Afea Question Papers

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M.Tech (M.

D) R-18

Code No: R15D1504

(Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India)
M.Tech I Year - I Semester supplementary Examinations, Jan/Feb 2018
Advanced Finite Element Analysis
Roll No

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75

Note: This question paper Consists of 5 Sections. Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE
Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 15 marks


1(a) What is the FEM and what are the applications of FEM. Also write the advantages
and disadvantages of FEM.. (10M)
(b) List out the various properties of stiffness matrix. (5M)
2 Discuss convergence requirements in finite element formulation. Derive the shape
function for 3-noded truss element by Lagrangian interpolating function. (15M)


3 Calculate the nodal displacement, stresses and support reactions for the truss shown
in figure. (15 M)

4 (a) Differentiate among Bar element, Truss element and Beam element indicating
D.O.F and geometry characteristics for determining stiffness matrix. (10M)
(b) Describe EFA Hermite shape functions. (5M)

5. (a) Derive the stiffness matrix [K] and the load vector for the two dimensional six nodded
triangular element, also determine nodal displacements of triangular element, strain
and stress of an element. (10M)
(b) Differentiate between CST and LST with respect to the triangular element. (5M)

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M.Tech (M.D) R-18

6. Determine the element equations for the plane stress element shown in Fig.1. The
has a 20 N/cm2 load acting perpendicular to side jk and is subjected to a 15ºC
rise. Thickness of the element = 2 cm; E = 6 × 106 N/cm2 α = 7 × 10–6 cm/cm ºC; μ =


7. Consider a brick wall of thickness 0.3 m , k=0.7 W/m K . The inner surface is at 280 0 C
and the outer surface is exposed to cold air at -1500 C. The heat transfer coefficient
associated with the outside surface is 40W/m2 K. Determine the steady state
distribution within the wall and also the heat flux through the wall. Use two elements
obtain the solution. (15M)
8. For the two dimensional body as shown figure 2, determine the temperature
distribution. The left and right ends have constant temperatures of 200 0 C and 1000 C
respectively. Take k=5 W/cm0 C. The body is insulated along the top and bottom. (15M)


9. (a) Distinguish between consistent mass matrix and Lumped mass matrix. 5M
(b) Consider axial vibration of the steel bar shown in Fig.3, (i) develop the global
stiffness and mass matrices and (ii) determine the natural frequencies and mode

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shapes using the characteristic polynomial technique. 10M


10. Evaluate eigen values and eigen vectors for a cantilever beam of length 1 m, supported
the other end. Take E = 200GPa, I = 40 × 10 -10 m4, A = 2 × 10 -4 m2 and weight density
= 7850 kg/m3. Use one element method. (15M)


Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology (MRCET) 154

M.Tech (M.D) R-18

Code No: R15D1504

(Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India)
M.Tech I Year - I Semester supplementary Examinations, August 2017
Advanced Finite Element Analysis
Roll No

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75

Note: This question paper Consists of 5 Sections. Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE
Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 15 marks.
1. a. List the advantages and disadvantages of FEM over other traditional variation methods.
b. Derive the finite element equation using the potential energy approach.
2. a.Use finite element method to calculate displacement and stresses of the bar as shown
in figure.1.

b. List and briefly describe the general steps of the finite element method.

3. a) Differentiate between planar frame element and space frame element.
b) Calculate the nodal displacement, stresses and support reactions for the truss shown in
figure Assume the missed data

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4. For a beam and loading shown in Figure.2, determine the slopes at 2 and 3 and the
vertical deflection at the mid point of the distributed load.


5. a. Derive the stiffness matrix of an axisymmetric element using potential approach.
b. Compute the finite element equation for the LST element as shown in Figure.3

6. a. What are the non-zero strain and stress components of axisymmetric element? Explain.
b. The nodal coordinates of the triangular element shown in figure 4 At the interior point
P the x coordinate is 3.3 and the shape function at the node 1 is N 1 is 0.3 Determine the
shape functions at nodes 2 and 3 and also y coordinate of point P

7. Derive a finite element equation for one dimensional heat conduction with free end
8. Consider a brick wall of thickness 0.3m, k=0.7 W/m K. The inner surface is at 28 0C and the
surface is exposed to cold air at -150C. The heat transfer coefficient associated with the
surface is 40 W/m2K. Determine the steady state temperature distribution within the wall
and also
the heat flux through the wall. Use two elements and obtain the solution.

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9. Consider the axial vibrations of a steel bar shown in Figure.5

a) Develop global stiffness and mass matrices,
b) Determine the natural frequencies?

10. Derive the equation of motion based on weak form for transverse vibration of a beam.


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M.Tech (M.D) R-18

Code No: R15D1507

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