Bernhart1959 CurvesOfGeneralPursuit
Bernhart1959 CurvesOfGeneralPursuit
Bernhart1959 CurvesOfGeneralPursuit
~ I ---------
Fig. 1
C :,
" , a
, , I
, I
, I
'~, " I
" \ I
-,'I., M
Fig. 2
Equation (2) has been obtained for the special case of linear track
[B9,eq. (23)] but Ocagne's theorem shows that it holds for arbitrary
track and for variable speeds. Ocagne mentions particularly that the
curvature of pes) does not depend on the curvature of Q(w) but only on
the relative velocities.
[D3] Barycentric Pursuit. The study of centers of gravity led
Ernest Cesaro to another type of pursuit. He finds ["Properties of a
Pursuit Curve," Nouvelles Annates de Mathematiques, (1883) p. 85-89]
that the center of gravity of an arc with one end fixed pursues the mov-
ing end. This provides a complete answer to an earlier question he
posedin Nouvelles Correspondence [v. 5 (1879) p. 110].
Employing the notation of [Dl] the centroid P(x,y) of the arc w ~ t
generated by Q(u,v) is determined by the first moments tx = f udt
and ty fvdt. On differentiating, tdx = (u - x)dt and tdy. = ~v
y)dt, we find that P pursues Q according to eqs. (1). The Simplifica-
tion w = t implies that Q moves with unit speed, n = 1. If m is con-
stant then the pursuit is uniform, but for barycentric pursuit Cesaro
= -m + cos et>. (4)
Since his derivation of (4) is based on the general pursuit relations (1)
without the restriction (3), it holds for arhitrary pursuit. The same
formula was obtained [B5, eq. (10)] for uniform pursuit. Cesaro ex-
plicitly recognizes the generality of (4) in a later paper [seeD4].
But (3) permits another computation for the radial velocity. From
r = mt we have dr/dt = d(mt)/dt = m +
tdm/dt. Combining this
result with (4) Cesaro writes
cos et> 2m + tdI (5)
u = R cos A, v = R sin A,
Fig. 3
Measuring the arc OQ along (6) from the pole 0, the rectangular co-
ordinates of its centroid P(x,y) are given by
x = mR cos (A - </»,
y = mR sin (A - </», (7)
wherem = II, cos q,. Equations (7) show that the ratio OP 10Q = m
and the angle POQ = </> are both constant. Hence triangle POQ re-
tains the same shape, so that P and Q move on similar spirals with a
common pole. Therefore the track (6) and pursuit curve (7) are
congruent logarithmic spirals, differing by the rotation </> +
2 tan q, log
o T" T
Fig. 4
Let Tbe the foot of the perpendicular from the pole 0 to theline.QT
which is tangent at Q to the track. Let Q* and T* be the midpoints
of OQ and OT, respectively. Then, the centroid P of the arc ~Q h~s
on the median line QT* of right triangle OTQ. For, the loganthmlc
derivative d(log R)ldA of (6) is cot </>/2,and, as this is cot OQT, we have
tan OQT = 2 tan </> = 2 tan PQT. (8)
ds Ar
m = dt = L . (11)
Substituting r Lm/A in (4) we obtain the generalization of (5),
log L = f ~. (13)
Fig. 5
Let the attack circles DPQ and DeE of the track and its evolu,te in-
tersect again in point H. This poing (point de rebroussement) IS the
foot of the altitude to the hypotenuse in right triangle QDE, whose legs
are the radii of curvature in position. The poi';'ts Q. a,;,dI-!
the points on the attack circle into two arcs which distinguish attack
proper from flight. For, the pursuit speed m = pia becomes negative
when the curvatures have opposite sense, indicating flight. At the
transition point H the speed m and curvature p both vanish. Among
other interesting results Cesaro proves (p. 73) that the tangents to the
loci of Q and H form the sides of an isosceles triangle with base QH.
Accordingly, both are tangent to the attack circle.
We conclude this section by setting down the generalization of eqs.
(17*), namely
L=eE,ot·/a, and A=pL/a'sinq" (17)
where E indicates the total angular deviation of the track. For,
evaluating rand ds by eqs. (15) and (16), formula (13) may be written
log L + log a = cot q, f dt/a, and f dt/a = E. Again, from (11)we
have AIL = mfr. But m ~ p/ a and r = a sin q, by the conditions (15)
for attack. For the particular case of flank attack, q, = ';'''' the eqs.
(17) reduce to the form (17*) for an evolute.
The study of barycentric pursuit led Cesaro to the concept of sum-
mability of divergent series. He makes the connection of ideas ex-
plicit in his paper "Nouvelles remarques sur ... la Theorie des series"
[Nouv. Ann. Math., v. 9 (1890), p. 364J.
[DS] The Tractrix. In order to study various types of pursuit
curves it is convenient to choose relative polar coordinates (r, q,), where
r is the separation distance PQ and q, is the angle between the velocity
of pursuit dP /dt and the track velocity dQ/dt. The previous section
was concerned with pursuit which kept q, constant. It is intuitively
simpler to demand that r be constant, which we shall do in this section.
With r constant and the track linear the pursuit curve becomes the
familiar tractrix, such as would be obtained if Q dragged P by a ropeof
len~h r. If the positive y-axis is taken as the track, Q being on the
x-axis at (r, 0) as P passes the origin, the tractrix has the equation
1 1
v = a,u + '/,a,u' + fja,u' + 24a,u4 + ... ,
in which each coefficient an is the value of the corresponding derivative
dnv/dun at u = O. For the coordinates of the center of aberrancy A (x,y)
Transon obtains
x = + 3a.a,/(5a,'
u - 3a,a,), and
y = v + 3a.(a,a, - 3a,')/(5a,' - 3a,a,). (19)
The quotient (v - y)/(u - x) = a, - 3a,'/a, gives the slope of the
axis of aberrancy QA, which deviates from the normal QD by an angle
AQD such that
tan AQD = a, - (1 + a,')a,/3a,' = p* /3a, (20)
where a and p* indicate the radii of curvature for. th~ track and its
evolute, respectively. The radius of aberrancy QA IS gtven by .
r =
3a, Va,' + 9a,,' (21)
3a,a, - Sa,'
This radius becomes infinite whenever the osculating conic is a parab-
Choosing axes so the slope a, vanishes, and choosing the scaleso
a, = 2, the conic has the equation
72y = 72x' + 12a,xy + (3a, - 2a,')y'.
Using Transon's formulas (19) it is easy to verify that the center of
aberrancy does pursue the point of osculation. For, dyldx = (v - y)/
(u - x), in agreement with eqs. (1) of section [DI]. But the angleof
attack, which is the complement of angle AQD, generally varies as
Q(u,v) moves along its track, being constant only on a logarithmic
[D7] Miscellaneous Pursuit Problems. The eqs. (I) are so general
that any two plane curves may be interpreted as track and pursuit,
so long as P and Q are properly coupled. From each point Q on the
first curve, we draw any tangent QP to the other. If there happens
to be several tangents we obtain several points P which pursue Q along
the same course. Conversely, at each point P on one curve we may
consider the tangent line and its intersection Q with the other curve.
If there are several intersections each generates the same track. If the
loci of both P and Q are given the problem would be to determine the
coupling, and the corresponding ratio of speeds. .
Normally the Q track is given and we seek to find the P locus by in-
t~grating (I) subject to some auxiliary condition which implies a defini-
tion of the speed ratio. Thus Bouguer [B] and Hathaway [C] sup-
pose explicitly that the speeds are uniform, with linear and circular
tracks, respectively. The tractrix [D5] with fixed separation, and tbe
attack curves [D4] with fixed angle of approach imply speeds m = cos
1> and m = pia, respectively. The barycenter [D3], the center of
curvatu~e [D3], and the center of aberrancy [D6 J each generate a curve
of pursuit.
T~e examples ~f pursuit discussed here are by no means compre
hensivo. Cantor in Geschuhte der Mathematik (v, 4, p. 506) mentions
t~e early mterest of Lambert (1769) and Euler (1775). Beginning
With a 'pap,er by C. Sturm, "Extension du problema des courbes des
poursUl~e, the Annales de Mathematique [v. 13, (1822-23)] carnes
su~estlOns by Saint Laurent, Querret, Tedenat, and others.
"S e woul? like to mention two papers by V.' Nobile. In the first,
ullo studio mtrinseco della curva di caccia," [Palermo Rend., v. 20
Fig. 6
same volume Querret and Tedenat showed that the problem may be
interpreted as pursuit (p. 392) by choosing axes which move withtbe
Howard Eves and E. P. Starke selected two pursuit problemsas
among the 400 best problems appearing in the Mathematical Monthly
from 1918 to 1950 for inclusion in the Otto Dunkel Memorial Problem
Book [Am. Math. Mo., v. 64 (1957)]. One by H. E. Tester (#3942)is
Bouguer's linear track, with m = 2n. The other (#3696) by J. B.
Reynolds is more involved. "A dog directly opposite his master on the
banks of a stream, flowing with uniform speed, swims at a still-water
speed of two miles per hour heading directly toward his master at all
times. The man notes that the dog does not stop drifting down
stream until he is two-thirds across measured perpendicularly to the
banks, and that it takes five minutes longer to make the trip than if
the water had been still. How wide is the stream?"
Artemas Martin proposed the following problem in Educational
Times. A boy walked across a horizontal turntable while it was in
motion at a uniform rate of speed, keeping all the time in the same
vertical plane. The boy's velocity is uniform with respect to the table,
and equal to m times the velocity of a point in the circumferenceofthe
table. James McMahon showed [Math. Questions from E. T., v.51
(1889), p. 158] that the curve described on the table of radius a is an-
other circle of radius ma, and that the boy walks a distance s = 2ma
arc sin Va' - d'/ma where d is his nearest approach to the center of the
table. The turntable problem is also found in the Mathematics Visitor
[v. 1 (1878), p. 37].
[~2] Dynamic Pursuit. The term pursuit is often applied to
motions where the physical forces must be considered. In such dy-
namic. situations the velocity dP /dt no longer has the direction PQ.
Thus In Keplerian motion it is the acceleration of the planet (not its
velocity) which points toward the sun.
George H. Handelman wrote his doctoral dissertation on "Aerody-
namic Pursuit Curves for Overhead Attacks" [Jour. Franklin Institute,
v. 247 (1949), p. 205--221], and amplified the discussion in reports to
the Office of Scientific Research and Development with W. Prager
[106.1R] ,,:nd with W. R. Heller [106.2R]. This thesis includes four
graphs which show how the aerodynamic pursuit curve deviates from
the pure pursuit curve. An elegant extension to three dimensionswas
made by L W Coh . "E . it
C ,,': en In quations for Aerodynamic Lead PurSU!
ur-ves . (Apphed Math. Panel Report 153.1R).
Pursuit curves were . d wi . ] d
d ou btl ess much of th concerve
WIth piracy on the high seas [B1 an
'. .. t
e recen research IS classified as a military secre .
But man does not live by aerial dogfights alone. While one member
of Napoleon's expedition to Egypt discovered the Rosetta stone,
another observed the first courbe du chien in the sand. But, if life
began in the sea, long before this trace launched a thousand other
spoors,there must have been countless examples of dynamic pursuit in
the ocean depths. The following query was published in L'Tntermedi-
aire des Mathematiciens, v. 1 (1894), p. 183. "Supposing that the light
of a star takes twelve hours to reach the center of the circle which the
star traverses in twenty-four, what is the path of a fish which, starting
from the center, moves with a given speed constantly directly to the
point where it sees the star" [quoted by R. C. Archibald and H. P.
Manning in Amer. Math. Mo., v. 28 (1921), p. 92]. If the fish remains
near the center of its watery abode and if the light rays are considered
parallel, then the fish swims in a circle away from the star toward its
diametrically opposite image. But if an exact solution is demanded,
we need to know the index of refraction and the radius of the hydro-
sphere. The fish swims toward the image of the star, but the position
of this image depends on the eccentric location of the fish, so this is not
pursuit of a given point.
[E3] Geodesic Pursuit. Benjamin F. Finkel, who founded the
American Mathematical Monthly, proposed [v. 9 (1902), p. 271] the
followingproblem. "A dog at the vertex of a right conical hill pursues
a foxat the foot of the hill. How far will the dog run to catch the fox,
if the dog runs directly toward the fox at all times, and the fox is con-
tinually running around the hill at its foot, the velocity of the dog being
6 feet per second, the velocity of the fox being 5 feet per second, the
hill being 100 feet high and 200 feet in diameter at the base?" The
next year [v. 10 (1903), p. 104-106] a solution by G. B. M. Zerr was
published. A differential equation was derived and the numerical
solution s = 314 feet was obtained by introducing the approximation
that vertex-dog-fox are collinear at all times. But J. E. Sanders ob-
jects (p. 205) that "the dog cannot run toward the fox at all times and
keep between the fox and the vertex of the hill. If he keeps between,
Sanders computes s = 167 feet from the formula s = md arcsin. 11m
whered is the original distance between dog and fox. R. C. Archibald
and H. P. Manning comment: "Professor Finkel made clear the
equivalence of his problem" with circular pursuit, conceiving "the sur-
faceof the COneto be spread out on a plane." The reader will note that
this "equivalence" holds only if we interpret "directly toward" as the
shortest path between dog P and fox Q when the curved sur~ace.of t~e
COneis developed into a plane. We call this geodesic pursuit SIDceIt
suggests a natural extension to pursuit on a non-developable surface,