Mitsubishi lndustrial Sewing Machine lnstruction Manual
<Control Unit>: A180E207
Precautions ÍoÍ Operation
(1) Seíety
1) Make sure that the sewing machine is grounded in order to safeguard against nois€ and electric
2) Do not placê your hand under the needle area or pulley aÍêa when tuming on the poyver.
3) The sewing machine which is opêrating is dangerous and so cere must bê taken not to torrch any
oÍ its moving parts. Also, remember to tum off the power beÍore proceeding with repair woÍk or
4) Under no circumstances should the operator bring his or her Íingers near the woÍk holdêr while
the sêwing machine is being operated.
5) Do not operate the sêwing mechine withoú eye guard and protective covers in place.
6) Always tum ofÍ the power switch when not using the sewing machine or when the worker leeves
the sewing machine.
4 Always tum the power switch oÍÍ when tilting the machine head, removing/mounting the V belt or
adiusting/replacing the parts.
(3) Op€ration
1) Do NOT turn off the oower or remove the flooov disk while the flooDV disk drive is readino or
writino data (while the drivê LED is liohted). This mav cause the data stored to be lost.
2) When sewing a new pattem or enlarging a pattern, be sure to peíorm a test operation and chêck
the relationship between the work holder and pattem.
3) Remove your foot from the staÍt switch (pedal switch) when tuming the power switch on or otÍ.
4) The presser Íoot must be lowered when the pulley is turned manually. lt is lowered when the
poweÍ is oÍÍ so that the wheel can be rotated withoú ÍuÍther edlustment. When the power is on,
it can be lowered by setting the bobbin winder switch to the ON time.
5) The maximum sewing speed ditfers eccoÍding to the stitch lêngth. The maximum speed is
aúomatically limited in accordance with the stitch lengths. ReÍer to section 6 'Chêck points Íor
operation' and it should be set Íor each individual Íabric.
6) A Íetainer method is used Íor thê X-Y table mechanism. To stitch conect patterns, press the work
holder foMerd/backward/lêft and right so that it touches the stopper, and position the retainer
beÍore turning the power on.
7) Avoid using a multimeter to inspect the intemal control circuitry since the voltage Írom such may
damagê the semiconductor paÍts.
8) When an instantaneous power failure occurs, the sewing machine stops in the reset or erÍor
mode. To resume opêÍation, first make sure that the power is off and then switch it back on
(4) Precautions regarding work environment
1) Do not operate the sewing machine at high temperatures (over 4(fC) or low temperatur6 (under
5"C). OtheMise, trouble or malfunctioning may occur in the machine.
2) The sewing machine cannot be used in an atmosphere whêre it will be exposed to explosive
gzlsês, dust, or oily vapors.
3) Avoid using the sewing machine in a location where it will be exposed to excessivê shock or
4) Take care not to allow water or any othêr liquids from entering lhe machine head and control unit,
and to keep metal waste and other conductive materials away ÍÍom the sewing machine.
5) When the powêr line is afÍected by surge voltages (noise), the stitch pattem may shift or
malÍunctioning may occur in the sewing machine.
6) Similar efÍects may occur when the sewing machine is operated in the vicinity oÍ any equipment
which generates high noise lêvels (such as a high-Írequency welder). Keep the machine as far
away Írom such equipment is possible and use a separate power line to supply power to Ít.
7) Using a radio orTV sêt near the sewing machlne may cause noise interferencê in the reception
of radio or TV broadcests. ln cases like this, use a diÍÍerent power supply or place the radio or
TV set at a distance Írom the sewing machine.
Since PROM control box is available as the optional accessory, it is possible to úllize cunent ROM
cassettes which have been used with the conventional electronic sewing machine.
1 8000 8000 0.1 mm
PLK-A Series
Slide plate
Work holder
2. Construction
The PLK-A compact elec'tronic sewing machine is constructed of the followang parts.
Head rest Mâchino head
Cotton stand
.::4.- Control box
Drawer :1 --/
Casteí I
,p í,"u G
| , Trm ,
\\ Turn down: Iock 'l) Podal
- c
STAFT switah (Red) Work holder slvilcà (Black)
BX2. r gJz.2
3. Features
(1) Valuablê contribution to incÍeasing productivity
. High-speed sewing
Use oÍ the latest control technology has resulted in a 50% increas€ in sewing speeds and a
doubling oÍ the fabric Íeed rate (compared with the peÍformanc€ oÍ past modob by MitsubishD.
. Adoption of large-sized shunb hook
The adoption oÍ a large-sized shrrttle hook (1,8 times larger than the size Íeatured in past
models by MitsubishD makês it possible to drastically reduce the Írequency with which the
bobbin thread is replaced and it enhances the work emciency as well.
. Widê variety oÍ stitches and pattems
Up to 150 pattems featuring the data Íor 8,000 stitches per pattem can be stored on a single
floppy disk to meet the requirements oÍ fancy stitching or embÍoidery involving large numbers
oÍ stitches.
- Easy adaptability to automatic machine
Extemal inteÍÍace Íunctions Íor use as an application machine or special-puÍpos€ machine are
optionally provided.
(2) Less dependency on skills or tÍaining requiÍêd
. Simple inpú and operation thanks to interactive system
The liquid crystal display (LCD) vastly simpliÍies the pÍeparation oÍ the sewing pattems and the
preparatioÍrs madê Íor operation, and it also displays opeÍating eÍrors in the form oÍ messages.
The teaching playback type of inpú makês it possibls to create s€vving pattems which match
the clamp Írame.
. Easy maintenance
Thê íull line-up of troubleshooting functions make the pinpointing of trouble and 'rts display on
the LCD an easy tÉrsk.
. Adding/subtracting counters provided as a standard Íeature
The subtracting counter uses a buzzer to sound the time at which the bobbing thread should
bê replaced while the adding counter makes it possible to veÍiíy the oúpú.
(3) Eíhêtically pleasing seams and stitchiÍrg
. By bringing the rêsolúion oÍ the fabric Íeêd mechanism accurãtêly dorm to a 0.1 mm pitch, it
is now possible to sêw both smoothly and precisely.
. Maximum stitch length oÍ 12,7 mm (Maximum sewing spêed oÍ 4 mÍn/2,ooo spm)
The variable stitch length accommodates eveÍything Írom stitches wheÍe a delicate touch is
required such as in embroidery to large-pitch sewing oÍ such aÍticles as container bags.
. Home position Íetum function
As the stitching oÍ one pattem is completed, the work holder rêtums to the home position so
that there is no accumulation oÍ mechanical displacement.
. Since the sewing machine drive motor is controlled with PWN (pulse width modulation), stable
sewing machine Íevolúions are obtained.
(4) Abundent optional Íunctions are provided
(DGompressor (Model: MP-AI&AU) - Spacs saving as it is storsd in tàe table.
@Aií driven typê work holder (MP-Â@AO) - Íhê standaÍd work holdeÍ is â solênoid ddvân typê, bú this can
easily bê convoíed to thê air drivên type.
OÀr driwn typê 2-íep clamp - The lsft and right clamp can bs oporated s€paralely.
(MP-ÁO&K2, MP-A1$K2)
(DAÍ drivên type label clamp Handy roí sêwing labels and badges.
(R6vorsô axis type, Model: MP-A&AH) (Ihe compressor is nêcêss&y.)
OEectÍomag neüc díiven labsl damp Handy roí sêwing labels and badges.
(Rovsrsê 6xis type, Modoli MP+O&OH, MP- (Compíessor nol necêssary due to fulty êloclÍic syslem)
@ROM unit (Model: MP-AI7-BU) Íhe PROM cass€ttes used in ths conventional êlêctíonic sêwing
machines (PLK-Imô, etc.) can bs used.
@YO unit: (Modol: MP-Aí7-|O) This is ân inteíâêo unit to bo used whên linking various
electronic sêwing machine pêripheral equipment to thê system.
4. SpeciÍicataons
4.í General Specilications
(1) Speciíications oÍ mêchanisms
Type oÍ stitching : Single-needle lockstitch
Needle baÍ stroke : 41 .2 mm
Take-up lever stroke: 68 mm
Needle : DP x 17 #18 (standaÍd)
wiper : Lengthwise thread wiping drive (with wiper release switch)
Work holder lift : 22 mm (max.), slÍoke 20 (mm)
Presser Íoot lift : 6 to 12 mm
Presser foot stroke : PLK-41 006/40804F: 0, 4 to l0 mm (4 mm at Íactory shipment)
PLK-Ao5PF :4mm,0mm (Option: 7 mm, 0 mm)
Hook : Large-sized shuttle hook
Bobbin case : With slip pretention spring
Bobbin : Aluminum bobbin Íor large-sized hook
Thread tÍimmer : Combination of Íixed kniÍe and movable knifê (plane scissoíng)
Lubricetion system : Manual oiling and replenishment with oil braid Oank type)
Oil usêd : White spindle oil No.2
Sewing area : PLK-A'1006 : X (left/right) 100 mm Y (ÍorwaÍd/backward) 60 mm
PLK-A0804F: X (lewright) 80 mm Y (Íorward/backward) 40 mm
PLK-AosPF : x (lefvright) 50 mm Y (ÍoMard/backward) 40 mm
Dimensions : PLK-41006/Ao8o4F: W xLxH = 1200 x 565 x 1140
PLK-A0SPF: W x L x H = 1000 x 545 x 1í40
Weight : PLK-Aí 006/40804F: í 50 kg (l-otal weigho
PLK-Ao5PF: 140 kg Ootal weight)
(2) ReÍer to the instÍuction manual control unit section íor the speciÍications on the control unit and
(3) LIM|-STOP Z motoÍ speciÍications
i/todel CEZ@E cBz4ü2E CYZ@E
Output lW 400 4@ «)0
Phases Single phase 3 phase 3 phase
Polês 2 2 2
Voltage M 110 2m 2âlwl415
molor Fíequency (Hz) 50 60 50 60 50 60
Full-load cuííent (A) 5.8 5.6 2.2 2.O 1.911.311.2 '1.711.111.O
Presser íoot
a3.5 o4.5 64.5
(lnneí dia.: 02 0) (lnner dia. o3.0) (lnner dia.: 63.0)
( ) t\^/3041256 lvlV3OA0256 tÍÍ\&)40256
I fi
5.2 lnstalling the Machinê Head (see Fig. 5.3 and 5.4)
(1) lnseÍt the head rest inlo the conesponding holes in the table.
(2) Atlach two hinges (B) to the unpacked machine head.
(3) Pú the hêad on rhe tâble so that it rests on the six rubber pads and two hinges.
(4) Raise the heed to rest it veÍtically and pass the cords and air tubes through thê holes in the table.
(5) lnstall the oil pan as shown in Fig. 5.4 and drive four staples to secuÍe the oil pan in position.
(6) lnstall the V betts to the machine pulley end the motor pulley and retum the head to hoízontal
(7) Raise the sewing machine to ns normal state. The bett cover must be remo/ed when the head is
titted or the pulley is rotaled by hand. lnstall the belt cover after the standard adjustments are
(8)lnstall the belt cover (large) to the machine head with screws.
(9)lnstall the belt cover (small) to the table with screws.
(10) InseÍt the vinyl hose intothe oil pan, and insert the other end into the oil bottle. ReÍer to the lower
diagram to install the oil pan onto the leg.
(í1) Assemble the cotton stand, and fx to lhe lop with washers and nús.
Belt cover (large) V belt Pulley
To oil pan
? Y
§ Oil botüe Hexagonal bolt
Holdêr Rrôbeí spacer
Bêlt covêí (small)
Bubbeí pad lnstallation hole
Hinge (B)
Hinge (A) or pan Phin washer
SpÍirE washer
Hexagonal nut
CoÍds Hôlê
Fig. 5.3 Fig. 5.4
5,3 Connection oÍ Cables
(1) Pass the connection cable Íor the sewing
machine head through the holes and
then connect with the relevant leads
(those with the sâme alphabet character) Control box Câble @
on the control box. (ReÍer to Fig. 5.3, (+pin wiih
(2) Connect the K display lêad O Írom the
lsâd O
control box to lead with 3-pin connector
@ Írom the sewing machine drive motor.
(ReÍer to Fig. 5.5)
(3) Connect the L display lead Írom the cabte o (12-Pin)
Two types of ,unction cords arê used for connection ol the control box to stepping motoÃi
(one is Íor X-axis stepping motor, and other is Íor Y-axis stepping motoÍ). Since the X-axis
cable may not be used for connection oÍ Y-axis stepping motor, and vice versa, though the
connectorsi of both iunction cords are oÍ the same type, identify each cable beÍore the
Nylon holdeí
5.4 lnstalling lhe ContÍol panel
Wood scrêw
(1) The control panel can be placed wherever Stand
wasners ir)
operation the switches is easy. Use the enclosed Coíneí fleain
nylon holder to fix the control panel. Clipthe nylon
holdeÍ to the bottom ofthe control panel in two
places. Remove the sheet on the adhesive tape
on the back oÍ the nylon holdêr, and stick to the Rubbêr cushion Adhesive tapê
top plate. Remove all dirt and oil on the top Adhesive lape
plate beÍore Íixing the control panel. Fig. 5.7
The control panel can be Íixed more securely when
Íixêd with the enclosed wood screw (3.í x 16) and ContÍol bor cord
(ReÍer ro Fig. 5.7)
(2) Stick the enclosed rubber cushion onto the table
where the corner of the control box will come into
contact. (Refer to Fig. 5.7) C.ontrol switch panel
Ohe rubber cushion backing is adhesive tape. Conneclor
Real off the label beÍore use.)
Square h
(3) Fit and lock the connector o, the contÍol box cord
into the connector marked'control panel' at the
rear oÍ the control panel. (ReÍer to Fig. 5.8) Fig.5.8 Table
5.5 Work Lâmp Leâds
(1) When the work lamp (6V15-20W) is epplied, us€
the connecting leads provided at the Íront part oÍ lnsulation Phasê Í€v!Íging
the motor. tape plug
Voltage of lemp is only 6V bú the ground Z motor
voltege is nearÍy aboú 10OV. Plêase make
sure to tum off the power bêÍore connec,ting
the leads.
(2) When the lamp is not used, the lamp leads must
be insulated as shown by the sketch. lÍ e lnsulation t8p€
shortcircuit occurs, the coil oÍ motor will bum down. Cul stÍiped
(ReÍer to Fig. 5.10) lead
Aboul 10 mm
(oÍ ove0
Caulion l,âmp lêads lâmp lêads
tt is strictly prohibited to connect the work
Iamp and a heating device such as the Íeet
warmer in parallel because it may cause Fig. 5.10 Work lamp lead
overheating due to overload.
1. All leads should be bundled and sec-ured in position so that they cannot come into
contact with the v belt.
2 Securely set the plugs and connectors.
3. Eefore starting connection o, leads, unplug the poyver cable oÍ cord.
5.7 Changing the Oirection oÍ the Motor Botation
lf thê motor oÍ the sewing machine is rotating in the
reverse direction, the Íollowing display appears, and the Direction
machine stops operating. oÍ rotaüon
When this display has appeared, normal rotâtion is
restored by turning the phase-reveÍsing plug through 180"
and inserting it. Be sure to insert it properly as Íar as it will
go. (See Fig. 5.11)
Since it takes aboú 2 minúes Íor e single-phase motor to
stop completely after the power has been tumed olf,
remember to switch on the power after it has stopped.
reve,sing Plug
Ohe direction oÍthe single-phese motor rotation will remain
unchanged iÍ the power is turned on while the motor is Fig. 5.11
Be sure to set the poweÍ s{ritch to the OFF position when disconnec-ting thê poiveÍ plug.
When the machine head is tilted, the chain muí be
loosêned by unhooking. lÍ the head is titted withoú Pedal
The stitching speed is dêteÍmined by the speed dial and the stitch length oÍ thê stitching pattem.
The speed dial value determines the maximum stitching speed, and the stitch length limits the
stitching speed.
-7 -
< Dial value and maximum stitching speed > < Stitch length and speed limit>
Dial value Max. stitching speed Stilch length Speed limit
9 2000 s/min 0.1 - 4.0 2000 s/min
8 1820 s/min 4.1 - 4.5 18í I s/min
7 1670 s/min 4.6 - 5.0 1666 s/min
6 1zl30 s/min 5.1 - 6.0 1428 s/min
5 1250 s/min 6.1 - 7.5 í250 s/min
4 s/min 7.6 - 10.0 1000 s/min
80o s/min 10.1 - 1?.7 800 s/min
2 600 s/min 606 s/min
1 400 s/min 400 s/min
0 200 s/min 20o s/min
Fac€ platê
I B€lt cover
Swilch coveí
I-IALT ${itch
Oil gauge
Eye guaíd
Presser íool
Cênleí slidê
plate Needle plate
X-Y coveÍ, Íight
Cylinder covêr
X cgver, Íight
Slide plate \MpeÍ Woú holder Fêêd plate
Fig. 7.1
Presser Íoot
Thumb nut
Neêdle thread
adjusting screw
Face plate
Switch cover
HALT switch
Eye guard
Píesser Íool
Cênter slide
plale Needle plate
Fig. 7.2
7.1 Lubrication
(1) Supplying lhê lubricant
Some oil must be applied to A to F as indicated by arrows in Fig. 7.3 to 7.5 beÍore starting
operation. (PLK-Ao5PF does not have D and E points.)
c A
BeÍore starting the initial operation after the installation oÍ the sewing machine, pour a suitable
amount oÍ lubricant through holes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J and K (during regular operation,
lubricant is given aúomaticalty and thereÍore not necessary to add).
* Apply lubricant to the reverse surÍace oÍ the presser plate.
(2) Filling the oil tank with lubricant (on aÍm side and bed side)
Fill the oil tank with lubricant until lubricant level reaches the center mark oÍ oil gauge through holes
H and K. Note that too much oil may cause a spill when the head is tilted.
For lubricant, use white spindle oil #2.
Presser plate
Oil gauge
Fig. 7.6 Fig. 7.7
({) Ol disposâl
Oil is discharged ÍÍom the drain pipe and collected in the oil bonb. Oil must be dbposêd of
periodically before the pot is filled tully. (See Fig. 5.3, s.4)
Gap 7E
Fig. 7.8
O Tension discs
@ Threád gutdc
Fig. 7.9
- 10 -
7.4 Winding the Bobbin Thread
(1) Pass the thread coming Írom the spool holder Bobbin winder
reducê To incíease adjusleí
base as shown by Fig. 7.10 and wrap the end
oÍ threed around the bobbin several times in the
ThÍead guidê
direction of arrow a. o Spool holdeí
(2) Push the adiust lever in the direction of arrow b.
(3) Lower the work holder using the work holder t
(4) Setting thê bobbin winder switch on the control
panel to the ON posnion (LED lights) loweÍs the
presser Íoot and allows the sewing machine to
i-- Adjust lever
Hook damp
CylindeÍ cover
- 1í -
7.8 ThÍead Tension
When the needle thread tension is well balanced with the bobbin thrêad tension, the needle thread is
intêrlocked with lhe bobbin thread atong the center line of fabric layers as shown in Fi9,7,14.
Íonsion adiusüng
o X X
Ío incÍeâso
Balanc€d needle lhÍead Tight needle thread Loosê needle thÍead To íeduce
tension and bobbin tension, oÍ loose tension, oí tight
lhread tension bobbin thíead tênsion bobbin th.ead tension Bobbin çâsê
When applying silicone oil to the needle thread, mount the thread Steppêd scÍew
guidê with the Íelt area onto the bottom paÍt oÍ the face plate, es A
shown in Fig.7.17, and supply the oil to the felt area.
3) The standard height oÍ the presser Íoot is where there is
a clearance oÍ 0 to 0.5 mm between the bottom and the
top oÍ the sewing cloth as noted above. A smaller
clearance (lower presser Íoot) will help to avoid stitch
skipping. A slight sound may be heard if the presser Íoot
PÍêsser adjusting
is pressêd against the sewing cloth. The needle thread Sub-adjusiing
tension will decrease or the cloth may calch on the
presser Íoot causing miíakes in the pattern iÍ sewing is Approx. 3oÍnm .
Appío(. 2omm
caÍried cú Íor long with a small clearance. When
lowering the presser Íoot, make sure it is the minimum Bolt
Thumb screw
required distance. when using the presser foot withoú o
pressing down on the sewing cloth, iÍ the presser rod is
set higher and the presser Íoot is adjusted only with the
position where it is installed on the presser rod when the
cloth thickness changes, operations will be easier.
(3) The vertical movement amount oÍ the presser íoot is set at 4 Fig. 7.20 PLK.Aí 006/A0804F
mm at the Íactory. To increase the vertical movement
Píesser adjustrnent
amount in the PLK-41006/40804F models, loosen the bolt
shown in Fig.7.2O, lift it up and then Íix. There will be a Appíox. 28m
veÍtical movement amount o, approximately í0 mm at the
highest position. FoÍ the PLK-Ao5PF, the presser foot Thumb nut
veÍtical movêment emount is set at 4 mm. To increase the
vertical movement amount, replâce the optional leveÍ (part o
code: MA05A0950), to allow a vertical movement amount oÍ
7 mm. (Use oÍ the wiper will not be possible.) To replace
the optional lever, rêmove the slepped screw. Remove the Fig. 7.21 PLK-AO5PF
lever and presser foot when the presser Íoot is not to be
used. (ReÍer to Fig. 7.22)
(4) To adjust the presser foot pressing pressurê, loosên the Stepped scíew
thumb nut shown in Figs. 7.2O and 7.21. Turning the
presser adjustment screw clockwise will incÍease the
pressurê, and counterclockwise will decrease the pressure.
The standard position is shown on the right. The sub- Leveí Presseí Íod
edjusítment screw does not usually require âdiustment. set sêíew
Presser rod II
Nole o
The height oÍ the presser Íoot must be adiusted when
the thickness oÍ the sewing cloth changes. Fig. 7.22 PLK.AO5PF
WoÍk holdêÍ
7.1í Replacemênt oÍ the WoÍt HoldeÍ
ins{allaüon scÍew
Food plate
(1) When replecing the work holder, Íemovê the work Posiüoning plats installaüon scÍew
holder instellation screw shown in Fig. 7.23.
(2) Do nol loosen the positioning plate. Use the
positioning plate as a reference when replacing the
Feed plate Positionlng plate
work holder to install it to its original position.
Fig' 7'a
7.12 Replâcemênt oÍ the Fêêd Plate
(1) When replacing the Íeed plate, remove the feêd plate set scrêw shourn in Fig. 7.23 and then
@ Do not loosen the positioning plAe. Use thê positioning plate as a reference when Íeplecing the
Íeed plate to install it to its original position.
- 13 -
7.13 Position oí lhe WoÍk HoldêÍ and Dimensions
The relation oÍ the work holder and home position is shown in Fig. 7.24 and Table 7.1
Table 7.1
Positioning Woík holdeÍ
Work holdeí plate installaüon screw PLK-A1006 PLK-AO8O4F PLK-AO5PF
'100 80 50
!áH B 118 100 70
138 120 90
D 60 40 40
E 72 GJ 63
F 12.5 16.7 16.7
94.5 89.7 89.7
Fig. 7.24
P Bobbin
8. Adjustment and Maintenance ó
8.1 Adiusting the Bobbin Winder
eo @
(Í) Adjusring the winding volume
To reduce the winding volume, first loosen screw @ and @
move the adiust lever toward the bobbin; conversely, to usl leveí
increase the volume, move it in the opposite diÍection.
The adiust lever is set so that it will return in the direction oÍ Fig.8.í
arrow 'a' with the thÍead wound up to 80% oÍ its Íull volume
on the bobbin.
(2) Adiusling thê turn ing oÍ ihe bobbin
Loosen screws and @ of the bobbin winder completely, mount a bobbin on which thread has
been appropriately wound onto the shaÍt, and push the adiust lever in the direction of anow 'b'.
Nelt, move the bobbin w'nder com pletely in the direction oÍ arrow 'D'. Once resistance is Íelt,
tighten up screws @ and D to Íinalize the positioníng operation.
8.3 Adjusfing the Timing between Driver Molion end lnneÍ Hook Motion l-bad oÍ
(1) Loosen the driver set screw with an Allen wrench. inner hook Needle centeí
(A hole to insert the wrench ls provided under the cylinder.)
(2) Adiust the driver so rhat the head of inner hook is matched with the
needle_ cenler when the pulley is tumed and thê timing
maÍk @ t @ I i" poirúed againsi the boüom end oÍ needte bar
metal. (See Fig. 8.3)
(3) ln this condition, ad.iust the longitudinal
position oÍ driver so as to create a gap oÍ Fig.8.4
0 mm between the driver and the needle
and Íinally lock the driver set screw.
. Lateral adiustment of driver position 0.05 to 0.1mm
The timing can bê adiusted also, as
the approximating method, by
creeting a gap oÍ aboú 3.2 mm
between the hook's head and the
right side of needle when the Íormer,
hook's hêad, retreated to the leÍt limit
as shown by Fig. 8.8.
Rotaüng hook's
sgt acÍêw frn
Xàett tension
adjust scÍêw B
Fig. 8.6
(4) After the head oÍ inner hook was adjusted
as above, move the position oÍ rotating Hed oí imêí hook 3.2@
hook so that the gap of 0.05 to 0.1 mm is 0a
produced between the hêad of inner
hook and the needle. (See Fig. 8.4) The
rotating hook can be moved by turning
the eccentric pin with a minus (-) dÍiver Itook clamp
afteÍ the Íotating hook's set screw was
líole Íoí
loosened. The rotating hook has e play Driver set scÍew
driv€Í sotting
oÍ approximately 0.5mm in the rotating
direction so turn the set screw to the right Fig. 8.7 Fig. 8.8
end tighten.
8.4 Adjusting thê Thread Guide (ebove Hook) (see Fig. 8.9) Thíead guide Shoulder Thrêad guide
(1) Adiust the thread guide above the hook so that its left sel screw sêt scí6w
and right shoulders are aligned with the needle side
lÍ this adiuslment is improper, threâd trimming may not be
done properly.
(2) Adiust the thread guide so that a gap (standard gap: 0.8 0
Hook retainer
mm) that permits needle thread to smoothly pass through Threád guide
is made.
Note that a gap too large may cause thread trimming Fig.8.9
Íailure and a gap too small may cause unbalanced thread
tension, uneven length oÍ trimmed nêedle thread and Lever Link
jamming oÍ thread in the hook.
(3) Since the condition oÍ the thread guide surÍaces with
which thread comes into contact lergêly âÍÍects the stitch Woík holder
quality and thread trimmer perÍormance, careÍully check
that the surface condition is smooth enough.
Note: Adiust the position of the thread guide afteÍ adjusting Feed plate Spacer Adjusüng Pl8le
the gap between the inner hook and hook's head. aí work hôldêr
(ractorv-adjusêd: 1&nn)
s.sHeight AdiusrmeÍt oÍ woÍk HoldeÍ
Height-oÍ woíx holder can be adiusted as Íollows. Fig' 8'í0
(1) Prepare a spacer having e thickness oÍ desired height oÍ work holder plus í mm (You can use
anything adequate to the purpose which is found in the shop.).
lnseÍt the spacer between the work holder and the Íeêd plate.
(Example: lÍ you wish to adiust the height to 13 mm, prepere a spacer 14 mm thick.)
(2) Loosen the set screws, move the adjust plate till it contacts the link and retighten the set screws.
There are 2 set screws at both sides.
Please note that the height oÍ work holder (see Fig. 8.7) is adiusted at í8 mm when the machine
is shipped Írom the Íactory.
- 15 -
(3) When a cloth has the thickness exceeding 8
mm where n is held down with the work nolder,
the adjustmênt at the shipmênt (18 mm) cannot
provide a sufficient holding Íorce. Follow steps
(1) and (2) above to adiust the height et 20 to @ô
(4) Position adiustment of presser solenoid
Loosen the sêt screw oí presser solenoid in Fig. a
8.11, 8.12, 8.13 and adiust the position oÍ
solenoid so that, when the solenoid is o
magnetDed (the plunger is contacting the
solenoid), the presser plate is positioned 0.5 Solenoid set scÍew
mm above the lower limit. Lock the solenoid at
this position.
Fig.8.11 PLK-AO5PF
Upp6í íeed liÍting crank (íight)
Solenoid sel screw (x4) Solenoid set scÍew
Eccêntric Íing
ftessêÍ plate Arm
8.6 Adiuíing the Timing oÍthe Presser Foot Motion (Except PLK-Ao5PR
To adjust the veÍtical motion of the presseÍ Íoot, remove the
cover on thê left of the arm, and make the ad,ustment through Upper veͧcal cÍank
the window. (See Fig. 8.14) @
(2) Tum the pulley and stop it when the needle bar reaches its
lowest position. The eccentric ring set screw @ will be
positioned at the front (standard position).
(3) Loosen the eccentric ring set screw
@. D
\., (4) Secure the eccentric ring @, and tum the pulley slowly to
position ring @. @
(5) The timing is increased when the pulley is tumêd ín the @
CÍank Íod
foíward direction (of arrow D ); conversêly, it is reduced
when it is turned in the other direction.
(6) AÍter the adjustment, press down on the eccentric ring @ in the direction oÍ the arrow while
tightening up set screws @ and in that order-
(7) Position and secure the upper veÍtical feed crank using its clemping screw so that the vertical
centêr line oÍ the bell crank is made perellel to the presser Íoot bar when the tekê-up lever is at itrs
highest position.
8.7 Adiusting the Verticâl Stroke o, the Presser Foot (Except PLK-A 05PD
(1) Thê stroke oÍ the pressêr Íoot can be adjusted to zero and within a range from 2 to 10 mm. When
connecting the link and arm using the step screw shown in Fig. 7.18, the stroke range is 4 to 10
mm; when connecting at screw hole A, it is 2 to 5 mm; and when connecting at screw hole B, it is
zero. The stroke is factory-set to 4 mm at the position in Fig. 7.18. To adiust the stroke in each
range, loosen tfie top end bottom adjusting bolE. fÍ cúnnêcting hole A or B is used, the lift
distancê of the inside presser Íoot in the halt status will increase by between 1 and 2 mm. Since
the height of the inside presser Íoot also changes, loosen the presser bar set screw to readiust the
height oÍ the presser bar.
(2) Since the amount oÍ noise and vibration incíease in direct proportion to the extent of the veÍtical
sÍoke, it is recommended that the stroke be adiusted to âs low as possible.
Set screw
DÍiving aÍm
Botary solenoid
3) The position oÍ inner presser to which it is lifted when the rotary solenoid is tumed Íully to its
limn, is the highe§ position which the inner presser is lifted when the machine stopped. Ad.iust
the mounting angle oÍ driving arm end lock with the set screw.
(2) For the PLK-Ao5PF (See Fig. 8.í6)
1) Make sure the adjustment oÍ timing, vertical stroke and height oÍ presser Íoot during stitching
are standard.
2) Having the motor cover removed, loosen set screws (4 pcs.) securing the mounting plate of
presser Íoot driving solenoid and turn the solenoid in the aÍrow direction. lf the solênoid is
locked in that position, the height oÍ presser Íoot is raised and, iÍ it is turned and locked in
reverse, the presser foot is lowerêd.
App,ox. 5 mm Appíox. 1 mm
AppÍox. 5 mm Fig.8.17 PLK.A05PF
Fig. 8.18
-17 -
8.í0 AdiGtlng the Home Position
(Í) The home position is set to the center oÍ the sewing area at the time oÍ shipping,
It can be adiusted within the range shown below.
lnlüdly r.t hruâ[y rêt
!td.) (Bâêr(
2) Trace the initially set home position and the X and Y lines which cross ãt the desired home
position on a paper. PeÍÍorm home retum opeÍation and place the paper so that the initially set
home position traced.on the paper comes ,ust undeÍ the needle and careÍully s€cure the paper
in that position using adhesive tape.
After that, peÍÍorm the setting oÍ the home position as instructed in the ne{t paragÍaph.
(3) PLK-A1006/40804F Setting oí home position in X direction (See Fig. 8.25, 8.26)
1) Remove the left and right x-Y covers and the X-
cover plate.
2) Afler loosening two detecting plate set screws, the
home position can be shifted either 10 the right or
to the left by the respective travelling oÍ the plate.
3) After the setting, move the X-Y table by hand to
make sure the X home position detecting plate
does not come into contact with the synchronizer,
bed and the like.
Dêtêc,ting plate
4) PerÍorm home position return operation to check
damping screw
that the x-Y table stops at the nêwly set home
position. plato
Y-axis fixed
(4) PLK-AO5PF Setting oÍ home position in X diÍection td@ Synchronizer
(See Fig. a.27, A.2al X-axis fixsd
1) Remove the motor cover.
2) After loosening plate set screws, homê position
can be shifted to the fore by turning the detecting Fig. 8.2s PLK-A1006/A0804F
plate clockwise as viewed Írom the leÍt side oÍ the
sewing machine head.
- 18 -
3) PeÍÍorm resevhome position Íetum operation
GESEr/HOME) to check that the X-Y table stops X dêtecloí
et the newly set home position. 0arge)
X-home posiüon
(5) Setting oÍ home position in Y direction detecling plats
(See Fig. 8.27, 8.28)
1) Remove the motor cover. Fig.8.26 PLK-A1006/40804F
2) AÍteÍ loosening plate set screws, homê position can be shifted to the Íore by turning the
detecting plate clockwisê as viewed from the left side oÍ the sewing machine head.
VY+ome position
deteqting disc
Deteqling plate
sêt acrew
The PLK-Ao5PF uses a disk type also Íor the Y detecting plate
lnstall the detecting plate so that it does not contact the detector
Movable racê
1 @ Stopper
Whên movâbtg racê is locatBd
at thê íight sxtromity
5) When the stitching area is expanded aÍter stÍtching has been done in a relatively small aÍea foÍ
a long time, the movable race may not move smoothly. ln this case, wipe the race with a rag
dampened with oil and move the movablê race by hand to make the movement smooth.
- 19 -
(2) Adjusting the X-Y lable contect presaure
1) To ad,ust contact pressure oÍ the X-Y teble,
Y-axis fixed Íacq (B)
Y-axis §xed race
remove the X-Y covers (lêft and right) shown in damping sc{ew
Fig. 8.31 and the X covers end loosen Íixed Y-axis fixêd râca (Â}
race set screws (X) (2 screws) to such en
extent that the fixed race (x) may be moved.
2) X-axis contact pressure increases when two
corúect pressurê adiusting screws (X) eÍe Adiu§ing scÍew 0g
tightened. X€xis Íixed Íacê (B)
X-axis fixed race
3) Y-axis contact pressure can be adiusted in the clamging scíe{í
same manner es Íor the x-axis. Adjusting scÍew 00
X-axis fixed
4) Contact pressure should be as light as race (À
possible, and not ceuse arry play.
Fig. 8.31
(3) Adiuíing thê bêA lensiom (X-Y table)
í) To edjust tension of the X-exis belt, remove the
right X-Y cover (sêe Fi$.7.1,7.2), loosen the
nú shown in Fig. 8.32, loosen the four bracket Bíâcket
set screws to such a degree that the bracket Nut
can be moved and then tighten the belt tension
Eblt lension
adjusting screw (X).
adiusting scíew 0q
2) The recommended belt tension is that no slack tl I
(2) Adiusting lhe position detecling discs Detêcting discs
Atthough the three position dêtecting discs usually
do not require adiustmênt, it is recommended to
meke the tollowing checks.
Draw oú the synchronizer cover toward the
cable. (See Fig. 8.35)
2) There are three position detecting discs in the
synchronizer. The ÍÍont one (red) is used for
delection oÍ DOWN position, middle one (black)
Íor detection oÍ UP position, and rear onê (blue)
is for thread release timing. (See Fig. 8.36)
3) Each position dêtecting dlsc nas a matching hote. Fig' 8'35
When any one oÍ position detecting discs is adjusted, make sure that all matching holes ere
exactly alignêd with each other. A scale is provided on the second (black) po§ition detecting
disc. Adiust  mark of Íirst disc (red) at 115' on the scale and A mark oÍ third disc (blue) at 34ry
on the scale.
Red disc disc
Black Blue disc
(Down position) (UPpoGition) Ohrêad release timing)
Fi9. 8.36
-21 -
E-type snap ring
Hook retaineí
Movable knire
lftirê drive
Nêedle hole
Fixed kniÍê O
0-0.5mm Movable kniÍe position
adjusling screw
Adjus{ing nut
Max. 0.2 mm
Fixed knire Slidê olâte
Note r
The stendeÍd stroke oÍ takê-up spring (gap Fig. 8.44
between take-up spring @ and thread guide
@) ranges trom mm to 10 mm.
Fig. 8.45
Troubleshooting (Sewing Machine mechanism)
I urrsuBrsHr ELEcrRtc coRpoRATroN