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1988753/2021/EMP SEC(LABR)
Notification 1 Final
Ex traordinary
Published by Authority
PART I-Orders and Notifications by the Governor of West Bengal, the High Court,
Government Treasury, etc.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 14, read with Sub-section (b) of Section
3 and Section 13 of the West Bengal Regulation of Recruitment in State Government
Establishments and Establishments of Public Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Government
Companies and Local Authorities Act, 1999 (West Bengal Act XIV of 1999) and with due
regard to the 100-Point roster introduced by the Backward Classes Welfare Department,
vide Notification No. 134-BCWIRe, dated 25.03.99, in compliance with the Provision of the
West Bengal Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes (Reservation of Vacancies in Services
and Posts) Act, 1976 (West Bengal Act XXVII of 1976) and West Bengal Commission for
Backward Classes Act! 1993 (West Bengal Act I of 1993), the Governor is pleased to
prescribe following 100-Point roster showing therein the points reserved for the Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, persons with disabilities and the Exempted
Categories for the guidance of the appointing authorities:-
MODEL 100-Point Roster of Vacancies.
1st Vacancy - Scheduled Caste.
2nd Vacancy - General.
3rd Vacancy - General (E.C.).
4th Vacancy - Scheduled Tribe.
5th Vacancy - General.
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Notification 1 Final
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Notification I Final
2. The Governor is also pleased to direct that the reservation for persons with
disabilities, as provided for under the Persons with disabilities (Equal opportunities,
Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 shall be implemented as follows:-
Each of the (3) Three Points (12th, 42nd and 72nd) of the LOll-Point roster, reserved the
persons with disabilities shall be filled up by persons suffering from (i) Blindness of Low
vision, (ii) Hearing impairment and (iii) Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy-
respectively in order to ensure 1% (one per cent) reservation for each of the three categories
of persons with disabilities.
3. The Governor is further pleased to direct that (a) Vacancy in Group- 'C' posts at
any point in each "Block of 20-Points" of the aforesaid lOa-Point roster shall be filled up by
an Ex-Serviceman irrespective of the category like General/SC/ST / and BC (other than
Exempted Category) to which the candidate may belong; (b) Vacancy in Group-'D' post at
any point in each "Block of Ifl-Points" of the aforesaid roster shall be filled up by an Ex-
Serviceman irrespective of the category like GeneraljSC/ST / and BC (other than
Exempted Category) to which the candidate may belong.
Ex-Servicemen may be appointed against SC/ST/BC vacancies only if they belong to
SC/ST /Be, otherwise they may be appointed against "General" vacancies.
4. All appointing authorities should obtain names from Exempted Category Cell
under the Directorate of Employment, West Bengal, to fill up the vacancies meant for
Exempted Category Candidates in the above roster except the cases of Employment on
compassionate ground, viz. death-in-harness and premature retirement due to permanent
inca paci tation.
5. The relevant Notifications issued by the Finance Department relaxing upper age
limits for SC, ST, BC, persons with disabilities, ex-servicemen and Exempted Category
Candidates may be kept in view while calling for names from the sponsoring agencies
concerned and at the time of offering employment.
1988753/2021/EMP SEC(LABR)
Notification I Final
7. (a) The guidelines contained herein should be followed with immediate effect
in respect of all existing and future vacancies coming under the purview of
the aforesaid Act.
Chief Secy. to the Govt. afWest Bengal