G L0 V Curriculum Short Story Year 9

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Scope of curriculum

Year Semester/term Duration Content strand/sub strand

09ENG One/One Four Weeks Short Stories/ Creative
Syllabus content Key vocabulary

Achievement standard
At standard students . . .

Short Stories – Creative

Students view a movie or television drama, examining how film language develops narrative conventions, ideas and val.
Narrative, narrative conventions, character, setting, plot, orientation, complication, resolution, point of view, dialogue, characterisation (actions,
appearance, speech, relationships), themes, genre, attitudes, values.
Compose an original short story that develops character and theme, and that uses a range of language features effectively to engage readers.
One period to plan, one to draft, one to edit and one to complete good copy.
Students read a variety of extended narrative texts, both teacher-selected and their own choice, examining generic conventions and developing
their comprehension skills. Texts may include short stories, biographies, autobiographies and novels.
Outcomes: Reading and Writing
Language: 1552;1553;1557; 1561; 1562;
Literature: 1633; 1771; 1635; 1637;1772; 1739

Assessment outline
Assessment type weighting
Short story using a 20%
NAPLAN style

Sequence of critical content

Week Key vocabulary Lesson1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Daily Narrative conventions Sub-genre Paragraphing in
Revie conventions stories, punctuating
w Horror dialogue.
Narrative, narrative WALT WALT Teacher to either WALT
conventions, genre, State the definition and Identify and compare the complete work from Practice writing in
1 characters, setting, plot, conventions of a components of two or more previous lesson and/or two different genres.
orientation, narrative text. different narrative genres students to work in WILF
complication, resolution. WILF (e.g., horror and fantasy). pairs comparing Rewrite a short story
Answer questions about WILF narrative conventions in two different
narratives and their Complete a table comparing in two other short genres.
conventions. the typical narrative stories with different HINGE POINT
HINGE POINT conventions of two different genres. QUESTIONS
QUESTIONS fiction genres. State one way your
What are narratives? HINGE POINT story changed when
What are the conventions QUESTIONS you rewrote it in two
of a narrative? How do you determine the different genres.
RESOURCES genre of a short story? RESOURCES
PowerPoint stating RESOURCES Short story to be
definition of narrative. A Two short stories from two rewritten.
range of narrative and different genres. LESSON
non-narrative texts. Comparison table for Revise conventions
LESSON narrative conventions in for sub genres –
PowerPoint definition of two genre examples. horror, fantasy,
narrative. Students to LESSON romance etc.
write in journal, Revise narrative Teacher projects and
highlight or underline conventions. reads short story.
key words. Students to write genre Asks class to suggest
Teacher puts up a short definition in glossary. changes to
story on white board – Class reads short horror and characters, settings
identifies narrative fantasy stories. and plot that will
elements. Students work Completes comparison make it a horror and/
in pairs to complete table. or fantasy story.
handout, identifying Discuss how these Students to use
narrative features of differences extend to other suggestions or come
short story. Hinge fantasy and horror stories up with their own to
question – exit ticket. they may have heard, read write an original
or seen. horror and/ or fantasy
Hinge question = exit ticket short story.
Students share their
stories with partner
and, (if open to it) the
class. Partner and
class may provide

Daily Sub-genre conventions Sizzling starts Integrating description

Review Show don’t tell
2 Narrative point of view, WALT WALT WALT WALT
description, structure, Identify the essential Identify the different Identify plot structure. Identify point of
rising tension, character elements in an effective characters in a short story, WILF view in short stories.
development, flat and orientation (what are the and explain how they are Plot the rising tension Examine the effect of
round characters, components of a sizzling conveyed through dialogue, in a short story. different point of
complicated characters. starter?). behaviour, appearance and Identify chronological views.
WILF relationships. and non-chronological WILF
Annotate and critique a WILF plot structures. Correctly answer
number of orientations. Complete character analysis Experiment with CFU questions on
HINGE POINT handout. different plot point of view.
QUESTIONS HINGE POINT structures to Rewrite a section of a
What is the purpose of QUESTIONS determine the effect. story from different
an orientation of a short What aspects of a story HINGE POINT point of views and
story? convey a character? QUESTIONS explain the effect of
What is one way you can How do we come to What is the role of each point of view.
write a sizzling start? understand a character in a conflict in the HINGE POINT
RESOURCES story? structure of a plot? QUESTIONS
PowerPoint with RESOURCES What are the two What are the
examples of sizzling start PowerPoint on different plot different point of
strategies e.g. start at a characterisation structures used in views used in
point of action, start at a Character analysis handout. narratives? narratives?
point of change, start Short story for analysis. RESOURCES What effect is
with dialogue, start with LESSON Plot graph handout. created by the use of
a sound, start with PowerPoint on Two short stories. these point of views?
humour etc. characterisation – students Conflict, RESOURCES
Handout with sizzling to take notes and answer chronological and
start strategies and CFU questions. non-chronological LESSON
examples as well as a Read through character plot structure
place for student analysis handout so students PowerPoint.
examples. know what to look for when LESSON
Handout with different analysing a short story. Students to plot the
sizzling starts for Teacher to read short story, suspense or tension
students to identify. stopping at key points so they feel at various
Handouts of common students can complete their points when the
starts that don’t “sizzle”. character analysis handout. teacher is reading the
LESSON Students to read an short story.
Students to view Sizzling additional short story to Teacher takes student
Starts PowerPoint, write complete character analysis through a PowerPoint
and share their own independently or in pairs. on the role of conflict
examples. Exit ticket – hinge point in narrative structure –
Students to read question/s. how it engages the
examples and identify reader and forms the
different sizzling starts. structure. The
Students to suggest ways different types of
a start could be rewritten conflict (inner, self
so it is “sizzling”. and environment, self
Exit ticket – hinge point and other). Small
questions. pebble, medium rock
to large boulder
conflict development.
Students to identify
plot structure of a
short story in pairs or
PowerPoint on
chronological and
plot structures.
Students to
experiment by
reordering the
structure of the story
studied from
chronological to non-
chronological and
assess which is more
impactful/ engaging/
Exit ticket – hinge
point questions.

3 Brainstorming, planning, WALT WALT WALT WALT

plotting, narrative Engage in extended
development, character brainstorming activities. WILF WILF WILF
development, WILF
orientation, Use strategies to improve HINGE POINT HINGE POINT HINGE POINT


What is a good starting LESSON LESSON LESSON
point for creative
When should you







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