Isha - What Should A 20-Year-Old Do in Life

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Sadhguru answers a question from a college student about

what he should do to live a life of truth, involvement and

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May 8, 2016

adhguru answers a question from a college student about

what he should do to live a life of truth, involvement and

Questioner: I am a twenty-year-old university student striving to

live a life of truth, involvement, fulllment. How should I and
people my age balance the inner path with the outer world, be
going to school, getting a professional career or spending more
time at the ashram? (Few Laugh)
Sadhguru: (Laughs) See, all of us have to live in this universe. No
choice about it right now. But university is a choice and thats
why youre asking this question. (Laughs) How much time?
Education is of value to do certain things, but what should we be
doing as individual human beings, as a generation of people,
what should we be doing in our lives? Because people do not know
what they should be doing because they never open their eyes and
look at the rest of the world, they will take on odd purposes.
This lady comes to me, somewhere (Laughs) let me not tell the
geography, people may start guessing who she is and what she is
(Laughs) this lady comes to me and says she is going through a
hairdressing course, some two-year course in some university,
something. And, she felt its a calling. God told her that You must

become a hairdresser. You must show your head to her.

(Laughter) (Questioner is bald) This twenty-year-old university
student, if others did not notice you saw his hairstyle?
(Laughter) If this becomes everybodys calling, what will hap to
happen to her profession? Tch (Few laugh) I am saying to
(Laughs) This happened. Two nuns went to the grocery store. They
bought many things and one of them said, Would you like to
have some beer? The other one said, Yeah, for sure. Its been a
long time. But how are we going to face the salesperson there?
This one said, You dont worry. I will take care of it. She went
there, picked up a twelve-pack case of the beer, took it and put it
on the counter in front of the salesperson. This salesperson raised
his eyebrows and looked at her Nun buying beer!? So she
said, No, no, we use it as a shampoo for our hair. (Laughter) So,
the salesperson without batting an eyelid made the bill and also
kept a packet of pretzels and said, You can use this as the
curlers. (Laughter) So, God communicates to people and says,
You must become a hairdresser. Tch What a vain man he must
be (Laughter) to be sending out these kind of messages to people!
You know, somebody went to war. A destructive purposeless war
and when he was asked why, he said, God told me. You
remember? Not so long ago. Long time ago, many times they were
told. We thought in recent times, he has come to his senses, (Few
Laugh) but even in twenty rst century, he did it.
So, is there a God-given purpose? I want you to know See, we
generally run the ashram as meticulously as possible, but do you
think we know how many gros grasshoppers reside in this
lawn? Do you think our garden department is aware of this? You
think so? (Laughs) Denitely not. What makes you think God is
aware of you? Such a huge cosmos. (Laughter) You are less than a
grasshopper, (Laughs) looking at the size of the cosmos. (Laughs)
This fancy idea that God is telling you to become a hairdresser

you guys in waiting for this lady? (Laughter)

Time 49:24
So, people are inventing things like this and making it up. What I
would say is as a young man I want you to open your eyes and
look at the world. Right now, please see what is the most needed
thing in the world right now. You dont do some fanciful thing
that you like to do. You must do whats most needed, isnt it?
Isnt it so? If you get carried away by situations people become
like this its useful, but it is not the basic thing. Today, you saw
a train burning. So, you want to become a reghter. Tomorrow
you saw something, you want to become that. In reaction in
emotional reaction, you choose to become something. It could be
useful on some level. But now when most young people cannot
think, you are thinking, What should I do with my life? When
such a thought has come, I would say spend little more time on it,
not being inuenced by anybody or anything. Simply look at it
what is it that the humanity needs most? What is it that the world
needs most today? I want you to recognize that. The only thing
that needs to be xed on this planet is human beings. Everything
else is ne. Isnt it so? Isnt that so?
You dont have to train tigers. You dont have to tame the wildlife.
The only thing that needs some xing is human beings. If you x
this one species, this is a beautiful world, isnt it? (Laughs) So, if
you see that you must see, not me seeing; because I have seen
that, I am doing this. If you see that, you must do that. If you
think the most important thing is to conquer the moon, India is
sending out its moon machine soon. (Laughs) We can put you on
that. (Laughs) But, what is the point? I am not saying its not
important. Well, the Americans claim theyve landed on the
moon, world did not change because of that. Chinese are going to
land in 2014, nothing will happen, believe me. You dont think
You dont think the shape of the moon will change because
Chinese land on the moon. (Laughter) 2015, Indians are going to

land. Nothing is going to change because of this. Some maybe

we will set up our instead of oating satellites, well set up xed
satellites on the moon. Then our televisions sets will work only
once in twenty eight days, that would be great. (Laughter) We
dont know what will happen. (Laughs)
So, what is the most important thing that needs to happen right
now, because humanity is hurtling itself towards a precipice. Its
a clihanger right now. We could fall o anytime one mistake,
we could fall o. Oh, its all right. Thats also another way to
correct itself. Nature has its ways. If you think that way, no
problem. Whatever happens, you can see some good in it, okay.
This is the dastardly humanity which does this. They are usually
passed o as very good human beings. If suppose a million people
die tomorrow in this world, Tch its all for the good, you know,
population control. You wont say that if it happens to you, isnt
it? You wont say that if it happens to somebody who is near and
dear to you. It happens to somebody, population control. These
these things are going on, people are talking this language. If you
want to do population control, therere more sensible things to
do. Yes? (Laughs) If you want to do population control, therere
more sensible ways of doing it. This is not the way to do it.
Time 54:12
So, you look at this. You will see If anybody opens their eyes and
simply looks unprejudiced look at the world, you will see the only
species which needs to be xed and contained right now is human
species. We need to make some drastic changes with them.
Otherwise, they are going to nish this o and they are also
prospecting in other planets. They are not only going to nish
one, theyre aiming for the whole solar system. (Laughs)
So, I would say all young people, not just you, must take a break
from what youre doing. Just caught up because you did you
did school you went to the college, because you did college you

went to the next thing and the next thing and you end up with a
Ph.D. what to do? (Laughter) Its dangerous, you know? Because,
the education scientists are saying, if you go through twenty
years of formal education and land up with a Ph.D. or something,
seventy percent of your intelligence is irrevocably destroyed.
(Laughter) Yes. You will become a very knowledgeable idiot.
(Laughter) And today, knowledge has no use because whatever a
Ph.D. holder knows, a high-school kid can open the internet and
talk the same language. (Few Laugh) You cant even look smart
anymore with what you collected, isnt it? Because just about
anybody will talk these things because its all over the place.
So, are you preparing for a university or the universe? Thats
(Laughs) where you have to live, unless you want to become an
academic. I am not saying these things are wrong, but human
beings sensible human beings must invest their life towards
what is needed most, isnt it? Not some fanciful thing that I want
to do or you want to do. You can do whatever, joyfully or
miserably, isnt it? And just because today you think, By doing
this, I will be happy, if you go, dont ever think you will stay
happy by doing that after some time. Everybody when they got
their rst job, what a beautiful day it was! (Few laugh) You went to
this mangy little oce, sat there and wow! (Laughter) Tch, how it
felt! You are a bloody cur clerk, but you felt like you are on top
of the world. But after a few years, sitting behind the same table,
its taking your life the same job, the same marriage, the same
situations theyre taking your life. At one day, it looked like
heaven. After some time, it looks like hell, isnt it? Not because
theres something wrong with those jobs, simply because youre
doing it for the wrong reason, youre just doing it for the wrong
reasons, thats all.
So, now that you are twenty, though you lost your hair, at least
you have not lost your head, youre thinking. (Laughs) Now that
youre thinking, I would say take a few weeks o. Were willing to

give you the space. Just stay, uninuenced by anybody, just look
at it. There are many things you will want to do right now
because of immediate compulsions. You are broke right now. You
think the rst thing is to nd a job or some other compulsion
within you, you think the rst thing is to do this. Beside your
compulsions Suppose, you had none of these compulsions, what
would you like to do with life, thats what you should do. You
should not decide your life and the course of your life based on
immediate compulsions. You decide in your life, if you do this for
hundred years and look back, after hundred years if you look
back, is it still worthwhile? You do that. There are many others
who would like to be you. Tch, Oh, I wish I was twenty and I wish
I could think what to do at that time, I did something. Therere
any number of people here. Now that you are twenty and you are
fortunate that youre thinking and its fortunate that you are
here, its time you think straight before you do anything. (Laughs)

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