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Oliinyk, Nazar

FY, ED, Fall 2023, 03/08/2005

CEEB: CAID: 34368528
FERPA: Waived

Personal information
Name Oliinyk, Nazar

Share different name No
Birthdate 03/08/2005

Contact details
Email, Phone

Permanent address
[email protected], +380.953425568, Mobile, No other

Geroev Stalingrada ulitsa 22 KORP 3 Poltava POLTAVA, 36040, UKR

Gender Identity Male
Sex Male
Pronouns He/Him
Military status None
Hispanic or Latino/a/x No

Race White (Europe)

Ukrainian First Language, Spoken at Home
Russian Speak, Read, Write
English Speak, Read, Write
Czech Speak, Read, Write

Geography and nationality

Citizenship status Citizen of non-U.S. country
Birthplace Kharkiv, Ukraine 0 years US
CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 1 FY ED CAID: 34368528
Other citizenships Ukraine
Current US Visa None
Intended US Visa F-1 Student

Common App fee waiver

Fee waiver requested Yes, Signed: Nazar Oliinyk


CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 2 FY ED CAID: 34368528

Parents Divorced 2007
Home Parent 1

Parent 1

Name Oksana Oliinyk (Demydenko)
Email, Phone [email protected], +380.500856406, Mobile
Occupation Writer or journalist, Unemployed

Graduated from college/university
Bachelors (2000), Poltava National Pedagogical University, Poltava,
Poltavska oblast', Ukraine
Parent 2
Limited information about this parent
Name Yurii Oliinyk

CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 3 FY ED CAID: 34368528

Current or most recent secondary school
Poltava city multidisciplinary Lyceum Nº1 , Poltava, Poltavs'ka oblast, Ukraine, Public
(01/2020 - 05/2023)
Other Poltava Gymnasium 31, Poltava, Poltavska oblast', Ukraine, Public
(09/2012 - 12/2019)

Progression No change in progression
Graduation Date 05/2023

Colleges & universities

1 / 120, Unweighted
18.74 / 20, Unweighted
Current or most recent year courses
First semester Second semester
CALC - Algebra - (ADV) CALC - Algebra - (ADV)
PHYS - Physics - (ADV) PHYS - Physics - (ADV)

CHEM - Chemistry - (REG) CHEM - Chemistry - (REG)

BIOL - Biology - (REG) BIOL - Biology - (REG)
COMPSCI - Computer Science - (REG) COMPSCI - Computer Science - (REG)
GEOM - Geometry - (ADV) GEOM - Geometry - (ADV)
SCI - Geography - (REG) SCI - Geography - (REG)
HIST - History of Ukraine - (REG) HIST - History of Ukraine - (REG)
HIST - World history - (REG) HIST - World history - (REG)
ENG - English language - (REG) ENG - English language - (REG)
OTH/ELE - World Literature - (REG) OTH/ELE - World Literature - (REG)
OTH/ELE - Ukrainian Literature - (REG) OTH/ELE - Ukrainian Literature - (REG)
ART - Art Culture - (REG) ART - Art Culture - (REG)
PE/HLTH - Physical Education - (REG) PE/HLTH - Physical Education - (REG)

CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 4 FY ED CAID: 34368528

First semester Second semester
HIST - Law - (REG) HIST - Law - (REG)

1st place at INOVA - International 11
2nd largest invention
show in Europe.
1st place at Junior National 10
Academy of Sciences

competition at
environmental science;
1st out of 10000+ work
3rd place at Junior National 9
Academy of Sciences
competition in physics;
top 15 among 10000+
GENIUS Olympiad
Ukraine - 1st place
among 80 qualified
works from all over
IE 10
Ukraine. Honors in the
City Major Stipend for State/Regional 9, 10, 11
outstanding academic
achievements; 0.5% of
students in the city
receive it

Community-based organizations
CBO 1 Ukraine Global Scholars
Counselor Mr. Pavlo Kononenko
Email, Phone [email protected], +1.857-208-8623

Future plans
Scientific researcher, Masters

CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 5 FY ED CAID: 34368528

Duolingo English Test
Literacy 120 10/17/2022
Comprehension 110 10/17/2022
Conversation 100 10/17/2022
Production 105 10/17/2022

Duolingo Total 110 10/17/2022
Taken 1
Planned 11/2022


CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 6 FY ED CAID: 34368528

9, 10, 11 Founder , Poltava Air Condition
Year As a result of my scientific work, created my own laboratory to make the
7 hr/wk, 52 wk/yr problem of air pollution visible for general habitants of my city.

9, 10, 11 Professional ballroom dancer, Ballroom dancing club DUET
Year Latin American and European Standard (10 dances) ballroom dancer
11 hr/wk, 46 wk/yr with more than 100 diplomas and cups from national and international
Continue competitions.

9, 10, 11
Author of a scientific research, Study of atmospheric air pollution of
Poltava region
14 hr/wk, 52 wk/yr Conducted an annual study of the air quality in my region; identified that
Continue the main pollutant is PM2.5; proved that PM particles are Brownian.

Community Service (Volunteer)

10, 11 Organizing events for foreigners about the war , United for Ukraine
Year (United People Global)

3 hr/wk, 40 wk/yr Making a weekly meeting, our team provides current information about
Continue the war for people who stand with Ukraine and want to help in different

Athletics: Club
9, 10, 11 Diving, Professional SSI underwater diver, Scuba School International
Break An underwater diver with 3 completed diving courses and more than
15 hr/wk, 10 wk/yr 300 successful dives; cave and wreck diver; have a dream to dive into
Blue Hole.

Community Service (Volunteer)

CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 7 FY ED CAID: 34368528

10, 11 Participant; make positive impact on city's life, Youth Poltava Council
School Our team makes various events for citizens, from organizing
2 hr/wk, 38 wk/yr educational sessions for youth to holding national holidays; internship
Continue at Poltava Council

Foreign Exchange
10, 11 Participant of International Youth Exchanges, Erasmus+
Year Participant of 3 youth exchanges in Europe, during which I got
24 hr/wk, 2 wk/yr knowledge about SDG and Tolerance using web2.0. Made lots of new
Continue foreign friends.

9, 10 Actor at the school theater club , Theater club of the 1st Lyceum
School, Break Played the main roles in the productions of theater plays based on the
3 hr/wk, 38 wk/yr

Community Service (Volunteer)


works of Ukrainian writers; helped create dances for many
10, 11 Member of the youth wing of a political party, ze.molodizhka
Year Implementation of the ideas of the President of Ukraine; create and
5 hr/wk, 52 wk/yr publish website content; run event advertisement campaigns;
Continue organizing events.

9, 10, 11 Member of the school club of creative writing, Pereveslo

School, Break We try to find the best words to transfer our feelings and views on
1 hr/wk, 38 wk/yr paper; won various city-level creative writing competitions.

CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 8 FY ED CAID: 34368528

Personal essay
Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that
responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

I am sitting in a dark, damp bomb shelter just a block away from my school in Poltava, Ukraine.
The shelter is packed wall-to-wall with frightened people, hiding from the Russian shelling. As I feel

the ceiling vibrate after another explosion outside, I notice a scared little girl looking at me, eyes
full of tears. I am clenching my fists in helpless fury. All I want is to protect her and everyone else
in this shelter. If only I knew how…

I know this feeling of helplessness way too well. Four years ago, my grandfather died from lung
cancer. He was my hero and role model after my dad left us when I was little. My grandfather
taught me many important things in life, like the values of hard work and supporting others. But I

couldn’t help him. I felt small and powerless compared to the big forces that changed my life so
profoundly. I only hoped that there was some way for me to protect others. After reading more
about lung cancer, I learned that air pollution is one of its primary causes. Although air pollution
kills millions every year, people around me didn’t seem to care. Yet, it didn’t stop me from
declaring my personal war on air pollution.

I started with a simple question: how bad was the air we breathe in Poltava? Turned out, nobody
knew! So, I approached my physics teacher and asked him where to start. We came up with the
idea to build an air monitoring station to measure the quality of air in my hometown. Building a
station from scratch wasn’t easy. I spent countless nights trying to figure out the detectors’ layout.
Struggling to find money to buy parts, I needed to redesign it to be inexpensive, yet accurate. Other
students joked that I had moved into the school lab and this was my new home. I didn’t mind. The
air monitoring station was finally ready.

After the first week of daily measurements in different parts of the city, I realized how bad our air
quality was. It exceeded the permissible levels by two to three times. Naturally, my next question:

what should we do about this? I decided to share the results online and give Poltava residents
access to real-time measurements of the air quality across my network of six stations. My reports
got picked up by local and then national media in Ukraine. I realized that raising awareness of the
problem could nudge policymakers to take action. I advocated changing existing regulations in
Ukraine that make it cheaper for big corporations to pay a small fine for emissions than to install
effective air filters. In my war against air pollution, I understood that in order to fight the enemy, I
needed to learn many things at once, such as environmental engineering, medicine and policy.

These memories go through my head as I sit in the bomb shelter, facing another war. The war that
all Ukrainians fight for the freedom of our country. The war that brings completely-destroyed cities,
crippled fates of orphans, and the grief of mothers who will never see their children. The war that
exacerbates existing environmental problems in Ukraine, increasing air and soil pollution from
rocket fuel of thousands of missiles and phosphorus bombs–not to mention the risks of
radioactive contamination in case of a nuclear strike.

Suddenly, even with all of the noise around me, I become calm and focused. Although my war

CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 9 FY ED CAID: 34368528

against air pollution is far from being over, I am certain that victory is in sight once we apply our
knowledge, talents, and energy to it. And I understand that Ukraine’s victory is inevitable because
this is what millions of Ukrainians do every single day. I smile at the scared little girl next to me,
telling her that everything will be fine. She smiles back.


CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 10 FY ED CAID: 34368528

Education progression
Education progression No change in progression

Required explanation

Secondary school change

I had a good relationship with all the teachers and am very grateful for all the knowledge they gave
me during my eight years of study there. At one point, I realized that everything I could do - I did,
and I needed to find a new place where I could realize my ideas. My teachers supported me in this

decision and said that I would be able to fulfill myself better in the new school. 


CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 11 FY ED CAID: 34368528

University of Pennsylvania questions
Start Term Fall 2023
Admission plan Early Decision
Early Decision Yes%, I have read and understand my rights and responsibilities under
Agreement the Early Decision Process and have reviewed Penn’s Early Decision
policy. I wish to be considered as an Early Decision candidate at

University of Pennsylvania. I also understand that with an Early
Decision offer of admissions%, this institution may share my name and
my early commitment with other institutions. Nazar Oliinyk
School Specific Fee No
Financial aid Yes
School Discipline
Have you ever been
adjudicated guilty or
convicted of a
misdemeanor or felony?
Penn does not prejudge
individuals on the basis
of their response to this
question; however, we
want to understand the
circumstances around
your criminal history.
We urge applicants to
reflect upon their
actions, provide context

and detail, and any

lessons learned from
the experience.
Use Testing No

Previously applied No
How have you learned Other, Ukraine Global Scholars, 03/2021
about University of
Pennsylvania? List in
order of influence
Additional contact Current Penn Student, Olga Loiek
Additional contact Current Penn Student, Andriy Chemerysov
CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 12 FY ED CAID: 34368528
Additional contact Other, "Elon Musk" book by Maria Serdiuk, 06/2019
Additional contact Social Media
Additional contact Internet
If you wish to be I consent to be contacted by University of Pennsylvania at the mobile
contacted via mobile phone number provided below.
phone, please provide
your phone number.
Contact methods may
include phone calls
generated from an
automated telephone

dialing system or text
Mobile Phone Number: +380.953425568

Context & background

Context & background
Assisting household members with situations such as doctor
appointments%, bank visits%, or visa interviews, House tasks -
cleaning%, laundry%, etc., Interpreting or translating for household
members, Living in an environment without reliable internet access,
Living on my own/ don't live at home, Taking care of animals
Sibling applied No
Relatives attended No
Relative employed at No


Other Information
Do you hold citizenship No
or permanent residence
status in Canada or
Would you like to No
provide information
regarding personal
identification with the
LGBTQ+ community?

CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 13 FY ED CAID: 34368528

By submitting this I agree
application, you certify
that this application and
its contents are
factually true, honestly
presented, and
authentic. Additional
application materials
sent on your behalf
(e.g., transcripts,
recommendations, etc.)
must be sent by an

official or University-
approved source. All
application materials
and contents are
subject to audit and
verification. In cases of
including falsifications
or deliberate omissions,
Penn Admissions
reserves the right to
deny or rescind

By submitting this application, I affirm my understanding of and agreement to the statements
found here:

CA Oliinyk, Nazar CEEB: Fall 2023 14 FY ED CAID: 34368528

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