Risk Assessment Guidelines
Risk Assessment Guidelines
Risk Assessment Guidelines
Introduction 2
Scope 2
Roles and Responsibilities 3
1 Preparation 7
2 Hazard Identification 7
3 Risk Evaluation 8
Table 1 – Severity categories and description 9
Table 2 – Likelihood categories and description 9
Table 3 – Risk matrix to determine Risk Level 10
4 Risk Control 10
Table 4 – Acceptability of risk and recommended actions 11
Figure 2 – Hierarchy of Control Measures 11
5 Record Keeping 13
6 Implementation and Review 13
Glossary 15
Risk Management is a key component of the new safety and health management
framework underpinned by the new Workplace Safety and Health Act (WSH Act).
The WSH Act aims to reduce risks at source by making stakeholders accountable for
managing the risks they create.
Every workplace, including factories, should conduct risk assessments for all routine
and non-routine work undertaken.
This set of guidelines outlines the risk management process and within it, provides a
3-step process for Risk Assessment:
Applying these basic principles of risk assessment will help you meet your
obligations under the legislation.
Depending on the industry and nature of work activities, companies can adopt the
Activity-Based risk assessment approach described in this Guide. * Alternatively,
other approaches can be used to achieve the same or higher levels of protection
against risks in your workplace.
The information in this Guide will be particularly useful for small and medium
enterprises. Larger establishments, including process chemical plants with complex
processes and operations, may adopt other established methods of hazard
For more details and examples, please refer to the Appendix.
identification and risk analysis commonly used for process plant risk assessment,
while still applying the basic principles in this Guide.
Where contractors and suppliers undertake work for their customers, they must take
all reasonably practicable measures to eliminate or reduce the risk that may be
posed by their machinery, equipment or hazardous substances to as low as
reasonably practicable.
The risk assessment team should also include contractors/suppliers personnel who
are involved with the work, whenever necessary.
The team leader should have undergone training in risk assessment. A safety
consultant trained and has experience in job safety analysis and risk management
could be engaged to assist in the conduct of risk assessment.
5) Endorse and approve the risk assessments conducted;
6) Keep risk assessment records for inspection for at least three years from the
date of the assessment; and submit the records to the Commissioner for
Workplace Safety and Health if the Commissioner so requires;
7) Review and update the risk assessment at least once every three years or
whenever there is a significant change in the work, or after an incident involving
the work process;
8) Ensure that all employees are aware of the risk assessment for the work activity
they carry out;
9) Develop and implement safe work procedures (SWPs) for work which poses
safety or health risks to workers; and
10) Keep a written description of SWPs and produce this to the inspector for
inspection when requested.
Employees should:
1) Participate in the risk assessment or assist in conducting the risk assessment;
2) Adhere to SWPs established to reduce any safety and health risks in the
workplace; and
3) Inform their supervisors of any shortcomings in the SWPs or risk control
Unless the workplace or worksite is not ready, the risk assessment team should visit
the workplace or worksite to ensure that all work areas are covered, including routine
and non-routine operations. Routine operations include activities such as
preparatory and troubleshooting work activities. Non-routine operations include
commissioning, repair and maintenance of plants.
The team should also consider various environmental situations, e.g., weather and
soil conditions, where these operations are carried out.
Other methods of risk assessments may be adopted, but all methods should include
the 3 basic steps of:
The outcome of the risk assessment conducted, regardless of the method used,
should be effective risk control measures.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Preparation Hazard Risk Risk Record Implementation
Identification Evaluation Control Keeping & Review
Based on the work process, the steps of each work activity will be listed out in
sequence. In this Guide, each step of the process is referred to as a work activity.
Based on the information gathered on the process, hazards can be identified for
each work activity. Hazard identification is perhaps the most important step in risk
assessment because hazards can only be controlled if they are identified.
Hazard identification involves identifying the hazards associated with each work
activity and the type of potential accidents/incidents that can result from the hazards.
Hazard identification is then repeated for all work activities of the process.
In this Guide, the work process is divided into sequential steps, which are referred to as work
The aim is to spot hazards, brainstorm on all the possible types of accidents,
incidents and/or ill-health that can occur due to the hazard(s), and identify potential
victims or persons-at-risk.
To aid hazard identification, workplace safety and health hazards can be identified
by considering:
• Method of work e.g. repeated tasks and unsafe work practices
• Electrical and mechanical hazards
• Manual material handling e.g. lifting, pulling and pushing
• Chemicals e.g. corrosive substances
• Machinery e.g. unguarded machines
• Temporary structures e.g. scaffolds
• Environmental conditions, e.g. slippery surfaces, lighting, unstable soil conditions
• Layout and location of equipment
Possible types of accidents, incidents and ill health include (but not limited to):
• Person falling from height • Noise induced deafness
• Object falling from height • Dermatitis
• Slips or falls on the level • Collapse of structure
• Electrocution • Fire and explosion
• Asphyxiation • Struck by or against object
• Drowning • Soft tissue damage (sprains, strains)
Risk evaluation is the process of estimating the risk levels of the identified hazards
and if the risks can be accepted. This is used as a basis for prioritising actions to
control identified hazards and thereby, minimising safety and health risks.
(1) Identifying existing risk control measures
The presence of existing control measures should first be identified for each work
activity of the process. By considering the effectiveness of the existing controls and
the consequences that can occur should these controls fail; the risk of the activity
can be assessed.
Examples of risk control measures include engineering controls, SWPs and personal
protective equipment (PPE).
Severity Likelihood
Minor Remote
Moderate Occasional
Major Frequent
As the severity of the hazard refers to the intrinsic or inherent nature of the adverse
effect (e.g. cancer, amputation or fatal injury) that may result from the hazard, it does
not depend on the controls in place.
Therefore, in assigning the severity level, the existing controls should not be taken
into account.
(3) Determining likelihood of occurrence of accidents, incidents and/or ill health
arising from identified hazards
LIKELIHOOD of occurrence of an accident, incident or ill health is also classified into
3 categories: Remote, Occasional and Frequent (Table 2).
To determine the risk level, select the appropriate row for Severity and the
appropriate column for Likelihood; the cell where they intersect indicates the Risk
E.g. For Moderate Severity and Occasional Likelihood, the Risk Level is Medium.
Based on the risk level determined in the risk evaluation step, risk controls should be
selected to reduce the risk level to an acceptable level. This can be done by
reducing the Severity and/or Likelihood.
As indicated in the risk matrix in Table 3, when the risk level is High, effective and
practicable risk controls must be implemented to reduce High Risk to at least
Medium Risk.
Table 4 shows the acceptability of risk and recommended actions for different risk
levels, which can be used to guide the selection of risk controls.
The control of hazards and reduction of risks can be accomplished by following the
Hierarchy of Control Measures (Figure 2). These control measures are not usually
mutually exclusive e.g. engineering controls can be implemented together with
administrative controls like training and SWPs.
Elimination of hazards refers to the total removal of the hazards and hence
effectively making all the identified possible accidents, incidents and ill health
Figure 2 – Hierarchy of Control Measures
Eg : Eliminate sharp
protrusions in work area
Eg : Substitute solvent-based
paint with water-based paint
Eg: Use & maintain
a local exhaust ventilation system
Eg: SWPs, effective training etc.
Eg : Safety boots, helmet, glasses etc.
This is a permanent solution and should be attempted in the first instance. If the
hazard is eliminated, the risk associated of the hazard will be eliminated.
This involves replacing the hazard by one that presents a lower risk.
E.g. Asbestos can be substituted with non-asbestos materials.
Engineering controls are physical means that limit the hazard. These include
structural changes to the work environment or work processes, erecting a barrier to
interrupt the transmission path between the worker and the hazard.
E.g. Isolation or containment of hazards, machine guarding, manual handling
devices/equipment etc.
These reduce or eliminate exposure to a hazard by adherence to procedures or
instructions. Documentation should emphasise all the steps to be taken and the
controls to be used in carrying out the activity safely.
E.g. Permit-to-work systems, scheduling of incompatible works etc.
This should be used only as a last resort, after all other control measures have been
considered, or as a short term contingency during emergency / maintenance / repair
or as an additional protective measure.
The success of this control depends critically on the protective equipment being
chosen correctly, fitted correctly, worn at all times and maintained properly.
Residual Risks
Residual risks are the remaining risks after implementation of risk controls. The risk
assessment team should ensure that residual risks are acceptable and manageable;
and highlight the residual risks of each of the controls.
For example, if the risk control involves the use of safety harnesses and lanyards (a
type of PPE), one of the residual risks is that the workers may not anchor the
lanyards to protect themselves. In this case, the risk assessment team may highlight
training (administrative control) as a further measure to ensure that residual risks are
further minimised.
Once all the risk controls are selected and their residual risks highlighted, the risk
assessment team needs to identify the action officers and follow-up dates. In this
way, the specific action officers to implement the controls can be clearly identified,
and the follow-up dates will help to ensure timeliness in implementation.
A written description of the risk assessment must be kept for reference for 3 years.
The Risk Assessment Form can be used for record keeping, training and reviewing.
All risk assessment records should be concise and kept in a register. The records
should include the following information:
6) Recommendations on additional risk controls required
7) Persons involved in implementing the measures on risk reduction
8) Signatures, date and designations of the persons conducting risk assessment
9) Signature, date and designation of management approving or endorsing the
The results of risk assessment must be approved and endorsed by the top
management. The employer should as far as is practicable, implement the
recommended risk control measures as soon as possible.
An action plan should be prepared to implement the measures. The plan should
include a time line of implementation and responsibilities of persons implementing
the safety and health control measures. The plan should be monitored regularly until
all the measures are implemented.
Regular review of the risk assessment plan is critical. While employers are required
to review their plans every three years, a review should take place whenever:
1) New information on safety and health risks surfaces;
2) There are changes to the area of work and / or
3) After any accident / incident.
The risk assessment team should undertake the same 3 steps (hazard identification,
risk evaluation and risk control) when conducting a risk assessment review.
Regular auditing is required to ensure that risk control measures have been
implemented and are functioning effectively.
Throughout the risk management process, communication amongst stakeholders at
every step is essential.
• Engages and involves people to contribute to the risk management process
• Provides clarity on the risks, processes, control measures, perceptions etc.
• Helps stakeholders to make informed decisions
• Enables stakeholders to know the risks they face and the appropriate control
measures to implement to reduce the risks.
A person engaged by another person (referred to as principal) otherwise than under a contract of service –
a) to supply any labour for gain or reward; or
b) to do any work for gain or reward,
in connection with any trade, business, profession or undertaking carried on by the other person.
Anything or any source or situation with the potential to cause harm or injury. Hazards may be classified as:
• Chemical, e.g. acids, alkalis, solvents;
• Biological, e.g. bacteria, fungi and viruses;
• Electrical, e.g. frayed wires;
• Ergonomic, e.g. repetitive work, awkward postures, prolonged standing;
• Mechanical, e.g. damaged equipment, forklifts, cranes, power presses;
• Physical, e.g. excessive noise, heat, radiation;
Probability or frequency of an event occurring
Occupational Safety & Health Management System (OSHMS)
OSHMS is part of the overall management system that facilitates the management of the safety and health risks
associated with the business of the organization.
This includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and
resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the organisation’s OSH policy.
(Source: SS 506: OSH Management System)
A person who, in connection with any trade, business, profession or undertaking carried on by him, engages any
other person otherwise than under a contract of service –
a) to supply any labour for gain or reward; or
b) to do any work for gain or reward.
Likelihood that a hazard will cause a specific harm or injury. More specifically, it is the likelihood of accidents or
ill-health occurring at work and the consequences of such occurrences.
Risk Assessment
OSH risk assessment is the process of identifying hazards, evaluating the risks, and determining the appropriate
options for risk control.
Risk Management
OSH risk management involves the assessment of risks associated with any work activity or trade, control and
monitoring of such risks, as well as communicating these risks.
Safe Work Procedures (SWPs)
Step-by-step procedures of doing or carrying out work safely.
Self-employed person
A person who works for gain or reward otherwise than under a contract of service, whether or not employing
Degree or extent of injury or harm caused by hazard, or as a result of an accident.
A person engaged by any contractor or subcontractor –
a) To supply any labour for gain or reward; or
b) To do any work for gain or reward,
which the contractor or subcontractor has been engaged as contractor or subcontractor.
1. Before completing the risk assessment form, complete the Inventory of Work
Activities Form. You may use one inventory form for each work process.
2. Outline the process workflow and indicate the process location under the
“Process / Location” column.
3. For each work process, list all activities (routine and non-routine) in sequence
under the “Work Activities” column.
You may use one Risk Assessment Form for each work process.
4. Record the names and designations of risk assessment team members in the
Risk Assessment Form.
5. Start with the first activity listed in the Inventory of Work Activities Form. Record
this in columns 1a and 1b of the Risk Assessment Form.
6. Identify the hazards associated with each activity and record these in column 1c.
7. For each hazard identified, determine the consequence (possible accident / ill
health and persons-at-risk) and record this in column 1d.
8. If there is any existing control measure(s) for the hazard, record this in column 2a.
9. Determine the severity of the accident or incident or ill health based on the table
below, and record this in column 2b.
Severity Description
No injury, injury or ill-health requiring first aid treatment only
Minor (includes minor cuts and bruises, irritation, ill-health with temporary discomfort)
10. Taking into consideration the existing control measure(s), estimate the likelihood
of occurrence of each accident or incident or ill health based on the table below,
and record this in column 2c.
Likelihood Description
11. Based on the severity and likelihood, assign the Risk Level for each hazard using
the risk matrix below, and record this in column 2d.
Remote Occasional Frequent
Major Medium Risk High Risk High Risk
Moderate Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk
Minor Low Risk Low Risk Medium Risk
12. Based on the Risk Level assigned, suggest appropriate risk control measures
(see table below) and record these in column 3a following the hierarchy:
Elimination, Substitution, Engineering Controls, Administrative Measures
and Personal Protective Equipment.
Risk Risk
Recommended actions
level Acceptability
No additional risk control measures may be needed.
Low However, frequent review may be needed to ensure that
Risk the risk level assigned is accurate and does not increase
over time.
No. Process / Location Work Activities
Company: Conducted by:
Process/ Location: (Names, designations)
Approved by: (Date)
(Name, designation)
(Date) Last Review Date: Next Review Date:
Here are two worked examples of risk assessment forms. The activities associated with each process, type of hazards, and the risk
control measures in these examples are generic and not exhaustive, and may not be applicable to similar work in your workplace.
A worker operates a paper slitting machine. His work includes loading 10 kg of paper rolls onto the machine, cutting the paper and unloading
the cut paper. He also needs to repair and maintain the machine regularly as well as to change the blades of the machine.
Company: XYP Co Pte Ltd Conducted by: Ho Beng Long, Production Manager; Ong
Process/ Location: Paper Slitting / Cutting Dept (Names, designations) Huat Teng, Supervisor; Tan Ah Lim,
Approved by: Song Heng Poh (Date) Operator.
(Name, designation) General Manager
(Date) 01 September 2005 Last Review Date: 01 Sep 2004 Next Review Date: 01 Sep 2007
Before completing the risk assessment form, complete the Inventory of Trades Form.
1. List all trades or jobs and the names of persons doing the job under the “Trade”
2. For each trade or job, list and describe the main activities under the “Main
activities” column.
You may use one Trade-Based Risk Assessment Form for each trade.
3. Record the names and designations of risk assessment team members in the
Risk Assessment Form.
4. Start with the first trade listed in the Inventory of Trade Form. Record this in the
Risk Assessment Form.
5. Identify the hazards associated with the activity of the trade, categorise the
hazards by type (e.g. chemical, physical, electrical and mechanical hazards)
and briefly describe these in column 1.
6. For each hazard identified, indicate whether it can cause harm (i.e. whether the
hazard poses a risk) by a tick in the “Yes” or “No” box in column 2.
7. If the hazard can cause harm, list all possible risk control measures (including
existing measures) in column 3a to eliminate the hazard or reduce the risk
following the hierarchy of control measures: “Elimination, Substitution,
Engineering Controls, Administrative Controls and PPE”. Leave blank spaces
for future additions.
8. Tick the boxes next to the listed actions that are existing hazard control
9. For those items that are not ticked, indicate the names of persons who are
responsible for implementing the control measures, and state the dates of
implementation in column 3b.
10. For any existing hazard control measures to be removed, state the reasons in
column 3b.
11. Repeat steps 2 to 8 for the other trades listed in the Inventory of Trades Form.
12. Management or employer must endorse and approve the risk assessments.
Employer must communicate all risk assessments to employees, monitor the
follow-up actions, and keep the risk assessment records for at least 3 years.
13. After the risk control measures have been implemented, conduct another round
of risk assessment using a new risk assessment form.
14. Review the risk assessment records every 3 years or whenever there are
changes in trades or work activities or after an accident/incident, whichever is
1. Hazard 2. Risk
3. Risk Control Actions
Identification Evaluation
1. 2. 3a. 3b.
Is hazard
Hazards List of risk control measures
likely to Implementation date & Action officer /
harm Tick if it is an existing measure Remarks
with trade
mixing of paint
Conduct regular maintenance of spray booth 15/01/2005 – Ho Beng Long
• spray painting ;Yes
Monitor worker’s exposure to solvent vapours 15/01/2005 – Ho Beng Long
; Use organic vapour respirators
Other suggestion for actions can be added here
Fire and explosions due
Substitute solvent-based paint with high-solids coatings 02/01/2006 – Ho Beng Long
Use a non-sparking exhaust fan 15/09/2004 – Ong Huat Teng
• Flammable solvents ;Yes
Use airless spray method 16/02/2005 – Ho Beng Long
and ignition sources
from the preparation
Bond and ground spraying equipment and conductive objects 15/09/2004 – Tan Lim; Ong Huat Teng
and mixing of paint
Use explosion proof type of lights and fixtures 15/09/2004 – Tan Lim; Ong Huat Teng
• Flammable solvents ;Yes
No ; Install a local exhaust ventilation system
and ignition sources
; Implement safe work procedures
from spray painting
; Conduct regular emergency response exercise
Keep min quantity of flammable liquids in spraying vicinity 15/09/2004 – Ong Huat Teng, Tan Lim
Provide adequate fire extinguishers 30/09/2004 – Ho Beng Long
; Use PPE
Other suggestion for actions can be added here