Trains Galore WEB
Trains Galore WEB
Trains Galore WEB
Trains Galore
11th & 12th December 2018 at 10:00
10th December 2018 10:00-16:00
11th December 2018 10:00- 16:00
16:00-18:00 Mulled Wine, Mince Pies & Nibbles
12th December 2018 Morning of auction from 9:00
Otherwise by appointment
Saleroom One
81 Greenham Business Park
Telephone: 01635 580595
Fax: 0871 714 6905
Email: [email protected]
N Gauge 1-57
TT Gauge 58-124
HOn3, HOm & On3O Gauge 125-147
Hornby OO Gauge 148-277
Lima OO & HO Gauge 278-300
Bachmann OO Gauge 301-381
Hornby-Dublo 382-452
Hornby-Dublo Catalogues 453-459
Wrenn OO Gauge 460-469
Other OO Gauge 470-522
Kitbuilt OO Gauge 523-584
HO Gauge 585-717
American HO Gauge 718-736
Railwayana 737-806
Railway Pictures, Prints & Books 807-827
Penny Toys, Floor Trains & S Gauge 828-835
Hornby O Gauge 836-909
Bassett-Lowke 910-937
Modern O Gauge 938-989
Finescale O Gauge 990-1099
Other O Gauge 1100-1236
Gauge I 1237-1315
LGB & Other Garden Railway 1316-1332
Wide Gauges & Live Steam 1333-1414
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
2 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
N GAUGE 14. Graham Farish By Bachmann N
Gauge Locomotives, a trio of Pannier Tank
models, comprising No 371-986, Class 64XX
6417 in BR black early emblem, and No 371-
987, Class 64XX 6412 in BR green late-crest
together with No 371-985 class 64XX 6407
in GWR green, all in original cases with card
8. Graham Farish By Bachmann N sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (3) £80-120
1. Graham Farish By Bachmann N Gauge Locomotives and Tenders, a duo of BR
Gauge Locomotives and Tenders, a duo of BR models in green livery, comprising No 372001, 15. Graham Farish By Bachmann N
late-crest models in green livery comprising 49XX Hall 4970 ‘Sketty Hall’, GWR green, Gauge Locomotives, a trio of BR models in
No 372000, 49xx Hall 5955 ‘Garth Hall’, together with No 372-802, Class A1 60147, black livery, comprising No 372-325, Standard
together with No 372026, Castle Class 4080, ‘North Eastern’, early emblem, G £80-120 Class 3MT 82016, early emblem and No 372-
‘Powderham Castle’ D/C, both in original cases 751, Fairburn 2-6-4 Tank 42096, early emblem
with card sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (2) £80-120 9. Graham Farish By Bachmann N together with No 372-530, 4MT Tank 80048,
Gauge Locomotives and Tenders, a duo of BR early emblem weathered, all in original cases,
2. Graham Farish By Bachmann N models in green livery, comprising No 372025, the latter minus card sleeve, G-E, boxes F-G,
Gauge Locomotives and Tenders, a duo of BR Castle Class 7033, ‘Hartlebury Castle’, early (3) £100-150
late-crest models, comprising No 372-151, 8F emblem, together with No 372-575, Royal
48045 in black livery, together with No 372- Scot Locomotive, 46159 ‘The Royal Airforce’, 16. Graham Farish By Bachmann N
600 V2 60800 ‘Green Arrow’ in green livery, late-crest, both in original cases with card Gauge Locomotives, four BR Diesel Shunter
both in original cases with card sleeves, G-E, sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (2) £80-120 models in green livery, comprising No 371-001
boxes G,(2) £80-120 Class 08 D3729, late-crest, No 371-050 Class
10. Graham Farish By Bachmann N 04 D2246, wasp stripes and No 371-060,
3. Graham Farish By Bachmann N Gauge Locomotives, a duo of BR models in Class 03 D2011, late-crest, together with No
Gauge Locomotives and Tenders, a duo of BR green livery, comprising No 371275, Class 55 371050A, Class 04 D2264, three in original
green models, comprising No 3772352, A4 D9000 Royal Scots, together with No 371-201 cases with card sleeves the other boxed, G-E,
‘Union of South Africa’ 60009, together with Class 44 Diesel D1 Scafell Pike, both in original boxes G, (4) £100-150
No 372-476, Jubilee 45611 Hong Kong, 4000 cases with card sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (2)
gal Tender and early emblem, both in original £80-120 17. Graham Farish By Bachmann
cases with card sleeves, G-E, boxes G (2) N Gauge Locomotives, a trio of BR Tank
£80-120 11. Graham Farish By Bachmann N Locomotive models, comprising, No 371975
Gauge Locomotives, a duo of Diesel models, 61XX Prairie 6135 in green early emblem and
4. Graham Farish By Bachmann N comprising No 372-920, Deltic Prototype DP1 No 371901 57XX Pannier 5775 in black, late-
Gauge Locomotives and Tenders, a duo of BR preserved livery, together with No 371-400 crest, together with No 371925, 8750 Pannier
late-crest models in green livery, comprising, Class 52 Diesel D1023 ‘Western Fusilier’ BR 8763 in black, two boxed one in case with card
No 372-353, A4 60027 ‘Merlin’, together maroon, both in original cases with card sleeve, G-E, boxes G, (3) £80-120
with No 372551, 6XXX King Class 6008, ‘King sleeves, G-E, boxes G (2) £100-150
James II’, D/C, both in original cases with card 18. Graham Farish By Bachmann N
sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (2) £80-120 12. Graham Farish By Bachmann N Gauge Four Car Set, in original box, No 372-
Gauge Locomotives and Tenders, a trio of BR 675 4CEP Four Car EMU 7105 SR multiple unit
models in black livery, comprising No 372-626, in green livery, G-E, Box G £80-100
Ivatt Class 2MT 2-6-0 46440, early emblem
and No 372-931 N Class 2-6-0 31844, early 19. Graham Farish By Bachmann N
emblem, together with No 372-932, N Class Gauge Two Car Unit and Coaches, a BR group
2-6-0 31811, late-crest, all in original cases all in green livery, comprising, No 371-875A
with card sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (3) £100-150 108 DMU BR Speed Whiskers 2 car unit, in
original cases with card sleeve, together with
5. Graham Farish By Bachmann N five boxed coaches, including No 374-460
Gauge Locomotives and Tenders, a duo of BR Bulleid Composite corridor, No 374-450
late-crest models in black livery, comprising Bulleid Second Open, No 374-440 Bulleid
No 372-651, Standard Class 4MT 2-6-0 76069, Second Corridor and 374-430 Bulleid Semi-
together with No 372-077, Class B1 61251, Open second brake (2), G-E, boxes G, (6)
‘Oliver Bury’, both in original cases with card £80-100
sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (2) £80-120
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 3
21. Graham Farish N Gauge 28. Dapol N Gauge Locomotives and 34. Hornby Minitrix N Gauge
Locomotives with Tenders, four BR models, Tenders, a duo of BR models in black livery, Locomotives and Tenders, a duo of BR
comprising No 1809 Motorised Chassis Black comprising, ND-075A, 33004 Q1 with late models in green livery, comprising, N211
Five, No 1816 Duchess Class, ‘Duchess of crest, together with ND-120A, B1 61099 with 4-6-2 ‘Mallard’ 60022, and 12949 4-6-2 ‘Flying
Hamilton’ in red livery and No 1515 Pacific late-crest, both in original cases with card Scotsman’ 60103, both in original cases, G-E,
Class rebuilt Battle of Britain, ‘602 Squadron’ sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (2) £80-120 boxes G, (2) £80-120
No 34089 in green livery, together with No
1855 2-6-0 Crab 42806 in black livery, all 35. Hornby Minitrix and Union Mills
boxed, G-E, boxes G, (4) £80-100 N Gauge Locomotives, four boxed models,
comprising, Hornby Minitrix BR N213, 2-6-0
22. Graham Farish N Gauge Ivatt Class 46406 with Tender in green and
Locomotives with Tenders, five BR models N205, 2-6-2 Ivatt class 41234 in black, both
all in green livery, comprising, No 1446 ex LMS, together with Union Mills ex-LSWR
Winchester Castle, No 1445 Castle Class Drummond T9 4-4-0 in SR black together with
Windsor, No 1814 Duchess Class, King George 29. Dapol N Gauge Locomotives and BR Class B12/3 4-6-0 in black livery, G-E, boxes
VI and No 1415 King Class, King John, together Tenders, a duo of models in green livery, G, (4) £80-120
with No 1513 Pacific Class, rebuilt Merchant comprising, ND-135B GWR ‘Leighton Hall’,
Navy, Clan line No 35028, all boxed, G-E, together with ND-079B, B17 ‘Hull City’, with 36. Various N Gauge Locomotives, a
boxes G, (5) £100-150 late crest, both in original cases with card group of seven comprising, Arnold 5501, 0-6-0
sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (2) £80-120 Tank Locomotive in black, Fleischmann Piccolo
23. Graham Farish N Gauge 7160, German, Class 3810-40 4-6-0 loco and
Locomotives, six BR Tank Locomotives, all in 30. Dapol N Gauge Locomotives, four Tender in black, a Rivarossi 2197 231E13 SNCF
black livery comprising, No 1105 9400 Class BR models, comprising, ND-090E, 9F 92050 Locomotive and Tender in black, and a 2-6-4
Pannier, No 1606 Prairie 6102, No 1125 Class with single chimney and BR1C Tender in standard class Locomotive in black livery, by
5700 Pannier Cab type 2 and No 1115, 5700 black, together with three Tank Locomotives, Graham Farish, together with three kit built
Class Pannier, together with No 1656 2-6-4 including ND-105 45xx Slope Tank 5532 with models, a Union Mills ex Midland Railway
Standard 80079 (2), all boxed G-E, boxes F-G, late crest in green, ND-061A Ivatt 41234 in 3F 0-6-0 in BR Black with Tender, a rebuilt
(6) £100-150 black with late crest and ND-045, M7 30128 in Merchant Navy class 4-6-2 35018 in green, a
black with late crest, all in original cases with Langley kit on Minitrix chassis and a B1 4-6-0
24. Graham Farish N Gauge card sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (4) £100-150 61376 Locomotive and Tender in black marked
Locomotives, six BR and GWR models, Grafar Ltd, all boxed or cased, F-E, boxes F-G,
comprising No1845 BR 0-6-0 Class 4f in black, 31. Dapol N Gauge Locomotives, Five (7) £100-150
Class 4P in BR black, Class 40 in BR green, class BR Tank Locomotives, comprising, ND-013,
8F Locomotive in BR black, and GWR railcar in 2-6-2 45xx 4570 in green with early crest, 37. Minitrix N Gauge Locomotives and
red and cream livery, (all in associated boxes) ND002 0-4-2 No 1458 in black, ND003 14xx Coaches, a cased group comprising, a Prussian
together with No 8175 Diesel railcar in BR No 1466 in green and ND-100D Terrier 32662 DR DB Class BR 89 Tank Locomotive and two
green with correct box, G-E, boxes F-G, (6) in black, together with ND-025 M7 30031 in coach set, together with ten cased coaches,
£80-120 black, all in original cases with card sleeves, including 13013 BR Maroon (2), 13116 LNER
G-E, boxes G, (6) £100-150 maroon 3rd, 13014 LNER teak, 13014 BR
maroon (2), 13014 3rd LNER cream and
32. Dapol N Gauge Locomotive and maroon(2) and 13014 3rd LNER Maroon(2)
Rolling Stock, a cased group comprising G-E, boxes G, (11) £60-80
NDO84Z Hymek D7017 in BR green, four
Southern BR wagons comprising NB-
007(S2385S), NB013 ( S2394S), NB-007
(S2385S) and NB-003 (S2380S), together with
a BR (M), Parcel Wagon NB-014 and two 6
25. Dapol N Gauge Locomotives and wheel Tank Wagons NB-028 Express Dairy, NB-
Tenders, a duo of BR models in black livery, 027 United Dairies, all with card sleeves, G-E,
comprising, 2S-009-003, 3832, 2884 Class 2-8- boxes G, (8) £80-120
0 Locomotive with early crest, together with
2S-002-002, 30921 Schools Class ‘Shrewsbury’,
with early logo, both in original cases with 38. Dapol N Gauge Maroon Gresley
card sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (2) £80-120 Coaches, a rake of seven in cases with card
sleeves, comprising NC-030B BR 1st E11020E,
26. Dapol N Gauge Locomotives and NC-031C BR 2nd E12002E, (no card sleeve),
Tenders, a duo of models in green livery, NC-031D BR 2nd E12071E, (2) NC-032A BR
comprising, 2S-009-002, 2892, 2884 Class 2-8- Composite E10077E, NC-032B BR Composite
0 GWR Locomotive with shirt button emblem, E10080E and NC-033 BR Buffet E9133E, G-E,
together with S-002-000, 30926 Schools Class boxes G, (7) £60-80
‘Repton’, with late crest, both in original cases
with card sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (2)b£80-120 33. Hornby Minitrix N Gauge 39. Dapol N Gauge Coaches, a group
Locomotives and Tenders, a trio of BR models of nine in cases with card sleeves, comprising
27. Dapol N Gauge Locomotives comprising, N203 4-6-2 ‘Britannia’ 70000 in GWR Hawksworth Collett, NC0-17a brake
and Tenders, a duo of BR models in green green livery and N207 Class 9F 2-10-0 in black 6485, NC-017b third, NC-016b third 1146
livery, comprising, ND-095A, Class 7MT livery together with N207 Class 9F Evening and NC-015b composite 7021, together with
Britannia 70000, together with ND-079C, B17 Star 92220 in green livery, all boxed, G-E, NC011 Autocoach BR crimson/cream 192 and
‘Helmingham Hall’ with late logo, both in boxes F, (3) £100-150 four BR maroon coaches including NB-003
cases with card sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (2) Siphon H parcel van W1431, NB-001 Siphon G
£80-120 W1449, NB-005 B Set coach W6907W and NB-
006 B Set coach W6970W, G-E, boxes G, (9)
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price £60-80
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
4 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
40. Dapol N Gauge Locomotive and 52. Arnold and Hobby Train N Gauge
Rolling Stock, a collection of BR and BR Locomotives and Tenders a group of four
Southern models comprising, 2D-009-001 Steam Locomotives, three with Tenders
Class 121 55027 with whiskers in green, comprising, Arnold 2546, P4 of the KPEV and
and two, 2F-047-008 CCT Vans S2394S in BR 2273, T 18 of the KPEV, both in green livery
Southern Green, together with a rake of nine together with 2223, BR 89 6009 of the DRG in
BR SR green Maunsell coaches, including 2P- black livery and Hobby Train 10573, BR 57 of
012-301 1st 7665 (3), 2P-012-400 3rd 2350, the KPEV, in green livery, G, cases G, (4)
2P-012-351 Brake 3rd 4048, 2P-012-302 1st £80-120
7667, 2P-012-352 Brake 3rd 4049 (2) and 45. Trix Minitrix N Gauge Train Pack,
2P-012-451 Composite, 5137, all in cases with a boxed German set 11441 Rheingold,
card sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (12) £100-150 comprising Locomotive Tender and five
coaches, fitted with DCC chip, G-E, box G
41. Graham Farish N Gauge Coaches, £80-120
a boxed collection comprising, models by
Bachmann including, 374-451, 374-810, 374- 46. Minitrix N Gauge Train Pack, a
029, 374-280, 374-290, 374-026, together boxed Orient Express set 1017, comprising
with Farish models, No 0775 (2), No 0646 4-6-0 Prussian green livery S10 Class
Pullman Diners (4), No 0643/0653 Golden Locomotive, three Wagons Lits and two 53. Arnold Shunting Locomotive
Arrow Pullman Diners (2) and No 0684, G-E, baggage cars, G, box G £80-100 and Coaches, a group of six cased models
boxes G, (15) £80-120 comprising, 2460, Electric E63 Locomotive of
the DRG in green livery, together with 3050
goods van, 3040, 2nd class coach (2) and
3030, 3rd class coach (2), all in green livery, G,
cases F-G, (6) £50-80
47. Fleischmann N Gauge Royal 54. Ibertren Train Set and Freight, a
Prussian Train Set, a boxed set 7880, boxed/cased group of six models comprising,
comprising P8 series Steam Locomotive in 995, train set including MZA Black Spur
KPEV green livery and four coaches, G, box F Tank Locomotive, two coaches and baggage
£80-100 car, together with 944, Black Spur Tank
Locomotive, and freight including 357 BP Tank
48. Fleischmann N Gauge Locomotives wagon, 271 flat truck and crane and 436/437
and Tenders, a cased trio of Steam bolster wagons, G, boxes G, (6) £80-100
42. Graham Farish N Gauge 3 Car Set Locomotives comprising, 7170, BR 011 of the
and Various Coaches, a boxed collection DB and 7160, BR 038 also of the DB, both in 55. Wrenn Micromodel by Lima N
comprising No 8143, 3 car 57ft Diesel black livery, together with 7033, BR 91.3 Tank Gauge Locomotives and Coaches, a mostly
Motor Unit Class 101 DMBS (motorised) TS Locomotive, in green livery, G, Cases G, (3) boxed collection comprising boxed 202,
& DMC BR green, together with six models £80-100 Italian Electric Locomotive, five boxed
by Bachmann, 374-028, 374-631, 374-271, coaches, 302 mail coach, 303 dining car (2)
374-027, 374-310, 374-281, and fifteen Farish 49. Minitrix N Gauge Locomotives and 305 Parlour Car (2) and 403 open steel
examples including No 0624 GWR Mainline and Tenders, a boxed/cased trio of Steam wagons, together with unboxed E3185 BR
coach (2), No 0683 SR Corridor Coaches 2nd Locomotives comprising, 2900, BR 01 of the Electric Locomotive, guards van and passenger
(2), No 0693 SR Corridor Brake Coaches (2), DB and 2923, BR 56 of the DG, together with coach, F-G, boxes P-F, (10) £50-80
No 0913 BR 101 DMU Bogie Coach (2) and 2052, BR Dock Tank class 2F Locomotive, F-G,
others, G-E, boxes F-G, (22 £100-150 boxes F-G, (3) £80-120 56. Various N Gauge Locomotives and
Freight Stock, boxed models including Roco
43. N Gauge Coaches and Other Rolling 2510A, Diesel BR V 215 of the DB, Bachmann
Stock, four boxed examples by Graham Farish 4792, Santa Fe Plymouth 0-6-0 Diesel and
Bachmann, comprising 377-877/876 Queen seven cased Roco freight trucks 2316 (4), 2300
Mary Brake Van EWS/BR Bauxite, and 373- (2) and 2357, together with Minitrix cased
361/362 BR Mk1 Horse Box green/maroon, freight 3588 (3) and boxed 2212(2), 2233 and
together with a collection of unboxed coaches various unboxed freight stock models by Trix,
and other examples of rolling stock from 50. Minitrix N Gauge Locomotives and Peco, Lima and Ibertren (13), F-E, boxes P-G,
various regions mostly by Graham Farish, but Tenders, a cased trio of Steam Locomotives, (25+) £60-80
including some Bachmann, F-E, boxes G, (55+) comprising 12227, S3/6 of the K.Bay.Sts Bahn
£120-160 in blue livery and 12035, S2/5 Type 2’B 1’n4v, 57. N Gauge Coaching Stock, a boxed/
together with 2903, Type G3/4, both in green cased collection including, Graham Farish
44. Dapol and Graham Farish N livery of the K.Bay, Sta Bahn, G, cases G, (3) 0647/0681, Fleischmann 8060,8061, 8062(2),
Gauge Locomotives and Rolling Stock, a £80-120 Roco 02256C (3), 002258C (2), O2268A,
boxed collection comprising three Dapol 02274A and Minitrix 3170, 3171(2), 3172,
Locomotives, ND-025 M7 BR black 30031, 51. Arnold N Gauge Locomotives and 3178, 2937, G-E, boxes F-G, (19) £80-100
ND-045 M7 BR black late crest 30128 and Tenders a trio of Steam Locomotives two
ND-057 LSWR 245 in green livery, together a with Tenders comprising, 2540, BR 18 of TT GAUGE
2P-012-352 Maunsell Coach, 2F-047-008 CCT the DB and 2557, BR 18 of the DB, together
Van and NB-007 CCT brake van all by Dapol with 2275, BR 96 Mallet Locomotive of the 58. Tri-ang TT Gauge Locomotives, T96
in BR SR green and four Farish BR SR coaches Deutsche Reichsbahn, all in black livery, G, A1A A1A BR green Diesel, T95 0-6-0 Diesel
one by Bachmann and a 377-852 SR BR grey cases G, (3) £80-120 Shunter and T90 0-6-0 Steam Tank Loco, all
pill box brake van, all boxed six in cases with in original boxes, together with unboxed BR
card sleeves, G-E, boxes G, (11) £100-150 green 4082 ‘Windsor Castle’ 4-6-0 Locomotive
and Tender, G-VG, boxes F-G (5 including
Tender) £50-70
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 5
59. Tri-ang TT Gauge Locomotives, T96 66. Kitbuilt TT Gauge BR green Steam
A1A A1A BR green Diesel, two T95 0-6-0 Diesel Locomotives on Tri-ang Chassis 45541 ‘City of
Shunters, all in original boxes, together with Sutherland’, 46137, 4-6-0 30850 ‘Lord Nelson’
unboxed T90 0-6-0 Steam Tank Loco, G-VG, with 8-wheel Tender, 46110 ‘Grenadier
boxes F-G (4) £50-70 Guardsman’ and non powered Schools Class
with an 8-wheel Tender, built and painted to
60. Tri-ang TT Gauge Passenger and an amateur-fair standard, F-G (10, including
Goods Rolling Stock, T184 WR Restaurant Tenders) £80-120
Car, in late issue box, maroon Utility Van 74. Adapted Tri-ang TT Gauge Castle
and three maroon and one green Suburban 67. Kitbuilt TT Gauge BR and GWR Locomotives and Tenders, including renamed
coaches (one in incorrect box), various wagons Pannier Tank Locomotives on Tri-ang Chassis and renumbered ‘Harlech Castle’, ‘Trinity Hall’,
including T272 Bogie Tank, T277 Bogie Bolster various models all with metal bodies ‘Torquay Manor’, ‘Clifford Castle’, and three
and others, all in original boxes (14) together probably by GEM, finished in BR green and altered to 2-6-0 Moguls , all to an amateur
with five unboxed (5), G-VG, boxes F-G (26) black and GWR green, built and painted to standard, one lacks a Tender, F (15 including
£70-90 amateur to good standard, F-VG (13) Tenders) £60-80
61. Tri-ang TT Gauge Buildings and 75. Kitbuilt GWR King Class on Tri-
Accessories, T31 Station Set, T32 Island 68. Kitbuilt TT Gauge 0-6-0 black Tank ang TT chassis and adapted Tri-ang Castle
Platform Set, T20 Platform Units (3 in one and Tender Locomotives on Tri-ang Chassis, Locomotives and Tenders two metal bodied
box), T25 Booking Hall, T26 Platform Canopy 0-6-0 Tender Locomotives, LNER 4380 and King Class Locomotives and Tenders , both
(2), T27 Crewe Signal Box, 8x Single arm 4379, LMS 4567, BR un-numbered, unlined un-numbered, five altered Castles including
signals and Loading Gauge , in one box, T29 black 2-6-0 (no Tender), 0-6-0 Tank Engines, ‘County of Somerset’, ‘Manorbier Castle’,
Level Crossing, T30 Footbridge, T33 Level NE 589, LNER 8955 and BR 68754, all built and ‘Howick Hall’, ‘Bucklebury Grange’ and
Crossing Type B and T140 Signal Gantry, all in painted to an amateur-good standard, F-VG un-numbered half cab, all with Tenders,
original boxes, G-VG, boxes F-G (13 boxes) (12 including Tenders) £80-120 built, altered and painted to an amateur-fair
£70-90 standard, F (14 including Tenders) £60-80
69. Tri-ang TT 0-6-0 Tank Engines,
62. Tri-ang TT Gauge Track and most in original condition, some repainted/ 76. Adapted Tri-ang TT Gauge Castle
Accessories, including T150 Type B small renumbered, F-G (12) £60-90 Locomotives and Tenders, including renamed
radius curved track (11 in two boxes), T153 and renumbered ‘Isambard Kingdom Brunel’
Type B large radius curved track (11 in box), with double chimney, ‘Princess Patricia’,
T152 Type B Half Straight Track (9 in box), ‘Bryngwyn Hall’ in black, ‘Pendennis Castle’,
T162 and T163 Type B Electric Points (2), ‘Banbury Castle’ and two others un-named
T108 Track Foundations single curved (6 in including one with a double chimney, one
box) and T108 Foundations straight (4 in box), without a Tender, all converted to an amateur/
T110 High Level Piers (6 in box), T105 Inclined fair standard, F (13 including Tenders) £60-80
Piers, T35 Diesel Loco Shed and RT42 Speed
Controllers (2), all in original boxes, together 70. Kitbuilt TT Gauge 0-6-0 Tank
with small quantity of B track and controller, Engines on Tri-ang Chassis and Tri-ang
generally G-VG, boxes F-G (qty) £50-70 repainted Tank Engines, four engines with
metal bodies including Pannier Tank, Southern
2105 and green Southern 182 and un-
numbered and unlined black, Tri-ang Tanks
repainted Southern green 277 and Highland
Railway green 77, built and painted to an
63. A TT Gauge kitbuilt Class A4 4-6-2 amateur-fair standard, F (7) £50-70
Steam Locomotive on a Tri-ang chassis, 77. Tri-ang TT Castle Class Locomotives
finished in plain blue, requires completing, G 71. Kitbuilt TT Gauge 4-6-0 Steam and Tenders, Windsor Castle’ (5) and
£50-70 Locomotives and Tenders on Tri-ang Chassis, ‘Tintagel Castle’ (3), one with a repainted
King Class 6015 ‘King Richard III’ and 6018 Tender otherwise appear original, F-VG (16
‘King Henry VI’ , BR black 44789 and un- including Tenders) £80-120
numbered green all with metal bodies and
three with TrI-ang Tenders, BR black 73083
with Tender, all built to amateur-fair standard
(9 including Tenders) £60-80
72. Kitbuilt TT Gauge 0-6-0 GWR and 78. A Tri-ang TT Castle Class
BR Steam Locomotives and Tenders on Tri- Locomotive repainted to and excellent
ang Chassis, GWR green 2273, 2221, 2241, BR standard, Tintagel Castle’ repainted and
64. Tri-ang TT Gauge BR black 2-6-2 green 2258 and BR black 2-6-0 unnumbered, re-lined in GWR green livery to a very good
Tank Engines, four models, two with open all built and painted to an amateur standard F, standard, re-wheeled with finescale wheels,
spoke driving wheels, VG (4) £80-120 (10 including Tenders) £60-80 VG £40-60
65. Pair of kitbuilt TT Gauge Q1 Class 73. Kitbuilt TT Gauge 4-6-2 Tank 79. Tri-ang TT kitbuilt and repainted
0-6-0 Steam Locomotives and Tenders, both Locomotive on a Tri-ang chassis and Tank and renumbered 2-6-2 Tank Locomotives,
with Tri-ang chassis with Bulleid wheels, one engines, BR black 4-6-2T 69806, 0-6-0 Pannier kitbuilt GWR green 6157, repainted GWR
in BR black 330121, other plain green, both Tank, both built and painted to an amateur green 6142 and two with no numbers, BR
built to a fair standard and painted to an standard and four Tri-ang 0-6-0 Tank engines, black one with detail and other kitbuilt body
amateur standard F-G (4 including Tenders) F (6) £50-70 poorly repainted, P-VG (7) £80-100
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
6 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
86. Tri-ang TT Gauge original and
amended Britannia Class Locomotives and
Tenders, original ‘’Britannia’’ and ‘Boadicea’,
renumbered 70014 ‘Iron Duke’ and 70006
‘Robert Burns’, converted to an amateur
standard, F-G (8 including Tenders) £80-100
83. Tri-ang TT Castle Class Locomotive 100. Kitbuilt TT Gauge 4-wheel Railcar
converted to a Star Class Locomotive, 90. Bec Kitbuilt TT Gauge LNER J11 on a Tri-ang A1A A1A motor bogie, BR green
repainted in GWR green and renumbered Locomotive and Tender, finished in BR unlined W79978, built and painted to an amateur-fair
4043, altered and painted to a good standard, black No 64375, built and painted to a fair- standard, F-G £30-50
G £30-50 good standard, G £40-60
101. Tri-ang TT Gauge boxed Tenders,
91. Tri-ang TT Gauge BR Railcars, Power T592 Continental Pacific Tender (4 , two
car and three Trailer cars, all roofs painted unopened), Castle Tenders (5, one sealed),
grey, F-G (4) £60-80 G-M, boxes F-VG (9) £60-80
85. Tri-ang TT Gauge Britannia Class 93. Tri-ang TT Gauge BR Railcars, Power
Locomotives and Tenders, Britannia’ (3, and Trailer with two centre cars, G-VG, (4)
one heavily weathered with open spoke £80-100
wheels), all lack nameplates, ‘Boadicea’, F-G (8 103. Tri-ang TT Gauge boxed
including Tenders) £80-100 94. Tri-ang TT Gauge BR Railcars, Power Locomotives, T93 Merchant Navy Class ‘Clan
and Trailer with two centre cars, G-VG, a little Line’ in original box and unboxed Tender, and
grubby (4) £80-100 pair of BR unlined black 0-6-0 Tank Engine, in
original boxes, G-VG, boxes F-G (4) £50-70
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 7
104. Tri-ang TT Gauge T5 Train Set, 121. Berliner Bahnen TT Hobby Steam
comprising BR black 0-6-0 Tank and two Tank Locomotives, 2240 DB black 2-8-2 Tank
maroon coaches and oval of track, in original (2), in original blue window boxes and 2210
box, G, box F, lid corners loose £40-60 DB black BR 81 001, in original boxes (2), VG,
boxes F (4) £80-100
105. Tri-ang TT Gauge Passenger Rolling
Stock some repaints organised in five rakes, 122. Berliner Bahnen TT Hobby Steam
repainted LNER brown (5) and BR crimson 113. Tri-ang TT Gauge uncommon Locomotives, 2230 DB black 2-8-0 56 2719, in
and cream (4), original, BR maroon (5), BR WR late issue BR blue/grey late issue coaches, original boxes, E, boxes F (2) £60-80
chocolate and cream (10), some wheels with Restaurant Car, Brake/2nd and Ist/2nd coach
white rims, generally G-VG (24) £70-100 VG (2) £120-160 123. Wesa and Berliner Bahnen TT
Hobby Passenger Rolling Stock, Wesa 200
114. Tri-ang TT Gauge repainted royal blue Wagon Lits Sleeping Cars (2), TT Hobby,
blue with Observation coach, rake of four 3622 DR green bogie coaches (3, two boxed),
coaches including a Mk1 converted to an 3411 red 6-wheel Baggage car, in original
Observation coach rebuilt to a fair standard, boxes, unboxed DR bright green Main line
Sleeping Car, Retaurant car and First class coaches and five DR green 4-wheel coaches
coach, repainting to an amateur standard, F-G with verandas, generally VG, boxes F (12)
106. Tri-ang TT Gauge BR WR and GWR (4) £40-60 £40-60
Passenger Rolling Stock some repaints, WR
with Paddington-Swansea coach boards (5,
one coach converted to parcels van), with
Paddington-Penzance coach boards (5),
original BR WR (8, including three Restaurant
Cars) , repainted chocolate and cream Mk 1
(5), Parcels coach (1), Suburban coaches (2)
and two repainted brown Utility Vans, one late
issue BR SR green 1st/2nd, F-VG (27) £80-120 115. Tri-ang TT Gauge bogie Tank
wagons, ICI red (8), Murgatroyd’s (1) and
107. Tri-ang TT Gauge BR maroon Liquid Chlorine (4), G-VG (13) £60-80
Passenger Rolling Stock some repaints, 124. Ten copies of Rob Hampton’s
various MK 1 coaches (8, including three 116. Tri-ang TT Gauge Goods Rolling excellent book Tri-ang TT Railways, E, in as
Restaurant cars), two late issue BR maroon stock including repainted Private Owners new condition (10) £100-140
coaches, Suburban coaches (5) , four wagons, including T77 Cattle wagon in original
repainted coaches with altered windows and box, unboxed Track cleaning truck and various HOn3, HOM & ON30 GAUGE
one other repainted coach, F-VG (20) £60-80 other wagons (24, some repainted), Toad
Brake van and nine repainted Private Owners 125. H0 n3 Gauge Locomotives rolling
108. Tri-ang TT Gauge chocolate and open trucks, F-VG (36) £70-100 stock and Accessories, black 2-8-0 Steam
cream Pullman Coaches, Snipe’, ‘Eagle’ and Locomotive and Tender, two green coaches
‘Falcon’, VG (3) £50-70 117. TT 3MM Gauge unmade Signal with verandas and Baggage/US Mail van,
Products Kits, including GPO Morris Van (2), Grandit Line and Durango Press unmade
109. Tri-ang TT Gauge chocolate and Thorneycroft A1 Parcels Van and AEC Regal Gondola plastic kits, Precision scale Stock
cream Pullman Coaches, Snipe’, ‘Eagle’ and Bus/Coach (2), all in original packaging, E, Car kit, MRGS Caboose kit, all four in original
renumbered ‘45’, VG (3) £50-70 packets G (5) £40-60 boxes, six Shinohara Points (Turnouts), in
original packaging, 12 lengths of Rail Craft
118. TT 3mm Gauge Accessories Flexi Track, various Kadee coupling packs and
including nameplates Cab Numbers and other HO accessories, VG-E, boxes G-VG (qty)
other items, PC Models Loco Plates/numbers £80-120
(7), Kings Cross Engraved Plates/numbers (15
110. Tri-ang TT Gauge uncommon + a few part packs), LFC (3, two complete),
late issue BR blue/grey late issue coaches, Hobbytime (14), all in original packets and
Restaurant Car and Ist/2nd coach VG (2) four others on plain card, G-VG, packets G
£80-120 (40+) £30-50
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 9
151. Hornby 00 Gauge (China) BR 157. Hornby (China), 00 Gauge
Locomotives and Tenders, R2716 black Class Locomotives and Tenders, R3230 LNER black
7500 4-6-0 75070 weathered, R3242 black K1 Class J15, R2450 BR black ( weathered) Class
2-6-0 62015 and R2921 green B17/1 ‘Thorpe 5mt 45393 and R2382 BR black Class 5mt
Hall’, all in original boxes, VG-E, boxes VG (3) ‘44666, VG-E, boxes G-VG (3) £100-140
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 11
189. Hornby (China and Margate) and 197. Hornby (China) R1037 GWR Mixed 204. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge Skaledale
other makers 00 Breakdown Crane and Traffic Train Set, comprising GWR green Limited Edition R9640 Coaling Tower, in
Rolling stock, Hornby R683 Breakdown set, 2761 Pannier Tank, five pieces rolling stock, original box, E, box VG £50-70
R6484 kfa Container wagons (4), ZSX and VDA yard crane, Trackmat, track and controller, in
Vans, various wagons (16), Bachmann 33-028 original set box, E, box VG £50-70 205. Hornby (Margate) Diesel
Coal Trader set and Regent Tank, Airfix Conflat, Locomotives, R060 BR two tone green Class
all in original boxes, E, boxes VG, together 198. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge Diesel 47 D1738, R075 BR blue Class 47 47421, R352
with two unboxed kitbuilt trucks, LMS Brake Locomotives, R2410 BR two tone green BR maroon Class 52 ‘Western Courier’ and
van and GW high sided open wagon, VG (26 Hymek Bo-Bo Diesel Hydraulic Class 35 R778 BR blue Class 52 ‘Western Harrier’, all in
boxes, 29 wagons), £100-140 weathered, R3289TTS Class 37 Network Rail original boxes, VG-E, boxes F-G (4) £70-90
yellow (not DCC, no sound), R3287TTS BR
blue Class 47 47401 (not DCC, no sound), all in 206. Hornby (Margate) Steam
original boxes, VG, boxes G-VG (3) £80-120 Locomotives, R310 BR green Battle of Britain
Class ‘34054 ‘Lord Beaverbrook’ and R146 BR
blue Class A3 60052 ‘Prince Palatine’, both in
original boxes, E, boxes F-G (2) £80-120
190. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge R2306 199. Hornby 00 Gauge (China) R2405
‘The Caledonian’ Train Pack, comprising LNER class A1 ‘Great Northern’ Steam
BR 4-6-2 Coronation Duchess class ‘King Locomotive, LNER green no 1470, in original
George VI’, three BR maroon coaches, Ltd Ed box, E, box VG £60-80 207. Hornby (China) Collectors Centre
1970/3000, in original box, E, appears unrun, Special Edition Steam Locomotives, R264 LMS
box VG £60-80 200. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge R1019 maroon Royal Scot Class 7P 6100 ‘The Royal
Flying Scotsman Train Set, comprising LNER Scot’ and R2678 LSWR green M7 no 252, both
191. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge R3185 green ‘4472 ‘Flying Scotsman’ Locomotive in original boxes, E, boxes VG-E (2) £80-120
Hitachi Class 395 ‘Sir Chris Hoy’ Train Pack, and Tender, three coaches, track, points and
comprising Motorised and unpowered cars transformer, in original box, VG-E, box G-VG 208. Hornby (China and Margate) BR/
and three centre coaches, in original box, E, £50-70 GWR green Locomotives, China, R2098E
appears unused, box VG £50-70 GWR 2-6-2T Prairie Class 61XX 6119, R2381A
201. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge R1089 BR ex GWR 0-4-2T Class 14XX, R2665 BR 0-4-
The Anglian Train Set, comprising BR blue B12 0T Industrial Locomotive No 328, R2402 4-6-0
61525 Locomotive and Tender, two blood and Grange Class 6800 ‘Hardwick Grange’ and
custard Clerestory coaches, track, point and Margate R830 4-6-0 Saint Class 2920 ‘Saint
controllers, in original box, VG, lacks trackmat, David’ all in original boxes, E, boxes VG (5)
box G-VG £50-70 £100-140
192. Hornby China 00 Gauge R2692
Battle of Britain Class ‘Sir Eustace 202. Hornby (China Margate and W 209. Hornby (Margate) 00 Gauge
Missenden’, in BR green no 34090, in original Germany) 00 Gauge boxed Accessories, Locomotives, R866NS LNER green B12 8509
box, E, appears unrun, box VG £60-80 including R8004 Engine Shed (2, China), R657 (part box), R765 4-6-0 red ‘Lord Westwood’,
Girder Bridge (3, one Margate), R417 Coach R052 4-6-2 BR green ‘Princess Victoria’ and
193. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge BR Steam Siding Platforms (4 West Germany), R530 R050 BR black ‘Princess Victoria’ all in original
Locomotives and Tenders, R2321 BR black Pylons, R512 Booking Hall, R076 Footbridge, boxes and unboxed BR green 70013 ‘Oliver
Class 5MT 45455 and R2312 BR green Duchess R591 Branch Line Station, R414 Turntable, Cromwell’ , VG-E, boxes F-G (5) £80-120
Class ‘46239 ‘City of Chester’, both in original R528 Operating Tipper Set, R515 Operating
boxes, E, both appear unrun, boxes VG Conveyor Set, R418 Dunster Station and R499 210. Hornby (Margate) 00 Gauge
£100-140 River Bridge (all Margate), all in original Goods and Passenger Rolling Stock, SR green
boxes, some sealed, together with unboxed coaches (3), LMS maroon (2), LNER teak style
194. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge BR ex Tunnel, VG-E, boxes G-E (19) £80-120 (2), GWR chocolate and cream (2), various
GWR Steam Locomotives and Tenders, R3330 goods wagons (15), all in original boxes, VG-E,
NRM Special Edition BR green 6000 ‘King boxes G-VG (24) £80-120
George V’ and R2318 BR green Castle Class
5071 ‘Spitfire’, both in original boxes, E, boxes
VG (2) £100-140
214. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge BR 223. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge R2560 231. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge SR green
green rebuilt Merchant Navy Class Steam ‘Lord of the Isles’ Train Pack, comprising Maunsell Coaches, R4390A, R4342B, R4302C,
Locomotives and Tenders, R2710 35010 ‘Blue Locomotive and Tender and three GWR R4341A, R4336A and R4339A, all in original
Star Line’ and R2169 35028 ‘Clan Line’, both chocolate and cream Clerestory coaches, in boxes, E-M, boxes E (6) £80-120
in original boxes, E, boxes VG, Clan Line lacks original unopened box, E-M, box VG £60-80
title card (2) £100-140
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 13
238. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge Blue 244. Hornby 00 Gauge Skaledale
Circle Tank wagons and Express and Fish Goods Yard buildings Engine Sheds and Coal
Vans, R6311PDA Depressed Centre Blue Circle buildings, R9522 Magna Goods Shed, R9532
wagon (3), R6638A 12-Ton Fish Van (4) and Magna Engine Shed, R9738 NER Weighbridge,
R663912 Ton SPV blue Van (3), all in original R8537 Coal Merchants, R8603 Coal Staithes
boxes, E-M, boxes G-E (10) £80-120 (2), R8588 Weighbridge and Scales, R8587
Coal Stage, R8586 Platelayer’s Hut and R8585 251. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge Legends
239. Hornby (China) 00 Gauge mixed Lamp Hut, all in original boxes, E, boxes G-VG Series R 2973 Class A4 LNER blue ‘Mallard’,
Goods Rolling stock, R6362 Hornby 2007 (10) £80-120 Ltd Ed 360/1000, in original box, E-M appears
wagon, R6507A GWR Horse Box, R6623 BR unrun, box VG-E £60-80
Horse Box, R6574 LNER Conflat & Container,
R6737A BR Cattle wagon and various Private 252. Hornby (China) Railcar and Diesel
Owner’s wagons (9), all in original boxes, E-M, Shunter, R2512 New Strathclyde PTE crimson
boxes E (14) £50-70 and cream Class 156 2-Car set and R3354
0-4-0 ‘Barabel’ Sentinel Diesel Shunter, both
240. Hornby (Margate) 00 Gauge in original boxes, E, boxes VG-E, together with
Steam and Diesel Locomotives, R053 LNER unboxed Roco DB crimson and cream coach, G
green B17 ‘Manchester United’, R378 LNER (3) £60-80
green D29/1 ‘Cheshire’, R355 MR maroon
Compound 1000, R327 BR green Class 25 245. Hornby 00 Gauge Skaledale Goods 253. Hornby (China) Barry Freeman
Diesels (2, one with poorly repainted white Yard buildings Engine Sheds and other Collection R2906 Rare Bird Train Pack,
stripe), all in original boxes. F-E, boxes F-G, buildings, R8637 Double Engine Shed, R8852 comprising BR blue Class A4 620024
together with unboxed LNER B12 8509 and BR Skaledale East Goods Shed, R8573 Dutch Barn, ‘Kingfisher’ and three LNER Teak coaches, in
black 0-6-0 Jinty, F-G (7) £80-120 R8788 Nissen Hut, R8588 Weighbridge and original box with Rare Bird Print, Ltd Ed of
Scales, R8585 Lamp Hut, all in original boxes 1000, certificate sealed in packing card with
and unboxed single lane Engine Shed, VG-E, print, E-M, appears unused, box VG £100-140
boxes G-VG (7) £80-100
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 15
286. Lima 00 Gauge Diesel Locomotives 294. Lima HO Gauge Dutch Railways
and Midline Railcar, 205070A1 Class 33 Train Packs and Locomotives, 208108 yellow
Railfreight grey 33205 and L204967 Class and grey 1605 Electric Locomotive, L1220-U
31 Railfreight grey 31130 ‘Calder Hall Power yellow and grey 1220 Electric Locomotive,
Station’ and Railstyle Alton MRC Lima Class 149723K three yellow, grey and blue
121 Railcar professionally repainted in Midline Doubledeck coaches and 149807 blue and
blue No 55023, all in original boxes, VG, boxes yellow 4-Car EMU, all in original boxes, VG-E,
F (3) £60-80 boxes F-G £80-120
280. Lima 00 Gauge Class 87 and 73 287. Lima 00 Gauge Diesel and Electric 295. Lima HO Gauge SNCF Railcars
Diesel and Electric Locomotives, 205234A1 Locomotives, 205174 Class 33 BR blue 33052 Locomotives and Coach, 201003, 201004 (2)
BR two tone grey 87009 ‘City of Birmingham’, ‘Ashford’, 204763 Class 37 Regional Railways and 201005, orange and grey 4-Car DMU, in
Rails of Sheffield Class 73 twin set, green blue and grey 37422 ‘Robert F Fairlie’ and individual boxes, 208127 two tone grey SNCF
73003 ‘Sir Herbert Walker’ and Dutch grey 205125 Class 87 BR blue 87005 ‘City of BB 9292 Electric Locomotive, 208238L Y5O102
and yellow 73128 ‘OVS Bulleid CBE’, both in London’, all in original boxes, VG-E, boxes G (3) green 0-6-0 Diesel Shunter and 309185
original boxes with Certificate 229/550, E, £60-80 1st/2nd Coach, all in original boxes, VG-E,
boxes VG (3) £60-80 boxes G-VG (7) £70-90
288. Lima 00 Gauge Locomotives and
281. Lima 00 Gauge Diesel Locomotives, various Gauge Goods Rolling Stock, 205104
204703A8 Class 47 Waterman ‘Guy Fawkes’, BR blue 6009 ‘King Charles II’, 205111 GWR
L204655 Class 37 ‘Sir Robert McAlpine’ Rails green 2-6-2 Prairie Tank 4589, 309059W
of Sheffield ‘Concrete Bob’ Ltd Ed 433/550, LNER Crane and match truck, 305635 Yeoman
Class 50 BR blue 50020 ‘Revenge’ (probably Hopper wagons (5, all detailed with loads),
wrong box) and Class 60 60050 ‘Roseberry Palethorpes Van, NCB wagons (2), VAT 69
Topping ‘and EWS 60019, all in original boxes, Grain wagon and Martini bogie van (no
VG-E, boxes G-VG (5) £80-120 wheels), all in original boxes, G-VG, boxes F-G
(13) £60-80
282. Lima 00 Gauge Diesel and Steam 296. Lima HO Gauge DB Class 270 Diesel
Locomotives and Coaches, 205118M W BR 289. Lima 00 Gauge Diesel and Electric Shunters, 208229 Deutsche Bundespost
black 0-6-0 Pannier Tank 8420, 204878A7 Locomotives, 205075 Class 47 Railfreight yellow, 208140 DB red 270 038-3, 208138 DB
BR green Class 26 D5310, L204617 BR green Distribution grey 47323 ‘Rover Group’, 205169 green V20 030, all in original boxes, E, boxes
Class 121 Diesel Railcar, 205108M and 109M Class 73 BR blue 73142 ‘Broadlands’, 205136 G-VG (3) £60-80
LMS black Diesel Shunters 7120 (2), Network Railcar converted (to a very good standard) to
SouthEast brake and BR two tone grey Parcel a BR blue Parcels Service Railcar and 305356 297. Lima HO Gauge DB streamline
coaches, red Parcel Post Office and Procor BR blue 4-wheel Parcels Van, all in original Locomotives, 208526 BR 61001 black Version
UKF Fertilisers Van, all in original boxes, VG-E, boxes, VG, boxes F-G (4) £60-80 DRG ep 11, 208260 BR 61001 grey and
boxes F-VG (10) £80-120 208120L red 103 115-2 Electric Locomotive, all
in original boxes, VG-E, boxes G (3) £100-140
283. Lima 00 Gauge BR green 3-Car Class
117 DMU, 205137MWG Power Car, 205139W 298. Lima HO Gauge SBB CFF FFS Train
Trailer and 2015146W Centre Car, all in Packs, Locomotive and Coaches, 149813
original boxes, E, boxes VG (3) £30-50 Eurocity two tone grey 4-Car EMU, 201205
and 201206 two tone grey coaches, 201639L
Class Am 4/4 red 18463 Diesel Locomotive, all
290. Lima Golden Series HO Gauge in original boxes, VG-E, boxes G-VG (4) £70-90
FS Italian Railways Train Packs, 149804
comprising Class 25/64 Electric Locomotive 299. Lima HO Gauge TGV Rheingold and
and two Double deck coaches in grey black SBB CFF Passenger stock, TGV orange and
and orange, 149715 Polifemo green and grey grey, 201094 (5) and 201097, Rheingold blue
4-car unit, both in original boxes, VG-E boxes and cream ,309180 (2), 309181, 309182 and
F-G (2) £80-120 309183, SBB CFF FFS 309151L and all First
Coach, all in original boxes, VG-E, boxes F-G
291. Lima Golden Series HO Gauge (13) £60-80
284. Lima 00 Gauge Locomotives and European Train Packs, 149812 TEE Cisalpin
Rolling Stock, 205120 BR black 2-6-0 42700, Gottardo 4-car unit in red and cream and 300. Lima HO Gauge Norwegian
20510 LNER green 0-6-0T 8920, 205109 149819LK DB 3-Car Diesel unit, both in original Railways Locomotive DB Railcar and FS
LMS black 7120 Diesel Shunter, short bogie boxes, VG-E, boxes F-G (2) £80-120 Coach, 208070L NSB brown 132123 Electric
LMS Passenger Brake van and four trucks, Locomotive, 09145K, 309146K (2), 309239K
all in original boxes, unboxed LMS maroon 292. Lima Golden Series HO Gauge DB and 309579K DB Stainless steel Railcar
2-6-0 Crab No 13000 and two BR black 0-6-0T EMU Train Packs, 14980 DB maroon 3-Car coaches and trailer, 309136 FS light grey and
68920, F-E, boxes F-VG (11) £80-120 set and 149801 DB blue and cream 3-Car set, orange 2nd Class coach and 303193 long
both in original boxes, E, boxes F-G (2) £60-80 bogie ‘Weihenstephan’ van, all in original
285. Lima 00 Gauge Diesel Railcars, boxes, VG-E, boxes F-G (8) £50-80
L204639 GWR brown and cream No 29, 293. Lima Golden Series HO Gauge DB
205150 BR green No W30W fitted with ultra EMU Train Packs, 149749 Lufthansa Airport BACHMANN OO GAUGE
finescale wheels width 18.83mm, both in Express yellow and grey 4-Car EMU and
original boxes and unboxed Express Parcels 149739 DB City-Bahn orange and grey 4-Car 301. Bachmann 00 Gauge Diesel
maroon railcar ( in a coach box), VG, boxes F-G EMU, both in original boxes, E, boxes F-G (2) Locomotives, 32-326Z Class 25 BR blue D5218
(3) £60-80 £60-80 produced exclusively for Modelzone and 32-
982 Class 66 DRS blue 66434, both in original
boxes, E, boxes G-VG (2) £80-120
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
16 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
302. Bachmann 00 Gauge 31-963 Class 312. Bachmann 00 Gauge BR black 320. Bachmann 00 Gauge 31-376 2EPB
A4 60019 ‘Bittern’, BR lined green, in original Steam Tank Locomotives, 31-450 Ivatt 2-6-2T EMU 5770 SR green 2-Car unit, in original box,
box, E, box VG £60-80 41221 and 32-356 weathered Standard Class E, box VG £60-80
4MT 80038, both in original boxes, VG-E,
303. Bachmann 31-145 NRM Platinum boxes G-VG (2) £60-80
Collection Great Central Railway Director
Class ‘Butler -Henderson’ Locomotive and
Tender, GCR lined green, no 506, Ltd Ed
067/100, in original presentation box with
plinth, E, appears unrun, box VG £100-150
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 17
326. Bachmann Locomotives and 332. Bachmann Locomotives and 338. Bachmann Locomotives and
Tenders, a boxed trio comprising, 32-150 Tenders, a boxed trio of B1 Class models Tenders, a boxed trio comprising, 31-962
N Class Locomotive produced as a limited comprising, 31-703, 61010 ‘Wildebeest’ in BR A4 2510 ‘Quicksilver’ in black livery limited
edition for Murphy Models 1999, 32-151A black late-crest (Non Elec Generator), 31-708, edition for Rails of Sheffield 316/350 with
N Class 31816 in late BR black and 32-160 N 61003 ‘Gazelle’ in BR black late-crest and certificate, 31-954, A4 60009 ‘Sir Nigel
Class 1406 with slope sided Tender, G, boxes 31-709, 61008 ‘Kudu’ in BR black late-crest Gresley’ in BR blue early emblem and 31-
F-G, (3) £100-150 weathered livery, all in original boxes, G, boxes 281, P/Boiler Scot 6155 ‘The Lancer’ in LMS
F-G, (3) £100-150 crimson with 3500 gal Tender, all in original
327. Bachmann Locomotives and boxes, G, boxes F-G, (3) £100-150
Tenders, a boxed trio of Standard Class 333. Bachmann Locomotives and
Locomotives, comprising 32-502, 5MT 73082 Tenders, a boxed trio of Jubilee Class models
‘Camelot’ in BR black early emblem with BR comprising, 31-186, 45587 ‘Baroda’ in BR
1B Tender, 32-505, 5MT 73069, in plain BR green late-crest with riveted Fowler Tender,
black with BR1C weathered Tender and 32- and 31-156, 45716 ‘Invincible’ in BR Green
506, 5MT 73110 ‘The Red Knight’ in BR black (2), all in original boxes, G, boxes F-G, (3)
with late-crest and BR1F Tender, all in original £100-150
boxes, G, boxes F-G, (3) £100-150
334. Bachmann Locomotives and
328. Bachmann Locomotives and Tenders, a boxed trio of Ivatt Class models
Tenders, a boxed trio of A1 class models comprising, 32-575, 4 3001 in LMS black with
comprising, 32-551, 60158 ‘Aberdonian’ Double Chimney, 32-585, 4 2-6-0 43106 with 339. Bachmann Locomotives and
in BR green with late-crest, 32-553, 60161 tablet catcher in weathered BR black late-crest Tenders, a boxed trio comprising 31-202
‘North British’, in BR blue early emblem with and 32-828 2 2-6-0 46520 in BR green late Rebuilt Patriot 5526 ‘Morecambe & Heysham’
weathered detail special edition for D&P crest, all in original boxes G, boxes F-G, (3) in LMS black, 32-255, 07/WD 2-8-0 Austerity
Models and 32-554, 60114 ‘W.Pallen’ in BR £100-150 WD 21 ‘Army Transport Group’ 78697 and 32-
Doncaster green, all in original boxes, G, boxes 279 K3 2-6-0 1935 LNER in Doncaster green,
F-G, (3) £100-150 335. Bachmann Locomotives and all in original boxes, G, boxes F-G, (3)
Tenders, a boxed trio of Crab Class models £100-150
comprising, 32-178, 2715 in LMS black and
32-176, 2-6-0 42765 in Br black early emblem 340. Bachmann Locomotives, a boxed
with coal rail (2), all in original boxes, G, boxes trio of Diesel models comprising, 32-676 Class
F-G, (3) £100-150 45 114 in BR blue with white roof, 32-675
Class 45 D67 ‘The Royal Artilleryman’ in BR
336. Bachmann Locomotives, a boxed green and 32-650 Class 44 D1 ‘Scafell Pike’ in
group of four Tank Locomotives, comprising BR green, all in original boxes, G, boxes F-G,
32-875 Fairburn 2691 in LMS black, together (3) £100-150
with Standard Class models, 32-950 4MT
Tank 2-6-0 76053 in BR black early emblem 341. Bachmann Locomotives, a boxed
329. Bachmann Locomotives, a boxed with BR 1B Tender, 32-953 4MT 2-6-0 76020 trio of Diesel models comprising, 32-726 Class
group of four Standard Class Locomotives, in BR black early emblem with BR 2B Tender 66 66610 Freightliner, 32-725 Class 66 66135
comprising 32-351, 4MT Tank 80097 in BR (no DCC fitted) and 31-108 4MT 75063 in EWS and 32-378 Class 37/4 37431 Intercity
black (no Acc pack), 32-352 4MT Tank 80032 weathered BR black early emblem with BR 18 ‘Bullidae’, all in original boxes, G, boxes F-G,
in BR black early emblem and 32-353 4MT Tender, all in original boxes, G, boxes F-G, (3) £100-150
80135 in BR Green late-crest preserved (2), all £100-150
in original boxes, G, boxes F-G, (4) £100-150
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 19
364. Bachmann Branchline Locomotives 372. Bachmann Branchline Locomotives, 379. Bachmann Locomotives, a boxed
and Tenders, a boxed duo comprising, 31- a boxed duo of Diesel Locomotives duo of Diesel Locomotives, comprising 32-
145Z, Class D111/1’ Marne’ in LNER green comprising, 32-703, Class 46 D186 in 800Z, Class 47 47163 in BR blue Silver Jubilee
produced for Model Rail and 32-181, Crab weathered BR blue and 32-652, Class 44 Union Flag livery, produced for Modelzone,
Class 13000 in LMS crimson lake, both in 44004 ‘Great Gable’ in BR blue, both in and 32-412, Class 25/2 25083 in BR weathered
original boxes, G-E, boxes G-E, (2) £100-150 original boxes, G-E, boxes G-E, (2) £80-120 blue, both in original boxes, G, boxes F-G, (2)
365. Bachmann Branchline Locomotives 373. Bachmann Branchline Locomotive
and Tenders, a boxed duo comprising, 31-933 and Motor Luggage Van, a boxed duo 380. Bachmann Locomotives, a boxed
Midland Compound 40934 in BR black late- comprising, 31-676K, Class 85 Electric 85101 trio of Diesel Locomotives comprising, 32-427,
crest and 31-478, Class G2A 49287 in BR black ‘Doncaster Plant 150’, railfreight distribution Class 24 D5085 in BR two tone green, 32-403
early emblem with LMS style Tender, both triple grey exclusive to Bachmann Collectors’ Class 25/3 D5269 in BR weathered green and
boxed, G-E, boxes G-E, (2) £80-120 Club and 31-268, Motor Luggage Van Network 32-420 Class 24 5087 in BR blue, G, boxes P-F,
Southeast, both in original boxes, G-E, boxes (3) £80-120
366. Bachmann Branchline Locomotives G-E, (2) £80-100
and Tenders, a boxed duo comprising, 32-318, 381. Bachmann Branchline EMU Sets, a
Class J11 5317 in LNER black and 32-310, 374. Bachmann Branchline DMU Sets boxed duo comprising 31-425, Class 411 4CEP
Collett Goods 3217 in GWR green, both in and a Diesel Shunter, a boxed trio comprising 7105 Late SR Multiple Unit in green livery
original boxes, G-E, boxes G-E, (2) £80-120 2 Car DMU Sets, 31-237Z, Class 205 Thumper together with 31-375, Class 416 2EPB 5764 in
Connex produced for Kernow Model Rail BR blue, both in original boxes, G-E, boxes F-G,
Centre and 31-536, Class 105 DMU power (2) £100-150
twin in BR green with speed whiskers,
together with 31-111Z, Class 08 Shunter HORNBY-DUBLO
08721 Express Parcels Starlet, produced for
Modelzone, all in original boxes, G-E, boxes
G-E, (3) £100-150
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 21
417. Hornby-Dublo and other makers
00 Gauge 2 and 3-Rail Accessories, Dublo
ED3 Junction Signal, ES6 Colour light signal,
Dinky Toys 051 Station Staff (unused), Station
Names (2), Train Name Labels ‘Royal scot’,
‘Mancunian’ and Destination Boards London-
Manchester, Loading Gauges, Footbridge,
Signal Box, D1 Through Station and Island
Platform, Level Crossings (2) and Transformer,
all in original boxes, Dublo Dinky 066
408. Rare Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 3-Rail Bedford Flat Truck, Airfix Railbus (unmade,
EDG7 SR Tank Goods Train Set, comprising part painted), Cement truck, kiosk and
Southern green 0-6-2T 2594, open truck, van 412. Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 3-Rail unmade Signal Gantry, Kitmaster built Diesel
and Guards Van, oval of track, Controller, uncommon buff Esso Tank wagon and other Shunter, Bassett Lowke paper Posters (in
oil, tested tag, instructions ref 16/150/20- wagons, buff Esso Tank wagon, in original envelope), Master Models Price List and No
C1966, HRC booklet and Meccano Catalogue light blue box dated 3-48, Royal Daylight Tank 34 Watchman’s Hut, and Faller 526 Fencing,
1952, in original set box, F-G, some damp wagon, in original light blue box dated 11-49 Märklin 4005 6-wheel coach, all in original
discolouration and whiting to loco although and Power Petrol Tank wagon, in original mid boxes/packaging, various unboxed metal and
appears very lightly run, box F, some damp blue box dated 1-53, G-VG, boxes G (3) £40-60 plastic platform accessories and switches ,
stains and whiting and damage to lid corners, generally G-VG, packaging F-G (qty) £60-80
£250-350 413. Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 3-Rail
Signals and other maker’s accessories, Dublo 418. Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 2-Rail
D1 Single arm Distant, single arm Home and repainted and re-named Castle class
D2 double arm (two per box) and D1 Loading Locomotives, Great Western green 5011
Gauge (bar unattached), in original light blue ‘Tintagel Castle’ G, repainted to a fair
boxes (1948 and 1949), two unboxed single standard, some scuffing to Tender decals,
arm Signals and brown Water crane, Crescent GWR green 5084 ‘Reading Abbey’ with some
Junction signal in possible original plain box, detailing, VG, repainted to an excellent
Hobbies 00 Gauge plans for various lineside standard, both with finescale wheels to
buildings, in original paper sleeve , 0 Gauge Locomotives and Tenders and real coal to
409. Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 3-Rail SR Porter, Barrow and seat, uncommon brown Tenders (2) £80-120
rolling stock, SR D1 Coal Wagons (2) and D1 plastic Toy Town Station lack canopy (warped)
SR white Meat Van, all in original boxes with and Mettoy? metal platform, F-VG, boxes F-G
SR label, G-VG, all appear unrun, boxes G (3) (qty) £30-50
414. Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 2-Rail
repainted 2233 Co-Bo Diesel Electric
Locomotive, in BR green with full yellow 419. Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 2-Rail 2221
ends, no D5708, G-VG, repaint to a good BR ‘Cardiff Castle’, No 4075, instructions,
standard, together with incomplete Island guarantee slip and oil tube, in original red
Platform with two shelters and two empty striped picture box, VG, minor corrosion to
Signal boxes, F (8) £60-80 copper chimney, box F-G £50-80
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 23
445. Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 2-Rail 451. Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 2-Rail
Station and Goods Depot Kits, 5085 Suburban Super Detail BR maroon Coaches, 4078
Station, 5030 Island Platform and 5020 Goods Sleeping Cars (4) and 4075 Passenger Brake
Depot, all in original plain red boxes, together Van, all in original boxes, G-E, boxes G-VG (5)
with D1 metal Platform Extension with wall, in £50-70
original blue striped box, VG-E, boxes VG (3)
£70-90 452. Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 2-Rail
2233 Co-Bo Diesel-Electric Locomotive, with
446. Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 2-Rail Instructions, in original red striped picture
Engine Shed and Extension Kits, 5005 2-road box, VG, box F £50-70
440. Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 2-Rail BR Engine Shed and 5006 Extension Kit, both in
SR green Super Detail Mainline and Suburban original plain red boxes, E, boxes VG (2)£40-60
Coaches, 4082 Suburban Brake/2nd, small
scratches and minor foxing on one side, 4054 447. Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge 2 and
1st/2nd Corridor Coach, very very minor 3-Rail Accessories, 1080 Battery Controller,
foxing around one door and windows on one 5 Cable Drums (boxed), 3450 Buffer Stops,
side, 4055 Brake/2nd Corridor, minor foxing 5046 Colour Light Signal and two boxes of
to one end on one side, 4054 Brake/2nd very bulbs (one part complete), 3460 Plastic Level
very minor foxing at one end on one side, all Crossing for 3-rail track, all in original boxes,
in original boxes, G-VG, boxes G-VG, some various part and unused packets, Train Names,
tabs loose, (4) £80-120 Destination Boards (2, one unused), Station
Names, Switch Grouping rods, Miniature
Posters, all in original packets, unboxed
Lineside Hut and two Containers, F-E, boxes/
packets F-VG (qty) £40-60 HORNBY-DUBLO CATALOGUES
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 27
517. Mainline and Dapol Locomotives
and Tenders, a boxed group of five Steam
Locomotives comprising, Dapol D005, 524. Wills or similar kitbuit 00 Gauge 532. Stewart Reidpath 00 Gauge
Dorchester Castle in BR green and Mainline, 0-6-2t class E5, in BR lined black, built and Southern EMU Motor Coach with outside rail
37-059, 0-6-0 2251 Collett Class Locomotive painted to an excellent standard, E £60-80 pick-ups, built and painted to a fair standard,
in BR black and 0-6-0T J72 Class Tank No 8435, paper label underneath states
Locomotives, 37070 in BR black, 37-054 in 525. Pair of kitbuilt 00 Gauge Adams Stewart Reidpath Makers, Herne, Kent, F-G
LNER green (2) G, boxes P-F, (5) £60-80 Radial Tanks, in SR green No 0524, chimney £50-70
unattached, and BR lined black 30583, part
518. Dapol GMR and Replica Railways complete, chassis and motor in place, lacks 533. K’s and Wills 00 Gauge kitbuilt
Locomotives and Tenders, a boxed group of pick up wires, rear wheels not fixed, both built Railcar and Saddle Tank, K’s GWR Diesel
five Steam Locomotives comprising, Dapol and painted to a fair standard (2) £50-70 Railcar No 19, Wills GWR green Class 1804
County Class, D068 ‘County Merioneth’ in BR Saddle Tank no 1853, both built and painted
black and D4 County of Stafford in BR green, 526. Kitbuilt 00 Gauge Wills or similar to a fair standard, in original boxes, G, boxes F
together with Airfix GMR, 44124-2 Castle Class Terrier and modified Tri-ang 2-6-2T with (2) £50-70
‘Caerphilly Castle’ in GWR green and Replica Bachmann chassis, Terrier finished in SR black
Railways 11012, Class B1 LNER ‘Springbok’ in No 1027, built and painted to a fair standard,
green livery and another LNER 1059 in black together with Tr-ang 2-6-2T in BR plain green
livery (marked as a second), F-G, boxes P-F, (5) with loose Bachmann chassis with DCC
£80-100 module, both F (2) £40-60
519. Mainline and Replica Railways, 527. Wills 00 Gauge kitbuilt GWR 9400
a boxed group of four Diesel Locomotives Class Pannier Tank, No 9400 in GWR lined
comprising Mainline 37040, Class 45/0 1Co- green, Tri-ang chassis, Dublo couplings, G,
Co1 in BR blue and 37035, Class 56 CO-CO built and painted to a fair standard, chimney
in BR blue, together with Replica Railways and one step unattached, £30-50
11502, Class 45 45106 in BR green and 534. Wills Finecast 00 Gauge Kitbuilt
another Class 45 Locomotive in BR blue, G, 528. DCK 00 Gauge part built BR LNER Class A2 Steam Locomotives, two
boxes F, (4) £50-80 Eastleigh ‘Hampshire’ Class 3H/205 3-Car Locomotives and Tenders No 520 and 560,
DMU, Power (no motor bogie) and Trailer cars both built and painted to a fair-good standard,
520. Mainline and GMR Locomotives built to a good standard, requires detailing, in original boxes, G, boxes F (4, including
and Tenders, a boxed group of four both in BR blue with yellow ends, centre car Tenders) £60-80
comprising, Mainline 37038, Class 6600 0-6- unmade, includes some additional parts, in
2T in GWR green, together with Airfix GMR, original box, G, box G £40-60 535. Wills Finecast 00 Gauge Kitbuilt
54150-1 Prairie Tank also in GWR green, LMS black Steam Locomotives, 6P/5-F Crab
54124-2 Castle Class, Caerphilly Castle in GWR 2749,in original box, unboxed, un-numbered
green and 54225-5 Dartmouth Castle in BR Jinty and 2-6-4T 2643, all built and painted to
green, G-E, boxes P-G, (4) £80-120 a fair standard F-G, box F (4, including Tender)
521. Mainline Locomotives and Tenders,
a boxed group of four all GWR in green livery, 536. Wills Finecast 00 Gauge Kitbuilt
comprising 54156, 2301 Class (Dean Goods) GWR green Steam Locomotives, 6942 ‘Ashton
0-6-0, 37-058, 0-6-0 2251 Collett Class, Hall’ with a Tri-ang chassis, in original box
37-078, 4-6-0 Manor Class and 37090, 43XX 529. K’s or similar 00 Gauge Kitbuilt and unboxed 9789 Pannier Tank, both built
Mogul, G-E, boxes G, (4) £80-120 LNER Steam Locomotives, black class B1 4-4-0 and painted to a fair standard, F-G, box F (3,
1238, built and painted to a fair standard, including Tender) £50-70
522. Oxford Rail and Other Locomotives, G-VG and green Robinson D11 4-4-0 2662
a boxed group of five comprising Oxford Rail ‘Prince of Wales, built and painted to a fair 537. Peco 00 Gauge kitbuilt Wonderful
76AR001, Adams Radial Steel 30583 in BR standard, F, requires finishing, chassis and wagons and other makers kit and RTR
black livery, Airfix 54153-0, 0-4-2 1400 Class front bogie unattached, one step on Tender wagons, Peco wagons including Container
Tank in BR green, Dapol D2, 0-4-0 LNY Pug in missing, (2) £60-80 Trucks, Salt wagons, PO open wagons and
BR black, together with Mainline 37085, 57XX others, built and finished to a fair standard
Pannier Tank 5768 in BR black (2) G-E, boxes 530. K’s or similar 00 Gauge Kitbuilt SR (22) Airfix (3), metal wagons (5), Trix (2),
P-E, (5) £100-150 Adams Radial Tank Steam Locomotive, in SR Tri-ang (2) and Märklin Transformer wagon in
lined green No 524, built and painted to a fair original orange box, circle of Hornby track and
KITBUILT OO GAUGE standard, G-VG £50-70 two unmade Superquick card buildings F-VG,
box G (45) £70-90
523. Jidenco kitbuilt 00 Gauge LSWR 531. Kitmaster 00 Gauge 9-Car Blue
Adams 0-4-0T class B4, in BR black, No Pullman and other coaches, 4-Car and 5-Car 538. Wills Fine cast 00 Gauge kitbuilt
30089, built and painted to an excellent Pullman sets each including a Kitchen car, BR black ex SR W class 2-6-4T, unlined black,
standard, E, £50-70 both Power cars with Kitmaster motor bogies, 31921, built and painted to a good standard,
built and made to a fair-good standard, in original box, VG, box G £60-80
together with two Kitmaster BR maroon
Restaurant cars, G-VG (11) £80-120 539. DJH 00 Gauge kitbuilt BR black
ex SR S15, unlined black,30841, built and
painted to a very good standard, in original
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price box, VG, box G £60-80
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
28 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
540. DJH 00 Gauge kitbuilt BR black ex 548. Wheeltapper LSWR unmade Coach
SR Urie S15, unlined black,30509, built and kits, Brake 3rd, Corridor Composite, 1st/3rd
painted to a very good standard, in original Composite. Brake Composite, Non-corridor
box, VG, box G £60-80 Brake/3rd, Corridor 3rd and Non-Corridor
2nd-3rd Composite, all in original boxes, E, all
541. Millholmes Models 00 Gauge appear complete, boxes VG (7) £60-80
kitbuilt BR ex LSWR H16 4-6-2 Tank
Locomotive, unlined black 30520, built and 549. Ian Kirk 00 Gauge Southern Loco
painted to a very good standard, in original Hauled 8892 Three coach Set, comprising
box, G, box VG £60-80 High Window Brake/3rd, Compo and Brake 557. Pro-Scale 00 Gauge Kitbuilt GWR
3rd, all unmade, in original header bag, E, bag green ‘Saint’ Class Locomotive and Tender,
G £30-50 2938 ‘Corsham Court’, built and painted to a
good standard, in original box G-VG, box G
550. Kitbuilt 00 Gauge 2-6-4 Tank body £60-80
on a Wrenn chassis, BR black 42305, built
and painted to a fair standard, coupling rods 558. Sutherland ‘Cotswold’ Scale Model
weathered, in original Wrenn box stamped 00 Gauge Kitbuilt ‘Flower’ Class Locomotive
542. Millholmes Models 00 Gauge Packer No 6, F-G, box F £40-60 and Tender, GWR green, 3446 ‘Goldfinch’,
kitbuilt BR ex SR Z Class 0-8-0 Tank built and painted to a fair-good standard, in
Locomotive, unlined black 30951, built and original box, G-VG, box F £60-80
painted to a good standard, in original box, G,
box VG £80-120 559. A Nucast 00 Gauge Kitbuilt GWR
78XX ‘Manor’ Class Locomotive and Tender,
GWR green 7808 ‘Cookham Manor’, built and
painted to a fair-good standard, in original
551. A South Eastern Finecast 00 Gauge box, VG, box G £60-80
Kitbuilt GWR ‘Star’ Class Locomotive and
Tender, GWR green 4019 ‘Knight Templar’, 560. 00 Gauge Kitbuilt 14xx Tank
body and chassis built and painted to a fair Locomotive and Autocoach, DJH/K’s or similar
standard, in original box, G, box G £60-80 GWR green 0-4-2 Tank and kitbuilt GWR
chocolate and cream Auto-coach, both built
543. DJH 00 Gauge kitbuilt BR black 552. A South Eastern Finecast 00 Gauge and painted to a fair-good standard, G-VG
Class H15 4-6-0 Locomotive and Tender, lined Kitbuilt GWR ‘Castle’ Class Locomotive and £50-70
black with 8-wheel Tender 30474, built and Tender, GWR green 5014 ‘Goodrich Castle’,
painted to a very good standard, in original body and chassis built and painted to a fair
box, VG, box G £80-100 standard, in original box, G, box G £60-80
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 29
573. Wills Finecast 00 Gauge Kitbuilt SR 581. 00 Gauge kitbuilt Tank
‘King Arthur’ Class Locomotive and Tender Locomotives, DJH or similar LBSC 0-6-2 E
on a Hornby chassis, in SR green 453 ‘King class 413 ‘Fenchurch’ in dark green livery and
Arthur’, built and painted to a good standard, unknown kitbuilt 0-4-2 Pannier Tank no 3473
in original box, G-VG, box F £60-80 in black livery, both built and painted to a
good standard, G-VG (2) £60-80
565. A South Eastern Finecast 00 Gauge 582. Pair of 00 Gauge kitbuilt Tank
Kitbuilt Southern green ‘Schools’ Class Locomotives, Aspinall Class 23 2F LMS black
Locomotive and Tender, 921 ‘Shrewsbury’, 0-6-0 saddle Tank 11324 and plain black 0-6-0
built and painted to a good standard with a 16234, both built and painted to a fair-good
gloss finish, in original box, G-VG £60-80 574. D C (Derek) Lawrence kitbuilt standard G (2) £40-60
LNER green Class A3 2560 ‘Pretty Polly’
566. A Nucast 00 Gauge Kitbuilt Locomotive and Tender, with unpainted back 583. Pair of 00 Gauge kitbuilt Tank
Southern green ‘NX15’ Class Locomotive head supplied loose, built and painted to a Locomotives, GER blue class M15 2-4-2 Tank
and Tender, 2333 ‘Remembrance’, built and professional standard, in original box stamped No 650, both steps unattached and maroon
painted to a good standard, in original box, D C Lawrence, E, box G £200-300 0-4-0 Industrial Saddle Tank No 99, both built
G-VG, box G £80-100 and painted to a fair-good standard, G (2)
605. Heljan and other makers H0 Gauge 612. HAG HO Gauge 181 Re 4/4 BLS
Cargo wagons and other rolling stock Heljan Electric Locomotive, brown No 162, in
17005103 Cargo wagons, in original boxes, original box, E, box VG £80-120
(5, one in a Lima box), Jouef Nord Waggon
595. Roco HO Gauge 63887 BLS 271 ( in base of box) VG-E, boxes F-VG and Klein 613. HAG HO Gauge 226 Re 4/4 Serie
Articulated Electric Locomotive, brown livery, Modellbahn Container wagon, in original box, 1 Electric Locomotive, green No 10022, in
in original box, E, box VG £100-140 F, although unused truck lacks most of paint, original box, E, box VG £80-120
box G (7) £60-80
596. Roco HO Gauge 62545 SBB 12320 614. Lima H0 Gauge SBB CFF Electric
Electric Locomotive, brown livery, in original 606. Roco HO Gauge SBB CFF FFS two Locomotives, 20 8179L Re 6/6 green 11605
box, E, box VG £80-120 tone grey Passenger stock, 44201A, 44334, ‘Uster’, drivers and guards seat units loose in
44769 Observation Coach (2), 44770 (2), and box, 208336LP Re 4/4 BN brown 179 ‘Bern’,
597. Roco HO Gauge Re 460 62398 44771 (2), all in original boxes, E, boxes G-VG both in original boxes, VG-E, boxes G-VG (2)
Electric Locomotive twin pack, comprising (8) £60-80 £60-80
two SBB CFF FFS in red livery, in original boxes
with clear plastic sleeve, E, boxes VG (two 615. Piko and Brawa H0 Gauge
Locomotives) £100-140 Locomotives, Piko DB black 50001 4-6-2 01
533 Locomotive and Tender and Brawa 201
598. Hornby AcH0 and Fleischmann HO DB maroon Diesel Shunter 201 284-7, both in
Coaches, Acho SNCF Paris-Lille green coaches original boxes, VG-E, boxes G-VG (2) £70-90
733 2nd Class (2) and 734 Ist Class (3, one
in 733 box), all in original boxes, unboxed 616. Piko H0 Gauge DB black Steam
Fleischmann Touropa blue coaches (5) and Locomotives and Tenders, 5/6337/010 2-8-2
Touropa green 2nd Class coach, VG-E, boxes 41 1147-2 and 5/6334/000 4-6-2 03 2157-0,
G-VG (11) £70-90 both in original boxes, E, boxes VG (2) £80-120
599. A Märklin HO Gauge Class 53 DR 607. Roco HO Gauge SBB CFF FFS two 617. Piko H0 Gauge DB black Steam
grey 2-6-8-0 ‘Borsiga’ Steam Locomotive and tone grey Passenger stock, 44334, 44768 and Locomotives and Tenders, 5/6335/010 4-6-2
Tender, No 53 0001, VG £80-120 44769 Observation Coaches, 44770 (3), and 01 0151-1 and 5/6334/0111 4-6-2 01 01531-
44771, all in original boxes, E, boxes G-VG (8) 1, both in original boxes, E, boxes VG (2)
£60-80 £80-120
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 31
628. Gützold H0 Gauge 36200 BR 229 DB 638. Jouef HO Gauge SNCF Train Packs
red with white stripe 229 188-8, in original and Coaches, 825700 Capitol Set comprising
box, E, box VG £80-120 silver and red CC6505 Electric Locomotive and
four matching coaches, in original box, 5482
629. Gützold H0 Gauge 33100 BR219 DB red and silver Grill Express Coach and 8641
red and cream 219 110-4 Diesel Locomotive, Restaurant Car, 5292 and 5293 green and grey
in original box, E, box VG Voiture Cars and 5494 and 8611 orange and
grey 2-Car DMU, in individual boxes, VG-E,
620. HAG HO Gauge 183 Ae 4/4 BLS boxes F-G (7) £60-80
Electric Locomotive, brown No 258, in
original box, E, box VG £80-120
621. HAG HO Gauge 215 Re 4/4 SBB 630. Gützold H0 Gauge 39100 BR 155
Electric Locomotive, green 11234, in original DB maroon 155 064-9 Electric Locomotive, in
box, E, box VG £80-120 original box, E, box VG £80-120
622. HAG HO Gauge 212 SBB Re 4/4 631. Gützold H0 Gauge 39200 BR 155 DB
Electric Locomotive, red 11360, in original red 155 034-2 Electric Locomotive, in original
box, E, box VG £80-120 box, E, box VG £80-120
639. Pair of Jouef HO Gauge CFL
632. Roco HO Gauge FS Italian Railways Luxembourg Railways Electric Locomotives,
maroon and grey Coaches, 44714, 44715 and 8845 maroon and yellow BB3609, both in
44738 (4), all in original boxes, E, boxes VG (6) original boxes, E, boxes VG (2) £60-80
640. Pair of Jouef HO Gauge SNCF
633. Roco and Liliput HO Gauge SBB CFF Class 231 Steam Locomotives and Tenders,
Coaching stock, Roco 45073.1 blue 44885 red 825555 23K 82 SNCF green 4-6-2 Pacific, in
623. Roco HO Gauge 43527 Glass Railcar, and cream Restaurant Car with pantograph, presentation box and 8355 same model, in
DB blue and white 491001-4 complete with Schlawagen, 44875 brown Speisewagen, standard original box, E, boxes G-VG (2)
passengers, in original box, E, box VG £60-80 44873 (2) and 44874 green coaches, Liliput £60-80
878 50 and L388604 SBB ‘Le Buffet Suisse’, all
624. Roco H0 Gauge Diesel and Electric in original boxes, E, boxes VG (8) £80-100 641. Jouef HO Gauge SNCF and ETAT
Locomotives, 43757 SBB 460 023-5 Zurich Steam and Diesel Shunters, 8295 ETAT black
Relax livery Diesel Locomotive and 43723 0BB 634. Roco and Liliput HO Gauge Goods 0-6-0 30-135 Steam Tank engine, 8531 SNCF
red and grey 1044 057-6 Electric Locomotive, Rolling stock, Roco Container trucks (5), FS blue BB 66150, 8503 SNCF green 0-6-0 C
both in original boxes, E, boxes VG (2) £60-80 Hopper wagon, DB Van and grey Gondola 61004 and 8529 SNCF green 0-6-0 8025
(weathered), Liliput 223 50 grey bogie Hopper Diesel Shunters, all in original boxes, VG-E,
625. Roco H0 Gauge Steam and Electric wagons (4), Ermefer tank wagon, 223 50 Twin boxes F-G (4) £60-80
Locomotives, 43240 DB black 4-6-2 01 081 wagon set, 4-wheel van and pair of Gondolas
Steam Locomotive and Tender and 43442 SBB in pink and weathered grey, most in original 642. Jouef HO Gauge SNCF and SBB
CFF FFS red 10103 Electric Locomotive, both in boxes, VG-E, boxes G-VG (17 boxes) £70-90 Locomotives and Rolling Stock, SBB FFS Re
original boxes, E, boxes VG (2) £80-100 4/4 green 11166 Electric Locomotive, 6881
635. Klein Modellbahn HO Gauge Goods CFF Habix bogie goods Van, SNCF, 8605
Rolling Stock, various Container wagons and Autorail Panoramic Railcar, 8432 silver and red
separate wagons and containers (6), long 40101 CC Electric Locomotive, 5363 Co rail
wheel base Vans (2, various 4-wheel trucks (7) mixed Van and 6965 Kangourou wagon with
and 670 and 671 Colour Light Signal set, all in Bailly load, all in original boxes, VG-E, boxes
original boxes, VG-E, boxes G-VG (16) £60-80 F-G (6) £80-120
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 33
664. Märklin HO Gauge Passenger 671. Märklin HO Gauge Freight Car Sets, 678. Märklin HO Gauge Electrical Model
Coaches, a boxed group including, 4215 a group of six sets comprising, 4490s Italia Railway Accessories, a boxed collection
(3), 4216 (4), and 4266 (4), all SBB-CFF-FFS, world cup 1990, 84401 Bierwagenzug, 4488 comprising 5113 plug in standard lights (45),
together with 4253 (3) SNCF and 4138 (2) and 50th Anniversary SNCF, 4489 Chocolats Suisses 7209 distributor panels (25), 7072 control
4146, 4182 (3), 4168 (2) SBB-CFF, G-E, boxes and 4786 Freight of the 1930s (2) G-E, boxes G panels (8), 7211 switch panels (7), 7210 switch
G, (22) £100-150 (6) £60-80 panels (5), and boxes of leads, 7105 red (30),
7100 grey (24), 7102 brown (16), 7101 blue
665. Märklin HO Gauge Passenger 672. Märklin Digital HO Crane, a boxed (24) and 7103 gold (33), G-E, boxes G, (Qty)
Coaches, a boxed group including, 4064 (2) 7651 Rotary Crane with magnet, G-E, Box G £100-150
and 4188 (2) both DSG, together with 4217 £50-80
(2), 4066 (4), 4068, all SBB-CFF, 4130 (3) DB, 679. Märklin HO Gauge Lighting Sets
and 4218 (3) 4219 (4) all BLS, G-E, boxes G, 673. Märklin HO Gauge Transfer Table and Number Plate Sets, a boxed collection
(21) £100-150 and Turn Table, a boxed duo including 7186 comprising 7320 interior lighting sets (10),
Turntable with a bag of Electrical components, 7330 lighting kits (18), 7329 interior lighting
666. Märklin HO Gauge Passenger and and 7294 Transfer Table, with additional boxed sets (6) and 7195 number plate sets (13) G-E,
Baggage Coaches, a boxed group all of the DB, 7211 control panel and 7295 Catenary Kit, boxes F-G, (Qty) £50-80
including passenger coaches, 4112 (3) 4111 G-E, boxes G, (2) £100-150
(3) 4131 (2), 4132 (2), 4133, 4051 (2), 4052 680. Märklin HO Gauge Boxed Stud
(3), 4053, 4100 (3) and 4101 (2) together with Contact Track, a large collection all in original
baggage cars 4102/4103, G-E, boxes F-G, (23) blue boxes including, 5140 Curved Turnout
£100-150 Points, (4 in 2 boxes), 7190 (9), 7191 (3), 5109
(70 in 7 boxes), 5205 (60 in 6 boxes), 5102 (70
667. Märklin HO Gauge Passenger in 7 boxes), 5108 (70 in 7 boxes), 5110 (80 in
Coaches, a boxed group comprising 4261, 8 boxes), 5208 (80 in 8 boxes), 5210 (90 in 9
two coach sets, of the former German State boxes), 5112 (37), 5146 (13), 5145 (10), 5147
Railroad Co, design of Bavaria circa 1926, (2) (12), 5100 (140 in 14 boxes), 5120 (70 in 7
together with coaches of the KPEV comprising boxes), 5200 (150 in 15 boxes), 5106 (70 in 7
4206 (3) and five Doppel-Abeilwagens 4207 boxes), 5206 (40 in 4 boxes), 5131 (23), 5111
(2), 4208 (2), and 4209, G-E, boxes G, (10) 674. Märklin HO Gauge Kit Locomotive (8), 5211 (6), 5101 (70 in 7 boxes), 5107 (90 in
£100-150 Sheds Elevated Track and Faller Kits, Six 9 boxes), 5129 (60 in 6 boxes), 5213 (14), 5201
Märklin plastic kit Locomotive Sheds including (70 in 7 boxes), 5115 (10), 5116 (10), 5103
7288 (2) and 7289 (4), (all appear complete (13), 5215 (3), 5214, 5114 (5), 5128 double
but unchecked), together with a quantity of slip switch (7), 5137 turnout points (10 in 5
used and unboxed plastic elevated track with boxes), 5202 turnout points (10 in 5 boxes),
piers and a girder bridge and three Faller kit and 5207 double slip switch (7) G-E, boxes G
buildings B354 Parsonage, B101 Burgdorf (1400+ individual pieces) in three boxes
Station and B126 Darmstadt Signal Tower £400-600
all with outer plastic two opened appear
668. Märklin HO Gauge Freight Stock, complete but unchecked, F-E, boxes F-G, (Qty)
a boxed collection all in blue window boxes in two boxes £80-120
including various examples of freight stock,
wagons, trucks, car transporters, tank wagons, 675. Märklin HO Plastic Elevated Track
side tipping wagons and others some branded and Bridges, A boxed collection comprising
including Harrods, Colgate, Märklin, amongst 7263 Arch Bridge (2), 7262 Truss Bridge
others the majority unbranded, G-E, boxes (5),7269 curved ramp sections (16), 7268
F-G, (50+) £120-160 Straight Ramp Sections (33), 7267 Curved
Ramp Sections (16), 7253 Piers (26), 7252
669. Märklin HO Gauge Freight Stock, Piers (9) and 7251 Pier Base Plates (18), G-E,
a mostly boxed collection all in blue boxes boxes G, (100+) £100-150
including various examples of freight stock,
wagons, trucks, car transporters, Tank wagons, 676. Märklin HO Gauge Lighting and 681. Märklin HO Gauge Boxed Stud
side tipping wagons and others some branded Catenary, an unboxed and used collection Contact Track and Transformers, a large
including Shell, Esso and BP the majority including, a quantity of contact line together collection of mostly unboxed track, including
unbranded, together with seven branded with overhead masts (40+), and a collection straight sections (550+), curved sections
unboxed trucks, G-E, boxes F-G, (35+) £60-80 track side lighting including 3601 plug in (70+), double slip points (3), 3- way points (5),
standard lights (25+), 7048 arc lamps (11), turnout and curved left and right hand points
670. Märklin HO Gauge passenger 7046 Arc Lamps (6), 7283 tower post lamps (70+), uncoupling rails (25+) and buffers (20+)
Coaches and Freight Stock, a boxed group (6), 7281 station platform lamps (25+) and together with boxed track including 5117
including freight stock an 84866 flat truck others, F-G, (Qty) £80-120 (points), 5106 (20 in 2 boxes), 5103, 5121
loaded with a bell, and four decorated trucks hand lever points and 5100 curved sections
4735.002, 94007, 84495, 84480, together with 677. Märklin HO Gauge Catenary, a (20 in 2 boxes), all in green boxes, and seven
five other freight trucks/cars 4212, 4736 (2), boxed or packaged collection including, 7010 6629 240v transformers together with a duo
4229, 4796 and passenger coaches, 4210 (2), masts (26), 7012 masts (8) 7201 (7), 7021 of boxed 6611 220v transformers (untested),
4211, 4213, 4214, 84235 (all in white window masts (4) and 7511 masts (17), together with F-G, boxes P, (750+ individual pieces) in four
boxes, and a cased Fleischmann 5568 track factory sealed packets of contact wire in boxes £150-200
cleaning wagon), G-E, boxes F- G, (18) £80-120 various lengths (35+) and four packs of cross
span, G-E, boxes G, (Qty) £80-120 682. Märklin Digital HO Adaptors and
Decoders, a boxed collection comprising,
6039 Adaptor 60 (4) and 6038 Adaptor 180
(1), together with 6083 Decoder K83 (10) and
6084 Decoder K84 (6), untested, G-E, boxes G,
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price (21) £100-150
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
34 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
LOT 691 LOT 692
683. Märklin Digital HO Adaptors and 688. Märklin Digital HO Gauge Swedish 694. Bachmann China HO Gauge
Decoders, a boxed collection comprising, Historic Express Train 1938, a boxed set 2670, Locomotives and Tenders, a boxed duo of
6039 Adaptor 60 (4) and 6038 Adaptor 180 comprising Swedish Electric Locomotive D101 Steam Locomotives comprising, CS00301 Class
(1), together with 6083 Decoder K83 (10) and and three Balcony Coaches of the S J, G-E, Box JS 2-8-2 (B Type), in black livery Ping Ding Shan
6084 Decoder K84 (6), untested, G-E, boxes G, G £350-400 Coal Co, and CS00203, SY Locomotive in black
(21) £100-150 livery, in original boxes, G-E, boxes G-E, (2)
689. Märklin HO Gauge Locomotives £100-150
684. Märklin Digital HO Accessories, an and Coaches, a boxed group comprising
unboxed collection all used, including 6003 3034, Electric Locomotive E 41 of the DB in 695. Bachmann China HO Gauge
240v transformers (26), 6015 Boosters (24) blue livery (converted to DC), together with Locomotive and Tender, a boxed example
Keyboard units 6040 (8), Memory unit 6043, 2930 starter set comprising Tank Locomotive, CT00302, Qian Jin 2-10-2 Steam Locomotive,
Control 80 units 6035 (8), Control 80F units wagons, track and transformer, and two boxed in black livery, in original box, G-E, Box G-E
6036 (2) Central Unit 6020, and Interface coaches 4043/4029, F-G, boxes P-F, (4) £80-120
unit 6050, together with various cables and a £80-120
box of manuals and instruction booklets, all 696. Bachmann China HO Gauge
untested, F-G, (Qty) in four boxes £200-300 690. Roco and Märklin H0 Gauge Locomotive and Tender, a boxed example
Articulated Tram and Trucks, a boxed group CT00306, Qian Jin 2-10-2 Steam Locomotive,
685. Model Train Enthusiasts comprising Roco 43193, Tram (Duwag), in in black livery, in original box, G-E, Box G-E
Accessories Tools Equipment and Cases, a white KVB livery, together with Märklin 84564 £80-120
duo of black vinyl portable cases each fitted three truck set ‘500 Years of America’ and
with forty plastic drawers, filled with various 84683 truck in Christmas livery, G-E, boxes 697. Bachmann China HO Gauge
components, tools and accessories many of P-G, (3) £60-80 Locomotives, a boxed duo of Electric
which are Märklin examples, F-G, (2) £50-80 Locomotives comprising, CE00308, SS9G
691. Märklin Engine Shed and Shaoshan Type Co-Co in blue and silver livery
Turntable, a boxed duo comprising, 7028 and CE0010 Shaoshan Type 8 in blue livery,
Roundhouse Locomotive Shed with interior both in original boxes, G-E, boxes G-E, (2)
lighting, together with 7186 Turntable and a £100-150
transformer as shown, part of lot 1188, F-G,
boxes F-G, (3) £140-180 698. Bachmann China HO Gauge
Locomotives, a boxed duo of Diesel
692. Märklin HO Gauge Crane, an Locomotives, comprising, CD00305, DF 4D
686. Rivarossi HO Gauge Venice Simplon unboxed operating crane with control box, Chairman Mao in blue and cream livery and
Orient Express Coaches, a boxed collection (minus cabin roof), F £30-50 special edition, DF11, A.Q.H.S. Dongfeng 11 in
of coaches comprising 2502, 3540A sleeping red and cream livery, both in original boxes,
cars in C.I.W.L. blue livery (8), together with G-E, boxes F-G, (2) £80-120
2480, 3674 buffet cars in V.S.O.E. blue livery
(3), all in blue V.S.O.E. boxes, and 2592, 4029 699. Bachmann China HO Gauge
Pullman 1st class coach in C.I.W.L. blue livery, Locomotives, a trio of Diesel Locomotives,
in red Rivarossi box, G-E, boxes G, (12) comprising, CD00201, H.DF. 4B in orange
£100-150 livery and CD00204, H.DF 4B in green livery,
together with CD00303, H. DF. 4D in red and
cream livery, all in original boxes, G-E, boxes
693. Märklin HO Gauge Locomotives and G-E, (3) £150-200
Freight Stock, a boxed collection including,
3083, Steam Locomotive with Tender serie 700. Gützold HO Gauge Locomotives
231 ETAT in green livery and 3089, Stream and Tenders, a boxed duo of Steam
Line Locomotive and Tender, BR 03.10 DRG Locomotives comprising 45200, BR 52 2-2-T
red livery (in 3094 box), together with eight 30 of the DRG in grey livery and 29102 BR 56
687. Märklin HO Gauge Locomotive, trucks, 45646 (5), 45641, 45702 and eleven AEG of the DRG in black livery, both in original
a boxed 33591, Electric Swiss double 846804 refrigerator trucks and two 4683 tank boxes G, boxes F-G, (2) £100-150
Locomotive, Ae 8/14 in SBB-CFF green wagons, G-E, boxes F-G, (22) £140-180
livery, commemorating 150 years of Swiss
railroading, inner plastic tray broken, G-E, Box
P-G, £80-120
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 35
707. Fleischmann HO Gauge Train Set, a 714. Märklin/Hamo HO Gauge
6369-U, Regional Express trainset, comprising Locomotive, a boxed Electric Locomotive
BR 218 Diesel Locomotive, and two passenger 38614, Serie 460, 100 Jahre TCS, Naturlich
coaches, together with a cased 5623, Double Mobil, of the SBB-CFF, in original box, G-E, Box
Deck control car Gorlitz, all of the DB in red G £60-80
livery, no track or controller, in associated box
5623 in original case, G-E, boxes G £100-150 715. Brawa Exclusive Edition and
Gützold HO Gauge Locomotives, a boxed duo
701. Gützold HO Gauge Locomotives of Diesel Locomotives comprising Brawa 405,
and Tenders, a boxed duo of Steam BR 219 021-3, of the DB in red livery, together
Locomotives comprising 32 400, BR 52 52241 with Gützold 42100, BR V180 German Reich
of the DRG in grey livery and 130100, BR 71 Railways, heavy hydraulic Locomotive with
Tank Locomotive of the KSST in green livery, double panorama cab, in red and cream livery,
both in original boxes G, boxes F-G, (2) both in original boxes, G, boxes G, (2)
£100-150 £100-120
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 37
Lot 747 Lot 748
744. Parcels and Left Luggage Sign, a BR 751. GWR Notices, two cast iron GWR 756. Private Sign, a BR Western Region
Southern enamelled hanging sign white text notices one a diamond shaped example enamelled sign, with white lettering on a
on a green ground, with hand written label inscribed ‘This Bridge is Insufficient to Carry a brown ground, fully flanged door sign, (18”
on back ‘Sole St’ some minor areas of wear to Heavy Motor Car’ Great Western Railway Co wide x 3.5 “ high) G £60-80
edges, (24” wide x 18” high) G £80-100 Paddington Station London, (top and bottom
corners both broken, but present red lettering 757. Ladies Room Sign, a BR Western
detached one letter missing) 31” wide x 50” Region Worcester station enamelled sign,
high, together with a smaller rectangular with white lettering on a brown ground, fully
notice inscribed ‘Warning Against the Practice flanged door sign, (18” wide x 3.5 “ high) G
of Propping Up the Doors of the Merchandise £60-80
745. Train Service Sign, a Southern Trucks’ Frank Potter GM, (one corner missing)
Railways enamelled wall mounted sign with 14” wide x 12” high, F, (2) £50-80 758. Ladies Room Sign, a BR Western
white text on green ground, some areas of Region Worcester Station enamelled sign,
repainting to edges, 41” wide x 5” high, G, with white lettering on a brown ground, fully
£80-100 flanged door sign, some scratches to enamel,
(18” wide x 3.5 “ high) F- G £60-80
746. To The Trains and British Railway
Signs, a duo of BR Southern enamelled signs, 759. Chatham Railway Sign, an SE&C
both white text on green ground and wall enamelled station sign with blue lettering on a
mounted, comprising ‘To The Trains’ with an white ground, ‘Chatham Railway’ one half of a
arrow, one corner missing due to rust, (48” 752. Bedwyn Station Totem Sign a BR larger station sign that would have read ‘South
wide x 12” high) and ‘British Railways’ with Western Region enamelled station totem sign Eastern & Chatham Railway’ by Partington…,
some wear to edges, (53” wide x 6” high) P-G, for Bedwyn, cream lettering on brown, fully with enamel loss to edges and corners, 83”
(2) £120-160 flanged, with some chips to enamel, 36” wide wide x 9” high, F £80-120
x 10” high, G £400-600
747. Dorking Town Station Target Sign,
a Southern Railways enamelled station target The vendor of lots 753-758 worked for
sign for Dorking Town, misshapen at bottom, British rail from 1973-1991. From early 1974
with areas of repainting, lettering good, 36” to late 1987, he worked in the Architect’s
wide x 13” high, F-G £250-350 Department and was responsible for
completing the signing change from brown
748. West Croydon Station Totem Sign, and cream to black and white on the Western 760. Silloth Station Totem Sign, a BR
a BR Southern enamelled station totem sign Region. These few signs were rescued from LMR Region Silloth Station enamelled totem
for West Croydon, with repainting to edges, rubbish skips. sign, closed in 1964, with white lettering on a
lettering good, 36” wide x 10” high, G maroon ground, fully flanged, retouching to
£250-350 753. Waiting and Ladies Rooms Sign, a enamel within the ‘o’, some wear to edges,
BR Western Region enamelled sign, with white inscribed on reverse ‘Purchased Clapham
lettering on a brown ground, fully flanged 1965’, 36” wide x 10” high, G
door sign, some chips to edges, (18” wide x 6” £400-600
high) G £100-150
761. Gate Notice, an original cast iron
notice, with white lettering on black inscribed
749. BR London Midland Region Station ‘Any Person Not Fastening This Gate…’ 30”
Sign, an enamelled sign wall mounted with wide x 10” high, G £50-80
white text on a maroon ground inscribed
‘Trains to St Albans, Berkhamsted and Tring’, 754. Waiting Room Sign, a BR Western 762. GWR Emblem Panel, An original
some areas of repainting, wear to edges and Region Worcester station enamelled sign, transferred panel possibly pre war, depicting
minor touching up to lettering, 59” wide x 17” with white lettering on a brown ground, fully the GWR Emblem, inscribed on reverse
high, F £100-150 flanged door sign, some chips to edges and ‘Purchased from Museum of British Transport,
lettering, (18” wide x 6” high) F-G £80-120 Clapham, Oct 1965’, 19” wide x 16” high, G
750. Potters Bar Railway Station Bench £50-80
Sign, a GNR cast metal sign originally mounted
on a platform bench inscribed Potters Bar with 763. No Entry Sign, a BR Western Region
white lettering on a black ground, (repainted), enamelled sign with white lettering on a
36” wide x 4” high, G £50-80 brown ground fully flanged, with areas of
755. Foreman Sign, a BR Western Region retouching, 36” wide x 12” high, F
Worcester station enamelled sign, with white £50-80
lettering on a brown ground, fully flanged
door sign, some minor chips to edges, (18”
wide x 3.5 “ high) G £60-80
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
38 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
771. 1970s London Carriage Maps, an
Lot 766
unframed group comprising, Docklands Light
Railway (1st version) adhesive, and BR Great
Northern Electric 1976 (Moorgate-Welwyn
Garden City/Hertford North), together
with London Transport, Piccadilly 1973,
Metropolitan, Jubilee 1978, Circle and District
1971, Northern (including Strand Closure
1973-76), Central 1974 and Bakerloo 1974,
F-G, (9) £50-80
Lot 767
764. West St Leonards Station Target 767. An Original Great Western 772. Fulgurex Tie Clips Railway Lamp and
Sign, a Southern Railways enamelled station Railway ‘Saint’ Class Locomotive Nameplate Others, a collection of seven 1980s/1990s
target sign for West St Leonards, with white ‘Talisman’, iron and brass, from locomotive Fulgurex tie clips, some with enamelled detail,
lettering on a green ground, unflanged with no 2989, built in 1905 initially as a 4-4-2 together with a reproduction brass emblem
areas of retouching mainly to edges, 36” wide for comparison with the French compound for ‘Internationale Des Wagons Lits’ (CIWL),
x 13” high, F-G £250-350 Atlantics, later converted to a standard 4-6- a reproduction railway signalling lamp and a
0 and running until September 1948; the boxed Coalport collector’s plate depicting ‘The
765. West St Leonards Station Totem counterpart nameplate is believed to be at Bristolian’ 1992, G-E, (Qty) £60-80
Sign, a BR Southern Region enamelled station the ‘Steam’ Museum, Swindon; the nameplate
totem sign for West St Leonards, with white offered is in good condition with polished 773. Railway Signal Lamps, a group
lettering on a green ground, fully flanged lettering and some repainting to painted of four black painted lamps, including three
with some areas of retouching including to areas, and comes with a packet containing cylindrical examples, two marked BR (one with
lettering, 36” wide x 10” high, F-G £250-350 copies of the National Archive records relating damaged red lens), the other marked L&SWR
to this engine £4500-5500 Sidmouth, (minus blue lens), with an earlier
766. An Original Southern Railway signal lamp of tapering form, all with burners,
‘Schools’ Class Locomotive Nameplate 768. Railway Signal Arms and Others, F-G, (4) £60-80
‘Christ’s Hospital’, a cast brass plate from a group of four enamelled signals including
Locomotive no 913 (later BR 30913), built two signal arms one with arrow cut out, a 774. Railway Signal Lamps, a group of
in 1933 and withdrawn in 1962, in good ex- disc signal and a marker with white and black four lanterns of square form, including three
locomotive condition, with red background diagonal lines, F, (4) £50-80 white painted examples, comprising a BR (W)
to lettering and black outer edging to repainted, LT repainted one side lens cracked,
plate; purchased for £15 by an employee 769. An Edwardian Railway Carriage and BR (M) M repainted together with a black
at the Eastleigh works at the time that the Lavatory Door, teak door with upper glazed painted SER example, all with burners, F-G, (4)
locomotive was scrapped and thence by panel inset with poster advertising South East £60-80
descent; currently mounted for the auction and Chatham Railway above brass handle and
view on a modern display stand attached gold script ‘Lavatory’, P-F, bottom edge of door 775. Prewar and Later Railway Ephemera
through original fixing holes; the counterpart rotten and incomplete £60-80 and a Wagon Plate, a collection of railway
nameplate is believed to be in the possession company instruction manuals and enthusiasts
of Christ’s Hospital School £10000-12000 770. Two Victorian Cast Iron Rail Chairs, publications including 1930s/1940s Southern,
an L.B. & S.C. R. example dated 1896 on LM&SR and GWR signalling manuals, 1940s
a wooden plinth, together with an S.E.R. ABC guides including Southern, GWR, LMS
example by H.W.& Co 1875, G, (2) £50-80 and others, together with a volume of
British Railways Can Take It 1945, a 1958
Evans’ North Wales pocket railway guide,
1952 Warren’s Winchester ABC rail and bus
timetable amongst others and a 1950 cast iron
wagon plate Swindon DB 991117, P-G, (Qty)
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 39
776. 1950s and Later Train Timetables, 781. Victorian and Later Regulation 785. LNER and GNRS Wagon/
mostly Southern Region but including others, Books and Railway Office Paper Weights, Bridge Plates, three cast iron examples
passenger, working and freight, 1955-1990s, a trio of books comprising GNR 1897 Rules white lettering on black, comprising two
together with six reproduction examples, P-G and Regulations, Metropolitan Railways LNER Darlington 1946 wagon plates
(60+) in two boxes £100-150 1904 Rules and Regulations signed by Driver 270736/289578 and an oval GNRS bridge
F Fitzjohn and GWR Rates of Pay of Railway plate inscribed 1, G, (3) £50-80
Staff, together with two iron desk paper
weights one impressed GER with grip the 786. British Rail Peaked Caps, a group
other GNR with red paint residue, P-G, (5) of seven vintage caps, six with British Rail
£50-80 emblem, five in brass, some with gold braid,
together with a red felt armband ‘Pilotman’
and various cap bands, F-G, (Qty) £60-80
777. Edwardian Train Station Booking 782. British Rail Badges Buttons and
Office Dial Clock, an 8” in diameter, 30hr dial Others, Enamelled BR cap badges including
clock, in painted mahogany case with brass ‘Foreman’ ‘Porter’ and ‘British Railways’, brass
bezel and chain driven fusee movement, and other BR buttons, and a reproduction
with later dial painted with Roman numerals brass Flying Scotsman miniature name plate
and 24hr clock in red inscribed B.R. E. with together with vintage carriage keys, lapel
the serial number 10956, m with pendulum, badges, a key with brass label tower clock dial
minus keys, G, (2) £400-600 key, tickets and a number of paper labels BR
Boat Passengers for Tyne Commission Quay
778. A Bassett-Lowke and H G Franklin (change at Newcastle), F-G, (Qty) £80-120
Scrap Album, a postcard album containing, 788. Chad Valley Jigsaws, a group of
photographs, postcards and cuttings, twelve GWR jigsaws in original boxes, four
relating to railways and model trains, depicting trains, ‘Speed’, Royal Route To
inscribed in pencil ‘Young Lowkodons and The West’, ‘The Cheltenham Flyer’ and
Young Frankidons’ 1904-1932, cards sent by ‘The Railway Station’, none checked four
Whynne Bassett-Lowke and Harry G Franklin, completeness, P-F, (12) £100-120
photographs by both, including images of
Radwell Manor 10¼in Gauge railway, built
for and by Whynne Bassett Lowke and Harry
Franklin, circa 1920s, F £100-150
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 41
819. Gresley P2 Cock O The North 1934,
a sepia photograph of the London & North
Eastern Railway 2-8-2 Express Passenger
Engine, Doncaster 1934, mounted and glazed
in an oak frame, image 26” wide x 11” high, G
Lot 810 (some marks to mount and image), frame F
810. The Ace at Battledown, a 815. Les Perrin Oil on Board, a scene
publisher’s proof limited edition print 5/10, depicting 6012 King Edward, under Steam
by Philip D Hawkins, signed by the artist, with passenger coaches travelling through a
with additional signatures Richard Hardy coastal town, signed Perrin 1983, in moulded 821. George Heiron Gouache on Paper,
(shedmaster) and Jim Lester (fireman), framed frame, 36” wide x 24” high, E £50-100 a scene depicting the GT-3 gas turbine
and glazed 31” wide x 21” high, G £40-60 Locomotive, and predecessors (Electric,
electro Diesel and Steam), signed George
811. Edwardian and Later Steam Heiron, used as a front cover of the Model
Locomotive Photographs and Prints, a pair Railway News July 1962, framed and glazed
of Edwardian images of LSWR Locomotives with brass plaque ‘Presented by the Model
(each 6” wide x 4” high) in later glazed Railway News’ , 14” square, E £150-200
moulded frames, together with a collection
1960s and later photographs of Steam 822. Photographs of Railway Interest
Locomotives and trains some by Brian by Simon Logi, a collection of unmounted
Stephenson, and set of reproduction GWR silver gelatin images in six folders including
prints, G, (Qty) £40-60 GWR Locomotives, drivers and others,
together with M&SWJ last day at Fosse Cross
812. New Cavendish Publications, a and others, and various BR (W) images of
trio of volumes, all with sleeves, comprising 816. Les Perrin Oil on Board, a scene workforce, drivers and others, G, (90+)
The Last Parade by P.B. Whitehouse, limited depicting 60062 Minoru, under Steam with £60-80
edition 733/3000, 1977, The Golden Years of passenger coaches, with Flying Scotsman
Tin Toy Trains by Paul Klein Schiphorst, 2002, headboard, travelling through Ponton station,
and The Art of the Tin Toy by David Pressland, signed Perrin 1982, in moulded frame 33”
1979, F-G, (3) £50-80 wide x 24” high, E, Frame F £50-100
830. Hess Penny Toy Trains, red engine 836. A Boxed Hornby O Gauge
No 100, red, yellow, blue and green coaches Clockwork No 3 Locomotive and No 2 Special 841. A Hornby O Gauge Clockwork No 2
all No 100, open truck and chassis and roof, Tender, in GWR green no 4073 ‘Caerphilly Caledonian Railway ‘2711’ 4-4-0 Locomotive
F-G, centre wheels and supports removed Castle’, with key, G, mechanism working, and Tender, original but restored example,
from engine, one coach and truck with paintwork good but with damage to cab and with round ‘MLLd’ transfers to splashers
changed wheels, general wear with some front buffer beam, slight flaking to driving and Tender sides and brass 2711 plates to
scratches, together with Erzegebirge or similar wheels, Tender G-VG, boxes both F, splits to cabsides, overall G, mech tested ok, transfers
wooden Train comprising Engine and three locomotive box base and Tender box lid (2) rubbed, moderate playwear/paintloss to
coaches, F-G (12) £50-80 £120-160 tops of splashers, a considerable amount of
carefully-matched re-touching to other areas,
the Tender likewise, coal rails intact, unboxed
(2) £400-600
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 43
849. Hornby O Gauge Bogie Coaching 856. Boxed Hornby O Gauge Post-War
Stock, comprising Metropolitan Railway 3rd Rolling Stock, all from the 1948-51 period,
class coach, F-G, wheels replaced, moderate including NE goods and refrigerator vans
scratching to sides and slight corrosion to roof, in 1948 buff boxes, McAlpines side-tipper
with two early Pullman cars (one with plain in 1948 flat red box, SR Milk Traffic (1950),
brown doors), one F, one G, and ‘Wagons-Lits’ LMS Flat Truck with container (1951) and 10
Dining and Sleeping cars in blue, both P-F, others, all VG-E, boxes G-VG (15) £100-140
sides badly faded, roof screws and wheels
842. A Hornby O Gauge ‘United Dairies’ replaced (5) £100-140 857. Hornby and Other O Gauge Trains,
Milk Tank Wagon, with blue ‘T3’ base, overall including Hornby c/w No 1 SR loco body only,
G-VG, slightly grubby, unboxed £100-140 850. Hornby O Gauge Bogie Pullman G, red M1 Tender, 3 ‘OAG’ wagons and 3 M1
No 2/3 and No 2 Coaching Stock, comprising Pullmans, various track pieces (mostly 1920’s
843. Unboxed Hornby O Gauge Private earlier cream-cantrail ‘Iolanthe’ with type), level crossing and buffers, together with
Owner No 1 Vans, comprising Cadbury’s repainted roof, and later series grey-roof a Bub or similar 3-part bridge, small Mettoy
Chocolates with green base, F-G, some small ‘Grosvenor’, ‘Loraine’ and brake cars ‘Arcadia’ girder bridge, brimtoy signal box, Bing country
areas of corrosion, together with yellow/red and ‘Verona’, varying P-G, some retouching station and parts of a Distler ‘Central Station’,
Fyffes bananas, both with sliding doors, and (esp Arcadia), some paint loss/corrosion (esp mostly P-F, with playwear, minor damages and
a hinged-door Fyffes van with green base and Loraine), otherwise moderate playwear (5) some parts missing (qty) £50-80
cream roof, both Fyffes P-F, playworn (3) £120-160
£120-160 858. A Hornby O Gauge Clockwork No 51
851. Hornby and Bassett-Lowke O Passenger Train Set, containing BR green 0-4-
844. Unboxed Hornby O Gauge GWR No Gauge Bogie Coaching Stock, comprising 0 Locomotive no 50153 and Tender, with first
2 Van and Cattle Wagon, the van with black Hornby No 2 LMS corridor brake/3rd no 6844, class coach, two third class and one brake van,
base and repainted cream roof, cattle wagon GWR 1st/3rd composite no 6857 and LNER key, rails and track connecting clips, overall G,
with green base and roof, both with gold- 1st/3rd no 186, together with Bassett-Lowke moderate playwear, small dent to loco cab,
block lettering, both F (2) £70-100 LMS brake/3rd no 9343, all P-F, B-L roof and some rails a little rusty, box F-G £60-90
underframe repainted (4) £80-120
845. Hornby O Gauge Southern Railway
Freight Stock, comprising red Hopper Wagon
(T3 base, gold SR lettering) in original box,
G-VG, small crease to one side, box G,
together with SR brown container wagon and
cable drum wagon, both F, container G-VG (4
inc loose container) £70-100
852. A Hornby O Gauge GWR No 2 859. A Hornby O Gauge No 2 Special
846. A Hornby O Gauge No 2E Engine Special Tank Locomotive, a 4-4-2T in GWR Clockwork Locomotive and Tender
Shed, with 3-rail tracks, F, essentially complete ‘shirtbutton’ green as no 2221, F-G, mech ‘Yorkshire’, in LNER green as no 234, F, mech
except one door latch, with some playwear, tested ok, wheels appear sound, moderate tested ok but wheels foul on body, couplings,
fading and corrosion £70-100 playwear and chipping, slight damage to front loco wheels and front bogie appear to be
buffer beam £80-120 replacements, cab substantially rebuilt, and
considerable retouching to loco, general
853. Hornby and Bing O Gauge Bogie playwear and slight corrosion in parts
Coaching Stock Restoration Projects, especially to Tender (2) £80-120
comprising Hornby SR brake/3rd no 3667,
GWR brake/3rd no 4073 and early no 2 (thick 860. A Hornby O Gauge No 3 Clockwork
axle) green Pullman coach, all P-F with dents Locomotive and Tender ‘Caerphilly Castle’,
and playwear, together with a Bing LNWR in GWR green as no 4073, with early ‘control’
brake/3rd no 1921, F, various damages and mechanism and cast driving wheels, loco G,
playwear (4) £100-140 mech tested ok but rods catch in reverse, front
coupling absent, moderate playwear, Tender
854. Hornby O Gauge Locomotives and P, drawbar coupling missing, considerable
Rolling Stock, comprising early M3 Tank loco damages to underframe and playwear to
847. A Hornby O Gauge No 2 Signal 2270 in LMS crimson, early Midland Railway paintwork (2) £100-140
Gantry, with 4 home signals, blue base and refrigerator and luggage vans, GNR brake
finials and green lining to bridge section, G, van, pre-war GWR passenger brake van, MO
moderate playwear and a little grubby Locomotive and Tender 2595 (green) and
£100-140 coach ‘Joan’, with four other incomplete
wagons, a platform crane, loading gauge,
848. Hornby O Gauge Pre-war Signals, and other scenic items, mostly P-F, both loco
including boxed no 2E Junction Distant Signal, mechs tested ok, generally playworn with
with green base and finials, G-VG, a little various damages (qty) £100-140
grubby, box P-F, together with one double-arm 861. A Restored Hornby O Gauge No
signal, G-VG, two junction signals (one G, one 855. Two Early Hornby O Gauge E320 Electric Locomotive and Tender ‘Flying
P-F), two single-arm signals, P-G, a Britain’s Clockwork No 1 Tank Locomotives, both Scotsman, in LNER green as no 4472, with
Automatic Signal, G, one other wooden signal early examples with non-coupled wheels, 20v Electric mechanism, as repaint G-VG, all
and an early Hornby loading gauge (9) comprising LNER green ‘0-4-0’ and LMS wheels appear to be replacements, and some
£100-140 crimson ‘623’, with two keys, both F-G, other fittings (2) £100-140
mechs tested ok, general playwear and minor
damages (4 inc keys) £100-140
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
44 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
867. A Restored Hornby O Gauge LMS 872. Boxed Hornby and Other O Gauge
No 2 Clockwork 4-4-4 Tank Locomotive, Rolling Stock, including Hornby OAG No 1
completely refinished in LMS black with Southern Railway Coach with green ‘crimped’
cabside crest and 4-4-4 to side tanks, as base, Fyffes Banana van (with red roof and
repaint VG, mech tested ok £100-150 base), No 2 LNER High Capacity wagon and
wooden brick load, Barrel wagon, rotary
tipper, no 0 Pullman ‘Viking’ with green base
862. A Restored Hornby O Gauge No and roof, two MO series wagons and one
E220 Electric L1 Class 4-4-0 Locomotive and empty box, all G-VG, some minor damages
Tender, in Southern Railway green as no and playwear, boxes varying P-G, together
1759, with 20v Electric mechanism, as repaint with three unboxed wagons and a roof-less
G-VG, bogie and Tender wheels appear to be Bing LMS 4-wheeled coach, F-G (qty)
replacements, contained with in a Milliboxes 868. A Hornby O Gauge No 4 Clockwork £120-160
repro box, box VG (2) £650-800 ‘Schools’ Class ‘Eton’ Locomotive and Tender,
in SR green, G, mech tested ok, old repairs to
bogie guard irons, considerable retouching
to front end, footplate edges and cab, with
repainted (or possibly a repro) Tender no 900,
Tender as repaint VG £300-500
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 45
876. Two Hornby O Gauge Post-war Sets 889. Three Hornby O Gauge ‘Riviera
and Accessories, comprising late (Meccano) Blue’ Coaches, comprising two dining cars
‘Percy’ set with green Percy no 6, two wagons no 2862D and one sleeping car 2644A, all in
and plastic track, G, mech tested ok, box Wagons-Lits blue livery, F-G, both restaurants
P, with a No 31 Passenger set with green appear over-varnished, one slightly flaky with
loco 45746, Tender, two coaches, track and some old retouching, one has repainted roof
accessories, VG-E, slight surface rusting to (3) £100-140
some rails, set box G, some discolouring to
lid, one edge with split corners, together with
three boxes of additional track, G, and a rusty 882. A Hornby O Gauge No 2E Engine
pre-war station, P (2 sets + 4 boxes) £80-120 Shed, unboxed, overall G, lithography bright,
one scratch to roof, usual creasing to doors
877. A Hornby O Gauge Clockwork No and some other minor damages £120-160 890. A Pair of Repainted Hornby O
2 Tank Locomotive, 4-4-4T design, in LMS Gauge No 3 ‘Mitropa’ Coaches, comprising
crimson as no 2052, with black footplate and 883. French Hornby O Gauge Boxed Speisewagen (restaurant car) and Schlafwagen
smokebox, VG, a few small and well-matched Postwar Rolling Stock, comprising two Vo (sleeping car), both with early tinplate bogies,
retouches, complete with key (2 inc key) OP coaches and one Vo OR, two bogoe Arbel replacement couplers and other restoration
£100-140 hopper wagons, Esso tank wagon, bogie low- work, as repaints G, some rubbing to transfers
side wagon and a side-tipping wagon, all VG, (2) £150-200
boxes G-VG (8) £100-140
891. A Pair of Repainted Hornby O
884. French Hornby O Gauge 3-rail OBB Gauge No 3 ‘Mitropa’ Coaches, comprising
Electric Locomotive and Coaching Stock, Speisewagen (restaurant car) and Schlafwagen
comprising green SNCF Locomotive no BB (sleeping car), both with later ‘compensated’
8051, with blue Wagons-Lits restaurant car no bogies, replacement couplers and other
4218 and blue-cream salon car no 4025, all restoration work, as repaints G (2) £150-200
878. A Hornby O Gauge Electric No E120 VG, ist coach fitted with supplementary pick-
Special Tank Locomotive, in Southern Railway up for Locomotive, unboxed (3) £80-120 892. A Pair of Hornby O Gauge No
green as no 516, G, fatigue to two driving 2/3 ‘Pullman’ Coaches, comprising saloon
wheels, both couplings damaged but usable, 885. French Hornby O Gauge Unboxed ‘Zenobia’ and brake/composite ‘Arcadia’, with
a few minor chips to paintwork, supplied in a Freight Stock, comprising Nord yellow/blue cream roofs, both G-VG, all couplings appear
‘Milliboxes’ repro box £120-160 horse/men wagons (2), EST light blue/yellow to be replacements, some retouching to old
milk wagon, green ETAT fourgon with added chips, two wheels with some fatigue (2)
879. A Hornby O Gauge Nestlé Tank 3-rail pickup, red No 0 barrel wagon, later £80-120
Wagon, on black ‘T3’ base, VG, both tank STEF refrigerated van, brown SNCF open
vents replaced and carefully touched-in, one wagon with vigie, and a TOTAL repaint tank 893. A Pair of Boxed Hornby O Gauge
buffer loose, unboxed £70-100 wagon (with ESSO box), all G-VG, moderate No 2/3 ‘Pullman’ Coaches, comprising saloon
playwear (8 + 1 box) £70-100 ‘Iolanthe’ and brake/composite ‘Alberta’, with
cream roofs, both VG, two couplings appear to
886. French Hornby O Gauge Unboxed be replacements, boxes F, wear to corners (2)
‘OAG’ Freight Stock, comprising ETAT and £100-140
NORD vans with vigies, both G, partially-
repainted milk van with vigie, F, and three
repainted tank wagons, two as ‘Standard’
(red) and one ‘Primagaz’ (cream), as repaints
880. A Hornby O Gauge SR Refrigerator G (6) £70-100
Van, on black ‘T3’ base, in salmon pink
with dark brown ‘SR’ lettering and black 887. Two French Hornby O Gauge
‘Refrigerator Van’ to doors, with original 20v Electric Locomotives, comprising SNCF
off-white roof, VG, some small chips to roof, crimson-brown 0-4-0 and Tender, with
buffers and ends by couplings, unboxed supplementary roller pick up added to Tender 894. A Hornby O Gauge No E120 LMS
£200-300 and tinplate ‘overshoe’ to original loco pickup, Tank Locomotive, in enamelled LMS crimson
otherwise VG, together with a repainted as no 2115, with serif decals, VG, wheels
881. An Early Hornby O Gauge bonneted Electric 0-4-0 now in metallic silver appear to be good quality replacements
Clockwork No 1 G LNWR Train Set, with with ‘ETAT’ transfers, tin ‘overshoe’ applied to £90-120
LNWR black 0-4-0 Locomotive, Tender and pickup, as repaint G-VG (3 inc Tender) £80-120
one open wagon, and circle of 1’ radius wire- 895. A Hornby O Gauge No EM320 SR
hook track, all G-VG, some wear to loco cab Tank Locomotive, in lithographed SR green
roof and paint loss to right cylinder, mech as no E126, VG, wheels appear to be good
tested ok, Tender and wagon base with some quality replacements, a little retouching to
filigree corrosion under paintwork, various footplate and cylinders £90-120
old auction stickers attached to undersides,
box G, one lid end detached, Dymo label ‘G M 896. A Hornby O Gauge No E420 SR
Cashmore’ attached to internal partition ‘Schools’ Class 4-4-0 ‘Eton’ Locomotive and
£140-180 Tender, in SR green, VG, driving wheels
888. A French Hornby O Gauge 20v appear to be good quality replacements,
Bonneted Electric Locomotive, largely considerable but well-matched retouching
repainted around original transfers in dark to cabsides, cylinders and other areas,
green as PO no El.30, with cream roof, as reinforcing carefully added under cab/
repaint G-VG £60-90 footplate, supplied in a non-original carrying
box £300-400
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
46 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
897. Hornby O Gauge Tinprinted No O 903. Boxed and Unboxed Hornby
Vans, comprising brown GW milk vans 28127 O Gauge Freight Stock comprising NE
(2), GW white ‘Mica B’ 58923, NE tan Fish green-base and LMS OAG brake vans, NE
wagon 12630 and Perishable van 168848, refrigerator van, gas wagon, Mobiloil grey
LMS grey Banana Van 28862, all G, three with tanker, blue circle cement, SR green and BR
remains of boxes (boxes P), together with NE crimson milk traffic wagons, all G-VG with
ventilated refrigerator van 151275, F, damage boxes, boxes varying F-VG, together with
to printing/varnish on both sides, 2 roofs unboxed OAG Pratt’s and National Benzole
repainted (7 with 3 boxes) £100-140 tank wagons, (latter retouched), type 3 base
Redline-Glico, LMS refrigerator, LNER OAG
898. Hornby O Gauge Boxed No 50 brake van, No 0 SR open wagon and post-war
Freight Stock, comprising Shell Oil and crane truck, all G-VG, moderate playwear (8
Manchester Oil Tank Wagons, brown goods boxed + 7 unboxed) £140-180 909. Two French Hornby O Gauge
van and white refrigerator van, Saxa Salt ‘Démontable’ Stations, comprising No 18
wagon, low sided wagon and brake van, all E 904. A Hornby O Gauge No 2E Engine ‘Arras’ and No 20 ‘Monaco’, both G-VG,
in original boxes, boxes VG-E, together with Shed, unboxed, with added interior light, contents not checked exhaustively, boxes F-G,
an LMS container and HRCA repro SR meat overall G, base repainted, two vents are some fading (2 sets) £70-100
container, both G-VG (9) £100-140 replacements, retouching, to roof edges and
some other areas, all doors with cut-outs at BASSETT-LOWKE
899. Hornby O Gauge Type 1 Base bottom to clear 3rd rail, all track pins missing
Freight Stock, comprising LNWR Gunpowder at one end £120-160
Van, G, moderate playwear and one door
handle replaced, LNW Open wagon with
‘thick’ axles, F, some retouching to base and
lettering, and a GN brake van, F, roof and base
repainted (3) £80-120
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 47
920. A Bassett-Lowke O Gauge 926. Three Bassett-Lowke O Gauge BR
Clockwork Stanier 4P 2-6-4 Tank Locomotive, red/cream Coaches, comprising 1st class no
ref 3618/0 in painted BR lined black as no 3995, 3rd class no 9272, and brake/3rd 26233
42608, with geared wind, VG- E, mech tested with grey roof, all F-G, moderate playwear,
ok, front coupling re-fitted, in original box, some retouching, 3995 and 9272 with
914. A Bassett-Lowke O Gauge with key and original instruction sheet, box repainted black roofs, some wrapping damage
Clockwork ‘Flying Scotsman’ 4-6-2 F-G, some scuffing to corners and old tape to sides (3) £70-100
Locomotive and Tender, in original lined marks £400-600
BR green livery as no 60103, F, damage to 927. Three Bassett-Lowke O Gauge BR
front end, misaligned winding hole so mech red/cream Coaches, comprising 1st class
untested, right side valve gear partially no 3995, 3rd class no 9272, and brake/3rd
disconnected, small crease to left side of cab, 26233, all with repainted black roofs, all F-G,
unboxed (2) £350-500 moderate playwear, some retouching, some
921. A Bassett-Lowke O Gauge 3-rail wrapping damage to sides (3) £70-100
915. A Restored Bassett-Lowke O Electric ‘Prince Charles’ 4-4-0 Locomotive and
Gauge Live Steam Spirit-fired ‘Mogul’ 2-6-0 Tender, ref 4313/0, in BR lined ‘Caledonian’ 928. A Restored Bassett-Lowke O Gauge
Locomotive and Tender, completely refinished blue as no 62078, E, moderate wear to Live Steam Spirit-fired ‘Enterprise’ 4-4-0
in LNER green as no 33, Tender marked mechanism and pick-ups, one or two few Locomotive and Tender, neatly refinished in
underneath ‘IW, 02/1994’, complete with small chips carefully touched-in, in original LMS lined black with no 6284 to Tender, with
vapourising burner and dome cover, as repaint mottled-green box, box F-Gn£150-250 LMS in red block to cabsides, frame no X161,
VG, some denting to smokebox door, supplied complete with vapourising burner and safety
in a later ‘Corgi/B-L’ Mogul box £160-220 922. A Bassett-Lowke O Gauge 3-rail valve, as repaint VG (2) £120-160
Electric ‘Prince Charles’ 4-4-0 Locomotive and
Tender, ref 4311/0, in BR lined green as no
62136, E, moderate wear to mechanism and
pick-ups, in original plain green box, box G
916. A Bassett-Lowke O Gauge 3-rail 929. A Repainted Bassett-Lowke
Electric ‘Flying Scotsman’ 4-6-2 Locomotive 923. Boxed Bassett-Lowke O Gauge BR O Gauge Clockwork ‘Compound’ 4-4-0
and Tender, ref 5310/0 in lithographed BR and LNER Coaching Stock, comprising ref Locomotive and Tender, refinished in matt
lined green as no 60103, VG-E, minimal wear 111/0 BR red/cream 1st class corridor coach LMS lined crimson as no 1108, with male key,
to pick-up shoes, very slight loss to left cab- no 9272, matching 112/0 Brake/3rd no 26233, as repaint G, mech tested ok, keyhole slightly
side number, with 8-wheeled corridor Tender, both in green boxes, with ref 99/0 LNER ‘teak’ mis-aligned, lining strips coming loose on
E, both in original box, box G, scuffing to brake/3rd no 62362 in blue/white box, all VG- footplate (3 inc key) £90-120
corners and some old tape marks £500-700 E, one or two very minor retouches and chips
to BR coaches, roofs possibly repainted, boxes 930. Boxed Bassett-Lowke and Hornby
917. A Bassett-Lowke O Gauge 3-rail F (3) £150-250 O Gauge Freight Stock, comprising B-L GWR
Electric Class J39 0-6-0 Locomotive and brake van no 35642, (home depot Exeter),
Tender, ref 4205/0, in LNER red-lined gloss and LMS Cattle wagon no 14548, both G-VG,
black as no 1448, VG, moderate wear to brake with odd lamp bracket attached, boxes
mechanism and pick-ups, a few small chips F, missing lids, together with a Hornby No 2
carefully touched-in, in non-original box Lumber wagon in yellow with green bogies,
£150-200 VG, box F, one end of lid missing (3)
924. A Boxed Bassett-Lowke O Gauge
Live Steam Spirit-fired ‘Enterprise’ 4-4-0 931. Four Repainted Bassett-Lowke O
Locomotive and Tender, ref 6690/0, in red- Gauge Coaches, very nicely restored in LMS
lined black livery with no 6285 to Tender, maroon as Brake/3rds nos 5106 and 5670, 1st
918. A Bassett-Lowke O Gauge frame no X293, with slip-eccentric reversing class 5678 and 2011, as repaints all VG-E (4)
Clockwork ‘Duchess of Montrose’ 4-6-2 and original burner, G-VG, some areas of paint £120-160
Locomotive and Tender, ref 3261/0 in painted loss to boiler and smokebox, box G, splits to
BR lined green as no 46232, with geared wind lid corners £180-250 932. An Uncommon Carette for Bassett-
and variable speed control, VG- E, mech tested Lowke O Gauge Birmingham Gas Dept Open
ok, very slight corrosion to smokebox door, Wagon, ref 13428-35, in lithographed red-
with 6-wheeled Stanier Tender, E, both in brown with black and white legend as wagon
original box, with key and original instruction no 1201, with original couplers and pressed
sheet, box F-G, some scuffing to corners and 5-hole wheels, G, moderate playwear, slight
old tape marks £1000-1400 corrosion to one side £60-80
934. A Boxed Original Bassett-Lowke 941. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail 946. Two ACE Trains O Gauge AC/1a
O Gauge Esso Tank Wagon, in yellow as no C/20-B LMS ‘Coronation’ 3-Coach Set and ‘Constructor’ Series Platform Extension
21774, G, with crazing to litho finish, box F Interior Detailing Kits, in LMS streamlined Sets, each containing two straight platform
with old taped repairs to lid £150-200 blue livery, comprising 1st class no 7509, extensions and a pair of ramps, all E (2 sets)
brake/3rd no 5814 and 3rd class 9029, all E, £40-60
box VG-E, together with a three-pack interior
detail set C/20-B, E (box + packet) £200-300
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 49
952. An ACE Trains O Gauge 3-rail 958. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail
‘Modelfair’ Special Edition Class A4 ‘Bittern’ Electric BR 9F Class 2-10-0 Locomotive and
Locomotive with Two Tenders, a limited Tender, ref E/28 (model J1), in un-numbered
edition (no 19 of only 50 made) version of plain grey with black detailing, E, appears 966. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail
ACE’s ref E4, in gloss BR green with second never more than test run, box E, in original Electric BR Britannia Class Locomotive and
(water) Tender as run in preservation, VG, outer sleeve £500-700 Tender, ref E/27, in BR lined green with late
small scratch to left side of front Tender, some totem as no 70019 ‘Lightning’, with pack
small chips to second Tender underframe/ of lamps and WR-type reporting numbers,
axleboxes and some polish residue, box VG, E, 3-rail pick-ups supplied in box, box E, in
with LE certificate and instructions original outer sleeve £500-700
959. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail 967. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail
953. A Reproduction Bassett-Lowke Electric LMS Coronation Class Locomotive Electric BR (Ex-SR) ‘Schools’ Class Locomotive
O Gauge Clockwork LMS ‘Black Five’ and Tender, ref E/12 (model C1), in LMS and Tender, ref E/10, in BR lined gloss green
Locomotive and Tender by Ludlows of Bolton, unlined wartime satin black as no 6247 ‘City with late totem as no 30926 ‘Repton’, with
made by John Ratcliffe and painted by Simon of Liverpool’, E, appears never more than test alternative chimney, VG-E, 3-rail pick-ups
Greenwood, uncommon version incorporating run, box E, in original outer sleeve £500-700 supplied in box, box E, in original outer sleeve
an original B-L clockwork mechanism with £400-600
geared-wind and variable-speed motor,
finished in red-lined satin black as LMS no
5294, VG- E, one small paint chip to right-side
cylinder, with an original B-L ‘male’ key, box
VG-E £600-800
954. A Reproduction Bassett-Lowke 960. A Darstaed O Gauge 3-rail Electric 968. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail
O Gauge Clockwork LMS ‘Black Five’ LB&SCR 2-6-2 Tank Locomotive, in LB&SCR Electric GWR Castle Class ‘Bristol Castle’
Locomotive and Tender by Ludlows of Bolton, umber livery as no 705, VG-E, appears very Locomotive and Tender, ref E/7/2, (the
made by John Ratcliffe and painted by Simon little run, one small rub to left side cylinder, revised version with improved mechanism),
Greenwood, uncommon version incorporating and right cylinder is curiously crimson - in BR lined green as no 7013 with early motif
an original B-L clockwork mechanism with presumably a factory error, box VG £220-300 to Tender and single chimney, complete
geared-wind fixed-speed motor, finished in with packet of train headboards, VG-E, 3-rail
lined gloss black as BR (early motif) no 45126, 961. Three Darstaed O Gauge Bogie pickups supplied in box, box E in original outer
E, with a fabricated ‘male’ key, box VG-E Tank Wagons, in individual boxes, comprising sleeve £500-700
£600-800 Power Ethyl (green), Pratt’s Spirit (yellow) and
Mobilgas Vacuum (red), all VG-E, boxes VG-E
955. A Reproduction Bassett-Lowke (3) £100-150
O Gauge 3-rail 12v Electric LNER Class B17
Locomotive and Tender by Ludlows of Bolton, 962. A Darstaed O Gauge 3-rail Electric
made by John Ratcliffe and painted by Simon Southern Railway 2-6-2 Tank Locomotive, in
Greenwood, finished in lined satin apple green SR green livery as no 2712, E, appears never 969. A Modern Bassett-Lowke O Gauge
black as LNER no 2848 ‘Arsenal’, E, box VG-E run, box VG-E £220-300 3-rail Electric LNER A3 Class ‘Humorist’
£1000-1500 Locomotive and Tender, ref BL99018, in
963. An ACE Trains O Gauge 3-rail LNER lined dark green as no 2751 with double
Electric SR ‘Celebration’ Class 4-4-0 chimney, complete with packet of lamps, VG-
Locomotive and Tender, ref E/3, in SR black E, very lightly used, box VG £400-600
as no 2006, E, appears never run, box VG
£200-300 970. An ETS (Czech) O Gauge 2-rail
956. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail Electric BR Ex-WD Class 2-8-0 Locomotive
Electric LMS Coronation Class Locomotive 964. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail and Tender, ref 194, in BR plain black as no
and Tender, ref E/12, in LMS streamlined Electric BR (ex-LSWR) M7 Class 0-4-4 Tank 90543 with late motif to Tender, VG-E, some
crimson/gold as no 6229 ‘Duchess of Locomotive, ref E/24, in BR plain black weathering applied to coupling/connecting
Hamilton’, with double chimney, E, appears with late totem, partially repainted and rods, box VG £400-600
never more than test run, box E, in original renumbered as no 30112, G, retouched
outer sleeve £500-800 paintwork poorly applied, box VG, with
headcode discs, lamps and 3-rail pickups
957. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail included in packets £150-200
Electric BR Britannia Class Locomotive and
Tender, ref E/27, in BR lined green with 965. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail
late totem as no 70013 ‘Oliver Cromwell’, Electric BR (ex-GWR) ‘Large Prairie’ Class
with pack of lamps and WR-type reporting 2-6-2 Tank Locomotive, ref E/29, in BR lined 971. An ETS (Czech) O Gauge 2/3-rail
numbers, E, appears never more than test run, green with late totem as no 4160, VG-E, box Electric BR ‘USA’ Class 0-6-0 Tank Locomotive,
box E, in original outer sleeve £400-600 VG-E, with headcode discs, lamps and 3-rail ref 140 BRB, in BR plain black as no 30069
pickups included in packets £250-350 with late motif, VG, glazing and crew added to
cab, retouching to Steam dome, weathering
applied to coupling/connecting rods, 3-rail
pick-ups supplied loose in box, box VG
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price £200-300
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
50 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
972. A Rake of 6 Darstaed O Gauge 979. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail 986. Three ACE Trains O Gauge C/1 SR
Pullman Cars, all in umber/cream livery C/4 LNER Coach Set (B) and Two Additional Coaches, in individual boxes, comprising 1st
with ivory roofs and interior lights, five with Coaches, the set comprising brake/3rd no Class, 3rd Class and Brake/3rd coaches, all in
‘Golden Arrow’ insignia and roofboards, 62659, 1st class car 689 and 3rd class car no SR yellow-lined green livery, all VG-E, boxes
comprising ‘Lydia’, ‘Onyx’, ‘Montana’, ‘Cecilia’ 1865, together with individually-boxed Buffet G-VG (3) £120-160
and ‘Car No 194’, together with ‘The New Car no 650 and 1st/3rd composite no 63291,
Century Bar’ (without G-A insignia), all E, all in printed LNER ‘teak’ livery, all VG-E, boxes 987. Five ACE Trains O Gauge C/4 LNER
boxes E, (6 in outer set box) £300-400 VG-E, (3 in set +2) £250-320 Corridor Coaches, comprising brake/3rd no
1516, 1st class car 6461 1st/3rd composite
973. Three ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail 63291, buffet car no 650 and 3rd class car no
Individual GWR Coaches, all in GWR brown/ 61639, all in printed LNER ‘teak’ livery with
cream livery, comprising full brake no 295, original protective film still applied, ‘Flying
buffet car 9676 and 3rd class no 1297 (with Scotsman’ roofboards fitted, all VG-E, three
grey roofs), all VG-E, boxes VG-E (3) £150-220 are in C/1 coach boxes, boxes G, (5) £200-250
974. Three ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail 988. An ACE Trains ‘Constructor Series’
Individual BR (WR) Mark 1 Coaches, all in O Gauge Station Canopy Set, appears never
WR brown/cream livery, comprising two full assembled, E, box VG-E £120-160
brakes, both no W80723, and restaurant car 980. Two Darstaed O Gauge Pullman
W1728, all VG-E, boxes VG-E (3) £150-220 Cars and an LMS Coach by MTH, the Pullman 989. An ACE Trains O Gauge C1 3-car
Cars in umber/cream livery with ivory roofs Coach Set, in LMS crimson, comprising all-1st,
975. Three ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail and interior lights, comprising ‘Onyx’ with all-3rd and brake/3rd non-corridor coaches, all
Individual BR (LMR) Mark 1 Coaches and ‘Golden Arrow’ insignia and roofboards, with E, box VG-E £120-160
Darstaed ‘Stove’ Van, all in LMR crimson HRCA 40th anniversary Pullman car ‘Michaela’,
livery, comprising two full brakes, both no together with MTH ex-LMS 3rd class coach FINESCALE O GAUGE
80567, and restaurant car 1712, together with no M8951 in BR carmine & cream livery, all E,
Darstaed ‘Stove’ 6-wheeled van M32958, all boxes E, (3) £150-220
VG-E, boxes VG, some slightly faded (4)
£200-280 981. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail
C/4 LNER Coach Set (A), the set comprising
brake/3rd no 1516, 1st class car 6461 and 3rd
class car no 61639, all in printed LNER ‘teak’ 990. A Finescale O Gauge GWR ‘Manor’
livery with original protective film still applied, Class Locomotive and Tender by Hebridean
‘Flying Scotsman’ roofboards fitted, all VG-E, Finescale, beautifully made and finished
with 1998 ACE catalogue and supplement, box by Andy Bamforth, representing no 7827
VG-E, (3 in set box) £150-220 ‘Lydham Manor’ in late BR lined green, E,
appears never run, in purpose-made wooden
982. An ACE Trains O Gauge 3-rail 4-4-4T carry-case, case E £700-1000
976. Two ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail Locomotive, ref ESG/1, in Southern Railway
Individual C/13 BR Mark 1 Coaches TPO green as no B604, VG-E, very little wear to
Coach and Darstaed ‘Stove’ Van, comprising pickups, in original box, box G-VG £180-240
full brake no E80533 and restaurant car E1733,
Darstaed ‘Stove’ 6-wheeled van M33007, all in 983. An ACE Trains O Gauge 3-rail 4-4-4T
BR red/cream livery, together with ACE/Brian Locomotive, ref EGW/1, in Great Western
Wright overlay Royal Mail TPO no M30266M Railway green as no 7202, VG-E, very little
in crimson, all VG-E, boxes VG, some slightly wear to pickups, in original box, box G-VG 991. A Finescale O Gauge GWR 63xx
faded (4) £200-280 £180-240 ‘Mogul’ Locomotive and Tender by Hebridean
Finescale, beautifully made and finished
977. Two ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail by Andy Bamforth, representing no 6342 in
Individual C/13 BR (SR) Mark 1 Coaches and late BR lined green, E, appears never run, in
Darstaed ‘Stove’ Van, comprising full brake purpose-made wooden carry-case, case E
no S81039 and restaurant car S1717, together £600-900
with Darstaed ‘Stove’ 6-wheeled van S32978S,
all in BR Southern Region green livery, all VG- 992. A Finescale O Gauge Ex-SE&CR ‘H’
E, boxes VG-E, (3) £150-220 class 0-4-4T Locomotive, possibly from a kit,
984. An ACE Trains O Gauge 3-rail 4-4-4T reasonably well-finished in lined SR green with
978. An ACE Trains O Gauge 2/3-rail Locomotive, ref EES/2, in EST Railway (France) hand-painted yellow lettering and number
C/5 BR Coach Set (A) and Additional Coach, brown livery, un-numbered, VG-E, very little 1312, G, some rubbing to side tanks, slight
the set comprising brake/3rd no E35260, 1st wear to pickups, in original box, box G-VG paint loss to footplate edges and damage to
class car E13030 and 3rd class car no E5029, £180-240 (paper) boiler lining £200-300
together with individually-boxed full brake no
M80675, all in BR red/cream livery, all VG-E, 985. An ACE Trains O Gauge C/1 GWR 993. A Finescale O Gauge Ex-L&SWR
boxes VG-E, (3 in set +1) £180-250 Coach Set, comprising 1st Class, 3rd Class and ‘M7’ class 0-4-4T Locomotive, from a kit,
Brake/3rd coaches, all in GWR brown/cream reasonably well-finished in unlined SR green
livery, all VG-E, set box G-VG £120-160 with transferred golden-yellow lettering and
number 106, G-VG, slight rusting to buffers
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 51
994. A Finescale O Gauge Southern 1007. A Finescale O Gauge Unmade SR/
Railway ‘L1’ class 4-4-0 Locomotive and BR ‘King Arthur’ Class Locomotive and Tender
Tender, nicely made of nickel-silver and brass, Kit by Gladiator Models, Kit ref GL68, not
possibly from a kit, and reasonably well- checked exhaustively but appears complete,
finished in lined SR olive green as no A782, includes appropriate set of Slater’s wheels,
with flywheel to motor, original ownership Maxon ‘A-Max’ Motor/gearbox, Premier
(postcode) plaque under footplate, overall Components coupling and connecting rods,
G-VG, paint finish could be improved VG-E, lacks instructions £150-250
£300-500 1001. A Scratchbuilt Finescale O Gauge
LSWR ‘Ex-Railmotor’ 0-4-0 Tank Locomotive, 1008. A Finescale O Gauge Unmade GWR
995. A Finescale O Gauge 12v Electric beautifully made with detailed Walschaerts ‘Bulldog’ Class Locomotive and Tender Kit by
LMS Ivatt Class 4 ‘Mogul’ Locomotive and valve gear, finely finished in LSWR lined green David Andrews, to make the straight-framed
Tender by Ludlows of Bolton, made by John as no 147, E £800-1000 version, not checked exhaustively but appears
Ratcliffe and painted by Simon Greenwood, complete, includes appropriate set of Slater’s
with double chimney, finished in satin black wheels and instructions but no motor, VG-E
as LMS no 3001 with post-war off-white £100-140
‘outlined’ decals, VG-E, one small paint chip to
right-side front footplate, box VG- 1009. A Finescale O Gauge Unmade
£1000-1500 SR/BR ‘King Arthur’ Class Locomotive and
1002. A Finescale O Gauge 12v Electric Tender Kit by A C E Products, not checked
LNER Gresley P2 Class 2-8-2 Locomotive and exhaustively but appears complete as
Tender by L H Loveless, finely modelled in supplied, with instructions but NO motor or
Korea for LHL, with superb detailing, finished wheels, VG-E £100-140
in lined LNER green as no 2002 ‘Earl Marischal’
996. A Finescale O Gauge 12v Electric in streamlined condition, E-M, in original box, 1010. A Part-built Finescale O Gauge
LNER Gresley A1/A3 Class Locomotive and box E £1000-1500 GWR ‘Castle’ Class Locomotive and Tender
Tender by Sunset Models (USA), finely Kit by David Andrews, with loco and Tender
modelled with detailed cab and conjugated frames substantially made-up to a reasonable
valve gear, finished in lined LNER green as no standard but need tidying, body kit in unmade
2563 ‘William Whitelaw’, E-M, in original box, state, not checked exhaustively but appears
box E £600-800 essentially complete, includes appropriate
set of Slater’s wheels, instructions and Canon
997. A Finescale O Gauge 12v Electric 1003. A Finescale O Gauge 12v Electric motor unit, F-VG (2 boxes) £100-140
LNER Gresley A1/A3 Class Locomotive and LNER Gresley P2 Class 2-8-2 Locomotive and
Tender by Sunset Models (USA), finely Tender by L H Loveless, finely modelled in 1011. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge ex-
modelled with detailed cab and conjugated Korea for LHL, with superb detailing, finished Barry Railway Class A 0-6-0 Tank Locomotive
valve gear, finished in lined BR green (with late in lined LNER green as no 2001 ‘Cock O’ The from David Andrews Kit, reasonably well-
totem) as no 60086 ‘Gainsborough’, E-M, in North’ in original condition, E-M, in original made and painted in very glossy GWR unlined
original box, box E £600-800 box, box E £1000-1500 green as no 699, fitted with Buhler motor,
complete with original kit instructions, frets
1004. A Rake of Finescale O Gauge LNER and any surplus/unused components, G, will
‘Teak’ Full Brake and Mail Vans by Fred need attention to operate £80-120
Newman, comprising Royal Mail TPO van no
2151, ‘Toplight’ full brake/sorting vans 6769 1012. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge
and 6785, and full brake 4112, all in light GWR 14xx Class 0-4-2 Tank Locomotive from
998. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built LMS brown/teak livery, all VG, 4112 with a minor Scorpio Models Kit, reasonably well-made
‘Jubilee’ Class 4-6-0 Locomotive and Tender, damage to body and one bogie detached (4) but rather heavily painted in very glossy GWR
nicely made up and finished in LMS lined £200-300 unlined green as no 1421, fitted with Mashima
crimson livery as no 5711 ‘Courageous’, with motor, complete with original kit instructions,
single chimney, detailed cab and straight 1005. A Rake of Finescale O Gauge LNER frets and any surplus/unused components, G,
high-sided Tender, apparently made by David ‘Tourist Stock’ Coaches by Fred Newman, will need attention to operate £80-120
Thomas in 1983, VG-E, right side return crank all in the LNER Tourist green/cream livery,
needs re-fixing £500-700 comprising articulated pairs 45001/2 and 1013. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge
45011/2, brake/3rd coaches 43502 and 43509, Unpowered Ex-SR Bulleid ‘Battle of Britain’
999. A Finescale O Gauge Ex-GNR Ivatt and buffet car, with interior detailing, all VG (2 Class Locomotive and Tender from Meteor
‘Large Atlantic’ Locomotive and Tender, twin-cars + 3) £400-600 Models Kit, reasonably well-made as a static
finely made with excellent details including model, and painted in gloss BR lined green
backhead, and finished in LNER lined green as no 34057 ‘Biggin Hill’, no motor or current
as no 3284, fitted with Portescap motor and collectors fitted, complete with original kit
gearbox, VG, dust-spots under paint finish to instructions, frets and any surplus/unused
loco and Tender, some paint loss from Tender components in original kit box, F-G, rear pony
underframe £400-600 truck incorrectly assembled £80-120
1014. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge Ex-SR 1019. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge GWR 1024. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge
Bulleid ‘Battle of Britain’ Class Locomotive Collett ‘King’ Class Locomotive and Tender GWR Straight-framed ‘County’ Class (4-4-0)
and Tender from Martin Finney Kit, from David Andrews Kit, reasonably well- Locomotive and Tender from David Andrews
reasonably well-made and painted in gloss made and painted in gloss GWR lined green as Kit, reasonably well-made and painted in
BR lined green (early emblem) as no 34066 no 6015 ‘King Richard III’, with JH motor unit gloss GWR lined green as no 3835 ‘County of
‘Spitfire’, with Canon motor unit fitted, F-G, fitted, complete with original kit instructions, Devon’, with Mashima or similar motor unit
will need attention to operate £150-200 frets and any surplus/unused components fitted, complete with original kit instructions,
in original kit box, F-G, will need attention to frets and any surplus/unused components
1015. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge operate £150-200 in original kit box, F-G, will need attention to
BR Rebuilt Bulleid ‘Battle of Britain’ Class operate £120-160
Locomotive and Tender from David Andrews
Kit, reasonably well-made and painted
in gloss BR lined green (late emblem) as
no 34071 ‘601 Squadron’, with Mashima
motor unit fitted, complete with original kit 1020. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge
instructions, frets and any surplus/unused GWR Churchward ‘Star’ Class Locomotive
components in original kit box, F-G, rear and Tender from ‘Just Like The Real Thing’
pony truck incorrectly assembled, will need Kit, reasonably well-made but poorly painted 1025. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge
attention to operate £150-200 in gloss GWR lined green as no 4019 ‘Knight GWR Curved-framed ‘County’ Class (4-4-0)
Templar’, with Canon motor unit fitted, F-G, Locomotive and Tender from David Andrews
will need attention to operate £150-200 Kit, reasonably well-made and painted in
satin GWR lined green as no 3827 ‘County
1021. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge GWR of Gloucester’, with Mashima or similar
Collett ‘Castle’ Class Locomotive and Tender motor unit fitted, complete with original kit
1016. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge from David Andrews Kit, reasonably well- instructions, frets and any surplus/unused
BR Rebuilt Bulleid ‘Merchant Navy’ Class made and painted in gloss GWR lined green as components in original kit box, F-G, will need
Locomotive and Tender from David Andrews no 5014 ‘Goodrich Castle’, with JH motor unit attention to operate £120-160
Kit, reasonably well-made and painted in fitted, complete with original kit instructions,
gloss BR lined green (late emblem) as no frets and any surplus/unused components 1026. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge GWR
35006 ‘Peninsular and Orient S N Co’, with in original kit box, F-G, will need attention to ‘Bulldog’ Class Locomotive and Tender from
Mashima motor unit fitted, complete with operate £150-200 Javelin Design Kit, reasonably well-made
original kit instructions, frets and any surplus/ and painted in satin GWR unlined green as
unused components in original kit box, F-G, 1022. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge GWR no 3377 ‘Penzance’, with Mashima or similar
rear pony truck incorrectly assembled, will ‘Dukedog’ Class Locomotive and Tender from motor unit fitted, complete with original kit
need attention to operate £150-200 David Andrews Kit, reasonably well-made but instructions, frets and any surplus/unused
poorly painted in gloss GWR unlined green components in original kit box, F-G, will need
1017. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge Ex-SR as no 3200 ‘Earl of Mount Edgcumbe’, with attention to operate £100-140
Maunsell ‘Schools’ Class Locomotive and JH motor unit fitted, complete with original
Tender from David Andrews Kit, reasonably kit instructions, frets and any surplus/unused 1027. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge GWR
well-made but poorly painted in gloss BR lined components in original kit box, F-G, will need ‘Hall’ Class Locomotive and Tender from
green (early emblem) as no 30907 ‘Jags’, with attention to operate £120-160 Springside Models Kit, reasonably well-made
JH motor unit fitted, F-G, will need attention and painted in satin GWR unlined green as
to operate £120-160 no 4920 ‘Dumbleton Hall’, with Mashima
or similar motor unit fitted, complete with
original kit instructions, frets and any surplus/
unused components in original kit box, F, cab
roof and front buffer beam detached, will
1023. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge GWR need attention to operate £100-140
‘City’ Class Locomotive and Tender from
David Andrews Kit, reasonably well-made 1028. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge GWR
1018. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge BR and painted in gloss GWR lined green as ‘Manor’ Class Locomotive and Tender from
Standard ‘Britannia’ Class Locomotive and no 3440 ‘City of Truro’, with JH motor unit Springside Models Kit, reasonably well-made
Tender from Seven Models Kit, reasonably fitted, complete with original kit instructions, and painted in satin GWR unlined green as no
well-made and painted in gloss BR lined green frets and any surplus/unused components in 7819 ‘Hinton Manor’, with Mashima or similar
(late emblem) as no 70014 ‘Iron Duke’, with original kit box, F-G, fall plate and some other motor unit fitted, complete with original kit
Canon or similar motor unit fitted, complete small parts detached, will need attention to instructions, frets and any surplus/unused
with original kit instructions, frets and any operate £150-200 components in original kit box, F, cab roof
surplus/unused components in original kit detached, will need attention to operate
box, G, will need attention to operate £100-140
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 53
1035. Made-up Finescale O Gauge Bulleid 1041. Unmade O Gauge Finescale
Brake 3rd and BR Mk 1 Coaches from CRT and Wagon Kits by Peco Slaters and Other Items,
‘Easy-build’ Kits respectively, both reasonably including two Peco W606 GWR box vans and
well-made, the Bulleid indifferently painted W601 16T brake van, two Slater’s ‘Parkend’
in SR green as no S4369S, with hand-lettered open coal wagons, GWR Cattle wagon and
roof boards, F-G, the Mk 1 (also a brake/3rd) Chas Roberts open wagon, two more wagons
in LMR crimson as no M9201, F-G, excess by ABS, a GWR ‘standard store shed’ by NMB
1029. A Made-up Finescale O Scale (Broad adhesive on windows, each with original kit models, scenic fencing by Peco and Slater’s,
Gauge) GWR ‘Rover’ Class 4-2-2 Locomotive box and instructions (4 inc boxes) £100-140 and other items, mostly VG, not checked
and Tender from Martin Finney Kit, to run on exhaustively but appear complete (22)
49.2mm gauge track, fitted with Canon motor/ 1036. An Unmade Finescale O Gauge £60-80
gearbox unit, nicely made and finished in Pullman 1st Parlour Kitchen Car Kit by
lined GWR gloss green as ‘Sebastopol’, G-VG, Westdale, in original box, not checked 1042. Finescale O Gauge Signals and
some blemishes to paintwork and lining, one exhaustively but appears essentially as Other Lineside Accessories, six finely-made
Tender buffer and one loco footstep detached, supplied, VG £70-100 and painted operating lower-quadrant signals
included in original kit box with other residual including a triple bracket signal, a 4-arm
parts and inside motion (3 inc box) £150-250 1037. A Large Collection of Finescale backing signal and 4 others, together with
Modellers Tools Transfers Materials and 5 street/yard lamps, 2 loading gauges, two
1030. An O Gauge Finescale Southern Components, including 6” Mini-roller set, water cranes, 4 fire devils, watchman’s hut,
Railway 2-NOL Electric Unit from EMU drills, files, X-acto set, large quantity of HMRS telegraph poles and components, varying F-VG
Models Kit, reasonably well-made and transfer sheets (mostly GWR, SR and BR eras), (qty) £70-100
painted in gloss SR olive green as unit no brass and plastic materials, two coach interior
1847, with Mashima motor unit fitted, kits and many other tools and accessories, 1043. Finescale O Gauge Platform
complete with original kit instructions, frets mostly G-VG (qty in 2 boxes) £200-300 Cranes Barrows Urinal and Other Station
and any surplus/unused components in Accessories, comprising kit-built cranes
original kit boxes, G, slight gapping between (3 different), platform benches, a semi-
body and underframe on motor unit, slight dismantled ‘pissoir’, three GPO wicker mail
rusting to non-driven wheels (3 inc box of trolleys (one missing a wheel), 6 other
parts) £150-250 platform barrows/trolleys, dismantled pump
trolley, two bicycles and other items, all nicely
painted, G-VG, some minor damages or re-
1038. An Over-painted Finescale O Gauge gluing needed £60-80
ex-LMS ‘Duchess’ Class Locomotive and
Tender by Gladiator Models, nicely made and
originally finished in LMR crimson as no 46245
1031. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge ‘City of London’, subsequently with loco body
GWR Autocoach from Orion Railways Kit, and all of the Tender oversprayed in silver
a Hawksworth-designed example no 219, in (apparently for a fashion party!), fortunately
GWR brown/cream livery, reasonably well- not overpainting the delicate loco wheels and
made but paintwork could be improved, G, in motion, overall G, small dent to cab roof 1044. Finescale O Gauge Figures Animals
original kit box £60-90 £200-300 and Other Accessories, the majority in white
metal and nicely painted, including horses,
1032. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge 1039. A Large Collection of Scratch- cows, sheep, dogs, seated and standing
GWR Autocoach from Scorpio Models Kit, an and Kit-built Finescale O Gauge Buildings, passengers, station staff, workmen, milk
earlier example no 203, in very glossy GWR including single- and double-track engine churns, wicker baskets, wheelbarrows, milk
brown/cream livery, reasonably well-made but sheds, goods shed, a fine row of period shops, churns, 2 Victorian post-boxes and many other
paintwork could be improved, G, unboxed ‘The Squinting Cat’ pub, signal box (appears items, mostly VG (qty) £100-140
£50-80 to lack roof), a Tudor-style almshouses block,
mostly made od wood and card, together with
some plastic-built station buildings and others,
a GWR short bogie coach in brown/cream
(lacking footboards), and other items, mostly
painted to a very good standard, G-VG, some
minor damages esp to protuberances (qty in 2 1045. A Heljan Finescale O Gauge BR
boxes) £140-180 (WR) ‘Warship’ Class Diesel Locomotive, ref
42001, in BR green without yellow warning
1033. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge 1040. A Large Collection of Finescale panels, as no 801 ‘Vanguard’, an exclusive
GWR Super-Saloon ‘Queen Mary’ from O Gauge Track by Peco and Scratchbuilt, edition of only 50 for Tower Models, E,
MSC Models Kit, reasonably well-made and including 120+ metre lengths flexi-track appears unused, box E £350-450
finished in GWR brown/cream with detailed of Peco manufacture or similar with black
interior (one seat loose), G-VG, with original sleepers, a large number of component-built 1046. A Heljan Finescale O Gauge BR
kit box, instructions and residual parts (2 inc track including 2 double-track cross-overs, (WR) ‘Western’ Class Diesel Locomotive,
box) £80-120 curved points, diamond crossings and many ref 52801, in BR green with yellow warning
others, majority hand-built with nickel-silver panels, as no D1003 ‘Western Pioneer’, VG-E,
1034. A Made-up Finescale O Gauge rail on coppered fibre sleepers, most appear appears very little used, box E £350-450
GWR Hawksworth 1st/3rd Composite Coach unused, G, some small areas of corrosion
from Hurn Models Kit, to GWR diagram (large qty in 2 boxes) £100-200
E163, in GWR brown/cream livery as no
7253, reasonably well-made but paintwork
could be improved, G, in original kit box with
instructions £70-100
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
54 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
Lot 1050 Lot 1051 Lot 1052
1047. A Heljan Finescale O Gauge BR 1055. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built GWR 1062. A Finescale O Gauge Scratchbuilt
(WR) ‘Hymek’ Class Diesel Locomotive, 14xx Class 0-4-2 Tank Locomotive from Ex-GWR 10xx ‘County’ Class 4-6-0 Locomotive
ref 3580, in BR two-tone green with yellow Unknown Kit, reasonably well-made and and Tender, a double-chimney version,
warning panels, as no D7039, VG-E, appears finished in matt GWR green as no 1434, G-VG incorporating a worm-drive motor unit,
very little used, box E £160-240 reasonably well-made and painted in semi-
£250-350 weathered lined BR green (early motif) as no
1056. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built 1017 ‘County of Hereford’, G, some blemishes
1048. A Skytrex Finescale O Gauge BR Ex-GWR 45xx ‘Small Prairie’ Class 2-6-2 to paintwork £250-350
(LMR) ‘Class 40’ Diesel Locomotive, ref 3580, Tank Locomotive from Unknown Brass Kit,
in BR green with headcode discs, as no D201 reasonably well-made with Portescap motor/
‘Empress of Britain’, with resin-cast body, VG- gearbox and rather heavily painted in unlined
E, appears very little used, in plain box BR late-totem green as no 4565, F-G
£120-160 £120-180
1051. A Tower Models Japanese Brass 1059. A Finescale O Gauge Scratchbuilt 1065. A Finescale O Gauge Kitbuilt GWR
Finescale O Gauge GWR 45xx Class 2-6-2 Tank GWR 34xx ‘Bulldog’ Class 4-4-0 Locomotive ‘King’ Class 4-6-0 Locomotive and Tender,
Locomotive, made in Japan by San Cheng, and Tender, incorporating a Leeds (LMC) from unknown brass kit, with Portescap
with ‘stepped’ footplate and outside steam ‘Standard’ chassis and motor unit, (some motor/gearbox unit, reasonably well-made
pipes, in unpainted brass finish, E, appears fatigue to rear frame spacer), painted in and painted in gloss lined GWR green as no
never run, box E £250-350 unlined GWR gloss green as no 3447, Loco 6018 ‘King Henry VI’, G, some blemishes to
F-G, Tender P-F, in an Ellis Clark dealer box paintwork and mismatched re-touching
1052. A Tower Models Japanese Brass £100-140 £300-440
Finescale O Gauge GWR 57xx Class 0-6-0
Pannier Tank Locomotive, with early-type cab, 1060. A Finescale O Gauge Ex-GWR 1066. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built Ex-
in unpainted brass finish, E, appears never 28xx Class 2-8-0 Locomotive and Tender LMS Ivatt Class 2MT 2-6-2 Tank Locomotive
run, box E £250-350 from Unknown Brass Kit, apparently made from Unknown Kit, nicely-finished in
by C Osborne of Leicester, nicely-finished in weathered lined BR late-totem black as no
1053. A Finescale O Gauge Ex-GWR 74xx weathered unlined BR early-totem black as no 41298, VG £180-240
Class 0-6-0 Pannier Tank Locomotive from 2844, VG £300-440
Castle Kits Kit, reasonably well-made but 1067. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built Ex-
poorly painted in ‘weathered’ BR late-totem 1061. A Finescale O Gauge GWR 47xx LMS Class 3F ‘Jinty’ 0-6-0 Tank Locomotive
black as no 7411, F-G, with original kit box Class 2-8-0 Locomotive and Tender from from Unknown Kit, well-made and painted in
£100-150 Unknown Kit, of heavyweight construction part-weathered unlined BR late-totem black as
with substantial drive gears and flywheel in no 47289, G-VG, side Tanks rougnly painted/
1054. A Finescale O Gauge GWR 27xx cab, possibly an earlier kit, quite well-finished weathered £140-180
Class 0-6-0 Pannier Tank Locomotive from in semi-matt unlined GWR green as no
Unknown Kit, reasonably well-made but 4703, G-VG, a few blemishes to paint finish, 1068. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built Ex-
poorly painted in GWR ‘shirtbutton’ green as smokebox handles appear non-original LMS Class 6P ‘Jubilee’ 4-6-0 Locomotive and
no 2786, F-G, tankside handrails bent £300-440 Tender from Unknown Kit, well-made and
£100-150 reasonably painted in lined BR late-totem
green as no 45570 ‘New Zealand’, G-VG,
various blemishes to paintwork £300-400
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 55
1082. A Finescale O Gauge SR 3rd-
Class Coach by Bonds or Similar, of wood
construction, believed to be a Bonds ‘super-
model’ 1930s coach with LMC bogies, neatly
repainted (or overvarnished) in the original
style in SR olive green as no 7890, as repaint,
1069. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built Ex- 1075. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built SR ‘U’ VG £70-100
LMS Class 8P ‘Duchess’ 4-6-2 Locomotive Class ‘Mogul’ 2-6-0 Locomotive and Tender,
and Tender from Unknown Kit, well-made nicely made and finished in lined SR Olive 1083. Three Repainted Finescale O
but rather indifferently painted in lined BR green as no 1412, VG, some slight damages/ Gauge SR Coaches, of varied construction,
early-totem green as no 46229 ‘Duchess of retouching to loco and Tender footsteps comprising a card-sided brake/3rd no 3743
Hamilton’, F-G, left side return crank detached, £300-400 in malachite green, metal-bodied 1st-class
right side rear driving wheel slightly loose on corridor coach, un-numbered in ‘Maunsell’
axle, rear pony truck frame appears home- 1076. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built Ex-SR green, both with Exley bogies, together with
made, numerous blemishes to paintwork ‘V’ Class ‘Schools’ 4-4-0 Locomotive and a wooden-bodied compartment-3rd in olive
£200-300 Tender, reasonably well-made but rather green, as repaints, F-G (3) £100-140
indifferently painted in lined BR late-totem
green as no 30910 ‘Merchant Taylors’, F-G, 1084. Two Kitbuilt Finescale O Gauge SR
numerous blemishes to paintwork £200-300 Utility Vans, comprising bogie van no 2222 in
olive green, together with a 4-wheeled version
no 52176 in BR (SR) green, both G-VG (2)
1070. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built Ex-
LMS Class 8P ‘Duchess’ 4-6-2 Locomotive 1085. A Pair of Kitbuilt Finescale O Gauge
and Tender from Unknown Kit, reasonably GWR Brake/3rd Non-corridor Coaches, from
well-made but rather indifferently painted 1077. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built SR unidentified brass kits, both well-made and
in lined BR late-totem crimson as no 46220 ‘H2’ Class ‘Atlantic’ 4-4-2 Locomotive and finished in brown/cream livery as nos 4019
‘Coronation’, F-G, some details crudely made Tender, from a nickel-silver kit, reasonably and 4365, both G-VG (2) £100-140
or applied, numerous blemishes to paintwork well-made but rather heavily painted in lined
£200-300 SR malachite green with ‘sunshine’ lettering
as no 2423 ‘The Needles’, F-G, numerous
1071. A Finescale O Gauge Ex-LMS Stanier blemishes to paintwork, loose ballast weight
Class 8F 2-8-0 Locomotive and Tender from in smokebox, in bespoke wooden carrying
Unknown Kit, nicely made and well-finished in case £300-400
semi-matt unlined late-totem BR black as no
48216, VG, supplied in an Ellis Clark dealer box 1078. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built Ex-SR 1086. A Pair of Kitbuilt Finescale O Gauge
£400-600 ‘H2’ Class ‘Atlantic’ 4-4-2 Locomotive and GWR Brake/3rd Non-corridor Coaches, with
Tender, reasonably well-made and painted in unidentified kit bodies in the Exley style, on
1072. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built lined BR early-motif black as no 32424 ‘Beachy LMC bogies, both well-made and finished in
Ex-GWR 63xx ‘Collett Mogul’ Class 2-6-0 Head’, G, several blemishes to soldering under brown/cream livery, un-numbered with GWR
Locomotive and Tender, possibly from a paintwork, loose ballast weight in smokebox, ‘shirtbutton’ motifs, both G-VG (2) £80-120
Springside kit, inscribed ‘PMJ’ below footplate in bespoke wooden carrying case £300-400
which may be indicative of the builder or 1087. Two Kitbuilt Finescale O Gauge
painter, nicely finished in unlined BR late- 1079. Finescale Kit-built O Gauge Freight GWR Full Brake Coaches, comprising panelled
totem green as no 9306, VG £300-400 Stock, from Peco, Three Aitch and other kits, van no 1209 in all-over brown livery, with
including GWR ‘Toad’, LMS and LNWR 6-wheel straight-sided recessed-panel body, together
Brake Vans, 2 cattle wagons, and LMS van and with brown/cream full brake coach no 117,
three Private owner coal wagons ‘United’, from unidentified kits, both G-VG (2) £80-120
‘Baddesley’ and ‘Dunlops’, made to a good
standard, all G-VG (9) £80-120 1088. GWR Kit/Scratch-built Finescale O
Gauge Coaches, comprising an un-numbered
1073. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built brake/3rd coach with ‘shirtbutton’ motif,
BR Standard Class 7P ‘Britannia’ 4-6-2 F-G, rather heavily painted, together with
Locomotive and Tender from Unknown Kit, an ‘Autocoach’ no 187, apparently by (or
reasonably well-made but rather indifferently from) Birmingham Model Supplies, made and
painted in lined BR early-totem green as no finished to earlier standards, G, some cracking
70014 ‘Iron Duke’, G-VG, numerous blemishes 1080. A Finescale Kit-built O Gauge to roof paintwork (2) £80-120
to paintwork £300-400 Pullman Car, well-made and painted
in traditional Pullman umber/cream as 1089. A Rake of Three GWR Kit-built
1074. A Finescale O Gauge Kit-built BR ‘Rosalind’, G-VG £70-100 Finescale O Gauge Corridor Coaches,
Standard Class 9F 2-10-0 Locomotive and comprising brake/3rd coach no 6102, 1st/3rd
Tender from Unknown Kit, nicely made and 1081. A Finescale Kit-built O Gauge composite no 6107 and brake/1st/3rd compo
finished in unlined BR late-totem semi-matt LNER Teak Full Brake Coach, of real teak no 7915, all in GWR brown/cream livery with
black as no 92008, with weathered rods, construction, possibly from CCW kit or similar, hand-painted lettering and interior detailing,
G-VG, with footplate crew supplied loose well-made and varnished in lined LNER teak as all G, (3) £150-200
£400-600 no 4151, VG £70-100
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
56 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
1090. GWR Kit/Scratch-built Finescale 1096. A Finescale O Gauge Scratch- 1102. A Scratch-built O Gauge 3-rail
O Gauge ‘Special’ Coaches, comprising an built Battery-powered GNR Class N2 0-6-2 Southern Railway 2-car Electric Unit, based
‘Ocean Mails’ van no 1170, 1st class Cornish Tank Locomotive, reasonably well-made on Bassett-Lowke or similar motor and bogies,
Riviera coach no 9087, and 12-wheeled and painted in GNR green as no 1763, with bodies constructed of wood with some
Restaurant car no 9671 with interior detailing, condensing gear, noted under body as ‘1983’, interior detailing, each car 18” long overall
all F-G, rather heavily painted, mail van with presumably the date, and possibly by M P and finished in SR green as brake/3rd driving
some mis-matched retouching, 1st coach Wheatley, F-G, NB this model has sockets coach 11470 and 1st/3rd composite driving
windows distorted (3) £150-200 at rear for an external power source, is NOT coach 11526, both F-G, roofs grubby and
2-rail £100-140 minor damages (2) £100-140
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 57
Lot 1113
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 59
1142. A Repainted Leeds Model Co O
Gauge 3-rail LNER D11 Class 4-4-0 Locomotive
and Tender, with pre-war brass-framed
mechanism, repainted in LNER apple green as
no 2670, as repaint F-G (2) £80-120
1148. Two Fred Newman O Gauge 1153. A Repainted Bowman Live Steam
Coaches, comprising Great North of Scotland Model 234 Locomotive and Tender, a
Railway brake 1st/3rd composite no 934, F, ‘nominal’ 4-4-0 Locomotive, repainted in
rather heavily painted in cherry red/ivory lined LNER green as no 231, complete with
livery, together with 12-wheel Pullman safety valve, level plugs and original 6-wick
car ‘Mary Beaton’, G, both suffering some burner, the Tender with replacement whels
corrosion to underframes and steel parts from and additional detailing to coal space, to loco
damp storage (2) £70-100 in original brown-striped card box, as repaint
1143. A Boxed JEP O Gauge High-Voltage G-VG, box F-G, with original instructions, P (2)
Electric Train Set, including 4-wheel tin- 1149. Two Fred Newman O Gauge £80-120
printed ‘PO’ Electric Locomotive in green, Coaches, comprising ex-GNR 3rd class no
blue/cream Pullman coach and grey Fourgon, 41377, together with LNER brake/3rd no 1154. An American O Gauge 5-car ‘City
track, a primitive 2-speed controller and 7573 with raised panelling and lining, both in of San Francisco’ Coach Set by MTH, all in C
splendid 110v resistance lamp bulb, all VG in LNER teak-brown, F-G, both suffering some of SF yellow livery with red lining, comprising
original set box, box VG NB: Electrical items corrosion to underframes and steel parts from baggage car SF-104, ‘Union Square’, ‘Seal
are sold as a work of art and are NOT suitable damp storage, the former with some bending Rocks’, ‘Montgomery Street’, and rear
for use in UK £120-160 to whitemetal bogies (2) £70-100 Observation car ‘Russian Hill’, all E in original
box, box VG-E £200-300
1144. A Scratchbuilt/Bassett-Lowke O 1150. An O Gauge LMS Suburban 1st/3rd
Gauge 3-rail/Stud ex-LNER K3/2 Class ‘Mogul’ Coach by EK Models and Leeds GWR ‘Siphon’
Locomotive and Tender, with scratch-built Van, the coach in metal with interior detail,
body and Tender, now fitted with a B-L finished in crimson as no 16598, VG-E, the GW
mechanism and skate current collector, Siphon G of wood with repro paper sides and
painted in BR lined black as no 61957, F-G (2) white-metal bogies, as repro VG (2) £70-100 1155. A Japanese Brass American
£100-140 O Gauge Finescale Union Pacific 4-8-
4 Locomotive and Tender, by KTM or
similar, finished in UP black as no 839, with
14-wheeled Tender, VG, some small chips
to cab roof and left-side footplate, unboxed,
together with a Delaware & Hudson Caboose
no 35804 by unknown maker, VG (3 inc
Tender) £400-600
1151. O Gauge LNER Clerestory Coaches
by Fred Newman and Highfield Models, 1156. A Finescale O Gauge Battery-
1145. A Scratchbuilt/Kitbuilt O Gauge comprising ex-GNR Director’s Saloon no operated Radio-controlled LNER Class D16
3-rail/Stud GWR 37xx Class ‘Pannier’ Tank 43909 by Newman, with interior detailing, F, Locomotive and Tender, an ex-GER 4-4-0,
Locomotive, built and painted to a fair windows messy with paint and/or adhesive possibly kit-or scratch-built, complete with
standard as Great Western no 3725, with wide marks, some slight corrosion to underframe, R/C unit, overall VG, appears to be in working
Collett-design cab, and nice detailing including the Highfield coach 1st/3rd composite no order, together with two boxed Hornby O
crew, fireirons etc, G £100-140 22243, both in LNER teak-brown, both F-G, (2) Gauge signals, both VG (4) £150-200
1146. Finescale Kit/Scratchbuilt O Gauge 1157. A Lenz DCC Control Set suitable for
L&NWR Cleminson 6-wheeled Coaching O Gauge or Other Trains, comprising power
Stock, a rake of three comprising an all-3rd, unit, control box, hand-unit LH100 and roving
brake/3rd and 1st/3rd/baggage composite, unit LH200, together with instructions and
all from brass kits, nicely made and finished connecting block, all G-VG, some parts with
in lined plum and spilt milk livery, all VG, old layout wiring attached (qty) £100-150
together with a plastic kit-built Parcel Van no
9671, again nicely lined in a greenish version The following five lots were purchased by the
of the livery, G, lacks couplings and some 1152. Early Bing O Gauge Railway vendor in the early 1990’s from Nigel Turner
other small details (4) £120-160 Accessories, comprising Continental-style soon after he had bought the Bassett-Lowke
level crossing with lifting barriers, G, one company from Anne Ritchie:
1147. A Pair of Fred Newman O Gauge area of paint loss to base panel, a capstan-
Cheshire Lines Coaches, both in CLC ‘teak’ wound 7” diameter 4-road turntable, G, 1158. A Large Group of Original Bassett-
finish with raised lining to panels, comprising again, some paint loss, and a Victoria Station Lowke O Gauge Transfers and Labels,
1st/3rd composite no 312 and brake/3rd no approx 24” long over platform, with original including numerous sheets of SR/GWR/LNER/
341, both F-G, both suffering some corrosion candle-holder, P-F, chimney and one wing-wall BR transfers, B-L trademark transfers , black/
to underframes and steel parts from damp missing, various other damages (3) £60-90 yellow box labels, eight engraved B-L screw-on
storage (2) £100-140 maker’s plaques, and various others from the
later B-L period, together with various part-
used transfer sheets, mostly G-VG (qty)
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
60 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
1159. Original Bassett-Lowke O Gauge
‘Duchess’ Class Name and Numberplates,
comprising 73 unplated ‘Duchess of Montrose’
plates and one nickel-plated with studs, 2
unplated ‘Duchess of Gloucester’ plates,
7 plated with studs and 2 more plated 1164. A Set of James Beeson O Gauge
without studs, together with 23 smokebox GWR King/Castle Driving Wheels, comprising
numberplates ‘6232’ (for Montrose), all VG-E six wheels on sleeved axles, 4 with long
(qty as listed) £80-120 crankpins and 2 short, all VG-E (3 axle sets)
£50-80 172. A Milbro O Gauge 2-(or 3-) rail LMS
1160. Original Bassett-Lowke O Gauge 2-6-4 Tank Locomotive, presently adapted
‘Coronation’ and ‘Princess Elizabeth’ Name 1165. A Set of James Beeson O Gauge for 2-rail running (but appears to have been
and Numberplates, comprising 4 nickel-plated GWR King/Castle Tender Wheels, comprising converted from 3-rail), possibly partially
‘Coronation’ plates (2 with studs and two with six wheels on axles, all VG, some paint residue repainted in matt black as LMS no 2618, G, 3
separate studded backing plates), 62 unplated (red/brown) to wheel spokes (3 axle sets) small dents to cab roof £200-300
Coronation crowns and one nickel-plated, £50-80
and 3 nickelled oval buffer heads for same, 1173. Two Leeds (LMC) O Gauge BR
together with 16 painted ‘Princess Elizabeth’ 1166. A Copy of the Limited Edition Book Bakelite Coaches, both nicely restored in BR
nameplates and 14 smokebox numberplates ‘James Stanley Beeson’, published in 1999 by red/cream, as 3rd class E12175 and 1st class
‘6201’, all VG-E (qty as listed) £80-120 Faculty Publishing, LE no 258, the definitive E21452, both with modified bogies and 2-rail
book about JSB and his exquisite models, in wheels, as restorations both G-VG, truss rods
blue imitation leather covers with slipcase, to 1st need re-fixing £70-100
VG, slight detachment of book blocks from
spine £70-100
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 61
1179. Two Repainted Exley O Gauge 1190. A Bowman O Gauge Model 234 Live
Southern Railway Corridor Coaches, Steam Locomotive and Tender, in LNER green
comprising 1st class no 8881 in largely- as no 4472, with original burner, safety valve
retouched SR green, with replacement white and fittings, with two original Bowman oil
metal bogies, together with a brake/3rd tubes, overall G, usual scorching to boiler, in
repainted in malachite green with ‘sunshine’ original card boxes, boxes F (2 boxes)
lettering as no 890, with original Exley bogies, £100-140
as retouched/repaints both F (2) £120-180
1191. Three Fine Bing O Gauge LMS
1180. Two Retouched Exley O Gauge GWR 1185. Lima 2-rail and Tri-ang Battery- ‘Shortie’ Bogie Coaches, comprising two
K5 Type Corridor Coaches, both in chocolate/ operated O Gauge Locomotives, comprising 1st/3rd composite coaches, (one numbered
cream, comprising 1st/3rd class composite no a neatly-adapted Thompson 2-6-4T in LNER 1924, the other un-numbered) and full brake
9995, G, with substantial retouching especially green as no 9000, built around a Lima no 1924, all VG, very slight crazing to varnish,
to one side, together with all-third no 6625, mechanism, a ‘standard’ black Lima 4F no a few small chips mainly to roofs (3) £100-140
P-F, substantially retouched esp around 4547, both for 2-rail running, together with
windows and underframe, truss rods replaced, two repainted Tri-ang/Novo Big Big ‘Hymek’ 1192. A Bing O Gauge Wayside Station
both with original Exley bogies, (2) £120-180 Diesels (one converted for 2-rail) and an 0-6-0 and Bassett-Lowke Enamel Signs Display
Tank Locomotive, varying P-VG (5) £90-120 Board, the station with twin 2-storey buildings
linked by veranda, ramp to one end of
1186. Leeds (LMC) and Other O Gauge platform, mostly in yellow brickwork with red
Freight Stock, comprising 8 Bakelite-bodied mortar lines, P-F, two chimney pots missing,
vans and one open wagon, various liveries, (2 general fading especially to red printing, other
vans incomplete), together with two wood- minor damages, together with a varnished
bodied open wagons and a smaller BR van, all display board 27” x 5” liberally festooned
1181. Two Exley O Gauge GWR K5 Type fitted with finescale wheels, varying P-G, some with B-L tinprinted signs including ‘Primus
Corridor Coaches, comprising full brake no overpainting/weathering and minor damages Engineering’, ‘Polytechnic Tours’ and other
1120, with hand-painted numbering, G-VG, (12) £70-100 uncommon examples, 37 in total, mostly
wheels replaced, some slight corrosion to roof, G-VG, approx 4 with moderate damage (2)
one side window glazing dislodged, together 1187. A Lionel O gauge 3-rail Electric Train £80-120
with all-third no 9132 with GWR ‘shirtbutton’ Set, mostly in individual boxes, including No
motifs, P-F, substantially retouched on both 221 2-6-4 Locomotive and 221W whistling 1193. Lima O Gauge 2-rail Electric Trains,
sides, bogies possibly replaced (2) £140-200 Tender, three 2430/2431 Pullman cars in blue, comprising BR blue class 33 Diesel Locomotive
with track and vintage control equipment no D6524, two BR blue/grey coaches, three
1182. Two Exley O Gauge GWR K5 Type (sold only as work of art), together with in LMS crimson and two in BR red/cream,
Corridor Coaches, comprising 3rd class instruction book and a 1947 Lionel catalogue, together with three continental style bogie
no 8098, with ‘Great (crest) Western’ to in original pcking box sent to UK in 1948 petrol tankers, Texaco, Mobiloil and BP, all
sides, F-G, bogies replaced with whitemetal mostly F-G, some corrosion to top of loco G-VG, unboxed (11) £80-120
type, body and underframe moderately body (qty) £70-100
retouched, together with 1st class no 5518 1194. Lima O Gauge 2-rail Freight Stock,
with transferred motifs, F-G, odd non- comprising 2 ‘Toad’ Brake Vans, 7 different
original bogies fitted, possibly a total repaint private owner coal wagons with added coal
reasonably well executed (2) £140-200 loads, two longer steel coal wagons ditto, a
‘Schweppes’ ferry van and freightliner runner
1183. Two Exley or Bond’s O Gauge with three containers, all F-VG, unboxed (13)
LMS Corridor Coaches, comprising 1st/3rd £60-80
composite repainted in crimson as no 4492,
possibly a pre-war example, as repaint F-G, 1195. Four Repainted Leeds Model Co
slight bubble-wrap damage, together with 3rd (LMC) Bakelite O Gauge Coaches, very nicely
class Dining Car 20707 with Exley bogies, G, restored in BR Carmine/cream as Brake/3rd
some retouching (2) £200-300 no (R)1508, with full coaches nos (H)1808,
1188. A Fine Märklin O Gauge 20-volt (N)1682 and (R)1652, as repaints all VG-E, one
German Passenger Train Set, set containing buffer missing and one broken (4) £80-120
0-4-0 Locomotive R66/12910 in lined green,
with Tender, two 3rd class balcony 4-wheel 1196. A Buco O Gauge 3-rail Electric
coaches no 17270, matching baggage van no Locomotive and Rolling Stock, comprising a
17280 and track, all E, in original set box, box green 1-B-1 pantograph Locomotive no 304,
F, some staining to lid and damages to label; G-VG, ‘EST’ transfers and ‘Paris’ lettering
1184. Two Exley O Gauge LMS K5 Type with 220V transformer; previously sold at added to sides, together with a 4-wheel
Corridor Coaches, both in retouched LMS Christie’s in December 1994 2nd/3rd class coach in SBB green, G, some
maroon, comprising 1st/3rd class no 4888, £400-600 fading/retouching, and a grey SBB luggage van
together with short full brake no 31187, both no 8644, G-VG (3) £80-120
with non-original bogies fitted, both heavily 1189. An Uncommon and Early Carette
retouched (2) £100-140 O Gauge Clockwork ‘4-4-0’ Locomotive and 1197. A JEP O Gauge 3-rail NORD ‘Fleche
Tender, actually a single-driver with ‘skating’ D’Or’ 4-6-2 Pacific Locomotive and Tender,
coupling rods, finely printed in Midland with ‘Bass-Volt’ S.59 motor, in traditional Nord
Railway crimson as no 1632, with high-sided brown livery with stencilled yellow lining to
6-wheel Tender, with key, overall G-VG, mech cabsides and smoke deflectors, VG-E, a little
tested ok, some minor damages/scratches, retouching to cylinders (2) £250-350
tarnishing to brass fittings (3 inc key)
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
62 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
Lot 1198 Lot 1199 Lot 1200
1203. JEP and Bing O Gauge 3-rail Track 1208. A Modern Lionel O Gauge 3-rail 1213. A Modern Rail King O Gauge 3-rail
Accessories, comprising two boxed JEP ‘Berkshire’ 2-8-4 Junior Locomotive and ‘Hudson’ Streamlined 4-6-4 Locomotive and
Electrically-operated barrier level crossings Tender, ref 6-28665, in Western Union Tender, ref 30-1457-1, in New York Central
(ref 6363), a boxed 60-39 automatic colour Telegraph Co black livery as no 665 with sound dark grey livery as ‘Commodore Vanderbilt’,
light gantry signal, all VG-E, boxes F-VG, and and smoke, VG-E, in original box, box VG-E with smoke, VG-E, in original box, box F
an unboxed Bing (GBN) continental signal box £80-120 £120-160
with embossed roof, F-G signal post missing,
some heat damage to roof (4) £70-100 1209. A Collection of Modern Lionel O 1214. A Modern Rail King O Gauge
Gauge Freight Stock, comprising Automatic 3-rail NYC Streamlined 4-car Coach Set, ref
Dump Car set 6-36740, Libby’s Vat car 30-67390, in New York Central silver livery,
6-19490, ‘Moe and Joe’ Operating Lumber containing baggage car 9189, coach car 2929,
Car set 6-36727 (missing load and operating vista-dome car ‘Balsam Lake’ and Observation
base), Tool Car 6-19992, Water Tank car Car no 61, all E, in original box, box F £70-100
6-19695, Searchlight Caboose 6-36521 and
Pennsylvania Caboose 6-36530, all E, boxes 1215. A Group of Continental O Gauge
1204. A JEP O Gauge Large Station, finely VG-E (7) £70-100 Crossing and Other Signals, including four
printed with yellow-rendered and red-brick Scandinavian crossing signals with lights,
walls, and green ‘woodwork’, with ‘Art Deco’ operating JEP semaphore, JEP 4-aspect colour
door design, the central building 10” high with light signal, two others possibly by Le Rapide
wing buildings each side, overall length of (Louis Roussy), and a vintage hand-operated
platform 18”, VG, slight fading to one end, one signal bell by Bing-Werke, mostly G-VG (9)
or two minor scratches £70-100 £60-80
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 63
1225. Uncommon Express Gils (Belgium)
Lot 1219 O Gauge Freight Stock, all bogie vehicles,
comprising tank wagon in silver with grey/
black base, bolster wagon with similar base,
open coal wagon in 2-tone grey, red van with
guard’s vigie, and an earlier low-side wagon
with detachable wooden sides in need of
repair, mostly G-VG, moderate playwear (5)
1216. Various O Gauge and Other Track 1221. A Collection of Early Issmayer
and W H Dällikon Control Unit, including O Gauge Train Components, including a
approx 11 lengths finescale O Gauge track clockwork mechanism, assorted early wheels,
by Peco or similar, approx 8 lengths OO two green Tenders, three incomplete coaches,
Gauge track by Peco or similar, and a Walter open wagon, a Locomotive boiler and cab
Hermann Controller/Transformer with 22-28 (from different engines), signal components,
volt DC or AC outputs, with analog volt and lamp standard, part of a footbridge and oval
amp-meters, mostly G-VG (qty) £30-50 of track, varying P-VG, most items incomplete
(qty) £100-150
1227. A Box of Original O Gauge Figures,
1222. Two Early O Gauge Issmayer assorted people, one standing and 8 seated,
LNWR Coaches and Tender, the coaches for use on station seats or in carriages, of
in LNWR brown/ivory with 5 windows per porcelain, varying F-VG, some with damage
side and recessed vestibules, 1st and 2nd and/or old repairs, together with a Bing-
1217. An Exley O Gauge K5-type LMS class markings to each end in ribbed sides, Werke Steam loco box label 61/250/1 (10)
Kitchen Car, in LMS maroon as no 41144, VG, with pressed ‘clerestory’ roofs, tab and loop £50-80
small areas of retouching to ends £200-300 couplers, the Tender in lithographed gloss
black with LNWR lettering in gold and red/gold 1228. A Mixed Box of Modern and
1218. A Bing Gauge O or 1 Pedestal Crane lining, all three items with original embossed- Original Figures for Gauge O or 1 Railways,
circa 1906, with blue-grey crane on orange spoke wheels, all G, some polish residue to including lead, porcelain and a few plastic
pedestal base, geared winding handles to coach sides (3) £200-300 figures,in various poses, many seated with
rotate and lift, original chain and hook, G, provision for seat spikes, varying P-VG, some
slight cracking to some soldered jib joints, incomplete or with minor damages (qty)
moderate playwear, functions operate well £50-80
1229. A Large Quantity of O Gauge 2- and
1219. A Bing Gauge O or 1 Station no 3-rail Track, all with solid brass rail, of Bassett-
8342 circa 1898, with base 13”x 5½”, overall Lowke or similar make, including 12 turnout
height 8½”, finished in hand-enamelled with points, 1 three-way point, 2 crossovers, 122
green and brown texturing, dark green and 1223. An Uncommon Express Gils curved rails and 85 straights, all G, together
brown trim, original coloured glass glazing to (Belgium) O Gauge 3-rail Electric Locomotive, with part of a turntable with steel rail, 2
windows, pediment and flag to central canopy, an 0-4-0 finished in red with twin lattice girders and other components, (qty in 5
small bell and crowd control chains below, pantographs, orange ‘flashes’ to ends, overall crates) £250-350
detachable roofs to end buildings, overall G, G, slight bending to pantographs, buffers at
appears to be missing a small (detachable) one end broken off and missing, couplers
canopy from one side, (mounting brackets for missing, moderate playwear/chipping
it are intact), considerable paint loss to two £100-140
roof sections and slight scorching to one end
especially chimney, otherwise a few small 1224. An Uncommon Express Gils
chips and very minor damages £500-800 (Belgium) O Gauge 3-rail Steam Locomotive
and Coaches, the 0-4-0 loco and 4-wheeled
1220. Bing and Märklin Train Set Boxes Tender in lithographed black with gold lining,
and Track, comprising a late Bing (BW-era) set as SNCFB no 0148, together with 2nd class
box with green 4-4-0 no 504 and an Electric passenger coaches, one green, one red, all
MU to lid, ref 2276e, containing a 10-piece G-VG, moderate chipping/playwear to engine
oval of track, box P, track F-G, together with and pick-up shoes appear replaced/modified 1230. Märklin 1920s or earlier Train Set
a Märklin set box base (no lid) with a mix of (4) £140-180 Box, complete with five compartments and
Bing and Märklin small radius curves, and fair to good label depicting night train and
additional track pieces including a pair of other scenes, F, together with a Karl Bub
points and X crossing by Märklin, mostly G Train Set box with good lid label with six
(qty) £50-80 compartments and seven pieces of clockwork
track, P-F, damage to one side of base, lid
lacks all sides (2 boxes) £40-60
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
64 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
1231. Bachmann Spectrum 0n30 Gauge GAUGE I 1241. A Gauge 1 Finescale 3-rail/Stud
2-6-6-2 Articulated Locomotive and Tender, contact LSWR M7 0-4-4T Locomotive, finely
No 43 in Midwest Quarry & Mining Co black, made, possibly commercial-build, and finished
in original box, E, unused, box VG £80-120 in lined LSWR green as no 21, with sprung
axles to all wheels and wide pickup skate for
stud operation, pull-rod in cab presumed for
reversing mechanism, overall G, generally
grubby, some age-deterioration to paintwork,
1237. A Bing Gauge 1 Three-Rail Electric cab roof front strip partially detached
Continental-Style 4-4-0 Locomotive and £200-300
Tender, circa 1920 with both old GBN and
1232. 0 Gauge Narrow Gauge 00-9 BW motifs to cabside, Carette-style couplers, 1242. A Gauge 1 Finescale 3-rail/Stud
Locomotive and Coaches, kitbuilt 0-4-0 Tank conical smokebox, working headlights (wiring contact LSWR Adams G6 0-6-0T Locomotive,
engine ‘Hadrian’ and two 4-wheel Coaches, incomplete) and iron wheels, with 4-wheeled finely made, possibly commercial-build,
1st Class in red and 3rd class in green, Engine Tender, both finished in lithographed red- and finished in lined LSWR dark green/black
built to a fair-good standard and painted to an lined black livery, G, moderate playwear loco as no 258, with wide pickup skate for stud
amateur standard, coaches built and painted grubby (2) £250-350 operation, lever in cab presumed for reversing
to a fair standard, G (3) £50-80 mechanism, overall G-VG, general wear/
1238. Märklin and Bing Gauge 1 rubbing to paintwork, a little grubby
Coaching Stock, comprising Märklin Mitropa £200-300
Speisewagen no 789 in lithographed wood
finish, 13” long over buffers, with clerestory
roof, F-G, some chipping to bogies and
roof, together with an early Bing 4-wheel
3rd-class coach in reddish-brown, with
1233. A Finescale O Gauge Great Western two compartments and blue/white printed
Railway ‘Achilles’ Class 4-2-2 Locomotive windows, approx 5” long with tab/loop
and Tender, nicely-built, believed from a kit, couplers, F-G (2) £70-100 1243. An Aster Gauge 1 Live Steam Spirit-
and finished in GWR fully-lined green with fired ‘Schools’ Class 4-4-0 Locomotive and
brown frames as No 3031 ‘Achilles’, with GWR Tender, in ‘malachite’ green as SR no 901
script to Tender, G-VG, slight paint loss to ‘Winchester’, E, has never been Steamed, in
nameplates and footplate edges, brasswork a original box, box G-VG £800-1000
little tarnished (2) £300-400
1244. An Aster or similar Gauge 1 Live
Steam Spirit-fired ‘M7’ Class 0-4-4 Tank
1239. A Bassett-Lowke Gauge 1 Locomotive, in LSWR light green with brown/
Clockwork No 112 0-4-0 Tank Locomotive, black/white lining, the mechanism with
in ‘Caledonian Blue’ livery, F-G, mech tested single inside cylinder (double-acting) with
ok, some craquelure to left side and general slip-eccentric reversing, blower, regulator and
deterioration to right side paintwork £300-500 displacement lubricator, G-VG, some damage
to front buffer beam £400-600
1234. A Finescale O Gauge GWR
6-wheeled 1st Class Clerestory Coach from 1245. A Freelance Gauge 1 Live Steam
an ‘IKB’ Brass Kit, with three compartments Spirit-fired 0-6-2 Tank Locomotive, probably
and a ‘family saloon’, finely finished in GWR kit-built, in Caledonian Railway light blue
brown/cream livery as no 9074, with interior 1240. A Gauge 1 Finescale 3-rail/ with black/white lining, the mechanism with
detail and passengers, VG-E, underframe Stud contact LSWR T9 ‘Greyhound’ 4-4-0 single inside cylinder (double-acting) with
slightly loose £200-300 Locomotive and Tender, finely made and slip-eccentric reversing, blower, regulator
finished, representing the type in original and pressure gauge, G-VG, paint finish a little
1235. A Finescale O Gauge GWR Bogie condition with smokebox wingplates and ‘heavy’ £300-500
Brake/Composite Coach from an Unidentified cross-tube firebox, in LSWR green with brown/
Kit, with clerestory roof, well-made and black/white lining as no 714, one of the 1899 1246. A Gauge 1 Live Steam Spirit-fired
finished in GWR brown/cream livery, un- Dubs-built batch, the loco with sprung axles to GWR 45xx 2-6-2 Tank Locomotive, probably
numbered, F-G, two bogie footboards all wheels and pickup skate for stud operation, kit-built, in GWR lined green with orange/
detached, some flaking to roof the ‘watercart’ Tender with compensating black lining as no 4500, with twin outside
£200-300 bogies, overall G-VG, a little dusty, some cylinders and inside Stephenson’s link motion,
loss of boiler lining to left side and a little with R/C servo-operated reversing (NB - rest
1236. Finescale O Gauge London & North- retouching around footplate (2) £500-700 of R/C system not present), blower, regulator
Western Railway Freight Stock by Various and pressure gauge, G-VG £400-600
Makers, from kits, including Horse Box no 243
in brown by PC models, Carriage transport
wagon no 283 also in brown with red carriage
load, a grey LNWR 10-ton open wagon no
38503 and a red Gunpowder Van no 23873, all Lot 1245
made and finished to an excellent standard,
overall VG (4 + carriage load)
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 65
Lot 1248
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 67
1276. A Rake of Three Bing for Bassett-
Lowke Gauge 1 LNWR ‘1921-series’ Coaching
Stock, comprising a boxed 1st-class coach,
G-VG, one door handle broken, some rusting
to one door on corridor side, one axlebox
missing, box F, with another 1st class ditto
unboxed, VG, one axlebox missing and
moderate retouching to sides esp around
doorways, together with a brake/3rd coach, 1286. A Repainted Bassett-Lowke
G-VG, appears over-varnished with yellowing Gauge 1 Dining Saloon and Scratchbuilt
to ivory areas, two door handles broken (3) Wooden Locomotive, the coach almost
£180-240 1282. An Uncommon Bing Gauge 1 Live completely repainted in LNWR colours, with
Steam 2-2-0 Tank Locomotive, ref 30595/1, original 6-wheeled bogies and lead wheels,
made circa 1906, in L&SWR light green with P-F, together with a scratchbuilt wooden
no 593 to cabsides, single cylinder oscillating (non-operating) SR 4-6-0 Locomotive and
engine in cab with geared drive, complete 8-wheeeled Tender, painted in green as no
with original burner, whistle, safety valve and 3406, F (3) £60-90
instructions, overall G, chimney top missing,
reversing control, perforated flame guards and 1287. A Scratchbuilt Gauge 1 Live Steam
whistle handle all detached, customary paint GWR ‘County’ Class 4-6-0 Locomotive and
1277. A Bassett-Lowke Gauge 1 LNWR loss/scorching to footplate and front of tank Tender Project, of semi-freelance design,
Travelling Post Office Van, in L&NWR brown/ sides, together with a box (believed original) appears to be spirit-fired with meths tank
ivory as no 1339 with operating mail pickup, of contemporary track including one point to tender, copper boiler with three water
F-G, roof resprayed, moderate playwear/ (qty) £300-500 tubes, fitted with regulator and slip-eccentric
scratching to body sides £70-100 reversing, connecting Steam pipes supplied
1283. Two Bing Gauge 1 Wagons loose, roughly painted overall in green,
1278. Two Bassett-Lowke Gauge 1 GNR and a Carette Coach, wagons circa 1906, black and red with nice etched name and
Vans, comprising Carette-type Fish van comprising ref M1361/1 GNR open wagon numberplates as no 1006 ‘County of Cornwall’,
27451 in ‘bauxite’ brown, G, slight fading to in red-brown with original box, LNWR Goods P-F, lacks burner (3 inc Tender and loose pipes)
one side and roof repainted, together with Van ref M1363/1 in grey, and Carette II class £80-120
a slightly later Banana van no 39284, G-VG, coach in dark green with red and light green
roof appears original, body possibly carefully lining, wagons both VG, coach G with minor
overvarnished, one coupling re-attached (2) damages, box P (3) £100-140
1281. A Small Group of Assorted Original 1285. Gauge 1 Freight Stock by Märklin
Bassett-Lowke 1 Gauge Locomotive Name and Carette, comprising two early small open 1289. A Repainted Early Märklin Gauge
and Numberplates, comprising single wagons by Märklin, one with raised ends, 1 Live Steam 0-4-4 Tank Locomotive and
plates ‘King Edward VII’ (curved), ‘Sir Gilbert both in hand-finished green, both G, one with Display Case, believed to have originally
Claughton’ and ‘Queen Mary’, (both straight, one axleguard cover missing, together with a been a North Eastern Railway model, the
QM with fixing studs), with a pair of number larger Märklin Midland Railway cattle wagon Locomotive with twin outside cylinders, lever
plates ‘2936’ with fixing studs, together with a no 7804, and Carette MR single-ended brake reversing from tank side, oil-pot lubricators
larger-scale curved ‘Lancashire Fusilier’ plate van M.1911, both F-G, latter missing one above footplate, with single large flue to
for Gauge 3 or similar, all G (6) £40-60 footboard (4) £100-140 boiler, as restoration F, re-sprayed with green
boiler and black remainder, water gauge
replaced with dummy, bogie retaining bolt
and both couplers missing, lacks burner,
one pair bogie wheels replaced, some other
fittings are possibly replacements, all in a
polished wood/glass display case approx 19”
long x 9” wide x 10” high, case G (2)
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price £150-250
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
68 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
1290. A Finescale Gauge 1 Kit-built 1303. A Finescale Gauge 1 2-rail Kit-
LNER N7/3 Class 0-6-2 Tank Locomotive, for built BR Standard ‘Britannia’ Class 4-6-2
2-rail operation, nicely made and finished in Locomotive and Tender, beautifully made and
lined BR black with early motif as no 69728, finished in BR late-totem green as no 70000
as working the Liverpool Street Suburban ‘Britannia’, with fine backhead detail, VG-E,
Services, G-VG, damage to front handrail and slight chipping to upper surface of running
vacuum pipes, slight chipping to cab roof, plate, complete with fine display case with
small scratch to right side tank £250-350 1297. A Gauge 1 Finescale LMS 3rd Class ballasted track section and leaded glazed
Open 57’ Coach, possibly from Tenmille kit, cover (loco, Tender and display case)
apparently made by George Case circa 2002, £700-1000
finely made and finished in LMS crimson as no
1537, VG-E, some glue residue to windows,
one roof-strip slightly loose at one end
1291. A Finescale Gauge 1 3-rail/
Stud Contact Kit-built Midland Railway 1298. A Gauge 1 Finescale LMS 3rd Class
‘Compound’ Class 4-4-0 Locomotive and Corridor 57’ Coach, possibly from Tenmille
Tender, with skate-type current collector, kit, apparently made by George Case circa
finely made and finished in Midland Railway 2002, finely made and finished in LMS crimson 1304. A Gauge 1 Finescale Kitbuilt BR
crimson as no 1000, with excellent backhead as no 8906, VG-E £180-250 6-wheeled ‘Stove’ Van, nicely made and
detail, VG-E (2) £600-800 finished in BR maroon as M31324, VG, one
1299. A Gauge 1 Finescale LMS 3rd Class corridor connection slightly split, two small
1292. A Finescale Gauge 1 2-rail Kit-built Corridor 57’ Coach, possibly from Tenmille chips to roof £100-140
GWR ‘Mogul’ Class 2-6-0 Locomotive and kit, apparently made by George Case circa
Tender, beautifully made and finished in GWR 2002, finely made and finished in LMS crimson
unlined green as no 4358, with excellent as no 9029, VG-E £180-250
backhead detail and crew, VG-E (2) £600-800
1300. A Gauge 1 Finescale LMS 3rd Class
1293. Four Gauge 1 Kit-built Freight Stock, Open 57’ Coach, possibly from Tenmille kit,
comprising a BR bauxite brown brake van apparently made by George Case circa 2002,
from metal kit, with a wood-built open wagon, finely made and finished in LMS crimson as no 1305. A Bing Gauge 1 Clockwork Midland
un-decaled, and LMS grey van no 178129, and 1829, VG-E £180-250 Railway 4-4-0 Locomotive and Tender,
plastic-built GWR van no 32318, all made and in MR crimson as no 2631, with 2-speed
finished to a good standard, G-VG (4) mechanism, F, mech tested ok, body and
£100-140 Tender substantially retouched, some cracking
to brass dome, front lamps missing (2)
1301. A Gauge 1 Finescale 3-rail/Stud
Contact or Battery-powered North Eastern 1306. A Carette/Bassett-Lowke Gauge
Railway Raven ‘Atlantic’ 4-4-2 Locomotive 1 GWR ‘Toad’ Brake Van, in GWR grey with
and Tender, beautifully made and finished in off-white lettering, no 56452, with the famous
NER lined green as no 728, built by Alan Curtis legend ‘Guard Greenly’ to sides, G, moderate
1294. Two Gauge 1 GWR Siphon G Vans of Spalding, serial no 5811921, with good playwear, lamp irons soldered to each end,
by JBC (John Clibbon) Railway Models of backhead detail and crew, original 3-rail skate some old repairs to footsteps £70-90
Sheffield, equipped as accessories for live removed and replaced with cabled sockets for
Steam trains, one fitted with water reservoir external power supply/battery coach, VG-E (2) 1307. Carette/Bassett-Lowke Gauge 1
and Electric pump (133978), the other £800-1200 GNR Van and MR Brake Van, the GNR van
(142689) with a radio control receiver unit, no 1909 in red, G-VG, roof repainted, slight
both with controls to one end, both in GW corrosion to underframe, together with MR
brown with ivory roofs, both G-VG, NB R/C single-ended brake van no 1911, F, some
receiver lacks transmitter unit £100-140 corrosion above covered veranda, open-end
handrail replaced, general playwear to body
1295. A Gauge 1 Finescale LMS 3rd Class sides chimney replaced and roof repainted (2)
Corridor 57’ Coach, possibly from Tenmille £70-100
kit, apparently made by George Case circa
2002, finely made and finished in LMS crimson 1302. An Aster Factory-built Gauge 1 1308. Scratch-or Kit-built Gauge 1
as no 8934, VG-E £180-250 Live Steam Spirit-fired Ex-LNER A3 Class Wooden Freight Stock and Bing Accessories,
Locomotive and Tender, with Aster reference comprising outside-framed LSWR 10t van
1296. A Gauge 1 Finescale LMS Brake/3rd BRA3B, built 04/88, finely finished in late- in brown, with SR grey domed-roof van no
Class 57’ Coach, possibly from Tenmille kit, totem BR green as no 60103 ‘Flying Scotsman’ 56628, both G, together with a Bing double-
and presumed made by George Case circa with ‘German’ type smoke deflectors, arm (2-way) signal, P-F, retouched and missing
2002, finely made and finished in LMS crimson the model featuring three cylinders and lamps, and a Hydraulic Buffer Stop, F, buffer
as no 5520, VG-E, solder/glue to one window conjugated valve gear, screw reversing from heads with soldered-on extensions and fixing
frame a little ‘blobby’ £180-250 cab, regulator, water and pressure gauges, holes pierced at rear (4) £70-100
axle-driven water pump and other features,
E, never Steamed, supplied in a protective
wooden carrying box, and together with the
original Aster card box, with instructions,
original box is marked ‘Certificate no 4 of 88’
(Loco, Tender, + 2 boxes) £3000-4000
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 69
David Jenkinson – a man and his trains - Lot 1313 1317. LGB and Bachmann G Scale Rolling
Stock and Novelty Items, comprising LGB
David and I were married in 1957 when was an Education Officer in the RAF; he was still too ‘Fortuna’ fan-powered ‘Locomotive’, heavy log
young for married quarters, so we lived in a caravan. Somehow a small model railway grew; it bogie wagon and 4-wheel cattle wagon with
ran across one doorway and we had to duck under it to get in! Two years after David left the RAF two ‘Fanny’ cows, together with Bachmann
he got a job that could have been made for him: Head of Education and Research at the National powered pump-trolley and trailer, and a bogie
Railway Museum in York. stake wagon (latter with buckeye couplers),
Later, at Holly Tree Cottage, ‘The Shed’ became the home of the Kendal Branch, built with the and a collection of spare couplers and other
help of many, many friends, who later enjoyed the garden railway that followed, accompanied by parts, mostly G-VG, moderate playwear and
picnics and wine. David always loved the LMS, having co-founded the LMS Society in the 1960s. some minor damages (9 including cows)
So, his next project for the garden railway was the LMS Stanier Turbomotive. He researched all £100-140
the necessary information and then commissioned his railway friends, many experts in their own
fields, to realise his dream. But, soon afterwards, just before Christmas 2003, very sadly David 1318. LGB G Scale Track Gaugemaster
was diagnosed with lung cancer and died three months later. All his rolling stock was then auc- Controller and Other Items, Track including
tioned at Christie’s but I kept the Turbomotive and it has remained in my study in its special box. 3 LH points and 2 RH (all 600mm radius), 21
It seems a waste for such a beautiful model never to be seen, so I have decided to send it for x no 1500 curves, 10 x no 1100 curves, 3 x
auction. I hope it will find a new home, either on display or, better still, running around a sunny no 1102 curves, 11 x no 1000 straights, 5 x
garden. double straights and 16 ‘double doubles’, + 3
Sheila Jenkinson odd lengths, together with a 1992-3 catalogue
and seven LGB figures, varying F-VG, most
1309. Modified Carette/Bassett-Lowke 1313. A Finescale Gauge 1 Radio- track appears to have seen outdoor use but is
Gauge 1 GWR Bogie Clerestorey Coach and Controlled LMS ‘Turbomotive’ and Tender, all intact (qty in tub + 2 bundles) £120-160
Full Brake, both in GWR chocolate/cream, Scratch-built by Geoff Holt and painted by
the 1st/3rd Composite coach no 1324 and full Larry Goddard for renowned LMS historian
brake no 1234, both F, roofs and underframes and modeller the late David Jenkinson,
repainted, retouching to sides (especially beautifully made and finished in crimson
brake van), brake van ends overpainted in livery as no 6202, with superb detailing and
black with bogies and buffers replaced, coach smoke generator, the lot includes bespoke
bogies original but with various wheelsets carrying case, radio control master unit and
fitted, general playwear (2) £80-120 charger, and a folder of photographs and
documents relating to its construction and 1319. An LGB G Scale Continental 0-6-6-
1310. A Modified Gauge 1 Battery-Electric testing, E, (qty in 2 boxes) £2000-3000 0T Mallet Steam Locomotive, ref 25851, in
MSWJR 0-4-4T Locomotive, an elderly body Deutsche Reichsbahn black/red as no 99 201,
modified and hand-painted in MSWJR crimson 1314. A Finescale Gauge 1 Pullman Car with twin motor units and smoke generator,
with yellow lining as no 15, the scratch- ‘Juana’ by J & M Models of Dorset, finely VG-E, appears very little used, in original box,
built chassis now with large ‘can’ motor and finished in traditional umber/cream Pullman box G-VG, slight damp staining to one end
rechargeable batteries, overall F-G, supplied livery with interior detail, E £200-300 £200-300
with instructions £80-120
1320. Four Repainted Bachmann G Scale
1311. A Finescale Brass Gauge 1 Radio- American-Style Clerestorey Coaches, all
Controlled GWR 48xx Class 0-4-2 Tank neatly refinished in ‘Fareham Light Railway’
Locomotive, with R/C gear by Peter Spoerer, brown/cream, as saloon coaches ‘Phyllis’ and
finished in GWR green as no 4814, VG-E, ‘Evelyn’, and brake coaches ‘Irene’ and ‘Vera’,
complete with compact control unit and all fitted with 9v battery-operated interior
charger, tested ok (3) £700-1000 1315. A Finescale Gauge 1 Pullman Car lights, as repaints VG, brake coaches with
‘Ibis’ by J & M Models of Dorset, finely ‘chopper’ couplings to one end, others to
1312. A Fine Scratchbuilt ‘Approximately’ finished in traditional umber/cream Pullman make a set (4) £100-150
Gauge 1 Live Steam LNWR ‘George The Fifth’ livery with interior detail, E £200-300
Locomotive and Tender on Display Plinth, 1321. A Scratch-built G Scale Push-Pull
the model evidently built by W H Tunnicliffe LGB & OTHER GARDEN RAILWAYS Coach and Part-built 2-4-2 Diesel/Electric
circa 1944, using brass sheet obtained from Locomotive and Other Items, the coach on
the Rotherham Depot, with single inside 1316. A Bachmann G Scale American commercial bogies, with 1st, 2nd class and
cylinder and slip-eccentric valve gear, possibly 2-4-2T Baldwin Locomotive, ref 91199, similar guards compartments and driving cab to one
a commercial boiler with three water tubes, to the L&B’s ‘Lyn’ but this example in generic end, in green with gold decals, VG, together
basic firetray for solid fuel blocks or similar, green/black livery with white lining, fitted with an incomplete plastikard or similar
finished in polished brass with numberplates with ‘buckeye’ couplers, VG-E, appears little bodied Locomotive based on a Bachmann
2663 to cab and nameplates ‘George the run, box G £100-140 chassis, (intended for battery operation), in
Fifth’ to splashers, G-VG, no boiler history, flat crimson livery, F, needs work to complete,
supplied with a period section of display track, and a box of other Bachmann G scale items
brass ‘boiler cleaning’ plate, and a framed including plastic track, telegraph poles, kit
photograph of the original Locomotive buildings, loco and caboose bodies only, F-G
£2000-3000 (qty in 2 boxes) £90-140
Lot 1313
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
70 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
1322. An Unmade IP Engineering Dual 1328. An Aristocraft G Scale Live
Gauge O/1 ‘Toby the Tram Engine’ Kit with Steam Gas-fired American ‘Mikado’ 2-8-2
BMS (Accucraft) G Scale Lynton & Barnstaple Locomotive Tender and Control Equipment,
Railway Wagon and Peco Track, Toby kit the loco for live Steam operation with radio
comprising separate chassis and body sets control unit, in plain black livery, complete in
by IP, with instructions to make a battery- original carry case with accessories, charger,
operated loco, the bogie open wagon ref R19- instruction book and CD/DVD, case G-VG
12A, in SR brown as no 28301 with alternative £300-500
O gauge wheelsets, VG, some marks to wagon
inside, box VG, together with 5 metre-lengths 1329. An Aristocraft G Scale UK Class
of Peco G-45 nickel-silver flexi-track , all VG-E 66 Diesel Locomotive and Display Track,
(1 box + bundle) £100-200 ref 23205, in GBRf ‘First’ Blue/orange livery
as no 66 701, with all wheels powered, VG, 1335. A Fine Scratchbuilt Model Beam
1323. A Gauge O/1 Convertible Narrow unboxed, but with display track mounted on Engine by Michael Pearse with Stuart
Gauge Drewry Diesel Locomotive by wooden plinth, G (2) £200-300 Turner Boiler, the single-cylinder engine with
Accucraft, for radio-controlled battery fabricated beam and approx 6” diameter
operation, finished in green with red frames, 1330. A Piko G Scale German (DB) Class 3-spoke flywheel, with builder’s plaque to
VG, complete with battery charger and control 218 Diesel Locomotive and Display Track, in base, mounted on a hardwood base and fed
unit £250-350 DB red/grey livery as no 218 276-4, with all by a Stuart 2½” diameter boiler with water
wheels powered, VG, unboxed, with display gauge, pressure gauge, regulator, spirit burner
track mounted on wooden plinth, and group and water feed pump/tank, all G-VG £150-250
of 6 ‘Eisenbahn Magazines’ with related
articles (3) £70-100
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 71
1347. A Bowman Model M101 Live Steam
Lot 1349 Spirit-Fired Stationary Engine, large-boilered
model on green base with oil-pot, detachable
chimney and exhaust pipe, regulator and
whistle, complete with original burner in
wooden box, overall G, chimney stay (through
boiler) needs repair and whistle handle
missing, box G, lacks lid £80-120
1353. A Model Live Steam Spirit-Fired 1356. Boxed Mamod TE1A Live Steam
Stationary Steam Engine by Fleischmann Traction Engine and LW1 Trailer, an early
or similar for Vedes, with boiler 6” long and 1970’s example with reversible engine and
approx 3½” diameter flywheel, wighted safety water level plug, complete with burner,
valve, regulator, water gauge and pressure scuttle, drive band, funnel and steering 1361. A Late Mamod Spirit-Fired Traction
gauge (latter has been refitted apparently extension, VG, very lightly used, slight Engine and Wilesco Tablet-Fired Live Steam
with glue), complete with original burner and corrosion to wheels, box G-VG, together with Traktor, the Mamod engine in dark green/red
embossed chimney, and plaque to side of a contemporary Lumber wagon with three with solid flywheel and tyres to road wheels,
firebox embossed ‘Vedes’, presumably sold via polystyrene ‘logs’, VG-E, box G-VG (2) £80-120 with a brass vapourizing spirit lamp, overall
that German toy retailer, all mounted on an VG, (flywheel contacts road wheel preventing
uncommon yellow-lined green base with black 1357. A Boxed Bing 10/128/1 Spirit- free running), the Wilesco engine in gold/
‘fronds’, G-VG, some corrosion to boiler and Fired Stationary Steam Engine, with 4” long black with tablet-burner tray, G-VG, some
firebox, small dent to one end of boiler, safety boiler, small oscillating cylinder, 2” diameter tarnishing/discolouration £100-140
valve weight appears to e replacement flywheel, all mounted on a two-tone blue
£100-140 base with pink lining, the engine itself on 1362. An Uncommon and Historic Live
a raised mid-brown plinth, complete with Steam Spirit-Fired ‘Luzo’ Steam Roller by H
1354. A Modified Märklin Live Steam whistle, safety valve, original burner and J Redding & Co, the maker’s plate attached
Spirit-Fired Vertical Engine, standing approx red-brick printed chimney, overall VG, Steam to headstock, ‘Registered trade mark “Luzo”,
10” high to boiler top, piston-valve single pipe connection to boiler appears to have Scientific Instrument Makers, 3 Argyll Place,
cylinder engine with slip-eccentric reversing, been remade, slight corrosion to one area of Regent Street, London W’, overall length
approx 3¼” diameter flywheel and dummy chimney, box F-G with funnel and multilingual 13” with 3” diameter flywheel, the engine
governor, the boiler fittings including water instructions, pencilled-on price 13/6 £80-120 with double-acting single cylinder and slide
gauge, whistle, safety valve and regulator, valve, regulator and dog-clutch to gear drive,
complete with original vaporising burner and 1358. A Late Mamod SP2 ‘Overtype’ worm steering and original spirit burner/tank,
a replacement chimney tube, F, essentially Tablet-fired Steam Engine, with extruded painted in green and black, circa 1900,overall
complete but boiler has been ‘lagged’ with a oscillating cylinder, water level gauge and cast G, grubby, 2nd gear of drive train missing;
thin brass sheet attached by straps and glue, chimney unit, with burner tray, G-VG, some Redding is most renowned for the ‘Luzo’ hand
water gauge glass has been poorly re-fitted corrosion around gauge glass, in original box, camera of circa 1896 £300-500
£100-140 box F, top flaps all removed £40-60
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 73
Lot 1372 Lot 1373
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 75
1393. A Bing ‘Nora’ Vertical Stationary
Spirit-fired Live Steam Engine, measuring
14” high over chimney, with single oscillating
cylinder and approx 3¼” diameter flywheel,
with drain cock to front, whistle, safety valve,
original chimney and burner/firedoor, mostly
black with polished brass trim and red lining
to flywheel, overall G, general light corrosion 1397. A 2½” Gauge Live Steam Coal-
thoughout, lacks cast iron base normal with fired ‘Southern Maid’ 0-6-0 Locomotive and
this type, unusually lacks any Bing trade mark Tender, built to the LBSC (‘Curly’ Lawrence)
£80-120 design as published in ‘Model Engineer’ pre-
war, this Locomotive evidently commenced
1394. An Uncommon Steam-driven in the 1930’s and later finished by Bert Mead,
1389. A Scratch-built Single-Cylinder Live Toy Grading Machine by unknown maker, the model featuring twin outside cylinders
Steam Beam Engine and Boiler, the engine to featuring a horizontal perforated tapered with inside valve motion and lever reversing,
a slightly basic but functional design, mounted drum, with hopper-loader to one end and axle-driven water pump, hand pump to
on pillars from an approx 16½” x 9” baseplate, outlet shute at the other, overall size of base Tender, whistle, blower, regulator, water gauge
the cylinder approx 1” diameter x 2” stroke, approx 9½” x 4½”, base in pale green, end and pressure gauge (by Whitney, London), the
with 6½” dia disc flywheel and 7” long frames in orange with red and blue lining, engine appears never to have been painted,
beam, all in polished steel, and a belt-driven driving pulleys and hand-crank to shute end, complete with fireirons, pump handle and
6-volt Miller dynamo, G-VG, together with a overall F, both ends detached from base a small display plaque from North London
separate scratchbuilt copper boiler approx (originally soldered), one drive belt missing, Model Engineers, F-G, No Boiler History
3½” diameter x 12” long, with pressure gauge, together with a miniature candle-lantern by £700-1000
water gauge, safety valve and regulator, unknown maker, approx 1½” square, 4½” over
mounted on a wooden base, F-G, lacks burner, handle, F-G, one side glazing missing 1398. A Large Model Gas-Fired Vertical
safety valve appears to lack sealing ball, and £80-120 Boiler and Steam Pump, with approx 6”
with a small packet of pipework and other diameter boiler standing approx 14” high
small fittings (3) £120-180 (including chimney 24”), mounted on an
aluminium-clad plinth with a high-level water
1390. A Fine Live Steam ‘Locomobile’ reservoir, hand pump, Steam pump (attached
Portable Engine by Doll and Co, a smaller to base but not piped-in), and Steam outlet
example with 5” long boiler and 2” diameter manifold, the boiler featuring 150 psi pressure
flywheel, the firebox in red-lined black with 1395. An O Gauge Live Steam 4-6-0 gauge, twin water gauges, firehole door and
‘DC’ motif, complete with whistle, chimney, Locomotive and Tender Project, to unknown ‘ashpan’ damper, fitted with polished wooden
filler plug, safety valve, single oscillating design but in the style of Gresley’s Pacifics lagging, gas burner and valve, overall G-VG,
cylinder and original burner, VG, drive band with wide firebox, possibly intended for generally dusty, gas feed pipe bent double,
missing, a little scorching to flame guard paraffin or coal firing, with multi-tube may need replacement £200-300
£150-200 copper boiler, twin cylinders with outside
valve gear and lever reversing, displacement
lubricator and axle-driven water pump,
regulator and blower valve, pipework sections
and other small parts supplied in box, P,
smokebox door, burner and some small
parts missing, remainder with surface rust or
roughly painted, Tender is a plain un-sprung
6-wheeled example, roughly painted (2 + box
parts) £80-120
1399. A Model Vertical Boiler and Steam
Engine by Stuart Turner or Similar, the boiler
1391. A Wilesco Live Steam Tablet- standing approx 9” high and 4” diameter,
fired D409 Showman’s Traction Engine, in mounted on an aluminium-covered plinth
red/black/yellow ‘T Pettigrove’ livery, with with a single-cylinder vertical engine with
generator and LED lights to canopy, VG-E, 3½” diameter flwheel and approx 1” x 1”
apeears only fired once or twice, in original cylinder, with lubricator, hand-operated
box with accessories, box VG £120-160 water feed pump, regulator, pressure gauge,
water gauge, safety valve and blower valve,
1392. A Horizontal Stationary Spirit-fired 1396. An Early 3½” Gauge Live Steam includes firegrate for coal firing but no ashpan,
Live Steam Engine, possibly by Carette or Spirit-fired 2-2-2 ‘Piddler’ Locomotive, overall G, boiler top cover and chimney
similar, with 4” long boiler, single cylinder by unknown builder, with twin oscillating missing, generally dusty, firebox painted with
with piston valve, approx 2½” diameter cylinders, pressed brass sheet frames, wheels Hammerite paint £150-250
finely-spoked flywheel, on a grey/ivory set to curve, original burner, whistle and
printed tiled base with wooden plinth, safety valve, replacement chimney, F-G, 1400. A Small Locomotive-Type Boiler
complete with original chimney and burner general verdigree/corrosion, singing to front Plinthed for Stationary Use, a boiler
(latter may be original but possibly an old buffer beam, water gauge glass holed, level (possibly from a ‘Tich’ or ‘Juliet’ Locomotive),
replacement), overall G, some wear to printed cock handle missing at front, together with a measuring 14” long over smokebox x approx
tiling, corrosion/chipping to top of chimney, small funnel (2 inc funnel) £200-300 3” diameter, mounted on a wooden base
remainder would benefit from careful cleaning with hand-operated water pump, the boiler
£80-120 including water gauge, regulator, clack valves,
firegrate and ashpan, painted in blue (without
lagging), with polished brass dome and other
fittings, F-G, lacks pressure gauge and possibly
Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price whistle? £100-150
Internet Buyers Premium: 22.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 27% of the Hammer Price
76 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
Lot 1408 1408. A 3½” Gauge Live Steam Coal-
fired Southern Railway ‘Lord Nelson’ 4-6-0
Locomotive and Tender, finely engineered and
finished in SR Maunsell green as no 850, with
bogie Tender, the loco featuring twin cylinders
with outside valve gear and screw reversing,
axle-driven water pump, injector, hand pump
to Tender, two pressure gauges and water
gauge, overall G-VG, no boiler history (2)
1401. A ‘Beam Andy’ Single-Cylinder 1409. A 3½” Gauge Live Steam Coal-fired
‘Grasshopper’ Steam Engine, with 8” LNER ‘Bantam Cock’ 2-6-2 Locomotive and
diameter flywheel, cylinder approx 1” bore Tender, well-engineered and painted in LNER
x 2” stroke, with displacement lubricator, apple green as no 3401, with 6-wheel Tender,
all mounted on cast base with polished the loco featuring twin cylinders with outside
hardwood plinth, bearing makers plate ‘Beam valve gear and screw reversing, twin axle-
Andy EM2’ built by Adaptors Engineering Ltd, driven water pumps, hand pump to Tender,
London, painted in green with red flywheel, pressure gauge and water gauge, overall G-VG,
VG, a little dusty £300-500 no boiler history (2) £1000-1500
ww w. s p ecialauctionse r v i c e s .c om 77
Lot 1408
Lot 1409
Lot 1412
Lot 1413
Lot 1414
78 www. sp ec i a la uc t i o
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Buyers Premium 17.5% plus Valued Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price
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