Audit para
Audit para
Audit para
Sr.Audit Officer/IHQ/SWR/UBL
संदर्भ /Ref:- Sr.Audit Officer, IHQ Office letter No. SA/SWR/IHQ/PCSTE/DC/2018-19 dated
In reference to the above, the item wise initial remarks for the observations /
comments on the issue raised by Audit Office is furnished below.
POS NO: 01 “Enlarging the scope of CUG phone system – Non achievement of
expenditure neutrality”
1. The entire Railway Officials using BSNL Phone under Bill plan is of “ONE INDIA FMC
240 URBAN”. In which the monthly rental charges is ` 240/-. (Copy enclosed)
2. There are separate charges for GST (CGST & SGST) depending upon the usage.
3. As per calculation done by Accounts department for deducting the excess amount
from the residential usage ` 460/- is the limit. However, sample copy of BSNL Bill is
4. Following is the tabulation which shows the prescribed limit of Telephone Charges
provided to the Residence of the Officers is ` 460/- per month and 325 calls are
allowed excluding free calls as per J.P.O (Copy enclosed). All other calls are within
the limit as per J.P.O and for remaining residential telephones excess call charges
recovered from the user of the telephone in their salary bills or not, it has been
advised to furnish the details to FA&ACAO. On receipt of the reply, it will be advised.
Statement showing details of excess billing of Residential Landline allotted to
Railway Officers at SWR Hqrs (April 2018 bill)
Total 4854.54
प्रधानमु ख्य सं केत एवं दू रसं चार इं जीक्षनयर कायाा लय, िेत्रीय कायाा लय ,गदग रोड़ ,हुब्बाल्ली (कनाा टक)-
Principal Chief Signal & Telecom Engineer, Zonal Office, Gadag Road, Hubballi (K.A)-20
सं: SG/SWR/BSNL Phones/2018-19 क्षदनांक : 07-09-2018
(एल.सोमशेखर /
सहा.सं.िं.दू र. अवर्. टे ली/मु ASTE/Tele/HQ
कृते प्र.मु .सं.िं .दू र.अवर्./दपरे / हुबली /For PCSTE/SWR
दक्षिणपक्षिमरे लवे
South Western Railway
Sr.Audit Officer/IHQ/SWR/UBL
संदर्भ /Ref:- Sr.Audit Officer, IHQ Office letter No. SA/SWR/IHQ/PCSTE/DC/2018-19 dated
In reference to the above, the item wise initial remarks for the observations /
comments on the issue raised by Audit Office is furnished below.
POS NO: 01 “Enlarging the scope of CUG phone system – Non achievement of
expenditure neutrality”
BSNL Plan starts from Monthly ` 240/- Monthly rental and policy is common for all the
Officers and Staff. CUG Sims are issued on Expenditure neutrality and ensured by the
Total 4854.54
दक्षिणपक्षिमरे लवे
South Western Railway
प्रधान मुख्य संकेत एवं दू रसंचार इं जीक्षनयर
कायाालय, िे त्रीय कायाालय ,गदग रोड़ ,हुब्बाल्ली (कनााटक)-580020
Principal Chief Signal & Telecom Engineer,
Zonal Office, Gadag Road, Hubballi (K.A)-20
संदर्भ /Ref:- PDA/SWR Office letter No. SA/SWR/REP/PA-HDN (New)/2018 dated 10th
September.2018. F/N - 1
In reference to the above, the compliance to the remarks pertaining to this
दक्षिणपक्षिमरे लवे
South Western Railway
प्रधान मुख्य संकेत एवं दू रसंचार इं जीक्षनयर
कायाालय, िे त्रीय कायाालय ,गदग रोड़ ,हुब्बाल्ली (कनााटक)-580020
Principal Chief Signal & Telecom Engineer,
Zonal Office, Gadag Road, Hubballi (K.A)-20
संदर्भ /Ref:- PDA/SWR Office letter No. SA/SWR/REP/PA-HDN (New)/2018 dated 10the
In reference to the above, the compliance to observations pertaining to this
department are furnished below:
// 2 //
II. The remaining all other Para’s pertains to Engineering, RVNL, Electrical, Commercial
department and some are NAP
कृपया अक्षिम आदे श हे तु प्रस्तुत है I Put up for further orders please.
मु.सं.अक्षि /CSE
दक्षिणपक्षिमरे लवे
South Western Railway
प्रधान मुख्य संकेत एवं दू रसंचार इं जीक्षनयर
कायाालय, िे त्रीय कायाालय ,गदग रोड़ ,हुब्बाल्ली (कनााटक)-580020
Principal Chief Signal & Telecom Engineer,
Zonal Office, Gadag Road, Hubballi (K.A)-20
सं: SG/SWR/Audit Corres/Vol.III क्षदनांक/Date : 26-10-2018
एए.एए.एए.एएए.एएए.एएए/एए./एए / Dy.CSTE/Plg/HQ
कककक ककक.कक.कक.कक
.ककक.ककक./कककक/ ककककक /For PCSTE/SWR