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Student Name : Aryan Avinash

Grade : Prep 2

Academic Year : 2021 - 2022

Term : First Term

Teachers : Ms. Nancy Valeria

Ms. Astha Gupta

How to read this report
This report is designed to inform you with regard to your child’s progress at Indus Early Learning Centre. It
is divided into three sections:

Section One: Specific Disciplines

This section will give you a checklist summary of your child’s progress according to the Indus Math,
Language, Physical Education, Music and Art curriculum documents from which we teach in each grade

Section Two: Unit of Inquiry

This section will give you a summary of the concepts, skills and attributes that were a part of your child’s
learning during each Unit of Inquiry. Please note the discipline focus section will address much of the
Science and Social Studies content that was a part of the unit. This will continue throughout the year and
you will notice, in the final year report card, an even spread of both Science and Social Studies throughout
this section.

Section Three: General Comment

This is an opportunity for the teacher to comment on their student in written summary form. The comment
is based around the attributes of the IB Student Profile and other related areas.

You will notice a set of indicators which will reflect your child’s progress which bear the following

This means your child has consistently met grade level expectations with regards to demonstration of

This means your child is able to demonstrate the use of skills independently, has a clear understanding of
concepts and is able to apply them most of the time.

This means your child is able to demonstrate the basic use of skills and understanding of concepts.

This means your child needs considerable support in demonstrating skills and understanding.

Not Applicable
This means that the criterion has not been covered this term or it does not apply to your child.
Section 1
Unit of Inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme: Who we are
Central Idea: Relationships can have an impact on our well-being
Key Concepts: Connection, Causation and Responsibility
Transdisciplinary Skills
The skills addressed in this unit are:
Thinking Skills:
• Critical Thinking - Thinking Analyzing and evaluating issues, ideas and forming decisions:
Find Unique characteristics Proficient
Synthesize new understanding by seeing relationships and connections
• Creative Thinking – Reflection and metacognition
Identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Social Skills:
• Interpersonal relationships, social and emotional intelligence - Reacting Developing
positive interpersonal relationships and collaborations.
• Social and emotional Intelligence –
Be aware of owns and other feelings Proficient
Be aware of own and others impact as a member of a learning group.
Self - management skills
States of mind: Using strategies that manages state of mind
Mindfulness: Takes responsibility for won wellbeing Proficient
Perseverance: Uses strategies to problem solve, manage own emotions, manage feelings and
resolves conflict.
Attribute Focus
During this unit, we focused on:
• Principled: We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, with respect to people
everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
• Caring: Imagining We show empathy, compassion and respect. We act to make a positive difference in the
lives of others and in the world around us.

During this unit, your child conducted an inquiry into the following:
• Our feelings and emotions
• Roles and behaviours in relationships
• Ways to maintain our well being
Individual Comment

During our virtual classes on this unit, Aryan was good inquirer, engaged and had a good understanding
about relationships, various feelings, and emotions. His perspective on how friends are made and kept, why
relationships are needed and the characteristics that develop healthy relationship have been good and
insightful. Aryan made good connections on the roles and behaviors that can have an impact on our
relationships. He showed to have a very good understanding of the values that we need in order to keep
strong relationships. Aryan developed a substantial understanding on ways to maintain our well-being. He
values the importance of being a peacemaker and not a peace breaker. Relationships enrich our lives and
we have a responsibility to nurture this in order for it to develop. Aryan gained some understanding of the
central idea - Relationships can have an impact on our well-being. He displayed a very good degree of
appreciation of the importance of relationships in our life. Aryan shared his thoughts while explaining when
he uses the mindfulness corner and mindfulness jar.
Section 2
Language (English)
Language is integrated into all areas of the curriculum. While communication skills of listening, speaking,
reading, writing, spelling, can be observed separately, they are also interrelated and interactive.
Please refer to the key for descriptor definitions: Term 1
Your child is able to:
Listening & Speaking
Demonstrate active listening Proficient
Respond contextually Proficient
Communicate needs, feelings and ideas Proficient
Use appropriate words to convey meaning Proficient
Participate in informal conversation Proficient
Begin to speak in front of an audience (small/ large group) Proficient
Recognize letter/symbols Outstanding
Use decoding strategies Outstanding
Comprehend grade appropriate texts Outstanding
Represent thoughts in writing/marking Proficient
Apply a range of age-appropriate strategies in writing/marking Proficient
Viewing & Presenting
Show an understanding of audio- visual representations Proficient
Present ideas and feelings visually Proficient
Individual Comment
Aryan has mostly participated in all the online classes and responded well. He listens, responds and
enjoy stories. He is beginning to demonstrate active listening when peers are communicating during
discussions. Aryan can speak in sentences to express his thoughts and ideas. He has started using
complex language and is quickly gaining new vocabulary. He is in the process of developing critical
thinking skills through the regular habit of reflection. Aryan can follow classroom essential agreements
with some reminders during online classes. Aryan can distinguish letter sounds in CVC/CVCC/CCVC
words with few prompts. He identifies the digraphs introduced and uses them in simple sentences. Aryan
makes an attempt to read more complex words and sentences using his knowledge of letter sounds.
Aryan tells the opposites of the words learnt. He can read decodable books with minimal assistance.
Aryan reads most of the sight words introduced this term. He is a fast learner and is expanding his
knowledge of the grade level digraph and sight words during the guided reading sessions. He strives to
follow good letter formation in his writing, forming clear and neat words on the lined paper with minimal
assistance. He prefers to use box notebook over the 4 lined notebook while writing. He demonstrates
good understanding of segmenting words into sounds and attempts to write them down during the guided
writing class. Aryan’s handwriting is mostly neat and readable. During our book reading sessions Aryan
with little guidance integrates his knowledge to comprehend the books read. Aryan uses critical thinking
skills and imagination to answer and reflect on the book read with little support. He makes logical
prediction before, during and after reading the book with little support. He, with some encouragement,
generates ideas while reflecting on the books and draws them. Aryan can orally express his ideas,
thoughts and feelings. This term, Aryan has used opportunities such as presentations, show and tell,
circle time to boost their communication skills. The ‘End of Unit’ presentation to parents has honed his
conceptual understanding and skill to speak in front of an audience confidently. He is a delightful child
to work with and is making good progress in literacy! All the best Aryan !
Mathematics is a language and a way of thinking. It is addressed through problem solving and finding
patterns as well as through basic skills and concepts.
Please refer to the key for descriptor definitions: Term 1
Your child is able to:
Recall basic facts Outstanding
Represent/ Write numbers Outstanding
Understand arithmetic operations NA
Use mathematical manipulative appropriately Outstanding
Pattern and Function
Identify/ Describe patterns Proficient
Create simple patterns Proficient
Data Handling
Collect and organize data Outstanding
Represent data graphically and interpret data Outstanding
Determine probability NA
Shape and Space
Identify, sort and compare shapes Proficient
Explore and describe their immediate environment Proficient
Understand and use vocabulary related to measurement Proficient
Apply the concept of measurement in real life situations Proficient
Make appropriate estimations NA
Individual Comment

Aryan enjoys inquiring and learning new concepts though online sessions. He enthusiastically participates
in the learning engagements and enjoys working on Math biophilia activities. Aryan can read, write,
compare and order numbers up to 100 independently. Aryan can recognize numbers till 100,000
independently. He can easily count backwards from 30 with ease. XXX demonstrate an understanding of
Place value up to 50. He Independently can do skip counting in 10’s, 5’s and 2’s. Aryan can keep track on
simple data-day of the week, month of the year and year. Aryan independently organize, sort concrete
objects into sets in different ways and describe how he sorted. Aryan also has a good understanding of
2D shapes and can sort most of them according to their attributes. He demonstrates a good understanding
of non-standard measurements. He has good understanding about repeated and growing patterns. Aryan
can create and Identify 4 variables patterns. His written work is fairly neat with legible number formations.
Aryan has made a good start in Prep 2. Well done!
Second Language (Spanish/Hindi)
Acquisition of more than one language enriches personal development and helps facilitate international-mindedness.

Individual Comment

In Spanish class, Aryan has a good understanding of vocabulary; Greetings: Buenos Dias/good morning;
Buenas tardes / good afternoon, buenas noches / good night; Feelings: Como están? How are you?
bien/good, mal/bad, felíz/happy, triste/sad, emocionado(a)/excited; 2d shapes; describes 2d shapes in
small sentences; cuadrado/square, triangulo/triangle, rombo/rhombus, rectangulo/rectangle,
circulo/circle. Recap of Colors: Rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, Amarillo/yellow, azul/blue, rosa/pink,
naranja/orange, negro/black, blanco/White. He makes an effort to read in Spanish, demonstrate active
listening most of the time and use simple word/sentences, can give personal information, introduce
himself answer simple questions about him with teachers’ assistance. He has a positive attitude towards
the language, he needs to be encouraged to participate during Spanish class.

Social Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through
which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities,
manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain
supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions. The SEL framework addresses five broad and
interrelated areas of competence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship
skills, and responsible decision-making. These skills can be taught and applied at various developmental stages from
childhood to adulthood.
Class Comment

The term began with Safety Workshop, that included Self Awareness and Self-Management topics such as
being aware of our as well as others emotions, knowing what is safe and unsafe and seeking help from
our circle of trust when we feel unsafe/uncomfortable. Their decision making skills were exercised upon
by giving them various situations to ponder and give their opinions about the same. Further ahead,
Relationship skills were included by doing rapport building activities (Throwing the imaginary ball, Mystery
person) to familiarize themselves with each other in class. Good listening and attending skills were
practiced with the help of social stories and activities that enhances Self-Management skills. They also
engage in talent show every session where they get the opportunity to display their talents confidently. In
Self-Awareness, topics such as “my likes and dislikes”, “I am special” were done to know and accept
themselves better.

Music can be analysed by considering a variety of its elements, or parts (aspects, characteristics, features), individually
or together. So, children are encouraged to learn elements of music which they can apply while singing and playing any
instrument. This term for our online and offline classes, students explored the elements of music namely Tempo and
Beat. Children understood Tempo that is fast and slow by an experiment which was done in one of the music classes
using handmade instruments. To demonstrate Beat, students engaged in clapping and coordinating their body
movements with songs. Through that gross motor skills are developed. They indirectly learn multi-tasking in the
keyboard class, synchronizing hands and fingers with the eyes controlled by the nervous system to play an
exercise/song. Different props like Shakers, sticks were used and made the sessions interactive and engaging.

Individual Music Comment

Aryan is attentive in class and takes part in all activities fairly enthusiastically. He is able to listen to music
and generally recognize Tempo - fast and slow. To mention a few songs that the children have learnt this
term are “I can follow the rules”, “Interrupting song” “Count on me”,” Outside and inside voice”,” Try

Keyboard: Aryan usually maintains the correct finger position while playing the keyboard. He is able to
sight read whole note half note and quarter note while playing the keyboard with very minimal teacher
prompt. He is able to play tunes like - Five little monkeys, Waltz, Indian Dance usually independently on
the keyboard.
Section 3
General Comments

IB Learner Profile

Inquirer, Thinker, Communicator, Risk-taker, Knowledgeable, Principled, Caring, Open-Minded, Balanced

and Reflective

Individual Comment
Aryan has settled into his virtual Prep 2 environment with ease. He was open minded from the beginning
of our blended learning term and continues to remain positive, his adaptability is commended and
appreciated by his teachers. His flexible nature ensures that he easily adapts and adjusts to changes
around him. He is an enthusiastic learner who enjoys school. He has a positive outlook and attitude in the
classroom. Aryan, this term has been a caring child who cooperates with the teachers and other children
in the online class and follows classroom essentials. He talks about how he loves the whole world and the
whole earth. His caring nature ensures that he gets along very well with all of his peers. Aryan is beginning
to be committed and focused on completing his work and staying focused during the class. For the next
term, we would like Aryan to become more independent and develop his critical thinking skills. It has been
wonderful having Aryan in Prep 2 and we look forward to a great year ahead!

Grade Teacher’s Signature

Head of Centre’s Signature

Date: November 11th, 2021

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