Geo Cheat Sheet
Geo Cheat Sheet
Geo Cheat Sheet
Use in CE: Wood preservation, fire retardants, concrete Examples of Extrusive Igneous Rocks: Andesite, Basalt, GABBRO SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURES
additives, and coatings. Dacite, Obsidian, Pumice, Rhyolite, Scoria, Tuff • is an intrusive igneous rock that forms from the result of • The features of sedimentary rocks are formed during or
slow cooling of shortly after sediment deposition. Provide information
OXIDES INTRUSIVE IGNEOUS ROCKS- Also called as “Plutonic magma inside of a volcano. It is very similar to the fast about how and where sedimentswere deposited.
Formed through weathering, metamorphism, sedimentary Rocks” Rocks which are formed within the Earth’s crust. cooling, extrusive basalt, as they both are formed from • BEDDING-Most common and important
processes. Complex interplay of geological processes. Slowly cooling of magma causes the crystals to grow mafic magmas that contain dark colored minerals such as sedimentary structures.Series of visible layers in a rock.
Hematite, Magnetite, Limonite, Corundum, Bauxite without reaching the surface resulting to a course grained pyroxene, plagioclase, amphibole and olivine. Beds are usually greater than 1 cm. Orientation of bedding
rocks (phaneritic).These rocks are visible with an unaided • is an intrusive igneous rock that forms from the result of helps in knowing the paleo-current direction of the old
Utilization in Engineering: critical roles in construction, eye. slow cooling of magma inside of a volcano. It is very similar rivers.
metallurgy, aerospace, stainless steel, and etc. to the fast cooling, extrusive basalt, as they both are • CROSS-BEDDING- Series of thin, inclined layers within
IGNEOUS ROCKS formed from mafic magmas that contain dark colored a horizontal bed of rock. Ripples, bars, dunes, and deltas
Need for geological engineering and Igneous Rocks are classifies according to its texture and minerals such as pyroxene, plagioclase, amphibole and are all indicators of deposition
composition. olivine. • GRADED BEDDING- The grain size changes gradually
SULFATES AND CHROMATES from the bottom to the top
Sulfates are used as surfactants; they reduce the surface TEXTURE COMPOSITION PEGMATITE • RIPPLE MARKS- The moving wind or water created little
tension of liquids. ➢ Phaneritic ➢ Felsic • is an igneous rock that form end of the stage a magma’s ridges on the surface of the sediment layer.
Chromates are used as corrosion inhibitors to protect ➢ Aphanitic ➢ Mafic crystallization. Pegmatites contain exceptionally large • MUD CRACKS- Polygon-like cracks formed in drying mud
metals from corrosion. ➢ Porphyritic ➢ Ultramafic crystals, and they contain rarely minerals than other types • FOSSILS- Remains of plants or animals that have been
Anhydrous – substance that does not contain water of rocks. preserved in rocks. These traces are usually the hard parts
Glauberite: less suitable for structural applications ➢ Vesicular ➢ Intermediate
of organisms in the form of bones or shells which are easier
Barite: Drilling fluids, concrete shielding, heavy concrete, ➢ Glassy BASALT to fossilize.
underwater construction, and highway barrier ➢ Pyroclastic • Basalt is a dark-colored, fine-grained, igneous rock
Anhydrite: construction materials, agricultural soil composed mainly of Plate Tectonics and Sedimentary Rocks
amendment, and oil and gas industry IGNEOUS ROCKS plagioclase and pyroxene minerals. • Tectonic Setting has an impact on the distribution of
Hydrous – substance that contains water molecules. COMPOSITION sedimentary rocks. Specific sedimentary rock types'
Gypsum: construction materials and soil amendment The chemical and mineral make-up of a rock is referred to TYPES OF BASALT occurrence can be used to recreate historical plate tectonic
Polyhalite: Soil stabilization and deicing agent as itscomposition. The composition of igneous rock is • Tholeiitic basalt is relatively rich in silica and poor in setting.
Alunite: mined and treated to recover aluminum and classified into four groups: sodium. • Each type of tectonic plate boundary is identified by
potassium. Felsic, Intermediate, Mafic and Ultramafic. These • High and Low Titanium Basalts - Basalt rocks are in some erosion rates and depositional characteristics.
Epsomite: limited use in civil engineering classifications are based cases classified after their titanium (Ti) content in High-Ti
on the quantities and silica, iron, and magnesium contained and Low-Ti. IMPORTANCE OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS
SULFIDES -any various organic compounds characterized in the minerals High Titanium Basalt Low Titanium Basalt Sedimentary rocks have characteristics that help us
by a sulfur atom attached to two carbon atoms. FELSIC • Mid-Ocean ridge Basalt (MORB) - is a tholeiitic basalt understand old depositional habitats, such as the evolution
-Used as an indicator of primary sulfate and the potential - Poor in iron and magnesium commonly erupted only at ocean ridges and is of animals and the settings they lived in, how climate has
presence or likely formation of sulfate due to oxidation. - – 65-75% silica characteristically low in incompatible elements. changed through time, where and when faults were active,
INTERMEDIATE • High-alumina basalt - may be silica-undersaturated or and so on.
Categories: - 55-60% silica oversaturated Economic Resources- Most oil and gas travels within
Inorganic Sulfides – ionic compounds containing the - Composition between felsic and mafic • Alkali basalt- is relatively poor in silica and rich in sodium sedimentary rocks and where mostly reservoirs are
negative charge sulfide ion. MAFIC • Boninite- is a high magnesium form of basalt that is contained.
Organic Sulfides – a sulfur atom is covalently bonded to - 45-50% silica erupted generally in back-arc basins, distinguished by its Petroleum reservoirs- have organic-rich, sedimentary
two organic groups. - Rich in iron amd magnesium low titanium content and trace-element composition. source rocks that create petroleum when heated.
Phosphine Sulfides – formed from the reaction of organic ULTRAMAFIC
phosphines with sulfur. - Less than 40% silica USES OF BASALT Sedimentary rocks are the most common source of water
Processes in Mineral Origin: - Have more magnesium and iron and less • Crushed basalt as an aggregate in construction aquifers (although some are in fractured metamorphic and
Separation of an immiscible sulfide melt. silica projects igneous rocks). Due to water-rock interactions, the
Deposition from aqueous brine solutions at temp. in the GRANITE • Dimension Stone composition of the rocks has a significant impact on water
300-600 degrees Celsius at relatively high temp. • Granite is an igneous rock, which quality
means it forms when the magma of DOLERITE
a volcano oxidizes and then slowly • Dolerite is a dark colored igneous rock. It is Environmental Geology- Sediments cover two-thirds of
Contributions to CE: solidifies underneath the earth. compositionally equivalent to gabbro and basalt but the continents and almost the entire ocean floor,
Pollution Control – use of iron sulfide to develop functional Chemical Composition: texturally between them. accounting for 89 percent of the Earth's surface. They are
environmental materials. ✓70-77% Silica the hosts of the biosphere, as well as the majority of the
Nonferrous Metals – known for tensile strength, ✓11-13% Alumina SEDIMENTARY ROCKS rocks with which we interact directly or indirectly.
malleability, and corrosion resistivity. ✓3-5% Potassium Oxide and Soda What are Sedimentary Rocks?
Modified Concrete – sulfur concrete is a material with • formed from pre-existing rocks METAMORPHIC ROCKS
✓1% Lime
superior mechanical prope • formed from deposits that accumulates on the surface of • Derive from the Greek word “Meta” – after or change and
✓2-3% Iron the Earth or under the ocean. “Morph” – Shape or Form. It is used to denote the
PHOSPHATES, VANADATES, AND ARSENATES ✓0.03 to 1% Magnesia and Titania transformation of rocks into new type by the
grouped together as the same mineral class because they Sediments- are composed of minerals or once living matter recrystallization of their constituents
share similar chemical compositions and structural • Granites are easily identified as light-colored and coarse- called organic matter.
arrangements. grained as a result of slow cooling under the surface, METAMORPHISM AND METAMORPHIC ROCK
Phosphates: enabling for bigger crystal formation. Color difference is FORMATION OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS • A rock undergoing metamorphism remains a solid rock
Monazite: Renewable Energy Use influenced by the percentage of each mineral present in the during the process. Rocks do not melt during most
Mimetite: Minor ore of lead sample conditions of metamorphism.
Metamorphism occurs because some minerals are stable BANDED GNEISS, LENTICULAR GNEISS, BIOTITE Strike and Dip Method This system is used to describe • Utility services that are available, such as water and
only under certain conditions of pressure and temperature. GNEISS , HORNBLENDE GNEISS, GRANITE GNEISS, the orientation of inclined bedding which is named after two electricity.
When pressure and temperature change, chemical DIORITE GNEISS, SYENITE GNEISS important principle components in describing 3D spatial • Sketches of topography including all existing structures,
reactions occur to cause the minerals in the rock to change orientation: strike and dip. cuts, fills, ground depression, ponds, and so on.
to an assemblage that is stable at the new pressure and USES OF GNEISS- Gneiss usually does not split along STRIKE- is the azimuth direction line formed by the • The state of any existing building at the site or nearby.
temperature conditions. planes of weakness like most other metamorphic rocks. intersection of horizontal plane and the plane of interest. Your notes should include exterior and interior cracks, any
This allows contractors to use gneiss as a crushed stone - Measured in map view. Utilizes azimuth noticeable tilt, type of construction (e.g., brick or framed
FACTORS THAT CONTROL METAMORPHISM in road construction, building site preparation, and convention (0-360°) stucco building), evidence of frost damage, molds, and any
• The mineral composition of the parent rock. landscaping projects. exceptional features.
• The temperature at which metamorphic process occur. DIP- is the bedding or geological layers and planes that are • Geological features from any exposed area such as a
• The type and amount of pressure during metamorphism. SCHIST not horizontal. road cut.
• The type of fluids present during metamorphism. Schist is a foliated metamorphic rock made up of plate- - Measured in cross-sectional view. Utilizes • Occasionally, a few boreholes may be dug to explore the
• The time available for metamorphism. shaped mineral grains that are large enough to see with an quadrant convention site
unaided eye. It usually forms on a continental side of a
• PROTOLITH – It is also known as the original rock or the convergent plate boundary where sedimentary rocks, such Dip values are always in the range of 0-90 degrees. A Geophysical methods may be used at reconnaissance
parent rock. as shales and mudstones, have been subjected to dip angle of 0 degree defines horizontal plane while 90 stage as it is simple and quick means for knowing
• PARENT ROCK- Sedimentary or Igneous Rock. The compressive forces, heat, and chemical activity. degrees describes a vertically oriented plane. stratification. It helps in deciding the course of detailed
initial unmetamorphosed rock • To become schist, a shale must be metamorphosed in 0-20° - Shallow investigation.
• STABILITY OF MINERALS - is what determines which steps through slate and then through phyllite. If the schist 20-50° - Moderate
minerals form as metamorphism takes place. Subjected to is metamorphosed further, it might become a granular rock 50-90° - Steep The most commonly used methods for reconnaissance
temperature and pressure, some minerals will undergo known as gneiss. survey are electrical resistivity phase two method and
chemical reactions, while some might just change their size seismic method.
FOLIATED METAMORPHIC ROCKS SCHIST CHLORITE SCHIST program usually involves test pits and/or soil borings
• Foliated means the parallel arrangement of certain USES AND APPLICATION: building houses or walls, used (boreholes). During the site visit (Phase II), you should
mineral grains that gives the rock a striped appearance. to make decorative rock walls, used as a decorative stone TYPES OF DIP work out most of the soil exploration program. A detailed
Foliation forms when pressure squeezes the flat or as well as for jewelry. True Dip is the inclination of a plane measured in a plane soils exploration consists of:
elongate minerals within a rock so they become aligned. trending perpendicular to the strike. 1. Determining the need for and extent of geophysical
These rocks develop a platy or sheet-like structure that STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY is the study of factors such as Apparent Dip is the inclination of a plane measured in a exploration.
reflects the direction that pressure was applied. origin,occurrence, classification, type and effects of various plane that is not perpendicular to the strike. 2. Preliminary location of each borehole and/or test pit.
secondary structures like folds, faults, joints, rock cleavage 3. Numbering of the boreholes or test pits.
NON-FOLIATED METAMORPHIC ROCKS Non-foliated and are different from those primary structures such as 4. Planned depth of each borehole or test pit.
metamorphic rocks do not have a platy or sheet-like bedding and vesicular structure, which develop in rock at 5. Methods and procedures for advancing the boreholes.
structure. Some rocks, are made of minerals that are not the time of their formation EXAMPLE OF ATTITUDE OF BED USING THE STRIKE 6. Sampling instructions for at least the first borehole. The
flat or elongate. No matter how much pressure you apply, (Tandon, 2003) AND DIP METHOD: sampling instructions must include the number of samples
the grains will not align and possible locations. Changes in the sampling
• Another type of metamorphism, contact metamorphism, The Right Hand Rule This rule is followed by most instructions often occur after the first borehole.
occurs when hot igneous rock intrudes into some geologist in the world for consistency. The azimuth 7. Determining the need for and types of in situ tests.
preexisting rock. Rock Mechanics- is the theoretical and applied science of direction of the strike is recorded such that true dip is 8. Requirements for groundwater observations.
• The pre-existing rock is essentially baked by the heat, the mechanical behavior of rock. It is a branch of inclined to the right of the observer. In this case, the
changing the mineral structure of the rock without addition mechanics concerned with the response of rock to the strike azimuth could be to any quadrant. PHASES OF SOILS EXPLORATION
of pressure. force fields of its physical environment. It is an important Detailed soils exploration. The objectives of a detailed
field in civil engineering as it applies in the majority of WHEN YOU APPLY THIS RULE, THE THUMB soils exploration are:
QUARTZITE- Quartzite is a metamorphic rock formed infrastructure projects like dams, roads, tunnels, bridges, REPRESENTS THE DIRECTION OF THE STRIKE AND • To determine the geological structure, which should
when quartz rich sandstone or chert has been exposed to buildings, and protection of slopes. THE FOUR REMAINING FINGERS REPRESENTS THE include the thickness, sequence, and extent of the soil
high temperatures and pressures. Such conditions fuse DIRECTION OF THE DIP. strata. To determine the groundwater conditions. To obtain
the quartz grains together forming a dense, hard, The distinctive characteristic of a topographic map is the disturbed and undisturbed samples for laboratory tests. To
equigranular rock. use of elevation contour lines to show the shape of the Dip-line Trend and Plunge As the name suggests, this conduct in situ tests
Earth's surface. method is similar to the method trend and plunge of in Laboratory testing. The objectives of laboratory tests are:
MARBLE Marble is a metamorphic rock formed when determining linear attitude. This method relies on the To classify the soils.To determine soil strength, failure
limestone is exposed to high temperatures and pressures. Elevation contours are imaginary lines connecting points implicit 90 degree angle between true dip azimuth and the stresses and strains, stress–strain response, permeability,
Marble forms under such conditions because the calcite having the same elevation on the surface of the land above strike. compatibility, and settlement parameters. Not all of these
forming the limestone recrystallizes forming a denser rock or below a reference surface, which is usually mean sea may be required for a project.
consisting of roughly equi-granular calcite level. Contours make it possible to show the height and Write a report. The report must contain a clear description
crystals. How marble processed to create as a useful shape of mountains, the depths of the ocean of the soils at the site, methods of exploration, soil
rocks? bottom, and the steepness of slopes. stratigraphy, in situ and laboratory test methods and
results, and the location of the groundwater. You should
Marble Mining- Marble is currently being obtained from Geologic maps -represent the distribution of different include information on and/or explanations of any unusual
open cast quarries. Arrival and Unloading of Marble Blocks types of rock and surficial deposits, as well as locations of soil, water-bearing stratum, and any soil and groundwater
The blocks are unloaded and classified in the blocks yard geologic structures such as faults and folds. Geologic conditions such as frost susceptibility or waterlogged areas
prior to being sawed. maps are the primary source of information for various that may be troublesome during phase five
Marble Cutting Marble is cut using multiwire or block aspects of land-use planning, including the siting of construction.
cutters. buildings and transportation systems. Field Testing-is a term used for all in-situ based methods
MODULE 5: GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL and techniques used to determine different properties of
Strengthening and Polishing Slabs -are taken to the Map View - Also known as top view. It us the birds eye view INVESTIGATIONS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING soils qualitatively and quantitatively. Measure the
production line for further processing. of the earth surface. Remember that a geologic map will be GEOTECHNICAL INVISTIGATIONS- are performed by properties of the subsurface soil directly without removal
seen in map view. geotechnical engineers or engineering geologists to obtain The properties determined are the physical, strength,
Slab Storage - The slabs will be ready for display or will information on the physical properties of soil and rock deformability and hydromechanical properties of
go directly to packaging ready for shipment. Loading Cross-Sectional View A geologic cross-section shows around a site to design earthworks and foundation for geomaterials in geotechnical site investigation
Different shipment methods depending on the destination geologic featuresfrom the side view. It is a representation proposed structures and for repair of distress to earthworks Geophysical explorations- are nondestructive
of a geometry on a plane perpendicular to the earths and structures caused by subsurface conditions techniques used to provide spatial information on soils,
USES OF MARBLES: Supreme Court Building, Taj Mahal surface. rocks, and hydrological and environmental conditions.
Washington Monument, Bust of Artemis, -Usually, geotechnical investigations are conducted
YOUNGEST --> OLDEST only on a fraction of a proposed site because it would Popular methods are:
SLATE- Slate is a metamorphic rock that originated as a be prohibitively expensive to conduct an extensive 1. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
shale, a sedimentary rock. Slate is a fine-grained, foliated QUATERNARY(Q), TERTIARY(T), CRETACEOUS(K), investigation of a whole site. 2. Seismic Surveys
metamorphic rock composed of clay or volcanic ash JURASSIC(J), TRIASSIC(Tr), PERMIAN(P), -A geotechnical investigation will include surface 3. Electrical Resistivity
formed through low-grade regional metamorphism altering PENNSYLVANIAN(lP), MISSISSIPIAN(M), exploration and subsurface exploration of a site. 4. Others geophysical methods such as Gamma
shale or mudstone. It is the foliated metamorphic rock DEVONIAN(D), SILURIAN(S), ORDOVICIAN(O), -A site investigation is tasked with discovering the Density, Neutron Porosity, Sonic-VDL, Microgravity
with the finest grain size. It is also a foliated rock that shows CAMBRIAN(-C), PreCambrian (p-C) current soil status and subsurface conditions
"slaty cleavage." -Surface-level and subsurface field tests will be conducted Subsurface Sounding Explorations- The subsurface
There are some helpful hints to remember when during a geotechnical investigation and soil samples will be methods of sounding includes penetrometer test with or
COMPOSITION OF SLATE Slate is mostly made up of clay constructing a cross-section: taken and studied to determine the feasibility of building on without geophysical methods. The cone penetration data is
minerals or micas, depending on the degree of 1. Anticlines – these folds have the oldest beds in the a site. Thus, we will be treating soils as ideal or correlated with density, bearing capacity etc. Sounding
metamorphism it has undergone. With increasing heat and middle, with beds dipping away from the axis. Plunging hypothetical materials and use statistical method consists of measurement of variation of resistance
pressure, the initial clay minerals in shale transform into anticlines plunge towards the closed end of the V. average properties. However, in many cases, statistical of the soil with depth. It can be carried our either by Static
micas. Slate can also contain a lot of quartz, along with 2. Synclines – these folds have the youngest beds in the average values could mislead because a weak or Cone Penetration Test (CPT) in soft soils like cohesive
feldspar, calcite, pyrite, hematite, and other minerals. middle, with beds dipping towards the axis. Plunging discontinuous soil layer at a particular location may control soils or by dynamic cone penetration test in cohesionless
synclines plunge towards the open end of the V. the stability of a geotechnical system (e.g., a foundation). soil.
COLOR- Most slates are gray in color and come in a 3. As streams intersect dipping beds of rock, they will
variety of hues ranging from light to dark gray. Slate comes cut V shapes in the direction of dip. PURPOSE OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D1586)- A standard
in a variety of colors, including green, red, black, purple, A soils investigation program is necessary to provide penetration test (SPT) is an in-situ dynamic penetration test
and brown. The amount and kind of iron and organic Attitude is a general term for the orientation of a line or information for design and construction, environmental designed to provide information on the properties of soil,
material contained in the rock usually determine the color plane .Attitude refers to the three dimensional orientation assessment, and project due diligence while also collecting a disturbed soil sample for grain-size
of slate.GREEN SLATE, BLUE SLATE. DARK SLATE of a planar and linear features such as bed, a joint, a 1. Suitability: To determine the suitability of the site and analysis and soil classification.
,PURPLE SLATE. hornblende needle or a fold. the environment for the proposed work. -This test shall be performed in boreholes in order to
2. Design: To enable an adequate and economic design estimate consistency, relative density, and strength-
FORMATION OF SLATE- Slate is formed through the including temporary works design which can be provided. deformation parameters of soils.
regional metamorphosis of mudstone or shale under low- 3. Construction Method: To plan the best construction -SPT testing can also be carried out in weak weathered
pressure conditions. method depending on the sources of materials/waste. rock.
-When shale or mudstone is exposed to heavy pressure 4. Effect of Changes: To determine the changes that will -SPT testing shall be performed at certain numbers and
and heat from a tectonic plate activity, its clay mineral occur in the soil and surrounding circumstances, either respective intervals to the borehole depth termination for
components metamorphose into mica minerals. Mica naturally or because of work. all boreholes.
minerals such as biotite, chlorite, and muscovite, are the 5. Site Selection: When there is a site option, to provide
main components of slate. Attitude of Planar Structure advice and guidance. Split-Spoon Sampler (or Split-Barrel Sampler)
-Formed through the process of foliation. The attitude of planar structure is defined by strike and dip This sampler is typically an 18"-30" long, 2.0" outside
-Layers of rocks are then formed perpendicular to the Strike and dip describe the orientation of a plane in a TECHNICAL OBJECTIVESOF THE INVESTIGATION diameter hollow tube split in half lengthwise. A hardened
direction of the pressure of metamorphic compression. space. 1. Determine the sequence, thickness and lateral extent of metal drive shoe with a 1.375" opening is attached to the
This gives slate its ability to cleave along flat planes. Strike is the azimuth direction line formed by the the soil strata and, where appropriate the level of bedrock; bottom end, and a one-way valve and drill rod adapter at
intersection of horizontal plane and the plane of interest. 2. Obtain representative samples of the soils (and rock) for the sampler head. It is driven into the ground with a 140-
USES OF SLATE: SLATE SIDING, SLATE TILE Dip is the inclination of the plane measured down. Dip is a identification and classification and, if necessary for use in pound (63.5 kg) hammer falling 30". The blow counts
FLOORING, SCHOOL SLATE vector; it gives the direction and amount of dip of the plane. laboratory tests to determine relevant soil parameters; (hammer strikes) required to advance the sampler a total
3. Identify the groundwater conditions of 18" are counted and reported. Generally used for non-
GNEISS Examples of Planar Structure Bedding, fault, fold axial cohesive soils, samples taken this way are considered
• It is a medium- to coarse-grained, semi schistose plane, layering of lava, cleavage & schistosity. PHASES OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION disturbed.
metamorphic rock. It is a high-grade metamorphic rock. The attitude of linear structure is defined by trend and This phase is sometimes called “desk study.” It involves
• It is characterized by alternating light and dark bands plunge. collection of available information such as a site plan; type, Modified California Sampler- Similar in concept to the
differing in mineral composition. Trend is the bearing of the line and Plunge is the inclination size, and importance of the structure; loading conditions; SPT sampler, the sampler barrel has a larger diameter and
• It is formed by the metamorphosis of granite of the line previous geotechnical reports; maps, including is usually lined with metal tubes to contain samples.
(orthogneiss), or sedimentary rock (paragneiss). Linear Structures are also defined by their pitch / rake on topographic maps, aerial photographs, still Samples from the Modified California Sampler are
a given plane: photographs, satellite imagery, and geologic maps; considered disturbed due to the large area ratio of the
Formation of Gneiss- Gneiss usually forms by regional Pitch / Rake – The acute angle between the line and and newspaper clippings. An assortment of maps giving sampler (sampler wall area/sample cross sectional area).
metamorphism at convergent plate boundaries. It is a high- strike of the plane on which the line lies. geology, contours and elevations, climate, land
grade metamorphic rock in which mineral grains Examples of Linear Structure Fold axis, hingeline, use, aerial photos, regional seismicity, and hydrology are Shelby Tube Sampler- This sampler consists of a thin-
recrystallized under intense heat and pressure. intersection of two planes, stretched pebbles, and other available on the Internet. walled tube with a cutting edge at the toe. Used in the
• This alteration increased the size of the mineral grains lineations. collection of intact and mostly undisturbed samples of
and segregated them into bands, a transformation which Geographical information system (GIS)—an integration fine grain soils, like clay or silts (ASTM D1587M-15)
made the rock and its minerals more stable in their Quadrant Bearings -In this method the compass dial is of software, hardware, and digital data to capture, manage, Collected samples can be teste for chemical and
metamorphic environment. The most common path begins divided into four quadrants, namely NE, SE, SW, and NW. analyze and display spatial information—can be used to geotechnical analyses (hydraulic conductivity and
with shale, which is a sedimentary rock. Regional North and south are at 0 degrees, and depending on the view, share, understand, question, interpret, and visualize permeability)
metamorphism can transform shale into slate, then phyllite, quadrant, angles (up to 90 degrees) are measured away data in ways that reveal relationships, phase one patterns,
then schist, and finally into gneiss. from north or south (whichever is nearer) towards East and and trends. Piston Samplers- These samplers are thin-walled metal
West directions. tubes which contain a piston at the tip. The samplers are
Composition of Gneiss- is not defined by its composition, Azimuth- A compass direction of a line measured in PRELIMINARY RECONNAISSANCE OR A SITE VISIT to pushed into the bottom of a borehole, with the piston
most specimens have bands of feldspar and quartz grains degrees (0-360 degrees) clockwise from north with provide a general picture of the topography and geology of remaining at the surface of the soil while the tube slides
in an interlocking texture. These bands are usually light in north=0, east=90, south=180, and west=275. the site. It is necessary that you take with you on the site past it. These samplers will return undisturbed samples in
color and alternate with bands of darker-colored minerals visit all the information gathered in Phase I to compare with soft soils, but are difficult to advance in sands and stiff
with platy or elongate habits. Brunton Compass the current conditions of the site. Your site visit notes clays, and can be damaged (compromising the sample) if
• The dark minerals sometimes exhibit an orientation • Properly known as Brunton Pocket Transit should include the following: gravel is encountered.
determined by the pressures of metamorphism. • Essential tool for field geologists, environmental
engineers, and surveyors. Made by Brunton Inc. of • Photographs of the site and its neighborhood. Cone penetration test (CPT) this test is performed using
VARITIES OF GNEISS Riverton, Wyoming. Patented in 1987 by David Brunton. • Access to the site for workers and equipment. an instrumented probe with a conical tip, pushed into the
• Sketches of all fences, utility posts, driveways, walkways, soil hydraulically at a constant rate. A basic CPT instrument
drainage systems, and so on. reports tip resistance and shear resistance along the
cylindrical barrel. CPT data has been correlated to soil weight and optimal water content a soil can achieve for a
properties. Sometimes instruments other than the basic given compaction effort.
CPT probe are used, including:
2. SCPTu - Seismic Piezocone Penetrometer (ENGINEERING PROPERTIES TEST)
3. Full Flow Penetrometers - T-bar, Ball, and
Plate California Bearing Ratio (CBR Test)- California bearing
4. Flat Plate Dilatometer Test (DMT) ratio is a test to determine the aptitude of a soil or
aggregate sample as a road subgrade. A plunger is pushed
Open Trial Pits A pit is dug by hand using shovels or with into a compacted sample, and its resistance is measured.
a machine such as a backhoe. This method can provide This test was developed by Caltrans, but it is no longer
excellent shallow-depth soil stratigraphy. In fine grained or used in the Caltrans pavement design method. It is still
cohesive soils up to 3 m depth, vertical cuts without any used as a cheap method to estimate the resilient modulus.
support can be made whereas in coarse-grained or
cohesionless soil braced excavation is required which is Direct Shear test The direct shear test determines the
costly. consolidated, drained strength properties of a sample. A
constant strain rate is applied to a single shear plane under
Exploratory Boring- Excavating test pits for a large depth a normal load, and the load response is measured. If this
requires more labor, cost and area which is either not test is performed with different normal loads, the common
feasible or uneconomical. Boring is preferred if depth of shear strength parameters can be determined
investigation is more than 2 or 3 m. The different types of
borings methods are auger boring, wash boring, rotary Oedometer test This can be used to determine
drilling and percussion boring. consolidation and swelling parameters.
Auger Boring is carried out in soil which can stay without Triaxial shear tests This is a type of test that is used to
casing support or drilling mud. Thismethod is not suitable determine the shear strength properties of a soil. It can
for sandy or silty soil below water table. The procedure of simulate the confining pressure a soil would see deep into
auger boring: the ground. It can also simulate drained and undrained
1. Auger is pushed in the soil and rotated so conditions.
that soil sample fills up in annular space.
2 . Withdraw the auger and clean it Hydraulic Conductivity Tests There are several tests
3. Add extension rod if requires and repeat step available to determine a soil's hydraulic conductivity. They
1 and 2. include the constant head, falling head, and constant flow
methods. The soil samples tested can be any type include
remolded, undisturbed, and compacted samples.