DNA Reviews: Ancient DNA: Ó Humana Press Inc. 2007

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Forensic Sci Med Pathol (2007) 3:221–225

DOI 10.1007/s12024-007-9009-5


DNA reviews: Ancient DNA

E. A. M. Graham

Accepted: 18 July 2007 / Published online: 11 October 2007

Ó Humana Press Inc. 2007

Abstract The rapid development, success, and occa- for millions of people, and dollars. During this time, a
sional failures of forensic DNA profiling are highly separate discipline has evolved in parallel, using many of
publicised, and as a consequence are well known to the the same techniques employed in forensic DNA investi-
scientific and public communities alike. Over the same gation, which has also fueled the imagination of scientific
period of time that forensic DNA typing has accelerated and public minds alike, ancient DNA analysis. The early
onto the scene, another related discipline has been born and 1990s saw the release of the blockbuster movie Jurassic
has made equally, or perhaps, even more groundbreaking Park and the scientific publications that allowed us to
achievements in the same arena; that is the science of believe that sequencing of DNA millions of years old was
(bio)molecular archaeology. This review describes the indeed possible [1, 2]. These early claims have since been
extreme complications of ancient DNA analysis and rejected due to the inability of independent laboratories to
highlights some of the major achievements that have been reproduce the findings [3]. There have since however, been
accomplished in this field. The nature of DNA degradation numerous examples whereby ancient sequences have been
and possible solutions to this problem are discussed. recovered, analysed and independently verified. The most
notable example of which being the sequencing of mito-
Keywords Forensic science  Molecular archaeology  chondrial DNA from Neanderthal remains [4, 5].
Bone  DNA degradation  Mitochondrial DNA 
Molecular archaeology

Introduction Molecular (a.k.a. biomolecular) archaeology can include

the analysis of any ancient biological material, defined as
Over the last two decades, the rise and rise of forensic being older than 75 years. As the most informative bio-
DNA profiling has taken the scientific, legal and media molecule, DNA has been the major focus of attention for
communities by storm. From high-profile criminal cases many practitioners of this discipline. The analysis of
such as the trial of Simpson during 1995 that introduced ancient DNA (aDNA) was first reported during the mid-
and indeed discredited the use of DNA in criminal inves- 1980s when mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of
tigation, to the more-recent quest to determine the the extinct quagga (a zebra-like species) were sequenced
biological father of the late Anna Nicole Smith’s daughter, from tissue sampled from a 140-year-old museum piece
Dannielynn, DNA profiling has been the focus of attention [6]. This was quickly followed by the report of nuclear
DNA recovery from 2,400-year-old tissue collected from
an Egyptian mummy [7]. At the same time Professor Sir
E. A. M. Graham (&) Alec Jeffreys was making the discovery that would forever
Forensic Pathology Unit, University of Leicester, Robert
change forensic science, personal individualisation by
Kilpatrick Building, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester LE2
7LX, UK DNA fingerprinting [8, 9]. Although each of these works
e-mail: [email protected] was monumental in its own right, molecular biology was
222 Forensic Sci Med Pathol (2007) 3:221–225

yet to enter the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) era. The nucleases, cellular enzymes that catalyse the hydrolysis of
introduction of this technique revolutionised molecular phosphodiester bonds in the DNA backbone. The obser-
biology, with ancient and forensic DNA analysis perhaps vation that recovered ancient and forensic DNA molecules
the most to gain from its invention [10]. Almost immedi- are usually between 100 bp and 200 bp in length has led to
ately, PCR, combined with advances in DNA extraction the suggestion that this enzymatic cleavage occurs at vul-
procedures made primarily by Erika Hagleberg allowed the nerable linker regions, situated between nucleosomes of the
analysis of nuclear DNA from ancient [11–13] and forensic DNA tertiary structure. It logically follows that, for the
bone specimens [14]. survival of any DNA, the action of these biological
enzymes must be slowed or halted before complete deg-
radation is achieved. This reduction of enzymatic activity
DNA degradation is entirely dependent on the surrounding environmental
conditions. Burger et al. [17] attempted to address the
In order to understand the complexities involved in the effect of varying environmental conditions on the preser-
study of degraded DNA it is in many respects important to vation of DNA. By taking bone samples of similar age but
have a comprehensive understanding of the chemical greatly differing site milieu a direct comparison of DNA
structure and nature of the molecule. The primary structure survival and preservation conditions is achieved. The
of DNA was first elucidated, using X-ray diffraction, by environmental conditions of temperature, humidity, pH and
Watson and Crick in 1953 [15]. They proposed the double- the geochemical properties of the soil were recorded. In
stranded helical structure that is today a very familiar summary their findings indicate site aridity, low tempera-
image. The primary structure of DNA can be described as a ture, neutral or alkaline pH and the absence of destructive
long-chained heteropolymer, with each monomer consist- and contaminating micro-organisms as the best DNA
ing of three subunits: 20 deoxyribose, pentose sugar and preservation conditions [17].
phosphate. One of four organic bases (adenine, guanine, The action of endogenous nucleases is not the only
cytosine and thiamine) is then incorporated in this complex factor affecting DNA preservation. The effect of hydrolysis
to provide the sequence information. Bonding occurs on the inherently weak b-N-glycosidic bond between the
between the sugar and phosphate to form a nucleoside. This organic base and the pentose sugar ring has a major
bonding gives the DNA directionality (written as 50 ? 30 ) destructive effect on DNA. Hydrolysis has two main
as a phosphate group is always present at the 50 terminus effects on the DNA molecule, as discussed by Lindahl [16].
with a hydroxyl group being present at the 30 terminus. The Firstly, acid-catalysed hydrolysis causes depurination and
informational units or organic bases are attached to the 10 to a lesser extent depyrimidination of DNA, causing the
carbon atom of the pentose ring via a b-N-glycosidic bond. loss of primary sequence information. Secondly, the
Organic bases are then joined via a hydrogen bond, to form organic bases themselves are susceptible to hydrolytic
the familiar double-helix structure of DNA, which is deamination causing instability in the DNA molecule as a
strengthened by base stacking and p–p interactions. The whole. Damage induced by oxidation is another important
helical DNA molecule is then wound around proteins consideration in DNA preservation. Oxidation has been
called histones, with 100–200 bp of DNA around each unit. observed to cause the formation of saturated pyrimidine
In an effort to protect the DNA from chemically induced rings, the loss of the double bond between carbon atoms 5
damage the protein-bound DNA is then supercoiled to form and 6, resulting in a noncoding base derivative. The
chromatin. It is also worth mentioning at this point that the resulting modified bases are collectively known as hydan-
structure of DNA in vivo is unstable. This is due to the toins, molecules that are not recognised by Taq polymerase
enthalpy of the chemical reaction, in an aqueous environ- and thus inhibit PCR [18]. It has been proposed that the
ment, which favours the hydrolysis of polynucleotides, to quantity of oxidatively modified bases present in a sample
allow DNA to take up a less-rigid, but thermodynamically of aDNA can provide a useful indicator of the likelihood of
favourable, random conformation. A reoccurring concern amplification [19]. Base modifications were directly
of many published works and review articles is that of the quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/
degradation processes of DNA. The first and still most MS) and an inverse correlation was observed between the
significant work was produced in 1993 by Tomas Lindahl amount of oxidised pyrimidines (C and T) and the ability to
in a paper entitled ‘Instability and decay of the primary amplify aDNA.
structure of DNA’ [16]. As well as DNA’s inherent insta- Some other factors that must also be taken into account
bility there are many external factors that can contribute to include the presence of bacteria and fungi, as mentioned
its degradation, the most influential are discussed below. above. These micro-organisms contribute to the degrada-
Post mortem DNA degradation begins immediately after tion of DNA not only by digestion but also increase the risk
the death of the organism via the action of endogenous of contamination of the sample by extraneous DNA. The
Forensic Sci Med Pathol (2007) 3:221–225 223

presence of micro-organisms in samples is environmentally occur at the same position more than once so repeat
influenced, with arid, cold and oxygen-deprived conditions experiments and multiple sequencing can compensate for
reducing the risk of infestation and corresponding to the this error. The phenomenon of jumping PCR induced by
optimum DNA survival conditions noted above. The effect damaged template DNA was first reported in 1990 [27].
of ultraviolet (UV) damage is another important consider- Jumping occurs when Taq polymerase reaches the end of a
ation, as UV radiation is known to form crosslinks between template molecule and inserts an adenosine, terminating
thiamine residues, which are another inhibitor of PCR. the extension. This molecule can then jump onto another
Inhibition of the PCR reaction is not confined to DNA template and polymerisation continues, resulting in the
modifications; a naturally occurring acid was identified in production of a chimeric sequence. This recombinant
1994. It has been acknowledged that even trace amounts of molecule is then amplified in subsequent rounds of PCR
fulvic acid in a PCR reaction can severely reduce the and thus will be present in large amounts by the end of the
efficiency of Taq polymerase [20]. It has also been noted reaction. In the majority of aDNA work the obtained
that the presence of humic and fulvic acids in the envi- sequence is expected to be unique, which could lead the
ronment surrounding buried skeletal remains shows a investigator to believe that this chimeric DNA molecule is
positive correlation with the general humidity of the area the true sequence. Again this problem can be recognised by
[17]. Humidity and therefore warm temperature and multiple sequencing. It has been proposed that the recog-
moisture, itself can accelerate DNA degradation by nition of the jumping phenomenon can be used as a
allowing organic substances from sediments to penetrate measure of the authenticity of the amplified DNA [23].
hard tissues such as bone and teeth. This is based on the knowledge that jumping will only
occur if the template is severely damaged, as is expected in
the case of ancient DNA.
Additional challenges

Contamination with contemporary DNA is the major issue Future directions

that has to be addressed when working with ancient DNA.
The efficiency of the PCR system is itself a major problem Despite all of the difficulties encountered, aDNA analysis
in degraded DNA work as a PCR system has the potential has today become an almost routine undertaking, with
to initiate amplification from as little as a single molecule reports of successful amplification of woolly mammoth
of DNA. Although contamination is a risk when partaking [28], Chinese [29] and Siberian mummies [30], Amerin-
in any PCR-based investigation, when working with human dian skeletons [31], ancient wheat seeds [32], ground sloth
DNA the problem is even more acute. In the case of aDNA, coprolites [24, 33], and even dodo [34] DNA, to name but a
contamination arises from several main sources including, few. Despite their apparent separation, ancient and forensic
handling of the remains by excavators, museum staff, as communities have occasionally combined to tackle cases
well as airborne contaminants from the laboratory and that reside on the border of the ancient—forensic temporal
contaminants present in laboratory reagents or on con- boundary, perhaps the most famous example being the
sumable items. To minimise the risk of amplifying identification of the Romanov family remains by both
contaminating modern DNA from ancient specimens a mtDNA and short tandem repeat (STR) analysis [35]. But
number of criteria have been developed [21–25] which despite some successful meetings, and calls for further
were summarised in the 2004 review of aDNA analyses by discussion [36] the two communities have remained largely
Svante Pääbo et al. [26] and include the use of extraction independent. One particular development in forensic DNA
and amplification controls, repeated amplification of the profiling, which was highlighted in the first DNA Review
same or preferably several extracts for each sample, of this series [37], may once again bring the disciplines
quantitation of the number of amplifiable template mole- together. MiniSTR kits under development by John But-
cules present in DNA extracts, observation of an inverse ler’s group at the National Institute of Standards and
correlation between fragment length and amplification Technology (NIST) [38] and the International Commission
efficiency and reproducibility in a second laboratory. on Missing Persons (ICMP) [39] as well as the recently
Even if all of the recommended criteria are adhered to launched AmpFlSTR MiniFiler kit from Applied Biosys-
and contamination is not thought to have entered the PCR tems are now allowing forensic scientists to obtain STR
reaction a multitude of problems can be encountered during profile information from degraded template material which
the PCR itself. The thermostable Taq polymerase used is previously would not have been possible. The rationale
responsible for incorrect base insertion at a rate of one per behind the development of miniSTR kits is intentionally
1,000 bases (C–T transitions). This is not usually a problem directed towards the successful amplification of any
as the erroneous base readings are extremely unlikely to remaining short DNA fragments that can be recovered
224 Forensic Sci Med Pathol (2007) 3:221–225

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