Wave-Vector Diagrams For Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
Wave-Vector Diagrams For Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
Wave-Vector Diagrams For Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
T-Nova, Technologiezentrum, Am Kavalleriesand3, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany
(E-mail: [email protected])
Abstract. Photonic crystals exhibit band gaps, meaning that electromagnetic fields cannot propagate in
them for specific ranges of wavelengths and directions. The calculation of band structure diagrams has
been intensively studied and is now well understood. In contrast to that, so-called wave-vector diagrams
(i.e. dispersion surfaces, depicting the loci of all relevant wave vectors at a fixed wavelength) are less known
and used. In principle, they show how the effective index of the structure depends on the direction of
propagation. A method to calculate explicitly wave-vector diagrams for two-dimensional photonic crystals
is derived which leads finally to quadratic eigenvalue problems. Results for square and triangular lattices
are presented and some applications are discussed.
1. Introduction
Photonic crystals are currently the subject of intense theoretical and experi-
mental efforts (Kurizki and Haus 1994; Joannopoulos et al. 1995). They
exhibit band gaps, meaning that electromagnetic fields cannot propagate in
such crystals for specific ranges of wavelengths and directions. The calcula-
tion of photonic band structure diagrams is well understood and they appear
in almost everyone relevant paper.
In contrast to that, so-called wave-vector diagrams of photonic crystals (i.e.
dispersion surfaces, depicting the loci of all relevant wave vectors at a fixed
wavelength) are less known and used. They have been extensively studied for
singly periodic structures corresponding to one-dimensional (1D) photonic
crystals (Russell 1986; Russell et al. 1995) using a transfer matrix relating
the fields on one side of the investigated structure to those on the other.
Wave-vector diagrams for singly and doubly periodic structures were ob-
tained experimentally by Zengerle (1987). For two-dimensional (2D) or
three-dimensional (3D) photonic crystals the transfer-matrix approach was
implemented as a finite-element method (Pendry and MacKinnon 1992) but
only band structure diagrams and transmission coefficients of a square lattice
are presented there. Wave-vector diagrams for a 3D photonic crystal appear
(for example Kosaka et al. 1998; Kosaka et al. 1999; Notomi 2000) without
details of calculation. Presumably they were interpolated from the calculated
band-structure diagram data mentioned there.
Wave-vector diagrams illustrate, in principle, how the effective index of the
structure depends on the direction of propagation. It can be shown (Yeh
1979) that the direction of the phase velocity is identical with that of the wave
vector but the direction of the group velocity (and of the energy flow) is
normal to the dispersion surfaces in wave-vector diagrams. This spatial an-
isotropy is the basis of many interesting effects (beam steering, self-colli-
mating, ultra-refractive optics).
A method, to a large extent analytical, to calculate explicitly wave-vector
diagrams for 2D photonic crystals is derived which uses a plane wave ex-
pansion and leads finally to a quadratic eigenvalue problem. Results for square
and triangular lattices are presented and some applications are discussed.
Fig. 1. A 2D photonic crystal consisting of dielectric columns with circular cross-section in air. The insets
show a cut in the xy plane through a (a) square lattice (b) triangular lattice.
with F = ( x , y ) , fi = (fix, fly) and the reciprocal lattice vectors ~31, [)2.
An analogous plane wave expansion for the periodic refractive-index dis-
q-oc +oc
"• = Z Z fm,n exp (i(mbl + r/[32)" r') (3)
g / / ~ - - OO n ~ - - O O
2" 2re 2
joo:. +<
Let us for example start with the TM modes of a square lattice. Inserting the
expansions (2) and (3) into Equation (la), one gets after lengthy algebra the
The Gfinther expansion has, however, two disadvantages: the resulting linear
eigenvalue problem is non-symmetric (hence pairs of complex conjugated
eigenvalues appear) and its size doubles.
To solve numerically the eigenvalue problems in Equations (8)-(11), which
are infinite-dimensional, they must be truncated. If we take M plane waves in
the expansions (3) and (4) along each reciprocal-lattice vector direction, we
get finally non-symmetric L x L matrices with a size L = 2(2M + 1)2. In order
to calculate the eigenvalues, for convenience's sake standard routines from
the NAG Fortran Library were used. There exist of course more suitable
methods for computing only a few eigenvalues of large matrices (see e.g.
Johnson and Joannopoulos (2001) and the references there) and in future
work such iterative eigensolvers will be used.
Large discontinuities in the refractive-index distribution at the boundaries
between the dielectric columns and air may cause poor convergence of the
plane wave expansion and the use of appropriate smoothing methods can
accelerate the convergence (e.g. Meade et al. 1993; Johnson and Joanno-
poulos 2001). I have computed only the eigenvalues and not the eigenvectors
belonging to them, and test calculations show that choosing M - - 6 (i.e.
L = 338) yields a sufficient accuracy.
1 .so-"
Fig. 2. Wave-vector diagrams for T M modes in the Brillouin zone of a square lattice (a = 0.8 pm,
r = 0.16 [am, no = 1, nl = 3.2) at the wavelengths 1.45, 1.50, 1.55, 1.61, 1.65 [am.
5. Application
Fig. 3. Wave-vector diagrams for TE modes in the Brillouin zone of a square lattice (a = 0.8 ~tm,
r = 0.16 ~m, no = 1, nl = 3.2) at the wavelengths 1.80, 1.90, 2.20, 2.60, 3.30 ~m.
Fig. 4. Wave-vector d i a g r a m s for T M m o d e s in the Brillouin zone of a triangular lattice (a = 0.8 gm,
r = 0.2 ~tm, no = 1, nl = 2.6) at the wavelengths 1.45, 1.50, 1.55, 1.60, 1.65, 1.70 gm.
Fig. 5. Wave-vector d i a g r a m s for T E m o d e s in the Brillouin zone of a triangular lattice (a = 0.8 p.m,
r = 0.2 lam, no = 1, nl = 2.6) at the wavelengths 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 pan.
6. Conclusion
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