25 Super-Fun Spelling Games

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Spelling Games
by Nancy Jolson Leber



25 Super-Fun Spelling Games Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

I would like to express my thanks to my colleagues
Alice Dickstein for introducing me to this project, Gail Tuchman for her spelling
leadership and enthusiasm, and Amy Levin for her partnership.
My gratitude also goes to editors Liza Charlesworth and Danielle Blood
for their professionalism.

I would like to dedicate this book to my favorite teacher
Dr. Marvin A. Jolson, my father.

Teachers may photocopy the reproducible pages in this book for classroom use. No other part of this publication may be reproduced
in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy-
ing, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For further information regarding permission, write to
Scholastic Inc., 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

Cover design by Pamela Simmons

Interior design by Solutions by Design, Inc.
Cover and interior illustrations by Rick Stromoski

ISBN 0-590-52211-6
Copyright 1999 by Nancy Jolson Leber
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
How to Use This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Card Games
Word Sorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Go Fish for Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Go Fish for Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Similar Sounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Game Boards
Spelling Bingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Soccer Spelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Rock Climb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Keep Climbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Spelling Space Race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Word Roller Coaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Archaeological Dig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Word and Sentence Building

Add a Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Word Ladder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Word Detective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Copycat Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Copycat Sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Word Reinforcement Games

Word Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Tic-Tac-Toe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Look, Say, Write! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Cool Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Pass the Pad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Word Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Give Me a Clue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Its a Wonderful Word! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Write, Write, Write: Ways to Write Words Creatively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Reproducibles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Word Lists
Sample Spelling Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Most Frequently Written Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Most Commonly Misspelled Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Practice Tests
Sample Standardized Test-Taking Practice (Grade 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Sample Standardized Test-Taking Practice (Grade 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Sample Standardized Test-Taking Practice (Grade 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Game Sign-Out Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Professional Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

t happens all the time. Students receive an a self-corrected test procedure
A on Fridays spelling test and then misspell
many of the same words in their writing on a word-study strategy that is both visual
Monday. Teachers are frustrated that their and auditory
students cant spell. What is the solution? teaching words as whole units, not parts
Practice, practice, practice! Teachers want
spelling practice to be simple and easy. Students a focus on words that are developmentally
want spelling games that are motivational and appropriate and appear frequently in
fun. Here are 25 games that are fun, easy, and, students reading and writing
most important, effective. opportunities to write spelling words in
The ability to spell well is a sign of literacy. meaningful contexts
Spelling is a skill of constructing words rather
than memorizing them. A good speller predicts an emphasis on teaching how words are
how a word is spelled based on knowledge of spelled rather than on teaching rules
what is probable in English. Sadly, spelling is
one of the most neglected subjects of study. At Spelling ability develops in predictable
all grade levels, students benefit from direct stages, but students may reach these stages at
instruction and frequent practice in spelling. different ages. By the end of first or beginning
Spelling instruction is reinforced through of second grade, children usually progress from
activities that: the phonetic spelling stage, in which they
match a letter for each sound, to learning
apply spelling words to daily reading and orthographic patterns and word roots. Most
writing second through fourth graders are in this
build phonemic awareness and phonics transitional spelling stage. At this stage,
skills children understand many of the constraints of
sound-letter correspondence and realize that a
emphasize basic spelling patterns and sound is often comprised of more than one
generalizations letter. They know that every syllable contains
promote word analysis and build at least one vowel, although they may misplace
vocabularies a vowel when writing. They are aware that
some letters are silent. They experiment with
help students correct common spelling basic prefixes, suffixes, and polysyllabic words.
errors They begin to differentiate homophones and
stress proofreading skills recognize compound words as well.
Learning to spell is a perceptual skill; thus,
develop student interest the activities in this book provide visual,
auditory, and kinesthetic reinforcement. Since
A worthwhile spelling program includes the many of the same sounds in English are
following characteristics: spelled in different ways, correct spelling
about 15 minutes of daily instruction, five requires a clear visual perception of the letter
days a week order of each word. Seeing the word while
simultaneously hearing or saying it is an
lists of spelling words based on spelling effective study strategy. Writing spelling words
patterns or similar structures in meaningful contexts is also helpful.
use of a pretest-study-test format Immediate reinforcement, specifically self-

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 5 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

correction, is essential. In fact, self-correction are reproducible or reusable, such as cards or
is the single greatest factor in learning to game boards. Laminating materials or
spell. The games in this book require the mounting them on cardboard will increase
speller to check and, if necessary, correct his their durability. You may also need to provide
or her spelling attempts. dice, index cards, writing materials, and
Enhancing spelling instruction with games playing pieces (plastic chips from other
sparks student interest. Although games do games, dried beans or pasta, buttons, or
not involve real-world reading and writing, multicolored paper clips work well).
they serve to focus the players attention on 25 Super-Fun Spelling Games can be used
the structure of words. This, in turn, helps to with any spelling list. You can use words from
create visual images of the words, which your current classroom spelling program,
students will then use as they read and write. from a reading or phonics series, or from
Playing games fosters a positive attitude books of word lists. Word lists, whether
toward spelling, which is critical to improving organized by spelling pattern, frequency, or
spelling skills. developmental level, are highly useful. While
it is helpful for students to learn to spell
How to Use curriculum-related vocabulary, these words
are not usually related by pattern. Include
This Book such words as a supplement to your weekly
list of core words. Second graders can put

T o learn new spelling words most

effectively, students need a systematic
approach to studying each worda word
these challenge words on cards in a word
bank, while older students can alphabetize
them in a file box for handy reference. In the
study procedure that is auditory, visual, and same way, students can keep track of the
kinesthetic. They also need frequent practice words they commonly misspell when they
to reinforce the concepts, patterns, and rules write. Once students master the basic sight
theyre learning about syllabication and word words, they will be able to spell a high propor-
structure. 25 Super-Fun Spelling Games is a tion of the words they write. Surprisingly, of
perfect supplement to any spelling program the approximately half-million words in the
because it provides the reinforcement English language, one-third of all our writing
necessary to place words in long-term is made up of 31 words!
memory. In addition, research supports that To bridge the gap between school and
motivation in learning to spell is essential. home, encourage your students to work on
Since students are enthusiastic about games their spelling skills with their families. Make
and group activities, they will be motivated to extra copies of the game materials so that
develop their spelling skills and theyll have students can play with friends and family
fun in the process. members. This provides an excellent way for
25 Super-Fun Spelling Games is designed families to get involved in your spelling
for second through fourth graders of all program and for students to gain extra
learning styles and can be used independently, spelling practice.
in pairs, and in groups. Youll find variations to
use with ESL students and with students at
different stages of spelling development, as
well as suggestions for alternate grouping. For
students who need extra support, try using the
variations for younger students.
Many of the games in this book involve
little or no preparation. Some require no
special materials; others require materials that

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 6 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Sorts
bait bay
Word Sort Cards
m ain
main ra y b a y (page 41 or 43)
ra i l i l sta ma yy marker
sta Word Sort Forms
in in stayay (page 42 or 44),
pencils, optional

ord sort activities promote fluency
and help students become sensitive
to recurring patterns and Use pages 4142 for younger
contrasting features within target word students and pages 4344 for older
groups. At first, have students sort words by students.
categories you specify (closed sorts), such as
Write words on cards or have students
the long a sound, spelled ai or ay. Once these
copy words from a spelling list onto
words can be easily sorted, include words that
individual cards. Choose two or more
do not fit into the categories. Later, invite
spelling patterns to reinforce.
students to sort words by categories of their
own choosing (open sorts). Begin with basic To make the cards reusable, laminate them
word families in grade 2. By grade 4, address and use a grease pencil or washable
how common roots function. This hands-on marker.
activity helps students place new spelling
words into long-term memory.
have them write the words in each category
Mix up a set of word cards and give
in a separate column. They can repeat the
them to the student.
activity one or more times to sort the
Invite the student to read the words and words into two different categories.
then sort them into two categories that
Sort the word cards into categories for
you identify.
younger students. Encourage them to look
You may wish to allot time for the for visual similarities in each category and
student to copy the words in two to read the words aloud to listen for
columns according to the spelling patterns. similarities. Ask students to determine how
the words in each category are alike.
Variations Ask ESL students to work with non-ESL
To extend the activity, have students try to partners to sort words into two categories.
sort the words another way, such as by the To begin, the non-ESL students can sort the
number of letters in the words or by initial words and the ESL students can identify
sound. Or encourage students to sort what is similar about the words in each
words into categories of their own category. Then partners can work together
choosing. Then, on a copy of page 42 or 44, to sort other words into categories.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 7 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Sort Cards
(page 43)

Write two sets of

spelling words on
the cards.
Use 1220 cards for
second graders and
up to 30 cards for older students.

ttention to visual aspects of words is
an important part of spelling. For
example, visual discrimination is the
ability to differentiate the letter b from the Variations
letters d, p, or h. For a visual matching game,
such as Concentration, it is best to focus on Make pairs of cards with a homophone on
words that students use most in their writing. each. Then mix up all the cards. The goal is
In addition to visual discrimination, visual to match homophone pairs. The player who
memory is important in Concentration. makes a match uses both words in one
Remembering where words are located sentence, if possible, or chooses one of the
enables players to form matches in subsequent words to use in a sentence. His or her
turns. partner uses the other word in a sentence.
Make pairs of cards with a different form of
PLAY the same verb on each card. For example,
write a present-tense verb on one card
Mix up the cards and place them face-
(walk) and add an inflected ending for the
down in rows of equal number. For
second card (walked or walking). Then
example, place 16 cards in 4 rows of 4 cards or
mix up the pairs for players to match.
30 cards in 6 rows of 5 cards.
Have players match:
Players alternate turning over two cards
consonant blends with phonograms
and reading aloud the words on the
cards. If the cards match, the player removes comparative/superlative forms of
them, keeps them, and takes another turn. If adjectives
they do not match, the player returns them to two shorter words in a compound word
their original positions. two syllables to make a polysyllabic
Play continues until all the matches word
have been made. The player who has the
most cards wins.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 8 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Go Fish for Words
Go Fish Cards
(page 45)

Provide pairs of
playing cards for
words with a
particular sound-
letter relationship, such
as /a/ ai, ay. (See lists on page 55.)

partners or groups of 24 players

pelling and word recognition abilities Once all of the existing pairs are on the
are closely related. Simple card games table, the first player asks another
provide active, hands-on reinforcement player for a card he or she needs to make a
of spelling words, and they are especially match.
helpful to students who need extra support.
If the second player has the card, he or
You can reuse the same cards for any of the
she gives it to the first player. That
card games.
player reads the word, spells it, and places the
Use word pairs to compare and contrast
cards on the table. If the second player does
spellings for one sound, such as /a/ ai, ay; par-
not have the requested card, he or she says
ticular sound/letter relationships, such as long
Go fish, and the other player draws a card
and short vowels, or base words and words
from the pile. Whenever a player makes a
with inflected endings.
match, he or she takes another turn.
PLAY Otherwise, the next player takes a turn.
The first player to get rid of all his or her
Shuffle the cards.
cards gets to shuffle, deal, and start the
next game.
Deal fiveeight cards to each player and
place the rest facedown in a pile. Variation
Players check their hand to see if any Provide blank cards for older students to
pairs exist. If a pair exists, the player write their own matching pairs. Specify the
reads the word, spells it, and places the pair sound-letter relationships you wish to
on the table. reinforce.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 9 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Go Fish for Letters
Go Fish Cards
(page 45)

Provide a set of cards

with a letter written on
each card. Include
extra letters for the
different spellings of a specific vowel
sound you may wish to reinforce. For
example, for long a words, provide
multiple copies of the letters a, i, y, e, in
addition to consonants that can be used to
make words.

partners or groups of 24 players

Mix up the cards and deal at least five cards to each
player. Place the rest facedown in a pile.
Players try to make one or more words using the
letters in their hand. If a word is formed, they
remove the cards, form the word, and read it aloud. If
other players disagree about the spelling of the word, they
can consult a dictionary. The player who uses all of his or
her letters first wins the round.
If a player cannot form a word, he or she
determines which additional letters are needed to
spell a word. The player then asks another player for a
specific letter. If that player does not hold the letter, the
first player takes the top card from the pile and tries to
form a word.
Players alternate turns until someone is left with no

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 10 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Similar Sounds
Playing Cards
(page 46)

Make pairs of word

cards using the word
list below.

partners or groups of 24 players

Deal an equal number of cards to each player.

Players check their hands for matching pairs. If players can make any matches, they read
aloud the two words, spell them, and place them on the table.
The first player selects a card from the player to his or her left. If the card picked matches
a card in his or her hand, the player reads aloud the words, spells them, places them on the
table, and takes another turn. If not, the next player takes a turn.
Players alternate turns until someone is left with no cards.

Word Lists
Use pairs of playing cards to compare or contrast words with similar spellings. For example,
choose word pairs with a particular sound-letter relationship, such as /a/ ai, ay; word pairs
with a long and short vowel; or base words and words with an inflected ending. Here are
some suggestions:
may may play pay stay jay ray pay gray ray spray tray
main maid plain paid stain jail rail pain grain rain sprain train
cap pan plan tap hop cod can Sam man hat rip
cape pane plane tape hope code cane same mane hate ripe
hope hop play skip eat race ride bake
hoped hopping played skipping eating raced riding baking

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 11 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Spelling Bingo
Spelling Bingo
game board
(pages 47 or 48)
pencis and erasers
chips such as paper
squares or dried
list of spelling

Make copies of the

bingo boards. Use
page 47 for younger
PLAY students and page 48
for older students.
As you call out each word from the
spelling list, students write the word on Distribute one to
the bingo board in any box they choose (one each student.
word per box).
Write the word on the chalkboard for
students to check and correct their pairs, small groups, or whole class
When students have filled all the boxes,
call out the words again in any order. in a different order on each board. This
Check off each word as you call it. Players game will help students recognize words
place a chip on each word as it is read aloud. with the same pattern.

The first player with a complete row of For an extra challenge, distribute bingo
chips (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) boards on which letters have been written
calls out Bingo. in the boxes in random order. As you call
out letters, players place chips in the
Confirm the words with the list and ask corresponding boxes. As soon as the letters
the player to spell each word in the row. in those boxes can be used to form a word
The winner becomes the next caller. containing at least three letters, the player
calls out Bingo and spells the word he or
she formed.
For ESL students or younger children,
provide bingo boards on which the words
have already been written. Write the words

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 12 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Soccer Spelling
Soccer Spelling
game board
(page 14)
2 playing pieces
pencils and erasers
Word Sort Cards
(page 43)

Make a copy of the

game board. You may wish to laminate
PLAY the board so that students can write on it
with markers and reuse it.
Have players sit at opposite goals facing
each other with the game board between Write spelling words on two sets of cards.
them. Place a set of word cards facedown in (You may wish to write each word in a
each goal. short sentence.)
Mix up each set of cards.
Place the playing pieces on the center
line to start the game.
The first player reads the top word in partners
the pile in his or her goal.
The other player writes the word on the
first line heading toward the opponents
goal. Then the player self-checks by looking at
the word card. If the word is spelled correctly, Players can spell the words aloud or write
the player moves his or her marker on the line the words on paper instead of on the game
with the word. If incorrect, the player corrects board, moving their playing pieces down
the word, returns the card to the bottom of the the field each time a word is spelled
pile, and does not advance the marker. correctly.
Players alternate turns until one of them A group of students can play by forming
reaches the goal, scoring a point. two teams. Players on each team take turns
spelling the words. Have them write the
A player who scores a goal returns his words on the chalkboard. Players who spell
or her playing piece to the center line. words correctly move their teams playing
Play continues to see who scores more goals. piece to the next line, working their way
Students can write new words next to down the field. After a goal is scored, both
previously written words. Once all the word teams playing pieces are returned to the
cards in a pile have been spelled, provide center line and play continues.
additional words or have students mix up the
same cards and use them again.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 13 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Soccer Spelling

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 14 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Rock Climb
Rock Climb game
board (page 16)
pencils and
spelling list with
25 numbered
words that
progress from
easy to more
small paper clip

Make a copy of the game board for each



Players determine who will be the climber and who will be the caller for the
first round.
The climber starts by placing a paper clip on a rock at the bottom of the page
(numbers 14).
The caller reads the numbered word that corresponds to the numbered rock the
paper clip is touching. The climber writes the word on the bottom line.
The caller writes the word on the chalkboard so that the climber can self-check
and if necessary correct his or her own spelling.
The climber holds one end of the paper clip on the bottom rock and angles the
other end so that touches a higher rock. The caller reads the word, and the
climber writes it on the next line. Players then repeat step 4.
The climber continues to move to higher rocks in any order. For example, he or
she can follow the sequence 261014172024. Play continues for a specified
period of time to see if the climber can reach the top (numbers 23, 24, or 25).
Players switch roles for the second round.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 15 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Rock Climb

23 25
21 19


9 10 11

8 7 6 5

1 3 4

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 16 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Keep Climbing
Keep Climbing
game board
(page 18)
pencils and
list of spelling
words that
progress from easy
to more difficult

Make a copy of the game board for each


small groups or whole class

Ask for a volunteer to be the caller and give him or her
the word list.
The caller reads out each word and uses it in a
As the caller reads the words, the players write them
on the lines on their game board, starting at the bottom
of the page.
After players have written each word, the caller writes
the word on the chalkboard so that players can self-
check. If incorrect, the players self-correct.
When the caller reads the next word, the players write
it on the next line or on the same line if the last word
was spelled incorrectly.
Play continues in this manner until one player reaches
the top.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 17 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Keep Climbing

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 18 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Spelling Space Race
Spelling Space
Race game board
(page 20)
Word Sort Cards
(page 43)
8 chips of the
same color per
player (or small
squares of
chalkboard and chalk, or clipboard,
paper, and pencil
8 envelopes

his game provides a fun way to practice
spelling words and review different
spelling patterns.
Make one copy of the game board.
PLAY Write spelling words on cards. Categorize
them by 8 different patterns.
Players place their chips in a pile on
Label each envelope with the name of a
Players take turns traveling to a planet Place one category of cards in each
of their choice. A partner or designated envelope. For fourth graders, for instance,
caller selects a word card from that planets include categories such as words with
envelope and reads the word aloud. schwa, r-controlled vowels, consonant
The player writes the word on the digraphs, consonant blends, /s/s, c; /j/j, g;
chalkboard and self-checks with the /z/z, s; /n/n, kn; /f/f, ph, gh. Include in each
card. If correct, he or she places a chip on the envelope one or more cards per player.
planet to show that the voyage was successful.
Repeat the procedure with the other partners or small groups
The game ends when one player has a
chip on every planet.

Play Spelling Space Race with larger
groups by dividing children into two teams.
Teammates can take turns spelling.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 19 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Spelling Space Race




Mercury Uranus


25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 20 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Roller Coaster
Word Roller
Coaster game
(page 22)
one die
and chalk,
or clipboard,
paper, and
playing pieces
numbered list of 25 spelling words

Make a copy of the game board.

Number the spaces 125 on the game
Each player puts a playing piece on
partners or small groups
The first player rolls the die and moves
his or her playing piece that number Variations
of spaces.
For older students, write one word of a
When the player lands on a space, the homophone pair in each space. The player
teacher or a caller reads the spelling reads the word, uses it in a sentence, and
word on the list that corresponds to the spells the other homophone in the pair.
number of the space.
In each space, write a singular noun for
The player writes the word on the which players spell the plural form. Include
chalkboard or paper. If spelled words in which -s and -es are added, as
incorrectly, the player self-corrects before well as irregular plural forms. Or write
erasing the chalkboard and then moves his or verbs that players spell with the inflected
her playing piece back one space. ending -ed or -ing. For third and fourth
graders, include verbs with final e or those
The first player to reach the end of the
in which the final consonant is doubled.
ride wins.
Write one part of a compound word in each
space. Players add another short word to
form a compound word, such as racetrack,
nighttime, or outside.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 21 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Roller Coaster

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 22 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Archaeological Dig
Archaeological Dig
game board
(page 24)
numbered list of
25 words that
progress from
easy to more
playing pieces
one die
chalkboard and chalk, or clipboard,
paper, and pencil

Make a copy of the game board.

partners or small groups

Each player puts a playing piece on START.

The first player rolls the die and moves his or her
playing piece that number of spaces.
When a player lands on a space, the teacher or a
caller reads the spelling word on the list that
corresponds to the number of the space. If directions
appear on the space, the player follows them.
The player writes the word on the chalkboard or
paper. If spelled incorrectly, the player self-corrects
before erasing the chalkboard and then moves his or her
playing piece back one space.
The first player to reach the end wins.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 23 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Archaeological Dig
1 3
2 digging.
ahead one.

4 5 6
Take Youre
a rest.
Move back
7 getting
Roll again.

8 9 10
Youve Time for
hit a rock! lunch.
Move back Skip a
one. turn.

11 12 13 14
Sift some
Roll again.

15 16 17
Your shovel Get a
a rest.
breaks. new shovel.
Move back
Skip a turn. Move ahead

18 19 20 21
Sifting Weigh
time. artifacts.
Roll again.

22 23 24 25

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 24 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Add a Letter
Letter Cards
(pages 4950)
set of larger letter
cards and pocket
chart, (optional)

Copy a set of letter

cards for each student,
or have students make
their own cards. Have
younger students
work with a small
group of letters and

tudents can manipulate letter cards,
magnetic letters, or letter tiles to build older students work
words. This hands-on activity with more. Make
reinforces sound-letter relationships and helps multiple cards for
students learn how to look for patterns in vowels and other letters
words. Using individual sets of several letters that may appear more than once in a word.
to make words, students discover that (Laminate the cards for greater durability.)
changing just one letter changes the entire Determine the final word students will
word. In a 10-minute period, students build spell using all their letter cards. (A seven-
two- and three-letter words and progress to letter word works well.) Consider sound-
longer words until they build the final word letter relationships you can point out
using all the letters in the set. during the word-building activity, as well
as structural analysis, words related to
PLAY curriculum themes, and student interest.
Have players line up their letter cards in Then select words, some of which focus on
alphabetical order. the same pattern. Choose words that your
students know. To emphasize the
Give players a word to spell using their importance of sequence in spelling, try to
cards. Start with a two- or three-letter choose some words that use the same
word. Tell players how many letters they need letters.
to choose to build the word. Use the word in a
Write the words on cards or on a list and
arrange them from shortest to longest.
After players have spelled the word, you Also base the order on patterns and
may wish to use large letter cards in a similarity of letters.
pocket chart to spell the word. Encourage
players to check their word and rearrange the
letters if necessary. individuals or small groups

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 25 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Use letter cards to help players see how
inflected endings are added to verbs. Say a
verb such as hike, then say it with different
at neat endings, such as hikes, hiked, hiking.
ate meat Players manipulate the letter cards to
tea teams change the word each time. You may wish
eat steam to have volunteers take turns suggesting
words. Include duplicate consonant letters
if any words require doubling the final
consonant before adding endings.

Continue to have players build new

words. For each new word, tell them
how many letters need to be changed or
Before telling students the final word,
ask them to guess what it is. Then tell
them the final word to spell.

For ESL students, place the word card in a
pocket chart after they build each word.
Reinforce unfamiliar vocabulary by using
the word in a sentence pattern several
times for students to repeat. For example:
Hamburger is meat. Meat: m-e-a-t.
Pork is meat. Meat: m-e-a-t.
_____ (students provide) is meat.
Meat: m-e-a-t.
For younger students, write a word on the
chalkboard. Have students copy the word
using their letter cards. Remind them to
check their work. Repeat with other words.
Have older students work with a complete
alphabet of letter cards to build a word you
say. Then challenge them to change one
letter at a time to make new words on their
own. They can record them on a sheet of
paper. You may wish to provide a starting
and ending word and the number of
changes the players will need to make in
order to reach the final word.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 26 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Ladder
Word Ladder
(page 51)
pencil and erasers
chalkboard and
list of words that
can become new
words by
reordering the
letters or by
changing or adding one letter

Make a copy of the word ladder for each


individuals, small groups, or whole class

Tell students a word to write in the space above the bottom rung of
the ladder. Then write it on the chalkboard so that they can check
and correct their spelling.
Read the next word and have students write it in the space above
the next rung. Then write the word on the chalkboard so that they
can check and correct their spelling. Continue in this manner until
students reach the top of the ladder.

Invite older students to build new words independently. Indicate the
first and last words in a sequence, directing students to change one
letter at a time to reach the final word.
For younger students, provide a starting word. For each rung, tell
them to change one letter to make a new word you specify. In this way,
you can focus on particular sounds or word patterns. For example, for
s-blends: swing, sling, sting, string, strung.
Record word-building directions on an audiocassette. Students can
stop the cassette after each word and write the word on the ladder.
Provide an answer key so that students can check their work when
they have filled in their ladder.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 27 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Detective
Letter Cards
(pages 4950)
list of spelling

Copy a set of Letter

Cards, making multiple
cards for vowels and
other letters that
appear more than once
in a spelling word.

individuals or
small groups

Use letter cards to build a spelling word, or ask a volunteer
to build a word.
Have players read the word and then turn around.

Remove a letter.

Have players turn back around to identify the missing letter and
tell where it belongs. A volunteer can replace the letter.
You may wish to have each player write a sentence using the

Students can play this game with partners, alternating roles.
Instead of removing a letter when students turn around, scramble
the order of the letters. Have each player write the word correctly
on a piece of paper. Then ask a volunteer to unscramble the letters.
Players can check their answers with the reordered letter cards.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 28 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Copycat Words
sentence strips cut into approximately
6-inch cards
list of spelling words
chalkboard and chalk


individuals or small groups

Write a spelling word on the chalkboard. Cover up the word on the chalkboard,
and ask students to cut apart each letter.
Ask students to copy the word onto a Have them say the word again and
strip and check their spelling. visualize how to spell it. Then have them
rebuild the word using their letters.
Have students say the word and spell it.
Invite volunteers to use the word in a Reveal the word on the chalkboard so
sentence. that students can check their work.

Prepare longer word strips with vertical lines several inches apart. (The spaces between the
lines should be the width of a letter card.) Invite younger students to copy a word from the
chalkboard onto a word strip, writing one letter in each space.
Then have them use a set of letter cards from pages 4950 to f r i e n d
build the word below the word strip. You can also have them
cover each letter on the word strip with a letter card.
After younger students copy a word from the chalkboard onto a word strip, have them cut
apart the onset from the rime (for example, t...ime, l...ate). Then invite students to say each
part of the word as they move the two parts together. Finally, have them join the two parts
and say the word.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 29 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Copycat Sentences
sentence strips
pencils and erasers
chalkboard and chalk

Make a list of sentences that each include

several words with a specific spelling
pattern or sound-symbol relationship. For
example, Eat lean meat and beans.
Give a blank sentence strip to each

small groups

utting apart words in a sentence
reinforces word order, an important
concept of print. Variations
PLAY Extend the activity by covering up the
sentence after players check their work.
Write a sentence from your list on the Then have them try to write the sentence
chalkboard. on the chalkboard from memory. See Look,
Say, Write! on page 33.
For far-point copying practice, students
then write the sentence on their For younger students, specify the pattern
sentence strip. or provide an exemplar for step 4.
Players cut apart the words. For older students, have a volunteer write
another sentence on the chalkboard.
Encourage the volunteer to use two or
Players group words with the same more words that have the same pattern as
pattern. Encourage them to brainstorm words from the previous sentence. Then
other words with the same pattern. repeat steps 26.
Cover the sentence on the chalkboard
and ask students to reassemble the
sentence using the word cards.
Uncover the sentence so that players
can check their work.
Repeat the above procedure with other

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 30 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Search
notebook or Word
Sort Forms (page
42 or 44)


individuals or
small groups

his task provides students the
opportunity to look for words and
write them. This helps them to attend Variations
to more abstract patterns of language. It is For a quick activity, allow students one
another way to promote accuracy in minute to record as many words with the
recognizing recurring patterns and contrasting same spelling pattern as they can think of.
features within target word groups. Games They can look around the room for ideas.
such as Concentration and board games on
As students share their lists, record all the
pages 1223 can be used for further
words on a chart. How many different
reinforcement of the spelling of the words
words did the group come up with? Ask
students find.
students if they can think of homophones
PLAY for any of the words. You may prefer to
have students search for words at home
Suggest a spelling pattern for students and record them. Invite students to share
to look for in words from various their words the next day.
sources. They can look in their own writing, in Ask students to search for words with a
magazines, in books, or on classroom charts, specific sound that has more than one
labels, and signs. spelling, such as /j/ spelled j or g. They can
Provide one or more exemplars record the words on a Word Sort Form
illustrating the spelling pattern to get (page 42 or 44). Or have students find
students started, if necessary. Have students words with the -ed ending. Then encourage
copy the words in their notebooks or on their them to sort the words into three groups,
Word Sort Forms. according to ending sounds /d/, /t/, or /ed/.
The words can then be shared and
When the word search is over, have compared in groups or with the entire
small groups of students share their lists class.
to compare common words they located.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 31 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

pencil and paper,
chalk and
chalkboard, or
bingo board
(page 47)
index cards

Write spelling words on

index cards and place them in a bag.

PLAY Make a tic-tac-toe grid by drawing two

vertical lines intersected by two horizontal
The first player chooses a word card lines. Or laminate the grid on page 47 for
from the bag and reads the word aloud. repeated use.
His or her partner writes the word anywhere
Have partners decide who will be X and
on the tic-tac-toe grid and confirms the
who will be O.
spelling with the card. Then the second player
chooses a card and reads the word, and the
first player writes the word on the grid and
checks the spelling.
Players continue until all spaces on the
grid are filled in. Then a player mixes up Variations
the cards and places them facedown in a pile. Draw a tic-tac-toe grid on the chalkboard,
The first player turns over the top card or use masking tape for a more permanent
and reads the word. grid. Provide different-colored chalk for
each player. Have a student call out the
He or she marks X or O on the word. words on the word cards. As the caller
reads the word, a player writes the word in
Players take turns doing this. a box of his or her choice. Then the player
checks the spelling with the word card. A
misspelled word is corrected, then erased
A player wins by getting three marks in and rewritten. Players alternate turns until
a row (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal) one of them has written three words in a
and calling out Tic-Tac-Toe. The winner row and calls out Tic-Tac-Toe.
reads the three words aloud, writes them on
For an extra challenge, have students
the chalkboard or on paper, and takes the first
correct misspelled words and then erase
turn in the next game.
them. A player who makes no errors has an
Let players play three games before advantage in this game.
replacing the word cards.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 32 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Look, Say, Write!
sentence strips
pencil, paper, and clipboard

On sentence strips, write short, meaningful

sentences. Use words with familiar patterns
that students are attempting to master, as
well as sight words.
Progress to longer sentences.
Coach students to use this strategy when
trying to increase visual memory: Look at
the sentence (focusing on the number of
words), read it, say it to yourselves, and
picture the words before you write them.
Depending on ability, start younger
students with two- and three-word phrases
or sentences.

tudents build visual/kinesthetic
memory by first looking at a phrase or
individuals or small groups
short sentence and then trying to write
it from memory. When they have finished
writing, students self-correct by looking back
at the phrase or sentence.
Dictate phrases or short sentences. Remind
PLAY students to listen carefully and to repeat to
themselves what they heard. Then have
Display a sentence strip for students write and proofread their work.
approximately five seconds. (You can Read the phrase or sentence aloud a
vary the time according to students needs.) second time for them to check their work.
Students then turn around and write the Write the phrase or sentence on the
sentence or phrase that was displayed. chalkboard and allow students to make any
necessary spelling corrections.
Have students check what they wrote
before they confirm their work with the You may wish to tape-record sentences for
sentence strip. students to work independently.

Repeat with other sentences.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 33 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Cool Crosswords
Crossword Grid
(page 52)
pencils and

Make a copy of the

Crossword Grid for
each student.
Write a list of spelling
words on chart paper or on the chalkboard.
Display a simple crossword puzzle (or a
Scrabble game board with pieces) to
demonstrate how a crossword puzzle is
completed, if necessary.

PLAY individuals
Have students select two spelling words
that share at least one letter in common.
For an extra challenge, suggest that
Students determine how to cross the students cross words to create a puzzle.
words by writing one horizontally on the Have them number each box containing the
grid and the other vertically, so that the words first letter of a word. On a separate sheet of
share a letter where they intersect. paper they can write a clue for each word,
Encourage students to add other organizing them into across and down
spelling words to their grid. categories. Suggest that they use brief
definitions, synonyms, antonyms, or fill-in-
Variations the-blank sentences for their clues. Finally,
have students outline the boxes for their
Have younger students use the bingo board puzzle and copy the outline and numbers
instead (page 47 or 48). Some students may onto a blank crossword grid. Partners
find it easier to manipulate Letter Cards exchange crossword grids and clues and
(pages 4950) or letter tiles rather than use complete each others puzzles. They can
paper and pencil. Suggest that they repeat check their work with their partners
the task with other pairs of words. When original crossword grid.
they are comfortable with this, encourage
students to add a third word to each pair of
words they have crossed.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 34 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Pass the Pad
pad of paper and pencil
paper bag
audiocassette player and recorded music
index cards

Write spelling words on cards, or have

children write the words. Place word cards
in a paper bag.

small groups

Invite students to sit in a circle. Play music while students pass
the paper and pencil around the circle.
Periodically stop the music and choose a word from the bag.
Read the word aloud.
The player who is holding the pad when the music stops writes
the word you read.
The player displays the word and confirms its spelling with the
card. If the word is spelled correctly, he or she remains in the
circle. If not, the player corrects the spelling and comes out of the
circle. He or she reads the spelling word the next time the music
Continue playing until all the words have been spelled or just
one player remains in the circle.

Pass a pad and pencil around the circle as the music plays. When
the music stops, the player holding the pad writes a letter.
Continue to pass the pad around the circle until the music stops
again. The player holding the pad adds another letter to build a
spelling word. Subsequent players try to add letters to complete a
word. Confirm the spelling of the completed word with the group.
With a new sheet of paper, begin again.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 35 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Chains
multicolored construction paper cut into
7- by 1-inch strips
paste or tape
student word banks or spelling lists



One student selects a word from a word bank or spelling list
and writes the word on a strip.
The other student thinks of another word that begins with
the last letter of the word selected. Students can also use a
word from the word bank or spelling list. He or she writes the
word on another strip and places it below the first word on a table.
Players continue in this manner for a specified period
of time.
Students then paste or tape together the ends of the first
strip, so that the word shows on the outside of the circle.
Show them how to make a chain by sliding the next strip through
the circle and pasting the ends together. Continue adding word
strips to form a long chain.
Invite partners to read in unison the words on their chain.
To display the chains, thread a string through them and then
hang the string like a clothesline.

Each pair of students can paste their word strips on descending
steps drawn on craft paper taped to a wall.
Partners or small groups can make a long line of words by
pinning word strips from left to right across a bulletin board.
Which group has the longest line?

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 36 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Give Me a Clue
index cards
chalkboard and chalk

Write spelling words on index cards.

small groups or whole class

Younger students can write their word on
the chalkboard with blanks in place of
some letters. After a student has provided
one clue about the word, a volunteer
guesses the word by filling in the missing
letters. The spelling is confirmed with the
PLAY word card. If correct, that volunteer
Provide each student with a spelling repeats the procedure by writing his or her
word written on an index card. Ask word on the chalkboard with some missing
students to look at their word without telling letters. If incorrect, students continue
anyone what it is. guessing.

Have a volunteer respond to questions To play Kiki the Cat, one student draws
about his or her word, such as: blanks on the chalkboard to represent the
number of letters in a spelling word.
What is the first sound? Players take turns guessing letters. If a
How many syllables are in the word? guessed letter is in the word, the student
How many letters are in the word? fills in the corresponding blank with the
letter. If the letter is not in the word, the
Ask a second volunteer to guess the student writes the letter above the word
word and write it on the chalkboard. and draws one part of a cat, such as an eye,
Have the same student check his or her ear, nose, or outline of the face. When a
spelling with the card. If the student guesses student wants to guess the word, he or she
the correct word, he or she can respond to calls out, Kiki the Cat. If correct, the
questions next. If the students guess is student fills in the missing letters. If
incorrect, continue asking questions. incorrect, another part of the cat is drawn
and play continues. The goal is to guess the
word before the picture of the cat is

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 37 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Its a Wonderful Word!
4- by 6-inch index cards, preferably
lined on one side
chart paper


small groups

Students can also take turns using the

word in a sentence.
Continue until everyone has shared his

his quick activity will help children or her word card.
expand their vocabularies and learn
to spell words that are useful in Variations
their writing.
When students are finished playing, have
PLAY each group compose a collaborative story
using all the words on the chart. Students
Give each student an index card. He or may wish to use a computer to compose a
she chooses a word and writes it on the round-robin story. Have them take turns
lined side of the card. Then the student writes adding one or two sentences that include
a definition, a synonym or antonym, and a words from the chart.
sentence using the word. On the blank side of For spelling reinforcement, have students
the card, he or she draws an image to copy and alphabetize the words on the
illustrate the word. chart.
When students have finished making
their Wonderful Word cards, have one
student show his or her picture to the other
members of the group.
The group members have three tries to
guess the Wonderful Word.
Once the word is correctly identified,
students take turns to see who can spell
the word correctly on a chart of Wonderful
Words. If no one correctly spells the word,
the student who made the word card writes
the word.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 38 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write, Write, Write:
Ways to Write Words
ccording to current research, students with letter beads
learn to spell words by writing them strung together
repeatedly in a meaningful context.
with pipe cleaners
Provide students with frequent opportunities
or yarn glued onto
to write new or difficult spelling words. For
a piece of
example, have them use the same spelling
words in a story, in a poem, and on a poster.
Invite students to use colored markers to Have students
emphasize the spelling words. This kind of practice writing their
reinforcement helps to fix the visual images of spelling words on a
the words in students minds. three-column list.
Student motivation is a key element in Use page 53 for
improved spelling. Provide a variety of tactile younger students and
and kinesthetic ways for students to write page 54 for older
spelling words. Here are some suggestions. students. Students write
Have students write their spelling words: a spelling word in
in shaving cream or pudding on a table top column 1 and copy it in
column 2. Then they
in a tray of sand fold on the dotted line
on the chalkboard with a finger or and write the word
paintbrush dipped in water from memory in
on a partners hand or back using fingers column 3. Students unfold
(then the partner can guess the word) the paper to self-check.
on their other hand or leg using a finger
with white glue; then have students
Provide younger students with the words
sprinkle sand or glitter on top
written in column 1 for them to trace.
on the computer using an interesting font
For an extra challenge, have a student write
with different-colored markers or crayons the spelling words in column 1. In column 2,
traced over the word multiple times the student writes a word with the same
using a magic slate beginning sound, a word that rhymes, or the
plural form. In column 3, the student writes
using letter cards, magnetic letters, or
a word with the same spelling pattern, the
letter tiles
same number of letters, or the same
using stencils or outlining bulletin board number of syllables. Encourage students to
letters respond with another word from the
using letters cut out from magazines, spelling list as often as possible.
newspapers, or cereal boxes

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 39 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Study Strategy

at the word and the letters in the word.

the word.

the word to yourself.

the word in your mind.

the word as you remember seeing it.

the word.

You may wish to enlarge this on a photocopier and display it, or make a copy for each student.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 40 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Sort Cards

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 41 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Sort Form

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 42 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Sort Cards

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 43 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Word Sort Form
1. ____________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________

6. ____________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________

7. ____________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________

8. ____________________________________________ 8. ____________________________________________

9. ____________________________________________ 9. ____________________________________________

10. ____________________________________________ 10. ____________________________________________

1. ____________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________

6. ____________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________

7. ____________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________

8. ____________________________________________ 8. ____________________________________________

9. ____________________________________________ 9. ____________________________________________

10. ____________________________________________ 10. ____________________________________________

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 44 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Go Fish Cards

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 45 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Playing Cards

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 46 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Spelling Bingo

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 47 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Spelling Bingo

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 48 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Letter Cards

a b c
d e
h i
25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 49 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Letter Cards

n o p
t u v
w x y
25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 50 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Word Ladder

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 51 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Crossword Grid

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 52 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Spelling Practice Sheet
Write a word. Copy it. Fold and write.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 53 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Spelling Practice Sheet

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 54 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Sample Spelling Words
Short Vowel Sounds
Use two sounds, such as /e/ and /i/, for students to contrast. To review sound-letter relationships,
contrast three or more sounds.
/a/ back, cat, chat, dad, fan, grab, hand, jacks, lab, man, nap, ran
/e/ bed, den, hen, lend, men, net, pet, red, sent, shed, ten, vent
/i/ bit, chip, dim, fit, grim, him, kit, lint, miss, rip, skin, spin, wish
/o/ clock, drop, fox, got, hop, job, lock, not, odd, pop, rock
/u/ bug, cut, dug, fun, fuss, hug, jump, lug, nut, rub, sun, tug

Long Vowel Sounds

Provide sets of cards to focus on sound/spellings, such as /a/ ai, ay; /o/ oa, ow; /i/ igh, y. You
may wish to include words with the same pattern or you may wish to contrast words with long
vowels spelled vowel-consonant-e.
/a/ brain, fail, gain, grain, main, pain, raid, train
bay, clay, day, hay, may, okay, pay, ray, say, way
/o/ boat, coat, float, goat, load, moan, road, toast
bow, blow, crow, grow, know, low, mow, slow
go, no, so
/e/ green, keep, see, sheep, three, tree, wheel
beat, cheap, cream, dream, lean, steam, teach, team

Consonant Blends
Make separate games using words with l-blends, r-blends, and s-blends before combining them
into one game.
l-blends black, clay, flap, flake, glad, plate, slam, sling
r-blends brake, crab, drink, frog, gray, price, print, trip
s-blends skip, sled, slice, smell, snail, spin, stick, stuff

Consonant Digraphs
Make separate games for words with each digraph before combining them.
/ch/ chain, cheap, check, cheese, chin, chip, chop, chunk
/sh/ shade, shape, shark, shine, ship, shock, shop, short
/hw/ whale, what, wheat, wheel, when, whip, while, white

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 55 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Inflected Endings
Use pairs of word cards for a verb with the -ed ending and the same verb with the -ing ending.
You may also wish to include present-tense verbs + -ed and irregular past tenses.
bike, biking; cook, cooked; jump, jumped; sing, singing;
write, wrote; run, ran; see, saw; sing, sang

Irregular Plurals
child, children; goose, geese; mouse, mice; woman, women

Root Words
Make pairs of word cards that have the same root word, such as unripe and ripened. Students
ask other players for word cards with the same root as a card they are holding.
finish, unfinished; happy, happiness; travel, traveler; wonder, wonderful


bare, bear fair, fare meat, meet sew, so

beat, beet for, four one, won some, sum
berry, bury hair, hare pail, pale stare, stair
blew, blue hall, haul pair, pear tail, tale
brake, break hear, here plain, plane threw, through
cell, sell hour, our role, roll to, two, too
cent, sent know, no sail, sale wear, where
dear, deer mail, male scene, seen weather, whether
dew, due main, mane sea, see wood, would

Most Frequently Written Words

If students can recognize and spell the most commonly used words in the English language, their
ability to read and write will greatly improve. Twenty-two of the first 25 words make up close to
one-third of all written material. The first 100 comprise about half of all printed material. Words
are listed in order of their frequency of use.

1. the 10. it 19. they 28. had

2. of 11. he 20. I 29. by
3. and 12. was 21. at 30. word
4. a 13. for 22. be 31. but
5. to 14. on 23. this 32. not
6. in 15. are 24. have 33. what
7. is 16. as 25. from 34. all
8. you 17. with 26. or 35. were
9. that 18. his 27. one 36. we

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 56 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

37. when 78. way 119. our 160. even
38. your 79. could 120. just 161. such
39. can 80. people 121. name 162. because
40. said 81. my 122. good 163. turn
41. there 82. than 123. sentence 164. here
42. use 83. first 124. man 165. why
43. an 84. water 125. think 166. ask
44. each 85. been 126. say 167. went
45. which 86. call 127. great 168. men
46. she 87. who 128. where 169. read
47. do 88. oil 129. help 170. need
48. how 89. its 130. through 171. land
49. their 90. now 131. much 172. different
50. if 91. find 132. before 173. home
51. will 92. long 133. line 174. us
52. up 93. down 134. right 175. move
53. other 94. day 135. too 176. try
54. about 95. did 136. mean 177. kind
55. out 96. get 137. old 178. hand
56. many 97. come 138. any 179. picture
57. then 98. made 139. same 180. again
58. them 99. may 140. tell 181. change
59. these 100. part 141. boy 182. off
60. so 101. over 142. follow 183. play
61. some 102. new 143. came 184. spell
62. her 103. sound 144. want 185. air
63. would 104. take 145. show 186. away
64. make 105. only 146. also 187. animal
65. like 106. little 147. around 188. house
66. him 107. work 148. form 189. point
67. into 108. know 149. three 190. page
68. time 109. place 150. small 191. letter
69. has 110. year 151. set 192. mother
70. look 111. live 152. put 193. answer
71. two 112. me 153. end 194. found
72. more 113. back 154. does 195. study
73. write 114. give 155. another 196. still
74. go 115. most 156. well 197. learn
75. see 116. very 157. large 198. should
76. number 117. after 158. must 199. America
77. no 118. thing 159. big 200. world
From Spelling Book by Edward Fry. Laguna Beach, California: Laguna Beach Educational Books, 1992.

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 57 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Most Commonly Misspelled Words
These 100 words are most commonly misspelled across all grade levels.
1. too 26. didnt 51. like 76. about
2. a lot 27. people 52. whole 77. first
3. because 28. until 53. another 78. happened
4. there 29. with 54. believe 79. Mom
5. their 30. different 55. Im 80. especially
6. thats 31. outside 56. thought 81. school
7. they 32. were 57. lets 82. getting
8. its 33. through 58. before 83. started
9. when 34. upon 59. beautiful 84. was
10. favorite 35. probably 60. everything 85. which
11. went 36. dont 61. very 86. stopped
12. Christmas 37. sometimes 62. into 87. two
13. were 38. off 63. caught 88. Dad
14. our 39. everybody 64. one 89. took
15. theyre 40. hear 65. Easter 90. friends
16. said 41. always 66. what 91. presents
17. know 42. I 67. theres 92. are
18. youre 43. something 68. little 93. morning
19. friend 44. would 69. doesnt 94. could
20. friends 45. want 70. usually 95. around
21. really 46. and 71. clothes 96. buy
22. finally 47. Halloween 72. scared 97. maybe
23. where 48. house 73. everyone 98. family
24. again 49. once 74. have 99. pretty
25. then 50. to 75. swimming 100. tried

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 58 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Sample Standardized Test-Taking PracticeGrade 2

Read the words on each line.

Look at how each is spelled.
Color in the circle next to the word that is spelled correctly.

SAMPLE kan can cann canne

1. tat taht that thate
2. his hiz hisse hes
3. bt bot bute but
4. mun men menn mans
5. not nott nat nt
6. uv ov uf of
7. wiht weth with wih
8. she shee shi se
9. wut wot whut what
10. eatch each eech eash
11. plase plas place plaise
12. da dey dae day
13. meny manny many mene
14. call cawl caul ca
15. liek licke lik lick
16. know kno kow knoe
17. true trew tru truw
18. wuold wold wuld would
19. goode gud good goud
20. wishs wishes wihses wiches

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 59 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Sample Standardized Test-Taking PracticeGrade 3

Read the four words on each line. Look at how each word is spelled.
Color in the circle next to the word that is spelled correctly.
SAMPLE tat taht that thate
1. cresh craish crach crash
2. clok clock cloc clouck
3. teach teech teatch teash
4. mes messe mess mesz
5. thay they thaiy thaye
6. sharm charme chorm charm
7. page pag paje padge
8. traped trappd trapped trapt
9. paintd painted paynted pianted
10. friend freind frend frind
11. baddle batle battel battle
12. esy easy eazy easey
13. drizle drizzel drizel drizzle
14. night nit nite nigte
15. craul crall crawl krawl
16. skool school schol scool
17. senter centr center sentter
18. lissen lisen lisson listen
19. evrything everyting everything every thing
20. babies babys babbies babyes

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 60 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Sample Standardized Test-Taking PracticeGrade 4

Read the four words on each line. Fill in the circle next to the word
that is spelled correctly.
SAMPLE boxs boxxes boxes bockes
1. pease peice peace piese
2. reade ready redy reddy
3. around arownd aruond arround
4. enouf enugh enouff enough
5. freeze freze freese freez
6. clime climb climbe clim
7. littel litle litel little
8. chaptor chaptar chapter chaptr
9. picture pictore pichture picchure
10. reasin reason reasen reson
11. nattion nashen nashun nation
12. siting sittng sitting sitin
13. sillyest silliest siliest sillist
14. leaves leafs leafes leeves
15. reveiw revewe review revu
16. angery angry angrey angray
17. desagree dissagree diagree disagree
18. quickly quikly qickly quckly
19. forgoten forgotten forgottin forgotton
20. sleeped slepped slept sleped

25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 61 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources


25 Super-Fun Spelling Games


Spelling Bingo

Soccer Spelling

Rock Climb

Keep Climbing

Spelling Space Race

Word Roller Coaster

Archaeological Dig

Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Professional Bibliography
Adams, Marilyn Jager. Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning About Print. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1995.

Barbe, Walter B., Azalia S. Francis, Lois A. Braun. Basic Skills for Effective Communication.
Columbus: Zaner-Bloser, Inc. 1982.

Blevins, Wiley. Phonics From A to Z. New York: Scholastic Professional Books, 1998.

Cunningham, Patricia and James. The Reading Teacher, Vol. 46, No. 2, Making Words:
Enhancing the Invented SpellingDecoding Connection. 1994

Flood, James, Julie M. Jenson, Diane Lapp, James R. Squire. Handbook of Research on Teaching
the English Language Arts, Chapter 36. New York: Macmillan, 1991.

Fresch, Mary Jo and Aileen Wheaton. The Reading Teacher, Vol. 51, No. 1, Sort, Search, and
Discover: Spelling in the Child-Centered Classroom. September 1997.

Fry, Edward Bernard, Jacqueline E. Kress, and Dona Lee Fountoukidis. The Reading Teachers
Book of Lists. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1993.

Graham, Steve. The Elementary School Journal, Vol. 81, No. 5, Effective Spelling Instruction.
May 1983.

Graham, Steve and Karen R. Harris. Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 86, No. 6, The Basic
Spelling Vocabulary List. pp. 363-368 July/August 1994.

Graves, Donald. A Fresh Look at Writing. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann, 1994.

Honig, Bill. Teaching Our Children to Read. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press, Inc.,

Horn, T. D. Spelling. Encyclopedia of Educational Research. 4th ed. New York: Macmillan,

Loomer, Bradley M. Useful Spelling. Mt. Vernon, Iowa: Useful Learning, 1990.

Moats, Louisa Cook. Spelling: Development, Disabilities, and Instruction. Baltimore: York
Press, Inc., 1995.

Putnam, Lillian R. How to Become a Better Reading Teacher: Strategies for Assessment and
Intervention. Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1995.

Schlagel, Robert C. and Joy Harris Schlagal. Language Arts, Vol. 69, The Integral Character of
Spelling: Teaching Strategies for Multiple Purposes. October, 1992.

Venezky, Richard L. Spelling in the Content Areas. New York: Random House, Inc., 1989.

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25 Super-Fun Spelling Games 64 Nancy Jolson Leber, Scholastic Teaching Resources

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