Risk Assessment For Building Constructio
Risk Assessment For Building Constructio
Risk Assessment For Building Constructio
Volume 3 Issue 5, August 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26655 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 1260
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
C. Risk Evaluation for Construction Companies
In this step of the process, risks are evaluated from the
hazards identified in the preceding stage. The severity and
likelihood of harm that can be caused by a hazard is
considered. The purpose of risk evaluations is to decide
whether or not a risk is tolerable.
D. Risk Matrices
The WSH code recognizes the various risk evaluation
methods and matrices practiced and preferred by
workplaces. In this study, the numeric 5x5 risk matrix shown
in Table 1 is used. When using the numeric 5x5 matrix, all
references to the scales (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) should be read in
context of the Risk Matrix selected (e.g., “Minor”, “Moderate”
or “Major” in lieu of “1”, “2”, “3”, “4” or “5”). When Hazard
Figure1. Hierarchy of Controls Identification is completed, proceed with risk evaluation
C. Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is the overall process of hazard Table1. 5x5 Risk Matrix with Numeric Ratings
identification, risk evaluation and risk control. Risk Likelihood (L)
assessment methods are used to decide on priorities and to
set objectives for elimination hazards and reducing risks.
Severity Almost
Wherever possible, risks are eliminated through selection Occasional Frequent
and design of facilities, equipment and processes. If risks (S) Rare (1) Remote (2) Certain
(3) (4)
cannot be eliminated, they are minimized by the use of (5)
physical controls or as a last resort, through systems of work
and personal protective equipment. The goal of risk
assessment is to reduce all residual risks to as low a level as Catastrophic
reasonably practicable. 5 10 15 20 25
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26655 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 1261
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
F. Assessment of Likelihood Cleaning up spills, drips and
leaks immediately.
With the existing risk controls and residual risks in Slip on wet
Backaches Using slip-resistance floor 3 3 9
consideration, rate the likelihood that the hazard may cause waxes.
Putting up signs or barriers.
the injury/ ill-health. When using the 5x5 matrix, the
following guidance given in Table 3 should be used in Strucking with
Movement Keeping carefully the rest of
selecting the level of likelihood. 4 of people
obstacles such
Leg injury / the materials after working.
as bricks, 2 5 10
during working minor injury Make sure wearing safety
Table3. Likelihood Rating or timber
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26655 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 1262
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Table5. Risk Evaluation Results of Company B According to based on survey data shown in Table 5, falling
Hazard Identification Risk Evaluation
people in “working on a scaffold” has 12 RPN. So, it is the
Work Activity Hazards Possible injury Existing controls S L RPN
highest all of them. Work activities which have RPN 10 of
Falling people
Hand / Leg
Make sure provide scaffold with
toe boards and guard rails. 3 4 12
yellow zone are “movement of people during working”,
Make sure apply safety nets. “lifting operation by manual and mechanical” and “concrete
Working on work”. Other activities have average RPN 5. They truly need
1 Make sure all persons wearing
a scaffold
safety helmets. to make additional controls. Among them, electric shock
Falling objects Incident Keep tools and materials in 1 4 4 hazard of “demolition by using equipment” and broken
boxes, tool bags and pouches.
Secure objects properly. handle on chisel and hammer of “working by using
equipment” have RPN 3. So, they don’t need to make
Falling people Leg injury
Excavated materials are placed
2 3 6
additional controls.
away from excavation edge.
by using
Provide guardrails to excavation. Table6. Risk Evaluation Results of Company C
Materials Notice to warn person of
manual Hazard Identification Risk Evaluation
falling Incident excavation. 1 4 4 No
on workers Workers must wear helmet and Work Activity Hazards Possible injury Existing controls S L RPN
safety footwear.
Provide safe footing in the form
Make sure provide scaffold with
of sound flooring or scaffolds for Falling people Leg injury toe boards and guard rails. 3 3 9
Falling debris Shoulder injury
persons working on exterior
2 4 8
Make sure apply safety nets.
Use of chutes for dropping Working on Make sure all persons wearing
debris. a scaffold safety helmets.
Make sure provide with guard
Abrasion /
Falling objects Keep tools and materials in boxes, 1 4 4
Falling people Hand injury rails. 3 3 9 Minor injury
tool bags and pouches.
Wear safety harness.
Secure objects properly.
Putting on ear protector such as Working at
Abrasion / Make sure provide wit h guard rails.
Demolition by Noise and ear plug or ear muff. 2 height by Falling people 1 3 3
Minor injury Use stable, level and firm ladder.
3 using using ladder
vibration Replacing equipment with
equipment Incident 1 5 5 Excavat ed materials are placed away
from quieter one.
from excavat ion edge.
pneumatic drill Maintenance of the machinery Earthwork
Mat erials falling Provide guardrails to excavation.
or tools. 3 excavation by Incident 1 3 3
on workers Not ice t o warn person of excavat ion.
using manual
Workers must wear helmet and
safety foot wear.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26655 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 1263
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
According to based on survey data shown in Table 6, Check workplace safety by elimination.
Slip on wet floor Backaches Close supervision during replacement 3 1 3
“movement of people during working” and “working under work.
direct sunlight” has RPN 15 and RPN 12. They need to do Movement of
Strucking with Make sure personal protective
obstacles such as Leg injury / equipment.
more carefully in work. Even existing controls are taken, 4 people during
bricks, minor injury Make sure safe work procedure
2 3 6
their RPN values are higher than average level of yellow blocks or timber by administrators.
zone. So, additional controls are truly needed for these work Struck by moving Hand /
Make sure safe work procedure by
administrators. Check workplace 2 1 2
activities. “Working on a scaffold”, “demolition”, “working by or falling objects Leg abrasion
by engineer.
using equipment” and other work activities are average Broken handles
Make sure personal protective
Abrasion / equipment.
yellow zone. “Working at height by using ladder”, on chisels and
minor injury Close supervision during replacement
2 2 4
“earthwork excavation by using manual” and “working with Chipped or loose
electrical equipment” are lower levels than others. Workers Working by
hammer heads Abrasion /
Make sure personal protective equipment. 2 2 4
that fly off minor injury
in this site have to do carefully for these activities. So, they 5 using
or slip
VI. Risk Control for Construction Companies Contact with hot Scalding /
Make sure personal protective equipment. 2 3 6
or abrasive machine Laceration
Risk controls are the activities implemented to mitigate
risks. Controls can attempt to avoid the risk in its entirety. Or operation
6 Dropping a load Leg laceration Make sure personal protective equipment. 2 4 8
the control may be designed to prevent the risk from by manual and
occurring. In many cases, the risk may attempt to reduce the
Inhaling cement dust Asphyxiation Make sure personal protective equipment. 1 4 4
losses associated with an activity. Taking actions to eliminate 7 Concrete work
health and safety risk so far as is reasonably practicable. Exposure to skin
with cement
Skin damage Make sure personal protective equipment. 2 3 6
assist in selection of the most appropriate risk control Working under T emperature
9 Illness Close supervision during substitution work. 2 3 6
measures. Risk control procedures are as follows; direct sunlight extreme
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26655 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 1264
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Broken handles Broken handles
on chisels and Incident NA 1 3 3 on chisels and Incident NA 1 3 3
hammers hammers
Close supervision
Falling people Leg injury
during replacement work.
3 2 6 C. Risk Prioritization Number Charts of Construction
Working on Make sure safe work There are different kinds of work activities and two types of
1 procedure
a scaffold
Falling objects
Abrasion /
by administrators. 1 2 2
RPN. The comparison results of RPN for construction
Minor injury
Check workplace by companies are shown in Figure 2 to Figure 4 respectively.
Working at
Abrasion /
2 height Falling people NA 1 3 3
Minor injury
by using ladder
Materials falling
3 excavation Incident NA 1 3 3
on workers
by using manual
Abrasion / Check workplace by
Falling debris 2 3 6
Minor injury engineers.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26655 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 1265
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
psychological hazard, the level of RPN 1 during existing The chart shows the risk prioritization number of Company
control is in yellow zone. After additional control, it changes C. In this chart, the value of RPN1 of “movement of people
to the green zone. Excavation is the lowest level which RPN 1 and vehicles” are the highest in all. After taking additional
and RPN 2 are green zone. In green zone, risks are control, RPN 2 is still in yellow zone but risks are reduced. In
acceptable and additional controls are not needed. excavation and electrical hazards, the level of RPN 1 is in
green zone, in which risks are acceptable and additional
controls are not needed. In other hazards, RPN 1 and RPN 2
are in yellow zone both during existing control and after
taking additional control.
VII. Conclusions
If there is no proper construction safety procedure, the
required work result cannot be obtained. In construction
safety, risk assessment is important to reduce risks. In this
study, three construction companies in Mandalay (Myanmar)
are chosen. The charts which RPN 1 (during existing
controls) is compared with RPN 2 (after additional controls)
for each construction company are presented. From risk
prioritization number chart, RPN 1 and RPN 2 of each
activity and the changes to lower levels can be known by
making up necessary controls as the jobs progress.
Construction projects cannot deeply control the risks for all
levels. But controlling procedures used in these projects are
acceptable. The project engineers should prepare additional
controlling procedures for major items of projects.
Therefore, this study can be beneficial for construction
Figure3. RPN Chart of Company B safety system and project engineers will know how to reduce
the risk of such constructions.
The chart shows the risk prioritization number of Company
B. First of all, the level of RPN 1of “movement of people and When three construction companies are inspected, “working
vehicles” and “manual and mechanical handling” are the at height”, “movement of people and vehicles” and “manual
same which are in yellow zone. By taking additional control, and mechanical handling” of each construction company are
the level of RPN 2 is significantly fall but it is still higher than generally taken as risks. These activities are maximum risk
compare to other hazards which is still in yellow zone. The levels when compare other work activities. They do not
levels of “working at height, demolition, chemical and change from yellow zone until additional controls are made.
biological, physical and psychological” are the same yellow So, when machine and scaffold damage, they are eliminated
zone. The yellow zone of excavation is changed to the green and substituted with good one as further controls than PPE.
zone after taking additional control. The yellow zone of
working by using by equipment does not change to the green REFERENCES
zone until taking additional control. [1] Green C bot, Hierarchy of Hazard Controls,
[2] WSH Council, Code of Practice on Workplace Safety and
Health (WSH) Risk Management, (2012).
[3] Phil Hughes, Ed Ferrett, Introduction to Health and
Safety in Construction, 2nd Ed. (2007).
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26655 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 1266