Partners Staying Information
Partners Staying Information
Partners Staying Information
Mother’s Name:………………………………
Please read and sign this document if you choose to stay overnight
Dear Partner / Companion
We welcome a partner/companion to stay overnight on the postnatal ward, so that you can take part in caring for
mother and baby. We recognise that this helps with the family bonding and reduces anxiety and stress among
mothers. The decision to stay overnight is entirely up to you. We would recommend that if you are overtired
or have existing health problems you do not stay overnight.
We are unable to offer comfort facilities such as a bed or showers due to limited space. We provide a chair by the
bed to rest and you can provide your own blanket/pillow if you wish. We have a responsibility for the health and
safety of everyone present and must comply with local policies such as infection control, fire safety and the safety
of mothers and babies.
In view of this partners/companions must agree to the conditions set out below in order to stay overnight.
Please note:
• Children are not permitted to stay overnight.
• If you or your family have an illness such as a cold, flu or vomiting and diarrhoea, please do not visit in
order to reduce the risk of infection to others.
• Anyone who is thought to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted to stay.
• Please read and sign the conditions set out below as read, understood and agreed, prior to your overnight
stay, and discuss with the midwife in charge if you have any queries or concerns.
• You will need to sign a register to stay overnight so that we know you are present and can account for you
in case of a fire and we need to evacuate. If the fire alarm sounds please follow instructions given by ward
staff. Do not attempt to leave the ward unless instructed to do so.
• All babies have an electronic tag for security reasons and we also need to ensure that babies stay with their
mother at all times. Do not take your baby out of the ward area at any time.
• Although your baby will enjoy being cuddled to settle, please do not put yourself in a position where you
could doze off with your baby in an chair as this is not safe. If you are very tired, your baby should be
placed in their cot to sleep.
• Please wear shoes/slippers (non slip) and kindly do not walk around in bare feet
• For the safety and comfort of women and staff we request that you do not wander around the ward at night
and do not leave the ward between 22:00hrs and 07:00hrs. We respect the dignity and privacy of all
women. Some will not have a partner/companion staying with them and may find strangers wandering
around uncomfortable or possibly threatening during the night.
• Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Hospital and grounds are all Smoke Free Zones. If you are a
smoker and cannot go without smoking overnight it is advised you do not stay as you will not be permitted
to leave the ward during the hours of 22:00hrs and 07:00hrs.
• If your partner or baby require urgent medical attention, please stay calm and let staff do what they need to
do. Should this occur it would be helpful to stay in the background until the situation is over. A member of
staff will provide information and support both during and following any such event.
• If there are any concerns for the physical safety of any member of staff, mothers or babies, the Security
Team will be called immediately to assist at any time.
• We reserve the right to decline permission for partners or companions to enter and stay on the ward at any
time if there are significant concerns that will compromise the safety of mothers, babies and staff on duty.
• Cardiff and Vale University Health Board operates a Zero Tolerance Policy on violent, disruptive and
aggressive behaviour. We reserve the right to ask partners/companions and visitors to leave at any time.
Failure to comply with a request to leave may result in criminal prosecution.
• Please wash your hands before and after you help care for mother or baby and use the hand gel provided.
• Please keep noise levels down, and do not use mobile phones or hand held devices that are noisy or emit
bright light at night time and between the hours of 22:00hrs to 07:00hrs. This will help facilitate sleep and
rest for the mothers and babies.
• There is a visitor’s toilet for your convenience situated near the ward entrance but there are no shower
facilities. Please do not use the showers on the ward. We would advise you to go home if you need a
shower and proper rest, but you may bring your own overnight bag, towels and toiletries in order to freshen
up should you wish.
The staff on the ward are very busy and prioritise the care they give to women. They may not always be available
promptly. On night duty there are not as many staff around as during the day time. Please be patient if you
require extra assistance at night time. Please alert a member of staff if help is required urgently. If you have any
concerns or worries regarding your partners or baby’s welfare, please ask to speak with the midwife in charge.
We would welcome any feedback about your experience as a partner/companion staying overnight. All
women are provided with a 2 minutes of your time questionnaire and we welcome your comments.
I have read, understood and agree to comply with the above conditions.