Appraisal of Bamboo As A Prospective Bui
Appraisal of Bamboo As A Prospective Bui
Appraisal of Bamboo As A Prospective Bui
1, 14-23
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Published by Science and Education Publishing
Received December 21, 2023; Revised January 25, 2024; Accepted February 02, 2024
Abstract Bamboo is now more in demand as a sustainable building material because of its many economic and
environmental advantages. This study looks at bamboo's adaptability as a sustainable building material and how it
might help with the environmental problems that the building industry is now facing. The study begins by looking at
the characteristics that bamboo naturally has that make it the greatest material for green building. Its quick pace of
development, high strength-to-weight ratio, and innate renewability are a few of these qualities. The paper also
examines how bamboo planting enhances biodiversity, sustainable land use practices, and soil erosion prevention.
Bamboo is adaptable and compatible with a variety of architectural concepts, as evidenced by its structural durability
and performance in various building applications. The paper underlines bamboo's durability and long-term worth as
a building material by highlighting its resilience to fire, pests, and humidity. The socio-economic effects of using
bamboo as a sustainable building material are also looked at. The project looks at bamboo's potential to boost
regional economies, empower people, and create job opportunities, especially in underdeveloped nations where
bamboo resources are plentiful. The paper discusses the difficulties and possibilities associated with the adoption of
bamboo in order to ensure that bamboo is successfully incorporated into traditional construction methods. These
include the requirement for standardization, the creation of laws and permits, the discovery of cutting-edge bamboo
construction methods, and the communication of information between architects, engineers, and other construction
industry experts. This research highlights bamboo's immense potential as a green building material. Making use of
bamboo's unique properties and considering its structural, social, and environmental benefits could significantly help
in the development of a built environment that is more resilient and sustainable. It is possible to lower carbon
emissions, enhance resource sustainability, and establish a greener, more sustainable future for the construction
industry and beyond by using bamboo in building practices.
Keywords: bamboo, building material, sustainability, sustainable architecture, sustainable material
Cite This Article: Mohammad Arif Kamal, Osama Nasir, Mohd. Faiz Iqbal, and Waqas Akhtar, “Appraisal
of Bamboo as a Prospective Building Material: Architectural Intervention and Sustainability.” American Journal of
Civil Engineering and Architecture, vol. 12, no. 1 (2024): 14-23. doi: 10.12691/ajcea-12-1-3.
carpenters should offer technical support. In order to regional economic growth. UN-Habitat advocated for an
prevent termites, bamboo must be treated with early recovery of stabilised soil blocks in Darfur in order
preservatives, typically chemical substances. Bamboo to promote sustainable urban growth [9]. Lime stabiliser,
needs to be replaced every five to ten years if it is not at least 5% cement (less than needed to manufacture
treated. If properly maintained and covered, the material standard bricks), a very tiny amount of water, and, if
can endure 30 to 35 years [8]. It is recommended to plaster desired, chemical waterproofing agents are all added to
the outer walls of bamboo homes to protect them from the stabilised soil to create blocks. The blocks are crushed
impacts of the weather and insects. If the exterior walls of using steel hand crushers or machine presses to produce
the house are entirely plastered, they may appear to be blocks of excellent quality. This method is less expensive,
"ordinary" residences. There have been some amazing uses less firewood, and uses less energy than burning
technology developments for bamboo homes in recent bricks. Other advantageous characteristics include the
years. Prefabricated wall panels and reinforced corner ability to produce locally, size flexibility, labor-
connections are common components of exterior walls. It intensiveness that can create jobs, and exceptional stability
makes sense to assume that bamboo homes would and resilience [6].
continue to develop similarly. Bamboo partition walls and
woven bamboo mats can be used in urban dwellings, even 3.4. Interlocking Blocks of Recycled Material
though bamboo is rarely employed as a main building
material in highly populated areas [6]. Walls can be constructed using interlocking bricks or
Although bamboo cookware and furniture have recently construction blocks. These bricks can be bought or readily
gained popularity, it has been used in buildings for made in a variety of shapes and sizes, such as by
hundreds of years and is one of the most environmentally assembling them like the well-known Lego components.
friendly building materials. Bamboo is an excellent If the diameters of each brick can be properly predicted, a
substitute for pricey imported materials in areas where it is set of bricks can be put together fast with a little cement or
locally abundant, as well as an alternative to rebar and mortar. The blocks might even be put to use in another
concrete construction, due to its light weight, tensile structure, if that is possible. These construction materials
strength, and renewability [4]. also have the benefit of being easy to put together by a
dedicated group of volunteers, unskilled labour, or even
3.3. Compressed Earth Blocks potential tenants. It can also be used to build emergency or
transitional housing. The insulation value of the building
Common building materials like clay, loam and sand blocks is acceptable and comparable to that of traditional
can be creatively used with the help of homogenous, hollow concrete blocks. Interlocking bricks, which are
rectangular compressed earth blocks (CEB) and much more environmentally friendly, can be used in place
(interlocking) stabilised soil (earth) blocks (SSB or ISSB). of fired bricks (Figure 5). In addition to solid earth cement
In both methods, cement is either not utilised at all or used blocks, hollow concrete blocks, and recycled brick, plastic
extremely rarely. In SSB, very little soil may be mixed concrete, and recycled polymers combined with organic
with cement or lime. Due to the necessity of a resources like rice husks can all be used as building
professional-grade mix preparation, a field lab and materials in the construction industry [6].
personnel training are essential. Use CEB and SSB blocks
to construct homes, baths, schools, community centres,
and other buildings. These earth technologies are utilised
by a number of countries in Latin America, Asia, and
Africa (Figure 4). The cost for heating and cooling are
reduced by the improved thermal efficiency and bulk of
CEB walls. If constructed appropriately, structures made
of CEB can be long-lasting and sustainable.
sand and stones. To build simple homes more quickly, bamboo, which is made of bamboo veneers, panels, and
concrete panels can be piled between concrete piles and laminated boards.
columns. The horizontal 'crown' or bars that cover the
piles must be properly fastened to the ground in order to
complete the building's construction. The frames of
wooden homes can be manufactured from any of the
following materials: bamboo, concrete, steel, aluminium,
and wood. These houses are earthquake-resistant if built
properly. A range of building materials that do not support
the structural integrity of the home can be used to fill the
spaces inside the frameworks between the posts, columns
and beams (Figure 6). Masonry, compressed earth bricks,
wood, or bamboo can all be used to build the walls that
are constructed in between the posts and beams.
Plasterwork can be used to complete the walls, but it is not
required for the building.
of these qualities, bamboo is frequently used in place of making it more durable than many common building
more conventional building materials. materials. It has been discovered to have stronger
compressive strength than concrete and higher tensile
5.3. Natural Durability and Stability strength than steel [15]. Building strong, long-lasting
structures is made possible by this strength.
Due to its biochemical makeup, which guards against
rot, insects, and fungi, bamboo is naturally resilient [16]. 6.1.3. Flexibility and Resistance to Seismic Forces
These bio-chemicals contain bamboo-specific phenolic Bamboo is an excellent material for places that are
compounds. Due to its great dimensional stability, prone to earthquakes because of its adaptability and
bamboo is less likely to stretch or contract in response to durability. Due to its elasticity, it can bear sizable lateral
variations in moisture content [14]. loads during earthquakes [16]. The building's safety and
structural integrity are improved by this feature.
5.4. Carbon Sequestration
6.1.4. Low Carbon Footprint
In the process of carbon sequestration, bamboo provides Bamboo has a small carbon footprint because it can
a significant help. It can absorb a significant amount of store a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) as it grows [17]. In
carbon dioxide (CO2) from the environment during its rapid comparison to ordinary timber species, it may sequester
growth. Carbon dioxide absorption capacity of bamboo is around 4-5 times more CO2. Utilising bamboo in
estimated to be 4-5 times more than that of conventional construction aids in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
timber species [17]. As a result, cultivating bamboo is an and battling climate change.
effective method for limiting climate change.
6.1.5. Versatility and Design Potential
5.5. Regenerative Harvesting and Low Because of its versatile structure, bamboo may be used in
Environmental Impact a wide range of architectural contexts and styles. Raw or
processed, it can be used to make a variety of products,
Since bamboo regenerates from the base after being cut, including laminates, fibres, composites, and solid bamboo
cutting it won't hurt the plant. This cyclical harvesting panels [19]. Because of its aesthetic appeal and capacity to
produces a continual supply of bamboo without the need produce distinctive textures and patterns, designers adore it.
to replant. Because it uses fewer pesticides and water than
typical crop development, bamboo cultivation also has a
lower environmental impact [18]. 6.2. Disadvantages of Bamboo
There are numerous disadvantages of bamboo as a
5.6. Versatile Applications of Bamboo building material, they are as follows:
Bamboo is used in the construction of buildings, 6.2.1. Vulnerability to Moisture and Insects
furniture, flooring, textiles, paper, and even the manufacture
Bamboo is naturally porous, which makes it susceptible
of renewable energy. It may be utilised to make laminates,
to absorbing moisture. If this moisture is not removed,
fibres, composites, and solid bamboo panels thanks to its
decay and the growth of mould can occur [16]. It is also
unique properties and processing flexibility [19].
more prone to pest infestations if it is not properly
protected. Specific pre-treatment and preventative
6. Advantages and Disadvantages of procedures are needed to boost its durability.
projects, especially in areas where bamboo isn't often The comparison is carried on the following factors:
cultivated or processed.
7.4.1. Environmental Impacts
Bamboo is organic and biodegradable; it has a smaller
7. Comparative Analysis of Bamboo with environmental impact than synthetic materials [27].
Other Building Materials
7.4.2. Renewable vs Non-Renewable
One of the key peculiarities of bamboo as a building Bamboo is a sustainable resource, in contrast to many
materials can easily be understood with its comparison to synthetic materials that are made from non-renewable
other materials. It is listed as follows: fossil fuels [28].
7.4.3. Aesthetics
7.1. Comparison of Bamboo with Wood
Unlike synthetic materials, bamboo has a distinctive
The comparison is carried on the following factors: appearance and a natural charm [29].
7.1.1. Strength
Tensile testing shows that bamboo is stronger than the 8. Different Types of Bamboo
majority of wood species [20].
Bamboo is the most important alternative to wood. The
7.1.2. Durability most efficient technique to cut back on wood consumption
In terms of durability and intrinsic resistance to rot, is through this. There are many uses for the plant bamboo.
insects, and fungi, bamboo exceeds several varieties of There are more than 1662 species of bamboo in 121
wood [19]. genera, which can be found in a range of habitats. It is a
hardy plant that expands quickly. Each species has its own
7.1.3. Sustainability potential. Two notable species include Guadua
Bamboo is more sustainable than wood because of its angustifolia, which is used in construction, and moso
quick regeneration, high yield, and rapid growth [21]. bamboo, the most useful variety of all bamboos. Bamboo
is now fairly prevalent as a result of the extensive use of
several species as the first choice for clothing, medicine,
7.2. Comparison of Bamboo with Steel architecture, and other applications [30].
The comparison is carried on the following factors:
John and Cynthia Hardy, who are both designers and 11.2. Case Study 2: Meditation Gazebo, India
environmentalists, wanted to inspire communities to live
sustainably. This includes demonstrating to people how to The house it is built on and the family who reside there
construct out of bamboo and other eco-friendly materials are the primary subjects of this project. Due to its location
(Figure 8). To stop the further devastation of rainforests, in a region with a variety of species, the property was
they founded the Green School and its affiliates, the preserved for many years as a vacation house and a place
Meranggi Foundation, which gives bamboo seedlings to to enjoy the outdoors (Figure 11). The old home was
nearby rice farmers to develop plantations of the plant, demolished and a more contemporary residence was
and PT Bambu, a for-profit design and construction firm constructed next to the original location when the family
that encourages the use of bamboo as a primary building that owned the land chose to construct something more
material [32]. durable [33].
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 21
prefabricated on-site and then hoisted into place using a development of a successful, environmentally responsible,
crane [32]. The carbon footprint of Panyaden's Sports Hall and green construction industry [39]. Its adoption could
is nil. The carbon that was absorbed by the bamboo was have a good effect on both the built environment and
significantly greater than the carbon that was released society at large by lowering carbon emissions and
during treatment, transport, and building [34]. supporting sustainable resource management, among other
things [40,41]. We can build a more sustainable future if
we use bamboo as a building material.
12. Discussion and Recommendations
Based on a thorough investigation of bamboo as a 13. Conclusions
sustainable building material, the following suggestions
are given for successfully integrating bamboo into This study assessed bamboo as a sustainable building
traditional building techniques. To ensure quality control, material from a number of perspectives to show its huge
security, and dependability while using bamboo as a potential to meet current environmental concerns in the
building material, it is critical to develop industry construction sector. It is obvious why bamboo is the best
standards, recommendations, and legal requirements [35] material for sustainable structures when we take into
[36]. The creation of certification programs and labeling account its intrinsic qualities, environmental advantages,
systems that validate the sustainability claims made by structural performance, and socioeconomic ramifications.
bamboo building materials would increase consumer Bamboo is a widely sought-after building material for
confidence and transparency. For the purpose of sustainable structures because of its exceptional strength-
examining cutting-edge bamboo construction methods and to-weight ratio, quick growth rate, and intrinsic
technology, funding for research and development is renewability. Its widespread availability, affordable
necessary. The range of applications can be increased by production, and simplicity of expansion strengthen its
investigating engineered bamboo products as well as appeal as a strong replacement for conventional building
innovative treatments, finishes, and joinery techniques. materials. Due to its ability to store carbon, lower
Dissemination of knowledge is also essential. By planning greenhouse gas emissions, and have a minor impact on the
seminars, educational events, and training sessions, it will environment over its lifetime, bamboo is advantageous to
be ensured that architects, engineers, builders, and other the environment. The study discovered that bamboo is the
stakeholders have the knowledge and abilities required to best material for a variety of architectural ideas due to its
operate effectively with bamboo. Bamboo building will be excellent structural strength and longevity. Its durability
promoted and more people will become aware of it and long-term viability as a building material are
through the exchange of best practices and case studies. guaranteed by its resistance to fire, pests, and humidity.
Researchers, architects, engineers, and builders should The production of bamboo also encourages biodiversity,
collaborate to promote knowledge sharing, idea sharing, the reduction of soil erosion, and sustainable land use
and cooperative projects using bamboo. Improvements in techniques, underscoring its comprehensive environmental
bamboo construction education and innovation can be advantages.
made by creating a receptive network and community [37] If we want to learn from countries where bamboo has
[38]. If bamboo is to be adopted and accepted by the been effectively employed in construction projects,
general public, the government must provide monetary promoting international collaboration and knowledge
incentives, grants, and subsidies for bamboo production, exchange is essential. Collaboration projects may profit
processing facilities, and bamboo-using construction from the knowledge and experience of people and
projects. It is crucial to underline the value of ethical organisations from regions with a lot of bamboo.
bamboo harvesting, growing, and management practices. Furthermore, it's critical to set up long-term monitoring and
For the bamboo industry to thrive, it is crucial to evaluation programmes to assess the efficiency and
encourage social responsibility, biodiversity preservation, resilience of bamboo buildings. This will hone our design
and sustainable forest management. It is important to and building abilities while educating us on the long-term
emphasize the advantages of bamboo as a sustainable behaviour of bamboo. In order to ensure quality control and
building material through media relations, business widespread use, standards, regulations, and certifications
ventures, and public awareness initiatives. Interest and are required. New bamboo construction methods must be
demand will rise by emphasizing its socioeconomic, developed together with a professional knowledge
structural, and environmental benefits. exchange if bamboo is to increase in popularity. Because of
To learn from countries where bamboo has been this, bamboo has a lot of potential as a sustainable building
effectively employed in construction projects, it is material. It offers a means of reducing carbon emissions,
essential to promote international collaboration and promoting sustainable resource management, and creating
knowledge exchange. The knowledge and experiences of eco-systems that are more resilient and environmentally
experts and groups from regions with a lot of bamboo can friendly. Utilising bamboo in construction can significantly
be used in collaborative projects. Furthermore, it's critical help achieve sustainability goals and encourage a more
to set up long-term monitoring and evaluation sustainable future. Architects, engineers, and builders have
programmes to assess the performance and robustness of the chance to make a positive, long-lasting impact on
bamboo-based structures. In addition to enhancing our society, the environment, and the building industry by
design and building techniques, this will teach us more taking into account the special qualities of the construction
about the long-term behaviour of bamboo. By following sector and the wide range of benefits.
these suggestions, bamboo might significantly aid in the
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 23
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