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Chapter 1

Introductory Chapter: Oil Field Chemicals - Ingredients

in Petroleum Industry

Mansoor Zoveidavianpoor

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


Time is the friend of the wonderful business, the enemy of the mediocre - Alice Schroeder

1. Introduction

The real task for the oil industry is how quickly it can move to take advantage of the many
opportunities that “gas and renewable” technologies will bring. While oil demand slowly falls
with the adoption of more renewables and gas technologies, there is a need for oil companies
to have insight into new technology advancement and accordingly innovate to stay competi-
tive and keep the fuel flowing. A great deal of activities in the oil and gas sector is focused
on upstream and downstream, and not surprisingly, research and development still plays a
key role in the coming years. Oil companies should be prepared to pursue new drilling and
extraction technologies and to increase their research into sustainability and clean energy. I
think oil sector leaders might consider a question on how their companies can develop new
capabilities and in what areas?
Nowadays, improved oil recovery (IOR) is one of the main strategic priority areas in petroleum
industry [1]. IOR processes consist of all techniques that are employed to enhance hydrocar-
bon production. Oil field chemicals have many positive functions such improved oil recovery,
drilling optimization, corrosion protection, prevent mud loss in different geological forma-
tions, stabilize drilling fluid in high pressure and high temperature environment, and many
others [2]. Oil field chemicals demand is expected to reach USD 32.69 billion by 2023 from USD
26.06 billion in 2017 [3]. The rising demand from Asia-Pacific, shale gas, and increasing deep
water drilling operations are likely to be the major driven for the oil field chemicals market.
Region wise, oil field chemicals have received much attention in recent years (Figure 1) due
to their contribution in oil recovery of hydrocarbons, which offer important economic ben-
efits. Many case studies and lessons learned from the industry show that there are excellent

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distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 Petroleum Chemicals - Recent Insight

Figure 1. Oil field chemicals by region.

Figure 2. Oil field chemicals market.

opportunities to grow for oil field chemicals in certain fields such as drilling and cementing,
enhanced oil recovery, production, workover and completion, and well stimulation. Well
stimulation comprises of different types of operations performed on a well to maintain and/
or improve its productivity [4].
According to IHS Markit, 2018 [5], oil field chemicals enable the production of oil and gas
or make it efficient and is projected to grow at an average annual rate of about 4% during
2017–2022. Logistics (hauling, transfer, and storage) and disposal issues are directly related
to the green and continuous development in oil field chemicals. These two are contributed to
approximately 85–90% of total annual spending money in petroleum industry.
The wide range of oil field chemicals, including well stimulation and other additives, plays an
important role in maximizing the productivity of existing (green) and mature (brown) fields.
Introductory Chapter: Oil Field Chemicals - Ingredients in Petroleum Industry 3

Stimulation operations can be conducted solely on the wellbore or on the reservoir; those can
be performed on old wells and new wells alike; and it can be designed for remedial purposes
or for enhanced production. As shown in Figure 2, the market size of the well stimulation in
USA alone is about 61% of the total oil field chemicals. Increases in well stimulation activities
are expected to continue; accordingly, development and innovation in stimulation chemicals
will effectively shape the future of oil industry; that is one of the potentials what the oil and
gas leaders may think about!

I am calling oil field chemicals as “every time ingredients” in petroleum industry; they are
utilized in many ways and different stages in downstream and upstream sectors, starting
from drilling, production, stimulation, and finally abandonment. So, if the oil sector leaders
are thinking about innovative solutions in oil field chemicals, TIME is really their friend.

Author details

Mansoor Zoveidavianpoor
Address all correspondence to: [email protected];
[email protected]
Executive Production Technology, PETRONAS, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


[1] Zoveidavianpoor M, Shadizadeh SR, Mombeini S. Evaluation and improvement of

well stimulation by matrix acidizing in one of the Southern Iranian oilfields. Petroleum
Research. 2010;20(62):94-106
[2] Fink J. Petroleum Engineer’s Guide to Oil Field Chemicals and Fluids. Waltham, MA,
USA: Gulf Professional Publishing; 2015
[3] Freedonia Group. Oil Field Chemicals. 2015. Available from: https://www.freedonia-
[4] Gharibi A, Zoveidavianpoor M, Daraei Ghadikolaei F. On the application of well
stimulation method in improvement of oil recovery. Applied Mechanics and Materials.
2015;735:31-35. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.735.31
[5] IHS Markit. Oil Field Chemicals. 2018. Available from: https://ihsmarkit.com/products/

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