Deneme A02
Deneme A02
Deneme A02
1-22. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun about $100 a week ………. towards buying a new
düşen kelime ya da ifadeyi koyunuz. car.
A) proposal B) attitude 7- The directors knew that the real reason for the fall
C) appearance D) interview in productivity was that most of the factory
E) approval equipment was ……….
A) at/through B) after/among
C) for/from D) like/between
E) over/towards
B) doesn't go/will be finishing
A) as though B) no matter C) didn't go/finishes
C) however D) although D) hadn't gone/was finishing
E) nevertheless E) won't go/has finished
15- On a busy day, over 70,000 people ………. the 20- Considering how little they've got in common, it's
shopping-centre and, on average, each person amusing that they get on ……….
………. $100.
A) the least B) so well
A) have visited/is spent C) as good D) much less
B) will visit/will be spent E) too badly
C) visit/spends
D) visited/will have spent
E) are visiting/spend
21- Will you come and watch me ………. in the school
play tomorrow evening?
A) perform
B) to perform
16- The medicine ………. in use for many years when C) having performed
it ………. to have a number of side-effects. D) to be performing
E) to have performed
A) will be/has declared
B) had been/was declared
C) was/had declared 22- Periodicals are publications ………. come out at
D) is going to be/declares regular intervals of more than one day.
E) has been/will be declared
A) when B) where
C) that D) whose
E) whom
17- Please tell Jimmy that he ………. outside to play 23. -27. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
until he ………. his homework. yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
Once upon a time, what some people today regard (23) some recent developments are supporting the
………. theft was an acceptable practice. A young boy possibility. For instance, scientists are continuously
was not (24) ………. a full man until he managed to discovering new planets which offer suitable conditions
steal from his father's pocket and the higher the amount, for forms of life (29) ………. to ours. (30) ………. this,
the (25) ………. respected he was among his friends. some biologists have already shown that intergalactic
(26) ………. , when one city official stole from the space has the same substances that are (31) ………. to
budget or used it for his private business, the practice be the source of life. Thus, the same (32) ………. that
was considered acceptable since he was also using his favoured our planet might as well have worked in some
skills for the public benefit. If unattended, someone's other parts of the universe.
personal belongings could be (27) ………. and he would
have no right to claim them back.
A) decreasing B) increasing
23- C) developing D) improving
A) as B) such as E) continuing
C) like D) likewise
E) so
A) similar B) similarly
24- C) like D) similarity
A) managed B) considered E) likely
C) made D) practised
E) hoped
A) According to B) Due to
25- C) In addition to D) Like
A) more B) much E) Despite
C) most D) mostly
E) many
A) decide B) managed
26- C) interested D) considered
A) Likely B) Namely E) hoped
C) Similarly D) Surely
E) Undoubtedly
27- A) essentials B) basic
A) sent away B) sorted out C) examples D) necessities
C) got by D) taken away E) conditions
E) taken to
warmer spot
A) a lot more money should have been spent on C) Until I realised that they needed watering
advertising D) As result of the sudden drop in temperature
B) it achieved record profits just in the first week recently
C) the performers had the pleasure of playing to a E) When I failed to follow the instructions properly
full house for weeks
D) ticket sales for the first night were very
E) we were really looking forward to seeing it
35- ………. , she put it into her pocket without saying 39- Last night after watching TV for more than an hour
a word. I ……….
A) Searching frantically for her passport before the A) must study geography
flight B) had already learnt the answer
B) After finding the bracelet that everyone was C) am calling her
looking for D) ought to turn off the TV
C) Though it is sometimes better to remain silent in E) went to bed
certain situations
D) Unless she managed to buy a ring exactly the
E) It was the keys she had found after her aunt's
A) In order to avoid taking a taxi to the airport A) I can get a high price
B) Despite the heavy traffic they are likely to B) they would have had a party
encounter C) you may pass your exam
C) If they'd known about the collapsed bridge D) we have to study, too
ahead E) getting a new bicycle is expensive
D) Whether there is a strike tomorrow or not
E) By the time they arrive in town
37- ………. all the delicate plants in my garden have 41- Radar’s used most unfairly by the police ……….
A) when a policeman steps out from nowhere and
A) Unless I learn to take better care of them holds his hand up and you stop
B) If you hadn't warned me to move them to a B) where it is really dangerous to do more than 30
C) and yet the motorist is not glad that radar has B) When did you last go to the cinema?
been developed C) Why don't we go and see a film together?
D) Which has a separate rotating aerial used for D) What's the best film so far this year?
that purpose E) Do you know of any good cinemas near here?
E) to catch drivers who are accidentally going a
little faster than the speed limit
pek çok Afrika ilkesinde bebek ölüm oranı çok congratulating the other actor.
yüksektir. B) Although he was disappointed not to get the
B) Bir çok Afrika ülkesindeki yüksek bebek ölüm leading role in the play, he warmly
oranı yoksulluk ve sağlıksız koşullardan congratulated the person who did.
kaynaklanmaktadır. C) He was really disappointed not to get the
C) Yoksulluk ve sağlıksız koşullar Afrika leading role in the play, but he still
ülkelerinde bebek ölüm oranının yüksek congratulated the person who did.
olmasının başlıca nedenleridir. D) Trying to overcome his disappointment with the
D) Afrika ülkelerinde pek çok bebek, yoksulluk ve result, he warmly congratulated the person who
sağlıksız koşullar yüzünden yaşamını got the leading role in the play.
yitirmektedir. E) No matter how disappointed he was with the
E) Yoksulluk ve sağlıksız koşullar giderilmediği result, he was polite enough to congratulate the
sürece, bir çok Afrika ülkesinde bebek ölüm person who got the leading role.
oranı yükselmeye devam edecektir.
51-54. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce 54- Orada çalıştığım sürece yoğun çabalarıma karşılık
dengini bulunuz. bir kez bile teşekkür almadım.
51- Ağlamak üzere olduğunu görünce hemen konuyu A) During the whole course of my employment
değiştirdik. there, I didn't even once receive any thanks for
my hard efforts.
A) We decided to change the subject as she was B) Though I worked hard all the time during my
on the point of bursting into tears. employment there, they never thanked me for
B) She seemed as if she was going to start crying, my efforts.
so we quickly changed the subject. C) Not even once did they express their gratitude
C) We only changed the subject when we noticed for my efforts during the whole time I worked
that she was about to cry. there.
D) She would have started crying, had we not D) At least, they could have thanked me for my
quickly changed the subject. efforts during my employment there.
E) Seeing that she was on the verge of tears, we E) I wouldn't have received any thanks during my
changed the subject hurriedly. employment there even if I'd worked hard all
the time.
52- Oyunda baş rol alamadığı için hayal kırıklığına 55-57. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
uğradığı halde rolü alan kişiyi içtenlikle kutladı.
Saturdays in southern Thailand are often set aside for
A) Disappointed at not getting the leading role in bull fighting. However, it is not matadors the bulls have
the play, he tried to sound sincere as he was to contend with. instead, two bulls collide head-on in
front of several hundred cheering spectators. Since the prizes, awarded since 1901, are administered by the
contest ends when one animal runs away, the sport is Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. The prizes designated
not lethal - though some critics claim it is cruel. As in Nobel's will were for physics, chemistry, physiology or
betting on the sport increases, so does the purchase medicine, literature, and peace. In 1969 a prize for
price of a top bull; upwards of 10.000 dollars. To boost economics, endowed by the Central Bank of Sweden,
their strength, these prize fighters are fed a high-energy was added.
diet of bread, bananas, eggs and vitamins. The main
bullfighting arenas are found in towns like Songkhla and
Hat Yai, near the Malaysian border.
58- The passage tells us that Alfred Nobel ……….
A) deeply regretted having ever invented
B) worked with scientists from different branches
in inventing dynamite
55- Bullfighting in southern Thailand involves ………. C) was the first person to receive the Nobel Prize
D) was not happy about some of the ways
A) people fighting each other while riding on dynamite was being used
bulls E) is the only person to have any award named
B) a couple of bulls fighting each other after himself
C) timing a contest to see which bull falls down
D) a matador trying to injure and kill the bull
E) establishing which animal runs faster
buildings, stepped pyramids without metal tools, and more than a third of the colonists had supported the
regulated their warfare by astronomical observations. insurrection, in any event, and six years of bloodshed
Taking in Spanish colonial sites and jungle landscapes and hardship that followed were quickly forgotten in the
as well as Mayan ruins, the project is designed to boost era of good feeling after the war. The colonies were
tourism in the economically depressed region which placed under a unified government for the first time, and
straddles Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and southern a new capital was established across the East River
Mexico. from Manhattan, in the fertile fields of Brooklyn.
A) is a site which is rarely enjoyed by tourists A) was punished by the leaders of the rebellion
B) will be dangerous to visit because of the B) agreed to release the rebels from prison
fighting C) was supported by the majority of the colonies
C) is not visited by many people D) treated the people in the colonies cruelly
D) was the main purpose of the peace agreement and this led to the rebellion
E) has been damaged by the 36-year war E) in a way, apologised for its former mistakes
after the rebellion was over
62- It's mentioned in the passage that the Mayan 65- It's clear from the passage that ……….
………. A) King George was put in a mental hospital
when the American colonies rebelled
A) developed the first astronomical devices B) one-third of the colonists were killed in the
B) were the first to invent writing attempted rebellion
C) created pyramids made of precious metal rather C) after the revolt, the king was not as angry
than stone as people had expected
D) watched the movements of the stars to plan D) the rebels were successful in their attempt
their battles, to gain power
E) ruled the countries stated in the passage for E) the colonist rebels became more popular
over 4000 years with their supporters
64-66. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. More often than not, the person who habitually laughs
longest and loudest when a joke is retailed does not
Once the leaders of the rebellion were executed or possess a particularly keen sense of humour. Though he
dispersed, the British government admitted its previous may not admit it, he is vaguely aware of his deficiency,
errors - tacitly, of course - and sought to rectify old and frequently goes to extremes to cover it up. A
wrongs. King George III, who had complained that he mediocre joke is likely to get as big a rise out of him as a
would go mad if his American colonies were lost, truly humorous one. Psychological studies, likewise,
regained his spirits and proved surprisingly forgiving. No show that people with a really keen sense of humour are
not prone to much laughter. They are highly appreciative that descend into inhabited parts each year are the
of humour, but they are also discriminating. And they result of forest depletion.
never overreact.
69- The writer believes that by overreacting to a joke, A) were the people who initiated the development
………. of the skiing industry
B) have had much of their land taken from them by
A) some people are trying to hide the those involved in tourism
shortcomings in their sense of humour C) used to be poor before the rise of the skiing
B) you make the person who told it feel industry
inadequate in some way D) were forced to turn their meadows into hotels
C) you spoil the humour for other people and car parks
D) a person can demonstrate how mediocre it was E) feel that they have been exploited by tourism
E) a person shows how discriminating he is about
73-75. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
70-72. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Human biology is a detailed and complicated study.
Forests are the lifeguards of the snowy peaks of the Thus, for the purposes pf health education in schools, it
Alps. They provide a natural barrier against avalanches is best approached from the point of view of function
and landslips, but the skiing industry, which proved a rather than structure. The detailed anatomy and
boon for poor Alpine farmers, is damaging the physiology of the heart and circulation, for instance, are
environment. Forests have been felled to make way for not needed, but students should know that the heart's
more ski runs, car parks and hotels, and Alpine function improves with use and that regular exercise is
meadows have been abandoned by farmers keen to the best way to avoid distress upon exertion. Thus, the
exploit tourism. Consequently, the avalanche has now basic knowledge required to live a healthy life is that
become a common phenomenon. Forestry experts oxygen is supplied to the muscles by a partnership of
estimate that two thirds of several thousand avalanches lungs and heart, the lungs taking in a supply and the
heart distributing it. Exercise involves a call for more watchers than larger amounts of margarine.
oxygen and, if the 'heart is not trained to deliver a full
volume of blood with each beat, the lungs must work
harder to compensate. These simple facts can be
appreciated without the need for elaborate detail.
A) because they are the most important structures 77- Success can only be achieved through hard work
in the human body and perseverance.
B) since students have great difficulty
understanding their relationship A) Usually those who have achieved success in
C) in order to illustrate the extent to which students life are hardworking and persevering.
should be taught B) A persevering person is more likely to attain
D) as these parts of the body are frequently success than a hardworking one.
damaged by excessive exercise C) One has to work hard and persevere in order to
E) as examples of the areas in which health be successful.
education is lacking D) If a person combines hard work with
perseverance, he is most likely to succeed.
E) The most common characteristics of successful
people are hard work and perseverance.
74- We can infer from the passage that by training the
heart, ……….
76- Eating margarine as part of a diet, instead of A) Throughout the whole holiday. the weather was
butter, can help to reduce your weight. not very suitable for open-air activities.
B) The last day was the only spell of bad weather
A) People who eat margarine instead of butter in the whole holiday.
never gain weight. C) During the holiday, nobody stayed at the hotel
B) It is possible to lose weight by consuming even when it was raining heavily.
margarine as a substitute for butter. D) On the last day of the holiday, everybody was
C) Most butter substitutes are not as effective in forced to stay inside due to the rainy weather.
diets as margarine. E) It was only at the end of the holiday that the
D) People who are underweight shouldn't. have weather allowed them to go out of the hotel.
margarine in their diets.
E) Smaller amounts of butter are better for weight
C) Having written some scripts, Francois Thaffaut
80- She seemed to do nothing but complain, and offered them to his friends for criticism
everybody in the office has had enough of it. D) There was an angry reaction from the
Hollywood film-makers, who encouraged
A) Whatever she does in the office, she finds people to boycott the French films
something to complain about it. E) Another disadvantage to Hollywood film-making
B) Nothing but her unceasing complaints about was that there were too many people in the film
alienates the other employees from her. crews
C) All her work colleagues are fed up with her
incessant complaint
D) She seems to be having problems with her co-
workers because she frequently complains
about them.
E) There is nothing for her to complain about apart
from her colleagues in the office.
81-85 sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun 83- Today, the law states that every new house or flat
düşen seçeneği bulunuz. must have enough window space to let in natural
light. However, this wasn't always the case. ……….
81- Many discotheques have been converted into Poor families who couldn’t afford to pay it, bricked
comedy clubs over the past 15 years. Indeed, up their windows, which meant their houses
other buildings, such as warehouses and became dark and humid. The law was eventually
supermarkets have been bought up by changed by reformists, who managed to convince
entrepreneurs for the same reason. ………. parliament that such living conditions were
Several other styles have evolved since, the most unhealthy.
popular being "alternative comedy" because of its
eccentricity and satirical content. A) In the 18th century. the English king imposed a
window tax on citizens to cover the costs of his
A) Of course, going to the cinema is still people's wars
favourite form of entertainment B) In fact landlords can be fined up to 1000
B) Strangely, as the country reaches its lowest pounds if the light allowance in their buildings is
point in the recession, people seem more sub-standard
inclined to go out C) The window is usually fitted with double glazing,
C) The comedian is often interrupted by shouts but this can be removed during the hot summer
and comments from the audience, which is months
known as "heckling" D) Although people complain, of draughts from
D) Maybe in the 21st century, comedians will be their windows, these in fact provide steady
considered the spokespeople and philosophers ventilation
of the era E) Houses didn't use to have as many windows,
E) This influx has occurred due to the rise in for they let the heat escape in winter
popularity of stand-up comedy, especially in the
mid-eighties 84- Amusement arcades lure their customers with the
82- Back in the 1950s, a group of amateur' French film- possibility of winning cash prizes. ……….
makers decided they were tired of Hollywood’s Usually it is precisely these youngsters who
monopoly on film-making. Disillusioned with star spend the most money and end up addicted to this
actors, happy endings and expensive studio sets, form of gambling. It is possible that the teenager
they set out to develop a new style of film. ………. will then steal to pay for his habit or turn to more
The introduction of these methods was a turning serious gambling in later life.
point in the history of cinema and the influence of
the French "New Wave" can still be seen in A) The machines are designed not to allow really
European films today. large sums of money to be won
B) Unless there is stricter control over such
A) At first, nobody would lend them any money as establishments. owners will continue to profit
the films were considered a risk from this addictive industry
B) Amateur actors were taken off the streets and C) Some machines are not for gambling, but
natural sets were filmed using experimental simply for amusement. such as space invaders
camera work or race-car driving
D) Most arcades now operate on a token basis so E) You can take me out for a meal instead of
that machines cannot be robbed of their giving me a gift. How does that sound?
E) Although most bear signs prohibiting those
under 18 from entering, the age of customers is
rarely checked
87- Your friend asks you to buy some skin cream for
her while you are out shopping. You know she is
allergic to certain chemicals but you don't know
which cream to buy. You ask the chemist:
86- It is your birthday and your friend asks you, what A) Excuse me, could you please keep still? You're
you would like as a present. You know that she stopping us from watching the film.
can't afford to buy you anything as she is B) Would you mind if I came and sat beside you as
unemployed, so you say: I can't see the screen properly from here?
C) How does the film end because It doesn't look
A) Actually, I don't really want anything. Let's just like I'll get to see it?
go out for a drink together in the evening. D) Can we swap telephone numbers in the interval
B) I don't mind what you buy because you have so we can continue our chat on the phone?
such good taste. E) Will you keep quiet please? I can't hear what
C) I saw a lovely vase in the antique shop; that the actors are saying.
would be nice
D) To be honest, I would prefer a quality present
later rather than something cheap now.
90- You've just got in from work and you are feeling
really tired. As you collapse in an armchair, the
telephone rings. Your flatmate is sitting nearer to it,
so you say: 93- Emma : If you're going to town, could you
bring me a loaf from the baker's,
A) Oh no! I wonder who that can be at this time of please?
night! Sam : ……….
B) It's probably my mother, I can't wait to tell her Emma: Oh really! I didn't know. Well, get
about my day at work. it from the supermarket, then.
C) Doesn't the sound of the phone drive you
crazy? A) I'm not going into town. I'm visiting my
D) Will you answer that? I haven't got enough friend next door.
energy. B) I'm afraid. I’ll have far too much to carry.
E) Hello. 8506978, who's speaking please? C) Did you know that the baker is my cousin?
D) Actually, the baker's has closed down.
They went bankrupt.
E) Only if you lend me your car. I'm not
walking there.
91-95. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan 94- Claire: My mother's a chemist. What about
bölümünde söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz. yours?
Fran : ……….
91- John: I’m thinking of selling my mountain Claire: Mmm, that sounds interesting. I've
bike. got an ornament at home that needs
Paul: ………. mending - It is over 200 years old.
John: I'm not sure yet. I’ll have to have it
valued. A) She doesn't work. She is a housewife, so
Paul: Well, when you know, give me a call she stays at home most of the time.
because I need a new bike. B) Well, with four small children to bring up,
she doesn't have time for another job.
A) Excellent. It's got twenty-one gears, hasn't it? C) She restores broken china. She's even fixed
B) I thought you only bought it a few months ago. vases for museums.
C) Really? How much are you going to ask for it? D) She works at a jeweller's in town. It doesn't
D) If you're not busy on Friday. We could go leave her much free time, though.
cycling together. E) How much does she charge for a doctor's
E) You paid a lot of money for that bike, didn't prescription these days?
92- Bob : I can't be bothered going out tonight. 95- Steve: I read an interesting article in
Let's stay in. 'Cosmopolitan' yesterday.
Carol: ………. Darren: What was it about?
Bob :No, I'm bored with watching the Steve : ……….
television screen. Let's play a board Darren: Yes, the situation is certainly
game, instead. serious. If something isn't done,
they will easily fall into the wrong
A) We haven't been out for ages. Some fresh air hands..
would do us good.
B) Well. if you cook a meal, we could have a A) It seems that many terrorist organisations
romantic candle-lit dinner. are trying to make or buy nuclear weapons.
C) Why don't we call for Steve and Ashley? They'll B) Research shows that nuclear power is the
cheer you up. most economical option after all.
D) We could hire a video, if you like. C) A new epidemic is spreading through India.
E) Was it you who ordered the pizza? Apparently, it is caught from water.
D) There have been more protests in
Germany. Even students are on strike.
E) Sport for disabled people; there aren't
enough facilities for people in wheelchairs.
99- (I) If it wasn't for the fact that the violin was
cracked, it could have reached a higher price at
96-100. sorularda anlam bakımında parçaya uygun the auction.
olmayan cümleyi bulunuz. (II)The hall was filled with people, among them
many antique experts who were looking for a
96- (I) British explorer Tim Wright says that the first bargain.
international Antarctic expedition will start next (III) However, its imperfection devalued it by at
February, least a thousand pounds, which disappointed
(II) The Antarctic is renowned for its treacherous the owners, Mr and Mrs Johnson.
landscape and surprise snow storms. (IV) They had originally bought it in Spain from a
(III) It will try to reach the South Pole on a 3-month, violin merchant.
500-mile journey. (V) He hadn't mentioned the fault and they hadn't
(IV) If Wright succeeds, he will be the first British noticed it at the time.
man to walk around the equator and to both
poles. A)I B)II C)III D)IV E)V
(V) Like his previous ones, this last journey will be
carefully documented and make exciting
reading for anybody interested in expeditions.