Detention Youth Handbook

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You are at the Skagit County Juvenile Detention Center. We (staff) know this may be a difficult
time for you. Our purpose is to provide a secure and supportive environment for everyone here.
This handbook will explain what you can expect and what we expect while you are in
Detention. The first expectation is that you will read and understand this handbook, and
that you will ask staff for help if you have any questions. Specific rules are listed to help you
understand the expectations.

Detention Orientation: Staff will give you an orientation during the intake process. If you are
new here, the staff will briefly go over this handbook and answer questions about what to
expect. If, during your stay, you are having personal problems or problems adjusting to
Detention you may request to talk to staff.
Detention is a gang-free, hate-free zone.
Bullying, name calling or harassment of any kind, will not be tolerated.
Parent/Guardian Notification: Staff will call your parents or legal guardian immediately to let
them know you are here and allow you to talk with them. Staff will ask parents questions about
your medical history during this phone call. Staff will also tell your parents/guardians when
they can visit and what number to call to inquire about your court appearance(s). We will keep
calling until we reach them.

Court: If you were booked into Detention on a new offense or a Skagit County Superior Court
Order (Warrant, etc.), you will have a court hearing the next court day, (Monday through Friday,
except Holidays). If booked on a warrant from another County, your hearing will be in that
Court and we will notify you of the time and place when the information is available.

Visitation: Only parents/legal guardians may visit. Others must be approved by your probation
counselor or the Detention Manager. All visitors must provide picture I.D..
Visitation Hours
Monday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Sunday 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Visits are limited to 20 minutes or less depending on number of visitors and staff discretion.
You and your visitors must maintain appropriate behavior and language or your visit will be
terminated. You do not have to visit if you do not want to. Your visit may be canceled at any
time (staff discretion). Meetings with service providers, mental health counselors, probation
counselors, or attorneys also take place within the facility.

Supplies: You will be supplied with a toothbrush, comb, bar of soap, toilet paper, cup, towel,
deodorant, and cards. Other hygiene supplies will be given as needed. Soap & shampoo will be
given at shower times. Your parents/legal guardians are not allowed to provide supplies.

Telephone Calls:
Detention staff attempt to call/notify a parent/legal guardian, upon admission. Thereafter,
Parents/guardians, clergy, and attorneys may be called by the juvenile after a Securus account is
set up (directions below). Juveniles on a level III or IV status, may make calls to
parents/guardians from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00/10:00 p.m.. Juveniles on a level I or II may make
calls to parents/guardians during day recreation time. Exceptions to this policy require specific
written approval by the assigned probation counselor and/or Detention Manager. Length of
phone calls are limited according to Detention population and/or staff discretion.
Parents/guardians need to set up a Securus Phone services (Friends and Family) account:
1. Login in to
2. Pick the state (Washington) and facility (Skagit County Juvenile Detention Center)
3. Set up an Advance Connect account using PIN# provided by Detention staff

Mail: We will provide paper and envelopes during recreation time (not while in room). If
contraband (see definition in “THINGS TO REMEMBER”, page 5, #13) is suspected, your mail will be
opened & searched by staff. Outgoing letters with other markings or graffiti will be returned to
you. All letters sent to or received from other institutions or youth known to the juvenile justice
system will be placed in your personal belongings. Any letters containing graffiti, gang related
references, or references to criminal behavior will not be mailed/delivered. These letters will be
placed in your personal property and given to you when you are released. If these letters
contain references to criminal offenses, they may be turned over to law enforcement. Outgoing
mail must include the below return address:
Office of Juvenile Court - Detention
Your Name
605 S. 3rd St.
Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Personal Belongings: All of your personal belongings will be kept in a secure location. You
will not have access to your personal belongings while in Detention.

Personal Hygiene: Showers are given daily. You will be given clean underwear, socks, t-shirt,
and towel every day. Clean jumpsuits, sweaters and slippers are given every Sunday. Your
bedding is changed on Saturdays. We will inspect all clothing and bedding any time you return
or exchange it and you will be responsible for any damage found.

Meals: Meals are served at 6:15 am, 12:00 pm, and 4:30 pm. A snack is offered between 7:00
pm and 8:00 pm

Medical Attention: Please notify staff if you are sick/hurt/etc. Your name will be added to the
list to see the Detention nurse that comes twice each week and is available/on-call 24/7. While
detained, any previously scheduled medical appointments in the community need to be
rescheduled by your parents/legal guardians, unless it is an emergency.

Building Emergencies: If you hear an alarm, please get dressed and wait quietly on your bed.
Listen carefully and follow all staff directions. Please do not ask questions at this time - we will
keep you informed and tell you exactly what to do and where to go. You must WALK – NOT

Grievance/Complaints: If you think you have been treated unfairly, ask for a grievance form.
Fill it out and give it to the lead worker/senior staff. They will forward the form to the
Detention Manager (or OJC Administrator) who will talk to you about it.

School Program: If you are a level II or above, you must attend the Detention School Program,
even if you have graduated from high school or have your GED. There may be an exception for
some level I’s to attend school. While you are in school, you can work towards credits/grades
for the school your enrolled in or last attended. You can also work towards your GED. It is
your responsibility to get up, make your bed, clean your room and be ready each morning to go
to school when notified by staff. Here is what you can expect if you miss school for the
following reasons:
1. If you choose not to participate in the Detention school, you will receive a -1. You will
also stay in your room for the rest of the day. (no recreation/programming)
2. If you are too sick to attend school, you will stay in your room for the rest of the day.
3. If you are sent back from school for a “time out” you will remain in your room the rest of
the day or until staff determine your attitude/behavior merits a return to the classroom.
4. You might receive a marked down/lower score (staff discretion)
Other Programs: A variety of positive youth development programs are available during free
time for everyone on Level II or above (Subject to staff discretion). These programs include
sessions relating to respect for self, others, and authority; victim awareness; accountability; self-
worth; responsibility; work ethics; good citizenship; literacy; and life skills. Participation and
practice of learned skills is encouraged.

Transfers/Going To and From Your Room: When transferring from your room to the school
or recreation room, exit your room when instructed by Detention staff and go directly to the
assigned destination. Only 2 detainees at a time go through doors 242 and 243. Males & females
do not go through these same doors together. When transferring from school or recreation to
your room, line-up as instructed and return to your room as directed by Detention staff. While in
line waiting to transfer, there is no talking, stand-up straight (no leaning against the wall), keep
your hands folded behind your back and be prepared to transfer as directed.

Exercise Equipment Rules: Use only with staff supervision and permission. Exercise is
allowed during school and recreation time.

TV Rules: TV watching is allowed only during free recreation time. Please do not interfere with
TV equipment or wiring. Channel selection is by majority rule and staff approval. If a dispute
arises, staff may choose the channel or turn off the TV. Volume will be set at a level that does
not interfere with other activities.

6:00 am - 6:15 am Wake up/Get dressed/Make bed/Clean room
6:15 am - 7:00 am Breakfast/Clean-up (in room)
7:00 am - 8:00 am Recreation: MV and/or SR (staff discretion)
7:30 am - 8:30 am Level II-IV Exercise (part of school)
8:30 am - 10:00 am Showers and School
10:00 am - 10:15 am Break
10:15 am - 11:30 am School (cont.)
11:30 am - 12:00 pm In room/Get ready for lunch
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Lunch
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Break/In rooms/Quiet time (showers)
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm School (cont.)
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Recreation: Level I (staff discretion)
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Dinner/Clean up
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Visitation: Level III/IV (Monday & Wednesday)
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Recreation: ( II until 8:30; III until 9:00; IV until 9:30)
10:00 pm Room cleaning/Toothpaste/Lights out


6:00 am - 7:00 am Wake up/Get dressed/Breakfast
7:00 am - 8:00 am Recreation: Level I, MV, and/or SR
8:00 am - 9:00 am Room cleaning (change bedding/linen on Saturdays)
9:00 am - 10:00 am Showers, clean suits/slippers on Sundays
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Recreation: Level III and IV
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Lunch
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Break/All in rooms/Quiet time
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Recreation: Level III and IV (staff discretion)
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Break/All in rooms
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Recreation: Level II (staff discretion)
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Dinner
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Visitation: Level III/IV
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Recreation: (III until 8:00; IV until 9:00)
10:00 pm Room cleaning/Toothpaste/Lights out




1. Clean your room and make your bed before coming out of your room.
2. Participate in programming.
3. Follow directions given by staff, do not argue with staff.
4. No written or verbal profanity or abusive language.
5. No communication (of any kind) about crimes, escapes, drugs or other illegal activity.
6. No physical contact with residents or staff, NO assaults real or threatened.
7. No running in the building.
8. No defacing or damaging of County property. You will be held responsible for any
facility damage and payment or repair of such. Criminal action and/or loss of privileges
may result.
9. Do not tamper with any lights, smoke detectors or speakers. This includes putting
anything on, in or near them.
10. Issued clothing must be worn when out of your room (sweatshirts are optional). No
clothing is to be worn inside out or tied around your person. Pants will not be sagged and
pant legs will not be pushed or rolled up. Do not stuff your pant legs inside your socks.
11. When asked to return to your cell, do so immediately.
12. No passing of notes.
13. No contraband is allowed. If found, it will be confiscated and criminal action and/or
loss of privilege may result. “Contraband” is any drugs, alcohol, tobacco, food items,
medication or any device that could be used as a weapon or tools of escape, or anything
not issued or authorized by the Juvenile Administrator, Detention Manager or Detention
Staff. Any issued items which have been altered is contraband.
14. Drawings, graffiti or anything verbal or non-verbal related to drugs/alcohol, weapons,
pornography, satanic, or gang related activity (staff perception), will result in automatic
level drop.
15. Any written items which appear to be criminal in nature or referring to criminal behavior
will be confiscated and turned over to appropriate law enforcement.
16. Any graffiti found on your room walls, bunk, toilet, mirror, etc., will be removed and
you will receive a Major Violation.
17. Call buttons are for EMERGENCY USE ONLY. The exception is using the call
button in your room for personal medical/hygiene needs. Using a button to ask staff
“what time it is/etc.” is not an emergency or personal medical/hygiene need

1. Follow staff directions at all times.
2. Address the Judge as “Your Honor”.
3. Reply to questions from the Judge with respect.
4. Use words like “yes” instead of “yeah”.
5. Unless specifically told otherwise, you are only allowed to talk to your attorney and the
Judge. You are not allowed to talk to family, friends, or acquaintances.
6. Do not move unless directed by staff.
7. There is no physical contact with family, friends, or relatives at any time.


The Basics/Overview
Good Behavior in Detention = More free time and privileges
Free time and privileges are earned/received based on your level and staff discretion
Your level is determined by your shift scores
Your shift score is based on your behavior

The Level System is a choice based opportunity to earn good behavior points that can help you
see and experience how much control you have over your personal and shared space/time while
in Detention.
The Level System is a way for you to influence some of your own time and space. It’s your
chance to earn points for both what you say or do and how you say or do things.
You can earn points during the 3 staff shifts each day. Those 3 sets of points are averaged each
24 hours to provide a single daily score. Your score influences your Level. Your level
influences your privileges.
When you are admitted you will start at Level 2, if there are no known security risks,
intoxication, suicide ideation and/or other behaviors that would indicate a need for isolation and
Possible Scores
3 = Excellent behavior, above/beyond expectations
2 = Average behavior, expectations met
1 = Not good behavior, an expectation not met
-1 = Bad behavior, one or more expectations not met
MV = Major Violation; deliberate disregard of expectations
(Level I privileges last at least 24 hours)
SR = Security Risk; deliberate disregard of expectations, security & safety
(Level I privileges last at least 48 hours, needs letter)
2.6 – 3.0 daily average/score: A continuous daily average of 2.6, or above, will move you
from a level 2 to a level 4 in 96 hours (4 days). To stay at level 4 you must earn a daily average
of 2.6, or above, every day thereafter.
2.0 – 2.5 daily average/score: A continuous daily average of 2.0-2.5 will move you from a
level 2 to a level 3 in 48 hours (2 days). To stay at level 3 you must earn a daily average of 2.0-
2.5 every day thereafter.
1.4 – 1.9 daily average/score: A daily average of 1.4 – 1.9 will move you down one level
immediately. A continuous daily average of 1.4 – 1.9 will keep you at a level 1.
0 – 1.3 daily average/score: A daily average of 0 – 1.3 will move you down two levels
immediately. A continuous daily average of 0 – 1.3 will move you to the Alternative Level

Alternative Level System: Requires 96 hours/4 days at each level before moving up a level,
assuming your scores have improved as outlined above for each respective level. You can earn
your way back to the normal Level System with continuous daily averages of 2.0-3.0

Major Violation Status: Non-compliance with rules/directions. Swearing, contraband,

property destruction/graffiti are examples of a Major Violation. 1st) will result in immediate
reduction to level 1. 2nd, 3rd, 4th,…) will result in immediate reduction to level I and could
result in an Alternative or Security Level Status change. Major Violation status is for 24 hours
minimum and until the next day score change.

Security Risk Status: Any behavior that threatens the safety, security of the facility or other
persons/staff. Examples - threatening remarks, contraband, assaults, facility damage, etc.
Security Risk Status is for 48 hours minimum and until the next score change.

Security Risk Level System: Any Security Risk and/or regular pattern of Major or Minor
Violations can result in you being placed on the Security Risk Level System. Rising through
the Security Risk Level System requires a written request by you and approval of the Detention
Manager for each level of advancement.

We know the point system might be difficult to understand – if you have any questions, please
ask any staff person to explain further ...we want you to achieve the highest level.


Level 1: Allows for 1 hour of out of room time per day. The one hour out of room time will be
allowed as long as the resident is not under the influence of drugs or alcohol and is not hostile
or disruptive in any way. All Residents will receive 1 hour out of their room per day, at staff’s
discretion. Phone calls and visitations are allowed only under certain conditions.

Level 2: Unless otherwise indicated, all youth are placed on Level 2 at admission. Level 2
allows for school and 1½ hours of recreation time. On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, Level
2 allows 1½ hours of recreation time.

Level 3: Allows for school and out of room meals plus 2 hours of recreation time. On
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays Level 3 allows for 4 hours of recreation time.

Level 4: Allows for school and out of room meals plus 2½ hours of recreation time. On
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, Level 4 allows for 5 hours of recreation time.

Positive Performance Snacks (PPS)
For every ten (10) separate scores of three (3) earned, you may choose a PPS. A “three score”
can be a shift score and/or special incentive scores, given throughout a shift period from any
staff, in recognition for exceptional behavior and/or speech. In other words, more than one
score of three (3) can be earned during a single shift period. Sincere displays of the positive
youth development program skills mentioned above (page 3 “Other Programs”) may result in
special incentive scores from staff throughout the shift period. PPS are in addition to any other
regular scheduled snacks. The PPS options are posted at the control room window. Check it
out (with permission) and work towards a PPS snack.

These rules have been established to ensure that you are

safe and secure. Acting in a respectful, courteous manner
is appreciated and reciprocated.

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change. ~Author unknown

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