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Issue s in Informing Science and Information Technology Volume 6, 2009

Risk Assessment of
Information Technology Systems
Božo Nikolić and Ljiljana Ružić-Dimitrijević
The Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies,
Novi Sad, Serbia
[email protected]; [email protected]

Risk assessment is a structured and systematic procedure, which is dependent upon the correct
identification of hazards and an appropriate assessment of risks arising from them, with a view to
making inter-risk comparisons for purposes of their control and avoidance. There are differences
in the methodology used to conduct risk assessments.
This paper presents some methodologies of risk management in the IT (information technology)
area. In addition, a method of risk assessment created and applied by our expert team in this area
is described. As there is a similarity between these methodologies, the paper presents the use of
methods from the occupational health area in the IT area. All items in the risk assessment meth-
odology for working environment and workplace are modified to IT as working environment and
to an application as a workplace.
In that way, the risk assessment process in the safety analysis of an IT system is carried out by an
original method from the occupational health area.
Keywords: risk assessment, information technology, risk management.

Information technology, as a technology with the fastest rate of development and application in
all branches of business, requires adequate protection to provide high security. The aim of the
safety analysis applied on an information system is to identify and evaluate threats, vulnerabilities
and safety characteristics. IT assets are exposed to risk of damage or losses. IT security involves
protecting information stored electronically. That protection implies data integrity, availability
and confidentiality. Nowadays, there are many types of computer crimes: money theft 44%,
damage of software 16%, theft of information 16%, alteration of data 12%, theft of services 10%,
trespass 2% (Boran, 2003).
In order to minimize losses, it is necessary to involve risk management and risk assessment in the
areas of information technology and
M aterial published as part of this publication, either on-line or operational risks. Risk management and
in print, is copyrighted by the Informing Science Institute.
Permission to make digital or paper copy of part or all of these risk assessment are the most important
works for personal or classroom use is granted without fee parts of Information Security Manage-
provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit ment (ISM). There are various defini-
or commercial advantage AND that copies 1) bear this notice tions of Risk Management and Risk As-
in full and 2) give the full citation on the first page. It is per-
missible to abstract these works so long as credit is given. To sessment [ISO 13335-2], [NIST],
copy in all other cases or to republish or to post on a server or [ENISA Regulation], but most experts
to redistribute to lists requires specific permission and payment accept that Risk Management involves
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redistribution permission.
Risk Assessment of Information Technology System

trol and monitoring of implemented measurements, and Risk Assessment, as part of Risk Man-
agement. It consists of several processes:
• Risk identification,
• Relevant risk analysis,
• Risk evaluation
Risk Management recognizes risk, accesses risk, and takes measures to reduce risk, as well as
measures for risk maintenance on an acceptable level. The main aim of Risk Assessment is to
make a decision whether a system is acceptable, and which measures would provide its accept-
ability. For every organization using IT in its business process it is significant to conduct the risk
assessment. Numerous threats and vulnerabilities are presented and their identification, analysis,
and evaluation enable evaluation of risk impact, and proposing of suitable measures and controls
for its mitigation on the acceptable level.
The security policy has changed in the last years. From checklists for identifying specific events,
the information security has risen onto a higher level, i.e. the security policy and strategy consider
threats and weaknesses of the business environment, and IT infrastructure (Dhillon, 2001).

Risk Management
In the process of risk identification, its sources are distinguished by a certain event or incident. In
that process, the knowledge about the organization, both internal and external, has an important
role. Besides, past experiences from this or a similar organization about risk issues, are very use-
ful. We can use many techniques for identifying risk: checklists, experienced judgments, flow
charts, brainstorming, Hazard and Operability studies, scenario analysis, etc.
In order to assess the level of risk, likelihood and the impact of incidental occurrences should be
estimated. This estimation can be based on experience, standards, experiments, expert advice, etc.
Since every event has various and probably multiple consequences, the level of risk is calculated
as a combination of likelihood and impact. Risk analysis or assessment can be quantitative, semi-
quantitative, and qualitative (Macdonald, 2004).
Quantitative approach to risk assessment assigns numerical values to both impact and likelihood.
The quantitative measure of risk calculated by statistical model is used to judge whether or not it
is acceptable. Figure 1 represents relations between consequences, likelihood and limits of accep-
Event A has both low values, and risk is acceptable as far as it is under the limits. Event C is
above the limits with high frequency and huge consequence. It is unacceptable, and it needs some
measurements to reduce consequence and/or probability. For event B, which is in grey zone be-
tween the limits, it is hard to make decision.

Nikolić & Ružić-Dimitrijević

Frequency/Probability of occurrence


AA Grey

Figure 1: Evaluation of risk

Semi-quantitative assessment classifies threats according to the consequences and probabilities

of occurrence. This approach is based on the opinion of the people making assessment. For ex-
ample, probabilities can be divided into five classes: 0 – very unlikely (the probability 1 in 1000
years), 1 – unlikely (1 in 100 years), 2 – rather unlikely (1 in 10 years), 3 – rather likely (once a
year), 4 – likely (once a month).
Qualitative approach describes likelihood of consequences in detail. This approach is used in
events where it is difficult to express numerical measure of risk. It is, for example, the occurrence
without adequate information and numerical data. Such analysis can be used as an initial assess-
ment to recognize risk (Harms-Ringdhai, 2001).

Risk Treatment, Residual Risk, Risk Acceptance and Maintaining

Evaluation of risk involves making a decision which risks require conducting measures in order
to be reduced. Measurements could be technical (hardware or software), organizational (proce-
dures), operational, protective, and others. After consideration all costs and benefits of an action
plan can be developed, including proposed actions and responsibilities of its conducting.
Implementation of the action plan should modify risk, and remaining risk has to be assessed.
Management of the organization should accept this residual risk.
In addition, there is a need of recommended measures in order to maintain residual risk on the
acceptable level. This process of Risk Management is continuous, and assessments have to be
updated, repeating the risk management cycle.

Overview of Risk Management /

Risk Assessment Methods
There are numerous methods applied in risk assessment. In different countries, there are different
methods; even in the same area, there are various, and applying depends on a particular occasion.
However, the methodology is the same: system characterization and description, threat and vul-
nerability identification, risk assessment, recommended measures, etc. The differences in meth-
ods are due to the level of development of methodology items. In ENISA (European Network

Risk Assessment of Information Technology System

Information Security Agency) document about risk management, several of them, a total of 13,
have been discussed (“Risk Management”, 2006). Some of them are part of an ISO standard, i.e.
Guidelines for the management of IT security; others are developed by governments or national
offices for IT security.
All methods should present common descriptions of threats, vulnerabilities, assets groups, and,
finally, a classification of risks. In that way they can be compared, and in order to achieve the
best results, it is useful to apply the combination and optimization of methods.
ISO standards for IT security (13335, 17799, and 27001) are general guidelines for implementing
the IT security management process, but there are no solutions for conducting it.

IT-Grundschutz (IT Baseline Protection Manuel)

This method is developed by the Federal Office for Information Security in Germany. IT-
Grundschutz provides a configuration for IT security management. During the process of risk
analysis threats are classified in 5 threat catalogues (BSI Standard 100-1, 2005; BSI Standard
100-2, 2005; BSI Standard 100-3, 2005). In addition, protection requirements categories are de-
fined, possible damage scenario is assigned and, as a result, risk assessment is obtained.
IT security modules are grouped as generic aspects (organization, personnel, data backup policy,
and computer virus protection concept), infrastructure (buildings, server room, and protective
cabinet, home-based workstation modules), IT systems (servers, clients), networks, and applica-
tions (e-mail, web server, and databases for modeling modules).
Protection requirements categories:
1. Violation of laws, regulations or contracts
2. Impairment of the right to informational self-determination
3. Physical injury
4. Impaired performance of duties
5. Negative internal or external effects,
6. Financial consequences
Threats catalogues are:
T1: Force majeure
T2: Organizational shortcoming
T2: Human error
T3: Technical failure
T5: Deliberate acts
Safeguards measures include: infrastructure, organization, personnel, hardware and software,
communication, and contingency planning.
This method, before starting the risk analysis, does a basic security check to verify implemented
security measures. Risk assessment identifies threats, which are not avoided by the measures,
such as residual threats. These threats can be eliminated by additional security measures. In this
way, risk will be reduced to an acceptable level.
The quality of this method is in creating threat and safeguard catalogues, which can be used in all
other methods.

Nikolić & Ružić-Dimitrijević

Sp800-30 NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)

This is Risk Management Guide for Information Technology systems with recommendations of
the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the United States. This guide gives check-
lists in risk analysis, graphics in risk treatment and references based on US regulatory issues
(Stoneburner, Gougen, & Feringa, 2002).
By this Institute risk assessment is the first process in the risk management, and methodology
includes nine steps:
1. System characterization
2. Threat identification
3. Vulnerability identification
4. Control analysis
5. Likelihood determination
6. Impact analysis
7. Risk determination
8. Control recommendations
9. Results documentation
Steps 2, 3, 4 and 6 can be performed jointly after step 1 has been done.
Information relevant to the IT system must be collected. Specific hardware, software, system in-
terfaces, performed processes, data and information, system and data criticality and sensitivity
characterize an IT system. There are various techniques for gathering system-related information:
questionnaires, interviews, document reviews, or use of automated scanning tools.
In step 2 threat actions and threat sources are identified. The threat sources can be classified as
natural threats (floods, earthquakes…), human threats (unintentional or deliberate actions) and
environmental threats (power failure, pollution...)
Information about system characteristics is a source for identifying IT system vulnerabilities of
the assets (hardware, software, and information), procedures, processes and information transfer.
Also NIST offers a vulnerability database (http://icat.nist.gov). Vulnerabilities can be identified
by verifying whether security standards are fulfilled. In this step security requirements check list
is used.
Step 4 provides the analyzing of the controls implemented in order to minimize likelihood of an
event, which exercises system vulnerability. This likelihood is determined in step 5 and can be
described as high, medium and low depending on the level exercising vulnerability by a given
Step 6 – impact analysis requires information about performed processes, regarding the value of
the system to the organization. The impact level can be determined on the basis of the IT system
and data sensitivity, i.e. loss of their integrity, availability and confidentiality. Qualitative assess-
ment can be done by terms: high, medium and low, and quantitative can include an estimation of
the frequency occurrence, costs of repairing, and assumed damage factor.
During step 7 the level of risk is assessed. This assessment can be derived by multiplying values
assigned to threat likelihood and threat impact. This is expressed in form of risk-level matrix 3*3,
with the following assigned values for likelihood: 1.0 – high, 0.5 – medium, 0.1 – low, and for
impact: 100 – high, 50 – medium, and 10 – low, as shown in Table 1.

Risk Assessment of Information Technology System

Table 1: Risk-Level Matrix

Low Medium High
(10) (50) (100)
Low Medium High
High (1.0)
10* 1.0=10 50* 1.0=50 100*1.0=100
Low Medium Medium
Medium (0.5)
10* 0.5=5 50* 0.5=25 100*0.5=50
Low Low Low
Low (0.1)
10* 0.1=1 50* 0.1=5 100*0.1=10

Risk scale is presented as: High (>50 to 100); Medium (>10 to 50); Low (1 to 10).
Derived risk values are expressed quantitatively and qualitatively. Values classified as high risk
level require fast corrective measures. In the case of medium risk level corrective measures are
required within a reasonable period of time, and low risk level can be accepted with or without
any action.
Step 8 provides control recommendations in order to reduce the risk to an acceptable level, and
all results from all performed steps are documented in an official risk report in the last step. This
report describes the threats, vulnerabilities, measured risk level, and recommended controls.
The second process of risk management is risk mitigation, which performs evaluation, and im-
plementation recommended controls for risk elimination or reducing.
Risk assessment is an absolutely relative process. That could be confirmed by the example in Ta-
ble 1, by changing values in the risk scale. For instance, with the next risk scale: High (50<= x
<100); Medium (10<= x <50); Low (0< x < 10), we would obtain Table 1a with different risk
Table 1a: Risk-Level Matrix
Low Medium High
(10) (50) (100)
Medium High High
High (1.0)
10* 1.0=10 50* 1.0=50 100*1.0=100
Low Medium High
Medium (0.5)
10* 0.5=5 50* 0.5=25 100*0.5=50
Low Low Medium
Low (0.1)
10* 0.1=1 50* 0.1=5 100*0.1=10

Possibilities are various, since the same procedures are applied on impact or threat likelihood,
assigning different values to each level. It means that the risk assessment is the only assessment,
but in the same time it means that experts must be vary careful and with great experience.
The advancement of this method is in clear visualization given in the form of risk matrix as a
combination of threat likelihood and impact. However, this matrix should be used for the devel-
opment of one’s own matrix depending on experience.

Nikolić & Ružić-Dimitrijević

Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment Method

Risk assessment is the important component of safety analysis. Nowadays, accidents and risks are
serious problems from the global point of view, and particularly in the occupational area.
Recognizing and identifying hazards and harmfulness in the workplace and in the work environ-
ment is one of the most important steps in the risk assessment. The accepted risk method has to
be clearly presented in documentation. Different methods can be used and there is no bad method,
but some of them are preferable. The expert team from our institution, developed the original
method for occupational health and safety risk assessment, based on EU Directives, our laws and
regulations, industrial standards and recommendations, and on 20 years of previous experience in
this field. The method enables the quantification of qualitative values regarding workplace and
working environment, and it has been successfully tested through carrying out many Risk As-
sessment Acts (Nikolic & Laban, 2008).
After the initial steps (getting to know the company, job processes, organization, technology, etc.)
risk analysis is performed according to the regulations in the following order:
• Recognizing and identifying hazards and harmfulness in the workplace and in the work
• Risk assessment, considering hazards and harmfulness
• Establishment of ways and measures for removing, reducing or preventing risk
• Risk reassessment according to the remaining hazards and harmfulness, after imple-
menting the above measures
• Conclusion
• Conducting the measures to maintain the achieved risk level
The first approach is the using of an existing method with tables and mostly quantitative values of
all elements needed for the risk assessment: accident probability, harm consequences and fre-
quency, as well as the risk.
This approach considers the individual workplace of any kind and begins by defining four levels
of risk:
• negligible x <5
• low, but significant 5<= x < 50
• high 50<= x <500
• unacceptable >=500
Risk descriptors and their numerical values could be modified according to the user. Tables 2
through 5 display accident probability values, event frequencies, degrees of consequence and the
number of endangered people.

Risk Assessment of Information Technology System

Table 2: Likelihood of occurrence (P)

Almost impossible – possible only under extreme circu mstances 0.033

Highly unlikely – though conceivable 1.0
Unlikely – but could occur 1.5
Possible – but unusual 2.0
50% possible 5.0
Probable – not surprising 8.0
Likely – only to be expected 10.0
Certain – no doubt 15.0

Table 3: Frequency of expo-

sure to hazard (F) Table 4: Degree of possible harm (H)

Once in working life 0.1 Scratch/bruise/motivation 0.1

Annually 0.5 Lacerat ion/mild ill-effect/burn/management support 0.5
Monthly 1.0 Co mmunicat ion/knowledge and skill 1.0
Weekly 1.5 Break of minor bone or illness/all psychophysical abilit ies 2.0
Daily 2.5 Break of major bone or major illness (temporary) 4.0
Hourly 4.0 Loss one limb, eye, hearing loss (permanent) 6.0
Constantly 5.0 Loss two limbs, eyes (permanent) 10.0
Fatality 15.0

Table 5: Number of persons exposed to hazard (N)

1-2 persons 1
3-7 persons 2
8-15 persons 4
16-50 persons 8
50+ persons 12

Risk is calculated as:

R = P* F*H* N (1)
Form 1 presents hazards and harmfulness based on the description of the work process. Forms 2.1
and 2.2 give risk elements from Tables 2-5 and the calculated risk, as well as measures for re-
moving, decreasing and preventing risk, followed by risk reassessment, conclusion and recom-
mended measures to maintain the achieved risk level.

Nikolić & Ružić-Dimitrijević

Form 1: Hazard and harmfulness identification


Hazard code
Hazards and

for determining
harmfulness Occurrence
hazard exposure Consequences Exposure frequency Risk

Form 2.1: Risk assessment, valuation and reduction

Responsible Person: Person in charge of safety : ANALYST :

Risk ASSESSM ENT, valuation and reduction


Frequency of Exposure

Number of Workers
Event Probability

Level of Damage


Protection Aims Constructional Protective Organizational

Form 2.2: Risk reassessment and risk management

DATE : ID OF THE WORKPLA CE : Links with other






Frequency of Exposure

Number of Workers
Event Probability

Level of Damage




The second approach is to create a matrix of risk as a combination or multiplication of probability

and consequence. Probability is created as a matrix of safety assessment and frequency. Safety

Risk Assessment of Information Technology System

assessment is defined by analyzing common and particular measures of safety in the workplace
and in the work environment.
This method can be used for non-production workplaces, group workplaces, work environment,
collective offices, etc. The following assessment levels can be performed by this method:
• level of company location
• level of object or object’s part (floor, work office, plant, administrative and non-
productive workplaces …)
• level of a particular workplace and work activity
In the second approach, the probability is not defined in Table 1, but on the basis of safety as-
sessment in the next step-by-step procedure:
Step 1: safety assessment is defined as the ratio of negative marks n and the total number of
observed risk dimensions N
Step 2: probability values from tables are dependent by function:
y = 0.06 (x)2.7 (2)
where y = P, event probability, x periods for different probabilities.
In this case, safety status assessment variable x is equal to 8*
2 .7
Step 3: probability equation finally becomes P = 16.462 ∗   (3)
Step 4: the above value and values for frequency (Table 2) and consequence (Table 3) are
used for calculating the risk.
At all levels, risk assessment is conducted by finding out probability of accident (P), its frequency
(F), and harm degree as
R = P* F*H* N (4)
For each level is created a form with various elements observed in risk assessment. To each ele-
ment’s column is assigned the mark +, or – depending on the fulfilled safety status.

Passages are clear, well

lit and maintained in
properly conditions
Internal transport routes

satisfy the regulations JOB/WORK POSITIONS (NUMBER
Co mpany : Building :


There are protection OF PERSONS EXPOSED TO RISK)

Links with other documents

guards on crossways,

passageways and work Fire risk



Date :

There is at least one sani-

Evacuation possibilities

tary room on every floor
Evacuation Routes

Number of sanitary points the shortest routes are well-marked,

Responsible Person: Person in charge of safety :

on each floor, with re- well-lit and with fresh air supply.

spect to number of work- Doors to staircases open towards the

ers exit of the building


Building part/floor :

Analyst :

16 , 46  
2 ,7
Doors with glass areas (staircases,

passages, hallways) are marked, pro-
and risk calculation


16 , 46  

Document Number
tected from breakage

2 ,7
Expert :

FREQUENCY Automatic doors can be opened

DAMAGE manually


DAMAGE Large moving doors (garages, ware-

Form 4.2: Risk management and remaining risk


RISK houses), have a separate door at least

RISK 70 cm wide

Page Number
There is a safe approach to the roof

and onto the roof and for moving on


Form 3: Analysis of general and specific protection measures on every floor


Form 4.1: Analysis of general and specific protection measures on every floor

Consulted workers: all


Corridors and internal staircases sat-


isfy the current regulations


Nikolić & Ružić-Dimitrijević

Page Num-

Risk Assessment of Information Technology System

Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Method Applied in the Risk Assessment of an IS
All principles of risk assessment are the same in occupational health and safety area, as well as in
IT systems. Our idea is to apply the above mentioned method for risk assessment considering a
general IS as work environment such as a building, floor, and plant, while its applications are
In order to assess the protection status of an IT system we created similar 3-page forms (like
Forms 3, 4.1 and 4.2). The first page presents characteristics of the system: location, distribution,
and equipment (hardware and software). The next two pages are two parts of the table with col-
umns grouping the general data of the IS, monitored elements for protection status assessment,
risk assessment, treatment of risk, and remaining risk with measures for maintaining the risk on
acceptable level.
The plus sign or the minus sign is assigned to every observed element in order to assess the state
of the current level of the IS safety.
Observed elements can be selected among many elements significant for the protection status. We
have chosen the following:
• Compliance with fire regulations
• Compliance with environmental regulations
• Seismic characteristics of the location
• Admissible temperature and humidity
• Up-to-date certificate for electric installations and lightning strike installations
• Uninterruptible power supply
• Intensive magnetic fields causing loss of data (Electromotor, Transformer, Magnetic ID-
card reading units)
• Adequate light – Loss of data can be due to strong light (sunlight - especially on cloud-
less summer days or at altitude, halogen lamps, special neon tubes)
• Dust and dirt
• Training of personnel
• Authorized admission to components of hardware -
• Authorized admission to components of software
• Authorized admission to data
• Hardware maintenance
• Software maintenance
• Voltage variations
• Adequate and updated antivirus software
• Backup and recovery procedures
• Adequate storage of media in case of emergency
• Systems placed behind firewalls and other network security devices that restrict access
and filter unnecessary protocols
• Encryption used for wireless network traffic and, if necessary, for other traffic
• Restrictions regarding users and their connecting to wired and wireless LANs
• Segmented internal networks with internal firewalls and other protection in depth tech-
• Remote administration or access should be restricted; if used, connections should be en-

Nikolić & Ružić-Dimitrijević

There is an example of such forms. Values n (number of minus signs), and N (number of ob-
served elements) are used for calculating of probability, frequency is estimated while correspond-
ing values are from Table 2. For damage are used values from Table 3, but with modified de-
scriptors as presented in Table 3a.
Table 3a: Degree of possible harm (H)

Vio lation of regulations and laws 0.1

Impairment of an individual’s right to informat ional self-determination 0.5
Co mmunicat ion/knowledge and skill 1.0
Possible (serious) injury of an indiv idual (danger to life and limb ) 2.0
Impairment/loss of reputation, confidence 4.0
Endangering the existence of the company 6.0
Financial loss, though significant, could be survived 10.0
Financial loss could not be survived 15.0

System characteristics
Company: Higher Educational Building/ part: fl oor Unit: All main and au x- Page Number:
Technical School of iliary p remises
Ground floor
Professional Studies
Equi pment, i nstallati ons: Software: OS Windows, MS Office, educational
software, financial software, student administration
PC co mputers, wireless internet hardware, network-
ing hardware, printers, scanners,
System characteristics
The electrical mains supply is fro m two d istribution power transformers with two separate supply cables
into two school buildings. All co mputers are connected to the Internet either by wires or by a wireless sys-
In the institution there are three computer classrooms with 35 PCs in total and one classroom with 12 lap-
tops. In the financial depart ment there are four netwo rked PCs. In the student administration office there is
a network of 5 PCs as workstations and one PC server. Also, there is one or two PCs in every staff office.
Two co mputer classrooms are in the same building with the financial and student admin istration offices,
and there are two more in the other build ing with about 30 PCs in faculty offices.
There is an antenna for wireless Internet connection between the main server and the Internet provider. In-
ternally, all PCs are connected to the main server by wires, switches, and routers. Additionally, t wo PC
classrooms have the access to the main server by the internal wireless network.
Every co mputer has OS W indows XP, MS Office, and additional software for specific purposes.


Voltage variations



Adequate updated antivirus software FLOOR NAME

Company :

NUMBER OF computers

Backup and recovery procedures
Adequate storage of media in the event of NUMBER OF PERSONS EXPOSED TO

emergency RISK

Systems placed behind firewalls and Compliance with fire regulations

Building :

other network security devices that restrict

Safety Person :
access and filter unnecessary protocols. Compliance with environmental regula-

Main build ing

Encryption used for wireless network tions

traffic and as appropriate for other traffic

Seismic characteristics of the location

Restrictions regarding users and their Admissible temperature and humidity

connecting to wired and wireless LANs
There is an up-to-date certificate for
Ground floor

Analyst :
Segmented internal networks with inter- electric installations and lightning strike

nal firewalls and other protection in installations
Building part/floor:

depth techniques

Risk Assessment of Information Technology System

Uninterruptible power supply

Remote administration or access should

be restricted + Intensive magnetic fields – loss of data

and risk calculation


Adequate light - Loss of data due to

Expert :
strong light


16 , 46  

Dust and dirt

2 ,7
auxiliary premises
Unit: All main and

Training of personnel



Authorized admission to components of

Form 3a: Analysis of general and specific protection measures

RISK Authorized admission to components of


Consulted workers: all
Page number:


Authorized admission to data
Form 4.1a: Analysis of general and specific protection measures on every floor


Low, but

Software maintenance
Nikolić & Ružić-Dimitrijević

Form 4.2a: Risk management and remaining risk

Links with other documents Date : Document Number Page Number






16 , 46  

Obey the rules

on the access to
Designing of stable automated fire protection system
data, software

Risk is acceptable
Purchasing of UPS equipment
and hardware.
Improvement of physical protection
0.21 Train staff peri-
1 5 1.05
Providing of security rooms for media storage odically.
Test the equip-
ment periodi-

In the first risk assessment (Form 4.1a) the probability (1.39) is calculated using the ratio of the
number of minus signs (8) and the total number of observed items (20). The values for frequency
(5) and damage (4) are estimated from Tables 2 and 3a, and the calculated risk is 27.73.
Risk reducing measures are recommended in Form 4.2a and their application should eliminate
four minus signs. The probability is now equal to 0.21, and the frequency is reduced to 1, with the
same damage. Finally, the risk is assessed as 1.05, which is an acceptable level. In order to main-
tain the risk at that level the appropriate measures are recommended.
After a common IT system safety assessment, we conducted the risk assessment of an application.
The first page includes the application description. Form 1a, Form 2.1a and Form 2.2a are similar
to Form 1, Form 2.1, and Form 2.2 respectively, the workplace in the occupational health area.

Risk Assessment of Information Technology System

Company: Higher Educational Department: Application: Informat ion system Page Num-
Technical School of Profes- Student admin istra- for student administration ber:
sional Studies tion
Equi pment, i nstallati ons: Software: OS Windows, student administration
PC co mputers – clients and server, networking software
hardware, printers

General descripti on of the program, process, types of information stored

There are three processes: application process of potential students, teaching process and payments.
The application of potential new students is conducted once or twice per year and it can be divided in two
• application and entrance examination,
• ranking and enrolment.
The payment process divides into the payment of:
• application and entrance examination,
• tuition fees.
The Board of Studies prepares inputs for these processes and the management receives reports about it.
The teaching process consists of several processes with possibilities of further division:
• students enrolment
o enrolment of academic/school year,
o registering of subjects ,
o semester verification, wh ich becomes student’s record for the completed semester and defines
the study year on the basis of accumulated credits.
o enrolment of study year, which offers possibilit ies for registering corresponding subjects.
• tuition
o updating of curricula and syllabi,
o tuition delivery, which besides lectures involves students’ evidence and fulfilling conditions
for taking a particu lar exam.
• examination
o applying for exams,
o assessment.
• issuing documentation
o issuing records,
o issuing certificates,
o issuing the final diplo ma.

Protecti ve measures:
Using admission password
Antivirus software
Weekly data backup

Nikolić & Ružić-Dimitrijević

Form 1a: Hazard and harmfulness identification


Hazard code

Threats and vulnerabilities

Occurrence Exposure
Consequences Risk
probability frequency
Loss of the last
Possible but unusual input data or
1 Electrical supply interruption exists
Constant exposure data inconsis-
Possible but unusual
2 Switch or router, card malfunction Work delay exists
Constant exposure
Possible but unusual Internal network
3 Delet ing network installation interruption – exists
Constant exposure delaying
Loss of the last
Possible but unusual input data or
4 Workstation failure exists
Hourly exposure data inconsis-
Possible but unusual Loss of data
5 Server d isk failure before last exists
Constant exposure backup
Unlikely but could occur Incorrect data,
Unauthorized ad mission and data
6 loss of confi- exists
changing Monthly exposure dence
Loss of data,
50% possible data inconsis-
7 Virus in network exists
Constant exposure tency, loss of
50% possible Data inconsis-
8 Bugs (program flaws) exists

Risk Assessment of Information Technology System

Form 2.1a: Risk assessment, valuation and reduction

Responsible Person: Safety Person : ANALYST :

Risk ASSESSM ENT, valuation and reduction

Frequency of Exposure
Event Probability

Level of Damage


Technical , Operat ional, Organizat ional

Low but
2 0.5 5 5 Install UPS equipment
2 0.1 5 1 /
2 0.1 5 1 Negligible /
2 0.5 4 4 /
Data safety, processes safety

Low but Weekly backup, as well as after every larger data

2 2 5 20
significant processing
Low but Physical protection of workstation, saving and fre-
1.5 4 1 6
significant quent changing of passwords
Frequent updating of antivirus software, avoiding
5 4 4 80 High
use of unverified external data media
Low but
5 0.5 4 10 Co mprehensive testing and fixing of program flaws

Nikolić & Ružić-Dimitrijević

Form 2.2a: Risk assessment, and risk management

DATE : Links with other documents







Frequency of Exposure
Event Probability

Level of Damage




Maintaining of the UPS sys-

2 0.1 5 1 Negligible Technician One week

Keeping the high quality level in accordance to the Quality


2 0.1 5 1 / / /

2 0.1 5 1 Negligible / / /

Risk is acceptable
2 0.5 4 4 / / /

Low but System ad min- Apply backup procedures

2 0.5 5 5 Continuous regularly
significant istrator
Obey rules about access to
Security and workstation and regular
1 1 4 4 Negligible Continuous
staff changing of passwords
Obey rules about using ex-
Low but System ad min- ternal data media and regular
2 4 2.5 20 Continuous
significant istrator update of antivirus software
Co mprehensive testing after
2 0.5 4 4 Negligible Programmer Period ical every change in the applica-

Risk Assessment of Information Technology System

Analysis of the Method

During the process of risk assessment of the application, we had several dilemmas. The number
of workstations, the computer rooms with networked computers, or the number of clients (stu-
dents in this case) who are indirectly exposed to the risk are not included in the risk assessment.
Our recommendation is to multiply the risk by 2 in the cases with larger number of computers, or
clients, since that allows the access through the larger number of workstations, which causes the
higher risk. This formula could be more complex, but we leave that for our future work.
This method has been developed and applied successfully (by users’ validation) in the occupa-
tional health and safety area for a longer period. Its benefits are the implementation of all risk
assessment methodology items, uniqueness, and possibilities of wide application in many areas.
The attempt to apply the method in the IT area is based on analogy. It is possible because of the
manner of application on several levels. As IT security is a very sensitive area considering risk,
only that layering could bring a quality risk assessment, in order to recognize all risks to which a
system or its part is exposed.

Advantages of our risk assessment method are:
• The method is original with the official name VTS method
• The application of method is complete because it has been approved in many enterprises
from the health and safety area
• The possibility of method application is obvious in all areas, especially in the IT area.
• All methodology requirements are fulfilled completely
• The applied method based on event probability determination by status value allows cor-
rection of particular status values in order to remove, reduce or prevent risk
• The method gives quantitative risk values and provides results suitable for comparison
• The method processes the impact of all types of threats and vulnerabilities
All conclusions given for methodology of risk assessment in the occupational health area could
be used in the risk assessment in the IT system area.
With corresponding modifications, this method offers good quality results in the risk assessment
of an IT system as well as of any of its applications. Generally, our method is based on assessing
risk level-wise from the most general to the most specific level. We applied this method to the
risk assessment of our IS in 2 levels. One includes the whole IT system, while the second in-
cludes particular applications. This could be done in more levels, such as assessing the risk of IT
systems in each building, the labs and offices. In addition, application software could be consid-
ered as a specific level. Depending on the applied software, you can come across different threats,
risks and recommended measures. We are planning to deal with these problems in our future in-

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Nikolić & Ružić-Dimitrijević

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SITE 2008, Bu lgaria. Retrieved fro m
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Stoneburner, G., Gougen, A., & Feringa, A., (2002). Risk management guide for information technology
systems. Reco mmendations of the NATIONA LE Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) USA.

Bozo Nikolić is a professor at the Higher Education Technical School
of Professional Studies, Novi Sad, Serbia. He teaches courses in the
fields of mechanical engineering and labour safety. He got his PhD
degree in mechanical engineering at the Belgrade University in 1998.
His areas of expertise are tools, accessories, and risk assessment re-
garding workplace and workspace. He is director of the Higher Educa-
tion Technical School of Professional Studies.

Ljiljana Ružić-Dimitrijević is a professor at the Higher Education

Technical School of Professional Studies, Novi Sad, Serbia. She
teaches courses in Computers, Introduction to web design, and Devel-
opment of the Internet. She got her MSc degree in mathematics at the
Centre of Multidisciplinary Studies, Belgrade in 1991. Her field of ex-
pertise is computer graphics and web design. She is pro-dean in charge
of tuition.


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