Krithin First Term Report

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Student Name: Krithin Kodiganti

Grade: Prep1B

Academic Year: 2019-2020

Term: First Term

Teachers: Ms. Ashritha. N

How to read this report
This report is designed to inform you with regard to your child’s progress at Indus Early Learning Centre. It
is divided into three sections:

Section One: Specific Disciplines

This section will give you a checklist summary of your child’s progress according to the Indus Math,
Language, Physical Education, Music and Art curriculum documents from which we teach in each grade

Section Two: Unit of Inquiry

This section will give you a summary of the concepts, skills and attitudes that were a part of your child’s
learning during each Unit of Inquiry. Please note the discipline focus section will address much of the
Science and Social Studies content that was a part of the unit. This will continue throughout the year and
you will notice, in the final year report card, an even spread of both Science and Social Studies throughout
this section.

Section Three: General Comment

This is an opportunity for the teacher to comment on their student in written summary form. The comment
is based around the attributes of the IB Student Profile and other related areas.

You will notice a set of indicators which will reflect your child’s progress which bear the following

This means your child has consistently met grade level expectations with regards to demonstration of

This means your child is able to demonstrate the use of skills independently, has a clear understanding of
concepts and is able to apply them most of the time.

This means your child is able to demonstrate the basic use of skills and understanding of concepts.

This means your child needs considerable support in demonstrating skills and understanding.

Not Applicable
This means that the criterion has not been covered this term or it does not apply to your child.
Section 1
Language (English)
Language is integrated into all areas of the curriculum. While communication skills of listening, speaking,
reading, writing, spelling, can be observed separately, they are also interrelated and interactive.

Please refer to the key for descriptor definitions: Term 1

Your child is able to:
Listening & Speaking
Demonstrate active listening Outstanding
Respond contextually Proficient
Communicate needs, feelings and ideas Outstanding
Use appropriate words to convey meaning Proficient
Participate in informal conversation Outstanding
Begin to speak in front of an audience (small/ large group) Outstanding
Recognize letter/symbols Outstanding
Use decoding strategies Not Applicable
Comprehend grade appropriate texts Proficient
Represent thoughts in writing/marking Proficient
Apply a range of age-appropriate strategies in writing/marking Consolidating
Viewing & Presenting
Show an understanding of audio- visual representations Outstanding
Present ideas and feelings visually Outstanding
Term 1 Individual Comment

Krithin is a knowledgeable and independent child who speaks clearly with confidence. He is confident about
most of the phonic sounds- s, a, t, p, I, n, m, o, e, h, z, their actions associated to the jolly Phonic songs and is
also able to name/draw things that start with a particular sound. Krithin can articulate the occurrence of the
beginning sound in a word. He also exhibits good listening skills when spoken to and shows interest in stories,
rhymes, songs, questions and explanations during circle time, reading library books and group discussion.
Krithin enjoys listening to stories and responds with relevant comments or questions. He has a good tripod
writing grip and is able to form recognizable and legible letters independently. Overall, He is a delightful student
to work with and is making good progress in literacy!
Mathematics is a language and a way of thinking. It is addressed through problem solving and finding patterns
as well as through basic skills and concepts.
Please refer to the key for descriptor definitions: Term 1
Your child is able to:
Recall basic facts Outstanding
Represent/ Write numbers Proficient
Understand arithmetic operations Not Applicable
Use mathematical manipulatives appropriately Proficient
Pattern and Function
Identify/ Describe patterns Outstanding
Create simple patterns Outstanding
Data Handling
Collect and organize data Proficient
Represent data graphically and interpret data Not Applicable
Determine probability Not Applicable
Shape and Space
Identify, sort and compare shapes Outstanding
Explore and describe their immediate environment Outstanding
Understand and use vocabulary related to measurement Proficient
Apply the concept of measurement in real life situations Proficient
Make appropriate estimations Proficient
Term 1 Individual Comment

Krithin is a confident learner and has an excellent understanding of all math concepts taught so far this year.
He is able to recognize, write and order numbers 0 to 15 and also shows a good understanding of numbers
up to 50. Krithin has a good understanding of representing numbers and can correspond to objects. He can
identify all 2D shapes (triangle, square, circle, rectangle, oval, rhombus) and can state their properties
excellently. He has enjoyed representing data on pictographs and also had fun with sorting. Overall, Krithin is
progressing well and is showing constant improvement with math skills and abilities.
Language (Hindi)
Acquisition of more than one language enriches personal development and helps facilitate international-

Individual Comment

We have explored Hindi through rhymes, action songs, I-spy games and stories. Krithin responds to new
vocabulary with enthusiasm. He can imitate simple words and phrases reviewed in class. Greetings: Hello
(Namaste) Goodbye: (Tata) Thank you (Dhanyavaad).The students practiced simple introductions: “How are
you?” (Aap Kaise ho?) “I am fine.” (Mein theek hoon.) “What is your name?”(Apka kya naam hai?) “My name is
...” (Mera naam ...hai.) Krithin is able to articulate the answer to a question with guidance.
For our unit on family the students were introduced to family members through flashcards, songs and puppets.
Krithin is able to recognise and match them with support. Krithin is excellent in recognizing colours:
Yellow/Peela, Green/Hara, Red/Laal, Blue/Neela, Purple/ Bainganee, and Orange/Narangi and is learning to
recognise fruit: Banana/Kela, Pineapple/Ananaas, Mango/Aam, Pomegranate/Anaar and Apple/Seb.
We look forward to expressing our thoughts with action words and picture drawings. We appreciate his
developing confidence and interest in class.

Support in the acquisition of English as a second language.
Individual Comment

Not applicable

Resource Room Support

Individual Support in the acquisition of all concepts learnt throughout the year.
Individual Comment

Not applicable
Music & Piano
Music is a fundamental form of both personal and cultural expression. At Indus, music is both an active
and reflective process. The expectations are arranged into strands: Performing-singing and playing an
instrument, notation, Listening and Appreciation.
Individual Music Comment

Krithin is an enthusiastic learner who seems to enjoy music class mostly. He demonstrates an average ability to
sing and play the hand percussion instrument with dynamics (Loud/soft). He has been introduced to hand
percussion instruments and is able to play independently most of the times. To mention a few songs that the
children have learnt this term are “I can follow the rules”, “quiet loud song”, “Put your right hand”, “come along
and join the fun”,” You are my sunshine”.

Individual Piano Comment

Krithin needs to be encouraged to maintain the correct finger position while playing the keyboard. He requires
little guidance to play CDEFG exercises in both right and left hand on the keyboard. Songs which they learnt this
term are Hot cross buns, Twinkle twinkle.

Dance is built into the curriculum as an essential area of learning. Learning through dance has a
positive influence on the self-confidence and performance of a child. It is also valued as another
form of expression.

Individual Comment

Krithin is attempting to move using different non-loco motor skills like blending, twisting, body balance. Krithin
has been introduced to short sequence dance steps using basic step pattern with respond to music. Krithin
displays an attitude of creating dance steps with expression and show confidence and shows confidence in his
dance performance
Physical Education
Through PE, students learn the ‘language’ of physical movement and exploring skills. Physical activity is an
essential aspect of a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle and learning through PE helps to build self-esteem,
confidence, cooperative skills and fitness. The expectations at Indus are arranged into the strands: Body
Control & Spatial Awareness, Adventure Challenge, Athletics, Movement to Music, Games, Gymnastics and
Health Related Activities.

Individual P.E. Comment

This term Krithin has been working on the variety of skill and activities with different equipment, games like hoop
race, basic of footwork transfer body weight, catching and passing the balls, basics of football, basketball, throw
ball which enables Krithin to construct their gross motor skills confidence, concentration. Krithin displays an
enthusiastic and motivated attitude during P.E activities. Krithin enjoys yoga and makes an attempt to remember
the postures, he also follows the breathing techniques.
Section 2
Unit of Inquiry
Organizing Theme: Who We Are
Central Idea: Everybody belongs to a family.
Key Concepts: Form, Function, Perspective
Transdisciplinary Skills:
The skills addressed in this unit are:
Thinking Skills
 Acquisition of knowledge Outstanding
 Analysis Proficient
Social Skills
 Accepting responsibility Outstanding
 Respecting others Outstanding
During this unit, your child conducted an inquiry into the following:
 Physical, social and emotional characteristics
 Awareness of my abilities and that of others.

In UOI, Prep 1 started the year with a unit under the Trans-Disciplinary Theme: “Who We Are”.
In this unit, we focused on roles and responsibilities of family members, family traditions and
families around the world.
Attitude Focus
During this unit, we focused on:
 Respect
 Cooperation

Individual Comment

Krithin is an enthusiastic learner and showed an excellent understanding of the central idea. He displayed conscientious
knowledge about her family, members of her family, roles and responsibilities of family members including their
relationships and families around the world. Krithin actively participated in the engagements such as making a family
tree, paired activity on finding similarities and differences among families, making the family mobile about roles and
sharing experiences about other families. Krithin was involved during the assessments and gave evidence of
understanding of the central idea. He was keen while presenting the family project and articulate thoughts and feelings
throughout the presentation. He demonstrated confidence and willingness to answer questions posed by the teacher
and peers. Krithin is eager to cooperate in a group setting, to voice feelings and to listen to the ideas, thoughts and
opinions of others. Krithin has shown a keen enthusiasm for inquiry and exploration throughout the unit.
Section 3

General Comment

IB Learner Profile:
Inquirer, Thinker, Communicator, Risk-taker, Knowledgeable, Principled, Caring, Open-Minded, Balanced, and

Krithin walks into the school every morning with a bright smile. He has been a good communicator this term and is confident
in his interactions with his peers and teachers. He is dependable and we can entrust him with any responsibility, which
showcases his leadership capabilities. He often needs a reminder on giving chances to his peers, since he prefers to start
first in his class. His willingness and ability to understand new ideas makes us a pleasure to teach. He is committed to his
work and completes his work independently. Krithin is sensitive when he receives feedback regarding his work. It has been
a great pleasure to have Krithin with us and we look forward to yet another fun filled term with him.

Grade Teachers’ Signatures Head of Centre’s Signature

Date: 09/10/2019
Attendance: 32/43 Days

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