Deneme B08

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1-22. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun in the same way.
düşen kelime yada ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) him/he B) us/ours
1- The……… between Manchester and London is C) theirs/they D) yourself/you
about 200 miles. E) myself/mine

A) relation B) speed
C) surrounding D) action
E) distance
8- Jack London, from ……………… book the plot for
the film was adapted, is one of my favourite
2- In an emergency, it is important to ……… quickly authors.
what to do.
A) whose B) where
A) maintain B) decide C) which D) whom
C) escape D) collect E) that
E) prevent

3- Which one ……… those houses would you prefer 9- When built in 1889, the Eiffel Tower was ………
to live........? free-standing structure of the time.

A) from/on B) with/for A) too tall B) taller

C) of/in D) among/with C) very tall D) such tall
E) in/at E) the tallest

4- Don't you find it strange……… a person ……… his 10- She seems determined not to give up ........ she has
age to take up such a vigorous sport? achieved her aim.

A) like/at B) for/of A) by the time B)until

C) as/for D) to/with C) despite D) even
E) with/in E) otherwise

5- The students found their new teacher's style 11- You borrow money from me any time, ……… how
quite ....... as they were not accustomed to such much you need.
A) although B) no matter
A) similar B) obvious C) when D) unless
C) unusual D) practical E) even if
E) ordinary

12- Vegetables and fruit are ……… cheaper in street-

markets than at greengrocers'.
6- The panel didn't offer him the job because they
weren't ……… satisfied with his work experience. A) more B) very
C) much D) less
A) entirely B) hardly E) such
C) amazingly D) voluntarily
E) carefully

7- Do not undervalue……… or others will treat ......... 13- Animals don't have the ability to speak like human

beings, ……… they can communicate among A) should be dealing B) must have dealt
themselves. C) has to be dealt D) is going to deal
E) ought to deal
A) but B) or
C) just D) and
E) rather

19- Not another rainy day! This weather is really

………me ……….. .
14- Although every cabinet in the office was thoroughly
searched, the missing file can’t be found ……. A) waking/up B) seeing/off
C) getting/down D) setting/out
A) everywhere B) nowhere E) putting/on
C) somewhere D) anywhere
E) wherever

15- Their house ........ a magnificent sea view before 20- When Marie saw her car…………recklessly and
those tall buildings ……… reported it to the police, she had no idea that the
driver was her own eleven-year-old-son.
A) had better have/have erected
B) was having/erected A) driving B) being driven
C) has had/are erected C) to have driven D) to be driven
D) had had/had erected E) having driven
E) used to have/were erected

16- The incredibly long applause from the audience at

the end of the concert ……… just how good 21- When I……..from him after several weeks, I ……….
it…….. . to get worried.

A) were indicating/has been A) didn't hear/am beginning

B) indicates/will be B) won't hear/will begin
C) had indicated/can be C) haven't heard/will have begun
D) indicated/had been D) hadn't heard/began
E) has indicated/would be E) don't hear/have begun

17- Our television set, which we……… to the repair

shop a couple of days ago, ……… in a few hours.

A) sent/will be delivered
B) were sending/has delivered 22- I wish I………..what to get Dad for Christmas. It's so
C) have sent/is being delivered difficult to buy a present for him!
D) had sent/is going to deliver
E) would send/has been delivered A) have known B) can know
C) knew D) will know
E) would know

18- I want to remind you that this matter ……… with 23. -27. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
without further delay. yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Men who drink a lot of alcohol may have a higher chance are terms (28) …………. many Alaskans know well,
of (23) …………. children with physical or mental though other Americans may not. That is because Alaska
problems. Doctors have long been aware that women has very special weather that requires special (29)
alcoholics may give birth to (24) …………. babies. …………. . “White out," (30) …………. , happens when
However, scientists have recently discovered that a very strong, cold wind blows the snow on the ground.
alcoholism in men may be responsible for birth defects The snow fills the air (31) …………. you lose all sense of
too. (25) …………. of alcohol may affect the quality of direction. "Ice fog" occurs on very cold (-40C or F) days.
the father's genes. This genetic change may cause a When the air is this cold, it cannot absorb any moisture,
child to (26) …………. defective in some way. Scientists (32) ……… the water in the air becomes a kind of frozen
are not sure how this happens. But the statistics of the fog. This fog is very dangerous to drivers or aircraft.
study seem (27) …………. little doubt that it can happen.

A) that B) who
23- C) whose D) of which
A) being had B) having E) where
C) had had D) having had
E) to have

24- A) definitions B) expressions
A) offensive B) defensive C) information D) explanation
C) defective D) detective E) exploration
E) effective

25- 30-
A) Large quantities B) A great number A) such as B) like
C) A few D) Few C) as D) for example
E) Several E) thus

26- 31-
A) to bear B) to be born A) thus B) so that
C) to have born D) to have been born C) in case D) in order to
E) born E) so as to

27- A) so B) then
A) to leave B) leave C) after all D) next
C) leaving D) left E) as a result of
E) to have left

33-42. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde

28. -32. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
33- The management introduced a number of measures
Do you know what "white out” means, or "ice fog"? These ………

out by a local group
A) unless union leaders had started calling for C) The speech the politician gave was met with
strike action roars of approval
B) how morale within the company could be D) The man was arrested in connection with the
improved robbery
C) if they wanted to economise without causing any E) The mayor has been invited to open the new
hardship shopping-centre
D) so that they might survive the depression
without too much loss
E) that has brought about great discontent among
the workforce

38- ........., many of the American states have old Indian

34- ……… as some of them had been held up in rush names.
hour traffic.
A) Because they were initially inhabited by the
A) Both delegates from the trade association Indians
missed the start of the conference B) There are 503 officially recognised Native
B) There is an urgent need for new roads in the American communities
area C) In spite of being the native population of the
C) The team failed to gather at the arranged time land now known as America
D) Motorists often display violent tempers not seen D) when the continent of America was discovered
when they are away from the wheel in 1492, quite by chance
E) The lorry was unable to make its delivery on E) The state of Utah is so called because of the
time Ute Indians

35- The messenger will leave for his destination ……… 39- ……… . where the arrival of snow showers is an
expected annual event.
A) who is regarded as far more reliable than the
rest of the staff A) The only city in the north part of the region
B) as soon as he’s received his orders B) We like the name of the man
C) provided the traffic wasn't too heavy in that area C) Anywhere travellers prefer to spend their holiday
D) which was securely sealed and marked "fragile" D) The man whose weather forecast we like best
E) by the time all the documents are ready E) There are countries

36- Even though most learners find English spelling

terribly complicated, ……… 40- He said he had no idea ……… .

A) there are always irregularities and exceptions to A) when the hospital downtown would be opened
the rules B) he always claimed to be the best of the team
B) for native English speakers, it is often misspelt C) their approval will be helpful in accepting
C) which makes looking words up in an English membership
dictionary quite hard D) what we are doing in the cavern
D) especially if their own mother tongue uses E) the only way known by explorers
phonetic spelling
E) they can write English better than they can
speak it
37- ........., but there was evidence that he wasn't even 41- … , the best thing to do is take care of yourself.
in town at the time.
A) The best rule in a game is for
A) My father sadly couldn't come to my graduation B) Before the opponents appeared in the field
ceremony C) As the person you have to fight is stronger than
B) The police suspect the vandalism was carried you

D) Before you play B) How did the other people respond to your
E) As soon as a companion appears in the front group's being on the agenda nowadays?
C) Why did you four decide to enlarge your reach
to a lot of people at the same moment?
D) Was it really hard for both of you to produce
unusual methods to tackle the issues from which
42 From the moment they met ……… . our people have been suffering ?
E) What were your own reasons for committing
A) they have always walked well together yourself to changing into a freelance writer from
B) they wanted to work on the most a columnist?
comprehensive study of the age
C) they felt they have seen each other later
D) the book of marvels was written
E) the only time they saw each other

46- Yes, but I never went. I was always working.

43. — 46. sorularda, verilen cümlenin hangi sorunun
cevabı olduğunu bulunuz. A) Do you believe that the jurisdiction is done in a
correct way?
43 I'm afraid I can’t. Tonight, I've a lot of paperwork to B) Have you ever been called for a jury duty?
cover. C) What special sort of training did you have?
D) Were both of the resorts appropriate enough for
A) Will it be all right with you even after you aren't family stays?
so much eager to be there at 7 pm? E) How difficult was the job for your employees?
B) What would you say if I asked you to skip the
breakfast for today?
C) Let's get out to have a gorgeous supper at our
usual restaurant, shall we?
D) Do you have any recommendation about where
we could dine?
E) Why weren't you with us at 'Stars' ? It was a
special union for us.

47-50. sorularda verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe

dengini bulunuz.
44- It isn't possible for me to grasp the reason for his
being here at this hour of the day, either. 47- He couldn't have survived that terrible accident
even if he had been wearing a seat-belt.
A) Why do you think Mr. Cage is in this street by
getting around in hurry? A) Emniyet kemerini takıyor olsaydı bile o korkunç
B) He must have lost his wallet. Otherwise, he kazadan sağ çıkamazdı.
wouldn't be standing over there, wouldn't he? B) Emniyet kemerini takmış olsaydı, o korkunç
C) How could you explain his girl-friend's presence kazadan sağ çıkabilirdi.
at the family's door so early? C) Emniyet kemerinin takılı olması bile o korkunç
D) To me, he and his friends waited there for kazada onu ölümden kurtaramadı.
kidnapping his girl-friend. Do you think so? D) O korkunç kaza sırasında emniyet kemeri takılı
E) Do you hope that Mrs. Carnegie will persuade olmadığı için hayatını kaybetti.
her husband not to abandon her? E) Emniyet kemerinin takılı olmasına rağmen
kazada hayatını kaybetmekten kurtulamadı.

45- Each of us was giving addresses to a small number 48. The more you know about the world you are in, the
of people, later we realised that it wasn’t enough for more pleasure you'll derive from living.
our objectives.
A) Dünya ile ilgili bilgileriniz arttıkça, yaşamın ne
A) What solutions did you expect to produce after kadar güzel olduğunu fark edeceksiniz.
working in small groups? B) İçinde yaşadığınız dünyayı çok iyi tanımalısınız

ki onu daha zevkli bir hale getirebilesiniz.
C) İçinde bulunduğunuz dünyayı ne kadar iyi A) We have been able to transmit our cultural
tanırsanız, yaşamaktan o kadar zevk alırsınız. values from one generation to another since the
D) Yaşamaktan zevk almak istiyorsanız invention of the printing press in the 15th
bulunduğunuz dünyayı çok iyi tanımalısınız. century.
E) Bulunduğunuz dünyayla ilgili bilgilerinizin B) The accurate transmission of cultural values
artması yaşamınızı daha zevkli kılacaktır. through generations is a direct result of the
invention of the printing press in the 15th
C) The invention of the printing press in the 15th
century enabled our cultural values to be
accurately transmitted through generations.
D) After the printing press was invented in the 15th
century, people were able to transmit their
49. The ratio of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has cultural values from generation to generation.
increased by roughly twenty-five per cent since E) When man invented the printing press in the
1850. 15th century, it became possible for him to
transmit his cultural values through generations.
A) 1850'ye kadar yirmi beş yıl boyunca
atmosferdeki karbondioksit oranında hissedilir
bir artış olmuştur.
B) 1850'ye kadar atmosferdeki karbon dioksit
oranındaki artış yüzde yirmi beş civarındaydı.
C) Atmosferdeki karbondioksit oranının yüzde yirmi
beşlere ulaşması 1850'den sonra olmuştur.
D) Atmosferdeki karbondioksit oranı 1850'de aşağı
yukarı yüzde yirmi beşlere ulaşmıştır.
E) Atmosferdeki karbondîoksit oranı 1850'den bu
yana yaklaşık yüzde yirmi beş artmıştır.

52- Bir akvaryumdaki su iyi koşullarda muhafaza

edilmezse ne balıklar ne de bitkiler sağlıklı kalır.

50- It's absolutely true that what is done gladly is done A) The water in an aquarium should be kept in
easily. good condition so that it can support both fish
and plant life.
A) Severek yaptığınız işler size mutlaka daha kalay B) Unless the water in an aquarium is kept in good
gelecektir. condition, neither fish nor plants will stay
B) Severek yapılan işin kolayca yapıldığı kesinlikle healthy.
doğrudur. C) If you don’t keep the water in an aquarium in
C) Şu bir gerçek ki ancak sevdiğiniz işleri kolayca good condition, your fish and plants will not
yapabilirsiniz. remain healthy.
D) Genellikle kolay işlerin daha çok sevildiği D) Fish and plants in an aquarium will only keep
doğrudur. healthy if the water is in good condition.
E) İnsanın sevdiği işleri daha kolay yaptığı E) Not only fish but also plants will quickly die if the
yadsınamaz bir gerçektir. water in an aquarium is not in good condition.

51-54. sorularda verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce 53- Neyse ki girdiğim ilk dükkanda tam istediğim gibi bir
dengini bulunuz. elbise bulabildim.

51- 15. yüzyılda matbaanın icadı, kültürel A) Fortunately, the dress I came across in the first
değerlerimizin kuşaklar boyunca doğru olarak shop I entered was just what I wanted.
aktarılmasını sağlamıştır. B) I was lucky to have found the dress I wanted as

soon as I entered the first shop. immigrants. They are made from beef, so the name has
C) I wanted a dress like the one I came across in nothing to do with “ham”, which is made from pig meat.
the first shop I went into. The Americans often simply call them “burgers” and have
D) Luckily, I was able to find a dress just as I even formed words like "cheeseburger" and “eggburger”,
wanted in the first shop I went into. depending on the extra ingredients included with the
E) It was only through luck that, in the first shop I burger.
went into, I found a nice dress.

55- It's stated in the passage that Americans..........

A) were the first people ever to make hamburgers

B) rarely eat anything but hamburgers
C) changed the ingredients of the burger from ham
to beef
D) prefer cheeseburgers and egg-burgers to the
plain burger
E) have created variations on the basic hamburger

56- Hamburgers .............

A) originated from a German food made from pig

B) were discovered by some Americans living in
C) were the only American food German
immigrants would eat
D) are becoming more and more popular
54- Caz, başlangıçta Kuzey Amerika zencilerinin throughout the world
müziğiyken sonraları bütün dünyada benimsenen E) can be made from either beef or ham
bir müzik türü olmuştur.

A) Jazz has now become a popular music form all

over the world, whereas previously, it was solely
the music of North American blacks.
B) The world adopted jazz music very easily
although it started as the music of North 57- The name “hamburger”...........
American blacks.
C) Jazz is the music of North American blacks, but A) doesn't reflect its actual meat content
it is keenly listened to throughout the world. B) is rarely used these days
D) People from all over the world listen to jazz C) proved more popular than "beef burger"
music even though it originated as the music of D) was invented by a German who used to live in
North American blacks. Hamburg
E) While jazz was the music of North American E) indicates that the basic burger is being served
blacks to start with, it later became a music type with ham
adopted all over the world.

55-57 soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 58-60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Hamburgers are an American speciality which are After a college chemistry teacher remarked that
increasingly gaining in popularity all over the world. discovering a way to make cheap aluminium, then selling
They are named after the city of Hamburg in Germany, at 5 dollars a pound, would make a person wealthy and
and were introduced into America by the early German famous, an American, Charles Martin Hall, set himself to

the task. In only eight months, he found the method and enough to make ends meet comfortably, with some left
indeed achieved what the teacher said. That same year, over to put aside, but not enough to put you in the
a French metallurgist discovered the same process. The wealthy class. Most people tend to be happier during that
dispute over the patent between the two independent period in their lives when they are climbing the ladder of
discoverers was eventually resolved in a friendly way. success, rather than after they have reached the top.

61. The writer believes that those who have achieved

58- A chemistry teacher ........... great financial success ………

A) gained great wealth by selling aluminium at $5 a A) had to struggle very hard to reach the top
pound B) are likely to be extremely happy
B) gave Charles Martin Hall the idea for his C) are happier than those who are still trying to
discovery achieve it
C) resolved the dispute between the French D) are usually as dissatisfied as those earning very
metallurgist and Charles Martin Hall little
D) got the patent for producing aluminium cheaply E) want to climb the ladder further
E) worked with Charles Martin Hall to discover how
to make cheap aluminium

59- Charles Martin Hall and the French metallurgist


A) were students of the chemistry teacher 62- The writer doesn't completely agree with the idea
mentioned in the passage that..........
B) became good friends in the end
C) fell into disagreement over who would officially A) people should try to become more successful
get the right to use the process B) the very rich and the very poor are not as happy
D) took eight months to find a process for as those in between
producing cheap aluminium C) people ought to put some of their income aside
E) formed a partnership to produce aluminium D) an income sufficient for economic security
cheaply using their own process makes you happy
E) the wealthier a person is, the happier he will be

60- Charles Martin Hall ………

63- The financial status that the writer favours most is
A) was unable to get a patent for his discovery ………
B) used his wealth and fame to help the French
metallurgist A) having a very low income as then at least you
C) was a chemistry teacher before he made his can be happy
discovery B) either rich or poor, but not in the middle
D) became rich and famous through his discovery C) being neither poor nor rich
E) stole the process for making cheap aluminium D) anything, as long as you aren't unhappy
from the French metallurgist E) that which can be described as wealthy
64-66. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
61-63. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Life expectancy figures represent the average number of
The notion that happiness and financial success tend to years people are expected to live. Over the years, life
go hand in hand is, to my belief, true only to a certain expectancy has improved steadily largely due to a
extent. People with extremely low or high incomes tend decline in deaths during childhood. The development of
to be least happy. An income sufficient to provide for drugs to combat infectious diseases, plus improved
economic security is most desirable for happiness: nutrition and better environmental sanitation have

played major roles in combating early deaths. But people to about six per 1.000. Two major factors help to
significant differences in life expectancy remain, account for this progress. First, there has been a steady
depending on people's race and sex, with higher rates for general improvement in the diet of the average citizen,
females than males. resulting from larger and more reliable crop production!
The old problem of famine has largely disappeared,
though poor harvests may still result in serious
malnutrition. The second factor is the great improvement
64- According to the passage, today ……… in the nature and quality of health care.

A) race and sex no longer have any bearing on life

expectancy 67- We learn from the passage that, since the civil war
B) childhood deaths occur less frequently in the late 1940s, the Chinese...............
C) females die earlier than males
D) infectious diseases have totally disappeared A) have relied on technology in their agricultural
E) hardly anyone dies from poor nutrition or activities
sanitation B) have worked hard to improve annual crop yield
C) have seen their population almost double
D) have had longer life expectancy and a lower
death rate
E) have been respected more as average citizens

65- It's stated in the passage that.......

68- The great increase in the average life span in
A) women live longer than men China .......
B) there are no longer any deaths during childhood
C) certain infectious diseases remain as dangerous A) has occurred as a result of the more peaceful
as ever life the Chinese are now leading
D) all people have almost the same life expectancy B) results from the fact that there have been no
today poor harvests
E) women have a higher chance of dying early C) could possibly lead to another civil war if a great
than men famine results
D) is due mainly to more and better food and better
medical services
E) comes from the average citizen’s increasing
knowledge of agriculture

66- Life expectancy............ 69- The statistics in the passage tell us that .......

A) has been prolonged because infectious A) the number of people who die in China annually
diseases have disappeared is six
B) increases once the dangers of childhood have B) China no longer loses any of its population
passed through famine or malnutrition
C) is the length of time that normally likely to live C) there haven't been any cases of famine in China
D) doesn't vary significantly different races since the 1940s
E) for men is higher than for women D) before 1949, there were hardly any Chinese
people who lived into their forties
E) the Chinese of the 1990s live twice as long as
their ancestors before the civil war

70-72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

67-69 sorularda aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A German family of musicians and composers, the Bachs
There has been remarkable improvement in the health achieved the height of their fame in the 17th and 18th
and well-being of most of China's people since the civil centuries. Seven Bach generations achieved greater or
war. Life expectancy at birth has more than doubled in a lesser prominence in music from 1580 to about 1800, Of
little over four decades, rising from an estimated 35 years the group, Johann Sebastian Bach has been acclaimed
in 1949 to more than 71 years in 1992. In the same as one of the giants of musical history. Although he was
period, the annual death rate declined from 23 per 1,000 famous as a master of the organ and other instruments'

during his lifetime, Johann Sebastian Bach's music was seems to be no regularity in their breeding seasons. They
neglected after his death until the early 1800s. His works typically lay two to seven eggs in hollow trees, in other
brought to a climax the baroque period, during which birds' nests, or in human structures. As is true with most
many new forms and styles were developed. Bach wrote of the Falconiformes, the female owls are usually larger
literally thousands of compositions, many for use in than the males.
churches or in instruction.

70- We understand from the passage that ....... 73- Of the following statements about owls, the one not
mentioned in the passage is that............. .
A) though J. S. Bach is the most famous, many of
his family wrote music
B) the Bach family were very religious, writing A) they are capable of sensing anything moving in
music mostly for the church half-dark
C) each generation of the Bach family wrote better B) their eyes are not on the sides of their heads
music than the previous one C) they cannot survive away from human
D) the musicians of the Bach family were famous settlements
during their lifetimes D) they lay their eggs in groups of two to seven
E) the Bachs' music appealed to the styles popular E) the males tend to be smaller than their mates
during their lifetimes

71- As mentioned in the passage, Johann Sebastian

Bach ....... 74- In general, owls lay their eggs.......

A) started the baroque period with his works written A) two to seven times annually
for the church B) at no particular time of the year
B) could play more musical instruments than any of C) in nests built by the females
the other musicians of his time D) in places with very little light
C) wrote music which appealed to seven E) in soft and comfortable nests
generations of classical music lovers
D) is considered to be one of the most significant
composers in the history of music
E) began to be recognised as a musical genius
towards the end of the 17th century 75- This passage is mainly about .......

A) the dietary and hunting habits of owls and

72- We learn from the passage that during the baroque similar birds
period....... B) a class of birds known to scientists as
A) the Bach family reached the highest point of C) the development of the owl pellet as a form of
their fame food for owls
B) the Bachs did not produce much other than D) the mating habits of owls and how they build
music for the church their nests
C) new musical forms and styles were introduced E) the special features of owls' bodies and some of
D) most of the musicians preferred to write religious their habits
music .
E) only the Bachs wrote quality music both
religious and classic 76-80. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
73-75. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. olan seçeneği bulunuz.

In general, owls have very keen hearing, eyesight that is 76- It is forecast that it will snow heavily during the
extremely sensitive to any movement in dim light, eyes whole week.
situated in the front of the head, soft feathers that allow
for "silent" flight, which is an aid in hunting, facial discs, A) I'm sure that everywhere will be covered in
and heads that can rotate 2700, that is three quarters of a snow this week.
circle. Owls eat small birds, rodents, and, rarely, dead B) It has been snowing steadily since the beginning
animals, called carrion. They bolt their food down, of the week.
ejecting the indigestible parts in the form of pellets. There C) Heavy snow is predicted throughout the week.

D) This heavy snow is expected to continue into E) It's true that she said she was sorry, but she
the next week. wasn't sincere at all.
E) I think it will continue snowing heavily till the end
of the week.

80- You cannot see her wearing anything other than

jeans except when she is at work.

A) The only place where it is possible to catch her

77- The good reviews of the exhibition made me very without jeans is work.
keen to see it. B) Even at work she never wears anything except
A) I was very eager to see the exhibition because C) It's very rare for her to wear jeans when she's
the reviews spoke so well of it. working.
B) The superb reviews of the exhibition made me D) In or out of work, no one has ever seen her in a
happy that I’d seen it. pair of jeans.
C) I was very pleased to hear that the exhibition E) Apart from when she's working, it is impossible
was excellent. to find her in jeans.
D) I wasn't interested in the exhibition until I read
the excellent reviews.
E) Immediately after I'd read very good reviews of
the exhibition, I went to see it.

81-85. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun

düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.

81- One quarter of all the Mediterranean's beaches are

dangerously filthy, and nearly all its mussels and
78- Very often, the context can give you clues to the oysters are unsafe to eat, ……… . It has been co-
meaning of unknown words. ordinated by the United Nations Environment
Programme, which has brought together the
A) An unfamiliar word can only be guessed if the Mediterranean nations in an attempt to clean up
meaning is clear from the context. their sea.
B) When looking for clues to the meaning of a word
you don't know, try to find it in context. A) especially in the summer when water levels are
C) The meaning of a word very often changes low
depending on the context in which it is used. B) according to the most detailed pollution survey
D) It is frequently possible to guess the meaning of ever made of the sea
a new word because of the context it's in. C) as their method of feeding involves filtering the
E) Don't use a dictionary for the meanings of water
unknown words, but try to guess them from the D) though, worryingly, they are still eaten in as
context. large quantities as ever
E) despite the increased awareness of
governments, industry and the public

79- She may have made an apology, yet it was far from 82- .....…………… . To the Indians, for instance, the
being a sincere one. telegraph wires and rails spanned territory that once
belonged to them. But to the pioneers, the
A) She made by far the most sincere apology I've transcontinental telegraph and railroad signified
ever heard. the beginning of a better life and the end of
B) It is unlikely that any apology she makes will be isolation.
C) She sounded as if she was really sorry for what A) Building the railroads all but destroyed
happened. America's immense herds of buffalo
D) At least, she could have apologised, even if not B) In a country the size of the U.S.A., modern
sincerely, for what she did. means of communication are essential

C) Under British rule, the Indian sub-continent supplies to become very powerful
faced many changes D) Hence there is an urgent need to find
D) In a colonised country, it isn’t often that the alternatives
natives' opinions are sought E) This means there are limited amounts of them
E) Progress means different things to different

83- In addition to being an organ of smell, the nose is

the place best designed to admit air into the body,
for it can warm and moisten it, and hairs in the nose
can filter out dust. ............ In such cases, the mouth
is used as a supplemental way to take in air.

A) But it is the nose which most frequently causes

people to seek aesthetic plastic surgery
B) Conveniently, for modern man, it is also in the
ideal position to balance a pair of spectacles
C) Often there is a need for more air than can pass
through the nose, however
D) So keeping your nose clean and unblocked is of
vital importance
E) Surprisingly, though, there seems to be no link 86-90. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenebilecek sözü
between the size of the nose and its ability to bulunuz.
function efficiently
86- Your children are trying to persuade you to let them
have a pet dog. You aren’t against the idea, but you
know they have a tendency to lose interest in things
84- Slang consists of new words, or old words in new quite quickly. So you warn them:
uses, that have made their way into the language
because they are vivid or colourful. Most slang is A) No, it’s impossible! I’m not having an animal in
short-lived; ……… . Therefore, it is always difficult the house.
to compile an illustrative list of slang terms which B) We promise that we’ll take good care of it and
will be meaningful even a year later. not leave it to you.
C) Who’s going to be the one who feeds it and
A) that is, it enjoys a brief popularity and then is takes it for walks?
forgotten D) Okay, but the minute you stop looking after it,
B) however, there are words which have been in we’ll get rid of it.
use for centuries E) Well, I’ve always wanted a dog, but they’re quite
C) in fact, most of it is not considered worth expensive, you know.
D) so they may mean something quite different in
different environments 87- You are walking with your friend in the country. You
E) thus much of it is highly offensive have walked for miles and, now, have just got to the
85- Until about 200 years ago, people grew food by top of a hill. You are too exhausted to go on for the
relying on such renewable resources as rain, minute but don’t want to tell your friend, who is fitter
warmth from the sun, and the soil, using manual or than you. So you say:
animal power. Since the beginning of the Industrial
Revolution, people have become more and more A) It’s alright for you. You’re used to all this
dependent on resources like coal and petrol, which exercise, but I’m not.
are finite……… , and eventually they’ll run out. B) Hey, let’s sit here and admire the view and enjoy
the peace for a while.
A) With this in mind, research into harnessing the C) How much further are we going to walk? My
renewable resources again is being carried out legs are really aching, you know.
B) Now, however, people are looking to nuclear D) Come on, let’s head down that hill and through
energy, but this is controversial those woods to the river.
C) This has enabled the nations that control the E) I really don’t think I can go any further if we don’t

have a break.

91-95. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan

kısmında söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

88- You are talking to a new friend of yours when you 91- Clare : ………
discover that you share the same birthday. Thinking Sam : Are you going to take it?
that you can celebrate together, you say: Clare : I haven't made up my mind yet. The pay's
a lot better, but I don't know if there's
much security.
A) That’s great! Why don’t we have a joint party?
B) What a coincidence! What do you usually do on A) I've had acceptance letters from both of the
your birthday? interviews I went to.
C) Let’s agree not to buy each other presents as B) I've been offered a new job with that computer
they’re so expensive. firm.
D) Are we exactly the same age, or is it just the C) I've been given the opportunity to visit our
same date? branch overseas.
E) I knew when I met you that we had a lot in D) My manager wants me to attend in-job training
common. for a month.
E) That secretarial course I applied to demands a
very high fee.

89- Your secretary is going to the airport to meet a 92- Dave : I really ought to write some letters this
foreign visitor to your company. Neither of you have weekend, but I hate writing.
ever met this person before, so you say: Steve: ………
Dave : I have done in the past, but I always end
A) Don’t worry, she’s very pleasant and speaks up talking for too long, and then it costs
excellent English. me a fortune!
B) You’ll recognise her with no problems. She’s
very tall, with long blonde hair and wears A) Yes, but you know no one will write to you
glasses. unless you do.
C) You’d better take a sign with her name on so B) So do I. I usually just send postcards.
she can easily see you. C) You'll just have to set aside some time and force
D) When you’ve met her, take her to the hotel and yourself.
I’ll see her there. D) Why don't you telephone instead?
E) I’ll have to come with you so that I can point her E) I agree. Especially when nothing interesting has
out. happened.
90- David is a scientist in a laboratory. He is conducting 93- Anthony: Was that Jane driving past in that new
an experiment, but the results are not at all as he car?
expected. Fearing that he might have made a Pauline : Yes, it was.
mistake, he calls to one of his more experienced Anthony : How ever did she get the money?
colleagues and says: Pauline : ………
Anthony : Oh, I wish I had such a generous
A) Quick! Come here! I’ve just made an important relative as him.
B) I know I did everything exactly right, so what’s A) Her uncle gave it to her.
gone wrong? B) She's been saving some of her salary for ages.
C) You should have checked the measurements C) She's just had a promotion.
more carefully. D) It isn't hers. She's borrowed it from her aunt.
D) Can you have a look at this for me? It seems E) She's done a lot of overtime recently.
rather odd.
E) When you do this experiment, take great care
with the chemicals.


A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

94- Sarah: Do you know who won last night's

Katie : ………
Sarah: Neither have I, normally. But I made a bet
with someone at work and I want to
know the result. 97. (I) Cars became popular as a quick and comfortable
way of getting around. (II) This is still true when you
A) Which match? There were two yesterday. drive along a quiet country road or a modern
B) I believe it was a draw -2-2. motorway. (III) As far as getting from one place to
C) Have a look in the newspaper. another in the city is concerned, it is a different
D) I haven't got the faintest idea. story. (IV) Whenever I want to get anywhere in a
E) I have absolutely no interest in football hurry, I leave the car at home and go on foot
whatsoever. because it is often much quicker. (V) I live in a
suburb and it takes me about twenty minutes to
walk to my workplace.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

95- Son : Mum, can I make some coffee for my

Mother :Yes, of course.
Son : ……… 98. (I) Bats depend on flying more than other animals.
Mother : I can’t believe that you’ve lived here for (II) While birds and insects also fly, they have the
sixteen years and still don't know ability to walk about if necessary. (III) However, a
where things are kept! bat cannot walk very easily because its limbs and
feet are not suitable for walking. (IV) Bats use a kind
A) Can we have some biscuits as well? of radar system to find their way. (V) It is actually
B) Should I use tap or bottled water? easier for a bat to hang upside down from a branch
C) Where are the cups? than to sit on it.
D) There isn't enough milk.
E) Which room can we sit in? A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

96.-100. sorularda paragrafa uymayan cümleyi 99- (I) Considered the first black feminist novel, Their
bulunuz. Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
tracks a Southern black woman's search for her true
96. (I) Elizabeth Gaskell is best known for her identity. (II) An anthropologist as well as a writer of
novels depicting scenes of English country life fiction, Hurston delighted in describing the richness
which also often highlight the huge social divide of black culture and folklore in her work, (III) She
between rich and poor. (II) Born in Chelsea in 1810, became a central figure of the Harlem Renaissance
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell was daughter of William of the 1920s and 1930s, but then fell into obscurity.
Stevenson, a civil servant and former Unitarian (IV) It was not until the 1960s that the feminist
Minister. (III) She spent most of her childhood, philosophy again gained both a significant
however, under the guardianship of an aunt (IV) group of spokeswomen and an audience. (V) Her
When "Mary Barton" was first published in 1848 it work was rediscovered by feminists in the 1970s,
was heavily criticised by Manchester mill-owners and she is now considered one of the central writers
and the Tory press as being based against the of the African American literary tradition.
employers. (V) She grew up to become a skilled
story teller A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


100- (I) Long ago, bey was a title among Turkish peoples,
traditionally given to rulers of small tribal groups, to
members of ruling families and to important officials.
(II) It was Osman Bey, who, early in the 14th
century, founded an empire in western Anatolia that
was to endure for almost six centuries. (Ill) Under
the Ottoman Empire, a bey was the governor of a
province, distinguished by his own flag. (IV) Later
"bey" became a general title of respect in Turkish,
added after a man's personal name. (V) In the 20th-
century Turkish Republic, bey, though surviving in
polite conversation, was replaced by bay before the
name, which is equivalent to "Mr".

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


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