Indus Toyota Industries has serving its customers since long time. Indus Toyota motor develops and manufactures automobiles and automobile-related products, such as vehicles, engines, car air-conditioning compressors, car electronics components and devices, and stamping dies.
Indus motors ( akistan! started its business in akistan as a public limited company in "ecember 1#$#. The shares of the company are %uoted on the stock e&changes of akistan. I'()s production facilities are located at ort *in +asim Industrial ,one near -arachi in an area measuring over 1./ acres lant (Indus Motor Company Limited lot 0o 0.W.,111 -1, ort +asim 2uthority, -arachi, akistan! -arachi +uetta 3arkana 3ahore 4aisalabad 5argodha 'ultan 5ialkot Islamabad 6awalpindi eshawar 27ad -ashmir "era Ismail -han 'ardan
8To attract and attain customers with high-value products and the most satisfying ownership e&perience around the world9
8To be the most successful and respected car company around the globe9
Based on five pillars
Respect for People. Safe and friendly environment for all. Best work practices based on Et ics and Inte!rity. "eamwork. #onesty is t e best policy
Toyota is striving to develop automobiles that meet the needs of our customers while at the same time achieving an optimal balance between consideration for the environment, safety, drivability, comfort and reliability.
1867 Birth of Sakichi Toyoda. 1924 Sakichi Toyoda invents Toyoda Model G Automatic Loom. 1929 Automatic-loom patent is sold to a British company. 1930 Kiichiro Toyoda be ins research on small asoline-po!ered en ine. 1933 Automobile "epartment is established at Toyoda Automatic Loom #orks$ Ltd. 1935 The Toyoda precepts are compiled. 1936 The AA Sedan is completed. 1937 Toyota Motor %o.$ Ltd. is established. 1938 &onsha 'lant be ins production 1950 %ompany faces a financial crisis( Toyota Motor Sales %o.$ Ltd. is established. 1951 Su estion System be ins.
1955 The Toyopet %ro!n$ Toyopet Master and %ro!n "elu)e are launched. 1957 The first prototypes of the %ro!n are e)ported to the *nited States( Toyota Motor Sales *.S.A.$ +nc. is established.
1959 Motomachi 'lant be ins production. 1962 ,oint "eclaration of Labor and Mana ement is si ned. 1965 Toyota !ins the "emin Application 'ri-e for .uality control. 1966 The %orolla is launched( business partnership !ith &ino Motors Ltd. be ins. 1967 Business partnership !ith "aihatsu Motor %o.$ Ltd. be ins. 1974 Toyota /oundation is established. 1975 The prefabricated housin business be ins. 1982 1984 Toyota Motor %o.$ Ltd. and Toyota Motor Sales %o.$ Ltd. are mer ed into Toyota Motor %orporation. ,oint venture !ith General Motors 01e! *nited Motor Manufacturin $ +nc.2 be ins production in the *SA.
1988 Toyota Motor Manufacturin $ *SA$ +nc. 0present TMMK2 be ins production. 1989 The Le)us brand is launched in the *SA. 1992 Toyota Motor Manufacturin 0*nited Kin dom2 Ltd. be ins production. 1997 The 'rius is launched as the !orld3s first mass-produced hybrid car. 1999 %umulative domestic production reaches 455 million vehicles. 2000 Sichuan Toyota Motor %o.$ Ltd. be ins production in %hina. 2001 Toyota Motor Manufacturin /rance S.A.S. be ins production in /rance. 2002 Toyota enters /ormula 6ne #orld %hampionship( Tian7in Toyota Motor %o.$ Ltd. be ins production in %hina.
2004 The Toyota 'artner 8obot is publicly unveiled. 2005 The Le)us brand is introduced in ,apan. 2008 #orld!ide 'rius sales top 4 million mark. 2010 #orld!ide 'rius sales top 9 million mark( Toyota and Tesla Motors a ree on 7oint :; development. 2011 #orld!ide &ybrid ;ehicle sales top < Million mark( Toyota Motor Manufacturin $ Mississippi$ +nc. be ins production in the *SA.
%. P&"E'"I(L PR&)*C" 4uture product innovation and featuring! 5afety measures +. (*,ME'"E) PR&)*C" (>alue added product and services! ?ood %uality, comfort, after sales service, innovation, high resale value, low maintenance cost.
0. E1PEC"E) PR&)*C" 'ore 'ileage, *etter 2ccelerator, 'ore 6eliability, 4uel @fficiency 2. B(SIC PR&)*C" (26
Product Mi$
(PPLIC("I&' PR&)*C"S @conomy segment Mehran89 Cuore 5mall low segment CultusB 5mall high segment "oyota Corolla9 Honda City*, Honda Civic8 3u&ury car segment "oyota Camry9 Honda Accord* ick-up segment #ilu$ Ravi* <D< segment Land Cruiser
)ealers ip
Internal Strengths
1. Largest manufacturer in market 2. Best Supplier 3. Good reputation and Image 4. lose pro!imit" to #irport $. Strong %anagement team &. Increase as' (lo) *. Lo"al emplo"ees 8. #ccess to c'eap and relia+le financing ,. -istor" of minimum complains Internal 10. Weaknesses (inancial .atio 10% 12% 4% 8% 4% $% 4% 3% 4% $% 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 0.40 0.48 0.12 0.32 0.12 0.1$ 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.20
1. Saturated %arket 2. Sensiti/e to oil prices 3. Little di/ersification 4. #+sence of Strategic partner $. Limitation #ccess to International market
10% 1$% 8% 4% 4%
1 2 2 1 1
2ccording to the I4@ matri& rating (1! means maFor weakness, (:! means minor weakness, (;! means minor strength, (<! means maFor strength
1. Industr" onsolidation 2. 0e/elopment of ne) tec'nolog" 3. 1roduct 2ualit" 4. Gro)t' in lo)3cost sector $. Increased demand in
4 3 2 4 3
1. 4e) ompetitors 2. Gro)t' of e!isting competitors 3. 5aste of t'e consumer 'as alread" de/eloped 4. Imported ars $. 6conomic 0o)nturn Total
1 3 2 2 1
2ccording to the @4@ matri& rating (1! poor, (:! means below average, (;! 'eans above average, (<! means superior
Critical Success Factors %arket S'are In/entor" s"stem (inancial position 1roduct 2ualit" onsumer Lo"alt" .elations'ip )it' Suppliers Glo+al 6!pansion 7rgani8ation Structure 1roduct apacit" #d/ertising 6fficient ost %anagement 1roduct .90 Totals
Weight 0.0 to 1.0 0.12 0.0$ 0.20 0.1$ 0.0* 0.03 0.0& 0.02 0.0$ 0.1$ 0.0$ 0.0$ 1
Rating 1 to 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3
W. Score
Rating 1 to 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 4 3 2
W. Score
Rating 1 to 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 2
W. Score
4 0.3& 0.1$ 0.80 0.&0 0.21 0.0, 0.18 0.0& 0.1$ 0.30 0.1$ 0.1$ 3.20
4 0.24 0.10 0.40 0.4$ 0.14 0.0, 0.0& 0.04 0.10 0.&0 0.30 0.04 2.56
0.12 0.10 0.&0 0.4$ 0.0* 0.0& 0.0& 0.02 0.10 0.4$ 0.20 0.04 2.27
Toyota current strategies on which the company has been working are as fallow
2ccording to the available "ata it reveals that in 8@conomy 5egment9 (oure have a strong competitor 'ehran due to two reasonsA 1! 3ow rice :! 0umber of "ealers Toyota has ;: dealers while 5u7uki has </ dealers. In this situation Toyota should adopt 84orward Integration9 to take control of dealers and number of dealer should be increased.
J Toyota Indus 'otors (ompany spends a lot of amount on 6K", which is shown by their product development program. J I'( provides better customer service through adopting product differentiation strategy, improved product design and durability of its product. J 4or I'(, the vendor supplier to reduce their bargaining power. The vendors work at an established rate that only varies in prices whenever inflation takes place. J 2fter sale service is a very important aspect of Toyota motors. J +uality of product has not been comprised with and very heavy investment has been made to build its production facilities based on state of art of technologies. J I'( has installed capital intensive technology. They are using conveyer belts to transfer a car during assembling from a station to another station. They have heat e&changer, spray booth, drying tower etc. J Toyota concept is purely depends upon Total +uality management (T+'/
This analysis shows that company earned :.:/ H on its sales. Gonda and 'itsubishi)s earnings are also very close to each other.
5WMT analysis is an analytical tool that for understanding the strength and weakness of organi7ations and opportunities and threats. With a thought, it can help you uncover opportunities that you are well placed to e&ploit. 2nd by
understanding the weaknesses of your business, you can manage and eliminate threats that would otherwise catch you unaware.
3oyalty from the customers @&tensive research and development Gighly customer focused cars 5trong financial position Gigh resale value @asy availability of spare parts Well established dealer network @nFoying := H market share *rand image in the mind of customers *rand loyalty of customers Toyota currently uses ultra-high strength steel grades in :..# model year vehicles "iversified product range ositive work climate and organi7ation culture 2fter sales service
3ow capacity of production with respect to ak 5u7uki 2lmost same shape of Toyota corolla available in 1;.. cc and also in 1$..ccN 1.$ 2ltis whereas the Gonda K other competitors has different shape in its product range 3ess safety measures provided in most of their brands 3ack in ability to make parts locally, thus increased on imports 4aces problem in gear bo& and clutch plate of (uore
@&pansion to foreign markets particularly in less developed countries 3ocal company)s e&pansion due to high consumer demand. (ater to new market segments such as 5mall low segment range
Mpportunity to introduce its Toyota corolla with (0? fitted
WTM (World trade Mrder! opening local markets for global competition
The rising price of the steel is the great threat to the sectorN if Toyota
copes up with this problem they can survive and retain its market position (their own steel plant!. 2ppreciation of yen and also devaluation of akistani currency with respect to "ollar currency Gigher the discount rate from state bank affects the sales of auto industriesN they should finance cars by setting their own financings. (& mart introduce their own bank to finance the banks! Toyota 4aces stiff competition with firstly Gonda and ak 5u7uki 0arrowing industry margins
1. @&pansion to foreign markets particularly in less developed countries 2. 3ocal e&pansion due to high consumer demand. 3. (ater to new market segments such as range with (0?.
1. The rising price of the steel is the great threat to the sector, if Toyota
copes up with this problem they can e&ist in the market (their own steel plant!. 2. 2ppreciation of yen also the threat. 3. Gigher the discount rate from state bank affects the sales of auto industriesN they should finance cars by setting their own financings. (D '26T I0T6M"C(@ TG@I6 MW0 *20- TM 4I020(@ TG@ *20-5!
+uestion Scion B for yout in *S( CamryD Corolla B as ybrids Bio6fuel9 Solar6powered9 ydro!en !as )iesel en!ine cars for India9 Sout east (sia Small cars for IndiaD C ina More S*Cs and MPCs 3 ;ortunes
"og Celica9 MR2 B for yout "undra6pick up Crown9 Cressida9 Corona9 Euails3 wit draw )eclinin! markets in *:9 Europe
This matri& shows the current status of Toyota product in their portfolio. 0ow we have shown you the strategies of the Toyota for their products with the help of orter)s matri&
rius plug-in 5C>s- 5e%uoia, Gigh 3ander, 4P (ruiser, 62> <, >en7a 4ortune, < 6unner
(ost 4ocus
;1#,:#<0owadays, 3e&us is one of the biggest auto concerns in the world. The main competitors in Papan are its elder brother Toyota and another famous brand 0issan. 3e&us although, is very popular in the C52, because the most successful in sale this cars is Cnited states. The table to the right shows that :1/,#E/ 3e&us cars were sold in the Cnited 5tates. In :..#, 3e&us ranked 1=th in the list of TM 1.. *rands of the world. It is the big progress, because only two years ago 3e&us ranked ;1st. This year, the main competitors of 3e&us are 'ercedes-*en7, *'W, Toyota, and some other big companies. Mtherwise, 3e&us has place in the top :. most preferred brands in the world. In conclusion, the facts demonstrate that 3e&us has been developing e&tremely fast in the last three years.