Allowance - Advance - Increase by 25%

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/Government of India

TnTi fNTF / Department of Atomic Energy

'ice TT* zhi / Heavy Water Board
f .err. / V.S. Bhavan,
'4T rT^ / Anushaktinagar
/ Mumbai -400 094.
t-/Email : [email protected] . gov. in

^. / Ref : T/HWB/+T/R/17(3} ) /2014/ 3 Dt : 01-08-2014.


/Subject : 01.01.2014 # +II 100% r W i

TF 25% ) c fl / Second Enhancement in the rate of various
allowances / advances by 25% as a result of enhancement in the rate of Dearness
Allowance to 100% w.e.f. 01.01.2014.

31ttd R77 14T TTM7 R-417 * f 25/ 07/2014 #. 4/ 7/2011-

SCS/9569 zft T T " 2 ^ I

A copy of the Office Memorandum No. 4/7/2011-SCS/9569 dated 25/07/2014

received from Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai on the above mentioned subjected is
forwarded herewith for information and necessary action. I

q/Encl : /As above.

k zft.qTVq-,1-q/ K.V.Madhavadas
g - /Asstt.Personnel Officer (R)

c afi (*.TT) /All Designated Officers, HWB (C.O.)

T ,gTT'TT^r (R^,) /Chief General Manager, HWP (Manuguru)
/ General Manager , HWP (Kota/ Baroda/Talcher/Tuticorin/Hariza/Thal)
3r3TT f ft, (717T) /CAO, HWP ( Manuguru)

AO-III, HWP (Kota/Baroda/Talcher/Tuticorin/ Manuguru)
TT-4 ^-K - , ,,^(t.TT)/PAO, HWB (0.O.)
3 (T-;q 17), (T. Tf)/APO( Estt.), HWB (C.O.)
Z/Government of India
7PTMI -,Y^ f4"TF/Department of Atomic Energy
TR;BPT 3ITfrf/Secretariat Coordination Section

31u1IT %TzF/Anushakti Bhavan,

c1 7TITI7 /C. S.M Marg,
/Mumbai - 400 001.
(''022- 22862661)
e-mail: [email protected]

No.4/7/2011-SCS/ -9-S-62 July 2, "2014

Subject : Second Enhancement in the rate of various

allowances I advances by 25 % as a result of
enhancement in the rate of Dearness Allowance to
100% w. e. f. 01 . 01.2014

The undersigned is directed to state that in pursuance to implementation of

6 th CPC recommendations, the nodal ministries revised the rates of certain
allowances / advances with the mention that such allowances / advances shall
automatically increased by 25% whenever the Dearness Allowance payable on the
revised pay structure goes up by 50%.

2. Accordingly, the Department vide Q.M. No.4/7/2011-SCS/13064 dated

08.12.2011 enhanced the rates of 12 allowances / advances by 25% due to
enhancement in the rate of Dearness Allowance by 50% w.e.f. 01.0 1.2011.

3. The Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide OM No. 1(1)/2014-

E-1l (B) dated 27.03.2014 has further enhanced the Dearness Allowance to 100%
w.e.f. 01.01.2014. Accordingly, the DoPT vide OM No. 27012/1/2014-
Estt. (Allowance) dated 28.04.2014 [DAE Endorsement No.GF/54-SCS/5463 dated
30.04.2014] has also revised the limits of rates of Children Education Allowance,
Special Allowance for Child Care to women with disabilities, Children Education
Allowance to disabled children and Hostel Subsidy.

4. In view of the above, the rates of following allowances / advances, if

otherwise admissible to the employees of this Department, is further enhanced in
line with clarification given by M/o Finance to Confederation of Central Government
Employees & Workers vide Note No.9/11/2014-E.II(B) dated 22.05.2014 (Annex):
Sr. Name of Allowances/ Advances Revision shall be subject to other
No. terms and conditions mentioned
in the following OM

1. Advance for purchase of Bicycle, Warm MoF OM No.12(1)/E.II(A)/2008

clothing Advance, Festival Advance, dated 07.10.2008.
Natural Calamity Advance

2. Special Compensatory (Hill Area) MoF OM No.4(2)/2008-E.ll(B) dated

Allowance 29.08.2008

3. Cycle Maintenance Allowance Mo-FO M No.19039/3/2008-E.IV

dated 29.08.2008.

4. Mileage for road journey by taxi /own MoF OM No.19030/3/2008-E.IV

car / auto rickshaw / own scooter / dated 23.09.2008
bicycle, all components of daily
allowance on tour including rate of DA
for journey on foot and rates of
transportation of personal effects

5. Conveyance Allowance under SR-25 MoF OM No.19039/2/2008-E.IV

(Motor Car/Other modes) dated 23.09.2008.

6. Washing Allowance DoPT OM No.14/3/2008-JCA dated


7. Special Allowance and Cash Handling DoPT OM No.4/6/2008-Estt. (Pay II)

Allowance dated 01.10.2008

8. Nursing Allowance etc. MoH&FW OM No.Z.28015/71/2008-

N dated 17/19.11.2008

9. Patient Care Allowance MoH&FW OM No. Z.28015/

119/2012-H dated 17.12.2012 read
with DAE OM No. 1/2/2013-
SCS/Vol.ll/8111 dated 30.06.2014

5. The Patient Care Allowance (PCA) will stand enhanced by 25% w.e.f.
01.01 .2011 and further enhanced by 25% w.e.f. 01.01.2014 as a result of grant of
Dearness Allowance @ 50% and 100% respectively as per the revised pay.

6. This issues with the concurrence of CCA, DAE and approval of Additional
Secretary, DAE.

Encl : One page

S. Pillai)
Under Secretary
Tel. No. 022-22026861

All Heads of Constituents Units I NPCIL / BHAVINI I Aided Institutions

All Administrative Heads of Constituents Units / NPCIL / BHAVINI / Aided Institutions

Copy to: (1) All officers and sections in DAE Sectt ., Mumbai/Br. Sectt ., New Delhi.
(2) Secretary Staff Side , DAE Departmental Council.
(3) Guard file(s) on the subject.

No.9/3.1/2014-E-II (B)
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E-11 (B) Branch

North Block, New Delhi.

Dated 22nd May,'2014.

The Secretary General,
(Shri M Krishnan),
Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers,
1s` Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi--110001.

Subject: - Increase in certain allowances by 25% as a result of

enhancement of Dearness Allowance to 100% w.e.f.
01.01.2014 - clarification reg.

I am directed to refer to your letter No.Confd/GENL/2014 dated
14.04.2014 on the subject cited above and to say that automatic
enhancement of various allowances by 25% every time Dearness
Allowance in the revised pay scales goes up by 50% are implicit in the
respective orders Issued by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of
Finance on implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central
Pay Commission and that no separate orders are required to be issued
for enhancing these allowances. The following OMs refer in this regard:-

S.No. O.M.No. & Date Subject

1. No.9(11)/2008-E.ll(B) dt.29.08.2008 { Split Duty Allowance

2. No.4.(2)/2008-E.ll(B) dt.29.08.2008 Special Compensatory

(Hill Area) Allowance
3. No.17(1)/2008-E.l1(B) dl,29.08.2008 Scheduled/Tribal Area
4. Nn.3(1W2008-E.ll"(B) dt. 29.08.2008 ' 5peclal Cornpensetory
(Remote Locality)
5. No.6f3)/2008-E,ll(B) dt. 29.08.2008 Construction Projects-
Grant of Project
i. No. all}' 20(18- I((B) dt. 29.08.2008 Bed Climate Aflgr^sr r ce
7. No. 1-903,9/3/ .08-E. IV dt 2908.2008 Cycle(Mainteenance)
S. No.19039/2/2008-E.IV dt.23.09.2008 Conveyance Allownce
9. No.19030/3/2008-E.IV dt.23.09.2008 Travelling Allowance

(A Bhat ach rya)

Under Secretary to the Government of India.

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