Bamboo Fibre Reinforced Biocomposites: A Review: Materials and Design July 2012

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Bamboo fibre reinforced biocomposites: A review

Article  in  Materials and Design · July 2012

DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2012.06.015


293 7,401

6 authors, including:

Abdul Khalil H.P.S Irshad ul Haq Bhat

Universiti Sains Malaysia Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


Mohammad Jawaid Zaidon Ashaari

Universiti Putra Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia


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Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368

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Bamboo fibre reinforced biocomposites: A review

H.P.S. Abdul Khalil a,⇑, I.U.H. Bhat a, M. Jawaid b, A. Zaidon c, D. Hermawan d, Y.S. Hadi d
School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
Department of Polymer Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Department of Forest Product, Faculty of Forestry, Kampus IPB, Darmaga, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor 16001, West Java, Indonesia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The reduction in harmful destruction of ecosystem and to produce low cost polymeric reinforced com-
Received 11 May 2012 posites, the researchers are emerging with policies of manufacturing the composites using natural fibres
Accepted 9 June 2012 which are entirely biodegradable. These policies had generated safe strategies to protect our environ-
Available online 19 June 2012
ment. The utilization of bamboo fibres as reinforcement in composite materials has increased tremen-
dously and has undergone high-tech revolution in recent years as a response to the increasing demand
Keywords: for developing biodegradable, sustainable, and recyclable materials. The amalgamation of matrix and nat-
Bamboo fibres
ural fibres yield composite possessing best properties of each component. Various matrices used cur-
Mechanical properties
rently are soft and flexible in comparison to natural fibres their combination leads to composite
Thermal properties formation with high strength-to-weight ratios. The rapid advancement of the technology for making
industry products contributes consumer the ease of making a suitable choice and own desirable tastes.
Researchers have expanded their expertise in the product design by applying the usage of raw materials
like bamboo fibre which is stronger as well as can be utilized in generating high end quality sustainable
industrial products. Thereby, this article gives critical review of the most recent developments of bamboo
fibre based reinforced composites and the summary of main results presented in literature, focusing on
the processing methodology and ultimate properties of bamboo fibres with polymeric matrices and
applications in well designed economical products.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction natural fibres are of vital economic importance: for example, cotton
in some West African countries, jute in Bangladesh and sisal in
The soaring prices of raw materials for engineering and standard Tanzania [1].
plastics, the future sustainability of natural reservoirs and threat to The countries where there is scarcity of forest resources, agri-
environment have forced to use natural redeemable materials for cultural crops have been utilized for developments and research
development and fabrication of polymer composites [1,2]. The use on polymer composites. Bamboo is one of the agricultural crops
of synthetic fibres had dominated the recent past of reinforcement which can be exploited for the design and development of polymer
industry; however the natural fibre reinforcement had gained composites [6]. Bamboo is found in abundance in Asia and South
much impetus to substitute this synthetic fibre in various applica- America. In many Asian countries bamboo has not been explored
tions [3]. The combination of natural fibres with polymer matrices fully to its extent although it is considered as natural engineering
from both non renewal (petroleum based) and renewal resources material. This sustainable material has evolved as backbone for
used to produce polymer composites that are competitive with socio-economical status of society as it takes several months to
synthetic composites is gaining attention over the last decade [4]. grow up. Traditionally bamboo has been used in various living
Biodegradable plastics and bio-based polymer products from re- facility and tools, which owes to its high strength to its weight. This
newal resources can form sustainable and eco-friendly products property is due to the longitudinal alignment of fibres. In practice,
than can compete and capture current market which is dominated it is mandatory to fabricate the bamboo based composites in addi-
by petroleum based products [5]. Researchers have exploited both tion to the extraction of bamboo fibres in controlled way from
softwoods as well as hardwoods to extract the fibres for reinforce- bamboo trees [7,8]. The bamboo fibres are naturally possessed
ment in various composites [3]. For some developing countries, with finer mechanical properties, but are brittle in nature as com-
pared to other natural fibres due to the extra lignin content cover-
ing the bamboo fibres.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 4 6532200; fax: +60 4 657367. Presently bamboo is considered important plant fibre and has
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (H.P.S. Abdul Khalil). a great potential to be used in polymer composite industry. Its

0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
354 H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368

structural variation, mechanical properties, extraction of fibres, nomic value, light weight, high specific strength and non hazardous
chemical modification, and thermal properties had made it versa- nature of bamboo fibres are among most attractive properties of
tile for the use in composite industry [9,10]. On the basis of earlier this material which makes researchers to work in the direction of
reports, bamboo has 60% cellulose with high content of lignin and composite technology. Therefore, it can be revealed that bamboo fi-
its microfibrillar angle is 2–10°, which is relatively small. This char- bre based composites have potential use in automotive industry,
acteristic property has made bamboo fibre as fibre for reinforce- can replace the non-renewable, costly synthetic fibres in composite
ment in variety of matrices [9,11]. A variety of methods have materials, particularly in the automotive industry and including
been developed by researchers to extract the bamboo fibre for household sectors. Presently an ecological threat has forced many
reinforcement of composites. Alkaline treatment was used as a tool countries to pass laws for using 95% recyclable materials in vehi-
for facilitation of bamboo fibre extraction and optimizes separation cles. The current era is the time for using natural fibres, particularly
of bamboo fibres for preparation of bamboo fibre reinforced poly- bamboo fibre based composites in daily lives. The extensive re-
mer composites [12,13]. Researchers investigated the changes search from every field either engineering, biotechnological (genet-
occurring in fine structure of bamboo fibre due to treatment with ic engineering), cultivation, etc. are trying to make one goal of
different concentration of alkali solution [14]. In an interesting utilizing these bamboo fibres in better way in composite Industry.
study, researchers investigated effect of mercerization of bamboo
fibres on mechanical and dynamical mechanical properties of bam-
2. Socio-economic aspects of bamboo and bamboo fibre
boo composites [15,16]. The common approach towards fabrica-
reinforced composites
tion of composites from bamboo is to obtain better properties as
compared to synthetic fibres. Bamboo fibres used as filler and
The diversity of bamboo is itself reflected by its number of spe-
twin-screw extruder was used for compounding of bamboo and
cies, there are roughly 1000 species of bamboo found word wide.
biodegradable polymer for fabrication of bamboo reinforced poly-
Bamboo grows very fast rather it is better to say extremely fast
mer composites [9]. In another study, researchers used orthogonal
growing grass. Since, ancient time’s bamboo has been utilized in
bamboo fibre strip mats for fabrication of bamboo fibre reinforced
many Asian countries as well as South America for centuries.
epoxy and polyester composites by using hand lay-up technique
Bamboo can be considered an ecological viable substitute for com-
[17,18]. Dried bamboo fibres were used for preparation of short
monly used wood in many ways. Bamboo attains maturity in
bamboo fibres reinforced epoxy composites and their chemical
3 years as compared to wood which takes almost more than
resistant and tensile properties with fibre length have been studied
20 years. After maturity tensile strength of bamboo is comparable
[19]. Researchers used bamboo belongs to species of Bambusa Par-
to mild steel. The growth rate of bamboo is unbelievable, the known
avariabilis, which grows abundantly in Asia for development of
fastest bamboo grows vertically two inches per hour and in some
bamboo fibre reinforced polypropylene composites [20]. In an
moso bamboo species the height of 60 feet is achieved only in
interesting study, bamboo which commonly grown in Singapore
3 months, thus the cutting down this substitute wood would not af-
and can be abundantly throughout Southeast Asia was used to-
fect the ecological balance at all. Trade for bamboo and bamboo
gether with E-glass fibres as reinforcement in the hybrid compos-
products is growing very rapidly, the reason for market value of
ites [21]. Researchers studied the effect of fibre length on the
bamboo is shortage of wood production in many countries and
mechanical properties of polymer composites by using starch resin
bamboo is best option to substitute wood in terms of growth factor
and short bamboo fibres [22].
[30]. The business and trade of bamboo and its products either
A considerable effort has been made by researchers in good use
house hold materials, panels or decorating products has a collective
of bamboo fibre as reinforcement in polymer composites. Bamboo
effect on both global environment as well as economic develop-
fibres extracted from raw bamboo tress by steam explosion tech-
ment. Although the export trade of raw bamboo materials showed
nique used for development of eco-composites and evaluated
a decrease from US $ 61 million in 2001 to US $ 45 million in 2009,
mechanical properties of bamboo fibre reinforced polymer com-
the decrease in export of bamboo may be due to the domestic uti-
posites [23]. Biodegradable and environment-friendly green com-
lization of bamboo. The China is highest exporter to USA and EU
posites developed by utilizing micro/nano-sized bamboo fibrils
(Table 1).
possessing moderate strength and stiffness [24]. Flexural proper-
The farmers are primary benefiters for growing and harvesting
ties of bio-based polymer composites made from bamboo and bio-
the bamboo. The good source of income from growing and harvest-
degradable resin were evaluated and it compared with kenaf
ing the bamboo has polished their basic skills in terms of cultiva-
composites [25]. They also calculated flexural modulus by Cox’s
model that incorporates the effect of fibre compression were in
Table 1
good agreement with experimental results. Morphological and Bamboo export and import trade flow. Source:
mechanical properties of bamboo flour filled HDPE based compos-
ites were investigated in respect of crystalline nature of maleated Top exporters Top importers

elastomer modifier, combined EPR-g-MA and PE-g-MA modifier Country US $ million Country US $ million
systems and loading rate of bamboo flour in the presence of com- Canada 3 Turkey 7
bined modifier [26]. Researchers investigated thermal properties of South Africa 3 Norway 8
jute/bagasse hybrid composites and observed that thermal proper- Mexico 3 India 9
Nigeria 8 Mexico 9
ties of hybrid composites increased by increasing char residue at
Hong Kong, China 9 South Africa 12
600 °C [27]. Polypropylene/polylactic acid/bamboo fibres blend Malaysia 14 Hong Kong, China 13
composites were fabricated and morphological, and thermal prop- Myanmar 15 Russia 19
erties of blend composites compared with neat polymers [28]. Singapore 18 Switzerland 20
The presence of different functionalities particularly hydroxyl Thailand 18 Rep. of Korea 25
Philippines 30 Australia 26
groups in the bamboo fibres would lead to the weak interfacial USA 30 Singapore 31
bonding between fibres and the relatively hydrophobic polymers, EU-27 54 China 40
therefore researchers have tried to improve these properties by dif- Vietnam 84 Canada 54
ferent interfacial treatments [29]. The strengthening effects on the Indonesia 269 Japan 194
China 1034 USA 254
bamboo fibres containing various matrices such as polystyrene,
Eu-27 230
polyester and epoxy resins have been extensively studied. The eco-
H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368 355

tion, handle the pressure if there is some loss in marketing of bam-

boo, and enrich them with empowering ability. The ecological sys-
tem is directly related to bamboo plantation, it helps in reducing
landslides, soil erosion, and an unproductive land can be converted
into productive land. The livelihood of poor rural farmers is
boosted by bamboo cultivation skills. The protection of degraded
land and environment can be well established by cultivating the
bamboo, not only this food security can be evolved by intercrop-
ping the bamboo with other food plants. The bamboo cultivation
requires least investments; the investment is needed for bamboo
propagation, land and manpower. The socio-economic benefits in
terms of raw materials cultivation or product development (Furni-
ture, flooring, bamboo based composites, fencing, decoration, etc.)
leading to production of long lasting consumer goods is no doubt Fig. 1. World percentage of bamboo from different continents [30].
contributing to a greater extent in developing the economic values
of many countries [30] The depletion of natural resources and fast
increasing prices of crude oil have triggered the interest in utilizing 3.2. Extraction of bamboo fibres
the bamboo in composite technology. Imposing the strict laws to
design the eco-friendly consumer goods is forcing industries to de- The bamboo fibre is obtained from bamboo tree and it is divided
velop the methodology of using regenerable resources for fabrica- into two kinds of fibre according to different process flow and
tion of composites; bamboo is one among the best resources which method: Natural original bamboo fibre and bamboo pulp fibre
can be used as reinforcing agent in composites instead of using (namely bamboo viscose fibre or regenerated cellulose bamboo fi-
glass fibres which directly depend on the depleting natural re- bre). Original bamboo fibre is directly picked up from natural bam-
sources [31]. The researchers are looking for the greener solution boo without any chemical additive, using physical and mechanical
of this environmental threat. The easy availability of bamboo has method. In order to differentiate from bamboo pulp fibre (bamboo
stimulated a new era of composite industry. A step towards policy viscose fibre), we call it as original bamboo fibre or pure natural
making and technological initiatives need to speed up to use bam- bamboo fibre. But bamboo pulp (viscose) fibre belongs to regener-
boo composites in public interest in order to avoid the use of wood. ated cellulose fibre as chemical fibre. Broadly there are two types
The evolution in bamboo based composites in house hold things, of processing to obtain bamboo fibres viz. mechanical processing
transportation, construction have moulded the bamboo economics and chemical processing. Both processes initially include splitting
into new direction while benefiting the common people both eco- of bamboo strips, which is followed by either mechanical process-
nomically as well as socially. The promotion of bamboo based com- ing or chemical processing depending upon the further use of bam-
posites have generated new avenues for employment, all over boo fibres. Chemical processing includes initial alkali hydrolysis
world the policies are being made to develop interest among com- (NaOH) to yield cellulose fibres. Alkali treated cellulose fibres are
mon masses by implying different policies for example exempting then passed through carbon disulphide via multi phase bleaching.
bamboo composites from excise duties [32]. Most of the manufactures use this process as it is least time con-
suming procedure to yield the bamboo fibres.
However, in mechanical process, the initially crushed bamboo is
3. Bamboo fibres
treated by enzymes leading to formation of spongy mass and by
the help of mechanical comb fibre technology, individual fibres
3.1. Global distribution of bamboo
are obtained. This method is environment friendly as compared
to chemical process, although it is less economic process. Research-
The bamboo is grown in various continents of the world, it has
ers reported detailed method of fibre extraction and it was divided
been divided accordingly; Asia–Pacific bamboo region, American
into rough and fine bamboo preparation [35]. The rough bamboo
bamboo region, African bamboo region and European and North
fibres were obtained by cutting, separation, boiling and fermenta-
American region (Table 2). The Asia–Pacific bamboo region is the
tion with enzymes of bamboo. While as to obtain fine bamboo, the
largest bamboo growing area in the world. In Asian countries, bam-
steps followed are boiling, fermentation with enzyme, wash and
boo is known by different names, In China it is known as ‘‘friend of
bleach, acid treatment, oil soaking and air-drying. The detailed out-
people’’, ‘‘wood of the poor’’ in India, ‘‘the brother’’ in Vietnam
line is given in Fig. 2.
[33,34]. FAO provided the data of bamboo production at global le-
vel as shown in Fig. 1. In Asia, large area of bamboo is occupied by
six countries viz. India, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, 3.3. Chemical composition and structure of bamboo fibres
Vietnam and others. Globally among sympodial and monopodial,
sympodial type of bamboo dominates major part [30]. The exten- The chemical composition of bamboo fibre constitutes mainly
sive awareness of bamboo plantation in China has lead to an in- cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. These components are actu-
crease in monopodial bamboo by about 30%. ally same high-glycans, and make about 90% of total weight of

Table 2
Bamboo regions along with countries [30].

Bamboo region Countries

1. Asia–Pacific China, India, Burma, Thailand, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Korea
and Sri Lanka
2. American bamboo region (Latin America, South Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Columbia, Venezuela and Brazil
America and North America)
3. African bamboo region Mozambique, Eastern Sudan
4. European countries England, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Holland. United States and Canada have introduced a large number of
bamboo species from Asian and Latin American bamboo-producing countries
356 H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368

Fig. 2. Extraction of rough and fine bamboo fibre [35].

bamboo fibre. The other constituents are protein, fat, pectin, tan- for covalent bonding in the cell wall structure. This variation of dif-
nins, pigments and ash. These constituents play important role in ferent components across the cell wall provides novel design to
physiological activity of bamboo and they are found in cell cavity bamboo fibre wall, enhancing its various mechano-physical prop-
or special organelles. The chemical composition of the bamboo fi- erties [38,43,44]. Recently, two researchers reported extensive
bre is given in Fig. 3 [36]. Usually the chemical content of bamboo studies on structure of bamboo fibre of different species and inves-
changes with age of the bamboo, particularly cellulose content tigated the cell wall structure of different bamboo species [45,46].
keeps on decreasing while age of bamboo is increased so directly A study on bamboo species Guadua angustifolia revealed the pres-
it directly affects the chemical composition of bamboo fibre. The ence of irregular form and more precisely beam shaped pattern of
lignin is considered to provide stiffness and yellow colour to bam- bamboo fibres (Fig. 4) [45]. Their size was found to depending
boo fibres. Different treatments cannot remove all the lignin con- upon the position across the cell wall. However, irrespective of po-
tent of the bamboo fibres, as lignin has been found quite sition of bamboo fibre across the cell wall, a fibre with pentagonal
resistant to various alkalis. Non cellulosic components have en- or hexagonal, arranged in a honeycomb pattern was observed.
ough contribution to fibre properties such as strength, flexibility, The morphology of bamboo fibres revealed the clean surface of
moisture, and even density [37]. The unidirectional arrangement bamboo fibre with no apparent damage, the roughness found at
of bamboo fibres in tissues and cell wall structure of bamboo is surface will help in fibre matrix bonding, the main utilization of
one of unique property of bamboo [38–40]. Bamboo fibres possess bamboo fibres (Fig. 5). They also reported the insight about the fi-
alternate broad and narrow polylamellate structure with alternat- bre dimensions of different species of bamboo fibre obtained from
ing broad and narrow lamella as compared to sandwich like struc- different position of respective bamboo culms (Fig. 6) [46]. The
ture of wood fibre [41,42]. One the characteristic of ultra structure polylamellate structures do not exist in the cell wall of the fibres
of bamboo fibre is variation in arrangement of cellulose fibrils of the normal wood. Based on its anatomical properties, ultra
along their longitudinal axis. The alternate narrow and broad lay- structure and plant fracture mechanism bamboo establishes itself
ers have different arrangement of cellulose microfibrils, with large as a superior natural fibre.
microfibril angle in narrow layers and low microfibril angle per-
pendicular and parallel to the main cell axis, respectively [41]. 4. Eco bamboo fibre composites
The lignin plays important role and is present in different concen-
tration in different layers of cell wall. In addition, hemicellulose, Scientists have welcomed the move of imposing regulations for
phenolic acids (e.g. ferulic and p-coumaric acids), are responsible better and safer environment and had given a new direction to
researchers towards generation of new ideas in eco-composite
technology [47–49]. Eco-composite can be defined as composites
with better environmental and ecological advantages over syn-
thetic or conventional composites. Eco-composites can be fabri-
cated from natural fibres or variety of natural polymers and
polymer matrices. This field has gained enough popularity in re-
cent years and keeps on increasing day by day, although much
has not been achieved yet.

4.1. Polyester based bamboo fibre reinforced composites

Natural fibre composites had gained much attention in struc-

tural applications in recent years. But this natural material is extre-
mely difficult to be produced. Thus, defected material with different
degree of cracks may occur during service. Therefore, it is necessary
Fig. 3. Chemical constituents of Bamboo fibre [36,37]. to understand how these difficulties may be overcome. It has been
H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368 357

Fig. 4. Bamboo microstructure [45].

Fig. 5. (A) SEM images of bamboo (G. angustifolia) fibre bundle after mechanical extraction. Note: The fibre bundle is composed of several elementary fibres, and (B) SEM
images of bamboo (G. angustifolia) showing the roughness of the fibre bundle after mechanical extraction [45].

reported that toughness of a brittle polymer for example, polyester Tensile and flexural strength were extensively studied and the
can be improved through natural fibre reinforcement [50]. In an enhanced results were attributed to the less water uptake by the
interesting study, researchers have selected the bamboo fibre to composites by alkali treatments making them more durable. In an-
study the fracture behaviour of bamboo fibre reinforced polyester other recently published work, they used different chemicals to
composites [51]. These composites were characterized by different modify the bamboo fibre to estimate various mechanical, physical
approach utilizing a technique known as LEFM approach. In another and morphological properties of bamboo reinforced polyester com-
study, they reported comparison study on bamboo and other fibres posites [54]. They concluded that obtained results from various
used as reinforcement in polyester matrix [52]. They developed a modifications of bamboo fibre show variation in mechanical, phys-
composite material of high strength and light weight applications. ical and morphological properties of bamboo reinforced polyester
Effect of different properties viz mechanical and water absorption composites.
of bamboo reinforced polyester composites have been reported Maleic anhydride treatment improved the mechanical (Modu-
[53]. In order to yield better properties results they have physically lus of elasticity and flexural modulus) as well as water-resistant
modified the bamboo fibre by different concentration of NaOH. properties (water uptake) of bamboo–epoxy composites, similar
358 H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368

Species Fiber and Lumen Fibre length (µm) TEM image for individual fiber
diameter (µm)

G. brang

4.73 1910




8.66 1745



Fig. 6. Fibre dimensions and TEM images of different species of bamboo [46].

trend was observed in the properties of other chemically modified extraction from bamboo strips and the use of these bamboo fibres
(permanganate and benzoylation treatments) bamboo fibre poly- as reinforcement for polymers, utilizing both chemical and
ester composites. They supported their findings of mechanical mechanical means to obtain the bamboo fibres. The developed
properties by observing the scanning electron microscope (SEM) polyester bamboo reinforced composites were analyzed to yield
images which revealed that fibre-polyester bonding was improved information about tensile strength and morphological properties.
by using modified bamboo fibres in composites. Previous research Researchers developed bamboo reinforced polyester compos-
investigated acrylonitrile treated bamboo fibres reinforced com- ites by hand lay-up technique and bamboo strips used were trea-
posites and observed that acrylonitrile treated bamboo fibres af- ted by alkali prior to further studies [57]. They also studied effect
fected the tensile, flexural, and water absorption properties of of bamboo fibre loading variations on mechanical properties of
composites [55]. They also studied morphological properties of bamboo reinforced polyester composites and observed best results
composites, it exhibited fractured surfaces due to arose tension, at 60% fibre loading. The interaction between matrix and bamboo
enough quantity of residual resin occurred on the surface with fibre was supported by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
gaps between the cells. Further study, they reported water absorb- (FT–IR), and revealed that hydrogen bonding is main cause of inter-
ing properties of bamboo reinforced polyester composites [56]. In action between the fibre and matrix. The fractured surfaces with
this study mercerized bamboo fibres, modified by various silanes varied degree of topography were visualized by SEM studies. Bond-
were carried out to observe the changes in water up taking capac- ing interaction between the polyester and modified bamboo was
ity of composites. The main aim of their study was to visualize the observed with least pull out of cellulose fibrils. As it is evident that
hydrophilic character of bamboo based reinforced composites in natural fibres are sensitive to alkali treatment and hence it get dis-
order to support the current demand of utilization of bamboo in solved during treatment which makes fracture in the fibre from the
outdoor applications. In another study, researchers reported the lumen, longer cellulose fibre pull-out from hemicellulose–lignin
use of extracted bamboo fibres as reinforcement for polymers matrix was reported in this study. The mechanical, thermal, and
[12]. The overall objective of this work was to investigate the fibre morphological properties of polycaprolactone and bamboo fibre
H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368 359

composites were evaluated [58]. In order to attain the homogene- gave better results than trimethoxy amino silacanes, however, the
ity between matrix and the bamboo fibre, the maleic anhydride best water absorption results were achieved by alkali and amino-
grafted polycaprolactone was used for the study. The mechanical propyltriethoxysilane treated bamboo–epoxy composite. In their
(Tensile and elongation at break) properties of bamboo fibre/ study, a similar type of study was carried out with no alkali treat-
maleic anhydride grafted polycaprolactone composites enhanced ment was given to bamboo fibres [63]. The amino silanes have
as compared to the bamboo fibre/polycaprolactone composite. reduced the water absorption capacity of bamboo reinforced epoxy
composites to greater extent as compared to untreated fibre
4.2. Epoxy based bamboo fibre reinforced composites composites. It was observed that aminopropyltriethoxy silane
exhibited good results for bamboo–epoxy composites than the
The adhesive wear and frictional performance of bamboo fibre aminopropyltrimthoxy silane. Similar explanation stated as above
reinforced epoxy composites were studied [59]. It reported that was justified for the results obtained in this study, which indicates
wear performance of bamboo fibre reinforced epoxy resin compos- the better adhesion ensured better adhesion between epoxy matrix
ite had excellent wear resistance, as compared to neat epoxy. The and bamboo hence leading to reduced water absorption in compos-
friction performance of bamboo fibre reinforced epoxy composite ites. Aminopropyltriethoxy silane treated bamboo fibre composite
was enhanced by almost 44% at low sliding velocity for anti parallel yielded good results against water absorption, and was supported
orientation as compared to the higher sliding velocity. Morphology by their lowest diffusion coefficient values. The overall perfor-
of these composites exhibited superior orientation in antiparallel mance of fabricated composite depends on various physico-
direction as compared to other directions. This observation was mechanical properties particularly void content. It reported a short
attributed to high shear resistance incurred by the bamboo fibre bamboo fibre reinforced epoxy composites and their density, void
that influenced the wear and friction for the different sliding veloc- content, and percent weight reduction from the matrices [64].
ities. Another study reported about mercerized the bamboo fibres The void content directly depends on the fibre content used, and
to yield the bamboo fibre-reinforced epoxy composites [60]. The re- it was observed that void content of these composites keep on
sulted composites possess of two fibre orientations parallel and decreasing with increasing fibre content. Similar trend was
perpendicular to the electric field was achieved. The effects of fibre observed with density of these composites. A linear relationship
alignment and alkali treatment on the dielectric properties of bam- was observed for weight reduction for these composites as function
boo fibre epoxy composites and to evaluate the performance of a of matrix with linear increase, hence generating light weight
standard laminating resin was their main concern on the basis of composites.
structural concern. The dielectric, electric modulus, AC, and DC con-
ductivity studies were carried out to explain the dielectric behav- 4.3. Phenolic resin based bamboo fibre reinforced composites
iour of bamboo epoxy composites. These characteristic properties
such as high volume resistivity, good mechanical properties and Researchers investigated the effect of mercerization of bamboo
less cellulose content and small microfibrillar angle of bamboo fibre fibre on physical, mechanical and thermal behaviour (weathering
makes bamboo fibre reinforced epoxy composites as cost effective behaviour, % water uptake, % thickness swelling, and thermal sta-
biocomposites used for dielectric application. In an interesting bility) of bamboo fibres reinforced novolac resin composites
study, researchers investigate the effect of silanes on mechanical (Fig. 7) [65]. The effect of mercerization of both treated and un-
properties of bamboo fibre–epoxy composites [56]. They prepared treated on properties of composites were evaluated. Earlier reports
two sets of bamboo–epoxy composites, one with silane treatment clarified that these modification improve various properties such
bamboo mats and the other with silane treatment mercerized bam- as wetting ability, interfacial strength, mechanical properties,
boo mats. The mechanical properties such as tensile strength, elas- weathering and thermal properties of the composites [19]. The
tic modulus, flexural strength and flexural modulus were evaluated weathering behaviour, water absorption, humidity and UV expo-
and it was observed that silane treatment improved the tensile and sure along with dimensional changes of fabricated composites
flexural strength but addition of silane treated mercerized bamboo were carried out for different duration and atmospheric conditions.
leads to the significant reduction of the strength. Morphologies, They reported that better thermal properties were observed after
mechanical and thermal properties of bamboo husk reinforced alkali treatment due to better interfacial interaction between alkali
composites were investigated [61]. SEM studies revealed that mor- treated bamboo fibres and novalic resin. As per their evaluation,
phology of fibres modified by coupling agents were better in the they hypothesized that alkali treatment makes fabricated compos-
compatibility with polymer matrices perspective as compared to ites more thermally stable up to certain range of temperature and
untreated fibres. It was reported that these composites have high at particular concentration of alkali. In addition, moisture absorp-
storage modulus and glass transition temperature. Developed a no- tion at 100% humidity was considered to be depending on interfa-
vel mechanical extraction process to obtain long bamboo fibres and cial bonding. The Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) of a
were used to fabricate epoxy reinforced structural composites [45]. composite material directly depends on various factors e.g. fibre
They mentioned that treatment of fibres by alkali provides a plus content, compatibilizer, additive, orientation of the fibre and the
point for favouring the bond with the matrix as this treatment re- mode of testing plays important role. There are various studies re-
moves organic and other impurities form the fibres hence enhances ported earlier in which these study has been utililized [66–68].
the interfacial bonding. The flexural and Young’s modulus was also Similar studies on dynamic mechanical and thermal properties of
calculated theoretically and good results were obtained for fibre/ novolac–bamboo fibre composites were reported [69]. Prior to
matrix adhesion and fibre alignment. The effect of different deriva- composite fabrication the bamboo fibres were treated with alkali
tive of silanes in addition to alkali treatment on water absorption and it shows that obtained properties were affected by the concen-
properties of bamboo epoxy composites were extensively carried tration of alkali used. Thermal degradation studies revealed that al-
out [62]. Both alkali as well as silane treatment resulted in reduc- kali treatment of the fibre imparts better thermal stability to the
tion of water absorption. The results obtained by them were attrib- composites as compared to untreated one. FT–IR and DMA obser-
uted to improved fibre–matrix adhesion, resulting from the alkali vations suggested that best results were obtained for 20% alkali-
and silane treatment. The main cause of less water absorption is treated fibre composites. The fabricated bamboo fibre reinforced
greater hydrophobicity developed by treatment of bamboo fibres. novolac composites were characterized for their visco-elastic prop-
Among the different silanes used in this study amino functional si- erties and it was best technique which provides the most appropri-
lanes provided best results with epoxy resins. Triethoxy derivative ate information about the glass transition temperature as
360 H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368

Fig. 7. Photograph of untreated bamboo strips-novolac resin composites sheet (A) before UV exposure; (B) after 75 h UV exposure; Photograph of 20% alkali treated bamboo
strips-novolac resin composites sheet (A’) before UV exposure; (B’) after 75 h UV exposure [65].

compared to differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The thermal composites, as the concentration of alkali was increased in modifi-
stability was enhanced by using more concentrated solution and cation of fibres, the resultant mechanical properties of composites
with best properties was observed at 20% alkali treatment. In an- started diminishing.
other research, it reported about impact test and fracture energy
of bamboo/novalac composites [70]. Bamboo fibres were treated
with varied concentration of NaOH ranging from 10–25% and it re-
vealed that fracture energy increases for composites made from 4.4. Polypropylene based bamboo fibre reinforced composites
untreated bamboo strips as compared to mercerized bamboo strips
(Fig. 8). The developed composite has better impact strength along Researchers worked on Boro Baash, a Bangladeshi bamboo to ob-
the fibre direction. It is known that bamboo possess weak strength tain composites with uni and omni directional fibres (Figs. 9 and 10)
across its length, and study provides potential outdoor applications [71]. The novel designed composites were fabricated according to
of bamboo/novolac resin composites. The effect of mercerization of earlier report [72]. As per their observation they consider the
bamboo strips was already reported in previous study which elab- strength of bamboo as results of cohesive strength between scle-
orated mechanical and morphology properties of bamboo/novolac renchyma fibres instead of tensile strength of the fibres themselves.
resin composites [16]. The changes in fibre structure as well as sur- This strength was exploited for the fabrication of composites with
face topography were best at 20% alkali treatment of manufactured novel design. They made a comparative study of strip thickness,
width, and orientation of strips on mechanical and sound dampen-
ing properties of bamboo fire reinforced polypropylene composites
with that of jute–polypropylene composites. Results revealed bet-
CH2OH HO ter composite properties than jute based composites.
Cellulose The bamboo strips–polypropylene (PP) composites possess con-
HO Hemicellulose siderably high flexural properties. This characteristic property
+ makes them suitable to replace nowadays most used glass fibre
CH2OH Lignin in automotive industry. Among other natural fibres, composite of
Novolac resin with polypropylene using pineapple leaf fibre, banana fibre, and bam-
reactive methylol Bamboo Fiber boo fibre were studied for their degree and rate of biodegradation
group properties by specially designed experimental set up [73]. They ob-
served that degradation of bamboo–PP composites had taken place
in the areas where fibre remains attached to matrix in terms of
physical forces. SEM results revealed that if bamboo fibres are ex-
H2 C O posed they got damaged while fibres embedded deep in the matrix
+ are almost unaffected (Fig. 11). Thus, they observed that renewable
H2 C O Hemicellulose resources such as bamboo fibre can be used as reinforcing agents in
synthetic polymers and reducing the polymer content used in
H2 C O manufacturing the neat composites therefore reduce the genera-
tion of waste non-biodegradable polymers. In another research,
Fig. 8. Probable reaction scheme of bamboo and novolac resin [70]. they reported preparation of short bamboo fibre reinforced poly-
H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368 361

propylene composites with various loadings percentages of chem-

ically modified bamboo fibres [74].
In this study they have chosen maleic anhydride grafted poly-
propylene, which was supported as compatibilizer in order to
improve adhesion between fibre and matrix. The direct effects of
different percentage and modification of bamboo fibre on various
physical and mechanical properties of PP composites indicated that
both percentage and modification plays important role in varying
these properties. SEM, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and FT–
IR analysis results revealed that fracture surfaces, thermal stability
and functionality of composites with modified bamboo fibres
exhibited a better results and bonding pattern, respectively. The
effect of alkaline and acetylating agents on morphology of bamboo
fibre–polypropylene was reported [75]. The recycled polypropylene
resin was used for this study. Various properties viz. mechanical,
thermal, rheological property, morphology, and miscibility were
extensively studied. The comparison of alkaline and acetylating
Fig. 9. (a) Layering of 20.3 cm bamboo strips on the bottom stack of web layers, (b) treatment showed that mechanical properties of bamboo fibre–PP
laying of 10.2 cm strip layer on top of the 20.3 cm strip layer, (c) after completing all composites were improved. Similarly adhesion between bamboo
six layers of strips in the alternate fashion, and (d) laying the top stack of web layer
fibre and polypropylene matrix was enhanced. In terms thermal
stability a decrease in melting temperature was monitored. In addi-
tion, rheological experiments revealed that for modified bamboo fi-
bre–PP composites rheological values are directly depended on
fibre content used. Subsequent alkaline treatment and silane treat-
ment is among the latest trends used during these days for manu-
facturing of composites to attain best results. In another study,
they also observed that bamboo fibres and PP as the polymer matrix
yields better mechanical strength for polymer composites [76]. In
addition to chemical modification, filler loading of bamboo fibre
also affects the physico-mechanical, thermal and morphological
properties of bamboo fibre reinforced PP composites (Fig. 12).
Instead of modifying the bamboo fibres, other researchers tried
modified polypropylene matrix for reinforcement of bamboo fibres
[8]. They believed that polypropylene modified by maleic anhy-
dride can be utilized in enhancing the better interaction of hydroxyl
groups on bamboo fibres [20,21,77–79]. The increased mechanical
properties of composites were reported as compared to conven-
tional composites. The SEM studies carried out depicted the
decrease in void content was observed in modified bamboo com-
posites due to strong impregnation of resin matrix. The impregna-
tion of polypropylene in composites of steam exploded bamboo
fibres showed a tremendous increase in tensile strength and mod-
Fig. 10. Orientation of bamboo strips on web, (a) 0°, (b) 30°, (c) 60°, (e) 90°, (f) 120°, ulus again assigned the same reason of being presence of less num-
and (g) 150° [71].
ber of voids. Mechanical properties of some bamboo fibre based

Fig. 11. (A) SEM micrographs of partially biodegraded bamboo fibre–PP interface, (B) SEM micrographs of partially biodegraded bamboo fibre–PP fractured surface [73].
362 H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368

NH2 CH2CH2CH2 H3CO combination of different matrixes leads to increase in tensile prop-
erties and similar trend was observed in chemical resistance of
Si OCH3 Si OCH3 bamboo composites. The different matrix system can be favourable
OCH3 OCH3 matrix for making composites of bamboo, and hence can be utilized
Fig. 12. Chemical structures of (a) aminopropyltrimethoxysilane, and (b) tetra- 5. Thermal characterization of bamboo fibre reinforced
methoxy orthosilicate [76]. composites

Although a large number of reports based on characterization of

reinforced composites is given in Table 3. In other work, researchers plant natural fibre based composites, have been explored tremen-
extensively studied the mechanical properties of bamboo rein- dously, but the reports on thermal characterization of fibres based
forced with modified polypropylene resin and drastic changes were composites, particularly, bamboo is quite scare. In this study, ther-
observed in these properties was observed [84,85]. The extent of mogravimetric analysis of alkali treated bamboo reinforced novolac
adhesion and surface treatments were reported in these studies re- resin exhibited better thermal stability as compared to untreated
vealed that adhesion became well after this treatment. In another composites [65]. They explained that the better thermal stability
report a maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene was used in fabri- was an outcome of interaction of forces between the individual
cation of composites with enhanced mechanical properties [20]. components held together with the novolac resin. After alkali treat-
The tensile strength was found much more as compared to com- ment the affinity of fibres towards to water absorption decreases as
mercial wood pulp composites. They further speculated that such many of the hydroxyl functional groups responsible for water
composites have a potential application as a new wood substitute. absorption are occupied by respective soft metal ions and subse-
quent neutralization generates the new cellulosic bonds between
4.5. Poly vinyl chloride and Polystyrene, based bamboo fibre reinforced parent cellulose molecules [14,16]. The generation of new bonds
composites makes the cellulose with tightly closed packed system; hence
increasing the crystallinity index of alkali treated bamboo leading
The interfacial adhesion is one of the important properties to higher stability [88]. This caged system upholds the water of
which improve the bonding between matrix and the fibre. Recently crystallization leading to an increase in final temperature. Thermal
reported work on interfacial strength between poly(vinyl chloride) behaviour like heat deflection temperature of polypropylene based
(PVC) and bamboo flour in PVC/bamboo flour composites observed bamboo fibres carried out and reported minor enhancement of
improved in properties by using novel coupling agents [86]. They thermal properties of bamboo fibre based composites after alkali
coupling agents were generated by one pot synthesis. The increased treatment [74,89–91]. Thermal degradation pattern was different
content of coupling agent used increases the morphological and after fibre was introduced although slight improvement in their
mechanical properties of composites. Their observation revealed thermal stabilities was observed. A change in the degradation pat-
that coupling agent favours the affinity property between fibre tern of the composites was also noticed after fibre incorporation
and polyvinyl matrix by lowering down the interfacial tension. along with slight improvement in their thermal stabilities. Fibre
The SEM studies revealed better dispersion of fibre into PVC matrix content in composites is one of the important factor which effects
due to increased amount of coupling agents used. The enhancement thermal property directly. Researchers in one of his comparative
in mechanical properties was also indication of strong bonding be- biodegradation study explained that partial degradation is a good
tween matrix and bamboo fibre. The tensile strength and chemical reason which has direct impact on thermal stability of bamboo
resistance of bamboo fibres treated with alkali and coated with composites [74]. The structure properties of bamboo composites
polystyrene and polyurethanes systems was carried out [87]. The and their interrelationship with the various properties like crystal-

Table 3
Mechanical properties of bamboo fibre based reinforced composites.

Bamboo fibre based biocomposites Tensile strength (MPa) Young’s modulus (GPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Flexural modulus (MPa) Reference
BF (30%) + PP 25.80 ± 60.37 1.357 ± 0.9 45.49 ± 0.88 2077 ± 4 [74]
BF (30%) + MA-g-PP 37.37 ± 0.47 1.37 ± 0.6 56.73 ± 0.49 2929 ± 5
BF + MA-PP 35.1 ± 2.42 4.69 ± 0.55 – – [7]
BF + EP 86.57 – 119.69 11901.11 [53]
BF + EP + NaOH 135.00 – 149.00 9500.00
BF + PE 126.2 2.48 128.5 3700.00 [52]
BF (30%) + HDPE 25.47 2.674 27.86 2911.70 [80]
BF 30% + HDPE-MA 28.54 2.878 53.76 4313.0
BF (40%) + IUP – – 38.7 ± 4.8 4004.8 ± 216.7 [81]
BF + PE 74 – 107 4373 [56]
BF + EP 86 – 119 11901 [55]
BF + EP/PE 135 – 149 9500 [82]
BF (30%) + PP+ 43.96 1240.20 45.42 1920.75 [83]
Bamboo (30%) + PP-MA 46.65 1425.55 52.30 2096.95
BS (60%) + PP – – 19.15 ± 1.4 3.13 ± 0.16 [71]
BF + EP 87 – 107 11901 [53]
BF-EP-NaOH (5%) 135 – 154 9500

BF = bamboo fibre; BS = bamboo strips; PP = polypropylene; MA-g-PP = maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene; EP = epoxy; PE = polyester; HDPE = high density polyeth-
ylene; IUP = isophthalate unsaturated polyester resin.
H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368 363

lization and interfacial morphology have been explained [92]. DSC polymer nuclei at slower cooling rate gets sufficient time to achieve
curves were evaluated to observe the effect of clean matrix and activated state which leads to crystallization at higher tempera-
their derivatives. The change from plain matrix to modified matrix tures [96]. The crystallization peak temperature at particular cool-
has visible effect on the DCS pattern of resulted bamboo compos- ing rate was found directly proportional to content of bamboo fibre
ites. The trend was observed due the presence of considered used, which was supported by the phenomenon of heterogeneous
amount of b phase form. Other researchers reported that properties ‘nucleation effect’ of bamboo which encourages the crystallization
of composites depend on the type of filler used; inorganic fillers can of polypropylene matrix [97–99]. The recycled polypropylene bam-
act as b-nucleators thereby leading to generation of huge amount of boo composites possessed lower values for degree of crystallinity
b form, which directly affects various properties of composites, par- than neat recycled polypropylene which depicts that relative de-
ticularly thermal properties [93,94]. In another study, they consid- gree of crystallinity of composites required lower cooling rate
ered bamboo fibre as source of b-nucleators [92]. The cause of [100–102].
varied degree of thermal behaviour can be attributed to the en- The effect of bamboo fibres in recycled polypropylene based
hanced degree of adhesion between the matrix and bamboo fibres, bamboo composites on melting temperature of the matrix was re-
stronger adhesion better thermal stability. Thermal behaviour of ported with slight decrease in it and increased crystallization,
modified bamboo reinforced composites with different degree of fi- meaning thereby that amount of bamboo fibres directly affects
bre loading was investigated [76]. They compared thermal behav- the thermal property of composites [75]. It has been observed by
iour of neat matrix, bamboo and resulted bamboo composites. other researchers also that fibres in composites increase both rate
Weight loss was observed to be directly depended on the fibre load- of crystallization as well as crystalline percentage of recycled pol-
ing and maximum peak temperature was directly affected by in- ypropylenes [103–105]. The presence of bamboo fibre and their
creased inorganic silane content on the bamboo surface. The different loading percentage has a positive role in increasing the
kinetics of the recycled polypropylene reinforced bamboo fibre crystallization of recycled resins in the composites which usually
composites was investigated and observed that on increasing the takes place at higher temperatures neat recycled polypropylene re-
cooling rate both crystallization temperature peak and onset tem- sin. The nucleation effect is main factor for showing such a behav-
perature shifted in the lower region [95]. It was elaborated that iour [106,107].

Fig. 13. Various applications of bamboo fibre composites. Source:, accessed on April 21, 2012.
364 H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368

6. Bamboo fibre reinforced composites and design applications ditional wood. Developed products from bamboo composites over
come deficiency such as dimensional stability, longevity, weather
In recent years the utilization of bamboo has been strengthened resistant, high impact resistant, low maintenance, non toxic, and
to exploit bamboo as non-wood renewable fibre. Agro-forestry has low flame spread. in conventional composites and traditional
been boosted by this renewable fibre as bamboo attains full growth wood.
and maturity in one and 2 years, respectively. The fast growing and There are various companies who are involved in utilizing the
renewability of bamboo lead to an evolution in theoretical and ap- bamboo composites in day today’s life, bamboo composite decking,
plied research on bamboo based products, particularly in housing, bamboo composite fencing, bamboo composite deck tiles, bamboo
furniture, packaging, transport, etc. (Figs. 13 and 14). These com- composite railings, bamboo composite dustbins, bamboo compos-
posites have replaced traditional wood in terms of indoor as well ite outdoor furniture, bamboo decking accessories. These products
as outdoor applications. Their strength has been compared with are available in market and made from 70% recycled bamboo fibres
traditional wood and has been found ten times stronger than tra- and 30% recycled High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). These bam-

Fig. 14. Furniture application of bamboo fibre based composites. Source: Shyamasundar K. Bamboo and Bamboo composites – Green Building Materials for housing/
construction IPIRTI, Bangalore 560022.,, accessed on February 18, 2012.

Fig. 15. Bamboo fibre based composite decks. Source:, accesed on March 11, 2012.
H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368 365

than natural fibres (0.5–1.5 gm/cm3); therefore various products

made from them used in different industries affects directly the
weight of those components, thus thereby increasing consumption
of petroleum [110,111]. These daily encountered problems has to
make a shift to development of sustainable and eco-friendly mate-
rials, mainly materials derived from the plant source which have a
capability of rapid growth, bamboo fibres will be one of the leading
examples as these fibres are derived from the sources which is
known for its rapid growth and sustainable nature. Researchers as
well as industries are working hard to replace conventional and
synthetic materials with eco-friendly materials such as bamboo fi-
bres, being one of the sustainable and economical materials to be
exploited in field of biocomposites [112–114]. Biodegradable and
sustainable biocomposites can be produced from bamboo fibres
for indoor and outdoor applications to replace materials/products
generally fabricated from glass fibres based composites and con-
ventional composites. Bamboo fibre based polymer composites
Fig. 16. Prototype of door trim that is made of bamboo composite material. Source: possess high strength to weight ratio, dimensional stability, dura-
Use of Bamboo Fibre in Automobile materials by Mitsubishi Motors Co. www.japan- bility, and amenability to be engineered to any complex shape or
mitsubishi-motors-co/, accessed on March 28, 2012.
size at low cost of production as compared to conventional compos-
ites. Recently technology involved to process hybridization and
reinforcement of bamboo fibres with glass, jute, oil palm, coir and
boo composites have been design with special characteristics other fibres compounding or mixing with matrices and fabricated
maintaining their shape, termite resistance, high thermal stability, advance composites with high mechanical and thermal properties
easy handling and installation. The end users are getting enough [1]. Bamboo fibre based hybrid composites can process under con-
benefit from these bamboo based composites both in terms of cost. trolled temperature and pressure to obtain a class of products hav-
Recently reported works investigate the laminated bamboo lumber ing superior properties than the individual components.
(LBL) for structural applications [108]. Although, the effort made Many researchers have reported comparative studies based on
for fabricating the LBL successful, however better understanding different properties of bamboo fibre based biocomposites, and
of effects on strength properties are to be well understood. The glass fibre based composites. Researchers stated that bamboo fi-
development of cost effective methodology, eco-friendly, less utili- bres can replace up to 25 wt.% of glass fibres without lowering
zation of renewable building materials, reduction in pollution and mechanical properties of glass fibre based composites [81]. They
conservation of energy has been well affected by present days observed that quantity of bamboo fibres loading gradually in-
bamboo based composite industry. The other application of bam- creases the modulus and strength of fabricated biocomposites. In
boo composites are water sports for example decks (Fig. 15). Bam- this study, they also explained hybridization of bamboo fibres with
boo based composites used for water surfing are commonly known glass fibres and observed that decrease in stiffness with marginal
as surfboards. These surfboards are light weighed with particular increase in bamboo fibre loading due to poor interfacial bonding
design and water proof surfaces. These decks are multilayered [115]. In another interesting work, researchers tried to modify
bamboo boards with epoxy matrix with specialty over glass boards the resin in order to get better comparative results of bamboo fibre
so that it cannot get bends thus maintaining its shape for long uses. and glass composites [83]. The obtained results were tabulated on
Recently bamboo based composites have been used in making a the basis of collective effect of bamboo and glass fibres. The ther-
prototype by Mitsubishi Japan. They have used polyurethane resin mal properties of hybrid composites were enhanced due to the
to develop such prototype. This product was developed by Mitsu- presence of bamboo and glass fibres, and it attribute to hybridiza-
bishi in order to reduce the production cost of the materials used tion effect and fibre/matrix interface bonding. Researchers studied
currently and emission of CO2 by using plant based materials the effect of alkali treatment of bamboo fibre on tensile properties
(Fig. 16). Instead of potential benefits of advanced composites, and chemical resistance of individual and mixed bamboo–glass
these are not considered as primary choice for materials used in fibre reinforced composites [116]. They revealed that mixing of
automotive applications. A broad change from economic perspec- fibres directly affect the tensile properties of composites. However,
tive is needed in advanced composites; the only option is use of hybrid composites possessed better properties than bamboo fibre
plant natural fibres. Bamboo can serve as an excellent source to re- composites, which they ascribed due to the low amorphous cellu-
place the existing crises of cost and availability of raw material. lose components from bamboo fibres due to the strong acids and
base treatment. In another previous work they reported fabrication
of bamboo-glass composites, and studied flexural and compressive
7. Comparison of bamboo fibre reinforced composites with properties of bamboo-glass composites [117]. They hypothesized
conventional composites prior to fabrication that treatment of bamboo fibres with alkali en-
hances the binding capacity of fibres to the matrix. The mixing of
Bamboo fibres are well known for strong, stiff, inferior microfi- bamboo fibres with glass fibres directly enhanced the mechanical
brillar angle with the fibre axis and thicker cell wall and are consid- properties of bamboo composites. Thus, these studies reveals that
ered as ‘‘nature’s glass fibre’’ [109]. The production of large quantity there is ample opportunity for bamboo fibres to replace or reduce
of synthetic fibre reinforced composite, e.g. glass/carbon fibre rein- the utilization of glass fibre content in composites and conven-
forced polymer composites, conventional composites and petro- tional composites, and to be utilized commercially on industrial
leum based plastics have posed serious threat to ecosystem. The scale. The comparative properties of bamboo fibre, glass fibres,
disposition or recycling of glass fibre reinforced composites is not and bamboo/glass fibre reinforced polymer composites are illus-
easy and safe for environment, even after recycling these thermo- trated in Table 4. It’s clear from Table 4 that mechanical and phys-
plastic composites, very fewer fractions of them is incinerated. Fur- ical properties of bamboo fibre reinforced epoxy composites are
thermore, synthetic fibres are have high density (1–2.8 gm/cm 3) comparable to glass fibre reinforced epoxy composites.
366 H.P.S. Abdul Khalil et al. / Materials and Design 42 (2012) 353–368

Table 4
Comparative properties of bamboo fibre based reinforced composites.

Comparative properties
Tensile strength Tensile modulus E (%) Flexural strength Flexural modulus Density kg/ Specific heat J/ Reference
(MPa) (GPa) (MPa) (GPa) m3 kg K
Fibre BF 500–575 27–40 1.9– 100–150 10–13 1200–1500 1000–1250 [118,120]
GF 124–150 7–10 2.5– 110–150 5–9 2350–2500 796–810 [119,121]
Composites BF–EP Vf 87–165 3–15 1.7– 107–140 10–12 1160–1250 – [17,53,121]
65% 2.2
GF–EP 180–220 5–10 2.7– 195–250 7–12 1960–2020 – [119]
Vf = 65% 3.5

E = elongation at break; BF = bamboo fibre; GF = glass fibre; EP = epoxy; Vf = volume fraction (the ratio of fibre to matrix ratio V/v).

8. Conclusion growth and better mechanical properties. The utilization of bam-

boo fibre for fabrication of biocomposites by using advance tech-
The exploitation of bamboo fibres in various applications has nology transforms future of coming generation. The well
opened up new avenues for both academicians as well as industries designed and engineered products from the bamboo fibre can help
to design a sustainable module for future use of bamboo fibres. in making new revolution to sustain our natural resources. There-
Bamboo fibres have been extensively used in composite industries by, based on this brief review the bamboo fibres can be utilized for
for socio-economic empowerment of peoples. The fabrication of advance and engineered product development for different appli-
bamboo fibre based composites using different matrices has devel- cations. It will be an alternative way to develop the biocomposites
oped cost effective and eco friendly biocomposites which directly which can be particularly used for daily needs of common people
affecting the market values of bamboo. To design such composites whether it is house hold furniture, house, fencing, decking, floor-
thorough investigation of fundamental, mechanical, and physical ing, and light weight car components or sports equipments. Their
properties of bamboo fibres are necessary. Thus, this review has low cost, easy availability and aesthetic designs will be the main
made an attempt to gather information for both basic properties driving force to transform the depended present to sustainable
of bamboo fibre based composites as well as their economic utiliza- future.
tion. The scientists all over the globe have conducted a wide range
of studies with novel ideas to provide basic support to working as
well as employing communities. Current research on bamboo fibre
based composite using both basic as well as applied science either
The author H.P.S Abdul Khalil highly acknowledge and pay grat-
in terms of modification, mechano-physical, thermal and other
itude to the Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Forestry, Kam-
properties. But, the ultimate goal of utilizing the bamboo fibre to
pus IPB, Darmaga, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, 16001, West
its full extent is far behind than its projected milestone, particularly
Java, Indonesia, for providing technical support and facilities during
in Malaysia, although other countries such as India and China have
his short visit as a visiting professor.
moved far ahead in utilizing bamboo fibre in socio-economic way.
The sustainable future of bamboo based composite industry would
help in utilizing the bamboo in a way other than usual traditional References
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