Super School: BKEC, Dept of CSE
Super School: BKEC, Dept of CSE
Super School: BKEC, Dept of CSE
The success of any organization such as School of Public Health, University of Ghana
hinges its ability to acquire accurate and timely data about its operations, to manage this
data effectively, and to use it to analyze and guide its activities.
Integrated student database system offer users (Student, Registrar, HOD) with a
unified view of data from multiple sources.
To provide a single consistent result for every object represented in these data
sources, data fusion is concerned with resolving data inconsistency present in the
heterogeneous sources of data.
The main objective of this project is to build a rigid and robust integrated student
database system that will track and store records of students. This easy-to-use, integrated
database application is geared towards reducing time spent on administrative tasks.
The system is intended to accept process and generate report accurately and any
user can access the system at any point in time provided internet facility is available.
The system is also intended to provide better services to users, provide meaningful,
consistent, and timely data and information and finally promotes efficiency by converting
paper processes to electronic form.
The system was developed using technologies such as PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL.
PHP, HTML and CSS are used to build the user interface and database was built using
MySQL. The system is free of errors and very efficient and less time consuming due to the
care taken to develop it.
All the phases of software development cycle are employed and it is worthwhile to
state that the system is very
1. Introduction
The registrar of the School of Public Health, University of Ghana is responsible for
handling student information and gathering them during enrolment. This information
includes each student’s background information, student medical history, courses taken
student attendance at lectures grades, performance record, and other information needed
by the school.
Today, the success of School of Public Health, University of Ghana depends on its
ability to acquire accurate and timely data about its operations, to manage this data
effectively, and to use it to analyze and guide its activities.
A database can integrate these several components hence resulting in improved and
more efficient operations (Greenwald et al., 2005; Connolly and Begg, 2004).
Student Database System deals with all kind of student details, academic related reports,
college details, course details, curriculum, batch details and other resource related details
It tracks all the details of a student from the day one to the end of his course which can
be used for all reporting purpose, tracking of attendance, progress in the course, completed
semesters years, coming semester year curriculum details, exam details, project or any
other assignment details, final exam result; and all these will be available for future
references too.
Problem Statement
Project Objective
Purpose of Project
Information plays a vital role in the development and growth of every
organization. Currently, the various departments manage student information
independently in their own ways. There are no common, standardized process and program
for capturing, processing and storing student’s information.
This makes it difficult for the registrar to collate information of students across
departments. For instance, if the registrar wants information about students with respect to
their academic performance urgently, he must go to all the departments and collect the
required data.
This situation is very frustrating and impedes smooth operations and decision making
process. One of the policies of School of Public Health, for that matter University of Ghana is
the fact that students must not fail in three or more courses.
A past student who needs a transcript will have to travel all the way to the school before
he could access it because the current system is so weak to the extent that it is unable to
provide this document online.
The problems facing the current manual system are data redundancy, difficult to update
and maintain, inconsistent data, insecurity, difficult to impose constraints on various data
file and difficult to backup. It is against this backdrop that automated Student Database
System is being developed to address the problems catalogued above.
The main objective is to develop a robust Student Database Management System
for School of Public Health. Specific Objectives
The proposed system is intended to make life easy. The main purpose of the
project is to build an integrated student database system to facilitate easy access
of records of students across departments.
The Student Database System will allow the registrar of School of Public
Health, Leg on to edit, update and list personal and academic details of students.
It will also enhance efficient management of student’s information.
The proposed system is also intended to allow students to view their results
on line. This will go a long way to help students decide on what courses to
2. Literature Review
All these problems are solved using this project. Throughout the project the
focus has been on presenting information in an easy and intelligible manner.
The project is very useful for those who want to know about Student
Information Management Systems and want to develop software/websites
based on the same concept.
The project provides facilities like on line registration and profile creation of
student thus reducing paper work and automating the records generation
process in an educational institution.
This will give an insight into the project area and help to get information
that will enhance the development of the student database management
1. Value unknown: The value exist but whoever entered the data did not know it
2. Value inapplicable: The corresponding property is not applicable for the object
represented by this tuple.
3. Value withheld: The data exist but we are not allow to see it.
One good reason for regarding uncertainty as a special case of conflict is the
fact that it is easier to deal with uncertainty than contradiction. Several forms
and reports are used in day to day processing of documents.
It is a set of prewritten programs that are used to store, update and retrieve
a Database (Gerald C. , 2009) When a DBMS is used, information systems can be
changed much more easily as the organization's information requirements
Database servers are specially designed computers that hold the actual
databases and run only the DBMS and related software.
Database servers are usually multiprocessor computers, with RAID disk arrays
used for stable storage. Connected to one or more servers via a high speed
channel, hardware database accelerators are also used in large volume
transaction processing environments.
Advantages of DBMS
Improved strategic use of corporate data
Reduced complexity of the organization’s information systems
Reduced data redundancy and inconsistency
Enhanced data integrity
Application-data independence
Improved security
Reduced application development and maintenance costs
Improved flexibility of information systems
Increased access and availability of data and information
Logical & Physical data independence
Concurrent access anomalies.
Facilitate atomicity problem.
Provides central control on the system through DBA.
In addition, student records contain data which the institution can aggregate
and analyze to inform future strategy, planning and service provision.
These records are used to assist offices in their support of basic institutional
objectives and to document student progress and achievement in the
educational process of the University.
The web’s ubiquity provides global application availability to both users and
organizations. Because the architecture of the web has been designed to be
platform-independent, it has the potential to significantly lower deployment and
training cost.
The World Wide Web (web for short) provides a simple point and click
means of exploring the immense volume of pages of information residing on the
Internet. Information on the web is presented on the web pages which appear as
a collection of text, graphic, pictures, sound and video.
2.5. Conclusion
The project when completed will provide an efficient way to store and
organize data than spread sheet. It will also serve as a centralized facility that can
easily be modified and quickly shared among multiple users.
The proposed system will have a well-designed interface that allows users to
interact with the system via internet connection and a web browser.
The data collection tools and techniques that were used are as follows:
3.1.1 Interview
Interview is a powerful tool for data gathering since it allows the interviewer
to probe and clarify a number of issues.
Face to face interview was used to interact with the registrar and the users
of the proposed system to obtain the data required for the database
management system.
On the other hand, students are unable to view their result online for them
to know whether they are continuing the program and also to know the courses
they can register for the next semester.
3.2.1. Security
The Student database management system will ensure that the data are
secured by assigning a unique password and username. The registrar and student
of school of public health will be allowed to access the system.
In case the user forgot their password, the system offers a forgot password
module in which the user can select this menu and answer the secret question or
code that the user only knows.
A log component that chronicles information about users who login and
logout will be provided.
The system will verify this information first before the authorized users can
enter the system. Duplication of users in the system will completely be
eliminated due to a very rigid verification method.
1. register who can view and edit the details of any students
2. head of department who can add courses, departments and exams details as
well as edit and delete details
3 .students who can view and modify their details . The proposed system will
provide the following features to the registrer:
The registrar can login into the system and execute any of the available
The features that are available to the student are: Student can login
into the system and can perform any of the available options.
itself. Use cases were used to describe all possible interactions of the entities
with the system.
Summary: This use case is used when the registrar wants to access the SDMS
to add/update the personal details of the student.
Actors: Registrar
Pre-condition: Registrar’s account must be active on the system
Main Flow:
MF-001: The system displays the login page and prompts the registrar for the
Login Id and Password
MF-002: The registrar provides values for the Login Id and password fields.
MF-004: The system verifies (authenticates) the password and sets the registrar’s
authorization. (AF-1.1, AF-1.2)
MF-005: The Administrator is given access to the SDMS to perform his tasks.
AF-1.1.1: The registrar enters invalid Login Id and password then he will not be
allowed to enter the system
AF-1.1.2: Go to MF-002
AF- 1.2.1: The system fails to authenticate user after a default of 2 continuous
unsuccessful attempts
AF- 1.3.1: The system fails to authenticate user after a default of 3 continuous
unsuccessful attempts
AF-1.3.3: System notifies the user of account deactivation via a system prompt
Preconditions: The registrar must enable the particular student onto the
website in order for this use case to begin.
Main Flow:
MF-001: The system displays the login page and prompts the student for the
Login_Id and Password.
MF-002: The student provides values for the Login_Id and password fields.
MF-004: The system verifies (authenticates) the password and sets the student’s
authorization. (AF-1.1, AF-1.2)
MF-005: The student is given access to the SDMS to perform his tasks.
AF-1.1.1: The student enters invalid Login Id and password then he will not be
allowed to enter the system
AF-1.1.2: Go to MF-002
AF- 1.2.1: The system fails to authenticate user after a default of 2 continuous
unsuccessful attempts
AF-1.2.2: The system triggers image verification for any further login attempts
AF-1.2.2: Go to MF-002
AF- 1.3.1: The system fails to authenticate user after a default of 3 continuous
unsuccessful attempts
AF-1.3.3: System notifies the user of account deactivation via a system prompt
This blueprint provided interface design models that are consistent, user
friendly and will provide straightforward transition through the various system
Student database
Management system
The SDS is system which has major components such as student detail, department
detail and course detail. One of the available options is selected as an input to the system.
The system acts and the rest of the functions are perform respectively based on the
input by the user.
The registrar has automatic access right to manage and maintain student detail. The
student can only view their details.
function design
Description Dataflow Diagram
client-side graphical user interface (GUI) applications. PHP can be deployed on many web
servers and operating systems, and can be used with many relational database management
systems (RDBMS). It is available free of charge, and the PHP Group provides the complete
source code for users to build, customize and extend for their own use.
3.7.1. PHP
PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to server-side web
development where PHP generally runs on server. PHP code is embedded into HTML source
Any PHP code is a requested file executed by the PHP runtime, usually to create
dynamic web page content. It can also be used for command-line scripting and
3.7.2. MySQL
MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server
providing multi-user access to a number of databases. MySQL is a popular choice of
database for use in web applications and is an open source product.
The process of setting up a MySQL database varies from host to host, however we will
end up with a database name, a user name and a password. Before using the database, a
table must be created. A table is a section of the database for storing related information.
In a table, different fields must be set up which will be used in the table. Table creation in
php My Admin is not difficult. SQL statement can also be executed to create databases and
3.7.3. Apache
the Apache HTTP Server is web server software notable for playing a key role in the initial
growth of the World Wide Web. In 2009 it became the first web server software to surpass
the 100 million web site milestone.
As of November 2010 Apache served over 59.36% of all websites and over 66.56% of the
first one million busiest websites.
3.7.4. XAMPP
XAMPP is a small and light Apache distribution containing the most common web
development technologies in a single package.
Its contents, small size, and portability make it the ideal tool for students developing and
testing applications in PHP and MySQL.
XAMPP is available as a free download in two specific packages: full and lite. While the
full package download provides a wide array of development tools, XAMPP Lite contains the
necessary technologies that meet the Ontario Skills Competition standards.
The light version is a small package containing Apache HTTP Server, PHP, MySQL, PHP My
Admin, Open SSL, and SQLite.
4. Result
A web based student database system intended to track and store student records is the
outcome of the project after a critical analysis, design, building and testing of the system.
Evaluation was properly done to ensure that the system meet all the requirements and
A stringent plan to monitor the implementation of the new system is laid-out and the
entire project documented. Finally, the new system is deployed and users will receive some
training to understand the new system.
The new system would run alongside the old system until the new system is proven to be
effective and efficient.
PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language and is very powerful behind the scenes
scripting language that visitors would not see. When you visit the PHP webpage, the web
server processes the PHP code.
It then sees which part it needs to show to visitors (contents and pictures) and hide the
other stuff (file operations math calculations, etc.) then translate the PHP to HTML. After
the translation into HTML it sends the webpage to the visitor’s web browser. MySQL is also
chosen to create the database for the back end user since it is extensively used third
generation database management system.
In PHP this is done with My SQL _Connect() function. For example: <? PHP $con=my
SQL_ connect (“local host”, “root”,””) If(! $con) //Some data here { Die (‘could not connect’ .
My SQL_ error(()); } ?> The example above is a simple PHP script used to connect to the
MySQL database server. The die part will be executed if the connection fails.
The user would access the student database website over the internet using web
browser on his or her personal computer. The user’s browser would request data from the
student database, using HTML commands to communicate with the web server.
Because many back-end databases cannot interpret commands written in HTML, the
web server would pass this request for data to special software that translate HTML
commands into SQL so that they could be processed by the DBMS working with the
The DBMS receives the SQL request and provides the required data. The figure also
shows that the middleware working between the web server and the DBMS is an application
server running on the dedicated computer.
4.3. Implementation
Implementation includes all the activities that take place to convert from the old system
to the new. A proper implementation is required to provide a dependable system to meet
the requirements.
An improper installation may affect the success of the automated system. The most
appropriate approach used was to run the old and new system in parallel. This offers high
security, because even if there is a flaw in the automated system, the manual system can be
depended on.
The system has three type of accessing modes, registrar, student and head of
department. Valid password and login Id are required on the login page to access the
4.5. Testing
Thorough testing was done to ensure that the system produces the right results. It was
time consuming to test the system because data must be carefully prepared, results
reviewed and corrections made in the system 4.6. Maintenance
The system will be maintained periodically through effective monitory and evaluation.
This will go a long way to help identify and debug emergency production problems and
address them accordingly. A considerable amount of time would be spent to effect changes
in data, files, reports, hardware and software.
5. Conclusion
Information is an indispensable tool many schools and other organization use to
advance decision making. Large amount of student’s data are generated either manually or
electronically on daily basis.
When population of student in a school is less than a hundred, the manual system can
work perfectly but it is not the best method of managing records of students.
The integrated student database system which captures and maintains longitudinal
data of students would provide an accurate and reliable data about current and past
The system is free of errors and very efficient and less time consuming due to the care
taken to develop it.
All the phases of software development cycle are employed and it is worthwhile to
state that the system is very robust. Provision is made for future development in the
5.1. Recommendation
Since student database system is very broad, the scope of this project covers only a
small aspect of student information system due to the fact that the stipulated three month
within which the project is expected to be executed is too short.
The department of biostatistics should add programming to the courses offered and it
should be made compulsory and run for both semesters. Health informatics students should
be encouraged to work in a team to develop a software application system so that they will
be well equipped with database and programming skills.
This move will go a long way to help them do their project without any difficulty. This
report could be useful to any person who wants to do a project on similar topic.