A Tale of Chromatin and Transcription in 100 Structures
A Tale of Chromatin and Transcription in 100 Structures
A Tale of Chromatin and Transcription in 100 Structures
*Correspondence: [email protected]
To celebrate a century of X-ray crystallography, I describe how 100 crystal structures influenced
chromatin and transcription research.
Introduction duplex was solved only after DNA synthesis methods became
When Max von Laue first illuminated a crystal with X-rays 100 available (Wing et al., 1980) (Figure 1). Crystal structures of
years ago, it was unclear what the obtained diffraction pattern DNA in A-form (Shakked et al., 1981) and Z-form (Wang et al.,
meant. William Henry Bragg and his son Lawrence, however, 1979) highlighted the sequence-dependent conformational flex-
soon realized that X-ray diffraction provided information about ibility of DNA.
the inner structure of crystals. After decades of elaboration, In eukaryotic nuclei, DNA is packaged with histone proteins
X-ray crystallography advanced to become the most widely into chromatin. The fundamental unit of chromatin, the nucleo-
used method for the determination of 3D structures. Its ap- some core particle, was elucidated structurally in 1984 at a res-
plication to biological macromolecules fostered the deve- olution of 7 Å (Richmond et al., 1984). When the resolution
lopment of molecular biology in the second half of the 20th reached 2.8 Å, a detailed view of the nucleosome emerged
century. Crystallography defined biological paradigms such that revealed the DNA conformation and DNA interactions with
as molecular recognition, enzymatic catalysis, and allosteric histones (Luger et al., 1997). The nucleosome core structure
regulation. confirmed the structure of the free histone octamer (Arents
Until about 30 years ago, researchers could still follow publica- et al., 1991). It further showed that the histone protein tails
tion of all new crystal structures of biomolecules. But then the emerged between and around DNA duplexes to become avail-
pace at which new structures were solved increased rapidly able for interactions with other nucleosomes or chromatin.
due to the advent of new enabling techniques. Proteins were ob- The structure of higher-order chromatin is dynamic, but a
tained in recombinant form, and nucleic acids were synthesized complex of four nucleosomes could be crystallized and showed
in large quantities. Crystals were cryo-cooled to slow down ra- two stacks of nucleosomes and DNA that zigzagged between
diation damage. Synchrotron X-ray sources improved, and fast them (Schalch et al., 2005). Electron microscopy revealed how
X-ray detection devices emerged. Modern computers and better such tetranucleosome units may be arranged within a 30 nm
software for structure determination became available. By now, fiber of chromatin (Song et al., 2014) and provided evidence
100,000 structures have been deposited in the protein database. for helical order in such fibers (Scheffer et al., 2011). Another
Many of these revealed the inner workings of molecular ma- electron microscopic study provided an alternative fiber model
chines, allowing researchers to rationalize phenotypes of muta- (Robinson et al., 2006). These results explained how extended
tions and to engineer biological processes. DNA molecules can be packaged in the cell nucleus but also pro-
Crystal structures can be like landmarks. They can guide us on vided models for how chromatin regulates the accessibility of
our way toward a better understanding of a biological process genes and their transcription. Whereas a compact chromatin
(Shi, 2014 [this issue of Cell]). Landmark structures not only structure can cause gene repression, gene activation requires
disclose some of life’s secrets, but they also open up new fron- chromatin opening and assembly of the transcription machinery
tiers. Here, I describe many of the structures that I consider to be at the promoter.
landmark structures in the biology of chromatin, transcription,
and epigenetics. I hope the resulting list of about 100 crystallo- How DNA Is Recognized
graphic structures, along with several structures obtained by To enable transcription, cells use transcription factors that bind
other methods, exemplifies how structural information influ- to specific DNA sites. The first crystal structures of transcription
enced the community and led to new concepts. factors included the bacterial catabolite activator protein CAP
(McKay and Steitz, 1981) (Figure 1) and the bacteriophage
How DNA Is Structured lambda proteins cro (Anderson et al., 1981) and repressor
The proposal of the double-helical structure of DNA relied on (Pabo and Lewis, 1982). These structures contained helix-turn-
X-ray diffraction patterns of DNA fibers obtained in the middle helix regions that were involved in DNA binding and led to the
of the last century (Watson and Crick, 1953) (Figure 1). The direct concept of DNA-binding protein motifs. The studies of the bacte-
observation of a nucleic acid duplex, however, had to await the riophage proteins required protein overexpression because
crystal structure of a transfer RNA (tRNA) from yeast in 1974 these transcription factors could not be isolated from natural
(Robertus et al., 1974) (Figure 1). The structure of a B-DNA sources in quantities required for structural studies.
Structures of DNA-bound transcription factors led to the (Reményi et al., 2003). Crystallography also led to a model
concept of sequence-specific DNA recognition. DNA complexes of an ‘‘enhanceosome’’ containing eight transcription factors
of the repressor proteins from bacteriophages 434 (Anderson bound to DNA (Panne et al., 2007). Here, binding of one factor in-
et al., 1987) (Figure 1) and lambda (Jordan and Pabo, 1988) duces a DNA conformation that promotes binding of a neigh-
and of the 434 cro protein (Wolberger et al., 1988) revealed boring factor.
protein helices bound in the DNA major groove. DNA-binding Transcription factors can also bend DNA dramatically. The
helices were also observed in structures of homeodomains bacterial CAP protein bends DNA by 90 degrees to enable spe-
(Kissinger et al., 1990; Otting et al., 1990; Qian et al., 1989). In cific DNA recognition (Schultz et al., 1991). The eukaryotic TATA
a ‘‘leucine zipper’’ of the GCN4 factor, protein helices in the box-binding protein (TBP) also introduces a 90 degree bend into
DNA major groove were extended and used for factor dimeriza- DNA (Kim et al., 1993a, 1993b). The integration host factor (Rice
tion (Ellenberger et al., 1992; König and Richmond, 1993). The et al., 1996) and the mitochondrial transcription factor A (Ngo
transcription factors recognized target sequences via interac- et al., 2011; Rubio-Cosials et al., 2011) can even bend DNA by
tions of amino acid residues with DNA base edges. Such ‘‘direct 180 degrees, inducing a U-turn. To achieve DNA bending, pro-
readout’’ can be complemented by ‘‘indirect readout’’ of the teins can use two strategies. They can insert amino acid residues
DNA conformation via protein-DNA backbone contacts (Lesser like wedges between DNA base pairs to disrupt base stacking
et al., 1990; Otwinowski et al., 1988). and may also neutralize backbone charges on one side of
Later protein-DNA complex structures revealed a variety of DNA, which induces bending due to the repulsion of phosphates
DNA-binding structural motifs. The transcription factor NF-kB on the opposite strand.
uses a b barrel fold to contact DNA via protein loops (Becker
et al., 1998; Ghosh et al., 1995; Müller et al., 1995). Transcription How DNA Binding Is Regulated
factors of the zinc finger family recognize DNA with small protein Crystallography further established concepts that explained
folds that are stabilized by zinc ions (Fairall et al., 1993; Luisi bacterial gene regulation. In the trp operon, the Trp repressor
et al., 1991; Marmorstein et al., 1992; Pavletich and Pabo, protein inhibits expression of enzymes required for tryptophan
1991). Zinc fingers were later used for the design of proteins biosynthesis when enough of the amino acid is available. The
with new DNA-binding specificities (Choo et al., 1994). This cata- structure of the Trp repressor revealed a homodimer with a
lyzed the development of protein and genome engineering as DNA-binding helix in each monomer (Schevitz et al., 1985). Bind-
new research fields. Zinc fingers were also present in Klf4 ing of the regulator tryptophan alters the relative position of
(Schuetz et al., 2011), which, together with transcription factors the two helices to enable DNA binding and gene repression
Oct4, Sox2, and c-Myc, enables reprogramming of the genome (Otwinowski et al., 1988). These studies also showed that water
and generation of induced pluripotent stem cells. molecules in the protein-DNA interface may contribute to
Crystallography also showed how transcription factors bind to sequence-specific DNA recognition.
adjacent DNA sites for combinatorial gene regulation. The DNA- Many transcription factors contain not only a DNA-binding
bound structures of yeast MATa2 interacting with MATa1 (Li domain but also additional domains that can activate transcrip-
et al., 1995) and with MCM1 (Tan and Richmond, 1998) revealed tion or bind other transcription factors or small-molecule regula-
factor-factor interactions that underlie synergistic DNA binding. tors. In the bacterial lac operon, the Lac repressor protein binds
This concept held for human transcription factors (Piper et al., DNA to control the expression of enzymes involved in lactose
1999). Oct4 and Sox2 can also bind to neighboring DNA sites metabolism. The lac repressor contains a domain that binds
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