8week Curriculum Map Template Complete
8week Curriculum Map Template Complete
8week Curriculum Map Template Complete
Time Big Ideas/Essential Idaho Content Standards Abilities/Skills/Concepts to be Instructional Strategies and Formative and
frame Questions and Common Core State targeted (what will students be Activities (pedagogical Summative
Standards able to do during or at the end approaches you will take so Assessments (how will
of the lessons?) students can access the you know students have
knowledge) achieved the learning
Wk 1- What is a narrative, and R1.11-12.1 Cite strong and thorough Week 1: start every day with a Journal entries of
4 how do you engage the textual evidence to support creative writing prompt and creative writing
reader by establishing analysis of what the text says allow students to write in prompts I have given
point of view, conflict, and explicitly as well as well as journals for 10 minutes. Pass them the start of every
plot. inferences drawn from the out “A Good Man is Hard to class. These should
text, including determining Find” and let students read in address the prompt and
How do published writers where the text leaves matters small groups. After they finish have the date. Their
use a variety of techniques uncertain reading they can quietly entry should be a
to develop their stories. discuss main plot events, and substantial length
R1.11-12.2 Determine two or more central characters. Throughout the seeing as how I gave
Students should be able to ideas of a text and analyze week they will talk in a large them 10 minutes to
articulate the importance their development over the class discussion about what write on the prompt.
of human expression course of the text, including events in the story fit in a plot Their stories have
within writing, and what how they interact and build on sequence (I.E. exposition, absolutely no limit and
different authors are one another to provide a conflict, rising action, climax, can take any route as
trying to get across in their complex analysis; provide an denumeux, falling action, and long as they 1. Address
writing. They should objective summary of the text resolution. the prompt clearly, and
understand the reason 2. Are school
why authors use different R1.11-12.3 Analyze a complex set of ideas Week 2: keeping creative appropriate.
metaphors, themes, and or sequence of events and writing prompts at the
motifs in their writing and explain how specific beginning of every day to get One book
what their purpose is in individuals, ideas, or events the student’s brains working report/portfolio that
writing the piece. They interact and develop over the and thinking about things in a analyzes one of the
should also understand course of the text. creative and literary fashion. stories we read by
the importance of This week we will be working diagraming plot,
literature in today’s R1.11-12.4 Determine the meaning of through a couple of the illustrating characters,
society and what roll it words and phrases as they are chapters in “The Things They and popular motifs or
plays. used in a text, including Carried.” This is a historical themes depicted in the
figurative, connotative, and book about the Vietnam war, story. This portfolio
technical meanings; analyze and the chapters have their will have five separate
how an author uses and refines own individual stories. We will sections. The first will
be reading a couple of the be a summary of the
the meaning of a key term or chapters in no particular order. story they have chosen.
terms over the course of a text These stories have incredible This is not an analysis,
character development, so that simply a summary,
R1.11-12.6 Determine an author’s point of is going to be the focus of this detailing the events,
view or purpose in a text in week’s activities. Students will and characters in a
which the rhetoric is be able to choose to work in chronological order.
particularly effective, analyzing partners and collaborate, or Second is a plot
how style and content work independently to valuate diagram that I will print
contribute to the power, a set of characters. They will be out for each of them.
persuasiveness, or beauty of detailing their appearance, They will write the
the text. personalities, idiolect, if they events of the plot onto
are flat or round, etc. This their diagram. These
work also brings to life societal don’t need to be
norms, military life, and incredibly detailed like
historical references that will the summary, however,
help students differentiate I should know what
these characters In unique event they are talking
ways. about and it needs to
be in the right spot on
Week 3: This will be the last the plot diagram. This
week of creative writing should be neat and
prompts in their journals, and professional, and the
the last week of short stories. writing needs to be
This week’s short story is “The legible. The third
Thing in the Forest.” This story portion of this portfolio
is also more historical (1940s) is the character
but is slightly more fantasy analysis. They can be as
related. This story has many creative as they want,
allusions, metaphors, themes, but they need to
and motifs, which will be the choose one of the
main focus for this week’s characters from their
curriculum. Students will take story and do a deep
class time to read this story, analysis of them. They
then do a thorough class can type a rhetorical
discussion analysis of the analysis, make a
metaphors and what they diagram, a table, or
could mean or symbolize in draw their character.
this story. The goal of the in The analysis should
class discussion is to have have the character’s
everyone professionally physical appearance,
participate and bounce ideas different symbols in the
off of each other. They can story that relate to
agree and disagree, and them (and what they
hopefully come to new insights mean) their idiolect,
and conclusions about the text. and five different
They are also allowed to bring quotes that are iconic
in the two previous stories to and important to the
compare, contrast, and refresh character. They can
memories. choose whatever
quotes they want, as
Week 4: Rather than writing an long as they explain
essay, I am having students why they are relevant.
pick one of the short stories we Next is the literary
have read in the past 4 weeks devises that are used in
and create a portfolio that the story. They will
analyzes the story’s plot, have a list of different
characters, and literary divices
symbolism/rhetoric. They will (metaphor, anaphora,
have the entire to work on this conceit, alliteration,
project and it should be allusion, etc) Students
completed and turned in by should find as many
that Friday. examples as possible
from the story as
possible and explain
what the importance of
the literary device is to
the story. Lastly,
students are to write a
one page paper that
reflects on the story,
and why it is important
to the literary world
and how their opinions
have changed about
the subject, or what
their new knowledge is
on the story; whether it
be historical, cultural,
metaphorical, or to
writing and literature in
Wk 5- What are strategic ways to W.11-12.3 Write narratives to develop Week 5: (These next four A plan for a story where
8 come up with different real or imagines experiences or weeks will be in pairs) Have students have created
plot ideas, characters, events using effective students come up with a topic their own characters,
conflicts, and resolutions. technique, well-chosen details, of interest to them. I will guide set of conflicts and
and well-structured event them in the fact that it needs problems, and a
How do syntax and diction sequences. to be a dystopian society style, resolution. A short
help readers/facilitate the Develop and strengthen writing but it is up to them to choose synopsis of the story’s
climate of the story. as needed by planning, the setting (time and place) of setting and plot. Also
revising, editing, rewriting or their story. I will give examples contains a few of the
By the end of this term, trying a new approach. Engage of several dystopian novels, story’s major events or
students should have a and orient the reader by such as Fahrenheit 451, The sequences. This section
universal understanding of setting out a problem, Hunger Games, the Giver, The of their portfolio should
why writing and situation, or observation and Maze Runner, etc. throughout be carefully thought
contributing to literature is its significance, establishing the week they will work in class out, and have a sense
important. They should one or multiple point(s) of to perfect their setting of professionalism
also have an appreciation view, and introducing a whether it be real or fake, and about it. I am not
for writers and their prose. narrator and/or characters, use whether the time be present, asking for a full story.
Hopefully they will have narrative techniques, such as in the past and in the future.
more of a cultural dialogue, pacing, description, This will be the start of their Along with their
understanding in how reflection, and multiple plot second portfolio of the combined portfolio
literature can help lines to develop experiences, quarter. They can write this (only one from each set
encompass one’s creativity events, and or characters. out however they best see fit. of pairs) I am having
and imagination as well as Ex: an outline, a drawn map, a them do a presentation
confront different paragraph. in front of the class.
problems with societal W.11-12.4 Produce clear and coherent The only requirements
norms and bring up writing in qhich the Week 6: Students will start for this portion are 1.
knowledge with historical development, organization, focusing on their set of Each person in the
events and places. and style are appropriate to characters. They will first figure group must talk
task, purpose, and audience out names, and their position equally. 2. They must
in the story, such as clearly go over
protagonist, antagonist, foil, everything in the rubric
W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing flat/round, etc. They can that we have covered in
as needed by planning, choose to write on as little, or the past week. 3. Their
revising, editing, rewriting, or as many characters as they presentation can be no
trying a new approach, want (as long as they don’t shorter than five
focusing on addressing what is have so many that it minutes, and no longer
most significant for a specific convolutes the story. (make that eight.
purpose. sure all students know that
characters have a meaning and Students will also be
W.11-12.6 Use technology, including the place, and they shouldn’t just required to critique and
internet, to produce, publish, be created to be there.) By the give feed back on
and update individual or end of the week I am looking groups. I will only
shared writing products in for a character analysis of their require them to fill out
response to ongoing feedback, main characters that describes three rubrics so they
including new arguments or their appearances, background don’t have to evaluate
information history, where they’re from, the entire class. But
their place in the story, and they must give a list of
interesting facts, quirks, or prositives, and a list of
beliefs. constructive criticisms.
Each student will turn
Week 7: Begin working on in three rubrics to me,
specific events in the story. then I will give them
What is going to be the back to their respective
exposition/call to action? groups so the students
Students will not be required know how their peers
to come up with a climax, or evaluated them.
resolution because it is (students are not to
unreasonable with the time judge another group on
frame I have given them. This their ideas, but rather
week will start bleeding into their professionalism,
next week because they will and content of what we
start putting portfolios and had gone over in each
presentations together. week’s lessons.)
Week 8: This week will be used
for presentations and class
feedback. Over the course of
the week students will present
their story outlines, characters,
and settings to the class. The
way they do this is to the limits
of their imagination. They can
do a speech and read it off
note cards, present it on a
poster and have everything
drawn out, create a
powerpoint or prezi, or even
do a rap.