Tutorial-2024 240305 131855

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1. Indium has a tetragonal unit cell for which the a and c lattice parameters are 0.459 and 0.495
nm, respectively.

(a) If the atomic packing factor and atomic radius are 0.693 and 0.1625 nm, respectively,
determine the number of atoms in each unit cell.

(b) The atomic weight of indium is 114.82 g/mol; compute its theoretical density.

2. Determine the indices for the directions shown in the following cubic unit cell:

3. What are the indices for the two planes drawn in the sketch below?

4. Determine the Miller indices for the planes shown in the following unit cell:

5. The metal rhodium has an FCC crystal structure. If the angle of diffraction for the (311) set
of planes occurs at 36.12 oC (first-order reflection) when monochromatic x-radiation
having a wavelength of 0.0711 nm is used, compute (a) the interplanar spacing for this set
of planes, and (b) the atomic radius R for a rhodium atom. (For FCC crystal structure(𝑅 =
𝑎/2√2), 𝑎 is the lattice parameter.

6. Two gage marks are placed exactly 250 mm apart on a 12-mm-diameter aluminum rod
with E = 73 GPa and an ultimate strength of 140 MPa. Knowing that the distance between
the gage marks is 250.28 mm after a load is applied; determine (a) the stress in the rod,
(b) the factor of safety.

7. A lead–tin alloy of composition 30 wt% Sn–70 wt% Pb is slowly heated from a temperature
of 150o C (300o F).

(a) At what temperature does the first liquid phase form?

(b) What is the composition of this liquid phase?

(c) At what temperature does complete melting of the alloy occur?

(d) What is the composition of the last solid remaining prior to complete melting?

8. (use figure in question 7)
A 2.0-kg specimen of an 85 wt% Pb–15 wt%Sn alloy is heated to 200oC; at this temperature
it is entirely an α -phase solid solution (Figure 2). The alloy is to be melted to the extent that 50%
of the specimen is liquid, the remainder being the α phase. This may be accomplished by heating
the alloy or changing its composition while holding the temperature constant.
(a) To what temperature must the specimen be heated?

(b) How much tin must be added to the 2.0-kg specimen at to achieve this state?

9. A thick steel sheet of area 100 in.2 is exposed to air near the ocean. After a one-year period
it was found to experience a weight loss of 485 g due to corrosion. To what rate of corrosion, in
both mpy and mm/yr, does this correspond?

10. An electrochemical cell is constructed such that on one side a pure Zn electrode is in
contact with a solution containing Zn2+ ions at a concentration of 10-2 M. The other cell half
consists of a pure Pb electrode immersed in a solution of Pb2+ ions that has a concentration of 10-
4 M. At what temperature will the potential between the two electrodes be +0.568 V?


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