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Topical JPCM Published
Interactions between low energy electrons and DNA: a perspective from first-principles
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Going clean: structure and dynamics of peptides in the gas phase and paths to solvation
Carsten Baldauf and Mariana Rossi
Topical Review
E-mail: [email protected]
DNA damage caused by irradiation has been studied for many decades. Such studies allow us to
better assess the dangers posed by radiation, and to increase the efficiency of the radiotherapies
that are used to combat cancer. A full description of the irradiation process involves multiple
size and time scales. It starts with the interaction of radiation—either photons or swift
ions—and the biological medium, which causes electronic excitation and ionisation. The two
main products of ionising radiation are thus electrons and radicals. Both of these species can
cause damage to biological molecules, in particular DNA. In the long run, this molecular
level damage can prevent cells from replicating and can hence lead to cell death. For a long
time it was assumed that the main actors in the damage process were the radicals. However,
experiments in a seminal paper by the group of Leon Sanche in 2000 showed that low-energy
electrons (LEE), such as those generated when ionising biological targets, can also cause
bond breaks in biomolecules, and strand breaks in plasmid DNA in particular (Boudaiffa et al
2000 Science 287 1658–60). These results prompted a significant amount of experimental and
theoretical work aimed at elucidating the role played by LEE in DNA damage.
In this Topical Review we provide a general overview of the problem. We discuss
experimental findings and theoretical results hand in hand with the aim of describing the
physics and chemistry that occurs during the process of radiation damage, from the initial
stages of electronic excitation, through the inelastic propagation of electrons in the medium,
the interaction of electrons with DNA, and the chemical end-point effects on DNA. A very
important aspect of this discussion is the consideration of a realistic, physiological environment.
The role played by the aqueous solution and the amino acids from the histones in chromatin
must be considered. Moreover, thermal fluctuations must be incorporated when studying these
phenomena. Hence, a special place in this Topical Review is occupied by our recent first-
principles molecular dynamics simulations that address the issue of how the environment favours
or prevents LEEs from causing damage to DNA. We finish by summarising the conclusions
achieved so far, and by suggesting a number of possible directions for further study.
Keywords: DNA damage, low energy electrons, first-principles molecular dynamics,
environmental effects
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)
1. Introduction
The genetic information is stored in DNA as a code, which Figure 2. Phosphate and sugar components of a nucleotide.
is written into its primary structure: the sequence of nucleo-
bases. Each of the nucleobases in a DNA strand can only be
one of the four nucleic acids Thymine (T or Thy), Cytosine
(C or Cyt), Guanine (G or Gua), and Adenine (A or Ade). The
first two of these bases are aromatic heterocyclic pyrimidines,
while the other two are purines, which consist of a pyrimidine
fused to an imidazole ring, as shown in figure 1.
In the single-stranded molecule RNA, the role of thymine
is played by uracil (U), which differs from T only in that the
methyl group is replaced by a hydrogen. DNA nucleotides
are composed of one of the four nucleobases above, a sugar
component (deoxyribose) and a phosphate component (phos-
phoric acid) as shown in figure 2. The base and the sugar are
linked by the C–N glycosidic bond (A in figure 3), while the
sugar and phosphate groups are connected through the C–O
phosphodiester bond.
The backbone of DNA is built by connecting nucleotides
via the phosphate group as shown in figure 3. This introduces
two types of phosphodiester bonds, the first of which is termed
the C3-O3 bond, or simply the 3’ bond. This bond is indicated
using the letter B in figure 3 and differs from the C5-O5 bond, Figure 3. Adenosine dinucleotide showing the three components:
or 5’ bond, which is indicated using a C in figure 3, as the base, sugar and phosphate, connected via glycosidic (A) and
phosphodiester C3-O3 bonds (B). Consecutive nucleotides are
carbon atom within it is part of the sugar ring.
linked through the phosphate component (the backbone) via a
When in vivo, DNA wraps around histone proteins to form phosphodiester bond of a second type, C5-O5 (C).
chromatin, which in turn coils in the presence of the physi-
ological medium that contains water, amongst other species. during mitosis (cell division). At a genetic level, this complex
Chromatin is a macromolecular complex whose primary role is divided into chromosomes, which in turn are subdivided
is to package DNA into a more compact shape. One of the into nucleosomes containing around 150 base pairs. Figure 4
roles of this compactification is to mitigate DNA damage. shows a view of a nucleosome, i.e. a basic unit of DNA con-
However, the structure of chromatin fluctuates as the cell cycle sisting of a segment of DNA wound in sequence around eight
progresses, as it has to allow for DNA opening and replication histone protein cores, in a water background.
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
Disruption of the DNA code leads to genetic mutations that We will be concerned here with ionising radiation, i.e. ions or
can be more or less evidently expressed in observable char- photons with energies above the ionisation threshold in bio-
acteristics of the individual. Such mutations are important in logical systems, which is typically around 8.5 eV for nucleo-
both normal (e.g. evolution) and abnormal (e.g. cancerous) bases [6, 7] and 12.6 eV for water [8]. Biological matter is
biological processes. As well as mutations, which involve continually subject to ionising radiation. Some of this arises
replacing one or more base pairs with others, the structure from natural sources such as UV-light from the sun, cosmic
of DNA can also be damaged. Typical lesions of this type rays from space or from radioactive elements such as radon
include: (a) base excision, i.e. the removal of a base by cleav- that can be present in soil and rocks, our blood and bones,
age of the glycosidic bond, (b) cross-linking, i.e. the forma- and in the food and water we ingest. However, biological
tion of inter- or intra-strand chemical bonds, and (c) strand organisms are, in addition, voluntarily exposed to radiation
breaks i.e. cleavage of the 3’ or 5’ phosphodiester bond. The sources such as medical x-rays and consumer products such
most common strand breaks are single strand breaks (SSB) as luminised watches and smoke detectors [9]. On average,
in which there is a break only in one of the two strands of the the equivalent radiation dose—a measure of the biologi-
DNA double helix. These breaks are particularly relevant in cal effect—absorbed annually by humans is about 2.4 mSv.
RNA or during replication of DNA, when the double helix The official recommendation is that any exposure above the
opens for transcription purposes. A double strand break (DSB) natural background radiation should be kept below 1 mSv
is said to have occurred if both of the strands in a DNA double per year. However, background radiation is not uniform, and
helix break and if the distance between the locations of the there are regions in the world where it is significantly higher
two breaks is less than ten base pairs. than the safety limit [9]. Furthermore, in space missions at
The origin for either one of these types of damage can be the International Space Station, the typical equivalent radia-
natural, e.g. via metabolic processes. Metabolism releases, tion dose absorbed, mostly from cosmic rays, ranges between
amongst other species, reactive oxygen, nitrogen and car- 50 and 2000 mSv. Understanding the effect this radiation has
bonyl species that can attack DNA. In the human body, such upon us is of paramount importance in terms of curing and
natural oxidative DNA damage events occur at a phenomenal preventing diseases such as cancer. Furthermore, if we truly
rate of over ten thousand times per cell per day. However, want to minimise the biological effects of radiation, we need
damage can also be due to external influences, notably radia- to have an understanding of the intricacies of the processes
tion. An excessive accumulation of damage in the DNA trig- that lead to such damage. To achieve this, we need to focus
gers, amongst other possibilities, what is known as apoptotic our research on obtaining a solid understanding of how these
response, or programmed cell death. When the cell is not processes operate at the atomic and molecular level. This is
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
doubly true when delivering radiation such as photons, elec- we have to determine how fast and far these products travel,
trons from β-emitters, or ions [10] in a controlled manner for and what happens to them when they stop in the medium. In
therapeutic uses. particular, does their stopping reduce their reactivity, inacti-
Any of the components in a biological medium can be ion- vate them and prevent them from causing further damage?
ised, be they DNA, proteins, water or membranes. DNA—the This review will focus on indirect damage but, for complete-
molecule that encodes genetic information and that is respon- ness, we briefly mention some interesting aspects of direct
sible for cell replication and protein synthesis—is considered damage.
to be particularly sensitive to damage. DNA dysfunction can
cause cell death through necrosis or the relatively benign 1.3.1. Direct damage. The consequences of direct damage,
process of apoptosis (see above). Worse still, if DNA dam- i.e. the dynamics of holes in DNA, was studied intensely in
age disrupts normal cellular processes such as apoptosis, cell the late nineties and onwards. It was rapidly established that
replication can become uncontrolled and cancerous tumours holes can travel long distances [17, 18], via a hopping mech
can begin to form. anism between trapping sites. Trapped holes couple to lattice
There are two main ways radiation can cause damage to distortions forming polarons [19], and preferentially localise
DNA. One of them is directly, by ionising DNA and creat- in guanine-rich regions, although they appear to be delocal-
ing electron holes that weaken the backbone as part of a pro- ised over a few bases rather than on a single one [20]. Fur-
cess that can cause strand breaks. The other one is indirectly, thermore, there is unequivocal evidence that single and double
and is initiated by the ionisation of the surrounding medium, strand breaks occur in DNA that contains holes [21]. In this
i.e. water, proteins, etc. Any incident radiation will interact review we will not discuss holes in DNA, but it is worth men-
with these components generating secondary species, namely tioning that the discovery of high hole and electron conductiv-
electrons and radical cations, i.e. molecules with a missing ity through DNA prompted a significant amount of research
electron (or containing a hole), both of which can go on to exploring potential applications in other fields such as molec-
attack DNA. One might argue that questions of what percent ular electronics, with recent reports suggesting that this may
age of damage can be attributed to direct radiation and what become a reality in the coming years [22].
percentage can be attributed to indirect radiation are the most
fundamental in setting research priorities. 1.3.2. Indirect damage. When in vivo, DNA wraps around
It is tempting to argue that the amount of DNA in the proteins to form chromatin, which in turn coils in the presence
nucleus and the mitochondria of the cell is insignificant when of water, as shown in figure 4. Any incident radiation will thus
compared to the amount of other material in the cell. One interact with proteins and water, ionising them and generating
would thus expect indirect damage to be a much more impor- secondary species, essentially secondary electrons and reac-
tant pathway as any radiation will most likely encounter the tive radicals.
molecules in the medium rather than the DNA. While the pro- High-energy electrons, i.e. those arising from the tail of
portion of direct to indirect damage depends on the type and the distribution, interact with the medium via electron impact
energy of the radiation, experimental evidence suggests that ionisation and so generate secondary electrons while losing
the environment is responsible for approximately 66% of the a fraction of their kinetic energy. These secondary electrons
damage [11, 12]. An explanation for this large, but not over- also undergo collisions producing tertiary electrons, and so on.
whelming contribution is that, for an ionisation event to lead The overall result is a radiation cascade in which most of the
to DNA damage, it has to occur relatively close to the DNA. secondary, tertiary, and further electrons end up having ener-
An estimate based on the mean free path of electrons in water gies under ≈30 eV. The species that result from this process
suggests that only ionisation events occurring within a region are the so-called low-energy electrons (LEE) [11], and follow
between 1 and 10 nm from the DNA can contribute to the dam- an energy distribution that peaks at about 9–10 eV, as shown
age [13]. In the case of radicals, their contribution is controlled in figure 5 [23]. LEE diffuse through the medium polarising
by their diffusion properties in the medium. Typical diffusivi- it and interacting inelastically with the molecules of which
ties of OH• in water are of the order of 3 × 10−9 m2 s−1, i.e. it is composed, e.g. water, proteins, etc. As a result of these
similar to water self-diffusion [14]. These values are not too interactions LEE lose energy by transferring it to electronic
large, but in the case of ion irradiation, they can be boosted by and vibrational excitations of the molecules in the medium.
the rarefaction wave (shock wave, for heavy ions) driven by the Through this process, LEE slow down, and the majority of
ionisation of the material surrounding the ion track [15, 16]. them become thermalised, solvated electrons in a time scale
These considerations lead to the following central questions: on the order of ps. However, along their way they generate a
wealth of potentially damaging species that are described in
• How does the ionisation of the medium cause DNA
what follows.
When radiation interacts with water the following chemi-
• Do all ionisation products generated in the medium
cal reaction occurs:
interact with DNA and cause damage, or do only a frac-
tion of them do this? H2 O + radiation → H2 O•+ + e−
(1) aq ,
In answering these questions we must investigate the trans- In the above the e−aq is used to represent the hydrated elec-
port properties of the medium and its reactivity. That is to say tron and the bullet indicates that the H2O+ ion is a radical,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
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Figure 6. Schematic representation of the processes involved in the interaction of radiation with biological matter. Reprinted figure with
permission from [42], Copyright (2004) by the American Physical Society.
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the bonds which can break in longer strands of DNA are the
C3-O3 (B) or C5-O5 (C) phosphodiester or the C–N (A) gly-
cosidic bonds shown in figure 3, above. Soon after the original
low-energy electron experiments by Sanche’s group, Barrios
et al [41] proposed the following mechanism for SSB. A low-
energy electron (≈1 eV) attaches to a π ∗orbital of a DNA base
to form a shape-resonance. This anion then undergoes a sugar-
phosphate C–O bond rupture over a small barrier to produce
a SSB. These authors also suggested that solvation should
play a crucial role in the rate of SSB formation by stabilising
the anion, which otherwise will be very short-lived against
This mechanism has been revisited many times, e.g. [72,
73], but mostly from the point of view of ground state elec-
tronic structure calculations, which will be reviewed later.
Full scattering R-matrix calculations have been performed for
systems as large as single DNA nucleobases in vacuum [74,
Figure 11. DEA cross section for uracil: isolated (black solid line) 75], and microsolvated by up 5 water molecules [76]. This is
and embedded in the (H2O)5 cluster. The location of the resonance practically the state-of-the-art for the calculation of electronic
is shifted by ∆E = −0.326 eV. The dotted red curve is the cross resonance cross-sections, while for DEA probably the largest
section calculated with inclusion of scattering by all molecules
in the cluster, while the dashed blue curve considers scattering system studied is the one in [63]. Theoretical and experimental
from water molecules. Reprinted from Smyth et al [63], with the progress in DEA has been reviewed very recently [77].
permission of AIP Publishing. In what follows we will discuss the post-DEA behaviour of
DNA subunits after the excess energy of the attached electron
via the loss of one or more neutral water molecules and CH2 O
has been transferred to vibrations. The aim is to predict the
molecules [64–66] and the associated reactions are more com-
likelihood of the reactions that could result from TNI decay
plex than the dehydrogenation of the nucleobases. Quantum
in different environments, from gas-phase to full solvation,
dynamics scattering calculations [65], confirmed that shape
as opposed to thermally-activated, electronic ground-state
resonances in the ribose should not exist at 0 eV but will be
produced between 7–10 eV. The dissociation that is observed
at 0 eV is thus still unexplained. However, when the sugar is
bound to the nucleobase, as in a nucleoside, DEA is likely to 2. Modelling the dynamics of DEA
occur. This was observed by Ptasinska et al, who performed
thermal evaporation experiments on Thymidine [67, 68]. At The process of energy transfer from electronic excited states
energies below 3 eV, the molecule exhibited two resonances: to vibrational motion is a typical example of non-adiabatic
the cleavage of the glycosidic bond at 1.2 eV, and a shape reso- dynamics. Several methodologies have been developed during
nance at 1.8 eV on the nucleobase, which resulted in a release the past decades to describe such phenomena. It is not the aim
of the N3-H hydrogen. of this review to discuss them in detail, but since this is one
The investigation of the isolated phosphate unit as it of the methodological frontiers, we will mention here some of
appears in a DNA nucleotide is experimentally difficult. these approaches.
One possibility is to use phosphoric acid derivatives bound First of all, the description of the electronic subsystem
to hydrocarbons as was done by Konig et al [69]. They used requires one to account, reasonably accurately, for excited
(C4 H9 O)2 POOH because of its closeness in structure to DNA. states. This rules out immediately approaches such as stand-
In terms of DNA damage, the most significant reaction was ard DFT. While originally formulated as a ground state theory
the C–O bond cleavage, which is equivalent to a strand break. DFT, in principle, also allows for the determination of excited
This reaction took place in two broad resonances at 2–4 eV states. Formally, the electronic density determines univocally
and 7–10 eV [70]. Electron attachment to the sugar-phosphate the external potential that leads to it, and this potential in turn
complex was also shown to lead to dissociation in the gas- determines the full many-body wave function, which includes
phase by Bald et al, who used laser-induced acoustic des- excited states. Determining the wavefunction in this way
orption techniques [71]. This technique was used to transfer is, however, not a practical recipe. Instead, it has been cus-
intact neutral biomolecules into the gas phase where they tomary to identify the energy difference between empty and
can interact with an electron beam. In this study, the ribose- occupied Kohn–Sham, one-electron eigenstates as excitation
5’-phosphate formed a TNI at 0 eV which resulted in cleavage energies of the many-electron system. The most prominent
of either the C–O bonds. example is that of the HOMO-LUMO gap in molecules, or
We can thus conclude that, of the individual building similarly the valence-conduction band gap in bulk semicon-
blocks of the DNA nucleotide, the nucleobase is the most ductors and insulators. This interpretation as excitation energy
sensitive to low-energy electron attachment. The base-sugar is often criticised by stating that the Kohn–Sham eigenstates
and sugar-phosphate components are sensitive to DEA and are ‘meaningless’ as these states correspond to a fictitious,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
non-interacting reference system. However, it has been shown hamiltonians are good for developing new methodologies [81],
that this is a well-defined approximation to true excitation while tight-binding models, especially the so-called density-
energies [78], and its quality depends on the exchange-cor- functional tight-binding (DFTB) approach, has proved useful
relation functional used. In addition, it is nowadays possible for describing electron dynamics in large systems [82, 83].
to compute electronic excitation energies in terms of one- Introducing the nuclear dynamics also requires approx
electron eigenvalues to a very good accuracy using hybrid imations for the electron-nuclear correlation. The simplest
functionals that combine standard DFT approximations, such one is to evaluate the forces on the atoms in correspondence
as the GGA, with Hartree–Fock exchange [79]. Quantum with the time-evolving electronic density. In this approach the
chemical methods also provide good estimates of excitations dynamics of the electronic density follows the von Neumann
energies, but not at the Hartree–Fock (single-determinant) equation which, within TDDFT, is equivalent to integrating
level. The lowest acceptable level is configuration interaction the time-dependent Kohn–Sham equations. This is called the
including single excitations (CIS). Ehrenfest approximation, and it is essentially a mean-field
An alternative to the methods described in the previous approach in which the individual nuclei see the electrons
paragraph is to use time-dependent DFT (TDDFT), either in through their density, but not individually. While electronic
the frequency domain via linear response, or in real time. For excitation processes are captured correctly by this approach
finite systems such as molecules, standard TDDFT approx [84], the mean-field character of Ehrenfest distorts the char-
imations such as the adiabatic GGA (AGGA), which is local acteristics of energy transfer from electrons to phonons, e.g.
in time and semi-local in space, corrects the DFT excitation Ehrenfest cannot describe properly ubiquitous phenomena
energies quite well, unless they are of the charge-transfer type. such as Joule heating [85] or the thermalisation between elec-
For extended systems, however, the correction is diluted and tronic and nuclear degrees of freedom [81]. A second limi-
becomes ineffective. Interestingly, TDDFT has been demon- tation is related to the exchange-correlation approximations
strated in the computation of cross sections for electron-atom used in TDDFT. In most cases, these are semi-local in space
scattering [80]. This may be an area to explore in the near and local in time. Therefore, memory effects in the electronic
future, as TDDFT allows for the study of much larger systems evolution are ignored, which leads to another whole host of
than the quantum chemical approaches typically used in tradi- pathologies, mainly related to the lack of electronic decoher-
tional scattering theory (CI). ence (no electron–electron collisions term) [86]. In addition,
The second aspect to take into account is the correlated incoherent electron–phonon scattering by nuclear vibrations
motion of electrons and nuclei. The combination of ground- (phonons), which are not explicitly represented in classical
state DFT for electrons with Newtonian dynamics for the molecular dynamics, are not accounted for in Ehrenfest simu-
(classical) nuclei has been an extremely valuable tool in the lations [87]. While Ehrenfest dynamics is straightforward to
study of materials and biological systems. When using this implement and computationally efficient, it is not trivial to go
technique the electrons are maintained in the ground state beyond it.
corresponding to the instantaneous nuclear configuration, To improve on the electron-nuclear correlation, a possibil-
and hence have no independent dynamics. This methodology ity that has attracted interest is surface hopping [88]. In this
relies on the separation of electronic and nuclear time scales, method the forces on the nuclei are determined from single
which is rooted in the Born–Oppenheimer approximation. electronic potential energy surfaces (PES) but hops between
The numerical integration of this scheme receives the name of surfaces are allowed in order to include non-adiabatic effects.
Born–Oppenheimer molecular dynamics (BOMD), although Surface hopping works reasonably well when non-adiabatic
it is sometimes called first-principles MD (FPMD), quantum transitions occur between a small number of PES, but not for
MD (QMD) or ab initio MD (AIMD). The so-called Car– a dense manifold of excited states. Perhaps the most sophis-
Parrinello molecular dynamics (CPMD) also falls within this ticated way to go beyond Ehrenfest in a controlled manner is
class of methods, but it is implemented in a way that resorts the correlated electron–ion dynamics approach (CEID) [85].
to a fictitious dynamics for the electronic degrees of freedom CEID relies on expansions of the von Neumann equation for
[79]. In this sense, it is a precursor to methods that treat the the electron-nuclear system, with different formulations pro-
electronic wave function or density as a dynamical variable, posed in the limits of weak and strong electron-nuclear cou-
with the aim of re-introducing a proper independent electronic pling. Although CEID is still rather young and costly, it has
dynamics. The cost of this approach is to reduce significantly emerged as a powerful tool for problems in which the trans-
the integration time step, typically by a factor of thousand, fer of energy between electrons and nuclei is crucial. A cost-
thus compromising the ability to follow the nuclear dynam- effective alternative that limits the nuclear motion to harmonic
ics in the same simulation, unless the system size is reduced phonons, named Effective CEID, has been proposed recently
significantly or inexpensive approximations to the electronic [81], and applied to inelastic electron transport in water chains
structure are used, such as simple model hamiltonians. Of [89]. It is important to remark that not one of these methods
course, it is possible to improve this description by resort- is presently mature enough to allow for the dynamical simula-
ing to higher-level approaches such as tight-binding (TDTB), tion of the dissociative electron attachment process. However,
quantum chemistry methods (e.g. TDHF), or TDDFT. Model it is envisaged that this will become possible in the near future.
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Figure 14. The sequence of events when the H-atom interacts with the water molecule to cause its dissociation. Snapshots are ordered
clockwise and numbered, starting from the upper left corner, and the sequence indicated with arrows. Dotted lines indicate hydrogen bonds.
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
atoms in the nucleobase and the kinetic energy of the water 3.2. Nucleotide
molecule that was closest to the hydrogen of the N–H bond,
separately. For each of these groups of atoms, we then evalu- The previous section gives an insight into the effect of sol-
ated the difference between the kinetic energy before and after vation on post-DEA dynamics, and shows that nucleobases
the ‘kick’. This quantity provides a measure of how much the such as Thymine are more stable against DEA when they are
kinetic energy deviates from its unperturbed, equilibrium in solution than they are in gas phase because of hydrogen
value. bonding and caging effects. This, however, is not directly rel-
Figure 16 shows the running average for the N–H bond evant to DNA strand breaks as any base in DNA is attached
kinetic energy as a function of time. The black line is for an to a sugar and a phosphate, and H-boned to another base.
H-bonded initial configuration, while the red line is the result The next step, then, is to move to the simplest model that
in the non-H-bonded case. The blue line is a reference that contains a C–O bond like those in a phosphodiester bond.
was obtained by simulating the dynamics without the addition Deoxythymidine monophosphate (dTMP) is a nucleotide
of any kinetic energy. It is clear that the presence of the hydro- composed of a Thymidine nucleoside and a 5’ phosphate
gen bond influences the system’s return to equilibrium as the component. Several studies have shown that, instead of break-
kinetic energy of the N–H bond decays much more slowly ing at the 5’ C–O bond, strand breaks are significantly more
when the hydrogen bond is present than when it is not. When likely to occur at a 3’ bond. Therefore, instead of studying the
the hydrogen bond is absent (red line), the N–H bond breaks standard dTMP, we have focused on the variant containing a
early in the simulation. A significant fraction of the excess 3’ bond that is shown in figure 17. We are interested in the dis-
kinetic energy is converted into the potential energy required sociation energies and dissociation products associated with
to break the bond, while the remainder is redistributed. When breaking the 3’ bond and in any differences that occur when
the hydrogen bond was present the trajectories showed that the nucleotide is in different environments. We can estimate
the initial 3 eV of excess vibrational energy caused the H atom the energy required to break the C–O bond in the gas phase
to detach but that it rapidly reattached to the nitrogen. The and then compare this energy to that required when an aque-
fact that the kinetic energy of the bond decays more slowly in ous environment is introduced.
this second, H-bonded scenario, is consistent with the obser-
vations. The kinetic energy of the bond does eventually relax 3.2.1. Gas phase. We expect the C–O bond to break when the
down and evolve towards equipartition but the question of kinetic energy injected into this bond exceeds the dissociation
where the excess energy goes still remains. energy as this is what was seen for the nucleobase. The nucle-
In the H-bonded case, we observed that most of the excess otide anion can break by either releasing a Thymidine anion
energy is redistributed amongst the vibrational modes of the (dThd–) and a phosphoric acid radical (H2O4P), or by releas-
nucleobase, although a fraction of this energy takes brief ing a Thymidine radical (dThd) and a stable phosphoric acid
excursions to the nearest water molecule. Hydrogen bonds are anion (H2O4P–). Calculations performed at the PBE/TZVP-
less efficient than covalent bonds in redistributing vibrational MOLOPT level indicate that the first of these two reactions
energy, but over a longer time scale the whole system should requires an energy of 1.23 eV, while the second one only
approach thermal equilibrium. However, environmental fluc- requires 0.08 eV. Therefore, the most likely dissociation prod-
tuations and anharmonicity prevent the excess energy from ucts of dTMP– are the neutral nucleoside and a negatively
returning in whole to the N–H bond and thus frustrate the charged phosphoric acid. This is in agreement with a number
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
Figure 18. Thymine nucleotide: the two O–H bonds on the phosphate
component are circled in red. Reprinted figure with permission from
Figure 17. The thymine nucleotide that was studied in this work [91], Copyright (2011) by the American Physical Society.
with the 3’ C–O bond within it highlighted.
of experimental studies, which have also found that DNA dam- configurations of this system. In all three cases, the bond
age can occur at these low energies because of charge transfer. extended, but quickly reformed, showing that this is not
It is interesting to note that the initial experiments of Sanche enough energy to cause dissociation. Simulations with 2 eV
et al did not observe damage in plasmid DNA by electrons broke the bonds in some cases, while 3 eV led to dissociation
with energies as low as these [1]. However, later experiments in all cases. We therefore conclude that in a micro-solvated
by the same group found DNA strand breaks were possible at environment the energy required to dissociate the bond is
energies between 0 and 4 eV, with damage peaks at 0.8 ± 0.3 much higher than the dissociation energy in gas phase, and it
eV and at 2.2 eV [42]. Simons [73] proposed an explanation may increase further in the fully solvated environment.
for this very low energy strand break in DNA in terms of a
vibronic coupling between the π ∗ orbital of the nucleobase 3.2.3. Condensed phase. The condensed phase model con-
and the σ ∗ orbital located in the C–O bond. This coupling sists of a single dTMP molecule and 64 surrounding water
allows the electron to transfer its energy to the C–O bond and molecules in a periodic simulation cell. In the gas phase,
cause bond cleavage. dTMP includes a phosphate component with the two O–H
A vibrational analysis of dTMP identified the C–O bond as bonds (Oi-H and Oj-H) that are circled in red in figure 18, i.e.
a clean normal mode, with very little weight in other parts of it is doubly protonated. During condensed phase equilibration
the molecule. Therefore, the additional energy was introduced the neutral nucleotide proved itself to be prone to deproto
by modifying the velocities of the C and O atoms using the nation at the Oi-H or Oj-H sites. The molecule therefore
method described above, while adding the extra electron to probed singly protonated configurations. To investigate the
the LUMO. In the dynamical simulations we observed that protonation state of the phosphate, we calculated the shortest
dTMP will dissociate when only 0.7 eV of additional kinetic distances between the two oxygens on the phosphate and all
energy is injected into the C–O bond. In the simulation the the hydrogens in the system to which they could form bonds,
excess electron is seen to transfer from the nucleobase to the including all the hydrogen atoms in the water molecules.
C–O bond to facilitate its cleavage. The evolution of Mulliken Figure 19 shows these distances as a function of time. Covalent
charges shows that, after cleavage, the excess electrons stays O–H bonds should be approximately 1 Å in length, so it is
with the phosphate, forming a phosphoric acid anion, which is clear from this figure that the phosphate is more often singly
consistent with the picture portrayed by the dissociation ener- protonated than doubly protonated.
gies presented above. Dissociation also happens at all higher Dynamical simulations were run on both types of configu-
energies. ration, singly and doubly protonated, following the procedure
described above. These simulations were started from con-
3.2.2. Microsolvation. The microsolvated system consists of figurations taken from the equilibration. Doubly protonated
a dTMP molecule and the 19 surrounding water molecules configurations dissociated when an excess kinetic energy of
that complete its first solvation shell [97]. An excess elec- 1 eV was introduced to the C–O bond. Most of the singly
tron was added, and simultaneously an excess kinetic energy protonated configurations required at least 2 eV to dissociate.
of 1 eV was given to the C–O bonds of three equilibrated In the singly protonated configurations that dissociated with
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
Running Average Lowest distances between Phosphate (O’s) and Hydrogens in the syste doubly protonated nucleotide we calculated the dissociation
3 energy of the singly protonated nucleotide for the following
gas phase reaction
Oj - H distance (Running Average)
Oi - H distance (Running Average) dTMP− → dThd + HPO−
(14) 4
and obtained values of 3.47 and 3.41 eV for the Oi-H Oj-H
sites, respectively. These numbers are significantly larger than
DIstance (Å)
the dissociation energy for doubly protonated dTMP which
was 0.08 eV. Thefore, if the nucleotide is in a singly proton-
ated state, it is unlikely to dissociate with energies below 3 eV,
which is consistent with the results from the dynamical simu-
lations that were presented above.
The literature presents some ambiguity associated with the
DEA reaction in solvated DNA. It is generally believed that
electron attachment to DNA bases is highly likely when DNA
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (ps) is in solution as there is a large amount of evidence to support
this [91, 98–104]. However, contrasting results suggest that
Figure 19. Running averages for the shortest distances between
DNA damage is less likely to occur in solution, as dissociation
phosphate oxygens and the hydrogens atoms in the system. O–H
covalent bonds should be approximately 1 Å in length, so this barriers for the C–O bonds are higher in solution than in gas
figure suggests that the phosphate group is more likely to be singly phase DNA [72, 105–108]. The results presented here, which
protonated. Reprinted with permission from [138]. Copyright show that deprotonation of the phosphate disfavours the C–O
(2012) American Chemical Society. bond cleavage, provide an explanation for this ambiguity and
give further support for the conclusion that nucleotide disso-
1 eV, the phosphates quickly re-gained a second proton when ciation is less likely in condensed phase than in gas phase.
the energy was introduced. This protonation from the water
following dissociation seemed to prevent the C–O bond from
reforming. Looking at the spin density, we observed that in the 3.3. Larger DNA models: polynucleotides and double
doubly protonated case at 1 eV the excess electron transfers to strands
the C–O bond, which breaks. In the singly protonated system, At high electron energies, resonances are likely to lead to
by contrast, the electron remains on the nucleobase and the bond breaks and the cleavage of the 3’ phosphodiester bond
bond does not break. in particular. In DNA, however, nucleotides are part of the
It is well known that in aqueous solution nucleotides (and double helix scaffold. This ensures that they are bonded to
more generally DNA) are prone to deprotonation at the phos- other nucleotides through 5’ phosphodiester bonds as shown
phate site [98]. To make further progress the following ques- in figure 3 and that the bases are linked to the bases of the
tions must be investigated: (1) Will the phosphate component complementary nucleotide in the other strand, via hydrogen
of the nucleotide be singly or doubly protonated in condensed bonds. The consequence of all this is that DNA has quite a
phase? (2) Is the dissociation energy of the singly prot rigid structure. Furthermore, because any phosphate excised
onated nucleotide higher than that of the doubly protonated via the cleavage of the 3’ bond remains attached to its suc-
nucleotide? cessive nucleotide via a 5’ bond, it will not have an opportu-
To answer the first of these question we considered the nity to move too far away from the cleaved sugar component.
protonation state of the phosphate component from a chemi- There is, thus, a distinct possibility that the cleaved 3’ bond
cal point of view. The phosphate component of DNA is based will be re-formed after only a short period of time. A view of
on the inorganic acid H3 PO4 (phosphoric acid), which can a solvated fragment of DNA made of 12 base pairs is shown
undergo the three deprotation reactions shown below: in figure 20.
H3 PO4 H+ + H2 PO− ; pKa = 2.12 What keeps single-stranded polynucleotides intact are the
(non-bonded) stacking interactions between the bases. These
H2 PO− 4 H + +
4 ; pKa = 7.21 are weak van der Waals forces, but they may still be suffi-
H + HPO2−4 ; +
pKa = 12.67
4 cient to maintain the the structure of the polynucleotide even
(13) in the presence of a strand break. These interactions may
In the nucleotide, one of the three protons of phosphoric acid therefore favour the reforming of the bond. Obviously, these
is replaced by a carbon atom which joins the phosphate to interactions will not help single-stranded DNA to repair itself.
the rest of the nucleotide. The pKa value for the second of the Single stranded DNA forms occur during replication, when
reactions above suggests that release of a second proton from the H-bonded network between the two strands is unzipped by
the doubly protonated nucleotide is also likely. The release of the action of a combination of enzymes, and a second strand
the third proton is much less likely so the fact that we observe is synthesised by DNA polymerase. It may therefore be more
the nucleotide in a single protonated form seems reasonable. difficult to repair strand breaks if they occur during the rep-
To answer the second question about whether the energy lication phase, which will happen more often in frequently
of the single protonated nucleotide is higher than that of the dividing cells.
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
Figure 21. TGT trinucleotide. Left panel: schematic representation showing the four possible phosphodiester bonds that can be cleaved
(numbered 1–4). Middle and right panels show the location of the excess electron (blue surface) before and after the cleavage, respectively.
Reprinted with permission from [139]. Copyright (2015) American Chemical Society.
Figure 22. Left panel: AT (top) and GC (bottom) base pairs in the gas phase. The blue surface represents the probability distribution of
the excess electron. Right and central panels: same as left, but in a solvated environment. Delocalization between the two bases can be
observed. Reprinted with permission from [139]. Copyright (2015) American Chemical Society.
computation of activation barriers and detachment energies then a thermodynamic equilibrium will be established after a
at zero temperature, without considering the thermal fluctua- short period. In that case the system becomes a ground state
tions of the environment. Numerous theoretical studies using anion immersed in a fluctuating environment. Under these cir-
both wavefunction and DFT methods support the notion that cumstances, DNA strand breaks can still occur, but as ther-
strand breaks can be triggered by such low energy electrons. mally activated processes, controlled by a free energy barrier.
Bao et al [72, 105] calculated the activation energies for bond The thermal activation mechanism is as follows: as the
cleavage in the pyrimidine nucleotides and found that C–O environment experiences thermal fluctuations at the temper
strand breaks should dominate at near-zero energies. By ature of interest (room temperature in our case), the bond in
calculating the detachment energies from the base they also question randomly performs excursions away from its equi-
showed that it is feasible that electron attachment to the nucle- librium position. When the bond is stretched, the energy will
obase can trigger bond cleavage [114]. Barrios et al explored increase and the bond will be put in an unfavourable situation.
the energy surfaces leading to bond cleavage and also found The Boltzmann factor ensures, however, that if that energy
that C–O cleavage would be operational at such low energies increase is not too high, these fluctuations in bond length
[41, 115]. carry a non-negligible probability. The larger the stretch, the
The results in sections 1.4 and 3 highlight the importance of higher the energy and the lower the probability. Occasionally,
including the aqueous environment when considering DEA in the bond can stretch to the point in which the energy reaches
DNA. The environment stabilizes the resonance increasing its its maximum, i.e. the transition state. Beyond that point, the
lifetime, thus buying time for energy transfer to occur, which bond breaks and the system evolves towards a product state
is consistent with the mechanism proposed by Barrios et al that consists of two fragments. In the present case, one frag-
[41]. In addition, the energy required to break a bond is higher ment will be negatively charged, and the other will remain
in solution than in gas phase because of caging effects. If the neutral. Furthermore, one will be a radical, and the other a
situation is such that the excess energy of the resonant electron closed-shell molecule.
is transferred to the C–O bond and if the environment does not The description of this process is different from that of
allow the bond to break because it reflects vibrational energy DEA. We have to start from the attachment of the excess
back into the nucleotide and dissipates it into the environment, electron to the DNA fragment, i.e. the insertion of an electron
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
Table 1. Adiabatic electron affinity of uracil: ab initio. Table 2. Adiabatic electron affinity of uracil: DFT.
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
Table 3. Adiabatic electron affinities (eV) for the four nucleobases at different levels of theory (all values include the zero-point vibrational
Ab initio
Method Thymine Cytosine Adenine Guanine
MP2 [120] −0.26 −0.4 −0.71 −1.06
CCSD [120] −0.09 −0.17 −0.84 −0.44
CASPT2 [120] 0.02 −0.10 −0.44 −0.72
Density functional theory
M05-2X [36] 0.12 −0.05 −0.35 −0.54
M06-2X [36] 0.07 −0.08 −0.36 −0.54
B3LYP [122] 0.20 0.03 −0.28 −0.10
BLYP [122] 0.12 −0.01 −0.19 −0.01
PBE0 [128] 0.133 0.02 −0.024 −0.04
PS 0.15 ± 0.12 [117] 0.10 ± 0.12 [117] 1.51 ± 0.05 [129] 0.95 ± 0.05 [129]
the time-honoured local density approximation (LDA), which and closer to zero. However, whilst having slightly positive
produces significant errors when computing AEAs [121]. The predicted AEA values, gas phase cytosine is an unlikely host
next rung in the ladder is the generalised gradient approx for the excess electron and as such thymine is the most likely
imation (GGA), that includes the density and its gradient. electron host as it has the highest AEA values.
AEA for DNA and RNA bases have been computed using the In summary, the pyrimidines, i.e. uracil, thymine, and
BLYP and PBELYP functionals. Values for uracil are reported Cytosine, are the bases with the largest electron affinities
in table 2. The BLYP affinity is fortuitously close to the PS and are thus the most likely to attach an electron. Guanine
experimental value. and Adenine exhibit negative values and are therefore
More accurate functionals are constructed by combining unlikely to capture an electron. If we put the bases in order
GGAs with HF (exact) exchange in an appropriate propor- of decreasing AEA, we obtain the following sequence:
tion. This is the case for the hybrid B3LYP functional [124, U T > C > A ∼ G.
125], which has proved itself to be particularly reliable for
predicting AEAs of DNA components [122]. A further step
4.3. Solvation effects
up is to combine the hybrid exchange with a meta-GGA that
includes not only the gradient of the density, but also the The low-energy interaction and dissociation mechanisms
kinetic energy density (laplacian). This formalism is used in which have been described in the previous sections were
the functionals that belong to the Minnesota suite (M05-2X mostly investigated by performing experiments and calcul
and M06-2X [126, 127]). These have recently been shown ations on dry (gas-phase) DNA fragments. However, in a
to provide the best comparison to the references in electron living cell DNA is in a condensed phase environment and is
attachment calculations. AEAs for uracil computed with the surrounded by other components including water which is the
various functionals are reported in table 2 and are compared most abundant species in the cell and which plays a vital role
against experimental reference data. in maintaining DNA structure and function [130, 131]. In both
theory and experiment, LEE interactions with DNA are modi-
fied in the presence of the aqueous environment. During all
4.2. Base specificity
the stages of a chemical reaction, the solvent interacts with the
Uracil is the nucleic acid with the smallest number of atoms solute and thus influences the thermodynamics and kinetics of
so it is widely used in preliminary calculations to make the reaction. In computer simulations, the effect of solvation
comparisons between theoretical methods so that a suitable can be introduced either explicitly or by using a continuum
method for examining all other nucleobases and larger units model. Discrete (or explicit) solvation involves direct addition
can be settled on. Interestingly, there are significant differ- of water molecules to the solute model. Polarizable contin-
ences in the electron affinities of the four DNA bases which uum solvation models (PCM), sometimes also called reaction
are consistent across all levels of theory. Table 3 summarizes fields, cut the computational cost of considering each molecule
the AEA values that have been obtained for all the bases in the solvent explicitly by placing the molecule in a cavity
using the various methods described in section 4.1. Whilst the carved in a medium characterised by a dielectric constant. In
actual values of the AEAs of each of the bases differ with each the simplest PCM, the dipole moment of the molecule, which
method, the trend in the ordering is consistent. The purine is placed in a spherical cavity, polarises the medium, which
bases (Gua and Ade) have the lowest electron affinities. The in turn produces an electric field in the cavity and leads to an
extensive theoretical review by Gu et al states that ‘electron effective electrostatic interaction between solute and solvent.
attachment to gas-phase guanine is not viable and that ade- More sophisticated models that take into account the shape of
nine in the gas phase would not be a good electron acceptor’. the molecule and higher moments of the charge distribution
[36]. The electron affinity of cytosine is predicted to be higher [132] are nowadays implemented in most quantum chemistry
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
nucleotides. They found that electron attachment to all nucle- as hydrogen bonding. What they do not generally do, unless
otides would occur within 1 ps. Furthermore, these authors reactive force fields such as Morse potentials are used, is allow
found that both dAMP and dCMP nucleotides formed stable for water dissociation and proton transfer. In order to over-
anions after electron attachment. However, 35% of the dTMP come these limitations, free-energy barriers were computed
anion and 60% of the dGMP anion dissociated. In other in a fully quantum model for each of the four DNA nucle-
experiments, Zheng et al investigated strand breaks in short otides surrounded by 100 explicit water molecules [138].
DNA sequences (GCAT), where individual bases were deleted In this work, the gas-phase barriers for the cleavage of the
selectively to understand their roles. Again, guanine was high- C3 -O3 bond were compared to those in static solvation and
lighted as a particularly sensitive damage site because the in a thermally fluctuating solvated environment. The static
extent of damage decreased significantly when G or A were solvation barriers were the highest by a significant margin,
removed [111]. These results will be discussed again later whereas gas-phase and thermally fluctuating barriers were
within the context of free energy calculations. comparable. It subsequently emerged that in that paper there
The effect of the direct interaction between water and DNA were some problems with the statistical analysis so the free
components was also highlighted in DFT studies by Kumar energies for the thermally fluctuating systems were underes-
and Sevilla [94], who modelled the cleavage of 5’-thymine timated approximately by a factor of two. This was rectified
monophosphate with and without explicit water molecules. by McAllister et al [139], who reported barriers between 15
Their results showed that the cleavage barriers increased sig- and 20 kcal mol−1 for all nucleotides. This suggests that the
nificantly upon solvation. Furthermore, there was a suggestion energy barriers calculated by optimising the geometry for dif-
that some of the waters were hydrogen-bonded to the nucleo- ferent values of the reaction coordinate (static barriers) can
tide in their optimised structures. be significantly larger than those calculated dynamically, thus
highlighting the importance of bringing environmental fluc-
tuations into the picture [138].
4.4. Molecular dynamics simulations and free energies
In addition to the free energy barriers, these simulations
While static (zero-temperature) calculations are useful to provided a clear proof that the strand break mechanism pro-
establish the foundations for understanding DNA damage in posed by Simons [41, 73] still operates in the condensed
solution, they do not take thermal and electrostatic fluctuations phase. Evidence for this assertion is provided in the spin den-
in the environment into account, which are non-negligible at sity plots shown in figure 24. These images clearly demon-
room temperature. Moreover, activation energies are generally strate that the excess electron is captured at the base. Then
computed along a specific, one-dimensional reaction coordi- when the phosphodiester bond elongates to about 1.8 Å, the
nate, such as the length of a C–O bond. Molecular Dynamics electron delocalizes over the whole nucleotide. This electronic
(MD) simulations provide a way of incorporating the effect of state is a combination of the two crossing states, that become
these fluctuations. The water component can be treated at the degenerate at the transition state. For larger elongations, the
same theory level of the DNA fragment, or otherwise using excess electron re-localizes on the sugar-phosphate region and
a classical force field within a widely used methodology that the free energy starts decreasing towards the products basin.
has been called QM/MM. First-principles MD simulations Upon further elongation, the bond eventually breaks.
(FPMD) where water and solute are all treated at the DFT-
PBE level, have been used to simulate the dynamics of the 4.4.1. Protonation. The authors of [138] noticed that adenos-
excess electron in an explicitly solvated nucleobase system ine monophosphate (dAMPT) behaved differently from the
with 64 water molecules [91]. In pure water an excess elec- other nucleotides, and required twice as much energy to sur-
tron will roughly localise in a cavity with the water hydrogens mount the cleavage barrier. Upon closer scrutiny, it became
pointing towards it [137]. However, when a solute is present clear that the reason for this enhanced barrier height was that
the electron localises very rapidly on the nucleobase, over a the base spontaneously protonated at one of the N sites, by
timescale on the order of 15–25 fs. This fast localisation on seizing a proton from a nearby water molecule. Notice that
the nucleobase was also observed for nucleosides and nucleo- these kind of events are not possible if the water molecules
tides [128, 138]. are represented by a continuum medium, or with explicit clas-
Free energy barriers for the phosphodiester bond in 3’ sical force fields that do not allow for dissociation of the O–H
and 5’ cytidine monophosphate (dCMP) were computed bonds. It is not obvious either that this can be observed in
by Schyman et al [108], using a QM/MM model in which a hybrid explicit-quantum/PCM model, as the protonation
the nucleotide was described at the DFT-BLYP level and water may not necessarily be one of those treated explicitly.
immersed in a classical (AMBER) water bath containing over The explanation given for the increase in the height of the
1000 water molecules. The authors of this study computed barrier was that the presence of the excess electron on the
barriers for phosphodiester bond cleavage on the order of base attracted the water molecule and thus favoured proton-
30 kcal mol−1, which are much higher than the gas-phase ation. Once the base was protonated, this very same proton
barriers. Explicit classical water molecules provide a much stabilised the excess electron at the base. Since the cleavage
better representation of the environment than a polaris- is related to the crossing of two electronic states, one located
able continuum, as they include specific interactions such on the base and another on the sugar-phosphate [73], the
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
Figure 24. Spin density plots for dTMPH−: (left) at the equilibrium bond length of 1.4 Å; (middle) at the transition state, with a bond
length of 1.8 Å; (right) after bond cleavage, at a bond length of 2.2 Å. Reprinted with permission from Smyth and Kohanoff [138].
Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society.
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
Figure 27. Free energy profiles for the cleavage of the C3 -O3 bond in each of the four nucleotide anions. The red lines are for protonated
nucleotides and the black dashed lines are for non-protonated nucleotides. It is clear that the protonation state of the nucleotide has an
effect on the free energy barrier. In all cases (except for adenine), the barrier to break the bond is higher when the nucleotide is protonated.
Reprinted with permission from McAllister et al [139]. Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society.
stacking and T-shaped interactions. Gas-phase studies have an excess electron was added, it initially finds itself in a pre-
highlighted that a barrier-free proton transfer occurs between solvated state, that is delocalised over the the thymine and the
anionic nucleobases and amino acids [144]. Hydrogen bonds, glycine. What happens subsequently depends on the bonding
in turn, have been shown to stabilise anionic nucleobase struc- pattern between thymine and glycine. A first possibility, which
tures in an aqueous environment, which highlighted proton is shown in the right panel in figure 28, occurs when the local
acceptor sites as particularly able to stabilise a structure [91]. environment of the thymine contains hydrogen-bonded glycine
Recently, Solomun and Skalický reported that the single molecules that are ready to transfer a proton to the thymine.
strand DNA binding Escherichia coli protein can effectively In this case, the excess electron is chemically stabilised in the
inhibit single strand breaks (SSB) of oligonucleotides induced nucleobase in a manner that is similar to the case observed for
by 3 eV LEEs [145]. Furthermore, Ptasińska et al reported the protonation from water discussed in section 4.4.1. A second
fragmentation of short DNA strands irradiated by a 1 eV elec- possibility is that glycine, which has an electron affinity that
tron beam in the presence of glycine and arginine [146]. Their is similar to that of the nucleobases, physically scavenges the
results showed that DNA damage is promoted at low amino excess electron and thus prevents it from causing damage to
acid concentrations and inhibited at high concentrations. It the DNA. This is shown in the left panel in figure 28. Both of
has been suggested that there are two underlying mechanisms these mechanisms are protective of DNA and this study repre-
influencing these findings. Firstly the protein may create sents a first step towards including the most important comp
a physical shielding to the DNA. In addition the hydrogen- onents that surround DNA in the physiological medium and in
bonding interactions may play an essential role in quenching understanding how natural selection has optimized the cellular
SSB through the stabilization of the anionic species. These medium so as to prevent DNA damage events. Further work in
hypotheses were successively tested via FPMD simulations this direction is clearly needed.
of a single thymine in a bath of 32 glycine molecules instead
of water [147]. These were fully quantum simulations at the
DFT-PBE level and TZVP-MOLOPT basis set. 5. Concluding remarks and future research
In these simulations, after a short period dominated by avenues
proton transfer, a dynamical equilibrium was established
between the canonical and zwitterionic versions of glycine and There are two main ways by which radiation can cause dam-
protonated and deprotonated versions of this molecule. When age to DNA: directly, by ionising DNA, and indirectly, by
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 383001 Topical Review
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