Practice Problems

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Republic of the Philippines


Tacloban City

College of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

CE 423
Assignment No. 1
Cross Sectional Properties of Structural Sections

Name: RIPALDA, KIRLSTINE SHAINE D. Date: _________________

Course, Year & Section: BSCE 4C

Situation 1 (Problem 1-5)

1. What is the elastic section modulus

of the section with respect to x-x, Sx
in mm3?
2. Determine the shape factor.
3. What is the moment of inertia with
respect to major axis (x’-x’), 𝐼𝑥'−𝑥', in
4. What is the moment of inertia with
respect to minor axis (y’-y’), 𝐼𝑦'−𝑦', in ?
5. What is the value of θ, in degree?
Situation 2 (Problem 6-8)

6. What is the moment of inertia with

respect to major axis (x’-x’), 𝐼 , in ?
𝑥'−𝑥' 𝑚𝑚4
7. What is the moment of inertia with
respect to minor axis (y’-y’), 𝐼 , in ?
𝑦'−𝑦' 𝑚𝑚4
8. What is the value of θ, in degree?
Situation 3 (Problem 9-12)

Light gage cold-formed steel channels used

as purlins are simply supported on roof
trusses 6m apart. Purlin has a spacing of
1.2m on centers.

Properties of C Purlins: C 190mm x 81mm

bf = 81mm tw = 3mm
tf = 3mm d = 190mm

9. What is the value of the Moment of

Inertia of the C-purlins with respect
to the major axis?
10. What is the value of the Moment of
Inertia of the C-purlins with respect
to the minor axis?
11. What is the value if the Elastic
Section Modulus of the C-purlins
with respect to the major axis?
12. What is the value if the Elastic
Section Modulus of the C-purlins
with respect to the minor axis?
Situation 4 (Problem 13-15)

Light grade steel I-section was used as a

purlin of a truss.

Properties of the truss:

d = 214mm tf = 7mm
bf = 140mm tw = 5mm

13. What is the Elastic Section Modulus

of the I-section with respect to the
major axis?
14. Determine the maximum plastic
moment of the I-section.
15. Determine the shape factor of the
section used.

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