Tugas Modul 12 BHS INGGRS KEP

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Nama : Nurkhofifah Aulia Zahra

Kelas : 2B
Nim : 222056
Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan
Modul 12
Page 85
TASK 2. Translate into communicative English.
1. Pak, sekarang saya mau mengukur tekanan darah bapak.
Sir, I would now like to take your blood pressure.
2. Silahkan berbaring di tempat tidur itu.
Please lie down on that bed.
3. Silahkan lengan bajunya digulung ke atas.
Please roll up your sleeves.
4. Sekarang saya mau masukkan thermometer ini ke ketiak ibu.
Now I want to insert this thermometer into your armpit.
5. Silahkan buka bajunya, saya mau mengecek pernapasan bapak.
Please take off your shirt, I want to check your breathing.
6. Tarik napas dalam-dalam, lepaskan nafas….tarik nafas....lepaskan….
Breathe in deeply, breathe out….breathe in….breathe out….

Task 3. Complete the conversation.

Medical Staff: Good Morning, Mr. Smith (patient’s name).
Patient: Good Morning, Nurse Johnson (nurse’s name).
Medical Staff: I need to check your blood pressure.
Patient: Sure.
Medical Staff: Did you sleep well last night?
Patient: Not really, ‘cause I still got a problem with my headache.
Medical Staff: You got a problem with your headache? OK, I will report this to your doctor.
Now, please roll your sleeve up.
Patient: Sure.
Medical Staff: (Checking the blood pressure) It looks good.
Medical Staff: Now can I have your wrist? I need to check your pulse.
Patient: What is my blood pressure, nurse?
Medical Staff: It is still in the normal range.
TASK 2. Pair Work.
 The illustrations below show the implementation of checking vital sign.
 Choose one picture then, make a conversation exchange and give appropriate instruction
when you want to check patient’s vital signs according to the illustration.
 Take only one kind implementation of vital signs checking.
Picture 1

Nurse Checks The Pulse Of a Patient

Nurse: Good morning, sir. I am the nurse on duty today, I will check your pulse now. Are
you ready?

Patient: Good morning. Yes, I am ready. Please, nurse.

Nurse: Thank you. Please rest your hand here. I will feel your pulse on your wrist, How are
you feeling today?

Patient: I feel a little dizzy this morning, nurse.

Nurse: Okay, I will note that down. Please stay calm and relaxed, sir. (Counting pulse) The
pulse is quite stable, but I will report your dizziness to the doctor.

Patient: Thank you, nurse.

Nurse: You are welcome, sir. If there is anything else you feel, please do not hesitate to let
us know, okay.

Patient: Okay, nurse. Thank you very much.

Nurse: I hope you feel better soon. I will come back later for the next checkup.

Picture 2

Nurse Listens To a Patient's Heartbeat With a Stethoscope

Nurse: Good morning, sir. I am the nurse on duty today, I will come to your room to listen
to your heartbeat with a stethoscope. Are you willing?

Patient: Good morning. Yes, I am willing, nurse.

Nurse: Thank you. Please sit up straight and breathe normally, okay? (Placing the
stethoscope on the patient's chest) Are there any particular complaints that you are feeling
Patient: I felt a little short of breath last night and felt pain around the chest area, nurse.

Nurse: Okay, I will note that down. Please stay still and relax for a moment. (Listening to
the heartbeat) Your heartbeat sounds normal, but the complaint of shortness of breath, I will
convey to the doctor.

Patient: Thank you, nurse.

Nurse: You're welcome, sir. Don't hesitate to let us know if there is anything else you feel.

Patient: Okay, nurse. Thank you.

Nurse: I hope you feel better soon. I will come back later for the next checkup.

Picture 3

Nurse Examining The Eyes Of a Young Boy Using a Pen Light

Nurse: Hello, How are you? Sis, the nurse wants to check your eyes with a penlight. What's
your name?

Child: Hello, bro. My name is Budi. I'm fine.

Nurse: Hi, Budi. You're a brave boy, huh. Now, please look this way, okay? I'll turn on this
penlight to look at your eyes. It won't hurt.

Child: Okay, bro. I'm ready.

Nurse: Very good. Now, please look straight ahead and don't move your head, okay? (Using
a penlight to check your eyes) Have you felt any discomfort in your eyes lately?

Child: Sometimes my eyes feel itchy, bro.

Nurse: Oh, I see. I'll write that down and tell the doctor. Now, please look at my finger,
okay? (Moving finger to check eye response) Very good, Budi.

Child: Are you done, Bro?

Nurse: Yes, it's done. You're great. Thank you for your cooperation, okay? I'll report the
results to the doctor.

Child: Thank you, Bro.

Nurse: You're welcome, Budi. I hope your eyes feel better soon. If anything bothers you
again, let me know right away, okay?
Child: Okay, Bro.

Picture 4

Nurse Who Is Calming a Patient By Giving Him a Touch

Nurse: Good afternoon, ma'am. I see you seem a little anxious. Is there anything I can do to
help you?

Patient: Good afternoon, nurse. I'm feeling very anxious and a little scared.

Nurse: I understand. (Places a gentle hand on the patient's shoulder) Take a deep breath,
please. I'm here to help you. What are you feeling anxious about?

Patient: I'm worried about my test results, nurse.

Nurse: It's very natural to be anxious, ma'am. The test results will be out soon, and we're
here to support you no matter what. (Gently rubs the patient's shoulder) While we wait, let's
try to relax together. How about we talk about the things you like?

Patient: Thank you, nurse. I feel a little calmer now. I like gardening.

Nurse: Oh, that's a very relaxing activity. What's your favorite plant, if I may ask?

Patient: I really like taking care of roses.

Nurse: Roses are beautiful. Talking about hobbies that we enjoy can really help take our
minds off of anxiety. If you need anything or want to talk more, I'm here for you.

Patient: Thank you very much, nurse. You are very kind.

Nurse: You are welcome, ma'am. You are not alone. Let's face this together

Picture 5
Nurse Helps Give Patient a Drink Using a Straw
Nurse: Good morning, Mr. Smith. How are you feeling today?

Patient: Good morning, nurse. I'm feeling a bit thirsty, but it's difficult for me to drink on
my own.
Nurse: I understand. Let me help you with that. I'll use a straw to make it easier for you. Is
that okay?
Patient: Yes, thank you. That would be very helpful.
Nurse: Alright, let me adjust your bed so you’re in a more comfortable position for
drinking. (Adjusts the bed)
Patient: Thank you, that feels better.
Nurse: Here is a glass of water with a straw. I'm going to hold it for you. Just take small
sips whenever you're ready.
Patient: Okay, I’m ready. (Takes a sip) That’s much better. Thank you so much.
Nurse: You’re welcome. Take your time and let me know if you need more.
Patient: I will, thanks again.
Nurse: If you need anything else or feel uncomfortable, just press the call button and I’ll be
right here to assist you.
Patient: I appreciate it. Have a good day.
Nurse: You too, Mr. Smith. Take care.

Picture 6
Nurse Listens To Baby's Heartbeat With a Stethoscope
Nurse: Good morning, Mrs. Minji. How are you and the baby doing today?
Mother: Good morning, nurse. We’re doing well, thank you.
Nurse: That's great to hear. Today, I need to listen to your baby's heartbeat. Is that alright
with you?
Mother: Yes, of course. What do we need to do?
Nurse: I'll just need you to lay your baby on the examination table. I'll use this stethoscope
to listen to the heartbeat. It won’t hurt the baby at all.
Mother: Alright, here we go. (Lays the baby on the table)
Nurse: Thank you. Now, I’ll just place the stethoscope gently on the baby's chest. (Places
the stethoscope)
Mother: Is everything okay?
Nurse: Yes, everything sounds good. Your baby's heartbeat is strong and regular. Would you
like to listen?
Mother: Yes, I would love to. (Listens to the heartbeat) Oh, that’s wonderful.
Nurse: It really is. Babies’ heartbeats are usually faster than adults’. This is perfectly
Mother: That’s good to know. Thank you for explaining it to me.
Nurse: You’re welcome. If you have any concerns or questions about your baby's health,
please don’t hesitate to ask.
Mother: I will, thank you so much for your help.
Nurse: My pleasure. Have a great day, Mrs. Minji.
Mother: You too, nurse.
Picture 7
Nurse Listens To Elderly Patient's Heartbeat With a Stethoscope
Nurse: Good morning, Mr. James. How are you feeling today?
Patient: Good morning, nurse. I’m feeling a bit short of breath.
Nurse: I see. I’m going to listen to your heart with my stethoscope to check how it’s doing.
Is that alright?
Patient: Yes, that’s fine.
Nurse: Great. Please sit up straight and relax as much as you can. I’ll place the stethoscope
on your chest. This might feel a little cold. (Places the stethoscope on the patient's chest)
Patient: Alright, I’m ready.
Nurse: Just breathe normally for me. (Listens for a moment) Now, take a deep breath in and
hold it for a second. (Listens) Okay, you can breathe out now. (Moves the stethoscope to
different areas of the chest)
Patient: How does it sound, nurse?
Nurse: Your heartbeat is strong and regular, which is a good sign. However, I’ll report your
shortness of breath to the doctor for further evaluation.
Patient: Thank you. Should I be worried?
Nurse: It's always good to be cautious, but there's no immediate cause for alarm. The doctor
will likely want to run a few more tests to ensure everything is alright.
Patient: I understand. Thank you for checking.
Nurse: You’re welcome. If you feel any discomfort or if your symptoms worsen, please use
the call button to let us know immediately.
Patient: I will, thank you.
Nurse: Take care, Mr. Anderson. I’ll be back to check on you later.
Patient: Thank you, nurse.

Picture 8
Nurse Checks Patient's Blood Pressure
Nurse: Good afternoon, Mrs. Lia. How are you feeling today?
Patient: Good afternoon, nurse. I’m feeling a bit lightheaded.
Nurse: I see. I’m going to check your blood pressure to see if there’s any issue. Is that okay
with you?
Patient: Yes, that's fine.
Nurse: Great. Please sit comfortably and relax your arm. I’m going to wrap this cuff around
your upper arm. (Wraps the blood pressure cuff around the patient's arm)
Patient: Alright, I’m ready.
Nurse: I’m going to start the machine now. You’ll feel the cuff tighten around your arm.
Just stay relaxed. (Starts the blood pressure monitor)
Patient: Okay, I can feel it tightening.
Nurse: That’s perfectly normal. It will only take a few seconds. (Waits for the machine to
take the reading) Alright, the reading is done. Your blood pressure is 120/80, which is within
the normal range.
Patient: That’s good to hear. What could be causing my lightheadedness?
Nurse: There can be several reasons for lightheadedness, such as dehydration or sudden
changes in posture. I’ll report this to the doctor so they can check further.
Patient: Thank you. Should I be concerned?
Nurse: It's always good to monitor your symptoms, but try not to worry too much. The
doctor will provide more guidance after reviewing your symptoms.
Patient: I appreciate it. Thank you for your help.
Nurse: You’re welcome, Mrs. Lia. If you feel worse or have any other symptoms, please
press the call button.
Patient: I will, thank you.
Nurse: Take care, and I'll check on you again soon.

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