Final Summary Record Ms. 2

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Jhon Paul Dusa Mark Vincent Gueib Lenard Dela Cruz

Project Manager Researcher System Analyst
Zaragoza, Nueva Ecja San Josef, Cabanatuan Niyugan, Jaen Nueva Ecija
09759190616 City,Nueva Ecija 09176479089
[email protected] 09478603229 [email protected]
[email protected]
College for Research and Technology is a
school in Cabanatuan city, a private school that offers
quality education to young Novo Ecijanos. Keeping Background

of records in an institution is an important matter A record management system is a

which gave the researchers an idea to come up with program that can show the result of records of
this system. The Record Management System of the students in the College for Research and
College for Research and Technology is a system Technology, information about payment
designed for the administration of the institution. It transaction of student, and the payment record
has a website that shows the content and services of the student.
which can help to improve on the impact of
College for Research and Technology
information protection of student records. The
is a school in Cabanatuan city, a private school
researchers used PHP for the design and output and
that offers quality education to young Novo
MySQL for the database management system
Ecijanos. It is an institution that practices
Based on the development of the system, the students to become professionals when it comes
researchers were able to create a record management on improving the student skills in using modern
system using Php and MySQL. The researchers also technologies and other skills which are related
able to develop a system that admin can manage the on becoming competent students.
information of the student, tuition fee, and can print
Student Records Management System
the balance for tuition, develop a system that the
in College for Research and Technology of
admin can set event in the calendar. The researchers
Cabanatuan is a study which aimed to find the
were also able to develop a system that the admin
data collection of student records in College for
manages the new enrolled student. Based on the
Research and Technology. It was also done to
conclusions formulated, the researchers
establish the improvement of computerized
recommended to the future researchers to make this
information management of student Records in
system accessible via online, make this system add
College for Research and Technology.
more features like chat rooms for communicating to
the other members and make this system that will try Records management, also known as

to other devices such as tablet and android phone, records and information management, is an

make this system to working on having recovery organizational function devoted to the

password. management of information in an organization

throughout its life cycle, from the time of Technology. The input will be responsible of
creation or receipt to its eventual disposition. having Student Information, courses, payment
This includes identifying, classifying, storing, type, enrollment number of students, ID number
securing, retrieving, tracking and destroying or and having Username and Password. The
permanently preserving records. It also defines process intend to manage the system and the
records management as "the field of Output will be able to print and display the
management responsible for the efficient and information, monthly and summary payments of
systematic control of the creation, receipt, the students.
maintenance, use and disposition of records,
including the processes for capturing and
maintaining evidence of and information about
Statement of the Problem
fees, activities and transactions in the form of
records". College for Research and Technology
is using manual system that allows gathering of
This project will be built using PHP as a
all the information of the students. While doing
programming language and MySQL as a
the research, the researchers encountered
problems which are stated as follows:
Conceptual Framework
 How to create record management system of
College for Research and Technology using
 How to print, add, edit and delete monthly

Student payment records.

Manage student Print and display
Information information payment of  How the Record Management System can be
Courses Manage Courses students
Payment Type Manage payment Print and display effective for recording students payment in
Enrollment number Manage ID of monthly
of students number and playment records College for Research and Technology.
ID number of Enrollment number Display of student
students Manage student information General of the Study
Usename and payment
Student payment Main Objectives

The main objective of the project is to

develop a system record management system of
College for Research and Technology using
Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework PHP and MYSQL.

Specific Objectives
Figure 1.1 shows the Input-Process-
Output that includes all the information needed  A system that can add, edit and delete record and
to process the system of Record Management display of the recorded student information.
System of College for Research and
 A system that can print and display the recorded framework makes the implementation of the
payment of the students for their summary of electronic records management system challenging
(ERMS). In order to execute ERMS, this study
monthly payments. offered a framework and determined the most
 A system that can print the monthly payment important aspects that are connected to ERMS and
records of every student that paid their fees. cloud features.
According to Alexey Savinov [SAVI2021], The
 A system that can add and delete a certain course relevance of this topic is explained by the practical
for every year level. importance of systematizing approaches to records
management at the global level. It helps to
Scope of the Study understand fundamentally different approaches to
records management, test and implement at the level
 The admin can input and view student’s of states and (or) other separate organizations in fact
information. and it helps to use the best practices of other states
and individual organizations in the area of records
 The system has login system for the user to protect
management. Numerous works and standards for
the information and other data in the system. records management give its definition [1-10].
However, the scientists and standards that we
referred to examined the records management
 The system can record the payment of the students.
process itself. That is, they did not consider the
 The system can add courses that can be used when classification of this activity in a global context.
the students apply for a certain course and year According to Muaadh Mukred
[MUKR2018], the development of records
management is a unique field that integrates
 The system can print the recorded payment of the knowledge and expertise from numerous
students. disciplines, including management of facilities,
personnel, and equipment, information science,
 The system has 2 user admin and staff.
archives management, legal studies, system analysis,
 The system has procedure of enrollment of registry and information technology. For instance,
of students, subjects, and payments. information management is necessary for accessing
and tracking the location of information in the fields
Limitation of the Study
of library science and records management.
 The system has no password recovery
 The system doesn’t have where the user can According to Joe Weller [WELL2017],
Records management is a
upload their activities.
requirement for many governmental agencies, and
 The students can’t access the system. other companies also have systems in place. RM
provides a framework to gain control over piles of
Review of the Related Literature paperwork and locate documents, and ensures that
needed information is easily accessible and readily
According to Gloria Malcantara et al.
available. According to PRISM, an organization’s
[MALC2021], the advantages of Microsoft Visual
active files grow at an annual rate of approximately
Basic 2010 programming language are its resilience,
25 percent, and paperwork is a huge overhead
ease of programming, excellent database
expense. Proper records management can free up
connectivity, operates on the two most popular
precious office space. PRISM says that at any given
operating system platforms (Windows and Unix), and
time, between three and five percent of an
it has a larger user community that offers online help.
organization’s files are lost or misplaced. Proper
According to Semsom Al-
organization can help provide consistent service to
Moallemi [ALMO2021], asserts that the absence of a
clients and partners while simultaneously increasing
staff efficiency and productivity. Records institutions' performance. The planning and decision-
management is also a way to tell an organization’s making processes are aided by the system, which
history, but that job often falls under the expertise of improves skills. Nonetheless, despite the fact that
an archivist, rather than under that of a records ERMS is important for supporting the decision-
manager. making process and that some companies have
According to Winnie J. Astero attempted to implement it despite the lack of an
[ASTE2022], the study sought to determine the adequate framework, this has led to practices that fall
standardization of data profiling of short of the required standards. The management of
buildings/establishments by creating a systematic records depends on systematic control over the
filing procedure that served as a basis for a proposed records life cycle and organizational activities based
Records Management System for on daily transactions, claims.
Buildings/Establishments Profile in Rizal Province According to Leontine Laurent
Fire Stations during the Calendar Year 20212022. It Nkebukwa [NKEB2019], the study used a qualitative
assessed how records management practices aided methodology and gathered extra data through in-
the BFP regarding accessibility, records format, and depth interviews in addition to observation. Selected
document archiving. Thus, the BFP may consider members of the college's human resources
utilizing the proposed Records Management System department, records officers, a small number of other
conceptualized by the researcher; There is a need for employees, and students made up the study's
the organization to adhere to the idea of population. Twenty representative employees were
standardization to provide coherence and unity of chosen through purposeful sampling, and 30 students
records and files and to allocate resources for the data were chosen at random to be interviewed. the number
profiling of buildings/ establishments to improve or of responders needed to reach saturation in the
provide better services in their organization; to sample. 50 respondents in all participated in this
improve the current records management practices at survey. Results showed that there are no formal
BFP, the records management function be records management systems in place, that only
incorporated into the organization-wide strategic alphanumeric and keyword systems are used to store
plans. In order to conduct internal correspondence and maintain data, that staff members lack trust in
more quickly, safely, transparently, and affordably, one another, Strong campus registries are lacking, as
universities adopt electronic records management are the use of integrated tertiary systems, guidelines
systems (ERMS). for handling electronic records, formal systems,
According to Meltem Dişli [DISL2020], the registry staff motivation, insufficient equipment and
interoperability of ERMS in universities is a crucial staffing levels, and a sufficient number of record
issue for the integration of ERMS and other systems offices. Due to faulty management, the staff members
inside the institution as well as for the electronic of the registration and human resources departments
conduct of interorganizational correspondence. had overlapping responsibilities, which delayed
As said by Francis Fauzi decision-making.
[FAUZ2019], Records management has been referred
to as a bi-functional field in that it is both a career METHODOLOGY
and an academic discipline. Records management
has been recognized and accepted for the former, Table 3.1 Gantt chart `
while it is still in its early stages for the latter. Yet,
the US and the UK are where records management
first emerged as a career and academic field.
According to
Samira Ahmed Ahmed asserts [AHME2021], an
electronic Records Management System (ERMS) is a
computer software or collection of programs used for
maintaining current records as well as their storage.
ERMS has been heavily used to improve academic
sponsor. This phase will be the final output of
the system it also includes the testing of the
Illustrated on this Gantt chart is amount system.
of Month of task done in a certain period of time for
the development of the
Reqirements Operation and
project. Testing

System and Software
Design System Testing
In the planning phase, the researchers made a plan
for the project. In this phase, introduction, review of
related literature, and methodology were included. Details
Unit Testing

Interview and research

In this phrase, the researcher we’re
scheduled to contact an interview with the
people who will be able use this system so
contacts an interview with the people who will
be use this system so that we can also get
difference ideas from them make the completion
of this project which was a big help to develop. Figure 3.1 V-Model

Design and Coding Requirements Analysis

The researchers started coding in order to In the system, the initial requirements that

create the interface, and when designing the are needed are student ID number and password

system,we decided to use the following: (1) to be encoded in the main page of our system.

PHP: hypertext pre-processor, which is used to System and Software Design

create scripts that know information about the
user and the server; and (2) bootstrap, which is In this system, the researchers used visual

used to create front –end frameworks that are basic which is a kind of a programming

responsive and mobile-first.(3) HTML and CSS language and environment from Microsoft that

are used to customize design, and (4)MYSQL is provides a graphical user interface which allows

used for databases. programmers to modify code by simply

dragging and dropping objects and defining their
Implementation behavior and appearance.

The final is implementation phase, where Details Specifications

the system is built. It also includes the
construction of the system where system is In this system, the details were provided

tested to see its performance is good and finally by the staffs/faculty and by the students

the finals system is delivered to the project

themselves. Those details were the ones to the student to enrol in system. The system will
appear in the system. show them the updated information that they
have encoded for them to double check those.
Same as to school staffs but instead of encoding
In this system, the researchers used visual information, they are the ones who will encode
basic to accomplish it. about the payments of every student.

Units Testing

In this system, unit testing was done in

order to check the individual component and
detail that the researchers used and provided.

System Testing

In system testing, this was the step where

the researchers checked if the system is working
according to its purpose and uses.

Operation and Testing

Figure 3.3 Entity Relationship Diagram
In this phase, the researchers checked
how the system worked on different conditions Figure 3.3 shows the relationship

and workloads and what improvements are to be between the entities involves in the system. The

considered to improve our system. administrator, the administrator is the one who
manage the record using the system and the
staffs is for encoding and updating of
information and payment of student.

Details of the Technologies to be used

 Hardware
Hardware refers to the physical component of
the computer, needed to make the system.
Figure 3.2 Context Diagram Table 3.2 Hardware Specification

Figure 3.2 shows that the admin and Materials Description

staff can encode and provide information for it
Processor Intel Dual Core
to serve its purpose. The first one is the faculty
that will encode the payment of the student. Memory 1 GB DDR2
Then the admin will encode the information of
Hard Disk 200 GB Figure 4.1, In front of our system it shows
Drive the landing page and name of the system,
Record Management System of College for
Monitor 12 inches
Research and Technology Cabanatuan Branch.
Log in Now and home button is also shown on
 Software this page.The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration
Software refers to the online program or set of specifies that the document is an HTML5
instruction and related procedures and operation document. The <html> element is the root
that enables the computer system to operate element of the HTML page. The <head> section
effectively. contains meta information and external
resources used by the page.
Table 3.3 Software Specification

Materials Description

Operating System 64-bit Windows 7

Google Chrome Browser

XAMPP Version

Figure 4.2 Add, edit, and delete

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Figure 4.2 To log in to the system, it is

necessary to enter the username and password to
Conclusions and results of the research.
go to Edit and Delete shows the name of the
This includes testing the system for the
students and the search bar button that can use to
administrator and the user. It also demonstrates
easy search the name and year level of the
the designs and how they work.
students. The code snippet you provided appears
to be written in PHP. It seems to be part of a
loop that generates table rows (<tr>) and
contains conditional statements (if and elseif)
based on the value of the
$_SESSION['login_type'] variable. Here's an
explanation of the code: The code assumes that
a session has been started and the
$_SESSION['login_type'] variable is available.
If the value of $_SESSION['login_type'] is equal
Figure 4.1 Front Page
to 1, it executes the code block inside the if
Figure 4.4 Monthly Payment Record

Figure 4.4 This page show the Monthly

payment record of the students, you can see the
Date, students name, ID number, total paid
amount, total balance of the students. On this
page you can also see the print button that can
print the receipt of the students. The code is the
Figure 4. 3 Print and Display Record same of the figure 4.3 you provided is written in
payment PHP and contains HTML and JavaScript as
well. It appears to generate a payment report
Figure 4.3 To go to the Print and Display
table based on the selected month and provides
of the System, it is necessary to press the left
functionality for printing the report. Here's an
button where you can see the Record payment,
explanation of the code: The code starts with
Date, and including the year level and monthly
including the file db_connect.php, which likely
total of the Students payment and student
contains the necessary code for establishing a
number is also shown on this page. The code
database connection.
you provided is written in PHP and contains
HTML and JavaScript as well. It appears to
generate a payment report table based on the
selected month and provides functionality for
printing the report. Here's an explanation of the
code: The code starts with including the file
db_connect.php, which likely contains the
necessary code for establishing a database Figure 4.5 Add certain course and year level
connection. The $month variable is assigned the
Figure 4.5 On this page you can see add
value of $_GET['month'] if it is set, otherwise it
and delete where admin can add students and
is set to the current month in the format Y-m
edit student information such as Name, id
(e.g., 2023-07).
number, course, and year level. On the top of the
page you can see the payment type which is
include the registration fee, tuition fee,
miscellaneous fee, laboratory fee, and other
payments. This code appears to be a PHP script they can have a proof of receipt for what they
that generates a form for managing course paid.
details and fee information. Here's a breakdown  To the future researchers make this system that the
of the code: The script includes the users has free access when they change or
"db_connect.php" file, which presumably update their personal information if necessary.
contains the necessary database connection  To the future researchers make this system to
code. It checks if the "id" parameter is set in the accept suggestions.
URL. If so, it fetches the course details from the
database based on the provided ID and assigns
the values to variables using a foreach loop. The
Completing this capstone study could not
HTML markup for the form starts, including a
have been possible without the people who
hidden input field for the course ID.
shared their time, effort, skills and ideas that
CONCLUSION AND inspired me to finish it. Their contribution is
RECOMMENDATION sincerely appreciated and gratefully
acknowledged. However, the researchers would
like to express their deep appreciation and
At the end of the study, the researchers
indebtedness to the following:
were able to develop the following:
 A record management system for College for Dr. Reynato C. Arimbuyutan, the
Research and Technology using PHP and president of the College for Research and
MySQL. Technology, for his support to all the students
 A system that can add and delete record and who conducted their research in Fort Magsaysay
display the recorded student information. National High School, Palayan City, Nueva
 A system that can print and display the recorded of Ecija.
semmestral payment of the student.
Mr. Edwin C. Arimbuyutan, for his deep
Recommendation concern and helpful guidance and support,

The following suggestions were extends from the beginning until the completion

recommended based on the conclusions drawn: of this study. The researchers are very thankful
for having such a good adviser.
 To the future researchers make this system to have
recovery password. Mr. Gerard C. Busuego, the person who

 To the future researchers make this system can be imparted his knowledge and expertise

used other device like mobile phones, tablet, and understanding efforts in checking and editing the

etc. manuscript.

 To the future researchers make this system that the

other user or the students can access through so
Mr. Jordan M. Sanchez, the person who To their Friends, for their support and
imparted his knowledge and expertise in encouragement that never failed to uplift and
understanding efforts in checking the system. revive their spirits every time they bail of work.

Mr. Rainier Dale V. Sulit, the person who And the most of all to our great creator
edits our English grammar. almighty God who gave them enough strength in
every struggle and challenge they faced and who
IT Teachers for the assistance
blessed them with wisdom and knowledge.
and for open-handedly sharing their knowledge
for this study. BIBLIOGRAPHY

To all the teachers and Principals in Fort 1.Diaz Bearman (2015), ‘‘Moments of risk:
Magsaysay National High School, Palayan City, Identifying threats
Nueva Ecija, who allowed the researchers to to electronic records,’’6(2), 15–46.
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