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Soil Mechanics

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1.1.1 Soils
The word soil is used in many professional fields and depending upon the context in
which it is used, it has different meanings. For engineering purposes, soil is defined as a
natural aggregate of mineral grains, loose or moderately cohesive, inorganic or organic in
nature, that have the capacity of being separated by means of simple mechanical processes
e.g. by agitation in water. This definition is not quite the same as adopted by the agriculturist
or the geologist. To the agriculturist, soil is the top thin layer of earth within which organic
forces are predominant and which is responsible for the support of plant life, and similarly to
the geologist, soil is the material found in the relatively thin surface zone within which roots

1.1.2 Soil Mechanics

Soil mechanics is one of the youngest disciplines of Civil Engineering involving the study
of soil, its behavior and application as an engineering material. According to Terzaghi (1948):
“Soil mechanics is the application of the laws of mechanics and hydraulics to engineering
problems dealing with sediments and other unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles
by the mechanical and chemical disintegration of rocks regardless of whether or not they
contain an admixture of organic constituents”.

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The materials that constitute the earth’s crust are rather arbitrarily divided into two
categories, soil and rock. Soil is a natural aggregate of mineral grains, with or without organic
constituents that can be separated by gentle mechanical means. Whereas rocks is
considered to be a natural aggregate of mineral grains connected by strong and permanent
cohesive forces. Rocks are classified according to their mode of formation as follows:
i. Igneous Rocks: - are formed by cooling and solidification of magma within or on the
surface of the earth’s crust e.g. granite, basalt, dolerite, gabbro, andesite, rhyolite,
pegmatites, peridotite, syenite.
ii. Sedimentary Rocks: - are formed by consolidation and cementation of sediments
deposited under water e.g. limestone, sandstone, shale, dolomite, mudstone,
iii. Metamorphic Rocks: - are formed from older rocks when they are subjected to
increased temperature, pressure and shearing stresses at considerable depth in the
earth’s crust e.g. slate, schist, marble, quartzite, gneiss.
All soils originate, directly or indirectly, from solid rocks by the process of weathering. The
process of weathering of the rock decreases the cohesive forces binding the mineral grains
and leads to the disintegration of bigger masses to smaller and smaller particles. The
weathering of the rocks might be mechanical (disintegration) and/or chemical
Mechanical weathering is the fragmentation of rock by physical forces. Among the many
physical forces responsible for the disintegration of rock, the following may be cited.

a. Temperature Changes; - Temperature changes of sufficient amplitude and frequency

bring about changes in the volume of the rocks in the superficial layers of the earth’s
crust in terms of expansion and contraction. Such a volume change sets up tensile and
shear stresses in the rock and ultimately leading to the fracture of even large rocks.

b. Freezing action of water: - Water that enters the pores and small cracks of rocks
during the rainy season freezes during the cold season. As the water freezes it
increases in volume thereby exerting pressure against the sides of the cracks. This
enlarges the cracks and loosens particles of rock.

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c. Spreading of roots of plants: - As the roots of trees and shrubs grow in the cracks
and fissures of the rocks, forces act on the rock. The segments of the rock are forced
apart and disintegration of rocks occurs.
d. Abrasion: - The movement of glaciers over exposed rock surfaces, rainstorms and the
resulting torrents of flood water carrying vast quantities of rock debris, the action of the
sea repeatedly pounding the cost line- all these contribute in time to the physical
break-up of the rock mass and extensive erosion and abrasion of the land surface.
In all the processes of the mechanical weathering, there is no change in the chemical
composition. The soil formed has the properties of the parent rock. On the other hand when
chemical weathering of rocks takes place, original rock minerals are transformed into new
minerals by chemical reaction. The soils formed do not have the properties of the parent rock.
The following chemical processes generally occur in nature.
a) Oxidation: - Oxidation occurs frequently in rocks containing iron, which decomposes
in a manner similar to the rusting of steel when in contact with moist-air.
b) Carbonation: - The mineral containing iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium or
potassium can be decomposed by carbonic acid, which is formed by carbon dioxide
with water.
c) Hydration: - Hydration is a common process of rock decay by which water is
combined with some other soil substances thus producing certain new minerals.
d) Leaching: - Leaching is the process whereby water-soluble parts are dissolved
and washed out from the soil by rainfall, percolating water, subsurface flow or other
Soils, which are formed by mechanical or chemical weathering, may be classified as
residual or transported soils. Residual soils are soils, which are still located in the place of
their origin. Transported soils are soils which have been transported by water, wind, ice and
deposited in an area different from their place of origin. Residual soils are usually
homogeneous and stiff while transported soils are loose, soft and non-homogeneous.
Transported soils may be classified according to the mode of their transportation and
deposition such as
i. Alluvial soils are those soils that have been transported by running water and
deposited along a stream.
ii. Aeolian soils are those soils that have been transported and deposited by wind.
iii. Lacustrine soils are those soils that have been deposited from suspension in quite
fresh water lakes.

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iv. Colluvial soils are those soils that have been deposited by movement of soil by
gravity such as landslides.
v. Marine soils are those soils that have been deposited from suspension in seawater.
vi. Glacial soils are those soils that have been deposited as a result of glacial activities


Depending upon the weathered rocks and the different methods of transportation and
deposition, different soils are formed. These soils have been differently named. Some of the
important soils, so found in general practice, are given below.
1. Sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders are coarse-grained cohesionless soils. Grain-
size ranges are used to distinguish between them. Particles of size from 0.06 to 2mm
are referred to as sand and those with a size from 2 to 60mm as gravel. Fragments
with diameters more than 60mm and less than 200mm are known as cobbles and
those with a size greater than 200mm are categorized as boulders.
2. Silt is a fine grained soil, having particle size between 0.06mm to 0.002mm.
Inorganic silt has little or no plasticity and is cohesionless .Organic silt contains an
admixture of organic matter. It is somewhat plastic, highly compressible, cohesive
and relatively impervious. It is a very poor foundation material because of
3. Clay is composed of microscopic particles of weathered rock within a wide range of
water content, clay exhibits plasticity. It contains a large quantity of clay minerals.
Clay is a cohesive fine-grained soil and the particle size is less than
0.002mm.Organic clay contains some finely divided organic matter and is usually
dark grey or black in color. Organic clays are highly compressible when saturated
and their dry strength is very high.
4. Black cotton soil is a residual soil containing a high percentage of the clay mineral
montomorillonite. The soil has high shrinkage and expansive characteristics. Its color
varies from dark grey to black. Great care is required when structures are to be built
on black cotton soil.
5. Tuff is a fine grained soil composed of very small particles ejected from volcanoes
during its explosion and deposited by wind or water.
6. Hardpan is a term often used to describe any hard cemented layers, which are not
softening when wet.

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7. Peat is composed of fibrous particles of decayed vegetable matter. It is so

compressible that it is entirely unsuitable to support any type of foundation.
8. Top soil is surface soil that supports plants. It contains a large quantity of organic
matter and is not suitable for foundation.
9. Lateritic soil is residual soil formed in tropical region. It is formed by decomposition of
rock, removal of bases and silica, and accumulation of iron oxide and aluminum
oxide. The presence of iron oxide gives this soil the characteristics red or pink color.
The lateritic soil is soft and can be cut with a chisel when wet. However, it becomes
hard after long exposure. Hardness is due to cementing action of iron oxide and
aluminum oxide. A hard crust of gravel size particles, known as laterite, exists near
the ground surface.
10. Loam is a mixture of sand, silt and clay.

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Soil mass is generally a three phase system. It consists of solid particles, water and air.
The inter-relationships of the weights and volumes of the different phases are important since
they help to define the condition or the physical make-up of a soil.
Figure 2.1a shows an element of soil of volume V and weight W, as it would exist in a
natural state. In order to develop the weight volume relationships, the three phases (solids,
water and air) are separated as shown in Fig. 2.1b.


Wa Va


(a) (b)
Fig.2.1 (a) Soil element in Natural state, (b) Block diagram
Thus the total volume V of a given soil sample can be expressed as
V = Vs + Vv = Vs + Vw +Va…………… (2.1)
where Vs = Volume of soil solids

Vv = Volume of voids

Vw = Volume of water in the voids

Va = Volume of air in the voids

And the total weight W of the sample (assuming the weight of the air to be negligible) can
be given by

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where Ws = Weight of Solids

Ww = Weight of water
The following relationships can be established
2.1.1 Void Ratio (e)
The void ratio of the soil mass is defined as the ratio of the volume of voids to the volume
of solids, or
e= …………. (2.3)
The void ratio expressed as a decimal.
2.1.2 Porosity (n)
The porosity of the soil mass is defined as the ratio of the volume of voids to the total

volume, or

n = v x 100 ………… (2.4)
It is always expressed as a percent.
2.1.3 Degree of Saturation (S)
The degree of saturation, S, is expressed as a ratio of the volume of water, Vω, in the

voids to the volume of voids, Vv.

x 100
S= …….. (2.5)
It is always expressed as a percent.
When the degree of saturation S of a soil is zero percent, the soil is in a dry state and
when the degree of saturation is 100 percent the soil is called fully saturated. In both these
states, it represents a two-phase system. When S lies between zero percent and 100 percent,
the soil is moist or partially saturated and represents a three-phase system.
2.1.4 Water Content (ω)
The water content,ω, of a soil mass is defined as the ratio of the weight of water, Ww, in a

given mass to the weight mass of soil of solids, Ws, in the same mass.
ω=x 100………………… (2.6)
It is always expressed as a percent
In the laboratory the moisture (water) content is determined first by weighing a
representative sample of soil in its natural or wet state; drying the sample to constant weight
in an oven at a temperature of 1050C; and then weighing the dried sample. The difference

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between the weights of the sample before and after drying represents the amount of water in
the sample. This weight, computed as a percentage of the dried sample, is the moisture
content of the soil.
Weight of the container, empty = Wc

Weight of the container + Sample, W1 = Wc + (Ws + Ww)

Weight of the container + dried sample, W2 = Wc + Ws

Weight of water, Ww = W1-W2 = Wc + (Ws+Ww) – (Wc +Ws)

Weight of dried sample, Ws = W2 – Wc = Wc + Ws – Wc

W1 − W2 Ww
Moisture content,ω = x 100 = x 100
W 2 − Wc Ws

2.1.5 Unit Weights Unit Weight of Water (γω)
The unit weight of water at a given temperature is expressed as the ratio of the weight of
water to the volume of water at the same temperature. The notation γo is generally used for
unit weight of water at reference temperature 4 c. Total Unit Weight of Soil Mass (γt)

Total unit weight of soil mass is the ratio of the weight of the mass, W, to the volume of the
mass, V.
γt = ……………………... (2.7)
This is also known as Bulk unit weight of soil Dry Unit Weight (γdry)

It is expressed as the ratio of the weight of solids, Ws, to the total volume, V.
γdry = …………. (2.8)
V Saturated Unit Weight (γsat)

The saturated unit weight, γsat of a soil mass is the ratio of the saturated weight of the

mass (when S = 100 percent) to the total volume.

γsat =
………………… (2.9)

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                                                                                      Soil Mechanics I Unit Weight of Solids (γs)

The unit weight of solids, γs, is defined as the ratio of the weight of solids, Ws, to the

volume of the solids, Vs.

γs = ………… (2.10)
Vs Submerged Unit Weight (γb)
This is defined as the unit weight of saturated soil mass minus the unit weight of water.

γb = γsat - γω ………… (2.11)

2.1.6 Specific Gravity Absolute Specific Gravity (Gs)
The specific gravity of solid matter in a soil particle may be defined as the ratio of the unit
weight of solid matter to the unit weight of water. It is a measure of and a means of
expressing the heaviness of material. The specific gravity of the solids is expressed by

Gs = …………… (2.12)

V sγ ω Bulk Specific Gravity or Apparent Specific Gravity (Gb)
This is defined as the ratio of the dry weight of a unit volume of soil (volume of solids plus
volume of voids) to the unit weight of water.

Gb = ………….. (2.13)
(Vs + Vv )γ ω

Vγ ω

Determination of specific Gravity

The specific gravity determination of a sample of soil is made by displacement in water
using pycnometer (volumetric bottle). The specific gravity obtained by this method is the
absolute specific gravity. In this test a known weight of oven dried soil sample is carefully put
in a pycnometer, which is, then half filled with distilled water. The air entrapped in the soil

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sample is removed by heating or by means of vacuum pumps. The bottle is then topped up
with distilled water up to a calibration mark and brought up to a constant temperature. After
carefully wiped and dried, it is weighed.

γ W /V
Gs = s = s s
γω γω

Wt. of pycnometer + water= W2; Wt.of pycnometer + water + solids = W1

Fig. 2.2. Determination of specific gravity
Weight of pycnometer bottle + water = W2

Weight of pycnometer bottle + water + soil = W1

Weight of dry soil =Ws

Let the weight of displaced water =X

W2 + Ws = W1 + X

X = Ws + W2 – W1
W s + W2 − W1
Volume of displaced water =
γ ωT
γ ωT
GT =
γωT = GT γω
Where GT = Specific gravity of water at temperature T

γωT = Unit weight of water at temperature T

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Ws + W2 − W1
Volume of displaced water =
GT γ ω
This is equal to the volume of solids

Therefore Volume of solids (Vs) = Ws + W2 − W1

GT γ ω

⎛W +W −W ⎞
⎜ s 2 1⎟
⎜⎜ GT γ ω ⎟⎟
Gs = ⎝ ⎠

Ws GT γ ω 1
Gs= Χ
Ws + Ws − W1 γ ω

W s GT
Gs= ……………….. (2.14)
W s + W2 − W1

Interrelationships of Different parameters

Relationship between e and n
Referring Fig .2.1 and from Eqn. (2.3)
Vv Vv
e = =
V s V − Vv

e (V- Vv) = Vv

eV = Vv (1 + e)

Vv e
V 1+ e

but = n
Therefore n = …………………….. (2.15)
1+ e
n = (1 + e) = e
n + en = e
e(1 – n) = n

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e= …………… (2.16)
1− n

The Relationships Between e, Gs, S and ω

Case 1. When Partially Saturated (0 < S < 100%)
From Eqn. (2.5)
substitute Vw = and Vv = eVs
then S =

but Ww = ωWs

ω Ws
Therefore S =
γ ω e Vs
substitute = γs

ω γs
then S =
γω e
but = Gs
ω Gs ω Gs
Therefore S = or e = …………… (2.17)
e S

Case 2. When Fully Saturated (i.e. S = 100%)

From Equation (2.17)
ω Gs
but S =1
Therefore e = ωGs ……………… (2.18)

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Unit Weight of Soil Expressed In terms of Other Parameters

Case 1. When Partially Saturated (i.e. 0<S<100%)
From Equation (2.7)
γt =
but W = Ws + Ww

and V = Vs + Vv

Ws + Ww
γt =
V s + Vv

W s (1 + W w / W s )
V s (1 + Vv / V s )

but = ω

and = e

and = γs

(1 + ω )
Therefore γt = γ s
1+ e

But γs = Gs γω
G s γ ω (1 + ω )
Therefore γt = ……… (2.19a)
1+ e
substituting ω =

Gs + eS
γt = γ ω ………… (2.19b)
1+ e
Case 2. When Fully Saturated (i.e. S = 100%)
From Equation (2.19b)
γ ω (G s + eS )
γt =
1+ e
when S = 100%
γ ω (G s + e)
γ = γsat = ………… (2.20)
1+ e
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Case 3. When the Soil is Dry (i.e. S = 0%)

From Equation (2.19)
γ (G + eS )
γt = ω s
1+ e

when S = 0%
γ ω Gs
γt = γdry = ………………. (2.21)
1+ e
Case 4. When the Soil is Submerged
From Equation (2.11)
γb = γsat - γω
γ ω (Gs + eS )
but γsat =
1+ e
γ ω (Gs + eS )
Therefore γb = −γω
1+ e
γ ω (Gs − 1)
γb = ……………… (2.22)
1+ e
2.1.7 Relative Density (Dr)
The looseness or denseness of sandy soils can be expressed numerically by the relative
density (Dr), defined by the equation.
emax − e
Dr = Χ 100 ……………… (2.23)
emax − emin

In which emax = Void ratio of the soil in its loosest state

emin = Void ratio of the soil in its densest state

e = Void ratio of the soil in the field
The loosest state for a granular material can usually be created by allowing the dry
material to fall into a container from a funnel held in such a way that the free fall is about 1
cm. If the soil is silty a looser state can sometimes be established by mixing a sample with
enough water to transform it into a thick suspension that is then allowed to settle. The value
of emax is equal to the final void ratio of the sediment. The densest state can usually be
achieved by packing the soil into a container by means of a combination of static pressure
and vibration.

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There are certain practical difficulties in determining void ratios, one of which is the
problem involved in measuring solid volumes. In order to overcome this difficulty relative
density is sometimes expressed in terms of unit dry weight of soils as given in Eqn. (2.23)
which is also reproduced in Eqn. (2.24).

γ Md ⎡ (γ d − γ md ) ⎤
Dr = ⎢ ⎥ x 100 …… (2.24)
γ d ⎢⎣ (γ Md − γ md ) ⎥⎦

where γMd = Maximum unit dry weight of soil

γmd = Minimum unit dry weight of soil

γd = Dry unit of soil in place
Table 2.1 Qualitative Descriptions of Granular Soil Deposits (Terzaghi and Peck)
Relative Density Description of Soil
(%) Deposit
0 to 15 Very loose
15 to 35 Loose
35 to 65 Medium
65 to 85 Dense
85 to 100 Very dense

Example 2.1
A sample of soil had a mass of 132.2 gm. and a volume of 62.3 cc in the natural state. The
dry mass is 118.2 gm. The specific gravity of soil grains is 2.67. Determine.
a. Water content
b. Void ratio
c. Porosity
d. Degree of saturation

a) Water content, ω

ω= x 100
W − Ws 132.2 − 118.2
= Χ 100 = Χ 100 = 11.8%
Ws 118.2

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b) Void ratio, e
e = x 100
Ww Ws 118.2 gm
but Vs = = = = 44.3cc
γs G sγ ω (2.67)(1gm / cc)
and Vv = V – Vs = 62.3 – 44.3 = 18 cc
Therefore e = = 0.406

c) Porosity
Vv 18
n= = 100 = Χ 100 = 28.9%
V 62.3
d) Degree of saturation
S= Χ 100

Ww (132.2 − 118.2) gm
but Vw = = = 14cc
γω 1gm / cc
and Vv = 18 c.c

Then S = Χ 100 = 77.8%
ω Gs 11.8 Χ 2.67
Alternatively S = = = 77.8%
e 0.406

Example 2.2
A fully saturated sample of clay has a void ratio of 0.825 and a moisture content of 30% in
its natural state. Assuming the specific gravity of the solids as 2.75, determine its dry unit
weight, bulk unit weight and the submerged unit weight of the clay.
Dry unit weight, γdry

G sγ ω (2.75)(10kN / m 3 )
γdry = = = 15.07 kN / m 3
1+ e 1 + 0.825
Bulk unit weight,γt

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G γ (1 + ω ) (2.75)(10)(1 + 0.30)
γt = s ω =
1+ e 1 + 0.825
Submerged unit weight, γb
γ (G − 1) 10 (2.75 − 1)
γb= ω s = = 9.59kN / m 3
1+ e 1 + 0.825

Example 2.3
An earthen embankment under construction has a bulk unit weight of 16 kN/m and a
moisture content of 10 percent. Compute the quantity of water in liters required to be added
per cubic meter of earth to raise its moisture content to 14 percent at the same void ratio.
Consider a unit volume of soil (i.e. V = 1m )
γt = = 16kN / m 3
Therefore W = 16 kN/m

W 16kN / m 3
WS = = = 14.55kN / m 3
1 + w1 1 + 0.10

Ww1 = ω1 Ws = (0.10)(14.55) = 1.455 kN/m3

Vw1 =

Ww2 = ω2Ws = (0.14)(14.55) = 2.037 kN/m3

W w2 2.03kN / m 3
Vw2 = = = 0.2037 m 3 / m 3
γw 10kN / m

Volume of water to be added = Vw2 - Vw1

= 0.2037 - 0.1455
= 0.0582 m /m3
= 58.2 liters /m3

γ t1
γdry =
1 + ω1
= = 14.545 / m 3
1 + 0.10

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γt2 = γdry (1+ω2)

= 14.545 (1 + 0.14) = 16.582 kN/m
Δγt = ΔWw = γt2 - γt1 = 16.582 - 16 = 0.582 kN/m

ΔW w 0.582
ΔV w = = = 0.0582m 3 / m 3
γw 10
Volume of water to be added = 58.2 liters/m

Example 2.4
A soil in the borrow pit is at a unit weight of 19.2 kN/m and a moisture content of 20
percent. If a soil of 10,000 cubic meter volume is excavated from it and compacted in an
embankment with a dry unit weight of 18kN/m . Calculate the volume of the embankment,
which can be constructed out of this material.


γt =

W = γt V = (19.2) (10,000) = 192000 kN

W 192000
Ws = = = 160000 kN
1 + ω 1 + 0.20
γd =
Ws 160000 kN
V = = = 8889 m3
γ d 18kN / m3

Example 2.5
For a sand, the maximum and minimum possible void ratios were determined in the
laboratory to be 0.94 and 0.33 respectively. Find the moist unit weight of sand in kN/m

compacted in the field at a relative density of 60% and moisture content of 10%. Given Gs =
emax − e
Dr = Χ 100
emax − emin

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0.94 − e
0.60 =
0.94 − 0.33
e = 0.57
G s γ ω (1 + ω )
γt =
1+ e
(2.65)(10)(1 + 0.10)
1 + 0.57
γt = 18.57 kN/m


In this system soils are split into coarse-grained non-cohesive, fine-grained cohesive and
organic soils. Most systems of soil classification depend to some extent upon the distribution
of various sized particles in the soil. For coarse-grained material this distribution may be
determined by sieving, and for finer particles a method of measuring the rate of settlement in
water is used. The determination of particle size distribution by these methods is known as
mechanical analysis.
Mechanical analysis can be divided into
1. Sieve analysis
2. Hydrometer analysis
2.2.1 Sieve Analysis
The sieve analysis is carried out by sieving a known dry weight of sample through the set
of sieves placed one below the other, so that the openings decrease in size from the top
sieve down, with a pan at the bottom of the stock. The whole set of sieves is given a
horizontal shaking for about ten minutes until the weight of soil remaining on each sieve
reaches a constant value. By determining the weight of soil sample left on each sieve, the
following calculations can be made.
Wt. of s oil retained
Percentage retained on any sieve = Χ 100
Total soil weight
Cumulative percentage retained on any sieve = Sum of percentage retained on all any
coarser sieves
Percentage finer than any sieve size = 100 percent minus cumulative percentage

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The results may be plotted in the form of a graph on a semi- log paper with the percentage
finer on the arithmetic scale and the particle diameter on the log scale.
2.2.2 Hydrometer Analysis
Soil particle sizes smaller than 0.075 mm (passing 200 mesh sieve) are determined by the
so-called hydrometer method and it is based on the process of sedimentation of soil particles
in water by gravity. Sedimentation by gravity is the separation of particles of various sizes by
their velocity. Velocity depends upon its specific gravity, weight, diameter, density and
viscosity. Coarse soil suspension settles out more rapidly than the finer ones of the same
specific gravity.
At the beginning of the hydrometer (i.e. at t = 0) the soil suspension is thoroughly mixed
and uniform. With time the coarser particles gradually settle down. Thus, during
sedimentation the density or unit weight of the suspension decreased and the hydrometer
floats deeper in the suspension. It is assumed that a hydrometer actually indicated the
density of the suspension at the center of bulb.

Fig. 2.3 Process of sedimentation of soil particles with time.

The hydrometer method of analysis is based on Stoke’s law of settlement i.e. small
spheres in a liquid settle at different rate according to the size of the sphere. The terminal
velocity of a spherical soil particle settling in water is expressed by Stoke’s law as
γ s −γω 2
V = D ……………….. (2.25)
where γs = Unit weight of spherical grains
γω = Unit weight of water

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μ = Viscosity of water
D = Diameter of the spherical particles
In practice, soil particles are never truly spherical. To overcome this, particle size is
defined in terms of equivalent diameter, where equivalent diameter of a particle is the
diameter of an imaginary sphere of the same material, which would sink in water with the
same velocity as the irregular particle in question. It is this equivalent diameter, therefore,
which is finally determined. Laboratory Procedure for Hydrometer Analysis

50 gm of soil passing sieve No. 200 are agitated with water and dispersing agent in 1000
cc jar. The density of the suspension is then measured with stream lined hydrometer at given
intervals of time. The hydrometer reading, Zr, is observed at the surface of the fluid on a
scale of the stem and this indicates the density of the suspension.
Readings are usually taken at intervals of ¼, ½, 1 and 2 minutes with the hydrometer
remaining in the suspension all the time. For later intervals, that is 5, 10, 20 etc. minutes the
hydrometer is put in the suspension just before reading and removed after each reading.

Aj Z’ r
2A j Center of volume
of hydrometer

(a) (b)

Fig. 2.4 a) Before the immersion of hydrometer, b) After the immersion of


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Zr = H + ½ h
Z’r = Zr –
Z’r 2 Aj
1 ⎧⎪ V ⎫⎪
VH =H + ⎨h − H ⎬
2 ⎪⎩ Aj ⎪⎭
h 2 Aj

2.4 (c) Hydrometer

If a soil particle of size “D” falls through a distance Zr in time t, its velocity will be given as

Using Stoke’s law
γ s −γω 2
V= D

V 18 μ 18μ Zr
D = = Χ …………. (2.26)
γ s − γω γ s − γω t

After a time t, all particles of diameter equal to and larger than D have settled through a
depth Zr. All the remaining particles finer than D are still in suspension and their
concentration need to be determined.
Equation (2.26) applies to early readings taken between ¼ and 2 minutes intervals. For
the readings taken at intervals of 5, 10, 20 etc. minutes, emersion correction is applied to
equation (2.26).
When the hydrometer is placed in the jar, it displaces its own volume as shown in Fig.
2.4b. As a result, the surface of the suspension rises. If the hydrometer has a volume = VH
and the jar has a cross-sectional area = Aj, then the surface of the suspension as indicated
on the above figure will rise by . Since the displacement below the center of the bulb is

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due to half of its volume, the suspension now at the center must previously be lower by
1 VH
2 Aj
Therefore, actual distance of settlement
Z 'r = Z r − H
z r − VH / 2 A j
18 μ
D = ………… (2.27)
γ s −γω t

Zr can be obtained from the calibration curve, which is a plot of Zr against hydrometer
The percentage finer, N, can be obtained from

Gs ⎛ V ⎞
N = ⎜ ⎟ (γ ω (r − rω )) Χ 100 …………… (2.28a)
G s − 1 ⎜⎝ WS ⎟⎠
In which Gs = Specific gravity of solids
V = Volume of suspension
γω = Unit weight of water at temperature (usually 200c) of hydrometer
r = Hydrometer reading in suspension
rω = Hydrometer reading in water at the temperature as suspension
For combined analysis (i.e. sieve analysis + hydrometer analysis) the percentage finer, N,
can be calculated from the following equation.

N Χ W1
N'= ..................................... (2.28b)
where W1 = Weight of soil finer than No. 200 sieve
W = Total soil weight used in combined analysis
N’ = Percentage finer based on entire soil sample, W
2.2.3 Grain Size Distribution Curves
Typical sets of grain size distribution curves are given in Fig. 2.5 with the grain size, D as
abscissa on the logarithmic scale and the percent finer N as ordinate on the arithmetic scale.
On the curve Ι the section AB represents the portion obtained by sieve analysis and the
section BC by hydrometer analysis.

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The shapes of the curves indicate the nature of the soil tested. On the basis of the
shapes one can classify soils as
1. Uniformly graded or poorly graded
2. Well graded
3. Gap graded
Uniformly graded soils are represented by nearly vertical lines as shown by curve ΙΙ in Fig.
2.5. Such soils will easily be displaced under load and have less supporting power.
A well-graded soil, represented by curve Ι, possesses a wide range of particles sizes
ranging from gravel to clay size particles. Such soil is relatively stable, resistant to erosion,
can readily be compacted to a very dense condition, and will develop high shearing
resistance and bearing capacity.
A gap-graded soil, as shown by curve ΙΙΙ has some of the sizes of particles missing. On
this curve the soil particles falling the range XY are missing.
Uniformity Coefficient. The above discussion indicates that the soil gradation is
reflected in the shape and slope of the grain size or gradation curve. A steep slope indicates
poor gradation for most engineering purposes, a gentle slope, even slope, good graduation.
To determine whether a material is uniformly graded or well graded, Hazen proposed the
following equation

Cu = …………………. (2.29)

where Cu = Uniformity coefficient

D60 = 60% size

D10 = Effective size, or 10% size

The uniformity coefficient Cu, is about one, usually indicates a soil in which the grains are
practically of the same size (uniform soil). A large coefficient represents a well-graded soil.


Consistency is a term used to indicate the degree of firmness of fine-grained soils. The
consistency of natural fine-grained soil deposits is expressed by such terms as soft, stiff and
hard. The physical properties of fine-grained soils greatly differ at different water contents.
Soil that is soft at a higher percentage of water content becomes hard with the decrease of
water content. Consistency of a soil can be expressed in terms of Atterberg limits of soils.

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Fig. 2.5 Grain size distribution curves

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2.3.1 Atterberg Limits

The Swedish Scientist, Atterberg (1911), developed a method of describing quantitatively
the effect of varying water content on the consistency of fine-grained soils. He established the
four states of soil consistency, which are called the liquid, the plastic, the semi-solid, and the
solid states. He also proposed a series of tests for determining the boundaries known as
Atterberg limits between the physical states of soil. Each boundary or limit is defined by the
water content that produces a specified consistency. The liquid state is produced when a fine-
grained soil is mixed with a large quantity of water. In such state the soil behaves like a liquid.
That is, it flows freely like a liquid and has no resistance to deformation. If, however, its water
content is gradually reduced, it will begin to show a small shearing strength. The limit at
which soil suspension passes from no strength to a very small strength is the liquid limit. The
limit is defined by moisture content of soil at that point and is designated by ωℓ.
At moisture content lower than its liquid limit, the soil is in a plastic state. If the sample is
subjected to a further decrease in moisture content, it will eventually lose its plasticity. The
moisture content at which the sample, when it is rolled into a thread, starts to crumble rather
than distort plastically, is called its plastic limit and is designated by ωp.
After the plastic limit, the soil displays the properties of semi-solid. With a further
decrease in moisture content, the soil sample will finally reach a point where it can no longer
change in volume. At this point, the soil is said to have reached its shrinkage limit designated
by ωs.
The limits described above are all expressed by their percentage water contents.

States Limits Indexes Volume

Liquid limit, ωℓ Plasticity index Decrease in
Plastic PΙ = ωℓ - ωp Volume
Plastic limit, ωp
Semi-solid Shrinkage index Constant in
Shrinkage limit, ωs = ωp - ωs
2.3.2 Determination of Atterberg Limits
Liquid Limit (ωℓ):- The apparatus shown in Fig. 2.6 is the liquid limit device used for
determining the liquid limits of soils. The device contains a brass cup, which could be raised
and allowed to fall on a hard rubber base by turning the handle. The cup is raised by one cm.

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The limits are determined on that portion of soil finer than a No. 40 sieve (ASTM). About 100
gm of soil is mixed thoroughly with distilled water into a uniform paste. A portion of the paste
is placed in the cup and leveled. A groove is cut at the center of the soil pat, using the
standard grooving tool (Fig.2.6b). The handle is next turned at a rate of about two revolutions
per second and the number of blows necessary to close the groove along the bottom for a
distance of 12 mm is counted. The water content of the soil taken near the closed groove is
found out. The water content of the soil in the cup is altered and the tests repeated. At least
four tests should be carried out by adjusting the water contents in such a way that the number
of blows required to close the groove may fall within the range of 10 to 40 blows. A plot of
water content against the log of blows is made as shown in Fig. 2.7. Within the range of 10 to
40 blows, the plotted points lie almost on a straight line. The curve so obtained is known as a
“flow curve”. The water content corresponding to 25 blows is termed as liquid limit. The
equation of the flow curve can be written as

ω = - Ιf log N + C ……………… (2.30)

where ω = Water content

Ιf = Slope of the flow curve, termed as flow index
N = Number of blows
C = a constant

Plastic Limit (ωp): - About 15 gm of soil passing through sieve No. 40 (ASTM), mixed
thoroughly with water. The soil is rolled on a glass plate with the hand, until it is about 3 mm
in diameter. This procedure of mixing and rolling is repeated till the soil shows signs of
crumbling when the diameter is 3 mm. The water content of the crumbled portion of the
thread is determined. This is called as plastic limit.

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2.126 in.
(54 mm)

Radius = 54 mm

Fig. 2.6 Liquid Limit test; (a) Liquid limit device (b) ASTM Grooving tool;
(c) Soil pat before test; (d) Soil pat after test

Water content

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Number of blows

Fig. 2.7 Flow curve for liquid limit

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Shrinkage Limit (ωs): - For determination of shrinkage limit, a container of known

volume V1 is filled with plastic soil in the saturated state. The weight of the saturated soil is
determined. The specimen is dried gradually first in air and then in an oven at a constant
temperature of 1050c. After oven drying the specimen weighed. Following the weighing, its
volume is determined by displacement in mercury.

V1 – V2

W1 Ww
V2 V2
Ws Ws Ws

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2.8 Determination of shrinkage limit.

Fig. 2.8a represents saturated soil in a container of volume V1
Fig. 2.8b represents the saturated soil at shrinkage limit
Fig. 2.8c represents the dry soil after oven drying.
W1 = Weight of saturated soil

Ws = Weight of dry soil

Ww = Weight of water in saturated soil at shrinkage limit

V1 = Volume of saturated soil

V2 = Volume of dry soil

W 1 − W s − γ ω (V1 − V 2 )
Shrinkage limit ωs = W w = Χ 100 …. (2.31)
Ws Ws
Plasticity Index (PΙ):- Is the range of water content over which the soil exhibits
PΙ = ωℓ - ωp …………………. (2.32)

Greater the difference between liquid limit and plastic limit is the greater the plasticity of
the soil. A cohesionless soil has zero plasticity index. Such soil as termed as non-plastic. Fat
clays are highly plastic and posses a high plasticity index. Soils possessing large values of
liquid limit and plasticity index are said to be highly plastic or fat. Atterberg classifies the soils
according to their plasticity indices as follows

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0 Non-plastic
<7 Low plastic
7-17 Medium
> 17 Highly plastic

Liquidity Index (LΙ): - The Atterberg limits are found for remoulded soil samples.
These limits as such do not indicate the consistency of undisturbed soils. The index that is
used to indicate the consistency of undisturbed soils is called as the liquidity index or water
plasticity ratio. The liquidity index is expressed as

ω −ωp
LΙ = ………………………………………… (2.33)

Where, ω is the natural moisture content of soil in the undisturbed state. The liquidity index
of undisturbed soil can vary from less than zero to greater than one. The value of LΙ varies
according to the consistency of soils as follows

Consistency Liquidity index

Semi solid or solid state Negative
Very stiff state (ω=ωp) 0

Very soft state (ω=ωℓ) 1

Liquid state (when disturbed) >1

Relative Consistency (Cr): - of a soil is defined as the ratio between liquid limit minus
the natural water content of a soil and its plastic index.

ωl − ω
Cr = ……………… (2.34)

The relative consistency indicates the consistency (firmness) of a soil. It shows the
nearness of its natural water content to its plastic limit. A soil with a relative consistency of
zero is at the liquid limit. It is extremely soft and has negligible shear strength. On the other
hand, a soil at a natural water content equal to the plastic limit has a relative consistency of
one, indicating that the soil is relatively firm. A relative consistency of greater than one shows
that the soil is relatively strong, as it is the semi-solid state. A negative value of relative
consistency indicates that the natural water content is greater than the liquid limit.
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It is worth nothing that the sum total of the liquidity index and the relative consistency is
always equal to one, indicating that a soil having a high value of liquidity index has a low
value of relative consistency and vice-versa. From this
one can deduce that liquidity index and relative are just two ways of representing the same
properties of a soil.
Example 2.6
In a hydrometer analysis the following observations were taken:
t = 4 min.
r = 1.015
The weight of solids used in suspension of 1000 cc was 0.50 N.

If the specific gravity of the solid particles is 2.60, calculate the coordinates of the point on
the grain-size plot. Other particulars of the hydrometer and the jar are as follows:

VH = 50cm
-8 2
h = 20 cm μ=10x10 N-sec/cm
H = 2cm
Aj = 50cm

Using Stoke’s law
γ s −γω 2
V = D

V18μ 18 μ Zr
D = =
γ s −γω γ s −γω t

For readings taken greater than 2 minutes

z r − VH / 2 A j
18 μ
D =
γ s −γω t
but Zr = H + ½ h = 2 + = 12 cm


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12 −
18 Χ 10 Χ 10 − 8 2(50)
2.6 − 1 4
= 1.80 x 10 cm = 0.018mm

Percent finer,
⎛ ⎞
Gs ⎜ V ⎟
N= ⎜ ⎟(γ w (r − rw ) ) Χ 100
G s − 1 ⎜⎝ Ws ⎟

2.60 ⎛ 1000 ⎞
= −⎜ ⎟(1.015 − 1) Χ 100
2.60 − 1 ⎝ 50 ⎠
= 48.75 %
(0.018 mm, 48.75%)

Example 2.7
A sample of clay soil has a liquid limit of 62% and its plasticity index is 32 %.

1. What is the state of consistency of the soil if the soil in its natural state has a water
content of 34%?
2. Calculate the shrinkage limit if the void ratio of the sample at the shrinkage limit is
0.70. Given Gs=2.70

i) Plastic limit, ωP = ωℓ -PΙ = 62-32 = 30%

ωℓ = 62% ωp = 30% ωs
Liquid Plastic Semi-solid Solid
State State State State

Since the natural water content of the given soil lies between the liquid and plastic limits, it
is in the plastic state.

ω Gs ω Gs
ii) e= =
s 100%
e 0.70
ω= = = 25.9%
G s 2.70

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2.1 A clay sample is found to weigh 4.24 N in its natural state. It is then dried in an electric
oven at 105 C. The dried weight is found to be 3.38 N. The specific gravity of the solids is
2.70 and the unit weight of the soil mass in its natural state is 17kN/m . Determine the water
content, degree of saturation and dry unit of the sample in its natural state.
2.2 A soil sample, taken from a depth that is located below the ground water table, has a
volume of 75 cc and weight 1.2 N. It is dried cut and found to weigh 0.75 N. Compute its unit
weight, moisture content, void-ratio, porosity and specific gravity of the solid particles.
2.3 A soil sample has a moist unit weight of 21kN/m and the degree of saturation is 80
percent. Determine its void ratio and water content, if the specific gravity of the solids is 2.70.
2.4 A clay fill has a bulk density of 19kN/m . If the moisture content is 25 percent and the
specific gravity of the solid particles is 2.70, determine the degree of saturation.
2.5 A soil has a unit weight of 20.5 kN/m and a water content of 15 percent. What will be
the water content if the soil dries out to a unit weight of19.5kN/m and the void ratio remains
2.6 Earth is required to be excavated from a borrow pit for building embankment. The unit
weight of undisturbed soil in wet condition is 18kN/m and its water content is 8 percent. In
order to build a 4 m high embankment with top width 2 m and side slopes 1:1 estimate the
quantity of earth required to be excavated per meter length of embankment. The dry density
required in the embankment is 15 kN/m with moisture content of 10 percent. Assume the
specific gravity of solids as 2.67. Also determine the void ratio and the degree of saturation of
the soil in both the undisturbed and remolded state.
2.7 A soil in borrow pit is at a dry density of 17 kN/m and with a water content of 12
percent. If soil of 2000 cubic meter volume is excavated from it and compacted in an
embankment with a void ratio of 0.32, calculate the volume of the embankment, which can
be constructed out of this material. (Assume Gs = 2.65)
2.8 An earthen dam is going to be constructed by compacting a soil to a void ratio of 0.7.
6 3
The total volume of soil in the dam is estimated to be 4 x 10 m . There are three alternatives
borrow pits with the average void ratio of the soil in them and moving cost is shown below.
Choose the economical borrow pit and calculate the cost of moving for it.

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Pit Void Ratio Cost of Moving

A 0.8 3.15 Birr/m
B 0.9 2.88 Birr/m

C 1.0 3
2.52 Birr/m
2.9 A sample of sand in its natural state has a relative density of 65 percent. The dry
3 3
unit weights of the sample at its densest and loosest states are 18kN/m and 14 kN/m
respectively. Assuming the specific gravity of the solids as 2.64, determine
a. Its dry unit weight
b. Moist unit weight when fully saturated, and
c. Submerged unit weight
2.10 For a sand, the maximum and minimum dry unit weights were determined in the
3 3
laboratory to be 20 kN/m and 13.6kN/m , respectively.
a. Find the moist unit weight of sand compacted in the field at a relative density of 50
percent and a moisture content of 15 percent.
b. How much a 5m stratum of this sand is settle if it is densified to a relative density of
70 percent
Hint ΔH =
1 + e1

2.11 The Atterberg limits of a particular soil are reported as liquid limit (ωℓ) = 60%,

shrinkage limit (ωs) = 40% and plastic limit (ωp) = 35%. Are these values reasonable? Explain.
2.12 A saturated soil with a volume of 19.65 cc has a mass of 36 gms. When the soil
dried, its volume and mass were 13.5 cc and 25 gms, respectively. Determine the shrinkage
limit for the soil.
2.13 A 100 cc clay sample has a natural water content of 30%. It is found that the
shrinkage limit occurs when the water content is 19%. If the specific gravity of soil solids is
2.70, what will the volume of the sample when the water content is 15%?
2.14 A clay is found to have a liquid limit of 75% and a shrinkage limit of 25%. If a sample
of this has a total volume of 30 cc at the liquid limit and a volume of 16.7 cc at the shrinkage
limit, what is the specific gravity of soil solids?

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If an area is studied from soil-engineering point of view, it may contain several soil
deposits of different types that in general exhibit different soil characteristics. Natural soil
deposits are never homogeneous in their nature. A soil is said to be homogeneous, if it has
similar properties at all points in the given mass and it is impossible to find a natural deposit
that has similar properties at all points within the deposit. Within a deposit, the soil varies from
point to point. A deposit may constitute of a mixture of soils of many types and sizes. Soil
properties may vary with the depth of the deposit as well as its extent in the horizontal
direction. Such variations in soil properties in a deposit may be termed as local variations. In
spite of such local variations, the deposit as a whole may have average properties that might
be the same for all portions of the deposit.
Deposits that exhibit, in general, similar average properties can be grouped together, as a
class. Classification of soil is essential because, by classifying a soil, a fairly accurate idea of
its average properties, can be made and an estimation of these average properties just by
classification is helpful in ordinary soil engineering projects. The opinion, however on the
applicability of classification of soils differs among soil-engineers. The difference of opinion
arises mainly due to the fact that many classification systems exist. Some systems take into
consideration only the grain-sizes of the soils, while other take into consideration the plastic
properties, while quite another classification exists, which defines soils in terms of their origin
and general features. So, a soil classified into a group according to one system may fall into
quite another group of another system. Also in the same system there is a possibility that a
soil may form a borderline case, in which case, it could be classified under two groups.

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Classification of a soil is a mere indicator to its general properties and behavior of a soil
cannot be solely predicted from its classification alone. Certain other important tests and
parameters would, of course, be necessary before the conclusions about its behavior as a
construction or foundation material could be deduced. In spite of the inadequacies pointed out
above, it is essential that a soil for an engineering project is classified and then further tests
made to predict its suitability for the project.


A soil classification system is the arrangement of different soils having similar properties
into groups and sub-groups based on their application. It provides a common language to
express briefly the general characteristics of soils. There are several methods of classifying
soils. The most widely used classification systems by engineers are described hereunder.
3.2.1 Grain Size Classification
It is based on grain size of the soils and is essentially useful for classifying soils in which
single grain properties are of importance. A mechanical analysis is all that is required to
classify a given sample of soil. Three of the grain size classifications that are in common use
are the following.
(a) U.S. Bureau of Public Roads Classification
Gravel Coarse Fine Silt Clay
2 0.25 0.05 0.005
Grain size in mm
(b) M.I.T* Classification
Sand Silt
Gravel Coarse Medium Fine Coarse Medium Fine Clay

2 0.6 0.2 0.06 0.02 0.006 0.002

Grain size in mm
*Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(c) Textural Classification
This classification is based on a triangular chart shown in Fig. 3.1. A soil with known
percentage of sand, silt and clay sizes is represented by a given point on a triangular chart of
this type.
The use of this triangular chart can best be demonstrated by an example. If the particle-
size distribution of a soil shows 35% sand -, 25% silt-, and 40% clay-size particles, its textural
classification can be determined by proceeding in a manner as shown by the broken lines in

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Fig. 3.1. This soil falls into the zone of Sandy clay. Note that this chart is based only on the
fraction of soil passing a No. 10 sieve (particles ≤ 2 mm). Hence, if the particle-size
distribution of a soil shows a certain percentage of soil particles > 2 mm in diameter, a
correction is necessary. For example, if a soil has particle-size distribution 10% gravel, 20%
sand, 30% silt, and 40% clay, the corrected textural compositions are:
20 Χ 100
Sand-size = = 22.22%
100 − 10
30 Χ 100
Silt-size = = 33.33%
100 − 10
40 Χ 100
Clay-size = = 44.44%
100 − 10
Based on the above-corrected percentages, the textural classification is silty clay.
Textural classification is more suitable for describing coarse-grained soils rather than clay
soils, whose properties are less dependent on particle size distribution.
3.2.2 Soil Classification Based on both Grain-size and Atterberg limits.
Though textural classification of soil is relatively simple, it is based entirely on particle-size
distribution. The physical properties of fine-grained soils are dictated to a great extent by the
amounts and types of clay minerals present in them. Hence, for proper interpretation of soil
characteristics, the plasticity that is the result of the presence of clay minerals needs to be
considered. Since textural classification systems do not take plasticity into account and are
based on particle-size distribution alone, they are not totally indicative of many important soil
properties and hence are inadequate for most engineering purposes. Presently, two more
elaborate classification systems that take into consideration both particle-size distribution and
Atterberg limits are commonly used. They are (1) The AASHTO (American Association of
State Highway and Transport Official) classification system and (2) The unified soil
classification system AASHTO Classification System
The AASHTO classification system, also called Public Roads Administration (PRA)
classification, is based on the following three soil properties:
ƒ Grain-size distribution.
ƒ Liquid limit
ƒ Plasticity index
This system is generally used by highway engineers, for classification of subgrade soils for
the highway pavements. This classification has undergone various modifications, and the
latest version one is based on the proposals of the Highway Research Board (1945).

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The AASHTO classification in present use is given in Table 3.1. According to this system,
soil is classified into seven major groups, A-1 through A-7. Soils classified under groups A-1,
A-2, and A-3 are granular materials with 35% or less passing through a No. 200 sieve. Soils
with more than 35% passing a No. 200 sieve are classified under groups A-4, A-5, A-6 and
A-7. These soils are mostly silt and clay-type materials. To classify a soil using Table 3.1, one
must proceed from left to right with required test data available. By the process of elimination,
the first group from the left into which the test data will fit gives the correct classification.
Under this classification system, a characteristic called group index (G.I) is used to
describe the performance of a soil when used as a highway subgrade material. Group index
is not used to place the soil in a particular group, but is actually a means of rating the value of
a soil as a subgrade material, within its own group. The group index of a soil may range from
0 to 20 and is expressed as a whole number. The approximate subgrade performance quality
of a give soil is inversely proportional to its group index, and it can be expressed by the
following empirical relation,
GI = 0.2a+ 0.005ac + 0.01bd …………………….. (3.1)
where a = that portion of percentage of particles passing No.200
sieve greater than 35% and not exceeding 75%,
expressed as positive whole number (0 to 40).
b = that portion of percentage of particles passing No.200 sieve
greater than 15% and not exceeding 55 %, expressed as
positive whole number (0 to 40).
c = that portion of the liquid limit greater than 40 and not
exceeding 60 , expressed as positive whole number
(0 to 20).
d = that portion of the plasticity index greater than 10 and not exceeding
30, expressed as positive whole number (0 to 20). Unified Soil Classification System

The unified system of soil classification was originally proposed by A. Casagrande in 1942
and was then revised in 1952 by the Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
The system has also been adopted by American Society of Testing Material (ASTM). The
system is most popular for use in all types of engineering problems involving soils.
The unified classification system is based on recognition of the type and predominance of
the constituents considering grain size, gradation and plasticity. It divides soil into three

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major divisions; coarse-grained soils, fine-grained soils, and highly organic (peat) soils. In the
field, identification is accomplished by visual examination for the coarse grains and a few
simple hand tests for the fine-grained soils. In the laboratory, the grain-size curve and the
Atterberg limits can be used. The peat soils are readily identified by color, odor, spongy feel
and fibrous texture. The name and symbols used to distinguish between the typical and
boundary soil groups are as follows:
a) Coarse-grained soils
G = Gravel
S = Sand
The gravel and sand are further divided into subgroups as;
W = Well graded
P = Poorly graded
b) Fine-grained soils
M = Inorganic silt
C = Inorganic clay
O = Organic silts and clays
Pt = Peat
The above groups of fine-grained soils (excluding peat) are further subdivided according
to their liquid limits into
L = Low plasticity (ωℓ < 50%)

H = High plasticity (ωℓ > 50%)

The symbols indicated above are combined to form the group symbol. Table 3.2 gives
the groupings of soils for coarse and fine-grained soils. The classification of fine-grained soils
is easier to understand on plasticity chart, which is described hereunder.
Plasticity Chart: - The plasticity chart (shown in bottom right-hand portion of Table 3.2) is
a plot of plasticity index versus liquid limit. Fine-grained soils are subdivided into soils of low,
medium and high plasticity following the criteria cut-lined below

Low plasticity (ωℓ < 30%)

Medium plasticity (ωℓ between 30% and 50%)

High plasticity (ωℓ> 50%)

The diagonal line drawn in the plasticity chart is called the “A” line and is given by the
equation PΙ = 0.73 (ωℓ - 20). Clays fall above the A-line and silts below it.

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0 100

10 90


20 80

d 30 70

40 CLAY 60

ig h

50 50


60 SILTY 40





80 20

100 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% by weight of silt

Fig. 3.1 Triangular classification chart

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Table 3.1 AASHTO Soil Classification System

General Classification Granular Materials Silt-clay Materials
(35 per cent or less passing No. 200) (More than 35 percent passing No. 200)
A-1 A-2 A-7
Group Classification A-7-5
A-1-a A-1-b A-3 A-2-4 A-2-5 A-2-6 A-2-7 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7-6

Sieve analysis per cent

No. 10 50 max
No. 40 30 max 50 max 51 min
No. 200 15 max 10 max 10 max 35 max 35 max 35 max 35 max 36 min 36 min 36 min 36 min

Characteristics of fraction
No. 40 sieve
Liquid limit 40(max) 41 (min) 40(max) 41 (min) 40 (max) 41 (min) 40 (max) 41 (min)
Plasticity Index 6 (max) N.P 10(max) 10(max) 11 (min) 11(min) 10 (max) 10 (max) 11 (min) 11 (min)

Group index 0 0 0 4 (max) 8 (max) 12 (max) 16(max) 20 (max)

Usual types of significant Stone fragments Fine Silty or clayey gravel and sand Silty soils Clayey soils
constituent materials gravel and sand sand
General rating as sub- Excellent to good Fair to poor

The A-7 group is subdivided into A-7-5 or A-7-6 depending on the plastic limit. For P.L.<30, the classification is A-7-6; for P.L ≥30, it is A-7-5.

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Table 3.2 Unified Soil Classification System

Major divisions Group Typical names

Laboratory classification criteria

D30 2
than No.4 sieve size)


of fines (fraction smaller than No. 200 sieve size), coarse-grained soils are classified as
Determine percentages of sand and gravel from grain-size curve. Depending on percentage
(More than half of coarse fraction is larger


5 to 12 percent
GW Well-graded gravels, gravel-sand
mixture, little or no fines. Cu= greater than 4, Cc= between 1and 3

More than 12 percent ……………….GM,GC,SM,SC

Less than 5 percent ……………….. GW,GP,SW,SP
D10 D10 Χ D60
or no

GP Poorly graded gravels, gravel-sand Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW
mixtures, little or no fines
(More than half of materials is larger than No.200 sieve size)


(Appreciable amount of

d Atterberg limits below “A” line or

………………. Borderline case requiring dual symbols **

Silty gravels, gravel-sand silt mixtures PΙ less than 4

GM* Above “A” line with PΙ

u between 4 and 7 are boarder

cases requiring use of dual

Atterberg limits above “A” line
Coarse-grained soils

with PΙ greater than 7
GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay


D60 ( D30 ) 2
smaller than No.4 sieve size)

Clean sands (Little or no
(More than half of coarse fraction is

Well-graded sands, gravelly sands, Cu= greater than 6:,Cc= between 1 and 3
SW little or no fines D10 D10 Χ D60

SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW
little or no fines

amount of
Sands with

Atterberg limits below “A” line or

SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures PΙ less than 4 Limits plotting in hatched zone
u with PΙ between 4 and 7 are
Atterberg limits above “A” line or borderline cases requiring use
SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures PΙ greater than 7 of dual symbols

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Table 3.2 Unified Soil Classification System Cont’d

Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silts

than 50)
(Liquid limit less
ML or layer fine sands, or clayey silts with slight 70
Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, 60
(More than half of materials is smaller than No.200 sieve)

CL gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays CH


OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low

Plasticity Iindex
than 50)
Silts and clays (Liquid limit greater

MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine

sandy or silty soils, elastic silts.
Fine-grained soils

10 or
Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays CL-ML
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic Liquid limit

OH silts

Pt Peat and other highly organic soils

* Division of GM and SM groups into subdivisions of d and u are for roads and airfields only. Subdivision is based on Atterberg limits; suffix d used when ωl is 28 or less
and the PΙ is 6 or less; the suffix u used with ωl is greater than 28.
** Borderline classifications, used for soils possessing characteristics of two groups, are designated by combinations of group symbols. For example: GW-GC, well-graded
gravel-sand mixture with clay binder.
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Soils can be identified in the field by conducting the following simple tests. The
sample is first spread on a flat surface. If more than 50% of the particles are visible to
the naked eye, the soil is coarse-grained; otherwise, it is fine-grained. The fine-grained
particles are smaller than 0.075mm size and are not visible to naked eye. The
techniques used for further identification of soils in the field can conveniently be
discussed under the headings of coarse-grained and fine-grained soils.
1. Coarse-grained Soil
Coarse-grained soils are mineral fragments that may be identified primarily on the
basis of grain size. The different constituents of coarse-grained soils are sand and
gravel. As described in the earlier chapters the size of sand varies from 0.075 mm to 2
mm and that of gravel from 2 mm to 60mm. The sand can further be classified as
coarse, medium and fine. Engineers should have an idea of the relative sizes of the
grains in order to identify the various fractions. The description of sand and gravel
should include an estimate of the quantity of material in the different size ranges as well
as a statement of the shape and mineralogical composition of the grains. The mineral
grains can be rounded, sub-rounded, sub-angular, or angular. The presence of mica or
a weak material such as shale affects the durability of compressibility of the deposit. A
small magnifying glass can be used to identify the small fragments of shale or mica. The
property of a coarse grained material mass depends also on the uniformity of the sizes
of the grains. Well-graded sand is more stable as a foundation base as compared to a
uniform or poorly graded material.
2. Fine Grained Soils
Inorganic Soils: - The constituent parts of fine-grained materials are silt and clay
fractions. Since both these materials are microscopic in size, physical properties other
than grain size must be used as criteria for field identification. The classification tests
used in the field for preliminary identification are;

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1. Dry strength test

2. Shaking test
3. Plasticity test
Dry Strength Test
The strength of a soil in a dry state is an indication of its cohesion and hence of its
nature. It can be estimated by crushing a 3mm size of a dried fragment between thumb
and forefinger. A clay fragment can be broken only with a great effort, whereas a silt
fragment crushes easily.
Shaking Test
Shaking test is also called as dilatancy test. It helps to distinguish silt from clay since
silt is more permeable than clay. In this test a part of soil mixed with water to a very soft
consistency is placed in the palm of the hand. The surface of the soil is smoothed out
with a knife and the soil pat is shaken by tapping the back of the hand. If the soil is silt,
the water will rise quickly to the surface and give it a shiny glistening appearance. If the
pat is then deformed either by squeezing or by stretching, the water will flow back into
the soil and leave the surface with a dull appearance. Since clay soils contain much
smaller voids than silts and are much less permeable, the appearance of the surface of
pat does not change during the shaking test. An estimate of the relative proportions of
silt and clay in an unknown soil mixture can be made by noting whether the reaction is
rapid, slow or non-existent.
Plasticity Test
If a sample of moist soil can be manipulated between the palms of the hands and
fingers and rolled into a long thread of about 3mm diameter, the soil then contains a
significant amount of clay. Whereas silt cannot be rolled into a thread of 3mm diameter
without sever cracking.
Organic Soils
Surface soils and many underlying formations may contain significant amounts of
solid matter derived from organisms. While shell fragments and similar solid matter are
found at some locations, organic material in soil is usually derived from plant or root

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growth and consists of almost completely disintegrated matter, such as much or more
fibrous material, such as peat. The soils with organic matter are weaker and more
compressible than soils having the same mineral composition but lacking in organic
matter. The presence of an appreciable quantity of organic material can usually be
recognized by the dark-grey to black colour and odour of decaying vegetation, which it
lends to the soil.
Organic Silt
It is a fine-grained more or less plastic soil containing mineral particles of silt size
and finely divided particles of organic matter. Shells and visible fragments of partly
decayed vegetative matter may also be present.
Organic Clay
It is a clay soil, which owes some of its significant physical properties to the
presence of finely divided organic matter. Highly organic soil deposits such as peat or
muck may be distinguished by a dark-brown to black color, by the presence of fibrous
particles of vegetable matter in varying states of decay. The organic odor is a
distinguishing characteristic of the soil. The organic odor can sometimes be
distinguished by a slight amount of heat.

Example 3.1
A sample of inorganic soil has the following grain size characteristics:

Sieve No Percent passing

10 100
40 80
200 40

The liquid limit is 65 percent and the plasticity index 22 percent; classify the soil by
AASHTO system.

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Using Table 3.1(since 40% of the soil is passing through No. 200 sieve), it falls
under the silt – clay type of material, i.e., A-4, A-5, A-6 or A-7. Proceeding from left to
right, it falls under group A-7. It may be A-7-5 or A-7-6 which is decided as below:
The plastic limit (ωp) of this soil can also be worked out as

ωp = ωℓ - PΙ

or ωp = 65 - 22

or ωp = 43 which is greater than 30

Hence, the classification, as per note given at the bottom of Table 3.1, is A-7-5, as
ωp > 30. From Eq. (3.1),
GI = 0.2a+ 0.005ac + 0.01bd
a = (40-35)=5, b= (40-15)=25
c = (65-40)=25 , d = (22-10)=12
GI = 0.2(5)+ 0.005(5)(25) + 0.01(25)(12) =4.6; say 5
Therefore, the soil will be classified as A-7-5 (5)
Example 3.2
The results of the grain size analysis of a soil are as follows:
Percent passing №. 10 sieve = 100
Percent passing №. 40 sieve = 80
Percent passing №.200 sieve = 58
The liquid limit and plastic index of minus № - 40 fraction of the soil are 30% and
10%, respectively. Classify the soil by the unified classification system.
Since 58% of the soil is passing through №. 200 sieve, it is a fine-grained soil.
Referring to the plasticity chart in Table 3.2 for ωℓ = 30% and PΙ = 10%, it can be
classified as CL.

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3.1 The mechanical analysis of a sample of a soil gave the following

Sand = 35 percent
Silt = 40 percent
Clay = 25 percent
Classify the soil as per the triangular classification system.
3.2 A sample contains 15 percent gravel, 32 percent sand, 33 percent silt and 20
percent clay. Classify the material by means of the triangular classification system.
3.3 The sieve analysis of two soils and the liquid and plastic limits of the fraction
passing a No. 40 sieve are given below.
Classify the soils by the unified classification system.

Sieve Analysis, Percent finer

№.4 №.10 №.40 №.200 ωℓ ωP
A 100 100 99 86 55 28

B 100 100 94 45 36 22

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