Recovery Rates Enhanced Oil Recovery
Recovery Rates Enhanced Oil Recovery
Recovery Rates Enhanced Oil Recovery
Article in Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences · January 2014
DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2012.0320 · Source: PubMed
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1. Introduction 2
The majority of oil companies today are focusing on maximizing the recovery factor (RF) from
Figure 2. Photograph of the Bridport sands that are exposed in cliffs near West Bay, UK. These rocks form one of the reservoirs
in the Wytch Farm oilfield that is found near Bournemouth, UK. (Online version in colour.)
hundreds of metres horizontally and tens of metres vertically [16]. Developments in measurement
while drilling [20] and a new capability to drill deviated, horizontal and multi-lateral wells meant
that engineers could target these bypassed accumulations very accurately and drain them.
Using combinations of traditional EOR and IOR technologies it has been possible to achieve
RFs of between 50% and 70% [21,22] for some fields but this is still less than the typical RF for a gas
field. It is believed that much of this remaining oil is trapped or bypassed in volumes that cannot
be accessed by IOR technologies, on lengthscales that cannot be resolved by seismic surveying or
accessed by drilling new wells.
New and improved EOR processes are needed to access this remaining oil and improve RFs
further while maintaining economic oil production rates. This paper will review existing and
emerging EOR technologies, discussing the underlying science, its application and its limitations.
In particular, it will focus on recent advances in our understanding of the nature of wettability
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in rocks and discuss the opportunities arising from the much wider range of polymers that
is now available commercially. These two factors have driven a renewed interest in existing
EOR technologies and the development of new methods. We will concentrate primarily on the
RF = EPS × ES × ED × EC , (2.1)
where (i) RF is the recovery factor which is defined as the volume of oil recovered over the volume
of oil initially in place (OIIP), both measured at surface conditions. (ii) EPS is the microscopic
displacement efficiency. This describes the fraction of oil displaced from the pores by the injected
water, in those pores which are contacted by the water. (iii) ES is the macroscopic sweep
efficiency—the proportion of the connected reservoir volume that is swept by the injected fluid(s).
This is principally affected by heterogeneity in rock permeability and by gravitational segregation
of the fluids. (iv) ED is the connected volume factor—the proportion of the total reservoir volume
connected to wells. This represents the fact that sealing faults or other low-permeability barriers
may result in compartments of oil that are not in pressure communication with the rest of the
reservoir. (v) EC is the economic efficiency factor, representing the physical and commercial
constraints on field life such as facilities life, capacity to deal with produced gas and water,
reservoir energy (the reservoir pressure may become so low that fluids cannot be produced).
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It can even be seen that if each of the efficiency factors is a very respectable 80% then the
overall RF is only 41%. Increasing RF therefore requires each of these factors to be increased to
close to 100%.
Figure 3. Illustration of oil trapping in a water-wet rock. (a) At discovery the sand grains are coated with a thin water film
and the pores are filled with oil; (b) as water flooding progresses the water films become thicker until (c) the water films join
and oil continuity is lost.
During water flooding in a mixed wettability rock oil and water drain simultaneously through
the pore space, snap-off is reduced as most throats have both oil- and water-wet surfaces and
thus there is less capillary trapping of oil. This simultaneous drainage of water and oil through
the pore space behind the water front combined with the lower residual oil saturation means that
more oil is recovered than when the rock is either water or oil wet [36,37].
Increasing microscopic displacement efficiency depends upon finding ways to (i) reduce
capillary effects, by reducing the oil–water (or gas) IFT, and (ii) modify the rock wettability to
the optimum mixed wettability state.
(b) 273 m
Figure 4. Examples of the types of geological heterogeneities encountered in sandstone oil reservoirs. These examples come
from rocks deposited in a deltaic environment. (a) Photograph of a heterolithic facies with permeability variations on a
centimetre lengthscale vertically and a 10 cm lengthscale horizontally (after Jackson et al. [38]). (b) Interpreted picture of tidal
bar deposits. The lengthscale of these heterogeneities is approximately 100 m. (Online version in colour.)
273 m
oil 6m
Figure 5. A numerical simulation of a water flood through a heterogeneous reservoir. Flow is from left to right. The oil is coloured
red and the water saturation is shown in shades of blue. The water has flowed preferentially through the higher permeability
parts of the reservoir, resulting in early water breakthrough at the production well and regions of bypassed oil that will not be
of realizations of the possible reservoir heterogeneity, are needed when attempting to predict
reservoir performance (e.g. [19]).
The effect of geological heterogeneity is exacerbated if the injected fluid has a much lower
viscosity than the oil, as is the case when gas is injected instead of water [41–45]. This effect is
characterized by the mobility ratio M, which compares the mobility of the saturating (S) and
displacing (D) phases in the porous medium
μS krD (Sor )
M= , (2.3)
μD krDS (Swc )
where krD (Sor ) is the relative permeability of the porous medium to the displacing phase at
the residual oil saturation Sor , krDS (Swc ) is the relative permeability of the oil to the displacing
phase at the immovable water saturation Swc and μ is the viscosity of the fluid. This is derived
from the Darcy equation [46]. The viscosity component of this equation is usually dominant.
Even in a homogeneous reservoir, the macroscopic sweep will be reduced when M > 1 owing
to unstable viscous fingering ([43,47–49]; figure 6), where fingers of the displacing fluid develop
along the gas–oil interface, rather than the more efficient even contact zone. A typical oil–water
viscosity ratio is about 2 while a typical gas–oil viscosity ratio is about 20 [49]. In most cases, it
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miscible gas 8
is channelling caused by the reservoir heterogeneity rather than viscous fingering that dominates
macroscopic sweep.
Macroscopic sweep may also be affected by gravitational segregation but this is more often
observed in gas–oil rather than water–oil displacements because of the higher density contrast
between gas and oil [6]. The gas tends to rise above the oil because of its low density and then
flow rapidly along the top of the reservoir in an unstable gravity tongue [50] because of its low
viscosity. This can result in very early gas breakthrough and poor vertical sweep efficiency.
Improving the macroscopic sweep efficiency depends upon finding techniques that minimize
the impact of geological heterogeneity. This is usually achieved by a mixture of viscosity
modification of the injected fluid and/or flow diversion in which the water is diverted from
the higher permeability zones in the reservoir into the lower permeability rock still containing
displaceable oil. In gas floods, it is also important to minimize gravitational segregation.
known example [55]. Hydrocarbon gas is usually readily available from the field itself or adjacent
fields and is thus most widely used, especially in fields where there is no ready market for the
gas [22,51,53,56]. In most cases, however, the produced gas that was originally associated with the
4. Polymer flooding
One means of achieving a more favourable mobility ratio, and thus improve macroscopic sweep,
in a water flood is to viscosify the water. This has most often been achieved using high molecular
weight water-soluble polymers of 2-propenamide (acrylamide) and 2-propenoic acid (acrylic
acid) as the partly neutralized sodium salt in a ratio of about 70 : 30 of polymer to acid by
weight [60,61]. The polymers typically have a molecular weight (or relative molecular mass)
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of 9–25 million daltons. When dissolved in water, the solutions have a viscosity that depends
on the polymer concentration, polymer molecular weight, temperature, water salinity and the
concentration of divalent ions. Other polymers, such as xanthan gum [60,61], have been used
point where the process is once again economic but the only recent large field-scale application
outside Daqing [73] in China is in Oman [75].
continuous shale
gel ‘plug’
Figure 7. Diagram showing (a) how a high-permeability thief zone may result in bypassing of oil in higher permeability zones,
(b) how a gel plug may successfully divert the water into lower permeability layers if the thief zone has zero permeability shales
top and bottom and (c) how in the absence of those shales the gel plug will only result in a partial improvement of sweep. The
water will flow back into the high-permeability thief zone once the plug has been passed. (Online version in colour.)
to be partly trapped on the pore scale (as residual oil) and partly bypassed owing to reservoir
heterogeneity with further oil remaining up-dip of the production wells.
Although the residual oil saturation, trapped within the pores, was relatively low at 25% [86],
it still presented a favourable target for EOR because of the large volume of OIIP. Surfactant
and polymer flooding were ruled out because of the high reservoir temperature (115◦ C). The
chemicals existing at that time would have degraded rapidly at these conditions. CO2 injection
was also deemed infeasible because of the lack of CO2 supply and also the costly changes to
wells, facilities and pipelines that would have been required to cope with the associated corrosion
[55,86]. Nonetheless, the geology of Magnus was felt to create a favourable target for miscible gas
injection. The reservoir is formed of repeated layers, in each of which the permeability increases
with depth. This increases the tendency of water to sink under gravity towards the bottom of the
reservoir, but reduces the tendency of injected gas to segregate upwards, thereby increasing
the vertical sweep from the gas.
The injection of hydrocarbon gas was determined to be the best EOR option, as the Magnus
oil is sufficiently light and the reservoir pressure sufficiently high for miscibility to be achieved at
reservoir conditions with hydrocarbon gas that was relatively lean in heavier components [87,88].
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180 000
140 000 1995: water
breaks through
120 000
100 000
2002: WAG
injection begins
80 000
60 000
secondary plateau
owing to EOR
40 000
20 000
Figure 8. Daily oil production rate (average over a month) from the Magnus field from the start of production in 1983. WAG
injection was started in 2002 and by 2005 it was clear that the decline in oil production had been reduced. The oil rate expected
without EOR was estimated using numerical simulation. stb, stock tank barrel. (Online version in colour.)
Nonetheless, this option only became reality when suitable gas became available from a number
of fields located to the west of the Shetland Islands.
The EOR scheme that was finally implemented in 2002 uses WAG injection. New gas
enrichment facilities had to be built at the Sullom Voe Terminal in the Shetland Islands plus over
400 km of new pipeline to transport the gas. The injection rate was maintained as high as possible
to limit gravity segregation of the injected gas and water. By 2005, the previous decline in oil rate
had been arrested and a secondary plateau in oil production rate was achieved (figure 8). By 2010
some 3.2 × 109 sm3 of gas had been injected into four gas injection wells yielding 1.8 × 106 sm3 of
incremental oil overall and contributing 40% of the oil production rate in 2010 [88].
Delivering this additional oil required significant changes to both the operation of the field and
the way its performance was monitored. This is because operating an EOR WAG injection scheme
is inherently more complex than operating a primary recovery process or water injection scheme.
Four aspects of this additional operational complexity are described below.
in turn resulted in more gas being produced, because the gas mobility was not being reduced
by a following slug of injected water, to the extent that the ability of the platform to manage the
volume of returned gas was exceeded. Consequently, production from all the EOR production
The potential to use wettability alteration as the main recovery mechanism in an EOR process
has only recently become a major topic of research. This is despite the fact that it was first
recognized in 1959 by Wagner & Leach [69] and tested in the field in 1962 [89]. These workers
Table 1. Comparison of EOR processes with water flooding in terms of their microscopic displacement efficiency and
macroscopic sweep efficiency, together with a summary of their limitations.
Table 1. (Continued.)
believed that the cross-linker and polymer would travel together through the reservoir and form
a permeability-reducing gel phase on heating, but this proved unreliable, probably because of
chromatographic separation of the polymer and cross-linker and/or precipitation of the metal
ion [106]. The lesson from this field trial was that the blocking agent had to travel through a
large amount of rock and that it should be a single component to prevent deactivation. It was
concluded that it should be particulate, inert and compact when travelling through the rock pores
to the target location, then when triggered should expand and block the rock pores. The trigger
selected was the temperature difference between the injected water (which coming from the
surface is initially cooler than the reservoir) and the reservoir. Over prolonged injection, cooled
zones are created around the injection well resulting in a thermal gradient between injection and
production wells.
A particle system was developed consisting of water-soluble polymer backbones linked
together with permanent cross-linker in sufficient quantity to allow them to swell significantly
in water. A larger amount of thermally breakable cross-linker was added to lock the particles
into their manufactured particle size. This was achieved by polymerizing the monomers as an
emulsion in light mineral oil [107,108].
To deploy this system, a surfactant is added to the injection water followed immediately
afterwards by the particle dispersion. The natural turbulence in the well-bore is sufficient to cause
the oil in the formulation to emulsify and the particles to be individually wetted by water. The
dispersion of particles in water continues down the injection well, into and through the pores of
the formation rock. The water-particle system travelling down the thief layers is progressively
heated by the unswept layers above and below (which do not contain injected water and are
thus at the original reservoir temperature). Eventually the water–particle system is heated to the
point where the temperature-sensitive cross-links are broken and the particles absorb the water,
swell and block the rock pores. The permeability of the rock in the thief zones is reduced and the
subsequent water injection is diverted into the oil-bearing lower permeability zones to displace
oil towards a producing well.
The technical field trial of the ‘temperature-triggered’ particles took place in 2001 [109,110]
followed by commercial field trials in 2004 through to 2007 [111–113]. Following successful
incremental oil production results, the technology deployment started in 2007. The first 19
treatments produced over 200 000 m3 of incremental oil [114]. To date approximately 80
treatments have been completed with significant incremental oil recovery over the water flood
and a success rate in excess of 80%. Pressure fall-off tests suggest that the blockages have been
formed in excess of 100 m into the reservoir, which is desirable for maximum flow diversion with
minimum decrease in water injectivity [111].
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160 000
1988: water 18
injection begins EOR oil rate
140 000
100 000
1998: WAG
80 000 injection begins
2006–9: failure of
production wells
2000: decline in 2009: full
60 000 oil rate arrested production resumes
40 000
20 000
Figure 9. Daily oil production rate (average over a month) from the Ula field from start of production in 1983. WAG injection was
started in 1998 and by 2000 it was clear that the decline in oil production had been stopped. Today almost all the oil production is
believed to have come from EOR. The oil rate expected without EOR was estimated using numerical simulation. (Online version
in colour.)
proceeds. Chemical flooding techniques also require a good understanding of the chemical
behaviour of the rock and may need careful selection of chemical(s) that are robust to the
temperature conditions in the reservoir.
recent advances in the biological sciences and the modelling of biological processes, it is possible
that microbial EOR or methanogenesis [129] may yet be more widely applied in the future.
EOR projects are going to become increasingly common worldwide in the future, despite
Acknowledgements. BP and its partners are thanked for permission to publish this material. A.C., K.W., H.F., I.C.,
T.M. and P.S. are either current or former employees of BP Exploration & Operating Company or its affiliates
which hold patents or patent applications relating to some of the technologies described in this paper. A.M.
acts as a consultant to BP in a personal capacity. All authors declare that they have no competing interest in
relation to this paper.
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