Properties and Classifications of Bamboo For Const

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Properties and Classifications of Bamboo for Construction of Buildings

Article · January 2016


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Moveh Samuel Umar Faruq Muhammad

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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©Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Sustainability 2 (4) 105 - 114, 2016
e-ISSN 2360-8013

Research Article

Properties and Classifications of Bamboo for Construction

of Buildings
Aisha Haladu Bornoma, 2Muhamed Faruq, 3Moveh Samuel
Department of Architecture, School of Environmental Science, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, P.M.B.
2076 Yola, Nigeria
Faculty of Built Environment Universiti Teknologi Skudia 81310 Johor Baharu Malaysia
Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Skudia 81310 Johor
Bahru Malaysia


This article look into the various properties and characteristics of bamboo and
Article history how they could be used for possible construction of some domestic and some
Received: 11/07/2016 of their possible advantages over conventional wood used in building
Accepted: 04/09/2016 constructions. From one perspective bamboo is more impervious to water harm
than the normal hardwood. Be that as it may it is as yet a characteristic
material made of natural components, and thusly extreme dampness will make
it twist or will enable shape to develop. One of the principle focal points of
working with bamboo is that it is a magnificent, common and sustainable asset,
Bamboo, properties,
equipped for fast development that can maintain a strategic distance from
characteristics, construction, future deforestation of our valuable tropical rainforests

© Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Sustainability. All rights


1. Introduction
Bamboo is a ‘grass’ that is woody, hard, hollow-stemmed, perennial, and evergreen in nature. It
belongs to the family of the true grass called ‘Poaceae.’ In fact it has the largest family members of
the grass family, with about 91 genera and more than 1000 species – Figure 1 shows some types of
bamboo. Some of its members are giant while some are moderate as shown in Figure 2. Bamboos
are found in many climates around the world – cold mountains to tropical regions. They have
diverse uses; in construction (Sakaray et al., 2012; Salzer et al., 2016), medicine ( (Van
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e-ISSN 2360-8013

Hoyweghen et al., 2014; ‘20 Healing Benefits of Bamboo’, 2016; Coffey, 2017), as food (Singhal
et al., 2013; Liese & Köhl, 2015), and even in textiles (Barik et al., 2014) – these are depicted in
Figure 3.

Figure 1: Some types of Figure 2: Giant and moderate bamboo plantsSource:

bamboo Source: (Schroder, (‘Bamboo Types’, 2011; Brown, 2015; ‘New Species’, 2016)

Figure 3a: Bamboo in construction Source: (Jagyasi, 2012; Arjun, 2016)

Not all species of bamboo can be ues for construction. Only a few species of bamboo like Guadua
angustifolia (Guadua Bamboo) and Phyllostachys edulis (Moso Bamboo) have same strength
ratio of steel and almost twice the compression ratio of concrete. It is no surprise that when a
powerful earthquake struck Colombia in 1999 almost all the concrete buildings collapsed while
houses built from bamboo stood still and untouched by the earthquake. This article look into the
various properties and characteristics of bamboo and how they could be used in architectural
design and illustrations of possible construction of some domestic building.

2. Taxonomy and Classification

Classifying bamboo has always been somewhat a difficult task (Schroder, 2014), especially for
non-scientists, who happen to be majority of the people who need to access this information. This
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e-ISSN 2360-8013

is because of the complex botanical names. In a bid to simplify the lives of those who would come
to use bamboo more frequently, (Schroder, 2012) produced a list of ‘popular’ bamboos, with both
their botanical and common names. Table 1 shows ten of the most common. Even though these are
popular in America, nonetheless, they cover so much of the types also found elsewhere.
Table 1: Some 10 of the most common bamboo types
Species Name Common Names
1 Bambusa balcooa Female Bamboo
2 Bambusa bambos Giant Thorny Bamboo
3 Phyllostachys bambusoides Timber Bamboo
4 Bambusa spinosa Thorny Bamboo
5 Bambusa textilis Slender Weavers Bamboo
6 Bambusa tulda Nepalese Bamboo
7 Bambusa vulgaris Common Bamboo
8 Fargesia spathacea Umbrella Bamboo
9 Pseudosasa amabilis Tonkin Cane
10 Gigantochloa atroviolacea Tropical Black Bamboo

Even among botanists, there have been considerable debates over bamboo classification and
identification over time (Schroder, 2014). The debates sometimes results in change of names or
even reclassification. It is therefore difficult to have a world-wide classification. However, the
botanical names of their genera, the species, and their geographical location are used as simplified
data. Other data such as descriptions, botanical drawings Photos, vernacular names, etc., can also
be helpful.

2.1 Descriptions of Bamboo Anatomy and Structure

The anatomy of bamboo describes its structure which determines its ultimate mechanical
properties. The bamboo culm consists of 3 basic parts as shown in Figure 4:
1. The stem – part growing above ground which may be straight of curved.
2. The stem base – lower part of the stem that extends into the soil.
3. The stem petiole – the lowest part of the stem, made up of many shot sections.

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e-ISSN 2360-8013

Figure 4: bamboo culm showing its 3 basic parts Figure 5: Hollow and solid culm
Source: (Schroder, 2011) bamboo Source: (Schroder, 2015)

The culm is structurally made of the nodes or diaphragms, and the internodes (McLendon, 2014).
The nodes consist of cells traverse-oriented or parallel to the nodes, while the internodes have
axially oriented cells. Culms are usually hollow, like tubes, which gives the wall thickness as the
size between the inner surface and the outer surface of the stem. There are however, some species
with solid culms (‘Bamboo Anatomy and Growth Habits’, 2016).
Bamboo can be used as an alternative to steel as masonry reinforcement because of the proven
mechanical properties which gives it high performance (Semple et al., 2015; Karthik et al., 2017),
as well as the availability (‘World Bamboo and its distribution area’, 2015) which makes it low
cost material. Being a natural material, its characteristic high performance varies from one type to
another; hence whenever one is referring to values of mechanical properties of bamboo, the name
of associated bamboo type is necessary. Also, any design provisions for construction with bamboo
as reinforcement must have adequate safety factors. As a result of these properties, more than
1billion people in many countries use bamboo as a primary building material (Standard, 2010)

3.1 Modulus of Elasticity (Moe)

Modulus of elasticity is one of the mechanical properties of bamboo which has been investigated
in the design of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete elements. In terms of modulus of elasticity and
density, bamboo is a remarkable ‘grass’ which has some structural superiority over other
engineering materials. Modulus of elasticity of bamboo is generally around 2500ksi although other
researchers like Schneider (2014) got 1,145ksi (7894MPa) mean. It is worthy of note that this
general value is still less than those of steel and concrete, and even along the bamboo culm itself,
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e-ISSN 2360-8013

MoE of the nodes is generally less than that of the internodes (Tonges, 2005). In fact, Oka et al.
(2014) conducted an experiment and got the modulus of elasticity at the nodes to be about 40%
less than the internode.

3.2 Tensile Strenght (Ts)

Seasoned bamboo possesses higher tensile strength than ‘green’ bamboo (Wakchaure & Kute,
2012; Moroz et al., 2014). (Ghavami, 2005) tests gave tensile strength value of 54ksi for his
bamboo sample. Sabbir et al., (2012) in another test got 18ksi. However, when discussing tensile
strength, it is more appropriate to differentiate between that of the culm and that of the fibers based
on the one being used in a test (Schneider, 2014). In line with that, Cao and Wu (2005) tested and
found the tensile strength of bamboo fibers to be within the range of 18 to 131ksi (124 to
805MPa). Generally, tensile strength is lower at the nodes (Verma et al., 2012), and (Oka et al.,
2014)’s tests results showed that the tensile strength of the node region was about 30% that of the
internode, as a result of what Amada et al. (1997) described as the fibers’ distribution being
chaotic. On comparing tensile strengths of green and seasoned bamboo, Wahab et al. (2012) found
13ksi and 14,9ksi respectively. Comparatively speaking, tensile strength of Moso bamboo is one
third of a typical grade 60 steel rebar.

As a result of these wide ranges of tensile strength, it is desirable to ensure that the bamboo
reinforcement is having appropriate safety factors before being used. One of the ways to do this is
to treat the bamboo culms by presoaking or preferably treatment, which will ensure an overall
safety factor of between 2 to 2. 5% (Geymayer & Cox, 1970). In a recent experiment however,
(Mark & Russell, 2011) showed that average global factor of safety for bamboo and a similar
material is about 5.0.

3.3 Flexural Strength

Flexural fortification, otherwise called longitudinal support is necessary to increase the flexural
capacity of a concrete beam. In order to develop adequate flexural capacity of a beam, number of
the bamboo stirrups need to be much (Yamaguchi et al., 2013). Hence they should be spaced very
closely, 6inches according to (Schneider, 2014), because closer stirrups ensure that stresses are
transferred to the remaining stirrups even after some of the stirrups have failed. And this would
consequently result in the beam retaining large amount of its capacity. This will also prevent pre-
mature shear failure of the beam.
3.4 Shear Strength
Extensive flexural cracking could cause premature shear failure in beams (Sherwood, 2008;
Eskenati & Pour, 2016).this underscores the crucial need for stirrups, to provide shear capacity to
concrete members like beams. Shear failure is the diagonal failure experienced in the material

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e-ISSN 2360-8013

being reinforced, hence the shear reinforcement is introduced to cross the diagonal tension cracks
and keep them from opening. A test conducted by Moroz et al. (2014) on concrete masonry walls
using very flexible Tonkin cane bamboo reinforcement, vertically to resist flexural and sliding
failures, and horizontally to resist inclined shear failure, showed enhanced shear capacity and
ductility, compared to unreinforced walls. Bamboo stirrups increased capacity of an unreinforced
shear beam by between 135 and 259%, while in comparison to steel, BRC shear controlled beams
had capacities of between 33 and 70% of steel type (Schneider, 2014).


There have been a long-standing convention of bamboo development, going back to a huge
number of years. Diverse societies have found in this material a sparing arrangement of building,
offering sound yet light and effectively replaceable types of haven. The strategies, exercises and
apparatuses are frequently basic, direct, available even to the youthful and untalented.
Notwithstanding human misuse and horrible treatment, trees keep up it's contributively part
towards the residence of humankind. Man has for a considerable length of time delighted in the
advantages of the unconditional present of nature. Lodging is one of the need things and detecting
the present lack of the home units, the present managerial pioneers the world over discover
extreme to hit upon an answer for. Bamboo building development is described by a basic casing
approach like that connected in customary timber outline plan and development. Bamboo based
materials are generally utilized as well. In its characteristic condition as strong culms, divided
culms or as longitudinally split strips, bamboo has been utilized as a part of all parts of house
development with the exception of the chimney and the stacks. These are depicted in detail

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e-ISSN 2360-8013

Figure 5: BAMBOO RESIDENCE Modern Figure 5: Bamboo in Construction The Owner-

Architecture Location: Rue du Grand-Pré et rue Builder Network
Chandieu. Geneva, Switzerland

From one perspective bamboo is more impervious to water harm than the normal hardwood. Be
that as it may it is as yet a characteristic material made of natural components, and thusly extreme
dampness will make it twist or will enable shape to develop.
• Bamboo is anything but difficult to cut, handle, repair, reposition and keep up, without the
requirement for modern devices or gear.
• Because of its remarkable physical qualities, Guadua bamboo is appropriate for a wide
range of structures and developments.
• Its roundabout shape and empty areas make bamboo a light building material, which is
anything but difficult to deal with, transport and store. In this way, working with bamboo spares
• Bamboo can be used for changeless and for transitory developments.
• In each of its hubs, bamboo has a separating or transverse divider that keeps up quality and
permits twisting subsequently averting bursting when bowed. Due to this awesome trademark a
bamboo development offers prevalent seismic tremor resistance.
• The arrangement of the strands in the dividers of the bamboo enables it to be cut length-
wise or cross cut in bits of any length, utilizing straightforward manual devices like the blade.

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• Another favorable position of working with bamboo is, that it can be utilized as a part of
mix with different sorts of development materials, such as fortifying materials for establishments..

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