Fadhili Gip Envid Report: Offshore Gas Increment Program

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Offshore Gas Increment Program – Contract No.

: 6600050846 (OOK) Revision A



Contract No.: 6600050846 (OOK)
BI-10-20857, BI-10-20858, BI-10-20955



S. Dart
A 11-Jan-2023 Issued For Client Review D. Keeble J.D. Lapinskas R. Patel
Rev Date Revision Description Prepared By Checked By Approved By
Document Classification


Location: FADHILI Discipline: EV - ENVIRONMENT

Plant: Document Type: DOC-DOCUMENT

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Offshore Gas Increment Program – Contract No.: 6600050846 (OOK) Revision A

1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Background ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Project Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 References ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions ........................................................................................................................ 6
2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... 10
3 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT IDENTIFICATION (ENVID) ............................................................................................ 14
4.1 ENVID objectives ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Technique ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Risk Ranking .................................................................................................................................................................. 16

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Revision Section Change(s)

Hold No Section Description

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1.1 Background
Fadhili Gas Plant (FGP) is an existing gas processing facility located approximately 30 km northwest of
Khursaniyah Gas Plant and 80 km west of Jubail.
The new facilities under the Gas Increment Program (GIP) project will be processing 1.3 Billion Standard
Cubic Feet per Calendar Day (BSCFD) of sour non-associated offshore gas to produce approximately 0.86
BSCFD of sales gas, based on 1080 BTU/SCF basis and 2,000 Metric Tonnes per Day (MTD) of elemental
sulphur. The facilities will be located in the FGP to the south side. With availability of 0.94, the GIP capacity
shall be designed for 1.383 BSCFD.
There is additional scope at Wasit Gas Plant (WGP) comprising a new MEG-Unit at the Feed and Product
Area / Inlet Area. The WGP Condensate system will also be reviewed and upgraded if required for the
additional condensate.
Onshore Upstream pipelines will be required to transport the offshore gas to GIP as follows:
A new pipeline that will tap off 600 MMSCFD of gas from existing TL B1 at the existing Beach Valve Station
(BVS) and transport to FGP.
The balance 700 MMSCFD will be from existing trunklines TL B2 and TL B3, each trunkline bringing in 1350
MMSCFD of offshore gas totalling 2700 MMSCFD. The existing FGP will continue to process 2000 MMSCFD
and the balance 700 MMSCFD will be processed in GIP.
Downstream Pipelines as follows will be required:
A new underground bi-directional sales gas pipeline connecting new FGP expansion and Master Gas System
(MGS) at KBG-1 KM 17.7 through the existing Khursaniyah Ras-Tanura (KRT) corridor to transport sales gas.
A new flashed Rich MEG pipeline to transfer MEG received through the new gas pipeline from BVS to WGP
to return the rich MEG carried over from TL B1.
To fast track and implement the project in a shorter schedule and achieve start-up by early 2027, it is
proposed to utilize the existing design with the same capacity, specifically the licensed units, and
implement a cloned design as far as feasible.

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Figure 1. Site location plan

1.2 Project Overview

As part of the Gas Increment Program (GIP) project, it is proposed to add the following facilities:
 Two (2) new Slug Catcher trains, added to the existing Hasbah Slug Catchers, identical to existing
slug catchers (Plant D42 SC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) for the additional 700 MMSCFD from TL B2 and TL B3.
 Two (2) new Slug Catchers train at GIP, for the additional 600 MMSCFD from the new pipeline
from BVS.
 Feed Gas Compression for 600 MMSCFD received through new pipeline from BVS.
 Three (3) new gas treatment trains identical to the existing gas treatment trains (Plant D43 AGRU
1, 2, 3, 4). Each train of a nominal capacity similar to the existing of 532 MMSCFD, comprising an
Acid Gas Removal unit (AGRU), an Acid Gas Enrichment unit (AGEU), Flare Gas Recovery (FGR) gas
treatment, TEG dehydration unit and an associated propane refrigeration system.
 Three (3) new Sulphur Recovery Unit (SRU) / Tail Gas Treating Unit (TGTU) identical to existing
ones, each of 800 TPD sulphur production capacity.
 One new Sour Water Stripping Unit train identical to the existing trains (Plant D42 SWS 1, 2)
 Supporting process and utility systems.

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1.3 References
Document Number Description Author
SAEP-13 Environmental Impact Assessment & Permitting Process ARAMCO
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) Program ARAMCO
SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source Control ARAMCO
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Disposal ARAMCO
SAES-A-105 Noise Control ARAMCO
SAES-A-112 Meteorological and Seismic Design Data ARAMCO
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard ARAMCO

1.4 Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions

Acronym, abbreviation, Description




AGRU Acid Gas Removal Unit

BEDP Basic Engineering Design Packages

CMS Capital Management System

COC Chennai Operation Centre

DMG Document Management Group

DP Design Practices

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EMDM Engineering Managers Desk Manual

ENVID Environmental Identification

EPC Engineering Procurement and Construction

FEED Front End Engineering Design

GII’s General Instructions and Information

HAZID Hazard Identification

HAZOP Hazard and Operational Analysis

HCIS High Commission for Industrial Security

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HSSE Health Security Safety and Environment

IER Independent Engineering Reviews

IMS Integrated Management System

IPMS Information Project Management System

ISO Isomerisation Unit

JV Joint Venture

kBPSD Thousand Barrels per Standard Day

KBR Kellogg Brown & Root Ltd

KOM Kick-Off Meeting

KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

LCS Lead Case Selection

MAC Main Automation Contractor

MDR Master Document Register

MEGU Mono-Ethylene Glycol Regeneration Unit

MOM Minutes of Meeting

MSD Material Selection Diagram

MTO Material Take-Off

NDA Non-disclosure agreement

OOK Out of Kingdom

PI&D Process & Instrumentation Diagram

PMT Project Management Team

QA Quality Assurance

QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control

RCER Royal Commission Environmental Regulations

SRU Sulphur Recovery Unit

TGTU Tail Gas Treating Unit

VIP Value Improvement Practice

WBS Work Breakdown Structure

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ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable

BAT Best Available Techniques

BFD Block Flow Diagram

BoD Basis of Design

BNG Biodiversity Net Gain

BSCFD Billion Standard Cubic Feet per Day

CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan

CWMP Construction Waste Management Plan

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

ENVID Environmental Impact Identification

EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction

ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan

FEED Front End Engineering Design

FGP Fadhili Gas Plant

GHG Greenhouse Gas

HP High Pressure

HPPT High Pressure Production Trap

HSE Health, Safety and the Environment

ISO International Standards Organisation

KBR Kellogg Brown & Root

LP Low Pressure

LPPT Low Pressure Production Trap

MBCD Million Barrels of Crude per Day

MEG Monoethylene glycol

MMSCFD Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day

MTD Million Tons per Day

PFD Process Flow Diagram

PME Presidency of Meteorology and the Environment

SRU Sulphur Recovery Unit

TGT Tail Gas Treatment

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ToR Terms of Reference

UFD Utility Flow Diagram

WMP Waste Management Plan

WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant

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An ENVID review was conducted in accordance with International Standards Organisation (ISO) 14001:2015
[Ref.1], the ENVID Draft Terms of Reference (ToR) [Ref.2] and KBR work method WM-GL-CON-EM-0503
[Ref.3]. The review was directed by an independent KBR facilitator and was attended by Saudi Aramco,
members of the KBR project design team, KBR environmental engineers and the project environmental
impact assessment (EIA) team [0]. Saudi Aramco policies, procedures, standards and instructions were
linked to the aspects reviewed [0].
The review identified environmental aspects and impacts and ranked risks from these impacts, post
mitigation. In addition, the review assessed upstream facilities (the pipeline corridor to the western
shoreline). Insufficient time was available during the ENVID to consider the downstream facilities and these
impacts will need to be addressed by other studies and particularly the EIA. The review developed
preliminary recommendations for risks ranked at levels above tolerable or when further information was
required for the risk to be ranked.
No ‘red’ intolerable risks were identified. Impacts associated with the upstream pipelines, which will be
located within an existing pipeline corridor were all considered acceptable. Table 2.1 summarises the
aspects with associated environmental impacts ranked either ‘generally intolerable’, or where there was
insufficient information to rank their risk.
Table 2.1 – Environmental aspects where additional mitigation is required

Ref Project Phase

Environmental Aspect Recommendation
No. (for impact)
Boilers (x4, 400 tonne/hr, 3 Complete detailed combustion emissions Commissioning
operational & 1 stand-by). modelling for the boilers and investigate & Operations
ENV-1 options to reduce emissions at source.
Responsibility: EPC Contractor
Thermal incinerators (x3), Complete detailed combustion emissions Commissioning
continuous operation. modelling for the incinerators and & Operations
ENV-3 investigate options to reduce emissions at
Responsibility: EPC Contractor
Venting during abnormal ESMP to include consideration of venting Commissioning
ENV-5 conditions. during abnormal operating conditions. & Operations
Responsibility: Saudi Aramco
Construction site CEMP to include a dust mitigation plan and Construction
preparation earthworks. requirements for dust and meteorological
ENV-8 monitoring.
Responsibility: EPC Contractor
Unplanned spillages and Ensure spill prevention training has been Operations
leaks of stored hazardous updated to cover all new plant and
ENV- liquids. equipment variants and is rolled out to all
17 relevant personnel.
Responsibility: Saudi Aramco

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Ref Project Phase

Environmental Aspect Recommendation
No. (for impact)
Water consumption - 1300 Develop water conservation strategy to Operations
US gallons/minute. provide a long term sustainable supply
which incorporates potential infrastructure
ENV- upgrades, the effects of climate change on
28 ocean conditions (temperature, salinity) and
includes measures to re-use water.
Responsibility: KBR Process Team
Oxygen Scavenger, caustic, Clarify / quantify waste stream with KBR Operations
sulphuric acid, biocide, process team. Vendor Information to be
ENV- amine, anti-corrosive, anti provided during FEED with specific chemical
30 scalent, MEG, hypochlorite, MSDS data relating to physical, chemical
boiler feed water chemicals profile and toxicological classification.
and sludge conditioners. Responsibility: KBR Process Team
Amine waste Clarify / quantify waste stream during FEED Operations
ENV- with KBR process team.
Responsibility: KBR Process Team
Accumulation of mercury & To be assessed at a later FEED stage of the Operations
ENV- lead project.
Responsibility: KBR Process Team
Use of water for ground Develop water conservation strategy, Construction
curing & cleaning activities including measures to re-use water.
Worker facilities using Responsibility: EPC Contractor
water 75l per man per day
including canteen process
Fire water and irrigation.
Construction wastes (Non- Develop effective construction waste Construction
hazardous) management plan (CWMP) with reporting
-Wood requirements and key performance
ENV- -Glass indicators which encourage circularity.
41 -Plastic Responsibility: EPC Contractor
-Food waste
-Electronic wires etc
Vehicle refuelling station Include refuelling procedures in CEMP and Construction
(diesel only) limit locations for refilling.
ENV- Include construction works in emergency
42 spill response plan.
Responsibility: EPC Contractor

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Ref Project Phase

Environmental Aspect Recommendation
No. (for impact)
Construction wastes Ensure inductions and routine training Construction
(hazardous) includes effective waste management and
-Thinners segregation to prevent mixing of hazardous
and non-hazardous wastes, encourage
ENV- -Solvents
circularity and waste minimisation. All
46 -Paints volatiles stored in AC Containers only with
-Containers temp control.
-Construction chemicals
e.g. lube oil Responsibility: EPC Contractor
Operation of construction Clarify with EPC Contractor construction Construction
ENV- equipment which may emit equipment list of noise emitting items and
47 excessive noise >75dB their ratings.
Responsibility: EPC Contractor
Use of construction Encourage circularity, calculate construction Construction
materials, cement, carbon footprint, monitor material use, set
ENV- concrete, sand, wood, recycled materials key performance
51 lumber, timber, steel. indicators.
Fuel & lube oil. Use of low carbon cement.
Responsibility: EPC Contractor

All recommendations from the ENVID will be transferred to the Construction Environmental Management
Plan -CEMP so that a traceable record will be kept for tracking and accounting purposes. Responsible
disciplines will be required to address any actions assigned to discipline group that can reasonably be
closed out during FEED. Any outstanding actions will be transferred for closure in the next phase of the

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3.1 Purpose
This document describes an ENVID study workshop performed during the FEED stage of the FGP expansion
The ENVID review focussed on identifying significant environmental impacts during the construction,
commissioning and operational phases of the proposed project.

3.2 Definitions
Definitions applicable to the ENVID process are outlined in ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management
Systems [Ref.1], the ENVID Draft ToR [Ref.2] and KBR work method WM-GL-CON-EM-0503 [Ref.3].:
 Environment: Surroundings in which an organisation operates, including air, water, land, natural
resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelationships. Surroundings can extend from within
an organisation to the local, regional and global systems.
 Environmental aspect: An element of an organisation’s activities or products or services that
interacts or can interact with the environment.
 Environmental impact: Change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or
partially resulting from an organisation’s environmental aspects.
 Receptors: Environmental receptors considered by the ENVID included the:
o Atmosphere (air quality, including contribution to global pollutants / climate change);
o Water resources (both marine and controlled fresh water sources including lakes,
streams and underlying groundwater aquifers);
o Land;
o Biodiversity - both terrestrial and aquatic flora, fauna; and avifauna
o Communities (Local residents and neighbouring businesses).

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4.1 ENVID objectives

The objectives of this ENVID are as follows:
 Provide information to the EIA team and project permitting process;
 Identify environmental aspects and impacts, and rank risks from construction, commissioning and
operations on the natural, socio-economic or regulatory environment; and,
 Record the recommendations from the above, including the party responsible for the action and
when it should be completed (whether during the current or, if appropriate, later project stages).

4.2 Technique
The ENVID workshop is the central activity used to determine the full range and significance of
environmental impacts of a project and the mitigation measures required to minimise harm to the
environment. Using the collective body of project and engineering knowledge and expertise of those
attending the workshop ensures that all potential project impacts on the environment are captured, and
risk expertly assessed. This also results in the identification of the most appropriate and effective
practicable measures to reduce risks to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) and employ Best
Available Techniques (BAT).
The size of the team will depend on the project requirements. A typical minimum core team composition is
as follows:
 Study Leader / Facilitator;
 Environmental engineer;
 Process engineer;
 Layout (Piping) engineer;
 Project engineer;
 Client Operations representative; and
 Study secretary (scribe).
This should be supplemented by additional personnel as required. The following list gives examples:
 Construction engineer;
 Mechanical engineer;
 Safety engineer;
 Civil engineer;
 Electrical engineer; and
 Instrumentation engineer.
The key to a successful ENVID is the correct breadth and depth of experience of the team members. This
means that ENVID team members need to be senior personnel. A list of attendees from the actual meeting
is included in Appendix I.

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Typically, during ENVID examination sessions, the available Process and Utility Flow Diagrams (PFDs and
UFDs) along with the plot plans are reviewed using a brainstorming method in conjunction with a set of
agreed guidewords / prompts. These prompts enable visualisation of the type of environmental issues
associated with respect to a particular guideword. The examination should be conducted in a climate of
positive thinking and frank discussion.
The basic steps to completing the ENVID are as follows:
1. Breakdown the project into a smaller number of areas for study (i.e. construction, commissioning,
and operations);
2. Identify the system (or node) (e.g.) that need to be discussed;
3. Provide a brief overview of the activity that is to be evaluated. This should include the equipment
in the area, operating conditions and activities that are carried out in the area.
4. Start with the first guideword (refer to Appendix II): using the guideword and the guideword
prompts, identify possible hazards. The following should be recorded:
a. Aspect;
b. Potential environmental Impact;
c. Environmental receptor(s);
d. Control Measures; and
e. Risk classification.
5. Make recommendations for further work. It is important to remember that the ENVID is intended
to be a high-level exercise that identifies major impacts, hazards and risks. Any areas of
uncertainty should be recorded as requiring further investigation rather than attempting
resolution in the meeting.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 4 for each guideword.
7. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for each node.
A typical work process for an ENVID review is shown in Figure 4.1.

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Figure 4.1 – ENVID Study Process

Issues and comments discussed during the workshop were electronically recorded into a worksheet. The
worksheets, included in Appendix IV, were projected on a screen for the team to refer and agree to as the
study progressed.

4.3 Risk Ranking

The ENVID ToR [Ref.2] set out the risk ranking approach taken, with a 9 x 8 Risk Matrix which is presented
Figure 4.2 in with corresponding risk level criteria outlined in Table 4.1.

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Figure 4.2 – ENVID Risk Matrix

Table 4.1 – Risk Level Criteria

Risk Level Mitigation and sharing of risk

Single red risks are intolerable and far beyond general

Red risk tolerance criteria. Mitigating actions must be
implemented as soon as possible.

Single orange risks are generally intolerable, and

Orange mitigating actions must be implemented.

Yellow risks are generally tolerable, mitigating actions

when identified, based on the ALARP / BAT principles
or other applicable principles subject to relevant

Risks in the green zone are generally tolerable and

Green actions are normally not required.

Sharing is not required.

The environmental impact ranking categories used for the ENVID are set out in Table 4.2.

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Table 4.2 – Environmental Impact Ranking Categories

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1.1 Background Information

The ENVID review workshop was held over one day (17th November 2022). The meeting was held in person
at the KBR’s offices in Khobar, Saudi Arabia and Leatherhead, UK and used Microsoft Teams for remote
attendees. A list of attendees is included in Appendix I.
FGP is located 30km west of Jubail Industrial City in Saudi Arabia’s eastern province. FGP is approximately
30 km west of the Al-Jubail conservation area which extends from Abu Ali Island in the south to Ras al-
Khair in the north with an area of 2411 km2 , in addition to five atolls, its borders also include Dawhat al-
Deffi, Dawhat al-Musallamiyah and the islands within the area. Notable species include red fox, golden
jackal, several species of rodents and birds, including two species of larks, as well as reptiles including
lizards and snakes. In its coastal areas there are flamingo, and some species of dunlins, gulls, terns, ducks,
herons, and the socotra cormorant.
The proposed facility location is shown in Figure 4.3.
Figure 4.3 – Facility Location

FGP was the first plant to treat non associated gas from both onshore (Khursaniyah) and offshore (Hasbah)
fields, and the first Aramco plant designed from the start to use TGT technology. This allows it to achieve a
sulphur recovery rate of more than 99.9 percent. The proposed expansion of FGP will process an additional
1,300 MMSCFD of sour non-associated offshore gas to produce approximately 1.15 BSCFD of sales gas and
2,100 MTD of elemental sulphur. Upstream facilities will be developed within an existing 40 km pipeline
corridor and include a new 36”- 42” gasline and evaluating the need for an additional MEG line.

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Downstream facilities which were not covered in the ENVID workshop, include a 40” gas line from FGP to
the MGS, a 2” condensate line pipeline and an 8” Safaniyah rich gas line (15MMSCFD).
The proposed scope expansion is shown in Figure 4.4 and was split into the following nodes: gas plant,
upstream facilities and downstream facilities.
Figure 4.4 – Proposed Scope Schematics

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No red ‘intolerable’ risks from environmental impacts were identified. Table 4.3 summarises the 13
‘generally intolerable’ orange risks, as well those where further follow-up information will be required to
assess the risk fully (TBC). Six of the aspects identified require follow-up information; while two of these
have been initially rated orange. The full worksheets from the review sessions are included in Appendix IV.
Table 4.3 – ENVID Recommendations Summary

Ref Risk Owner Project Phase

Environmental Aspect Recommendation
No. Ranking (for impact)
Boilers (x4, 400 Complete detailed EPC Commissioning
tonne/hr, 3 operational combustion Contractor & Operations
& 1 stand-by). emissions
modelling for the
ENV-1 boilers and
investigate options
to reduce
emissions at
Thermal incinerators Complete detailed EPC Commissioning
(x3), continuous combustion Contractor & Operations
operation. emissions
modelling for the
ENV-3 incinerators and
investigate options
to reduce
emissions at
Venting during ESMP to include Aramco Commissioning
abnormal conditions. consideration of & Operations
venting during
Construction site CEMP to include a EPC Construction
preparation dust mitigation Contractor
earthworks. plan and
ENV-8 requirements for
dust and

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Ref Risk Owner Project Phase

Environmental Aspect Recommendation
No. Ranking (for impact)
Unplanned spillages Ensure spill Aramco Operations
and leaks of stored prevention training
hazardous liquids. has been updated
to cover all new
plant and
equipment variants
and is rolled out to
all relevant
Water consumption - Develop water KBR Process Operations
1300 US conservation Team
gallons/minute. strategy to provide
a long term
sustainable supply
which incorporates
ENV- infrastructure
28 upgrades, the
effects of climate
change on ocean
salinity) and
includes measures
to re-use water.
Oxygen Scavenger, Clarify / quantify KBR Process Operations
caustic, sulphuric acid, waste stream with Team
biocide, anti-corrosive, KBR process team.
ENV- anti scaler, other MEG
30 chemicals,
hypochlorite, boiler
feed water chemicals
Amine waste Clarify / quantify KBR Process Operations
TBC waste stream with Team
KBR process team.
Accumulation of To be assessed at a KBR Process Operations
TBC mercury & lead later stage of the Team
Use of water for ground Develop water EPC Construction
curing (coagulants) & conservation Contractor
ENV- cleaning activities strategy, including
40 Worker facilities using measures to re-use
water including canteen water.
Fire water.

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Ref Risk Owner Project Phase

Environmental Aspect Recommendation
No. Ranking (for impact)
Construction wastes Develop effective EPC Construction
(Non-hazardous) construction waste Contractor
-Wood management plan
-Glass (CWMP) with
ENV- -Plastic reporting
41 -Metal requirements and
-Food waste key performance
-Electronic wires etc indicators which
Vehicle refuelling Include refuelling EPC Construction
station procedures in Contractor
CEMP and limit
locations for
ENV- refilling.
42 Include
construction works
in emergency spill
response plan.

Construction wastes Ensure inductions EPC Construction

(hazardous) and routine Contractor
-Thinners training includes
effective waste
management and
ENV- -Paints segregation to
46 -Containers prevent mixing of
-Construction chemicals hazardous and
e.g. lube oil non-hazardous
wastes, encourage
circularity and
waste minimisation
Operation of Clarify with EPC EPC Construction
construction equipment Contractor Contractor
which emits excessive construction
TBC noise equipment list of
noise emitting
items and their

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Ref Risk Owner Project Phase

Environmental Aspect Recommendation
No. Ranking (for impact)
Use of construction Encourage EPC Construction
materials, cement, circularity, Contractor
concrete, sand, wood, calculate
lumber, timber, steel. construction
Fuel & lube oil. carbon footprint,
ENV- monitor material
51 use, set recycled
materials key
Use of low carbon

All recommendations from the ENVID will be transferred to the Construction Environmental Management
Plan – C EMP so that a traceable record will be kept for tracking and accounting purposes. Responsible
disciplines will be required to address any actions assigned to discipline group that can reasonably be
closed out during FEED. Any outstanding actions will be transferred for closure in the next phase of the
The recommendations support the consideration of mitigation which has been developed in detail by the
EIA Report, planning and permitting process. Where relevant, recommendations will be delivered in
compliance with the requirements of the appropriate regulatory agencies including National Centre for
Environmental Compliance – NCEC, The Royal Commission RC and the Presidency of Meteorology and
Environment (PME) and Aramco’s own quite extensive and comprehensive list of Engineering
Standards and Engineering Procedures. Insufficient time was available during the ENVID to consider the
downstream facilities. The EIA Report studies and assessment have covered the full scope of the
development including downstream facilities.
It is understood the environmental recommendations and their implementation will be underpinned
through compliance with relevant Saudi Aramco standards and performance indicators, an environmental
management system (certified to ISO:14001:2015) and the creation of the following key site specific plans
through construction and commissioning to operation:

Environmental Engineering Deliverables

 FEED Construction Environmental Management Plan – Principal Document for EPCs
 FEED Construction Waste Management Plan – Principal Document for EPCs
 Biodiversity Management Plan
 Chemical Management Plan
 Pollution Prevention Management Plan
 Spill Management and Response Plan
 Water Management Plan (Construction/Commissioning/Ops including Potable – Process
Utilization and Wastewater Production and treatment/recycle/evaporation)

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 Community HSE Plan

 Community Liaison Plan
 Construction Camp Management Plan
 Cultural Heritage Management Plan
 Labour and Work Conditions Management Plan
 Land Management Plan (earthworks/excavations)
 Infrastructure & Utilities Management Plan
 Procurement Supply Plan
 Environmental Training & Awareness Plan
 Environmental Monitoring, Inspection & Audit Plan
 Environmental Reporting and Notification Plan
 ENVID Workshop
These plans will be developed in detail for relevant site areas, implementing findings from any future EIA
studies as required, as well as environmental engineering data produced by the design team such as the
environmental budget report / emissions and effluents inventory. For FGP during construction and
commissioning, particular focus will be placed on the site preparation earthworks balance, dust
suppression and the establishment of a sustainable potable and process water supply as well as the
strategic management of all wastes both hazardous and non hazardous.

The ENVID has not identified beneficial (positive) environmental impacts from the FGP expansion project. It
is recommended all design aspects address the performance ambitions set by Saudi Aramco’s sustainability
report [Ref. 4] and specifically incorporate design solutions which support Saudi Aramco’s Circular Carbon
Economy Framework. The framework focuses on reducing, reusing, recycling and removing greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions. Saudi Aramco has committed to GHG emission initiatives to reduce or mitigate more than
50 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent annually by 2035. Saudi Aramco aims to achieve these emissions
reductions through:
Renewables investment — 14 million tonnes of CO2e reduction annually and to generate 12GW of solar
and wind power by 2030;
Investing in Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage — 11 million tonnes of CO2e reduction annually;
Energy efficiency improvements — 11 million tonnes of CO2e reduction annually;
Methane and flaring reduction — 1 million tonnes of CO2e reduction annually; and
Offsets — 16 million tonnes of CO2e mitigation annually.
The upstream and downstream pipeline and water supply aspects of the FGP expansion project also offer
significant potential to incorporate biodiversity net gain (BNG) initiatives and it is recommended that the
design mitigation solutions incorporate measures to support global ambitions to become Nature Positive
by 2030.

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1. International Standards Organisation (ISO) 14001, 2015 – Environmental Management Systems.

2. ENVID Draft Terms of Reference, KBR, 2022
3. Integrated Management System, Environmental Aspects Identification Work Method, WM-GL-CON-
EM-0503, 2020.
4. Saudi Aramco Sustainability Report 2021

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List of Attendees

Name Role / Discipline Company

Abdulaziz Almuaili Project Engineer Aramco
Amer Alzubaidi Project Manager Staterra Co.
Ahmed Semida Sr. Environmental Specialist Staterra Co.
Ahmed Al Taweel Sr. Environmental Consultant Staterra Co.
Islam Ali Dawoud Sr Environmental Consultant Staterra Co.
John David Lapinskas Lead Environmental Engineer KBR
Elsayed Hegazy KBR IK EM KBR
Peter Douglas OOK KBR Project Engineer KBR
Ashish Chopra KBR Construction Manager KBR
Tony Boahen KBR Process Safety Lead KBR
Donny Agustinus Lead Pipeline Engineer KBR
Abdullah Busbaih Associate Project Manager KBR
David Keeble Facilitator KBR Consulting International
Kunal Kapoor Scribe KBR Consulting International

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ENVID Guidewords

Primary ENVID Guidewords Secondary Guidewords

Gas (substance that has not undergone a phase change).
Vapour (substance that has undergone a phase change).
Combustion - NOx / SOx / GHGs / Particulates PM2.5/PM10
Visible Dust
Smoke - soot
Emissions to atmosphere
Flaring (combustion products)
Other fugitive releases
Ozone depleting substances
Construction wastes / runoff
Commissioning wastes
Operations wastes
Spillage of gasoline, diesel and/or lubrication oils
Wastewater effluent from WWT Plant
Storm water – Clean Water System - DW
Oily water – Oily Water System - DO
Foul water / septic waste
Liquid effluent discharges
Desalter waters
Dehydrator blowdown waters
Waste Oil Separator blowdown waters - WOSEP
Cooling waters
Boiler blowdown waters
Compressor effluent
Evaporation pond effluent
Firefighting waters – Firefighting Foam [AFFFs non halogen]
Non-hazardous inert (plastics, minerals, brick / concrete rubble etc.)
Recyclables (Metal, Wood, Paper, glass etc.)
Hazardous materials (e.g., contaminated filters, piping insulation
materials, gaskets, catalysts, reactive sludges, heavy metals etc.)
Bulk materials (e.g., regeneration beds)
Office and special wastes (e.g., batteries, IT WEEE)
Contaminated soil
Biodegradable wastes

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Primary ENVID Guidewords Secondary Guidewords

Sludges (Boiler etc.)
Liquid wastes (semi solids)
High frequency noise
Low frequency "rumble"
Noise / Vibration
Impact/ intermittent noise
Ground shake
Water – Potable water
Water – Construction (ground curing/dust suppression/cleaning/irrigation,)
Water – Commissioning (hydrotesting/passivation)
Water – Operations (refer to liquid effluent discharges above)
Non-renewable fuels
Raw material consumption Renewable fuels
Lubricating oils
Compressor seals
Rock / gravel / sands
Cement – Batching Plant
Chemical Consumption Pre-commissioning & Commissioning
Energy use Power generation
Visual impact Structures
Visible plumes (air / water / steam)
LSA (Low-specific-activity Scale) / NORM (Naturally Occurring
Radioactivity Radioactive Material)
Radioactive sources
Archaeology and heritage
Cultural Issues
Community severance by pipelines

Other local environmental and community Permitting

issues Infrastructure (e.g., roads) and their development
Educational development
Health care development
Environmental enhancement (e.g. biodiversity gain)
Security enhancement

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Primary ENVID Guidewords Secondary Guidewords

Host community developmental assistance
Climate Change Resilience to extreme weather

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures, Standards and Instructions

Saudi Aramco Corporate Policies

Document Number Document Title

CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy

CP-25 Water Conservation Policy

CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy

CP-43 Health Protection Policy

CP-45 Biodiversity Protection Policy

CP-51 Waste Management Policy

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

Document Number Document Title

SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan

SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)

SAEP-14 Project Proposal. SAEP-17 Capital Management System

SAEP-32 Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) Program

Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering


Disposal of Wastewater from Cleaning, Flushing, and

Dewatering Pipelines and Vessels

SAEP-339 Marine Dredging and Landfilling Approval and Permitting

SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas

SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and Emission Inventory

SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys

SAEP-402 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management

Environmental Management System (EMS): Development,

Implementation, and Audit Requirements

Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP) Preparation & Revision


SAEP-1141 Radiation Protection for Industrial Radiography

SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessments

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Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

Document Number Document Title

SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and Lay-up Procedures

SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source Control

SAES-A-103 Discharges to the Marine Environment

SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Disposal

SAES-A-105 Noise Control

SAES-A-111 Borrow Pit Requirements

SAES-A-112 Meteorological and Seismic Design Data

Groundwater Monitoring Well Design, Installation and


SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard

Saudi Aramco General Instructions

Document Number Document Title

GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy Implementation

Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health Aspects of

Environmental Protection Policy

GI-0150.001 Asbestos Hazard Management

GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco Environmental Health Code

GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco Hazardous Waste Code

GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy Implementation

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
Emission Inventory
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
SAEP-402 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Complete detailed Management
combustion SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Environmental and Social
Deterioration in local and global air emissions modelling (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Boilers (x4, 400 tonne/hr, 3 Emissions to Management and Mitigation Plan Commissioning
ENV-1 quality. Adverse impacts to human 4 8 for the boilers and EPC Contractor Audit Requirements
operational & 1 stand-by) atmosphere (ESMMP), SA standards. & Operations
health and biodiversity. investigate options SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
Regulatory compliance. Monitoring.
to reduce emissions Control
at source. SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper
(DBSP) Preparation & Revision Procedure
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
No routine flaring;
Baseline contamination survey of
surrounding ground and vegetation
prior to the commencement of new
flaring emissions.
ESMP to include monitoring points
in proximity to the flares and to
include measurements of metals
such as mercury. SA standards,
Dispersion & flare modelling during
• Implement source gas reduction
measures to the maximum•
Implement source gas reduction
measures to the maximum extent
• Use efficient flare tips and optimize
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
the size and number of burning
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
• Maximize flare combustion
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
efficiency by controlling and
optimizing flare fuel, air and stream
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
flow rates, to ensure the correct ratio
Emission Inventory
of assist stream to flare stream;
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
• Minimize flaring from purges and
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
pilots without compromising safety,
SAEP-402 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
through measures including
installation of purge gas reduction
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
devices, vapor recovery units, inert
Flares (x2) operating. Flaring will Deterioration in local and global air (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Emissions to purge gas, soft seat valve Commissioning
ENV-2 only occur in emergency quality. Adverse impacts to company 4 4 Aramco Audit Requirements
atmosphere technology where appropriate, and & Operations
conditions reputation, human health, biodiversity. SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
installation of conservation pilots;
• Minimize risk of pilot blowout by
SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper
ensuring sufficient exit velocity and
(DBSP) Preparation & Revision Procedure
providing wind guards;
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
• Use of a reliable pilot ignition
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
• Install high-integrity instrument
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
pressure protection systems, where
Protection Policy
appropriate, to reduce overpressure
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
events and avoid or reduce flaring
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy
• Minimize liquid carryover and
entrainment in the gas flare stream
with a suitable liquid separation
• Minimize flame lift off and/or flame
• Operate flare to control odour and
visible smoke emissions (no visible
black smoke);
• Situate flare at a safe distance
from local communities and
accommodation units/manned
• Implement burner maintenance
and replacement programs to
ensure continuous maximum flare
efficiency and meter and record all
flare gas Q and volumes.

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
Emission Inventory
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
SAEP-402 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Complete detailed Management
combustion SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
ESMP, SA standards, Reducing
Deterioration in local and global air emissions modelling (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Thermal incinerators (x3), Emissions to SOX & NOX emissions via design Commissioning
ENV-3 quality. Adverse impacts to human 5 8 for the incinerators EPC Contractor Audit Requirements
continuous operation atmosphere requirement to meet air emissions & Operations
health and biodiversity. and investigate SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
requirement using TGT technology.
options to reduce Control
emissions at source. SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper
(DBSP) Preparation & Revision Procedure
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
Emission Inventory
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
ESMP, Baseline contamination SAEP-402 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
survey of surrounding ground and Management
vegetation prior to the SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Fugitive emissions via plant GHG emissions (CH4 and VOC) commencement of operations. (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Emissions to Commissioning
ENV-4 expansion equipment e.g. emissions. Adverse impacts to human Environmental mitigation and 5 4 Aramco Audit Requirements
atmosphere & Operations
storage tanks & valves health and biodiversity. monitoring plan to include of metals SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
such as mercury. SA standards, Control
Monitoring of fugitive emissions SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper
during operations. (DBSP) Preparation & Revision Procedure
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
Emission Inventory
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
SAEP-402 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
GHG emissions (CH4 and VOC) ESMP to include
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Venting during abnormal Emissions to emissions. Adverse impacts to company ESMP, SA standards, maintenance consideration of Commissioning
ENV-5 5 8 Aramco Audit Requirements
conditions atmosphere reputation, human health and and monitoring venting during & Operations
SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
biodiversity. abnormal operating
SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper
(DBSP) Preparation & Revision Procedure
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
Emission Inventory
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
SAEP-402 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Deterioration in local and global air (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Diesel generators operating (x5, Emissions to ESMMP, SA standards to minimise Commissioning
ENV-6 quality. Adverse impacts to human 2 6 Aramco Audit Requirements
3-5MW) atmosphere emissions. Regulatory compliance. & Operations
health and biodiversity. SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper
(DBSP) Preparation & Revision Procedure
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
Emission Inventory
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
SAEP-402 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Construction Environmental
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Deterioration in local and global air Management Plan (CEMP) and
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Emissions to quality. Adverse impacts to human Construction Traffic Management
ENV-7 Construction material deliveries 3 8 EPC Contractor Construction Audit Requirements
atmosphere health and biodiversity. Local nuisance Plan. Existing road system fit for
SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
within community. purpose.
Traffic & Logistics Study
SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper
(DBSP) Preparation & Revision Procedure
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-339 Marine Dredging and Landfilling
Approval and Permitting
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
Emission Inventory
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
SAEP-402 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
CEMP to include a Management
Visible dust mobilised, local noise and
dust mitigation plan SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
vibration nuisance, deterioration in local
Construction site preparation Emissions to CEMP, Spoil management plan, and requirements for (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
ENV-8 and global air quality. Adverse impacts 4 8 EPC Contractor Construction
earthworks atmosphere recycling of aggregates dust and Audit Requirements
to company reputation, human health
meteorological SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
and biodiversity.
monitoring. Assessments
SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Depletion of water supply resources, (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Water demand including cooling (potential improvements to water supply ESMMP, SA standards, normal Audit Requirements
water blowdown, recycled Liquid effluent infrastructure required). Adverse operations involve recycling water, SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
ENV-9 1 6 Aramco Operations
through wastewater treatment discharges impacts to biodiversity and hence no significant effluent Assessments
plant (5000 barrels a day) socioeconomics (irrigation / public water discharges. SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
supply) and Disposal
SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
ESMMP, SA standards, SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Oil contaminated water, local health,
Liquid effluent interceptors, pollution control valves, Assessments
ENV-10 DO drain system land contamination and biodiversity 3 4 Aramco Operations
discharges regular inspections and SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
impacts if spilt.
maintenance. and Disposal
SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Stormwater runoff, increased suspended
Liquid effluent ESMMP, SA standards, regular Assessments
ENV-11 DW drain system solids, deterioration in local water quality 3 4 Aramco Operations
discharges inspections and maintenance. SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
if not treated.
and Disposal
SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Commissioning plan, Emergency
Audit Requirements
Response (Spill) plan.
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Environmental mitigation and
Oil contaminated water, deterioration in Assessments
monitoring plan
Liquid effluent local water quality, land contamination SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and
ENV-12 First flush Disposal of effluent will be controlled 3 4 EPC Contractor Commissioning
discharges and adverse health and biodiversity Lay-up Procedures
to bespoke evaporation ponds
impacts if not contained. SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
Containment, spill prevention
and Disposal
measures, spill kit, interceptors,
SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
pollution control valves
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Contaminated effluent, deterioration in Assessments
MEG effluent Liquid effluent local water quality, land contamination ESMMP, SA standards, sump SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and
ENV-13 4 2 Aramco Operations
Contained within sump discharges and adverse health and biodiversity design, inspection and maintenance Lay-up Procedures
impacts if not contained. SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
and Disposal
SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
Boiler water effluent containing Contaminated effluent, deterioration in SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
chemicals Liquid effluent local water quality, land contamination ESMMP, SA standards, refer to DO Assessments
ENV-14 3 6 Aramco Operations
- neutralising amines discharges and adverse health and biodiversity system SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
- pH boosters impacts if not contained. and Disposal
SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
ESMMP, SA Standards,
Hydrotesting Release of effluent with chemicals. Commissioning management plan.
Liquid effluent SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and
ENV-15 Large scale vessels, water & Oxygen scavengers, biocidal agents, Disposal of effluent will be controlled 5 4 EPC Contractor Commissioning
discharges Lay-up Procedures
chemicals corrosion inhibitors & heavy metals. to bespoke evaporation ponds
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
Recycling of water.
and Disposal
SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
ESMMP, SA Standards,
Passivation of stainless steel Containment of effluent, disposal of
Liquid effluent Release of effluent to environment with SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and
ENV-16 equipment. effluent will be controlled to bespoke 5 4 EPC Contractor Commissioning
discharges chemicals, potential metals, citric acid. Lay-up Procedures
Use of citric acid evaporation ponds
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
No release to sea.
and Disposal
SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Ensure spill Audit Requirements
prevention training SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
ESMMP, Emergency Response
Contaminated effluent, deterioration in has been updated to Assessments
Plan (spills), SA standards, planned
Unplanned spillages and leaks of Liquid effluent local water quality, land contamination cover all new plant SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and
ENV-17 containment, spill prevention 5 6 Aramco Operations
stored hazardous liquids. discharges and adverse health and biodiversity and equipment Lay-up Procedures
measures, spill kit, interceptors,
impacts if not contained. variants and is rolled SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
pollution control valves
out to all relevant and Disposal
personnel. SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Oily sludge for disposal, deterioration in Waste Management Plan (WMP),
Audit Requirements
local water quality, land contamination SA standards, disposed into
ENV-18 Sludges from boilers Wastes 4 4 Aramco Operations SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
and adverse health and biodiversity concrete pit, before picked up and
impacts if not contained. disposed properly.
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Chemicals involved during MEG Chemical wastes for disposal, land Audit Requirements
WMP, SA standards, Site waste
ENV-19 unit, (spent formic acid used for Wastes contamination and adverse health and 4 4 Aramco Operations SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
management plan, monitoring plan.
maintenance of vessels) biodiversity impacts if not contained. Assessments
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
MEG Dissolver (spent brine) Contaminated material for disposal, land Assessments
WMP, SA standards, Monitoring
ENV-20 -slurry discharge liquid effluent, Wastes contamination and adverse health and 4 4 Aramco Operations SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and
during operations
waste from plate filter package biodiversity impacts if not contained. Lay-up Procedures
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
and Disposal
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
Odour, waste material for offsite
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Sludge cake from wastewater disposal / use, land contamination and WMP, SA standards, Septic tanks.
ENV-21 Wastes 3 6 Aramco Operations Assessments
treatment adverse health and biodiversity impacts Waste management plan.
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
if not managed.
and Disposal
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Hazardous waste from ESMP, WMP, SA standards, site
Contaminated material for disposal, land Audit Requirements
maintenance waste management plan,
ENV-22 Wastes contamination and adverse health and 3 5 Aramco Operations SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
-filters in MEG unit, acid removal operational management plan.
biodiversity impacts if not contained. Assessments
unit Recycling.
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Use of resources, hazardous wastes for (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
disposal offsite, deterioration in local WMP, SA standards, site waste Audit Requirements
Containers used for process
ENV-23 Wastes water quality, land contamination and management plan, operational 3 7 Aramco Operations SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
adverse health and biodiversity impacts management plan. Assessments
if not contained. GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
WMP, SA standards, site waste (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
management plan, operational Audit Requirements
Use of resources & potential for
ENV-24 Spent catalysts Wastes management plan. 3 8 Aramco Operations SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Recycling- return back to Assessments
manufacture for regeneration. GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
ESMMP, SA standards, noise
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Compressors, pumps. Disturbance to site personnel and mufflers for operators, model
ENV-25 Noise / Vibration 3 8 Aramco Operations Audit Requirements
SI unit stack biodiversity selection. Noise modelling study &
SAES-A-105 Noise Control
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
ESMMP, SA standards, Noise
Disturbance to site personnel and Audit Requirements
ENV-26 Flare during startup/ emergency Noise / Vibration modelling study & monitoring. Flare 5 4 Aramco Operations
biodiversity SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
SAES-A-105 Noise Control
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Disturbance to site personnel and ESMMP, SA standards, Noise Audit Requirements
ENV-27 Air coolers Noise / Vibration 3 8 Aramco Operations
biodiversity modelling study & monitoring. SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
SAES-A-105 Noise Control
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
Develop water CP-43 Health Protection Policy
conservation SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
strategy to provide a SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
long term SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
sustainable supply Assessment (EPA) Program
which incorporates SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Water consumption - 1300 US Raw material ESMMP, SA standards, Establish potential KBR Process (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
ENV-28 Resource depletion 4 8 Operations
gallons/minute consumption sustainable supply source infrastructure Team Audit Requirements
upgrades, the effects SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
of climate change on and Disposal
ocean conditions GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
and includes Implementation
measures to re-use GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
water. Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
ESMMP, SA standards, fully
contained processes preventing
SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
Raw material release of chemicals.
ENV-29 MEG, Methanol, TEG. Resource depletion 4 5 Aramco Operations Control
consumption Detailed register of hazardous
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
and Disposal
Strategic storage & containment.
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
ESMMP, SA standards, fully
Oxygen Scavenger, Caustic, Assessments
contained processes preventing
sulphuric acid, biocide , anti- Clarify / quantify SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
Raw material release of chemicals. KBR Process
ENV-30 corrosive, anti scaler, other MEG Resource depletion 6 5 waste stream with Operations Control
consumption Detailed register of hazardous Team
chemicals, hypochlorite, boiler KBR process team. SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
feed water chemicals. (waste) and Disposal
Strategic storage & containment.
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
ESMMP, SA standards, fully
contained processes preventing
Clarify / quantify SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
Raw material Local air quality deterioration, health of release of chemicals. KBR Process
ENV-31 Amine waste 6 5 waste stream with Operations Control
consumption personnel. Detailed register of hazardous Team
KBR process team. SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
and Disposal
Strategic storage & containment.
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
ESMMP, Environmental Budget
Depletion of resources, local and global SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Electrical grid supply. Report, SA standards, electric drive
ENV-32 Energy use air quality from offsite power stations 3 8 Aramco Operations Assessments
Steam turbine usage (160MW) compressors designed to high
(Scope 2 emissions) SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
and Disposal
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
Emission Inventory
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
Resource depletion, disturbance to SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
SA standards, similar to existing
ENV-33 60% facility size increase Visual Impact biodiversity, local community, 3 8 Aramco Operations Assessments
cumulative impacts SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
and Disposal
SAES-A-105 Noise Control
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
SAEP-1141 Radiation Protection for Industrial
[To be assessed at a later stage of the KBR Process Radiography
ENV-34 Accumulation of mercury & lead Radioactivity To be investigated Operations
project.] Team SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
Emission Inventory
Apply requirements of International
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
Standard, Social Accountability
Other local SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Assessment of opportunities to mitigate 8000, SA8000 2014, SA standards, Construction,
EIA detailed consideration with environmental (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
ENV-35 adverse environmental impacts and completed early to recognise Beneficial Beneficial Aramco Commissioning
CWP and community Audit Requirements
achieve gain hazards/risks to environment & local & Operations
issues SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
communities. CWMP. Mitigation
measures & continuous monitoring.
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
Increased prevalence of extreme SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
environmental conditions, potentially Emission Inventory
SA standards, Assumed / Existing Construction,
health concern & property. SAES-A-112 Meteorological and Seismic
ENV-36 Sandstorms Climate Change Control Measures. Limit heavy lifting 3 6 Aramco Commissioning
Visibility & movement issues during Design Data
[wind speed > 9.2 m/sec & Operations
operation, affecting monitoring by GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
operators. Implementation
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
Specification & maintenance of
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
equipment to client requirements.
Emission Inventory
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
Construction Environmental
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
Management Plan
SAEP-402 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
(CEMP),Specification &
maintenance of equipment to client
Combustion emissions from SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Emissions to Local & global air quality. Health & requirements.
ENV-37 mobile & static equipment. 3 8 EPC Contractor Construction (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
atmosphere biodiversity.
Vehicles. Audit Requirements
Construction Environmental
SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
Management Plan (CEMP), SA
regulatory standards on emissions.
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
Monitoring all equipment, NOX SOX
& CO2.
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Emissions regulatory standards.
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation and Audit
Construction Environmental
In Field Refueling all construction SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
Emissions to Local air quality, adverse impacts to Management Plan CEMP - Low
ENV-38 plant & equipment 4 4 EPC Contractor Construction Control
atmosphere health and biodiversity concentration of light ends [BTEX] in
Fugitive emissions. GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
diesel fuel
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
Emission Inventory
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
SAEP-402 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Dust suppression measures.
Dust deposition, adverse impacts to SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Concrete batching plant Emissions to Lorries covered with tarpaulin.
ENV-39 health and biodiversity. Equipment 4 4 EPC Contractor Construction (EMS): Development, Implementation and Audit
Fugitive emissions atmosphere Water bowser.
functionality. Requirements
Ground curing.
SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
Good housekeeping.
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Use of water for ground curing & Develop water Audit Requirements
CEMP, CWMP with special attention
cleaning activities Depletion of resources. conservation SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Liquid effluent to water management. Dedicated
ENV-40 Worker facilities using water Uncontrolled discharges of effluent, 4 8 strategy, including EPC Contractor Construction Assessments
discharges wastewater treatment facility &
including canteen leading to pollution. measures to re-use SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
Water Management Plan WMP
Fire water water. and Disposal
SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
Develop effective SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Construction waste management
construction waste Assessment (EPA) Program
Construction wastes (Non- plan to encourage recycling of
management plan SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
hazardous) materials.
(CWMP) with (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
-Wood Circular economy principals.
Resource use, pressure on existing reporting Audit Requirements
ENV-41 -Glass Wastes SA regulatory standards for circular 4 8 EPC Contractor Construction
infrastructure for waste management. requirements and SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
-Plastic economy of materials.
key performance Assessments
-Metal Correct segregation of materials/
indicators which SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
--Electronic wires etc. storage & signage/ removal for
encourage GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
recycle and/or disposal
circularity. Implementation
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Include refueling (EMS): Development, Implementation and Audit
procedures in CEMP Requirements
Spill kit & worker training. Contained
and limit locations SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
Contamination to ground via leakage & draining.
ENV-42 Vehicle refueling station Wastes 5 7 for refilling. EPC Contractor Construction Control
overfills. Paved surface with use of diesel fuel
Include construction GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
only no petrol
works in Emergency Implementation
spill response plan. GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Attraction of disease carrying Flies and (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Personnel waste in office, Vermin. Construction & Audit Requirements
ENV-43 Wastes CWMP, good housekeeping. 3 6 EPC Contractor
canteen & sanitary wastes. Health impacts on personnel, hygiene & Operations SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
diseases. Assessments
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
CWMP, good housekeeping use of Audit Requirements
Clinical waste (hazardous waste yellow plastic biohazard container SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
ENV-44 Wastes Biohazard. 5 4 EPC Contractor Construction
from facilities) boxes for all clinical human wastes Assessments
including bandaging and sharps SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
Hygiene/ disease issues to personnel.
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
ENV-45 Waste removal from septic tanks Wastes Attraction of disease carrying flies and CWMP, good housekeeping. 5 4 EPC Contractor Construction
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Ensure inductions
Assessment (EPA) Program
and routine training
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Construction wastes (hazardous) includes effective
CWMP. (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
-Thinners waste management
Refer to SA regulatory standards. Audit Requirements
-Solvents and segregation to
Use of resources & potential for Special control of substances SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
ENV-46 -Paints Wastes 5 7 prevent mixing of EPC Contractor Construction
contamination to ground. hazardous to health. Assessments
-Containers hazardous and non-
Containment [proper bunded SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
-Construction hazardous wastes,
storage] & security. GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
lubricants/chemicals e.g. Lube oil encourage circularity
and waste
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Increased noise levels within local area. Clarify with process
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Personnel & stakeholders effected. Refer to SA regulatory standards, team equipment list
Operation of equipment which Audit Requirements
ENV-47 Noise / Vibration Local community & biodiversity. regarding noise measurements. 3 8 of noise emitting EPC Contractor Construction
emit excessive noise SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
Distance & sensitive receptors to be Noise modelling. items and their
determined. ratings.
SAES-A-105 Noise Control
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
CEMP, dB of lower than 45 at (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Generators for power in Local disturbance, nuisance to nighttime in camp area Audit Requirements
ENV-48 Noise / Vibration 3 8 EPC Contractor Construction
construction camp employees. Biodiversity accommodation units. SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
Noise mufflers or enclosures. Control
SAES-A-105 Noise Control
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Operation of mobile & static Local impact on construction and site
Audit Requirements
ENV-49 construction equipment Noise / Vibration personnel & existing facility. CEMP 3 8 EPC Contractor Construction
SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
generating noise & vibration. Surrounding community & biodiversity.
SAES-A-105 Noise Control
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Noise generated from Assessment (EPA) Program
construction traffic inside [plant CEMP, CWMP with special attention SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
and equipment] from lay down to water management. Subplans for (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Local impact on construction and site
areas to construction site & plant traffic management & roots to and Audit Requirements
ENV-50 Noise / Vibration personnel & existing facility. 3 8 EPC Contractor Construction
equipment and materials delivery from site. SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
Surrounding community & biodiversity.
from suppliers and service Noise monitoring during all times of Control
providers outside the main construction. SAES-A-105 Noise Control
construction site. GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
circularity, calculate
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
construction carbon
Use of construction materials, footprint, monitor
CEMP, maximise efficiency & SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
cement, concrete, sand, wood, Raw material material use, set
ENV-51 Resource use & consumption. minimise waste, encourage circular 4 8 EPC Contractor Construction Control
lumber, timber, steel. consumption recycled materials
economy. SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
Fuel & lube oil. key performance
and Disposal
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
Use of low carbon
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
CEMP, Refer to SA regulatory
Depletion of resources, risk to personnel SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Use of energy during standards.
ENV-52 Energy use & biodiversity. 3 8 EPC Contractor Construction Assessments
construction & camp Emphasis on efficient design.
Local & global air quality. SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
and Disposal
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
CEMP, SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
Stakeholder engagement plan. Emission Inventory
Influx on temporary workers for
Reference to relevant IFC SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
site. Adverse impacts on existing
Other local performance standards SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
Quality of life for workers. infrastructure.
environmental and International Standard Social (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
ENV-53 Conditions of camp. Local communities disrupted, trade off 3 5 EPC Contractor Construction
and community Accountability 8000, SA 8000 2014 Audit Requirements
Inflow of over 2000 people into with economic benefits and potential
issues ESIA SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Construction Worker infrastructure enhancements.
SA regulatory standards for worker Assessments
Accommodation Camps.
conditions. SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
Grievance management plan. GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-327 Disposal of Wastewater from
Construction disturbance to the Cleaning, Flushing, and Dewatering Pipelines
community (severance?) impacts to and Vessels
biodiversity, buried heritage features SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
and proximity to coastal conservation Specification & SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
area. maintenance to SA Emission Inventory
2No. new pipelines linking facility CEMP, CWMP, SA Standards,
Venting of gas after purging , draining. requirements. SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
with Beach Valve Station, using Adherence to permitting Construction &
ENV-54 Excavated material. 3 7 EIA mitigation and EPC Contractor SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
40km route. requirements, EIA studies, Commissioning
Imported materials monitoring (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
stakeholder consultation
Use of water. requirements Audit Requirements
53 crossings, including a busy highway, covered by CEMP SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
and minor local roads. Assessments
1 year construction for upstream SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard
construction depending on approvals. GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
Assessment (EPA) Program
SAEP-327 Disposal of Wastewater from
Cleaning, Flushing, and Dewatering Pipelines
and Vessels
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Audit Requirements
Accidental gaseous releases Deterioration in local air quality, SA Standards, 3.5km exclusion Environmental SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Emissions to
ENV-55 from pipelines into new facility temporary effects on community and zone will avoid residential areas 5 5 mitigation and Aramco Operations Assessments
(hydrogen sulphide) biodiversity. (nearby). monitoring plan SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and
Lay-up Procedures
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
and Disposal
SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-41 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-327 Disposal of Wastewater from
Cleaning, Flushing, and Dewatering Pipelines
and Vessels
SAEP-340 Air Dispersion Modelling and
Emission Inventory
SAEP-359 Biodiversity Protection Areas
SAEP-396 Terrestrial Ecology Surveys
Specification &
SAEP-402 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
maintenance to SA
Emissions from all pipe Management
Deterioration in local air quality, requirements.
assembly/welding stations/pipe Emissions to CEMP, CWMP, Stakeholder Construction & SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
ENV-56 temporary effects on community and 3 8 EIA mitigation and EPC Contractor
lowering into trench boom atmosphere consultation Commissioning (EMS): Development, Implementation, and
biodiversity. monitoring
loaders Audit Requirements
SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source
covered by CEMP
SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper
(DBSP) Preparation & Revision Procedure
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI 430.003 Biodiversity Protection Policy

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Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
Disposal of effluent will be controlled
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
to bespoke evaporation ponds If significant
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
Commissioning plan / CEMP to quantities of
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
include measures to: chemically treated
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
• Reduce the need for chemicals by hydrostatic test
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
minimizing the time that test water waters are required
Assessment (EPA) Program
remains in the equipment or to be discharged to
SAEP-327 Disposal of Wastewater from
pipeline; any receiving
Cleaning, Flushing, and Dewatering Pipelines
• Carefully select chemical additives source, an
and Vessels
in terms of dose concentration, assessment of
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
toxicity, biodegradability, alternatives should
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
bioavailability, and bioaccumulation be documented. In
Release of water with chemical additives Audit Requirements
potential; addition, an
(corrosion inhibitors, oxygen SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Hydrotesting pipelines to detect Liquid effluent • Conduct toxicity testing as environmental risk
ENV-57 scavengers, biocides and dyes) into the 4 6 EPC Contractor Commissioning Assessments
leaks discharges necessary using recognized test assessment on the
environment causing a deterioration in SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and
methodologies. A holding pond may chemicals mixed
ground quality. Lay-up Procedures
be necessary in some instances to with the hydrotest
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
provide time for the toxicity of the water—including
and Disposal
water to decrease. Holding ponds their toxicity,
SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
should meet the guidance for bioavailability, and
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
surface storage or disposal pits as bioaccumulation
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
discussed in this Guideline; potential—should be
• Use the same water for multiple conducted to assess
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
tests; the maximum site
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
• Hydrostatic test water quality and process specific
Protection Policy
should be monitored before use and allowable
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
discharge and should be treated to concentrations
Environmental Health Code
meet the discharge limits [NCEC via
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

Proprietary – Third-party Confidential.

Paper copies of this document are uncontrolled.
Offshore Gas Increment Program – Contract No.: 6600050846 (OOK) Revision A
0E-EV0002 – FADHILI GIP ENVID REPORT Page 66 of 66


Relevant Saudi Aramco Policies, Procedures,
Assumed / Existing Control
Ref. No. Environmental Aspect Guideword Potential Environmental Impact Consequence Frequency Risk Recommendation Owner Project Stage Standards, Instructions
CP-23 Environmental Protection Policy
CP-25 Water Conservation Policy
CP-43 Health Protection Policy
If significant
CP-51 Waste Management Policy
quantities of
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
chemically treated
SAEP-13 EIA & Permitting Process (2022)
hydrostatic test
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance
waters are required
Assessment (EPA) Program
to be discharged to
SAEP-327 Disposal of Wastewater from
any receiving
Cleaning, Flushing, and Dewatering Pipelines
source, an
and Vessels
assessment of
SAEP-410 Environmental Management System
alternatives should
(EMS): Development, Implementation, and
Disposal of effluent will be controlled be documented. In
Audit Requirements
to bespoke evaporation ponds addition, an
Hydrotesting Release of effluent with chemicals. SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity
Liquid effluent Commissioning plan / CEMP. environmental risk
ENV-58 Large scale vessels, water & Oxygen scavengers, biocidal agents, 4 6 EPC Contractor Commissioning Assessments
discharges Direction to evaporation pond. assessment on the
chemicals corrosion inhibitors, heavy metals. SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and
Potential filtration system. chemicals mixed
Lay-up Procedures
Recycling of water. with the hydrotest
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse
and Disposal
their toxicity,
SAES-A-115 Groundwater Monitoring Well
bioavailability, and
Design, Installation and Decommissioning
GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy
potential—should be
conducted to assess
GI-0150.000 Industrial Hygiene and
the maximum site
Occupational Health Aspects of Environmental
and process specific
Protection Policy
GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Environmental Health Code
GI-0430.001 Implementing the Saudi Aramco
Hazardous Waste Code

Proprietary – Third-party Confidential.

Paper copies of this document are uncontrolled.

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