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EAPP Lesson 17

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At the end of the lesson, you
will be able to: SKILLS?
• Develop effective
listening strategies
• Enhance your note-taking EXPLORE

Think-Pair-Share: Identify which statement is most true. Be able to


1. The ability to listen well translates to the ability to follow

instructions well.
2. For one who does not want to listen, no listening strategy would be
effective enough.
3. Note-taking strategies are as diverse as personality types.

Active listening is always needed in any learning situation.

203 Philippine Copyright 2020


Listen as your teacher reads a short passage, then answer the questions
to find out how well you listened.

Did you answer all the questions correctly? If you answered all the
questions correctly, to what do you attribute your correct answers? If
you had more incorrect answers, what could be the reasons for your
wrong answers? In your opinion, how well does effective note-taking
affect one’s ability to understand?

According to experts, the ability to listen well is essential to learning.
Experts also claim that listening is a basic form of communication and is
necessary to a successful dialogue. In most areas of education, listening In a dialogue, is the time spent
is emphasized as a basic element in all forms of communication and is listening determined by the
just as important as the other communicative activities including talking, nature of the communication
reading, and writing. In fact, according to a research, when adults engage and the respective roles of the
in communication, listening takes up the biggest portion of the time—an persons involved?
average of 45%, while only 30% is spent on speaking, 16% on reading,
and 9% on writing (Adler, 2001 in Listening Skills, n.d.). This shows
how important listening is in the process of communication.
Do you agree that listening
What are the benefits of listening well? According to experts, listening
well improves one’s ability to
results in better and more meaningful communication with peers and
concentrate? Is the lack of ability
superiors. Other benefits of effective listening include: improved to focus the result of one’s
memory, better concentration, better reading, and improved academic inability to listen?

Active vs. Passive Listening

You may think that hearing is equivalent to listening, but just as
mumbling is not the same as eloquent speaking, listening is more than
just hearing the words. Listening well entails hearing more than just the
words and understanding them for what they mean, both in a literal and
symbolic sense.

The distinction should be made between active and passive listening,

between engaged and half-hearted listening. Half-hearted listening is
the equivalent of ignoring the one talking, pretending to listen, or not
listening at all. Active and engaged listening is not the same as pretending
to listen, tuning in or out, or in today’s parlance “zoning out” while the
other person is talking. Active listening is giving one’s full attention to
the other person and trying to find meaning in what the person is saying.

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The following chart shows several degrees of listening that an active
listener can engage in:

Degrees of Active Listening

Repeating Paraphrasing Reflecting

Perceiving Perceiving Perceiving

Paying Attention Paying Attention Paying Attention

Remembering Remembering Remembering

Repeating the Thinking and Thinking and

message using Reasoning Reasoning
exactly the
same words
used by the
speaker Rendering Rendering the
the message message using
using similar your own words
words and and sentence
similar phrase structure
arrangement to
the ones used
by the speaker

“Active Listening Chart” by Imelda Bickham is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 / Desaturated from

An active listener listens for meaning and may progress from repeating
the speaker’s exact same words as he listens, to paraphrasing where he
makes use of similar words and phrases as the speaker, then to reflecting,
where the listener uses his own words and sentence structure to express
his understanding of the message. In all three, the process of active
listening involves perceiving or becoming aware of the message, paying
attention, and remembering, then thinking and reasoning at the higher
levels of active listening.

205 Philippine Copyright 2020

Listening well means understanding beyond what is actually said. Like
any skill, the ability to listen well can and should be mastered. One way
for you to develop good listening skills is to recognize that barriers to
effective listening exist. You should recognize that certain factors affect
your ability to listen well. Your mental state affects your ability to
listen. For instance, when you are ill, tired, or stressed, your ability to
listen is negatively affected so it would be wise to be prepared mentally
and physically during occasions when you have to listen well such as
seminars, presentations, including daily classroom discussions.

How to Become a Better Listener

Here are some suggestions on what you can do before and during a
listening activity, especially in a classroom setting:

• Before the listening activity, it would be wise to read up on the topic for
a top-of-the-mountain view. You will also be able to anticipate the ideas
that will be presented during the discussion. After your research, draft
questions based on what you know so far. Try to answer them to gauge
your understanding. This activity will also enable you to focus on important
aspects of the talk.
• During the actual discussion, choose the most strategic position where your
listening experience would be heightened. While listening to the speaker,
take down the points that answer the questions you have drafted prior to
the discussion, as well as new information and perspective on the topic.
• As you listen, you may also try to visualize what is being explained to make
it easier for you to understand difficult concepts.
• It would also help to listen to cue words that highlight certain issues,
locating which part of the discussion you’re at. The following are some
examples of cue words:

The most important point I want to discuss today is …

Listen now, you have to listen to this…

In summary…

The next important point we’re going to discuss is...

• Aside from verbal cues, be alert to the lecturer’s cues and facial expression,
including gestures, for all these have a bearing on what is actually being
said. When you do this, you are processing what you are hearing and
making connections in your head.

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• After the discussion, review your notes. Check how the speaker answered
your questions, then compare it with your answers before. You may also
review by verbally reading your notes or writing a summary.
• Keep an open mind. It’s possible that you will not always agree with the
speaker’s argument, but it is important to always think logically. While the
discussion or lecture is going on, train your mind to challenge the speaker’s
argument against your own. If you wish to express your dissenting opinion
with the speaker, do so respectfully and in the proper venue. Above all,
continue listening to the speaker until the discussion has ended.

More than internalizing what the speaker says, an active listener must also
observe non-verbal cues like body language and facial expression to be able
to interpret and understand the speaker’s message more accurately.

Effective listening is related to effective note-taking. When you are
able to take down notes efficiently, that is an indication of your ability
to listen. Your ability to understand the topic depends on how well you
listen, and your notes are the direct by-product of your listening skills.

How do you improve your note-taking skills? To be an effective note-

taker means being a flexible note-taker. What this means is that your
notes should aid you in your studies, not make it more difficult for you.
Your notes should be your guide in helping you improve your study

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The ability to take down notes will
greatly improve as you improve
your power of concentration and
ability to listen. Just because you
understood everything that had
been discussed in class does not
mean that you will be able to recall
the information when it’s needed.
This is a common misconception
among most students who think
that mere listening is enough. You
still need to engage in note-taking,
depending on the complexity of
the topic. Note-taking, in whatever
form it takes—whether through
traditional means using pen and
notebook or the more trendy way
Effective note-taking is a requisite in learning contexts.
using electronic gadgets—has not
run out of style.

Content of Useful Notes

Notes are only as useful as the content that you put in when listening to
a lecture or tutorial. Since you will not be able to write down everything
that you hear, you should know what details to focus on. Your notes
should be able to highlight important information that you will need
for your review or study. It should also be accurate and reliable so that
you are able to determine where your ideas came from when you need to
integrate them in a paper or exam.

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Note-taking Methods
The following are some common note-taking methods that have been
found useful. One or the other may be helpful to you depending on your
style of learning or the kind of lecture or class you are listening to:

1. Sentence Method. Every new detail is written as a separate line in

sentence form. The sentences may be numbered or headings can be
used for each main topic.
2. Outlining Method. In this method, main points are written followed
by corresponding bullet points that add to the main idea. This method
allows you to quickly organize your thoughts into key topics and
essential supporting details.
3. Mapping Method. This method is helpful for more visual learners
who prefer a graphic representation of the content they are listening
to. Relationships among ideas are drawn using basic shapes for main
concepts and attaching branches of related ideas as sub-points.
4. Charting Method. This method uses columns to organize
information. A heading is given for each column and as the lecture
progresses, information is written in the corresponding category.
5. Cornell Method. This is a note-taking system developed by Walter
Pauk of Cornell University which includes a main section for taking
notes during class, a cue column for reviewing and reducing the notes
after class, and a summary section where main points for each page
are highlighted in one or two sentences.

Name Date

Subject Page #

cue notes column



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Guidelines for Note-Taking
Here are some suggestions to help you
improve your note-taking skills:

• Learn the skill of separating important from

the unimportant ideas, summarizing them
to arrive at the gist. Use key words to help
you make sense of what you’ve written.

• Devise your own style of writing, maintaining

and making sense of your notes. Notes are
only as important as the degree to which
you can understand them. Your notes will
not be useful if you cannot understand your
handwriting or the structure of your note-
taking process.

• Make sure your notes serve their purpose. It

would be a waste of time and effort if your
notes are written on scraps of paper without
any clear organization. It would be wise
to devise your own system of note-taking
that makes sense to you and which you can
“recover” later.

• If you wish, you may jot down the ideas

verbatim or paraphrase the speaker’s
words without changing the essence of the
lecture or discussion. If you want to be
more creative, you might also wish to make
graphic illustrations in your note cards to
help you make sense of what is being said.

• If you missed an important point, you may

“reconstruct” the lecture based on what you “Note-Taking Infographic” by UBC Learning Commons is licensed under CC by 4.0 /

remember. More so, you may seek the help Desaturated from original

of your classmates who were present during This infographic from the UBC Learning Commons gives
the lecture. Better still, you may consult additional tips on effective note-taking.
your teacher or the speaker.

• After the lecture or discussion, review your

notes to see how well you’ve understood the INTEGRATE
lecture. It is important to determine if these
notes will still be useful to you in the future. How well have you been honing
your listening and note-taking
skills in preparation for college
and the workplace?

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